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Hey everyone welcome back to another market. Open, live stream well well! Well, uh got a little bit of red again in the market uh, and sometimes we see this and it uh it's sort of natural right. After uh you get sort of a rally day larger rally day. We get a little bit of rad a little bit of flatness pretty normal uh, but i think a lot of folks uh have uh, have been kind of frustrated, not just by this kind of tendency over the last few weeks of of the market to uh.

Have these little mini rallies and then these these uh soft periods afterwards and potentially even selloffs thereafter, because it kind of reiterates what bloomberg and jp morgan have been saying that we're having these like low conviction, rallies and that doesn't mean that uh uh, you know we Were necessarily gon na go in either direction anytime soon, and this is something that we talked about yesterday. Is that, like hey, you know, just because we've got one green day here doesn't mean that, like some big santa claus, rally is definitely going to be coming to town. We could just be in this. This sideways trading environment for quite a while, and sometimes that is, is okay uh.

It's mostly okay, if you're heavily exposed to shares, but it's a problem when you're exposed to options. You know when you get sideways trading, where it's like all right: you're, you're up uh one and a half percent on the indices one day and then you're down uh one percent one day and then and then you're sideways with these little quarter percent moves. Well great! That's fine if you've got shares again but uh. If, if you've got yolo options, or something like that, you tend to get, you tend to feel the pain a lot more, because every single day, you're, probably paying five to six percent uh, depending on how close to expiration.

You are uh just for for the right to have your option, uh, in which case, if your diamond handing options, sometimes it just uh it it, you just sit there and you bleed out so there's, there's always a downside danger of uh diamond handing shorter options. That's generally, why i consider options personally very speculative, but uh well mostly bought options right. That's why i like selling options but uh, but even selling options you can. You can end up.

I mean really any time you're doing options you're, trying to time the market and uh, sometimes when nothing's happening in the market. That's the worst potential case, uh and and uh lately, with how close we've been rubber, banding back to a lot of uh the lows it kind of feels that way in a lot of circumstances. Now, yesterday we did find out that elon musk, elon musk did end up selling yesterday, which also makes sense, uh kind of dragging tesla down into the mud a little bit again in pre-market tesla's moving up pretty nicely about what three three point: five percent here and Part of that is probably because well this software wouldn't glitch so much uh. I could show you what happened yesterday.
Oh my gosh come on when uh when it looked uh quite maddening, the tesla was falling uh here. Let's, let's see, if we can. Oh man come on, let's get over here and let's get into yesterday, so i want to show you the chart from yesterday. Here we go uh when we saw that selling and uh.

Initially a lot of folks were thinking. That's it. You know. This is okay, all right.

This is so pathetic. Come on weevil you got ta, be kidding me man, um there we go it's over here. Oh my gosh. Sorry, it's lagging a lot today, and this is look at that now, i'm getting the pinwheel! You know! That's bad when a little trading program is giving you the pinball okay.

Here we go so uh. Look at this this this uh. While we were having a largely green day. Yesterday, uh, we saw all of a sudden this this substantial pain over here at tesla, and it was pretty rapid as well, especially if it'll.

Let me go to the one minute. I don't think it will, but anyway um that was a there was a little telltale sign there yesterday that okay, forget it forget one minute: it's not gon na work, a little telltale sign yesterday, elon was selling it so uh, there's always a chance. We'll see that again, uh, but otherwise tesla stock, relatively happy right now that uh that potentially elon's uh uh, it was just elon selling in terms of why the stock was going down, but uh, that's that's at least triggering tesla, but otherwise uh, and that explains why We're up about three and a half percent, or so right now, but otherwise uh a lot of talk about hey! Look! You know we if we, if we keep uh having these days of uh of uh. Here, let's look at a firm as just an example: uh 102..

So we hit a floor of around what what we had uh, 90, 92 or so uh the conviction risk list rallies what they really look like. Are these the little green pop-ups that you have here? It's like yay rally and then now now we're actually continuing down lower. Now we hope that we've hit a floor on a lot of different uh investable companies, but uh boy. Oh boy, there's been a lot of uh concern that we're going to see these.

These conviction rallies continue at least until inflation actually starts inflecting down, and i don't know a lot of folks who are jumping up and down about the idea of of inflation inflecting down in the near term, uh that uh it's going to be a slow inflection down And uh that in the meantime, we'll see rates move up the end of the qe cycle so to speak and that could kind of keep a lid on on broader rallies in the stock market. That's always possible, and so that's important to consider again, especially if you've got shorter term options because uh, if, if you're not going to get a larger rally, you've got shorter term options again. You'll you'll bleed out uh and uh. Well, that's just the nature.

So of uh of investing so, for example, let's, let's look at oh, let's go to um here, let's go to options on a firm and let's see here, options on a firm. Let's go to january, just for giggles and let's say somebody had. I don't know a hundred dollar option over here. Uh we've got we're on on the contract, we're losing about 15.3 cents a day, and so let's say we bought this contract for 11.35 and we're gon na do uh 15.3 cents so 0.153 divided by this.
So on this contract, we're losing about one point, three uh call it one point three: five percent per day, uh just in fade in a case, so every single day, if the stock's not going up one point, uh three, five percent you're losing now what's funny - is Weekends get counted in this and so do holidays right. So let's say you bought this on thursday and uh. You didn't look until monday and the stock was totally flat. Well then, what you've got is you've got uh four days of this, which means your contract just lost 5.4 in value as the the stock did nothing so uh, and that gets more and more extreme, the closer to expiration you get right, uh and, and that that Gets very frustrating so, for example, if i go over here to these december 23 options, which is tomorrow uh the theta decay should be ridiculous.

