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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

All right. So here's what I'm thinking for today. Um, I've started in the red in the span of about six minutes earlier I lost five thousand dollars. So the uh, interesting thing today is that this will be a day where uh, potentially I'll be able to display a calm, cool, collected recovery I will try to recoup some of these losses I will only be able to do it if we have some really nice momentum if we have some stocks that open up.

I'm not going to, you know I mean if we don't have anything that opens up and I keep taking stabs at things I can go further into the red, so I have to be careful so this is a good opportunity to remind those tuning in new members. The trading is risky and my results uh, in total are certainly not typical. The result today of being read is perhaps more typical, but as you know, I've been on a pretty nice green stretch here I've had three red days uh, between July 1st and and today today would be the fourth red day. so you know I'm certainly on a nice nice stretch here of consistency and one of the keys to being consistent is being able to be read and to recoup losses without spiraling.

Now, it's certainly possible that there'll be something I see that I I really like and I'll step up to the plate on that. I'll take another loss and so at a certain point I do have to be thinking about. You know, when do I cut my losses and you know, just walk away and call it a red day because that's important as well. So knowing when to, um, you know, knowing when to call it? uh, so that's kind of what I think is, uh, going to be interesting today and probably most relevant starting in the red.

I Did sit down a little early. My first trade was on um, Kprx and on this one. Okay, Krpx, it is, um, a reverse split, which is why it will appear on some Gappers, Kprx, but not on all Gappers depending on your scans. So reverse split this morning.

Float is now less than a million shares. It's a very low float stock and on this candle here it's squeezed up from Seven all the way to 8.50 and I got in with an average of 777.. what ended up happening was all of a sudden the bid disappeared and it dropped right back down to seven and I was. and I ended up stopping out at like 690 for nearly a dollar a share loss.

Even without a big position, it was a pretty big loss a dollar a share. So that got me quick. Um, and then EQ hit the scanner and as it hit the scanner I jumped on it fast. probably a little too fast, looking to sort of quickly recoup that first loss and I bought 10 000 shares at 274.

it went up to 285 and then flushed to 250 and I stopped out around 250.. So then just like that, back to back losses right around 7 45 I was down 5 000 bucks. All right. So I had a little flurry there of trading and then I haven't taken.

Um, you know right now I'm just sort of sitting tight I haven't seen anything else that looks clean. So Now's the Time to kind of regroup and see is something going to reveal itself as being a good opportunity? Maybe maybe. uh. cutting the losses today at minus 5000 will be, um, the right way to do it right? Uh, I'm not sure yet.
it's still early. it's a little too early to call it for the day. you know it's 8 40. there's still a lot of day left.

In terms of daily goal, it's been 5 000 and daily Max loss I don't like to lose more than five thousand. so I'm kind of right at the max loss here. I don't like to lose more than I can make in one good day. So this is me.

kind of like, essentially, uh, pretty close to the ropes. Uh, and one of the reasons that I do that also is just to try to preserve profit. Um, you know when trading is going really well, trying to just stack up as much as I can when it's going not so well. just try to cut those losses quickly.

So my profit on the month of Uh September right now I'm sitting at a hundred and sixteen thousand dollars with 71 accuracy. so you know my profit loss ratio has been great. Today's trades will probably hurt that a little bit, but you know if I lose 5 000 today I'm giving back less than five percent of the month in in one day, that's not bad I like I'm really okay with that. So given the fact that I'm okay with being Red 5000.

uh, now the question is just whether or not it makes sense to keep trading right and the only thing that would warrant continuing to trade is something proving itself as being worthy of trading and we could certainly have something that pops up looks great and I could do quite well on and if I hit my five thousand dollar daily goal on that stock, well, I guess it would bring me back to flat on the day and that would be fine. Um, if I ended up having something that was really great, I could finish the day green. It's not impossible by any means, but we would need something to start to open up. So right now as I'm looking at the scans, obviously EQ is out.

