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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #topg #AndrewTate #arrest ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Why was Andrew Tate arrested
Sex crime allegations
Andrew Tate's Hustler's University 2.0.
Marketing genius. Marketing G.
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Well, Top G and alleged misogynist Andrew Tate has been arrested for allegedly sex ring and sex trafficking related crimes in this video. I'm going to break down what led up to his arrest, of the arrest and the after effects in this video. We are also going to learn about some of the business tactics of Andrew Tate and this is something that's actually exactly where we should start. See, on the internet, Extremeness goes viral, especially if it's something that you want to say, but nobody else really has the courage to say because it's potentially not exactly politically correct.

but it's something that a lot of people are thinking. This is something that Andrew Tate has taken to the extreme. and well, Extreme is exactly what works really well on the internet. I'll give you an example, but let's just say at times, Andrew Tate Trends more than Donald Trump does on Google Take a look at this.

this is Google search Trends showing the rise and decline of Andrew Tate's popularity. Well, I shouldn't say popularity. his search relevance on Google Now A lot of this decline likely had to do with the Banning of Andrew Tate on a lot of social media platforms, especially YouTube and Twitter. However, as of November 21st, Andrew Tate's Twitter access has been restored.

Now, even though his virality fell, it's starting to rise again. and I expect once the search Trends Update: For the last few days, this search Trend item over here is going to explode again. But compare this for a moment to Donald Trump if you compare it to Donald Trump you'll see that during his Peak and even afterwards, he was either trending higher as the Blue Line than Donald Trump or at the very released is keeping Pace with Donald Trump which is actually a pretty impressive feat for somebody in business like Andrew Tate Remember Andrew Tate runs a Discord that he sells monthly access to to provide uh, insight into business and hustling. now I haven't accessed his programs and I'm curious if you want me to do a review on those programs.

I Also have my own programs, but you know I I think anybody teaching programs is really somebody who's teaching programs with their own perspectives. so I don't really see other people's programs as competition I see them as hey, that's somebody else's perspective right now I've heard great things, but I've also heard some things that Andrew Tate isn't actually the one teaching in those programs that really in his Discord You have a collection of random other people making commentary or videos. so I'm personally curious if it would make sense. maybe for me to do a review of those.

Let me know in the comment down below if you'd like that. now. what I do think is incredible though is that Andrew Tate has figured out exactly how to make his name stand out on the internet and I'll show you some examples. but keep this in mind when you are in this sort of social media.

Trend where you have a large spike in social media. attention and in the fall you frequently need something pretty extreme to happen. Soon after that, and often what you'll do is you'll do what's known as poking the Bear or so to speak. You'll try to purposefully do things that are going to enrage a large group of people and find a whole other group of people to defend you.
And that's exactly what happened with Andrew Tate and what potentially helped the lead to his arrest. Now we'll break all of that down in a moment, but let's go ahead and start with a sample of a quote-unquote Truth Bomb from Andrew Tate Now here's one of the more popular pieces. If uh, well, let's just watch the video and then I'll add some commentary. Oh, up until this point, based on freedom, how they advertised you to be a good slave was they would give you some freedom.

And when I say slave I use that word particularly because a slave used to work his ass off and he would get food and a house in return. And 99 of people out here my friend are working their asses off. They can buy food in the house. That's it.

Most people are still slaves. They would say you're going to be a slave, but you'll be free. At least you know you can. You can do what you want.

You can think what you want. You can say what you want. You can walk around outside, look at the trees. You're a slave.

But you're free. Freedom, Freedom, Freedom. And what happened when they did this? Something changed. The Internet came, people started to talk, People started to think, People start to realize how money's made and start to realize a sort of scam cryptocurrency was invented.

Now you have Bitcoin which is surpassing the global Reserve currency. We don't need Banks anymore. We don't need the IMF anymore. People are starting to talk.

People have elected Trump A man who's not all uncontrolled by The Establishment People are starting to actually get their minds right. So the people in charge are like, oh, rules in control. We no longer control the money. You know, under control who's in charge of each country.

Oh, we've got to put an end to this. We can no longer base our societies on freedom. We must base our societies on safety. Can't think for yourself.