So, let's see here uh if i had this option that was expiring tomorrow on uh, a firm at let's say a hundred dollars, four dollar and say 75 option theta the case 67 cents on this. So, in this case, divided by a 4.35 option, every single day, you're holding this option - that expires tomorrow in theory every single single day leading up to it and it modifies slightly depending on a lot of different variables, you're losing 15.4 percent. So it shows you how uh you could bleed out in in somewhat of a rally list market or a sideways trading market, uh and uh to some extent, that might be a lot of what we see now. What can you take advantage of? Well, i mean there are a lot of different options strategies you could take advantage of, but one of the simple things that you could do in environments when you're trading sideways is sell options, especially if you're trading sideways.

So if you think we're definitely going to trade sideways for the next few months under uncertainty over how the markets are going to respond to the fed or whatever you could sell, calls against shares, you have and pick up some premium or you could um. You could sell puts if you wanted to buy more now. Selling puts is great, but you know you'd be exposing yourself to more risk. If the market went down and if you didn't have any money, then maybe you don't want to do that.

So, for example, let's look at, i don't know: let's go to um, let's see if there's any value in some of these two, like 30 dollar sell, puts on a j on end phase for jan what about 30 days out. So here, 30 29 days, ish out, go to 190. Let's say sell calls all right. What do we get? So if i sell 10 calls, which means i'm willing to sell a thousand shares, i'm gon na get 12.55, which is kind of like me selling this.
For for 202 uh dollars - or in other words since this is about where we sit right now, divided by 190, be a nice little 6.6 that we can pick up for 29 days now. The bummer is, you, sell calls and then all of a sudden, you do get a rally right. So ultimately options uh well like i said it can, can be quite speculative uh but again, hey. Look.

You sell selling calls all right unless you're taking a profit right anyway, um yeah, it's i actually had sell, calls against end phase for uh 210 dollars, and i remember when it ran to 270 dollars, and i'm like. Oh man see this is where i was trying to pick up some some credits and then the darn thing runs. Uh ended up working out, of course, because uh uh, you know it came right back down uh, which is great uh but yeah, all right. So uh.

Oh look: somebody donated five dollars to say finally bought the stocks in psychology of money program, two years of watching all your videos, my newborn, here's, your voicemail, that is awesome uh, i that is so cool to have a two-year-old newborn, i'm just kidding. Thank you. Uh. Thanks so much for uh for joining uh.

That's that's super cool thanks for shouting that out uh yeah options. Really, let's see, do you think erj is a cell today or hold well erj ran yesterday on the spac news for them: uh, essentially um taking part of a company and spinning it off and spacking it, but uh yeah. No, it's really important to remember of wall street wants their control yeah wall street wants to oh, my gosh yeah um uh yeah yeah yeah. Exactly selling calls against hood.

I sold calls against hood when it hit 70 dollars, because i really thought there was no way it was worth that much and it was going to rotate down, but i also feel the same way in opposite right now. You know i've uh i bought calls now. So i sold calls at 70 and i've been, you know, bought calls between 18 and like 23 dollars, which the 18 ones are fine for now, unless we keep bleeding out really but uh the um, the 23 24 ones are not great because uh well, look. You know we had.

We had a little convictionless rally, uh that around some of these levels here so um you, you really need uh. You really need some kind of explosive rally to make some dallas which we might get or we won't that's the speculative nature of options, but anyway, so uh. What do we got? Let's see, let's look at the indices here again, we did a little bit of chit chat in here about options. If you're not playing options, are you really investing, though? Yes, um yeah, there's you know, margin options you know or or just just only buy shares with money.

You have how dare you um, but anyway welcome daniel welcome aboard okay, so dao is almost flat. Uh stock futures fall as december volatility continues on omicron fears per person bc. Here you know it's not just omicron right. It's it's fed tightening as well, but uh, look i'll i'll, say.
There's that that walter reed research, i think, could be a very interesting catalyst for recovery stocks. If we end up, if you haven't watched it yet watch my video from last night posted late last night, but basically there's this uh potential new vaccine. The military is going to release that that is resistant against future strains of uh, coronaviruses and and potentially trains. Your body to be aware of of 24 different spike proteins, really seems kind of either scary, like you're gon na have really good 5g reception in the future.

Uh, you know you're gon na be like a walking hot spot or uh, or it's like the beginning of the end of pinnix. But then again you know, we've we've heard that said so many times and it kind of getting exhausting to to keep thinking about. Oh, that's it! That's it! Here's a new uh! You know pill. It's the beginning of the end.

Oh here's, a new vaccine. It's the beginning of the end. Oh here's, a new uh uh. You know monoclonal antibody, that's it it's the beginning of the end.

You know. I remember getting excited about this crap uh and i still get excited about when i, when i read about the new stuff, because i'm so tired of of like the pandemic. As i'm sure everybody is, but i remember back in it's not even that long ago, uh, you know what a year year and three to six months ago, that's like oh, my gosh uh. What was it rem, deservier uh it was.

It was believed that when when it was first announced that oh my gosh rem deserved, all you need to do is take rem deservier. If you get covered, i think that was gilead's, drug and and and then you'll survive. It was like it was like the ivermectin of 18 months ago, right and uh, but but but like well, okay, i'm not going to go into which is legit versus not or whatever, but anyway um. You know it kind of wasn't great uh and uh.

You know you, it was expensive, you couldn't get enough of it. It wasn't that effective as previously hoped, so i don't know medicine kind of sucks. In that degree, i'm not saying i'm not heavily interested in medicine, and i don't understand as much as i should about it all uh, but i'm pretty transparent about that. Like i know, i don't know a lot about medicine and bio, but i find it so fascinating, but anyway um yeah, it's just been this pandemic, has just been filled with, like hope.

Oh this is it this. Is it and it just keeps going yeah people were just looking for hope there you go exactly uh, yeah famous last words, beginning of the year seriously, beginning of the end yeah. How many times have we heard that? Oh, oh, don't worry, omicron will be the beginning of the end, it'll usher in the beginning. We hear it all the freaking time.