Kprx is still a possibility. Uh, but it's not a it's not a perfect chart but if it starts to get going, if it starts to open up, um, there could be something interesting. So I I would say it probably needs to get back over like 740 7.50 It'll be on high day scanners, but not until it gets over 850 pre-market right? So that's it's probably not going to be on most pre-market scanners now until 850. so that that by itself is a problem because other people may not notice it.

Yeah, in total, it's actually gapping down nine percent right now. adjusted for the split second leading gappers aehl. it's a cheap stock at a dollar and eight cents. I don't usually like these.

Uh, this is not usually where I find big success. So I'm gonna leave that one alone. I lag 2.48 it's below V Web: I'm also not really interested in this one, it just to me being a little cheaper below. View app I'm not interested atxi this one.

uh, it squeezed up on this day back here from three to eight. This was on the news that it was going to be a reverse split. The reverse splits haven't been holding up super super well. Um, but at the same time this one is curling off the bottom so this one could be worth watching.
but probably let's see 440. Yesterday's high was 438. so like first daily candle to make a new high. That's a maybe.

Spreads are a little bigger right now. Volume is a little light, so it's a it's a maybe all right. So I'll put that one on a side chart atxi. All right.

Um, then we've got Bkti bkti uh now that's state that daily chart is kind of a mess I Don't like that one. that's great Tim I Mean that really is solid, You've You've definitely gotten yourself on a nice Trend over the last um, you know, six months, right? a couple red days, you know, here and there it happens and good recoveries. It's great. Very good.

good job. Uh, we had uh two Traders uh received their two million dollar badge Yesterday by the way, um you'll notice that um as they're as they type in the room. So starter there on Atxi as it's going higher added at 45. holding 1600 shares high is 584.

bought the dip at 553. Now looking for the squeeze up to six. this is up 57 which makes it our leading gapper. A little profit at 68 2 hundred dollars.

It's funny because we were just looking at that a second ago and then all of a sudden it it rips. But that's fine. let's watch uh, this area high as 584. I'm holding right now at 529.

You know that's how quickly the day can change. So why was I aggressive on that uh, chasing it I Just looked at it. It's a reverse recent reverse split, very low float. Now it's our leading gapper.

added at 35 to buy the dip, a thousand shares profit at 36 holding 398 shares left, it's got to prove itself so flat the rest still down 2700. but um, we'll watch now for A dip man I wish I had uh caught that just a second sooner I should have just kept it on watch I just didn't see that squeeze there coming really I mean I thought maybe base hit potential but boy, so that that's the thing though to be aware of is that now the stock has shown that it can make a big move. So it is certainly worth keeping a close eye on a stock that has that kind of potential to go from 425 419 up to 584.. you know that's the type of stock you want to watch Okay So we're back at the View app here: 512 Nice dip there off 506.

so hi that candle there is 531. we're up 48 percent nice Alex Good job! Okay so hi, there's 40. watching here this candle 42 High um yeah, that candle has a little higher volume for a red candle. It did drop all the way to 507.

not my favorite to have it pulled back that much but it could do an ABCD pattern up here and that would be a possibility foreign there from Chris oops so you can see that nice steady but then sharp drops right? hey you know I'm I'm kind of similar I'll have nice smooth steady and then catch a big uh get your big big loss from time to time I get it Partial fill 250 shares. come on, only 250 shares there. All right, well sold them for 25 bucks. 30 bucks.
That was a dip off five so thank you for those. Uh, tuning in on uh YouTube appreciate you guys hitting the thumbs up. So today is going to be the Journey of recouping losses and seeing if I can have a calm, cool recovery. One more trade like Atxi will put me flat really only captured a small percentage of what I could have gotten on that one.

We've got to watch to see if it can hold over five, right? So on the next attempt of five, I want to see if it's going to break that level or if it's going to hold that level I got a partial fill it for 86 and 507 when I first bought it and I had just been watching it at 4 25 ish. So we've got a little downward pressure here on this flat bottom. I'm watching uh, around five to see how it tests this level I Want to see if it breaks five and then possibly buy up a dip around 4.95. good call on that.

