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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

All right, good morning, everyone so uh sitting here, looking at gap, scan welcome to those just tuning in on youtube. I hope you enjoy this broadcast. This is for educational purposes. Only so in case you didn't already know, trading is risky, most beginner traders lose money, and i would encourage you, therefore not to trade with money.

You can't afford to lose and do yourself a favor, don't try to blindly follow me or anyone else learn from successful traders, but don't try to blindly follow. So i also want to let you guys know that we've got our um holiday sales underway, which is a 40 discount on the warrior pro membership, and it includes a 14 money, money-back guarantee for those who join between now and the end of the year. All right. So for those that aren't already familiar with the warrior pro membership, it'll include access for a year to the chat room uh to our scanners.

They're right back here, so chatroom scanners, news feed, includes access to daily mentor. Sessions includes access for 90 days to a trading simulator, so you can practice the strategies, you're learning a simulator, and it includes access to our curriculum. The warrior starter course is a 15 chapter introductory day trading course. The warrior pro course gets into the small cap day.

Trading course, which is 20 chapters - you guys will enjoy this quite a lot. This is advanced strategy development. It's where i teach you the strategies that i trade every single day, and these are some of the elective courses that are also included with your membership, all right. So make sure you check that out, there may be people that have questions and, if you have questions, feel free to post them in the comments on youtube.

Happy to answer those questions for you, eggs that is, a drop drop and a half. So that's gon na be on the gap down scanner down 87. What do you think manoli dip trade? I mean you know the thing that you have on this um with anything like this. It's uh it's down so much that it may not be today, but maybe in the next couple days you will see um some curl and you know you could get get a little bounce that could that could be nice.

Well, it's 25 million shares high back. There was 1277., i get cautious trying to trade the first day, because you're gon na have people that are just you know, bailing out uh, just like cutting the loss, which is generally, you know we always say. Generally, you want to cut the loss. Now, traders, institutional traders with deep pockets, some of them, might try to trade their way out of this, you know and that you'd have to better understand the fundamentals of the news to know whether or not that that is a safe strategy, i'm looking at it, but All right so leading gapper this morning shows is nakd.

It's showing that it's gapping up 1100 holy moly wait a second, it's a fifteen to one reverse split, so the chart shows it right there, which is important. So we can see uh with the charting software that i use that this is reverse split uh. It's actually gapping down slightly, so no trades on that one. Next, one down bvxv 87 percent gap, uh it is moving higher.
I would say that you know you've got the 200 moving average that it's going to run into signs, definitive agreement, a little confusion about the float. Some data providers are showing as 12 to 14 million shares. Others are showing as 500 million shares. So i looked at the sec filing on this one and see so this shows at the top.

It says that it's 461 million shares and then there's this says 370 389 million shares so not really sure um really sure about that. That's a little confusing with the flow all right. Next, one down brtx uh, this one moved up right at 4 pm after hours started to squeeze up from 450 to 7, pulled back down popped back up to 750. A little choppy would probably need to break over seven look more interesting, so we're always off that level.

Right now, seven, twenty four, our cat 34 million share, float back a little bit t rolling up a little bit st lower priced. So right now don't have a ton on the gap, scanner that looks in. Yes, we have bfri as continuation, so this one's a continuation possibility. We got some, we got some nice action on it.

Yesterday definitely did um. We got a couple good trades. We got two halts in a row going up on the breakthrough. It was about 10.73 rip up into the first hall.

11 59 opens squeezing the second hall to 1335 opens squeezes up to 14 33, then pulls back comes back up was not able to break back through that high. So 1463 remains that kind of line in the sand on that high level - and i would say 1311 is uh another level to watch. So we need to get back back above 1311 to really look good, so we're not there quite yet those tuning in on youtube. I hope you hit the thumbs up if you enjoy the morning show and the watch list, if you find this helpful, really appreciate that hmm, oh we've got about 10 minutes till 9 00 a.m.

Gon na sit tight. Let you guys on uh youtube. Let us know what your uh, what you're thinking uh yeah, so i i usually have um i'll, have like four windows that i have ready to go so right now: i've typed in bvxv and i typed in alk and then these ones are from like previous days. So uh you know bfri.

I could type that in and i could type in um. I don't know scac is halted, but you know something like that. Then i would have these four windows up and, if i think bvxi i like it over a certain level, i might put the order price up towards that level. Uh move the order on you know all of them and then they're just ready to go.

So all i have to do is click that buy button and it's going to send that order right away. I can do cvz t nasdaq test stock, so 10 15, just like that. You know i'm in at 10 15., it's a test stock. So that's not going to contribute to actual profit loss but uh.
That would be the the way i would do it and then, if i want to get out, i would just press the exit button and i'm out so again. This is the nasdaq test stock. So it's it's just for testing hotkeys and testing orders and things like that, but wait uh, so bfri is moving up a little bit there, i'm a little a little unsure about how well it's going to hold up now. It's it's hard to know thing is yesterday it just sort of stair stepped down, so i'm just a little concerned about the risk of today's pops just being shorted, because it's kind of on the back side of the move yesterday was the high.

So i just have to be a little bit a little bit cautious there we'll see we'll see i'm going to let it really prove itself yeah. I agree that it does have those nasty topping tails on the daily all right. Uh, let's see got my greens drink here. I wanted to be sitting down by 9 a.m, to see if we get any stocks hitting omo scanner.

I do see bfri. You know in this consolidation: it's an abcd pattern, so i see that uh yeah, oh, not seeing anything. Yet i'm a little confused about the float on bbxv, one uh, but the high is 311. So at this point it just needs to pull back.

It's extended right. I saw a move on ispc yesterday. This one was later in the day from 11 to 16 bucks. I mean that's, that's impressive um.