I think it makes for good uh quotes and articles yeah, i think rem deserve, is not being used at all anymore. That's what i'm! That's literally what i'm saying it's just like you could go from. Oh my gosh. This is the greatest thing ever to like yeah.
We don't really use that at all anymore uh. Oh my gosh, the rebranded flu you're good for life, yeah all right. Let's go ahead and take a look at how some of the crypto trades are moving here. So let's go into btc usd.

What do we got here? Okay, a little bit of move here to the upside on uh btc, uh, 48, uh. 48. 8. Approximately we've kind of been hanging out here for a while, though yeah look at that had a little bit of this look at that like we drew this uh.

What was this? We drew this yesterday, this diagonal we uh man weeble with the bugs. Today we drew this diagonal for uh for bitcoin yesterday and it's almost like the bitcoin prices are like. Oh, oh, oh all right got ta bounce off of uh the new trend line that kevin drew. Oh whatever, um, all right, how's eve.

Convictionless moves in bitcoin too. Honestly see, look at this lack of conviction, even in ethereum sliding back into its channel. It's like a little like a little puppy, a little puppy that that's like i'm so excited to go outside and then the door opens and the puppy runs out to the front. Porch and it's like yes, yes, i'm free, i'm free, uh, never mind i'll i'll, just go back inside.

It's just like lame lame. All right. Let's see here! Oh yeah, six g, okay, so we're gon na have six g, it's kevin's fault, drawing upward line! Look at the 30 min on btc all right: let's try it it's world of the hour. No, this gives you the 30 min.

It's like perfect, perfect bounce off anyway, okay, uh thoughts on hood, buying and merging with sofi. Think on it um. I don't. I don't know that they need to do that.

I don't think sofi really has anything proprietary uh that that hood necessarily wants. I don't think hood wants to get into student loan lending, uh or life insurance referrals, and i think hood has a better brokerage platform and i think that hood also just recently acquired a crypto exchange. Company uh actually well uh a company that integrates with multiple different exchanges to streamline your ability to transmit coins between the different exchanges, robinhood just acquired that it's kind of cool i mean, there's, there's so many good things going that robin hood is going for it. You know people who are like, oh well as soon as they have crypto wallets everybody's, going to take their crypto out and leave yeah unless they have crypto wallets and people like wait.

A minute robin hood's the cheapest place to buy crypto. Let's just buy it there and now that we know we can leave at any point. We could just do our shopping there and either leave it there or uh or go somewhere else like like. If i was just gon na sit here and day trade crypto.

I'd probably do it on hood. Well, unless i mean there'd have to be some supported coins because the fees would be so much lower. That's kind of crazy, don't be silly so far as a stadium, uh touche, all right. What's going on with matic um, oh maddox, having a little bit of a run yeah, it's a great platform for uh, a lot of i i might you know what i might do is.
I might just make a more uh thorough, video uh on matic, but yeah. You look at the 30 minute. You get a lot more uh bullishness coming automatic right now, oops, okay, all right! So we got two minutes to go. Let's look at uh some news here: dow just pulled back a tiny little bit still slight little bit of red.

Here very, very nominal, uh red here. The only thing i asked for for christmas is kevin scott. Oh thank you for saying that. I appreciate that make sure to use that xmas coupon code.

All right omicron has an 80 lower risk of hospitalization. New study shows. That's great, that is wonderful, uh, not so excited about diving into this right now, we'll look at that later. Wall street ends crazy year with exit existential angst and big bonuses.

I think that is a great way to put it existential angst, just constant fear over different catalysts and negativity, um yeah all right. Let's look at the markets, wrap a rebound with stocks and u.s futures stalled on wednesday on thin trading volume ahead of the holidays. As investors awaited clarity on the economic impact of the omicron variant and the outlook for u.s fiscal stimulus in europe, gains of travel shares offset a drop in utilities, while a gauge of asia-pacific shares was in the green contracts. In the s, p were steady, nasdaq, lower, tesla rose, all right markets have been volatile at the end of the year.

Markets have been volatile at the end of a year that have seen equities rally amid the pandemic before losing steam on worries about inflation. Tighter policy and stricter curbs focus remains on the two trillion dollar infrastructure package from biden. Thinner trading volumes could exacerbate in market swings. Uh, despite new restrictions, many investors believe that omicron will only have a temporary impact on the market.

All right, we'll see all right. Let's get that bell see what what what's jimbo saying? That's, not you know i i it's like it's like the ubs evidence lab yeah. There's been some questionable, but without that trigger not to mention that biogen drug, why they approve that, for example, but anyway, that all that we see here, you see all the yeah, but governments around the world are vetoing it. Biogen is in trouble, but it that was again david or the the people on the panel all voted against it.

Who is the fda? I mean, i would prefer to say the people at box to run the country yeah. Meanwhile, reuters guys with the headline that france has cancelled its order for the merck antiviral hopes to receive instead the pfizer drug before the end of january. That is a boring group over there come on boxed. Are you serious you all just like staring at each other? That is so awkward they're just like staring at each other.
Like hey wow, we're up here. Should we be doing something else? I don't get it. Oh, oh somebody wants to take a picture of us. Let's all turn around.

Okay, i'm gon na go point at the floor first, that was weird. That was some. What that was, i don't know like i mean i think yesterday we had the single guy with the bear, we're like what is this, and now we got okay. They got some weird people coming up here before christmas.

I mean it's like i guess who wants to travel to the stock exchange right before christmas to go ring a stupid. Don't get me wrong. It still does sound kind of cool, whatever i'm gon na stop now. So um all right, uh owlette, oh gosh, geez, just why uh hold on wait? Okay, there we go there, we go now now it's loading.