IPO is that a Chinese IPO foreign there for the break of 40. there's 45. that's a profit Target next order is 50. took more profit at 41.

New Order 55. yeah so you can see how it kind of held the flat bottom and then pulled away there. up to the half dollar. We do have an upper candle wick here with a high of 584.

added at 39 there for the Breakthrough 10 000 share buyer on the bid. Nice! Now let's see. does this go through 50 New order at 55? add 50 right there. Good A Little profit.

These are small trades. A couple hundred dollars on each one high is 53. added there at 55. now look for 65 and 75.

extension up to a retest of 584. adding at 560 next adds 565. So we're looking for that squeeze here high. This candle is 560.

New Order goes at 570 watching to buy the dip on the first one minute candle high. This current five Minute candles 560. New Order 565. So watching right here added at 551 Now looking for the Breakthrough 65.

holding smaller size on it Watching the ad on a dip hi this candle is 63. our first five minute candle to make a new high is right around 60. I'm going to put an order around um 30. 40.

There's 10 000 share buyer at 43 42. foreign so a couple Chinese IPOs I'll keep an eye on those. That'll be later today. Not right now watching to buy a dip on Atxi off of V-wap So right now we're on a pullback I Want to watch to accumulate on this pullback for the next curl up through 65 and I want to see if we get a retest the high a day.

There's not a lot else moving right now, so that definitely benefits the Atxi trade. Added at 50 buying the dip there now looking for the Breakthrough 60. and then 65 and 70. So see, you've got your first one minute candle setting up right here.

There's 58 capturing a little profit at 60. it should have broken right away flat the rest at 47. I'm going to watch to do a dip at 34. put a order on the bid at 35.
no fill yet canceled the order. So a couple of Trades there, uh, and I I don't feel like I fully maximized on this opportunity. But you know part of that's because when you're up against your max loss, you know you can't take quite as much risk as when you're in the driver's seat. And also part of it's just the luck of the draw that I missed the beginning of the move.

Sometimes that happens. So L-r-e-ip-o priced two million shares so certainly a lower float. IPO We can watch it. it's real estate and it's from Japan so it's not a Chinese IPO um Network One Financial Securities is the lead underwriter so the that is more significant.

Their IPOs have been performing really well. so let me just look at that dip on Atxi at 21. So trying to buy the dip there for the pot back up to 35 I Always like to buy dips right at an A round view app for the pop backup added 25. there's 27 on the Ask Now looking for the break back through 30.

and we'll see if we get a move up to 35 or 40. Looking for the first candle to go green after this little pullback? High There is 29 and this candle has 30 seconds left on it. so let's watch the Breakthrough 30. new order at 32.

there's 30 on the Ask, there's 37 on the Ask. Nice. Good job holding 500 shares. A little profit High Now 37 Nice dip, trade and profit on the rest.

So I've recovered a little bit here so far. three thousand dollars so a nice dip there below. V-wap back up to 39. Yeah so um, so this is um Lre IPO with a network One financial securities as the um the underwriter so that's something to watch if if it does indeed.

IPO Today sometimes these small cap IPOs get delayed. It says the expected IPO date is today, but we'll see some are saying it's delayed and that may be the case. This is the 20 moving average here on at X. I dip there for me at 15 off the 20.

So looking for a move back up to 522? 523 Bottoming Tail: Nice. There's 20 on the Ask profited 19. small bottoming tail Small winner. Couple hundred bucks or maybe a little bit less than that, but that's fine.

Thank you for those on YouTube with the thumbs up. We're watching the journey to try to calmly recover from right up against Max loss to maybe flat on the day. So we got a couple of good opportunities on Atxi. It's still relatively early I'm not sure if we're gonna see more on this one, but it's starting to look a little like a sloppy head and shoulders pattern.

Good morning. Max Overall Market You know it's been a sort of a double bottom yesterday. Um, so this could be a spot where we see, you know, a couple of days of sort of just relief bounce. Yeah, Lre says it's a 2 million share float.