We can't put these videos on YouTube because it's fake news and it's dangerous. You can't go outside because, uh, the virus and it's dangerous. You can't travel in between countries without that injection because it's dangerous. It's no longer about Freedom my friends, this is about your safety.

They're gonna take all your freedom away and instead they're gonna give you a nice big helping of safety and you're gonna take it and go all at least I'm safe. You were safer before you were safer before because now the government. All right. So this gives you a sample of uh Andrew Tate here.

Now look at what he's doing here, right? He's taking a very populist approach. He's talking to you, right? The 99 is what he's saying. He's pointing to the camera. The 99 work their ass off.
He gives you that feeling of justification. Yes, I work my ass off. But you're right I feel trapped I work from nine to five and I feel like I'm struggling I can't get out I can't succeed I can't get ahead. uh, or worse, you work the five to nine in self-employment You rent a house, you own a home and that's it.

The best you can hope for is a little bit of freedom to look at the trees. That's essentially what Andrew Tate Here is saying while at the same time playing to the fears that everything around us is a scam. It's all rigged. Look for example, at what we saw as a reveal with the Twitter files where the FBI is moderating satire, satire folks, and controlling the narrative around coven.

He's not wrong that it is very popular to argue that hey, Therefore, because things like this happen, the world around us is rigged and so we have to figure out how to get above that and break down to that chain right And to to be a tough G so to speak is the idea. Now my opinion is Uh I I Hear a lot of this that create substantial cynicism and and resentment and envy for those of us, especially who are succeeding around us in the world the suit so to speak that ultimately the system's rigged in. Unless you're a criminal, you can't get ahead Now personally I Believe that. This is very unfortunate because I believe there are really good ways to get out of what can feel like the Trap personally.

and I'm just going to give you a quick example here because I really want to stick to Andrew Tate why he got arrested. But I do think that one of the reasons that you watch Andrew Jade is to try to maybe find a way to break out and I don't want to give you that for free right now I Believe a phenomenal way for individuals to sort of break out of this trap is quite frankly, owning real estate now. I Do think we have a bad real estate cycle coming up here where we're on the down slide right now. but I Personally think everybody watching this video should be motivated to think to themselves.

Why Kevin Why Why Real Estate Well, because the net worth of someone who owns a home is 20 times that of a tenant, it's around 180 000 whereas the net worth of a tenant is around five thousand. Six hundred dollars. Now imagine, if you had five homes or ten homes, you might be thinking to yourself, oh my gosh, Kevin that's that's too many homes. Like everybody should only own one home.

Well now you have to ask yourself, what's your goal? Do you want to break out Or do you want to be? Uh, you know, a politician who's trying to go? No, no, no, you can't own multiple homes, right? If you want to break out, you actually want to build wealth. You should be thinking about how can I buy my first home a small home, rent it out. Then how can I buy a second home, rent that one out after I live there for a year, buy a third home, rent that one out for positive cash flow. All while at the same time your tenants are paying down your mortgages.
You're building your wealth now you have access to Capital Guess what you have when you have access to Capital You have access to choice and real Freedom That's what I did and it's something in my opinion that is not a lottery. It's something that every single person watching this video can do. Now not every single person will do this. People will choose to continue to be renters.

They will choose inaction over action. But I do want to provide you the motivation that if what Andrew Tate is saying resonates with you and you're frustrated about the system, how it feels rigged. don't let the cynicism box you into a corner where you get stuck in a world of conspiracy and and the belief that you can't get ahead know that you can. You just haven't found the way to play the game yet.

He's not wrong in that. Yeah, some things are rigged, but if you learn how to play the game, you can also win the game. Okay, so obviously Andrew takes the uh position of a very uh, you know, some some hits on a lot of negativity, right? Fortunately, some of Andrew Tate's fervor gets either taken out of context or carried away or he legitimately is a misogynist. Now, we don't exactly know this because anytime there are allegations like some of those that I'm going to show you in this article I want to be very clear that Andrew Tate takes the argument that this is all fake news.

This is not true. These are lies. and at any time there's a video clip of him being aggressive with a woman. It's actually all part of an act to try to bring attention to sexual exploitation.

which is really interesting because he was just arrested for exactly that. But then again, we have to say that these are just allegations against him. We don't yet know the actual truth, but just so you can understand a little bit more at least what the Guardian has to say about him. Andrew Tate suggests that women belong in the home, can't drive, and are a man's property now.