So what do we got? Well, let's start with how the uh the spy is reacting here. So we've got on the minute chart spy flat, that's positive supply is actually moving up. Let's see aapl here apples moving up uh we've got oh there's, tesla tesla rotating down uh right on the open here. You've lost about a point: seven five percent.

So far. Oh, we got ada on the move as well: very nice uh dot also a little bit somewhat on the move here. Let's see here, you've got uh amc down about 2.4, robin hood down about 2.77, where wait who's that where's hood 18 sitting at 18, 29. Right now, a little rotation yeah you got you've got a little bit of rotation here right at the beginning.

Just what robin hood needs more pain, then uh, it's so ridiculous. Let's see here moderna 2.6 to the downside, neos back under 30.. Look at that neo yesterday runs over 30 and right back under 30. It goes cloudflare down a couple percent as well lemonade down a couple percent trade desk down a couple percent.

Okay is anything really moving to the upside right? Now, big digital is at 89 cents. Oh tesla's, back okay, tesla back to about that 3.3 percent, so it it's u-turn back up a little bit. Uh toast coming in with this nominal mover here, um yeah! Well, okay, and then it red candle sticks right. When you look at it.

Uh roblox is at 104 ish, it's not bad dave and buster's 37 wouldn't buy it here, but it's decent paypal, 40 up 41 fedex, 0.22 nordstrom 0.18. These are nominal moves. Is this? Is this like really the full watch list because there's like barely anything moving to the upside, i mean you got tesla going up here and and weber grills? Who cares uh, you know. Otherwise you got like.

Maybe a percent on on some of these things. Half percent to one percent: that's boring uh! It's actually you've got more entertainment happening to the downside here with backed holdings down. Another point: five: seven percent look at that that rotation straight down here we've got huh. Let's see here, sun run down two three had a nice run yesterday, so did rivian review and moved nicely last yesterday, look at that rivian getting stuck around that 94.95 level.
I think it's too too soon to turn to determine any kind of like a bottom for riv. But let's go look at riff for a moment, see, let's make sure things are respecting the bottoms, always respect the bottom. Okay, uh yeah. I mean we're off of that 88 40 that we saw but uh.

Yesterday we had a nice little rally and and folks thinking. That's it we're going over that 94.95 and uh not really now we're stuck there right now cloudflare is uh is. When did i draw that? That's so weird, i'm not sure when i drew this trend line, but um. It's quite interesting, we'll keep an eye on that trend line for cloudflare.

I mean this would be nice we'll take this honestly if we could get like the recovery that we had coming out of may it'd, be so great. Take a look at this uh. Look at uh. Look at look at look, let's see here this like.

I would take this right here at this point. Just give us this, give us the etsy recovery. I call it okay, just just look. We went through the pain and just give us this.

Okay, i'll take it like that is enough to pay for my options. Um somebody mentions the cash balance of robin hood. Let's let me look at that uh. That's interesting! Remember they had a 75 shareholder dilution, it's just absolutely insane! Okay! So i'm gon na look at the financial report here that was released uh for q3.

Okay, it's right here. Let's see, let's see what the cash balance is. Somebody just made an interesting comment and want to see here so, okay, robin hood, has, as of september 30th holy smokes wow. Oh that's interesting.

They have a 6.1 billion in cash 4.4 segregated by by regulators. So that's probably like mandatory minimums right. That's so so that's somewhere around 10.5, then they have or had at the point six in receivables from users. So i mean this is they've got 18 bill and current assets, wow, yeah and you're.

You know you're not even, and then this is even before you're talking about like the goodwill and the intangibles and all that bullcrap right now. You do have liabilities, though so the payables to users, so you're really going to wash this out uh and securities loaned uh yeah. That's you! You got to take this out as well. So that's about 10 bill! You got to take out here, current liabilities.

That's more reasonable, so take out about 10. take out 10 from the 18.8. You know. I'd really say this is more of their cash balance here, somewhere around six six to ten to nine ish.

That makes sense six to nine six to ten something like that. But you're right i mean look at this hood stock hood stock down three point: seven: five percent: today it's a 15 billion dollar market cap and they've got uh. You know they've got eight billion dollars or seven billion dollars here, 7.4 billion dollars more in current assets than they do current liabilities. I mean the company's like half cash uh like do they even have long terms? What do they have here? Current liabilities and total? They have non-current liabilities, they're only 134 mill that they had nothing.
I mean they are so well capitalized. That's crazy! You're like this is i mean that's: wild uh, you're, you're uh, almost 50 cents of every dollar you're investing into hood at this price is uh or potentially even more is going into i'd, say about 50 cents about 50 cents of every dollar you're investing in a Hood is just going into cold hard cash. At this point. That's a good pickup.

Whoever mentioned that uh, so good job, that's very interesting uh! That doesn't necessarily mean the pain has to stop anytime soon, but wow all right, uh, oh tesla's, running a little bit. Look at that the tesla run. Let's see okay, so tesla's almost up for palantir over 19, some nice green candlesticks forming here on palantir, very nice, let's see moderna down 266. moderna would probably be down my expectation.

If it is, i don't know if this is just glitching, but i think when we get that approval on that uh, what is it that spfn vaccine these uh companies like modern, are in for a world of hurt like personally, i would not. I probably keep an investment on moderna if i was a betting person uh, leading into a potential approval or really good study coming out of walter reed medical center on a new vaccine that is better than the mrna vaccines could be a negative catalyst. Just saying: hey shout out to the shebe army up 10 here with tesla, now, all over four percent new way: couple percent corsair couple percent: roblox: 1.6: okay, fine, easy nominal! What's what else is moving here? How's shift technology is doing matterport short interest. Somebody wants to know you know it's actually not that high and it has a lot of institutional and retail buying uh, pretty sure i wrote that down, though, did i not uh 10.3, as of when i last wrote it down, which was on the 16th, which is Like six days ago anyway, today's 22nd already wow crazy three days to christmas folks, three days to christmas honestly, it's time to put 2021 to bed uh.