Well, reminder as always that we have an ultra low latency broadcast that goes out to members of Day Trade Dash and members at Warrior Trading Day Trade Dash is uh, those are the the again, the scanners, the news, the chat feed and the audio video broadcast. Just the tools. Where's Warrior Pro includes all of the classes. but I'll give you a link right now.
this is going to end today for Day Trade Dash Day Trade Dash discount right there. So that gives you, uh, 90 days of access to day trade Dash and it includes my broadcast for free which is normally another a hundred dollars a month. so I'll pin that to the top. There There you go Good, nice, foreign.

So Bear Market Um, you know my bear. Market Strategy is just to try to hit base hits, get in, get green, get out. but sometimes you have the luck of the draw of taking a trade and you think it's going to be a base hit and then you end up losing 50 cents a share. So it happens sometimes.

unfortunately. So we've got about 24 minutes to the opening bell. Atxi. Um so dip for me there at 31.

this is a sub V-wap trap for a long over 38 and then a retest of 550.. So watch. Um, there's 37 added. At 38 on Atxi there's 36.

A little profit there. Would have liked to have seen it go straight to 45 and 50. the high this candle is 40 New Order is going to go at 42. it's showing some strength which is good.

Usually a sub view app pop. you want to see a Quick Squeeze back up to sort of the nearest half dollar whole dollar. Hi this candle is 40. flat at 31 for now.

watching for a dip off of the 20s to add back, put an order at 24 to buy on the bid, but so far it hasn't filled. the range on this has gotten a little tighter. So Atxi is on the main chart side chart I have HKD from from yesterday just in case it starts to open up again. Chinese IPO recent IPO made Big Move yesterday.

Worth watching just as a side chart. it's a bit of a wild card stock. G-sun also a wild card stock. Big move on Friday A little bit of a Move yesterday needs to get over 50 a share.

Thank you as always for those! Uh, tuning in here on YouTube Thank you guys for hitting the thumbs up supporting the channel. Appreciate that as always. So Atxi is our second leading gapper, but it doesn't you know? I don't know it's already had this big move back here to eight so we're getting a little action on it. but I don't know if it's gonna really sustain and turn into a bigger move.

It's right back above view app here so this is a short term inverted Head and Shoulders which is a bullish pattern so added there at 41. Next ad is going to be 50. watching the break through 47.48 so you see we're accelerating back up. There's high volume added at 45 on Atxi and now looking for the squeeze through.

The half dollar cost basis is 41. holding 1400 shares should have broken immediately, but it does look like there's a hidden buyer at 41. high of this candle is 48. A lot of churn right here.

see this churn, so buyer at 41 but seller at 45. So you've got two kind of big sellers and buyers, kind of pinning it right in this little range. Who's going to be uh, the bigger order? We don't know. Given the position of the five minute chart, it feels more on the bullish side.
so there's 50 on the ask. Is it going to go higher? So I think the goal on this is going to be a retest of 584 and move up to six, but we'll see if it can do it right. So a little false break out there. It just doesn't quite have the the momentum.

But we'll see. so. uh, 526 view app is 533 for the person on YouTube asking about Detroit Dash There's a link right there for the special sale right now and check that out. Added back at 45 on Atxi curling back up now I'm watching because see, it's a retest of V-wap now I'm watching the ad through 55 and 60.

and let's see if we can build enough strength to break through this level here of 53.. So watching at 50 adding a 52 now looking for 55 and 60. nice volume here holding the whole thing. Looking to add at 55? there's a bidder at 50.

adding right there 55, there's 60 coming up. So now trying to get that bigger trade, can we get the move through 65. average is 49. another couple hundred dollars of profit high.

This candle is 58. Didn't get the break of 60 New Order goes at 60. nice volume profile. high volume on the green candles, but golly, it needs to pull away hi this candle 63.

so we want to see it break the 60s and start to open up a little bit. If it does, then I'd be a buyer over 65. 75.85 for the move up to six dollars dip at 53 there now watching over 65. Let's see if we can break through that 563 level watching 5 58 559 to add there's 56 on the ask adding a 57.

there we go watching now: 60. there's 59 holding right now looking for the break through this flat top and a squeeze up to 65. and then if I can add 65 and 75, we could get a retest to 584. that would be perfect.

