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Lets talk about this headline that just recently came up: A perfect financial storm is brewing and it is worse than 2008.
One, this article mentioned that we have the Eviction Protections ending the week of July 24th - meaning that landlords will now be able to pursue evictions from tenants who have not paid their rent.
The most likely TRUTH behind all of this is…coming from the prospective of a landlord…is that, realistically, there’s NOT going to be a huge wave of mass evictions like every article is talking about. I’d venture to say that most states will have protections and resources in place for tenants NOT to all be evicted at once, AND - I’d bet most landlords would want to work with any tenant who’s willing to structure a re-payment plan. If that option becomes available, TECHNICALLY…tenants would have even more time to catch up on missed payments before being evicted, so even if they know they can’t pay in the future…it’ll buy them time.
Two, the other issue is the unemployment benefit of $600 per week potentially ending.
THE BRIGHT SIDE is that it looks UNLIKELY that the unemployment benefit is going to be COMPLETELY going away down to $0. This is probably going to need to be something that’s slowly weened off and reduced over time as the economy begins re-opening, and perhaps within 6-12 months, the whole thing will go away…but, for now, I do think it’s important to continue to some degree, and that looks to be the case.
Third…we also have the FORECLOSURE CRISIS…meaning, home owners are behind on their payments, they’re in temporary forbearance, and once that pause period is up - lenders can foreclose and take back the home.
Yes, this IS something of concern - but, the numbers behind it aren’t quite as alarming. Federally backed mortgages have given home owners the option to temporarily pause their housing payment for up to 180 days, with the option to EXTEND AN ADDITIONAL 180 days if needed…so, a year SHOULD be sufficient time for home owners to restructure their loans and make up for missed payments at a later date, if need be. And, according to the research…the number of loans in forbearance has actually been DECREASING recently, down to 7.8% according to the Mortgage Bankers Association.
ALL OF THAT, COMBINED…is what’s going to lead us into a perfect storm, WORSE than 2008…according to CNBC…and, I have to say, as a total investing amateur who just makes video like this in a bedroom of my house and asks way too much for likes…I would say the biggest elephant in the room, isn’t necessarily what we just mentioned here….but, instead, how long our economy takes to re-open, how many jobs comes back, and how freely people begin spending money again.
So, overall - we have quite a lot going on right now, but headlines saying “this is a perfect storm” is a little exaggerated…yes, there are some serious concerns out there, that hinges on unemployment being extended…BUT, the likelihood of this actually all happening at once is very slim, and I think we’ll know by the end of this week whether or not the next stimulus package address these issues.
For business or one-on-one real estate investing/real estate agent consulting inquiries, you can reach me at GrahamStephanBusiness @gmail.com
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

What's up you guys, it's graham here, so if you watch my videos for a while, you'll know that every now and then i love to scour through the headlines and pick the ones that really stand out the most and lead to some really interesting discoveries. And today is one of those days because we potentially got the worst financial storm brewing since 2008, and that is worth talking about like it's no surprise, our entire financial markets have been quite the unpredictable wild ride. Over the last few months, we've had some of our single worst point drops in history, followed by some of the largest point gains in history and between that and betting. Whether or not tesla is going to achieve profitability.

This quarter and be included in the s p. 500, which, by the way they are profitable - and that means they might now be included in the s p 500, which we'll talk about towards the end of the video, but anyway, there's a lot to keep track of. If you want to invest and grow your money and, most importantly, not invest the wrong way right before the perfect financial storm, that's worse in 2008.! So, let's cover exactly what's going on how serious this could become, what this means for you and how you could use this information to potentially invest, because i promise for most people watching this is going to impact you in one way or another, so sit back, relax And uh the youtube algorithm by the way is standing right behind the camera, just waving its hands. For me to say this, it wants me to ask you to smash the like button for the youtube algorithm.

It's noticed that too many people leave the like button. Unliked - and that makes it and me very sad, but once that's out of the way and the like button is blue - we could begin with a video okay. So let's get into this and talk about this headline that just came up, it says a perfect financial storm is brewing and it's worse than 2008.. Now, usually i'll read articles like this and just immediately dismiss them as some random prediction of nonsense.