It's it's been an exhaustive year, uh in this stock market uh, it's it's been been crazy, but uh. But you know i still. I have this belief and uh. I've had this belief a lot in 2021 that anytime we go through these uh and it's so easy to forget when we're in those euphoric periods where all stocks are just going to the moon and you're.

Looking at your portfolio and just like up up up and away right like six eight weeks ago, is that's what what a lot of folks were feeling, and it was just like whoa uh, but anyway, it was more times like what we're feeling now, where it's just Like oh, this is so exhausting uh. These are the times that i look and i'm like you know. This is the beautiful thing about times in the market like this. Is you really have this opportunity to uh regularly just go work hard, take your money and go invested in the stock market at not like insane prices uh, you know it it and uh.
Maybe it's a blessing that uh you've kind of had all year to uh to there was always there was almost always an opportunity to buy the dip within like six weeks. If you just waited six weeks, there was an opportunity to buy the dip. I mean it was constant uh look at this and, let's, let's just for giggles, oh the s. P went green wow slightly rotating up here, but if you go to the day chart uh yeah i mean there.

There were so many plenty of dip opportunities here in 2021 uh and i still continue to trend up. But look at this, you waited six weeks here. You got your dip in february, waited six weeks. You got your dip at the beginning of of uh march.

Waited a little bit, you got your your may dip uh, you know. In some cases you were actually uh, for example, on the spy uh. If, if you waited too long, you're actually paying a little bit over, let's say you bought in between these these areas here, but uh look at these constant, just dip dip dip and when you have those dips in the s p, you know you're feeling it a Lot more heavily on on some of the individual stocks uh, whether that's uh, paypal or jeez, look at but look at that floor on paypal. You know it's not it's not really drawn here.

I haven't placed it yet, but it looks like 180 might end up being it 180 182 somewhere around here. Let's look at square too yeah square. Finally, moving off the floor, that's not bad! These are. These are the kind of inflections that hopefully last but look folks.

We've had these before these little fake out rallies, it's a little fake out so watch for those uh anyway, so we've been a great information starting your own channel. Thanks for your knowledge and your secrets in the course thank you for that. Thanks for saying that appreciate it, so somebody here says markets turning uh well, given that they were red. Hopefully you mean they're turning green uh because again we're yeah look at that the spy is doing well.

So let's go to cnbc here, hey! Look at that! Look at that rebound just a big fat u-turn. There it's great bonds, 146 on the 10. Okay, it's not bad yeah. I would say anything honestly under one five: it's kind of the market saying you're, not uh, you're, not heavily concerned about inflation.

Kevin needs a gold bar for his youtube set yeah. I should have a bunch of coins on my desk that i could pull up and start referencing. That's right on. I undeclare bankruptcy yep going back to the moon uh.

You know that is like not that you ever even want to think about going bankrupt. It's it's one of the most comforting feelings, in my opinion that even if you mess up so badly in america, uh you're not going to like debtors prison like people aren't gon na as long as you're, not fraud. It's not like you're gon na go to jail. Uh, if you, if you suck and like you, start a business and it fails and you go bankrupt right and you just literally have to start over it kind of it's kind of cool um.
You know i mean, there's, there's it's like again, you don't you don't want to go beacon, i'm just saying it's just like it's. It's it's a form of a social safety net. If you think about it, you know uh not that you want to rely on on the government's versions of social safety nets. I mean look at homeless in california.

The most incompetent government in the world is california, but whatever i actually think the people of california are great. It's the government, that's moronic, uh, which i know to some degree like the people pick the leaders, but you know i don't know what to say about that. So uh anyway, okay, so tesla is continuing its its moves here. Four point: three percent toast is also u-turning.

Watch this one, this one's all of a sudden. Are we getting higher volume here? Let's take a look at this uh. No, no! Look at that. All of a sudden we're the last few days, we've actually had a lot less volume.

The last couple days on toast. Now some people were mentioning that yesterday i personally wasn't identifying where they were talking about that. But now i see it much less volume here on toast and uh. That's that's starting to lead to a little bit of a breakout here.

Potentially now again, you have to be careful because we've seen this stuff before but toast has tested this like 32 bottom. A few times now now we're sitting at about 39 for toast uh. This not bad. If you were looking for potentially a recovery u-turn, uh somebody here says i got sued for seventy thousand dollars in medical bills, for a car accident went bankrupt, best decision ever.

I'm sorry that happened to you, but i'm also very happy that uh everything ended up working out and uh. You know you get an opportunity to start over and, and hopefully everyone involved, it's good now uh pins on a little run. Let's take a look here. Okay, so pin yeah, and this is this - is really what i've been watching and why i've had my list of bottoms that i have written, because we are starting to see some moves off of these palettes here now up 2.7, that just added 1.7 in just the Last 10 minutes here look at that a little bit of rally on palantir loose.

It's moving. The only thing not moving is robin hood god, so annoying um arc, even arc's, going up hey, look at that uh! Well, maybe my my my wins in ark k. My my rk yolos will pay for my robinhood or not or not. I don't know you can't you can't make up those losses uh anyway, so maddox now up 11 uh roblox, also on a little bit of a move here to a 105.
look at that. That's nice, okay, so it looks right now like at least tentatively. The way the market is moving right now. This is potentially a second rally-esque style day in a row.

Uh, we don't know if it'll last, but it's it's a it's soft. It's not like we're getting these insane 10 15 days, which, honestly you know. That's it's not bad uh. I i kind of uh rather see that kevin after seeing btc respect the trend line.

Can you please draw one at hood at 18 and drag it up to 25? No, we need to drag it up to 30.. Let's go oh my gosh. We don't just want to break. Even we got to get the attendees uh, but anyway um.