Uh, this. I have seen him on uh Lapeers Morgan show say exactly? Uh, basically argue that uh, yeah, the women are essentially, uh, the property of men Now He's tried to defend this and walk around this a lot, but he pretty much does say this okay. He also thinks rape victims must bear responsibility for their attacks and dates women aged 18 to 19 because he can quote make an imprint on them according to videos posted online. Now some people say that what he means by this is he tries to bring them into the world of social media and monetize them through like basically only fans which is potentially a form of sexual exploitation, especially if you trap somebody whether it's physically or with even the golden handcuffs against their will.

Golden handcuffs of course is a reference to hey, you're gonna go out there and be broke and live on the street unless you basically subject yourself to my organization where we're now going to put you on camera and make you make money and we're going to take a large cut of it, right? Who knows In other Clips The British American kickboxer who poses with fast cars guns and portrays himself as a cigar smoking Playboy talks about hitting and choking women, trashing their belongings and stopping them from going out. Quote: it's bang out the machete, boom in her face and grip her by the neck. Shut up Bee he said in one video acting out how he'd attack a woman if she accused him of cheating and another he describes throwing a woman's things out of the window. In a third, he calls an ex-girlfriend who accused him of hitting her an allegation he denies a dumb H Okay, so I will stop right there and let's get a little bit more now.
Now you have some background here. Okay, you've got what the arguments are on. On the woman's side, You've got what Andrew Tate does to argue that the world and the system is rigged and everything is a scam that the Bitcoin and the internet is is basically allowing us to see the light. And now we get to where because Andrew Tate's popularity.

or maybe his his attention I should say not necessarily popularity, but his attention has started to go down. he's had to start posting a little bit more aggressively. So leading up to what has recently exploded Andrew Tate in the eyes of many on social media and the internet is kind of the run-of-the-mill every day quote-unquote Top: G Stuff where you see him driving a very nice car driving up to a rented uh, or chartered basically private jet. this is very normal.

so you see him getting out of again, a car that costs four hundred thousand dollars which potentially is also rented and I'm not trying to bag on I'm just saying like if you're in a foreign country, you can rent these. although he does claim to own somewhere on 30 vehicles. Uh and uh, you know, here you go: you've got the jet X which is a chartering company for private planes and you can fly these pretty inexpensively. If you go short distances, you have someone else carry your bag for you.

It's actually something that's really incredible If you, if you want to make a really good marketing video, you just take a private jet and you fly it like 15 minutes somewhere. Now that sounds crazy, but you generally get charged by the billable hour with planes plus some taxi and Landing times. So if you take a very, very short flight, you can get your Clips done on the plane, you can take off on the plane. You can do everything on the plane and make it seem like oh yeah, you live in that really expensive lifestyle without actually spending a lot of money Now I Know a thing or two about Jets because I personally just bought a 13 million dollar private jet uh, which is strictly for business purposes and you can watch my other videos on that.
but I'm just trying to provide that insight into you like this is, it's very common on social media for people to do this to to either buy very very old planes uh, that don't actually fly or uh, Charter Jets as sort of a marketing piece, right? and this is sort of. The idea is that in between marketing pieces, you get you know, some inspirational quotes or some agitating quotes. whatever. Uh, you know.

here's some images of of Andrew Tate you know, basically dressing up as the quote-unquote top G Okay, so what caused a lot of issues for Andrew Tate recently? Well, it was the following: He decided to quote Unquote, Poke the Bear the Bear in this case being Greta Thurnberg. Uh, this is your 19 year old climate activist who went viral about three years ago when uh, at the United Nations uh she made a very impassioned speech about climate change. Anyway, so he writes her I could not find any evidence that she was provoking him. Who knows, maybe there was an interview comment or something.

But anyway, Andrew Tate writes hello Greta Vanberg I have 33 cars. My Bugatti has a W 8 liter quad turbo. My two Ferrari 8 to 12 have an is have a 6.5 liter V12 engine in each of them. This is just the start.

Please provide your email address. so I could send a complete list of my car collection and their respective enormous emissions. Here's a post photo of him in what appears to be Romania which that actually becomes very important in just a moment. So Greta actually replies to this.