After all, a broken clock is right twice a day, but this one is a bit different because it points to some very serious and legitimate concerns that everyone should be made aware of. Like i mentioned this, one will impact you now. This article mentions a whole bunch of things that are all happening at the exact same time. So, let's just start right here we're going to be starting with the eviction protections that are ending the week of july 24th, meaning that landlords are now able to pursue evictions on tenants who have not paid the rent.

The concern is that, when this happens, it could potentially lead to mass homelessness, as 28 million people lose their place to live and that'll cause a real estate collapse, as all of these empty units begin flooding the market see. Prior to this, there was a temporary eviction. Freeze that would prevent landlords from evicting tenants who stopped paying their rent due to the illness, but that freeze was only meant to be temporary until the economy begins. Reopening again and people begin going back to work and now, with the economy still closed down.
The worry is that evictions are fair game for landlords who want to kick out their tenants and start getting rent. So how much of a concern is this really? Well, it really depends on where you live and what measures are put in place for tenants. Some states, like new york, passed a tenant safe, harbor act which prevents tenants from being evicted who have been impacted by the illness. Other states, like california, are potentially allowing their tenants to defer their missed rental payments for up to 12 months, and many other states are using the stimulus money to set up tenant relief funds and i think, the most likely truth behind all of this.

Coming from the perspective of a landlord, is that realistically, we're not going to see a mass wave of evictions like this article is mentioning. I would venture to say that most states would have protections and resources in place to prevent all tenants from being evicted at the exact same time, and i would bet most landlords would be more than happy to work out some sort of payment plan with their tenants To make up on missed, rent and also legally, the eviction process is time consuming. It's not like the landlord could just file for eviction on monday and then all of a sudden you're kicked out on friday. Realistically, in most scenarios, it takes at least a month to go through the eviction process and, if there's a big backlog of tenants that are all being evicted at the exact same time, then i have a feeling.

It's probably gon na be more like a two to four month. Eviction process. Oh, and also, i have no idea where they're getting this 28 million people figure from that's almost 10 of the entire u.s population, and that assumes that one out of every 10 people is renting and they're behind on their payments, which, how is that possible? Like a harvard study found that there were 43 million renters in the united states, so saying 28 million people would imply that more than half of renters out there are going to be evicted. The national multifamily housing council also found that 91.3 percent of tenants paid the rent in full for the month of july, which, by the way, is only two percent lower than the previous year.

So, needless to say, even though it is a concern for landlords and tenants and it's a horrible situation to be in for everybody involved, i don't think it's anywhere as severe as these articles are talking about, especially this one that says 28 million people. Now we have another issue that i've been talking about here for the last few months, and a lot of our economy hinges on what happens with this, and that's the unemployment benefit of 600 a week. That's set to expire in the next few days as it is now. The cares act gives an extra 600 per week.
Unemployment boost on top of the normal unemployment benefit until july 31st. However, this was not meant to last indefinitely and it was supposed to be an amount that would incentivize people to stay home and then not worry about making less money. The concern right now is that obviously our economy has not fully reopened yet a lot of people are out of work and discontinuing this unemployment benefit would cut off the lifeline, for so many people who really rely on that money. This was also warned by the credit card ceo or in other words the ceo of synchrony financial, and she said dark times are ahead.

If the unemployment benefit is not extended, she cautions that so many credit cards, auto loans and mortgages are temporarily in forbearance, and those payments being made really rely on the unemployment coming in for people who are out of work. However, the bright side, at least, is that it does not look likely that the unemployment benefit is going to be cut out entirely down to zero dollars after july 31st. Even though nothing has been decided yet - and nothing is concrete, i'll - be sure to do another stimulus update video at some point in the future to go over all the details, although, as it stands right now, the president did say that the unemployment benefits will be extended. Although it looks like it's going to be a smaller amount, he said that we're doing it again, they're thinking about doing 70 of the amount.