Look. It is possible that - and - and i mentioned this earlier - that that this would be nice - an etsy may rally folks right here. Look at the etsy may rally this. I would be very okay with right here, because you know what this does.

Is this signals? A lack of euphoria, it signals a growth, it signals the end of pain, uh, it uh and a potential set up for a breakout and that's exactly what we had uh over here on etsy. I mean we're at 226 right now, and this channel was between. You know 153 and 175 and um. This was good.

This was healthy, sustainable. This uh like look at the the insane like ups and downs you get and have gotten compared to this beautiful little channel here. If we could just go back to relaxing like this kind of just be like sitting in a sauna like we're chill, i honestly wouldn't mind that, after this roller coaster of a 2020 uh one just chill anyway, okay, tesla four and a half percent pinterest move in Here, pinterest moving about four four percent: four and a half percent now keep in mind folks, pinterest uh is a uh wow. Pinterest is really getting some volume here right now.

Uh pinterest is an advertising play uh. It is an advertising play that uh that you know has has had a lot of negativity. Uh, i'm gon na go. Look at just to uh.

Do a little forward analysis on this. Let's do some fundies here, uh, okay, pinterest and let me grab it here. Give me one swing in here: i'm gon na read this off to you: okay, um, all right here we go so pinterest we're looking at we're expecting revenue growth in 2022 of 26, 27 in 2024, 19 and 17 thereafter through 2025., we're uh a profitable company at Pinterest the 21. The eps is about a dollar, so you're really only paying about 40 times earnings right now it goes to about 2.25 cents in 2025, so you're paying closer to 20 or 20 times.

It's honestly, not horrible. Now one of the things that has bothered me about pinterest have been the latest app reviews for it. Uh the the community seems very frustrated with pinterest. It's been one of the reasons i haven't gone long on on a pinterest position, but i do think there's a good potential that, with these metrics, especially with profitability, you know - maybe maybe we could get some form of rebound but then again, look at the rebounds we've Had before you know, rally fall rally sharp rally here i mean look at that.
You were up like 9.86 on one day here, sharp fault and uh, and - and you get these, these continued little rallies here now. Don't get me wrong. It'd be nice to just see like a nice, steady recovery here, but you can't always get what you hope for anyway, uh tesla's, almost back to a thousand folks. Look at that bounce that you know what's also very scary about this - is that purple that stupid little purple line has been there for a very long time.

I don't know how long it's been at 880, but i believe it's been there since actually probably january. I think it was just drawn as a top over here like a consistent top uh. So you know, resistance can become support right and so that line was drawn for january and it appears to be working now, which you know i just pointed out, because it's just it it really it's so many people poop on ta, but i think it's so critical, Especially when you're buying or looking to buy the dip, because yesterday i'm looking at it like - i still remember this, like i explained yesterday in the market - closed live stream. I explained exactly where i was uh right before i sent out the course member live stream that i was buying or the alert that i was buying this, for you know, 890 or whatever i bought the shares for yesterday.

It was 8.90 but anyway um, seeing that purple line was just like really we're not gon na break. This are we oh anyway, so so it was just a perfect, perfect uh opportunity to buy the dip, which is kind of crazy. We got, we got close. We got to 886.

six dollars off, which is normal, it's normal for you to get a little bit of uh front running off of those so anyway, um all right, so yeah vinnie, the weeble screenshot, said 893, the uh the order executed at uh 890. uh anyway. So uh, okay, good, so, okay, pins, roblox, coming back a little bit here, uh four percent, yup, very nice, very nice move here: let's see, is there anything? That's that's! Having more pain! Let me see here: rite aid eevee go moderna again, not a surprise. That modern is selling off and and maybe even arcturus, because of this, this new sf spfn vaccine.

Oh, i ran a poll on twitter by the way you should see this on on uh people, saying it whether they take it or not. If you have not followed me on twitter, yet consider it at real me: kevin uh, but anyway i wrote the army just completed a phase. One trial of a new spike ferritin nanoparticle vaccine against multiple variants of coven 24 different spikes on a soccer ball shaped protein. Positive results so far, including against omicron.

Will you take the new vax if approved? These were the results, so we got uh, it looks like 54, 55 percent of people said no or hell no and then more of the nose said hell no uh and then uh. Then the balance here said either yes or hell. Yes, so i thought it was kind of interesting that was that out of 3900 people who voted all right so neo and baba dropping again is that so, let's see here uh and a firm's moving hold on. Let me look at a firm first, oh yeah, a firm's back at 105.
yeah, a firm was such a steal at like 92 dollars. Another weird thing: folks: i drew the 92 ta line like six months ago. Okay, maybe not six months ago, it's like four months ago, but it was crazy to see a revisit to it and it's still relatively cheap compared to some of the i mean some of this was insanity. Okay, some of this was just insane uh, but anyway, okay, let's look at neo all right.

What's going on my friend neo, i like you, i want to like you, but i don't trust your government. Okay uh. I don't. I don't think people could blame me for that, except for the chinese government, which, if you're listening, i'm sorry, i i i want you to succeed and i want the best for you ccp, but uh you make me nervous.

Okay, that's all i'm saying uh anyway. Neo down about 1.1 percent here, uh, as as other things are uh, actually doing decently, so kind of a mix yeah, that's a messy day, wouldn't want to trade that that seems like a low volume day. Honestly, that's what that feels like! No, i don't know i mean it might be too soon to tell 7.7 million shares traded. I mean short of me going a little bit deeper into this.

It's not worth looking at right now. So, okay neo's down a bit how about baba. I know the uh the evergrand crisis is, is deemed to be evolving a little bit. Yeah.