All right. So new order is at 65. So watching first 65 green on the tape at 60, adding at 60. let's see if we get 65, print there's 62.

add it at 61. So looking for this extension here up to 75. I wouldn't mind holding this position for a little bit because we got uh, this level here and then we've got 584 and then we've got six. So new orders at 70.

watch when that seller breaks and we break through this flat top. So this is an inverted Head and Shoulders pattern. So watching the ad off of dips for the Breakthrough 65 green on the tape there. Again, there you go.

there's 68. a little profit New Order ad at 75. holding a thousand shares I'm not sure if I'm having an internet issue or if it's it's weird. Um, so out of the rest of the trade for now down 855 dollars.

So there's definitely resistance at that 60 level. I'm gonna watch for a pullback off of V-wap so nice recovery. Nice trades on Atxi I've got 4 179 dollars of profit on that stock. We still have about 12 minutes to the opening bell.
so uh, coming into the opening the first hour of the day, I'm going to be looking for momentum seeing if I can catch some nice dips, dip and rip micro pullbacks. Just get a couple of nice little breakout trades and close the gap here and finish the day green. If we end up having something that opens up, then you know, who knows, maybe I'll get to my daily goal. It's not impossible if we had one other stock that starts to show strength fairly high volume on this uh candle right now that's red on Atxi.

Foreign, you know that comes with going from deeper in the red to kind of rallying back. Inversely, if you're in the green and then you start to fall back, you start to lose confidence. So right now I'm feeling pretty good going into the open. Daily Goals: five thousand daily Max Loss: Five thousand.

It's not a hard set, you know I don't stop when I make five grand if I hit 5000 in the red I Try to be very careful I don't want to go down 10 or 15. I'd really prefer not to. My biggest red day in the last few months has only been around 1500 bucks, so you know I try to keep the red days um, a little smaller if I can. so sometimes that means I'll go red and then I have to spend a little time trying to soften the blow by recouping a little bit.

but I got to be careful because some days you know you don't get a chance to recoup, you just go deeper in the red. So like on this day here on Friday I was green, then I went red, came back out, got green and then dropped all the way back down to Max Red recovered but not quite finishing green and I just at a certain point said, you know what I think enough's enough so some days you know but I still soften the blow. but I just wasn't able to recoup all of the loss. Yeah, and you know different people have different daily Max losses.

Uh, different daily goals. So what's Sean What's your daily? What's the daily goal if your max loss is a thousand Because the thing is, if you're trading with big size, you know you could very easily go down a thousand and that's not a reason to stop. Added back on Atxi there nice surge watch over 68 and 70. this is a very strong candle here in right now.

adding at 68 there's 71 that was a powerful candle taking a little profit at 71. now I'm going to watch for a dip the high this candle 73 New Order is at 75. added at 75 there's 80. can we get 85 watching 82 83 There's 77 on the ask right now, added 79 and there's 90.

and I'm up 21 on the day I have filled the gap and now the high of this is 89 new orders at 90 holding smaller size with 75 average. You know this is what I'm saying. it only takes one. You get one stock that shows some strength and and that can be enough to recoup from red to Green Very very nice recovery there.

Good job for those that stepped up to buy that dip. I I got in a little high I waited till it broke through this sort of like 55 60 level and added. but that's okay I don't mind paying a little bit of a higher price for that confirmation because that's what you're doing. you're you're paying a price for confirmation.
Okay, so now we've got a high there of 89. This is obviously our leading percentage Gap or of 64 percent. so watching this area added 80. now there's 88.

I'm going to do quick little small trades up in this area just trying to get comfortable because it is extended. This is a micro pullback on the one minute. new orders at 90. still holding 670 shares at 80.

flat the rest for now at 80. watching for a dip Usually we would look for a retest of like 65. The kind of breakout level and try to buy a dip off that 65 level. So I think the fact that this is showing sort of this degree of momentum high high volume green candle there.