So yesterday's high was 16., so your daily levels on it. Eighteen, twenty yesterday high of sixteen and then twenty eighty, eight twenty four. So those are levels in play, but i don't know that we're gon na get anything. I would say it would probably need to break over 14 the pre-market high and then you'd look for a move up to 15 16 and once they break those critical pivots and oftentimes.

We see the move start to pick up so but bfri. You know it's not really much of a gap. It's only a five percent ispc is down 10 percent, so not sure reminders always for those tuning in on youtube. In case you didn't already know, trading is risky, most beginner traders lose money.

So you shouldn't trade money. You can't afford to lose and you shouldn't try to blindly follow me or anyone. My results are not typical, rtx still below the b web um. So we've got about 20 minutes to the bell and right now nothing slow.

I don't see anything to trade, hmm! Yes, i like to trade parabolic momentum. That would be my favorite. I don't have any right now, sometimes i'll take trades to anticipate. You know if something breaks through this critical level that maybe then it starts to open up and and uh definitely had the right idea on that with bfri trades yesterday.

So we got that pretty parabolic move there from 1050 up to 14. That was nice, but it didn't end up really holding as well as i would have liked. You know it's still at 11, 25 years, so this is tricky on scac. I don't know how that's going to be valued.

I i just don't know the calculation of this. What are what are folks thoughts on it? Yeah it's showing a 244 resumption right now. I just you know these ones are tricky all the halted. Pending news, the resumptions i haven't done super well on recently, so it makes me a little cautious.
There's your resumption high is 70., so i'll take a trade there 73 and added 85. watching added to 86., i'm looking to see if we get a squeeze up over three dollars, here's my thought on this um short squeeze from people who have been holding short. It's up 56. It's now the leading gapper watching for the dip and then the break through the high here of 93 add spot to 85.

bought the dip. If this breaks through 85 up 50 right now, there's some buying coming in as it curls back up. Look through the breakthrough 85 copy, i didn't realize i was in my main account, so i'm just going to get out basically flat. I don't want to trade in my main account.

I want to trade in my retirement account, so there was a big seller up there at 85, like 100 000 shares. That was the level that should have broken we'll see so it whatever 200 bucks on at 300. Bucks. Hmm nice good job.

Nice win you! So your high now is 93.. It's just a question of. Do we get a like a short squeeze on it? I just don't know watching over three so bought five thousand shares there at three. I would add it three ten, so just it popped over 310 to 315., i'm going to put my new order at 315.

added there. Now, let's see if we get the squeeze up to 350., see it's starting to open up 328 x ad spot for 350 added 28 and then that you know 100 000 share seller comes in liquidities on it on it is pretty good, so can get out pretty Much without much slippage thirteen hundred dollars hi this candle is thirty new order. Oh man, look at that just rips through that level, tricky stuff, but it's extended now, so i got in for the break of three and then i added psychological resistance is three. If it breaks three, that's an entry and then an add, adjust the stop to three so took some profit.

New high is 34.. You can see how there's walls of sellers on this up 77 percent, though so i got chopped out of it on my first trade, but i wouldn't have wanted to make all that profit in my main account. Anyways i'd have to pay tax on it. At 8 million shares of volume on this now pulling back again a little bit see if it can hold three.

So these are these kind of waves. We've only got 10 minutes to the bell. The low there was 306. headed back no phil.

I tried to um. I was being a little um aggressive to not pay too high of a price. I was trying to add back on that dip. I'm gon na, let's see if it double bottoms down here 306..

I just don't know for sure whether or not this one's going to give us good opportunities beyond this, so added there. Let's see if we get the squeeze through 40. watch over 35 added to 35 next adds 36. Now we're looking for 40.
see if we get the breakthrough um the liquidity on this is really good. The breakthrough 45 averages only so holding 3000 shares. Let it dip down again. Add it on 29 on that dip pop back up through 30..

Definitely you can tell more thickly traded and some of the ones we've traded in the past back to flat. For now, i wish i'd gotten that dip down there at 3 15.. That would have been nice seven and a half minutes to the bow, not a lot of really obvious levels on this on the daily that news on this one volume is declining a little bit right now, actually lighter volume on that break of the high stockholders of The right to eat either cash consent these these are just they're, complicated and hard to know with these types of mergers, what the actual value of the stock is going to be, and so i'm sure there's people much smarter than me. That already have a good sense of what what that number is, and so just not sure about that.

I just don't know what how high it's really going to go. Well, i didn't see that easy to borrow so another kind of wave there on scac, but the volume is declining a bit so two and a half minutes to the bell all right. Well, uh warrior pro students will keep trading at the open, we'll watch scac, we'll see what else we can find. That looks interesting and i can make my way towards the daily goal: i'm not there yet, but it's early still those on youtube.

Thank you for tuning. In i hope you hit the thumbs up if you enjoy the morning, show and encourage you to use the coupon code uh over here to become a warrior pro member join for a year. You'll save 40 i'll have access to a 14 day money back guarantee. If you join between now and new year's all right, so thank you.

Those on youtube for tuning in students will keep trading here at the opening bell. You.

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6 thoughts on “Live day trading morning show watch list with ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars deez noots says:

    Just a suggestion, it would be great if you split your program up into ala carte items…scanners only/news feed only/news feed and scanners, something like that would be great IMO😃

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iScripted says:

    Thank you for these live streams, watching your videos has taught me a lot.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lawrence harmel says:

    SOPA has been gapping the previous 2 trading days

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pena Fam says:

    Your are awesome

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Delgadillo says:

    why not do trading during regular market hours for at least one live show?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohieldin ibrahim says:

    Ahpi 😏

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