Look at that 4.12 of the downside on baba, but is is 108 the official bottom here or is baba just going to keep going sad, so many folks see seeing so much so much value in baba. Yet you continue to get so much pain. Uh on on these stocks and - and i don't blame the the site of value - i mean if, if i look at the fundamentals at least the fundamentals were being told right. So if i go to baba - and i got ta remember to go to us dollars - otherwise everything looks insane all right here.

We go so the eps for 2021, six dollars and 60 cents. So, if we're at 117 divided by six dollars and 60 cents eps that's 17 times 17.7 times, earnings you're paying and if you go out to like 2025 divide that by about 14 you're paying 8.35 times future earnings, it's cheap. You know for a company, that's growing! Uh 29, 14 to 29 over the next four to five years. So bad, but you have those government risks no or it could just um.

I don't know i could just robin hood and just keep going to zero we're on that path to zero, basically, okay. So what else? Let's see if bloomberg's got any interesting talk for us uh? You know somebody said that uh like two or three days ago. There was some talk about how maybe there were lockouts uh. It turned out not to be true, because i think when elon exercises shares it and we've we've speculated about this before.
I believe that every time he i'm sorry exercises options, it auto sells uh shares for him and i think, because of his 10b51 plan, he's exempt from those lock-ups which which is kind of crazy, and so yesterday i talked about that. I talked about how i was buying it because i don't think he's actually done: selling uh but yeah, unfortunately, that that that transitioned uh there there's always a crazy rumor mill around what elon's doing so. Let's see here the 10-year bond yield and compare it to the bc btc on the daily. I i'll do that later.

I like that idea 10-year versus btc trade view, but yeah there were a lot of people who got that one wrong on on tesla a lot. Almost everyone thought he was done and now now some folks are saying in the comments that elon, i guess, was in an interview yesterday or something the poster yesterday saying he's done selling shares. But but you know, does that mean him actually pushing pushing the button or like the auto execution uh anyway, okay, yeah elon is done, announced last night, i'm skeptical, but maybe that is why tesla's moving right now. Is there a lot of people who have been waiting for elon to be done, and i think maybe that's why we're getting a little bit of that rally today, all right.

So what else? What else we need? Some more news here, more news, maxwell jury, deliberates hey what about the the potter, the the uh officer, uh potter, the former uh officer, who accidentally pulled her taser instead of the gun? Uh? What what? What do people think about her? I'm gon na run a poll here. Uh should former officer potter go to prison? Yes, no, okay, i'm gon na run the poll, or did i did. I say it backwards, shot her gun instead of her taser. Obviously, that's that's what i meant because the person died.

So if i said that the wrong way - that's yeah anyway, all right - i just put the pole in yeah. I guess i did say it the wrong way. A couple of y'all are saying that so thought she was pulling her taser said: taser taser taser accidentally had a gun in her hand, shot him and and immediately you could see the regret on the video. I'm just more curious to see what uh, what the audience police should should they go to jail or while prison all right.

So look at this why green stocks are slumping during an esg boom? Let's see what the uh the argument here is. Somebody says her and alec baldwin well: whoa whoa, that gun shot itself um all right, despite a drop in clean energy stocks and intensifying concerns about widespread green washing the market for investment products being sold as esg related had another record year by most yard. Specifics: okay, sustainable loans and bond blah blah blah, but not everything. The s p global gleaner green energy index, which includes companies like wind, energy, giant whatever that is, and some of these others declined about 27 and sunrun largest residential solar company declined 7 21.
So far, in 2021, after more than doubling and that's because of worries about rising interest rates due to inflation, unpredictable u.s politics and regulatory maneuvers like california's decision to sharply lower subsidies and add new fees for homeowner or solar use, you know that is like the dumbest Thing ever the stupid, california move there uh that was ugh, yeah yeah, it's just uh. In case you don't know. Basically, if you have solar, like california, is about to vote on a uh on a regulation that could make everybody who already has solar panels to pay an average of about 500 in extra fees per year because they went green like it is the most moronic thing. I've ever seen in my life and their argument is oh well.

We want to take the money and redistribute the wealth and help poor people get solar. It's like well, first of all, most poor people, don't don't need solar, because the the economy like the break even is ridiculous. At that point uh, you know you like you want to get solar when you're in such a high tier, because you're using so much power that your breakeven is like and you're in a higher tax bracket, because the tax implications have an effect as well. That's another reason: it makes less sense if you're poor to get solar because you're in a lower tax bracket uh that the tax savings or the after tax savings are very, very critical, so um uh, but anyway, you know this.

This new regulatory maneuver might take the break, even i think bloomberg did some research on this might take the break even of solar in california, from like four to five years to 19 years, which is insane like it's just california's being so dumb, anyway. Okay, so uh, and according to the poll out of 1500 of you who have voted 61 percent of you actually say yes uh. Ah, so i'm just looking at some of your comments here, yeah well, i mean i think the taser was pulled in the first place because the person was expected to be uh. What was getting back in the car uh after resisting arrest and then and then obviously was you know in the position of preparing to step on the gas and drive away which which could hurt people uh, who were around the car uh so that i i think That the the deployment of the the taser was actually somewhat justified anyway, uh.

Okay, let's see here, oh that's, another good question. We should run a poll on the trucker. You know what i looked into, that it was. I think he was going like 80 miles an hour on the highway missed three of those highway escape ramps and he was nervous to go on one of those because it was worried about rolling the truck uh and then ended up crashing into uh multiple cars as Traffic had backed up and uh, let's say was it killed four people or i'm not exactly sure, uh the outcome of that one, but uh yeah that i do think the sentencing there is pretty wild but uh yeah, it's unfortunate okay.
So, let's go back to the sticks here, 707 rna, all right: what do we got here? Okay, we got a little bit more of a rotation down, so arcturus heading back down a little bit we're continuing its road down here. Moderna is down 5.29 right now. Oh yeah, robin hood's, basically back at 18., it's little floor seems to be where it goes cloud flares back in the 130s rivian's sitting at 94., huddy mining's down a little bit neo back under 29. or 20 20, it's back under 30..

