We got some great news with regard to the next stimulus check-update. So the republicans FINALLY unveiled the second stimulus package proposal.
No this is not the Heroes Act, the CARES Act, or The Cares act number 2. This is called the HEALS Act which stands for the
Now whats included in the HEALS act is the second rounds of $1200 stimulus checks to Americans.
All of last week we received confirmation on this and now we finally have it in the GOP legislation.
This includes The House, The Senate, Democrats, Republicans & Even the President.
The second round of direct economic relief payments will be at around $1200 for single filers and $2400 for eligible joint filers.
Now we had a lot of issues with full-grown adults listed as a dependent in the first round that never got stimulus checks. This time Mitch McConnell specifically stated that the HEALS will provide MORE SUPPORT for those adult dependents.
The Republican proposal also mirrored the $75,000 single filer cap as well as the $150,000 joint filers cap.
This is REALLY good news because McConnell was pressed on the idea that the stimulus payment cap would be at $40,000 so its good to hear that they reasoned toward a bigger for the people.
Now they actually made the demographic eligibility much better than before.
This time they are looking to provide more support for college students and dependents regardless of age. Previously the first round of payments provided $500 to dependents but they had to have been under 17 years old.
So that weird adulthood gap where a teen is transitioning into a young adult. They are looking to include that demographic.
If we reflect on the situation and look back a few months GOP leaders were in UNIFIED DISAGREEMENT for stimulus checks to the people, but now we are seeing it included in their legislation.
I wonder if its because they are hearing the outcry's from the people or if its because there is still a surge in cases and a worse economic outlook.
Comment below what your theory may be on why Republican leaders made such a hard pivot on the stance with these checks.
Well over the next few weeks Republicans and Democrats need to compromise on the legislation that we have on the table.
Just because we have a second stimulus check in the HEALS act does not guarantee that it will come to fruition in the final bill that is ultimately passed and signed into law.
The HEROES Act and the HEALS ACT need to meet in the middle for us to finally get some type of payment.
Let me know your thoughts down below. Hit that like button if you enjoyed this video.
Much love to my people.
See yall in the next one.
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Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Brian Jung does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.
#Stimulus #HealsAct #StimulusUpdate
Comment "We Eat Soon" Down Below If You Are Reading This.

Finally, we got some great news with regards to the second stimulus jack. I hope this isn't the fourth stimulus check video you're watching today, but if it is, i just want to say thank you all so much for tuning by another video. All of my supporters. You guys are insane whatever you all want to call yourself: jungie nation, jungie clan.

I love all my supporters and even the ones that just uh just watch for the info for this video. Let's see if we can do something crazy, like getting 10 000 likes on this video, if we get 10 000 likes on this, video that'll mean so much to me and maybe as a treat when the actual stimulus check comes out. We'll do like a video where, like maybe i'll, do it shirtless or something because i got like a, i would say like one to three percent of people that are always just asking. If i do that, you know it's not i'm flattered by it, but um yeah.

Maybe if i tease that we'll get some more likes on this video, so yeah don't forget to drop a like on this video. So, let's get straight to the point: here's what we know the republicans finally released and unveiled the next stimulus package and alongside that we got the 1200 stimulus check. So what we're going to do in today's video is break this down. We're going to talk about.

What's included who's included dependents? Are they in what about college students? When is this going to pass, and what do we need to see next in order for us to get money into our pocket? So let's talk about all the details coming up, i don't know why. I did that, like i don't know why i did that like a news agency. So, first of all, this is not the hero's act. This is not the keras act, nor is this the karazak2.

This is actually called the heels act. The heels act stands for the health, economic assistance, liability protection and schools. Now i i think someone messed up, because if it's health economic assistance liability protection in schools, it should be called the helps act or the the helps act. It's definitely not the heels act because there's obviously a p for protection in there, but you know whatever we're gon na go with it.

It sounds cool. It matches the theme that we've seen all year. Let's just go with it now, what's included, like i mentioned in the heels act, is going to be that 1200 stimulus check and the reason why this is so significant is because earlier in the few months that we've heard debates on whether or not a second stimulus Package will get passed. We were having so much confidence from the republicans that a second stimulus check would not have gone past.