So if i were to guess, what's gon na happen, it's most likely going to be reduced from 600, maybe down to 400 to 450 and then reduced even further after that. This is something that's probably going to need to be weaned off of over time, as the economy begins, reopening and people get back to work and then maybe within 6 to 12 months. The whole thing is done with all together, but as of now it does look like this will be continued to some degree, at least for a little bit longer. So it's not exactly the perfect storm like 2008, but it could be if the unemployment benefits just suddenly stopped out of nowhere and went down to zero.

After that, we also have the foreclosure crisis, meaning that home owners are behind in their payments, because they've asked for mortgage forbearance and once that period is up, if they're not able to negotiate with the lender, the lender is able to foreclose on them and take back The property - i guess this is something of concern, but the actual numbers behind it are just a little bit less alarming, see federally backed mortgages have given homeowners the option to temporarily pause their payments for 180 days if they've been impacted by the illness, with the option To extend that an additional 180 days so a year should really be more than enough time for a homeowner to renegotiate the payments with a lender and then make up for those payments at a later date, and also according to research. The number of loans in forbearance has actually been decreasing lately down to 7.8. According to the mortgage bankers association, it's still significant, but given how easy it is for anybody to self-certify that they've been impacted by the illness and temporarily pause their payments for up to an entire year. I wouldn't be surprised if some of those homeowners just did that out of caution, because they didn't know what was going to happen versus out of necessity, because they couldn't make the payments, and i have a feeling once that time frame is up a lot of those People are just going to resume their normal housing payments and get back on track and essentially get a no cost place to live for a year and then tack on those payments to the end of the loan.
But all of that combined is what's going to lead us into a perfect storm worse than 2008 according to cnbc, and i have to say, as a total, investing amateur who makes videos like this in a spare bedroom of his house and asks way too much for People to smash the like button - i would say the real elephant in the room is not something that was mentioned here, but instead it's how long our economy takes to reopen, how many people end up going back to work and how people spend money. After all of this begins to subside in the worst case scenario, what ends up happening is that the economy does not reopen unemployment benefits, expire people begin defaulting on their loans. Businesses begin losing their customers that causes the stock market to crash, and everything just goes to. However, to mitigate that, even if the economy doesn't reopen as we plan more money could be printed, benefits could be extended and, at least in the short term, it's not going to cause inflation, because people are not spending any money right now, at least that would keep Things propped up long enough to begin reopening and then at that point people would begin getting back to work and maybe they'll have more discretionary income to spend and that'll get things running along again, as it was somewhat normally and then at that point we might start Seeing inflation, but i think a lot of this depends on continuing the unemployment benefits to some degree and then finding a safe way for people to be able to return back to work.

And i have a feeling this next stimulus package is going to be addressing and taking care of at least some of our short-term concerns. But getting anything passed right now is proving to be quite the dramatic event to say the least. As far as what you could do about all of this susie orman says that you should be saving your money and not spending it or, in other words, pretty much every single video i have made on this channel over the last three and a half years telling You that exact same thing, she also recommends saving up an emergency fund of eight months to hold you over not taking out any money from your 401ks, because those are protected from bankruptcy and to look for new opportunities to make money. Because you should not be counting on your job coming back, i got ta say that's pretty good advice and i agree with it, and those are things you should be doing, regardless of where we are in the economy.
It's just always a good idea to cut back on your spending, save as much money as you can invest consistently and look for new ways to make money. Those are always good financial habits to practice at any time and, of course, the moment you've all been waiting for as promised, we got to talk about tesla because they just recently posted a profit. That's right! This is a really big deal because on paper, they've now met the entire criteria for inclusion within the s p 500, which means all of those index funds that i love and talk about. So much would now hold a small piece of tesla and for every 100 you invest in one of these index funds.

One of those dollars would be invested in our majesty elon musk. Now, obviously, right after this news was released, the price of tesla stock went to about seventeen hundred dollars after hours, and i'm posting this video a few days after this happens. So who knows what the stock price is going to be in the future? But for all you future people out there uh, hopefully tesla's gone up and if not, then maybe i'm buying more and just a reminder to everyone in the future just hit the like button. If you haven't done that in the future anyway, here are the highlights that you need to know for tesla they've reported revenue of just over six billion dollars and a net income of just over 100 million dollars.