Well first he replies to himself with sort of this meme clip here of saying things like I shouldn't be up here Meanwhile, uh, clips of of racing Vehicles different rented Jets he's laughing at her saying you've stolen my dreams and here we go into more chartered Jets and rented jet skis. Uh, okay, all right, so we got that out of the way. No electric car comment over here Ross Gerber replying my Tesla plaid will kick the crap out of all of your cars and then drive itself home. no gas required.

Okay, so Greta actually ends up responding to this And this is where things get interesting because Greta ends up nailing the 25th most popular tweet to break the internet. Take a look at this Yes, please. Do enlighten me. email me at Smalldickenergy at Now this basically broke the internet because this was essentially deemed the biggest Burn by Greta of Andrew Tate Now Andrew Tate ends up responding to this with a video.

Now, the video is not so important, but it shows him in essentially a bathrobe and likely little else and this image here of Jerry's Pizza Which this becomes very important because apparently Jerry's Pizza is a Romanian Pizza brand and shortly after this post, Andrew Tate was arrested. All right, let's listen in. Controversial internet personality: Angie Tate has been detained in Romania The former professional kickboxer has been accused of human trafficking, rape, and forming an organized crime group. He was detained along with his brother Tristan and two other Romanian Suspects in a statement Romanian Prosecutors said quote: the four suspects appear to have created an organized crime group with the purpose of recruiting housing and exploiting women by forcing them to create pornographic content meant to be seen on Specialized websites for a cost.
Prosecutors said they had found six women who had been sexually exploited by the suspects. Tate has been banned from many social media platforms for misogynistic comments and hate speech. Previously said women are partially responsible for being raped and that they belong to men. Earlier this week, he was told to get a life by the climate activist.

Greta Sundberg After he boasted to her that he owned 33 cars with quote enormous admissions, the Tate Brothers have been under criminal investigation since April They declined to comment, but their law confirmed they had been detained. Okay, all right so there you have a really good summary of essentially this detention. Remember, he was a Um for well, he is a former professional kickboxer. Him and his brother were detained allegedly potentially up to uh, four individuals.

Uh, there it's It's unclear whether or not he has been released from jail although uh, they're uh, you know he has tweeted since his arrest which what's very interesting about that is some folks say oh, he must have already been released uh However, the Romanian police say no other people have control of his account on her posting. I Personally wouldn't be surprised if he has a lot of editors who do Post content for him, so that doesn't surprise me. I don't think he is is putting out every single piece of content. There's just so much of it.

there's so much so. we do have some things to unpackage though after this. for example. here is a post by Patrick Bet David I went on his podcast when I ran for governor I didn't actually go very well the podcast but uh, you know what? I tried my best uh that I did run for Cal uh governor in California I tried getting that Gavin Newsome eye out but anyway, uh so Patrick fed David you know I like the guy I think he's great I I Want to break down this comment here here.

He says I don't know exactly the details of the Entertainer rest but here's what I do know a day after he publicly calls out one of the Wokes heroes, they raid his place. strange timing. Meanwhile, they haven't arrested anyone from uh Epstein's you know Island So okay, this is an interesting argument that's basically saying Greta is a definition of the Woke left and Andrew Tate sent out a little attack you know, a playful attack and all of a sudden he's arrested. Ah, Okay, so after the Twitter files I understand the conspiratorial angle of a lot of things on the internet.
I Get it? Uh, I Personally think this investigation is not and that raid we saw is not something that could have been put together in two days because the Romanian police saw a pizza box. Even when you land on a private jet, you still have to check in through customs. you have to show your passport you get scanned in I Really doubt a pizza box and his tweet led to this uh, that does seem like very convenient timing though. Is it possible? Is it possible that the arrest was maybe scheduled for in the future and it was moved up because of this? That in my opinion is probably the furthest I'd go? but who knows I don't even know if that's likely.

Anyway, it's interesting and obviously it gets a lot of attention because again, this is an example of saying things that people are going to believe and it certainly raises some eyebrows. You can't argue that after all Patrick but David responds and says look, Andrew Tate is loud. He pushes the envelope true, true, he frustrates the left. true, He points out hypocrisy true.

uh. although there's there's some cases where people will say that he is hypocrite himself. uh, he's duplicating young men to also do the same thing. I'm not sure that's necessarily a good thing.