Oh look at that end phase. Oh, look at that sudden rotation down on the hold on a second, the spark lines. Don't look yeah! Look at that! Look at that. We started down a little bit had a nice rally and look at that conviction escape.

This is what we've been talking about. Is this this weird, like convictionness rallying wow yeah, so uh, thanks for for mentioning this claire seattle city, light allows customer buy-in to solar banks which makes it accessible to the poor and they can get to a zero dollar bill. Uh well, i think that that sounds very great and - and i do think that there should be social safety nets for, for especially for very poor individuals who, who, like even electricity bill, is, is affecting your ability to to survive right uh, i think, getting to a Zero dollar solar bill is, is actually bad uh and the reason for that is usually especially in washington, you're, paying very, very low rates in the early tiers of power. You know you're you're, the first hundred dollars of power in most cities across the country are extremely cheap, very, very, very cheap power.

It's it's the power when you start paying over 200 a month, especially during peak times when you could have solar or battery deployed uh. That's when you're getting destroyed. You know that that's like, for example, just as an example in california. If you have a bill of 50 bucks, you might be paying an average of like 12 cents, a kilowatt hour uh.

If, if you're a high user, you could be paying as much as 40 cents, i mean you're, paying almost 4x. That's when solar makes sense. Uh anybody who gets a solar system should not try to zero out their bill uh or go negative like going negative. Is the worst going negative is is uh is is not worth it at all uh, because now you i mean you get okay, i'm just gon na stop talking about this anyway, uh just in terms of break even costs, you do a break even analysis.

It becomes very, very clear uh, but that is interesting that they have that program in seattle, uh, seattle, obviously west coast, um a lot of a lot of uh supportive ideas, um, which i think are great. You know again, i i'm all for social safety nets when they make sense. Okay, so what's going on is, is the spy rotating back down here? Sunrun uses cheap, crap uh. I don't believe that they told enphase the iqa snack uh, but if, if you have something on that uh, what i've in in the past, at least i don't know if they've they've used uh uh en phase i'll - have to look it up, but it like four Or five years ago i remember sun run there the mo - and this was a long time ago.
So maybe it's changed. Maybe it's changed in the last few years it entirely could have, but i remember back when i uh and i used to talk to installers themselves.

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31 thoughts on “Will the red end”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Christian says:

    Robinhood"oh no I'm stuck step brother!"

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars harley marshall says:

    Sorry to hear about your car accident, that shit is disgusting, would never fly in the UK

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sally beesley says:

    I want to see the whole Christmas sweater

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WY says:

    China just locked down a new city with the same size of Wuhan due to covid variant. Looks like the disruption of the new variant is clearly under estimated.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NutClappinCapn says:

    Military made vaccine? Uuuuuuuuuh nope.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bee price says:

    Happy holidays Kevin love the sweater!!! 💞

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars federosso90 says:

    Sideways market when you are an options seller is actually heaven!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LULU H says:

    Yea there should be no safety net for bankruptcy because billionaires say all the time they took the risk so they should keep all their money and not pay taxes. Working class people can't file bankruptcy on credit cards so businesses should not be able to.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darin says:

    The reason why the pandemic never ends is because Fauci and the left keep raising the bar in order to maintain their power trip.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crypto Bey says:

    Happy you are not triggered today by mean comments

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chsh brgpo says:

    you arenr necessarily trying to time.the market selling covered calls. you can pick stocka that you expect to keep going up steadily in the long run, and sell weekly calls on it without worrying about timing. like an apple the last 10 years. as long as the stock doesnt keep dropping, or isnt super volatile, it works well in my opinion

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Esoteric33 says:

    put me on the HELL NO 👎🏽 list about new vaccines

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chriskevini says:

    Kevin smiles like a Shiba and it's the cutest thing ever ❤️

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Casper says:

    Thanks have a good day

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skitz says:

    My thoughts is we don’t have a strong Santa rally this year. Way to much uncertainty in the market

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris says:

    Too much covid talk lately

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Doe says:

    Bought march options for GNLN because of Burry – it's worthless now lol. Learned my lesson the hard way.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan R. says:

    Kevin. Thank you for your contributions. Now please take a break and spend time with your wife and boys. Much ❤️.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veronica Davidson says:

    Boo boo, Rodrigo needs to find other guy, and find other words to say instead of using someone else's, anyway love you boo boo!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Jones says:

    Please cover Cosmos Atom and it’s explosion today ⚡️🙏🏼

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jimmy says:

    Well the airports are completely packed head to toe. Either omnicron isn't that bad or they want it to spreqd like wildfire. Or both. Honestly NEVER have seen it this busy

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gasdorfic muncher says:

    This a holuciation a Mann with pink hair in a xmas sweater same color as market lines on the charts

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frogger says:

    Best of Chinese Communist Party will mean more suffering to the Chinese people. CCP never represents Chinese people as they claim

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joey Lopez says:

    No, and I hope it doesn’t stop

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Susan Brooks says:

    Despite the economic crisis,I'm so happy my life has changed totally, I've been earning $18000 returns from my $6000 investment every 13 days

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Susan Brooks says:

    I have heard a lot about investments with Mr Donald Clinton and how good he is, please how safe are the profits??

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Susan Brooks says:

    Same here,I make $32,400 profits on my investment since I started trading with Mr Donald Clinton ,his trading strategies are top notch

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chance Holden says:

    Done with puberty yet?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars steplaland says:

    convictionless rally is a euphemism for dead cat bounce.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 100k Goal Updates says:

    Kevin, sell a holiday mug that says, “HAPPY HODL DAYS” 🙂

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rodrigo Ipince says:

    good morning Pooh Bear 🐻

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