This was heavily influenced, of course, by their 428 million dollars of regulatory tax credits. Hmm, we got to talk about that, see here's how that works. The state and federal government will offer tax credits for producing zero emission vehicles, and automakers must abide by a certain criteria. To meet regulatory requirements so there's a minimum that every company must comply with if they want to be within the rules.

Well, anyway, once an automaker has met their minimum requirement, they get to keep the excess credits per car sold and then they have the option to sell those tax credits to other auto manufacturers to meet their minimum requirements. It's like saying: you'll get one dollar for every single trash. You pick up off the ground and you have to pick up at least five pieces of trash, so elon musk goes and picks up a thousand pieces. He keeps five for himself and then he sells the other 995 pieces of trash to other people who just don't feel like picking up any trash that way.

Elon musk gets to make a lot of money. The other car companies don't need to do anything. It could just buy their way out of it, and the net result at the end of the day is that more trash gets picked up. This, in essence, has given tesla profitability during a time where otherwise, they might be losing some money.
But the good news with tesla is that they're not losing as much money as other car companies are right. Now their business only declined four percent year over year, which is really impressive for an automaker. During this entire crisis, it sells a pretty high-end car. They also don't know exactly how much money he made, selling tesla short shorts, and maybe maybe that's why they were profitable.

This year i ordered a few pairs by the way so i'll, let you know as soon as i receive them anyway, it does look very promising that they will be included in the s p 500, but that decision won't be final. Until a committee of nine people meet and then agree on it to be included so until then it's not guaranteed, but it's looking very good. So overall we have a lot going on right now, but the headlines that are saying this is the perfect financial storm. Are a little bit exaggerated? Yes, there are some very serious concerns out there, but the chances of them all happening in their worst case scenario at the exact same time is probably not going to happen, and i also have a feeling by the end of next week.

We're going to have a stimulus package to review that should hopefully address a lot of these concerns, oh and by the way, really important for anyone interested i'm going to be going live on the streaming website. Caffeine. The link is down below in the description from 5 to 6 p.m. Right after this video post the same day with bunny fufu who's, another youtuber and we're going to be talking about personal finance topics, investing and all that good stuff.

So if you guys are interested in joining that the link is down below in the description with all the details, so with that said, you guys thank you so much for watching. I really appreciate it as always make sure to destroy the subscribe button. The like button, the notification bell, feel free to also add me on instagram, i post it pretty much daily. So if you want to be a part of it, there feel free to add me there.

As on my second channel, the gram stefan show i post there every single day - i'm not posting here. So if you want to see a brand new video from me every single day, make sure to add yourself to that. And lastly, if you guys want two free stocks, use the link down below in the description and weeble is going to be giving you two free stocks when you deposit a hundred dollars on the platform with one of the stocks potentially worth all the way up to 1. 400.

So if you want these, two free stocks use the link down below. Let me know which two free stocks you get. Thank you so much for watching and until next time.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

35 thoughts on “The economic collapse of 2020 | what you must know”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J S says:

    Too young to retire and too old to start over at minimum wage. Just ride it out to the bottom of the market and don't sell

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corey Barker says:

    The figures not taken into account is how significantly less money people who do have jobs and businesses are making. Hes right about things interworking at the same time but only talks about a few bands on the outside of the rubber band ball. Income distribution trends given current economic circumstances are a significant alarm for incoming economic downturn in 2021.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars free daemon says:

    Tesla is not a car company. At all. That's just a side hustle. It's an energy company. Dyor.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Morris says:

    It is necessary to collapse the US economy to collapse the US military-industrial complex that has an insane stockpile of nuclear weapons. Resources need to be diverted to trying to solve Fukushima Dai'ichi accident that is otherwise an extinction level event, leaching dangerous nuclear radioactive contamination into the Pacific Ocean century after century, long after Wall Street has faded away and been forgotten. The USA has had a debt-driven bubble economy for years, namely a totally unsustainable consumerism without aim or purpose. Contemporary US society is dissipated and aimless. A new direction for societal values is needed, respecting the biosphere. There is no planet B.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Plank says:

    Where did this guy come from. What’s he trying to sell? GET A LIFE! Come out of your hole and get a job, smell the roses and enjoy life.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ivan Castellanos says:

    Bruh i wasted 13 minutes of my life. this was meant to help with hw but you didnt cover much.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars marv hedrick says:

    With the Fed sending $3 Trillion per month into banks and Instit. Funds and Gov Bonds – the stock market won't collapse, BUT corp jobs, profits, prosperity, and Gov. control will all slowly spiral DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN then a Collapse will come in ONE DAY!!!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars peter hansen says:

    Although Bitcoin did face the nasty rejection slightly above $12,000, analysts are still optimistic that the bulls are still in control. Allen Albert noted that as long as BTC holds $10,500 on a weekly time frame, it’s fair to say that the uptrend is intact. Bitcoin was rejected at that price level on three separate rallies: one in October 2019, one in February 2020, and one just a few weeks ago in June. For trading experts this is actually the best time to not just acquire more coins but also to self trade smartly with the aid of professional guide. George’s signals remains unmatch in crypto trading, with his careful guide and supervision I've been able to grow my portfolio to over 8 btc within the space of 4 weeks. Harry can be reached for assistance on WhatsApp*(+13234383202)* or telegram (@georgehesterman) . Bitcoin is still very much unmatched in the crypto world, and its built to stand the test of time.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pavle Pavlovic says:

    Whats going on is that the System or Economy is set so that it has no meaning . ITs meaningless they print money and what money they do print they give it to their friends , corporations and such and everybody else is screwed .
    This is no Economy tho it looks like it . Just like they call the Government System Democracy but they only ask you once in 4 years to chose between 2 ppl , whom both are under their control.
    They call that democracy .
    That is not it , Then they say , oh but you have REspresentatives in the Government let them vote . Yeah well they cant even read the laws so tehy all vote how they are told to vote because its impossible for one man to read all of it in a day or 2 .
    That would be solved with Internet and Block Chain technology but god forbid that . We all know where that would lead . Loss of control , then we would lose our moeny .
    Yes , exactly . So they dont alow it , of course they dont why should they .
    Why? So now we are talking , its about Why should i give you isnt it .
    So we are left with that question , Why.
    And the answer exists , plane and simple . If those ppl were raised good , had a good parant and Moral Education , high Spiritual level .
    They wouldnt even ask Why. Of course so that we can make a better world for us , and for our future our children .
    So there is your Crisis . A bunch of spoleid Kids whos parents stole someones money are now in power , and they are totally Evil .
    So evil they want to kill you all but they cant ,for now , they are working on it slowly not to raise any flags .

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tennessee Tim says:

    A month later no stimulus package! Yikes!!! Everyone I know On unemployment got nothing so far 🙁 since the last stimulus

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathan Smith says:

    These are fun to look back on and see how the predictions panned out.

    Even a month later he’s quite a ways off

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RICKDTR says:

    Good information, you really need to slow down just a bit in spoken word, so we may absorb what you are saying. Thank you.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Asen asenov says:

    All our suffering is coming from our cruel, gready, manipulative, ignorant, and much more government!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IlonaR says:

    You gave me hope kid, I was listening to the wrong people lately and started to panic, I hope you right!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aishak Ghrayeb says:

    One can uncover very good investments that aren’t necessarily pushed or promoted. After doing your due diligence (careful analysis), buy them. This is why I usually advice people who really wanna scale with stocks or are new to trading to seek for professional assistance. I grew my 30k portfolio to over a 100k in few months with help from my financial advisor, Mary Margaret Cartier.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cthornt79 says:

    graham stephan: "as the economy reopens", "everything is ok" "buy stocks", go shopping, take debt, invest in real estate, buy my properties, KEEP ME RICH"

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars westsidesuspensionteam.com says:

    Hello! I hope you do great. I put some money on this FKDNX, FKIQX and VADAX. You think is a good investment?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sir Hultzilop says:

    You are so good looking…. an so smart, sometimes I dont evan understand what you say you make me feel dumb

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Froman Abe says:

    How about some protections for homeowners to stop local government from raising our property taxes?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JoeVSvolcano says:

    NEVER quote *NBC for actual facts. Just saying…

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fx Fx says:

    Saving is important obviously but ironically if everyone held on tightly to their money it would cause economic collapse…

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Suze Diaz says:

    GAH! You know better than to reference Suze Orman!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Nasr says:

    G.S I understand you are trying not to be an alarmist but by not using your intelligence and foresight, having been an entrepreneur and an investor, you are doing people disservice. You know that all of the government induced programs are back stopping a lot of disasters from taking place in the immediate future. With that said, and seeing the economic carnage that is already playing out in real time it is not an exaggeration to foresee the pain ahead. An example of what I am taking about will begin on October 1st. Why October 1st?? Because that is when the first wave of mass lay-offs will begin by giant corporations that accepted Gov. money back in April and May.
    UAL in Houston has already announced to its workers that there will be 80% reduction of the workforce to manage their burn rate starting on Oct. 1st! I know people that work there and they will be booted out from aircraft services to the IT department. In a nut-shell we will be looking at disastrous, pro-longed, levels of unemployment that will result in mass business closures, mass rent defaults (biz & consumers) that will crash commercial and Residential RE when loans are called in due to LTVs…etc. Lets not talk about salary cuts that are happening across the board already, and forget CC charge offs and Auto loan repos and what will happen there. This scenario has already started and will accelerate by Q4 2020. I see 2021-2023 period as being a nightmare for many and the ripple effect will last for many more years to come…I hope am wrong.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johnathan Steve says:

    Online investment has been my first ☝️priority even before this recent Covid-19 pandemic which made a lot of people jobless, however cryptocurrency has gained a lot of investors and trader lately but it is wise not to just invest or trade blindly as this will be a wasted effort in making money. For me, bitcoin trading has been so much successful because i got involved in day trading with a working strategy/daily signals properly backed by a pro trader known as Mr Brent Christopher. Due to personal research on cryptocurrency, i got to discover that if you want to make profits, you need to trade with the insight, skills, and experience of a trader like Mr Brent Christopher, which has been very profitable for me for the past 6 weeks now and in my first month of trading with his strategy, i was able to grow my initials from 1.2btc to 6.8 btc. I have not seen strategies as specific as that of Mr Brent Christopher as his signals are very accurate. I will urge others who are willing to grow a strong portfolio to make use of his accurate and profitable signals now. Mr . Brent Christopher can be contacted

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars random bastid says:

    You talk too fast,its aggravating! Stay off the pipe😂

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank Stephan says:

    I just got into forex trading and just made my first profit I wish I knew about this on time

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ThrowingKnivez7 says:

    Bitcoins time is coming, get it while its still $11k

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Im the best thing since Rice says:

    Sadly theres more financially irresponsible people out there who spend more than what they can afford and now its the ones that are saving that are getting screwed.

    I say let them be homeless and broke so they learn their lesson!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars march angel says:

    The economy is not going to reopen bro. Our time is up. Time to pray. Money won't mean anything.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Hutter says:

    For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3v16

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adventures of the Voyager and Other Sea Stories says:

    I smash the like button every time you say it so i hope you say it an odd number of times🤷🏼‍♂️

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 2uze says:

    But wouldn't printing more money lead to an even worse crash as the dollar will devalue

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Whitehurst says:

    Hey Guys! Graham is such an inspiration to me so I have started my own youtube channel with financial content in Australia!
    Show some support to the avocado toast society and Subscribe!

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sergio Marques says:

    Jesus F**** Christ how many ads can you have in 10 minutes

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ApexCalvin says:

    Please make video about Forex trading on how it works, is it recommended, what type of person Forex is best for, when and why would a business man Forex, long term and short term advantages/disadvantages

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