I'm not sure if it's because of rising cases, i'm not sure if it's, because all the people commenting on these youtube videos - and maybe they take a peek and they realize people really need stimulus checks. Whatever the reason is, there are now full support for these next stimulus checks. Now it's not just republicans anymore. It's the republicans.

It's the democrats, the house, it's the senate, it's even our president, who is all in favor for the next stimulus check, and this is really good news, so brian, how much money are we talking? Well, we're looking at this amount to be twelve hundred dollars, just like the last one. The income requirement is not going to be forty thousand dollars, like the republicans, were saying earlier this week. A lot of the income requirements that we're getting for the second stimulus check is gon na reflect the first stimulus check that we received with the cares act except they're gon na loosen up a lot of the restrictions with dependents, and even people who are college students. So, let's talk more about that technically, if you have a family of four in a regular single-family household and you are filing joint you're getting 2400 right there and say as an example, you have two children that are listed as dependent.
They would also be getting an additional 500, so in total you could be receiving up to 3 400, which is the similar amount that you received in the last one. We haven't heard full details on what that support is gon na be for those dependent people listed for those stimulus checks, but we're hoping that they're just gon na open up the gates on it in order for more people to be eligible for the full amount. It's really that weird adulthood gap, i would say, when you're transitioning from high school over to college into maybe your young adult professional life. Some of these people are still listed as dependent.

Some of these people don't have high incomes and some of these people don't even make enough to file for taxes. So it's this large, weird demographic of people right in the middle of that and that's who they're really trying to focus on because they realize that everyone is still getting affected by this pandemic. I do fully agree with that. I feel, like the pie, is still big enough for everyone to be getting these type of stimulus check payments regardless of age.

Now i want you guys to comment down below right now. Let me know why you think republican leaders were able to make such a hard pivot compared to the previous months with them saying: oh, we're not getting a stimulus check, we're not gon na the people, don't need that we have too much debt. What do you think? The cause of this strong pivot was actually about. What do you think it was just politics? Do you think it's because we're seeing an increase in cases or do you think they're actually hearing people crying and people in support for the checks? Let me know what your theories are down below, so, although this is really good news and we're progressing towards actual payments within our bank account what comes next, because this isn't the end-all be-all.

Just because this happens doesn't mean we're instantly gon na get the stimulus checks tomorrow or the day after that. Frankly, just because this has happened, it doesn't guarantee that anything is actually gon na pass at all. We still need to make a couple more things happen in order for people to start receiving any type of stimulus check payments for the year of 2020.. So what we need now is democrats with their version of the heroes act that they talked about two months ago and now the republicans new version of the heels act they got ta just come together, make some type of negotiations.
They got ta merge, they got a fusion whatever they got ta do, but they need to come into some agreement talking about things that they wan na put in and that they wan na pull out. Now, although you know it's all about whether you're left or right, you're blue you're, red whatever it is, we are still talking about help for the people at the end of the day. The good news i would say is that, regardless of the debate that is going on, everyone is in full favor that people need extra economic relief payments, aka stimulus checks. So what we know now is that both parties can finally get to the negotiation phase.

We have both people at the table. Now. It's not just democrats sitting there waiting for something to happen. We have both legislations.

They must negotiate now before august 7th. In order for us to see something get passed in a timely manner by the chance they go past. The august 7th date: what will happen is they will go into another recess which will further prolong the date for them to come to an agreement and, ultimately people receiving any type of support from the government. I really hope our leaders will be able to come together and meet in that middle.

I really hope they're able to come together past something, hopefully the estimated date is gon na be at the end of august around september. If we're gon na be optimistic, so i would say first week of september, is something that we're looking at. Most people are gon na say like third fourth week of august, but i understand how long it actually takes a lot of our politicians to come to an agreement. I know how long it takes for them to actually send out these payments and all the little glitches and bugs that irs.gov is going to experience all of a sudden once again with all the people coming in.

So regardless what happens? I'm shooting for the expected date at the end of august, so another full month. So if you're someone who's struggling right now, if you're, really just getting by make sure that you look into all the additional programs that the government has, whether it's unemployment benefits, whether it's food stamps we're gon na see additional support from the government. That may actually come a lot sooner than the official stimulus checks delivery. So hopefully this video was able to provide you guys some type of value.