It's certainly good. There's 74 on the bid 73 72 . Yes, I know that many people are not able to afford E-signal Something that we are working on is adding charts to day trade Dash So Charts Um is the next leg of the development work for that platform. Will be putting out a lot of updates in over the next six months for you guys both Warrior members and Dash members.

And yep, we'll have 10 second charts foreign. so that's all coming soon. So whatever you can use for the next few months just to tide you over will be probably fine I Hope Okay, so well we've got about three and a half minutes the opening bell. The pre-market high on this is 89.

we got a nice move about a four Cent break through the high I'm only up 126 dollars today, right? and I have commission. so I may still be slightly red on the day if you take off the commissions from the The Profit here. but I've certainly moved back in the right direction with five thousand dollars of profit on Atxi. The question, uh, ultimately will be whether or not it shows more um, more moment momentum to the upside it may.

but I'm not I'm not sure lre an IPO coming up. Not sure if it's going to be today or uh, a little bit later in the week or sometimes they get delayed. so have a chart up for that one for when it starts. Trading There's a 2 million, um, two million share IPO selling at 570 on the bid on Atxi there and at this point you have a long enough period of pullback that this is no longer a micro pullback.

This is a proper one minute pullback. The five minute chart's a little extended, so I'm not sure if we're gonna get a clean break here through. You know, 585 590. 635 would be the next resistance level on the chart, but as I mentioned, a dip off 65 would be great.

So I'm just watching around 565 for a dip. now. if it starts to go and it didn't dip that far then I'll just take the trade as it goes higher and that means smaller size, quick scalps and you know see what I can do just to add a little bit more profit. So that is the game plan here those tuning in on YouTube This has been a epic recovery here from down 5000 uh to well flat which feels like a victory and I think it was done uh with some good composure.
so calm, cool, collected. That's what it's about for being a consistent Trader All right so uh, thank you for tuning in as always I'll be back at it. Uh I'm gonna come live for a special episode on becoming a more consistent Trader I Haven't decided if I'll do that today or maybe tomorrow, but that's going to be coming soon. So if you see me, go live around 10 a.m Uh, one day this week it'll probably be for that special episode for you guys.

So thanks as always for tuning in. Reminders always the trading is risky I'll put a link right here to my bear Market Strategy episode. So check out the Bear Market strategy and we'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning.

By Stock Chat

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13 thoughts on “Live day trading morning show with ross”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars michelle says:

    I got stuck in ATXI when it halted, first time experiencing this happening to me. It was a learning experience.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars maruz dumucruz says:

    haia ross mai i ask whta indicator is in the bottom of the volume

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars level the field says:

    Nice recovery.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars slydon75 says:

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us for free!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Louis Padron says:

    Nice I held a couple place holder shares all week since it was holding the post RS daily support over 3.45 ish – I had a few shares to watch from within port – super volatile and nano float – did about 55% on it ๐Ÿฅ‚

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars winkyaw kyaw says:

    Atxi ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽŠ

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VisualJOfficial says:

    This was a masterclass Ross Preciate it man

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Bates says:

    Missed this morning. Very nice! ๐Ÿข

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simon Huber says:

    Do you have Videos where you teach this strategy with the small moves, what you always do?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deep Society Beats says:

    The green streek is on! Yeah! Congrats! What a master!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars qhaicha soufiane says:

    Nice come back ross. Always glad to watch u scalping momentum

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Falcao Falcao says:

    ATXI was the one Ross. Had 7k share at 5.30 and sold at $6.10 then it rips up in a halt ๐Ÿ˜‚

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon Lee says:

    Good morning. I created a stock list to never invest in again because of KPRX. I did not see any news announcements about the split, very unexpected. Last week I would had sold it when it was at $0.24 if I had known, but that was the point not to tell, very dishonest and disappointing practice.
    Lost $15 because the split, but gained $30 where I sold it this morning above $6. Invested for over a month, and it said I invested for 1 day.

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