Some of the that everybody should aspire to do exactly what Andrew Tate does. especially. we'll see what these allegations are, but he does. You know Patrick But David does argue that.

Look, you know you are innocent until proven guilty because if he did commit a crime, the proper agencies will do what they need to do. I Think this is fair. I Think the rule of law is extremely important and I will say generally on the internet when somebody is arrested, there's the assumption that they are are guilty before they're proven innocent and unfortunately, that's uh, that's something that everybody should should respect. Is that allegations uh, don't necessarily mean that you're guilty, right? and I think that's very, very important.

Of course everybody will make their own opinions. Of course. Top G is trending all over the internet right now and uh, there are some interesting Clips where Andrew Tate potentially predicts sort of his own arrest. Although it's it's very interesting because it does make you wonder.

did you know this was on its way and then you were kind of planting the seeds knowing that people would easily pick up on your videos saying ah, this is why they got him I Don't you know it's it's the the perfect marketing strategy. It's like playing 4D chess except you're playing it with your own freedom. There we go. Let's see multiple occasions of trying to sign contracts and offer me a bunch of money to shut up and agree to this and agree to that and I won't do it.

So now they're sitting there going Okay, there's this person with massive influence and perhaps the most influential man in the world. We've offered him to sell his soul so we can control him. He won't do it. He can influence things massively.
He is A. He is a wild card. What do we do about this person? We sit and go Okay, well accusing for something. If that doesn't work, then it's like oops, car crash I Don't know I hope I'm going to balance it just right and I'm Gonna Save the World and awaken people from The Matrix and stay breathing as long as possible I Mean you have to give him credit, it's A It's such a perfect perfect video that starts trending right after you get arrested.

It's like okay, him with the signing contracts. My assumption is these are marketing contracts from businesses who want to sell products to his audience. but the contracts say hey, look, we're only gonna do this deal if you shut the F up about certain comments and you don't make certain comments that might be deemed let's say misogynistic right That that is an example of of essentially a business form of censorship in exchange for money. and he's saying I'm not going to do that I'm not gonna sell my soul which is really powerful.

Very very powerful statement. You have to give them that great marketing piece whether it's true or not it comes across as top. G Then of course the uh you know suggestion that uh look and if that doesn't work, they'll either arrest you and you know, accuse you of something or they'll kill you. And he was just the rest.

So I don't know I want to know what you think Now if you are curious. I do have my own programs on building your wealth link down below and one of those programs did take inspiration from Andrew Tate's uh name his Andrew Tates uh course uh is Hustlers University 2.0 uh I have won my own that is called Elite Hustlers University uh and again I This is not to compete I Think that everybody should just like reading books, share the perspectives and opinions of others. If you're more interested in what I talked about regarding real estate, do check out the Zero to Millionaire Real Estate Investing course linked down below and let me know if you'd like me to do an unbiased review as much as that is possible since I am providing you my biases about uh Andrew Tate's programs in the comments down below. Thank you so much for watching and good luck.

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32 thoughts on “Top g misogynist andrew tate *arrested* attacked the left.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim in Michigan says:

    Love how this Tate clown tried to own Greta and instead gave authorities enough info on his location to find him. Just perfect.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Garcia says:

    Compare the potential value you may receive from Andrew Tate’s program and your own

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lyle Burlingame says:

    Kevin getting high numbers off Tates name in this vid. Worthless news

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Obsidian says:

    I really don't care if people want to follow any person if they want to however I do think anyone advertising as a "life coach" or selling courses or anything like that needs to be treated as a business person and their advice needs to be looked into more than what they say on YouTube. If people found his advice useful there's nothing wrong with that but I do think people need to be given full disclosure on who someone is before receiving advice especially if they're selling you a course or advice (legal or otherwise) of any kind

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Ritchie says:

    Yes please review hustler university

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Sinclair says:

    Cue the Andrew Tate simps on this thread…. Pathetic

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Jonez says:

    I have learnt that you ..aka. ..the presenter is a simp!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vincent Panettiere says:

    No one should be debating that this is bull shit. He has chicks doing only fans and he gets a cut? Okay he blows their only fans up significantly more then they would have so they are contacting him for this clearly. A million people are doing that. But In some countries that’s looked at as illegal. Grey area. Exploited. Simple

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kreteman 777 says:

    For starters. He wasn't arrested. Just detained. And let go quickly after the authorities quickly figured out it was bullshit.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Kondiah says:

    Kevin I love the addition of controversial topics you cover! Without thrush and freedom we all lose. Free the Top G

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg says:

    Yes review his programs! I’ve been curious if he’s legit or just a criminal apparently lol

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg says:

    Not your average legal charge there lol

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Samuel MontyPython says:

    What's a good location, or state rather, to invest in real estate long-term though? I'm just worried that once I finally own several homes, COVID 3.0 will enable more eviction moratoriums in the future. We've all heard the horror stories about people not being able to get kicked out and in some cases, owners losing the homes to banks because they couldn't afford multiple mortgages without rental income. That's about the only thing that's keeping me from pulling the trigger on owning more than one home.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Partain says:

    For real. You’re going to put “misogynist” in quotes and defend this guys reputation. He was arrested for rape and sex trafficking. Not sure how you get more misogynistic than that. The fact that you’re defending this guy is disgusting. Doubling disgusting if you’re doing it for the controversy of it encouraging views and engagement. Dear lord man, remain respectable.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Be True To Yourself says:

    Kevin do not support or bring attention to this scumbag

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Martin says:

    Yes, review🙂

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John says:

    They arrested Tate and let him go the next day but they can't do anything with the list of Epstein clients that they literally hold in their hands? It's obvious they arrested him because of his political beliefs and willingness to speak out against the government.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John says:

    Greta Thunberg is a pawn for the fascist democratic agenda. They're full of lies so they use children, people of color and gay people to push their lies so that they can call you an asshole for calling out a child on their lies, or racist or homophobic etc just for stating the truth.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonas Britto says:

    What an awesome awesome n thorough n enjoyable review video on a non markets n real estate topic… you should do more of this K.. 7 of us watched this at home and just loved it… NAILED it.. btw that Andrew is mental.. n clearly has issues

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Beez Budz says:

    YouTube is a platform for thugs and criminals released from prison lol. Your a loser if you need YouTube! Oh and a lazy ass have a happy new year losers! 😆 🤣 😂

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Learn Progress says:

    Gov just as bad

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carmine says:

    I find it funny that the pizza box tipped the police off to his whereabouts. How did they collect or know anything about the crimes he committed if they didn't know where he was to start off? Am I supposed to have faith in this police force's investigation?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veronica Davidson says:

    Did you like, what you see boo boo, or saw sweet pea, I know you did, a lot where that came from love, like I said, you belong to Veronica, you know that don't you boo boo forevermore sweetness sweet pea Pooh Bear guarding her cub alone always my love, right back at you love!🎆🎇✨🎉🎎🎑🎀🎗This is a brand New year for you and I sweet pea, or us it, it's up to you boo boo, the ball is in your court sweet pea, make it personal, cause otherwise I will be ready to let you go, no pun intended cara Mia, Really though boo! 🎆🎇✨🎉🎎🎑🎀🎗

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruce Banks says:

    Reviewing his content would be a waste of time of he's an actual sex offender.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Relaxation Pure says:

    U must be a huge andrew tate fan naming your coarse after his

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruce Banks says:

    Anybody who ties their way of life to celebrity is a weirdo.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Meeseeks says:

    He’s making a lot of sense sadly ….

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cochino100 Cochino100 says:

    You have to play his whole context to understand what he is saying. Taking clips from what comes out of his mouth is the same the left media does to people with a different agenda. He speaks the truth about women and money. He is not talking about all women. Women that dress like a ho deserves what she gets. It's the truth. Not sure what is controversial about that.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shawn Aning says:

    I would like to hear your perspective on Tates course, not that I am a buyer.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Schmidt says:

    Click bait

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Schmidt says:

    Be sure to always fact check Kevin. He rarely speaks any truth.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars i HopE says:

    yes review andrew tates programs!! I am curious if he is a big phony or if he is legit i have friends who like him but i am not so sure if he is a con man…

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