Thank you all so much for tuning by another video. Thank you all so much for the support don't forget to drop a like on this video. If you have not yet already takes about two three seconds, just tap that little button right there and that really does support the channel out. Let me know your thoughts down below hit that like button and hopefully i'll see you guys in the next one peace out.

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where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

28 thoughts on “Second stimulus check officially confirmed in the heals new act”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patricia Weaver says:

    And then we should vote the whole Congress out and start fresh with young blood in there folks that cant be bought how about that

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patricia Weaver says:

    Look people got smart called their congressmen and said do something or i am not voting for you period they drag their feet cause they don't give a fig

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ken Riley says:

    You can't put it out there that second stimulus checks confirm because it ain't in her bank yet

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ina says:

    I agree with Jedidiah that essential workers should be getting hazard pay. I work in the SNF and never received anything at all. It's hard work to wear those gown, N95 mask, goggles and gloves and treating patients with covid. We are putting ourselves at risk and our family. I had to shower everyday when I get back home and strip in the garage.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Allegra Salazar says:

    People married to undocumented immigrants didn't qualify for the last one . Any idea if they will be included on this one?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jorge sanjines says:

    People who suffer with this ugly disease they should get paid and compensated because our government failed to protect the people of the United States of America

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 64-bit Crypto says:

    How about the scrote punch act because by the time I have kids they will already have money taken from them in the future

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Marotta says:

    What stimulus check, I never got my fist one, and I’m on SSDI.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ayeisha C says:

    I have still never received 1st check so don’t hope for a second check. Since irs hasn’t approved anything I’m screwed missing that much needed 1200 because they are not opening mail and approving filed taxes. This sucks.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doris V says:

    We eat soon. At least I hope so…lol. I'll believe it when I see it in my acct.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeffrey Morgan says:

    I guess you enjoy bringing people up just to be shot down. 600 confirmed. Bullshit

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pondu11 says:

    I love your thumbnail nice picture 😊 And thanks for all the info you share!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Color Journey with Kelly says:

    As of this moment, the House is still arguing on the Hill and nothing has been signed. So far, the Democrats have rejected 4 proposals with no counter proposal. So…..Not looking for anything too soon.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mike franco says:

    You think they will retro back June and July, or you think they held out till August so they didn’t have to pay for June and July?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marie Pereira says:

    Damn right everybody needs a piece of that pie ha ha Ha

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kathy Dodge says:

    I have watched other videos on this subject, but I love watching you more… My partner listen to you everyday. Thank you

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deb Morgan says:

    Re-elections is their MO not empathy for our economic suffering

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul says:

    Last stimulus check from what the Republican say…….i think it will not be the last…….. We will see winter is coming

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ver Na says:

    Your funny and give your videos flavor….I just found my new updater lol.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TikkiMeek says:

    so if you owe child support you just roll over and die?! i dont understand

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adrien Sedillot says:

    Why more stimulus, just because Trump wants to be re-elected

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jurassicsushi says:

    I'm still waiting on the first one. on Disability with direct deposit & I make less than 13500 a year.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Divamarvalous O'Neal says:

    I subscribed because you said you would take your shirt off. πŸ˜‚

    Sooooo don't let me down

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wesley Philips says:

    It is the election that has caused them to fear losing in November! Trump down in the polls, health case increases, unemployment going up. No V-shaped recovery.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lynda Gerdelmann says:

    If you filed for the last stimulus are you gonna have to file again or will you automatically get it again?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yonnah Owens says:

    The strong pivot mainly has to do with the fact that the election is near and the republicans see that their administration is in jeopardy of losing. Now it seems that they will do whatever to appeal to voters. Let’s be honest… these people had no care in the world that the country was in need of a new stimulus check and money to simply live. The first round mainly handed billions to big business and then the population got the leftovers, with there being backlash because more people are now unemployed and have no job to return to. Too much to say… I’ll stop here.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donna Frazier says:

    Thanks for for the information people are on their last leg. Can they just help the people.😭πŸ˜ͺ.😳😳😞😞

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Denny says:

    I would rather get a weekly amount than a one time lump sum.

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