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In this video we go over the recent COVID outbreak in India.

What's up guys and welcome to wall street millennial with the rollout of the vaccines in early 2021, there is tremendous optimism around the economy reopening and a strong economic rebound to date, more than 40 of the us population has received at least one dose of the vaccine. If you combine this with people who built up immunity by contracting the virus, the country is probably close to herd immunity. This has caused much optimism for the reopening place, such as crews and airline stocks, which have performed strongly year. Today, however, vaccine rollout has not been as quick in other parts of the world.

Many countries still grapple with high cases and deaths. To this day, this is relevant to the stock market. A resurgence in virus cases anywhere in the world could threaten global supply chains and impact the us. Furthermore, there could be mutations that make the virus either more deadly or resistant to vaccines.

Most recently, there has been a lot of fear around the recent surge in covid cases in india. India is the second most populous country in the world. With almost 1.4 billion people in late 2020, the country appeared to get the pandemic under control with cases steadily decreasing. However, they eased lockdown measures in the beginning of this year, and cases have surged as of april 25th.

Daily new cases is over three hundred thousand. This has led to more than two thousand deaths per day in horrific scenes of mass cremations, the gurgle giving life, and they came from miles away to get it for many. It's a race that they're losing the race to find oxygen before coronavirus, overwhelms them quickly. He's shouting, they know every minute counts.

The narrow street outside the sikh temple in east delhi is crowded with vehicles full of sick and dying people, desperate people gasping for air for oxygen that the hospitals can't provide. Is this the only place that you can get oxygen? I heard that government is um. Many tell us they've been turned away by several hospitals before reaching here. No one seems able to help these people and some just don't make it in time he's died.

He tells us i'm so sorry, i'm so tired. This would be shocking on its own, but this tragedy is being multiplied over and over indians are being abandoned in the teeth of a deadly disease. The eu, uk and america are amongst the countries to offer help, but the people have yet to see it so they're. Taking it where they can and they seek temples, providing it sourcing oxygen themselves, how do you manage to get oxygen and the government? Doesn't? Why isn't the government? I don't know what government is doing, people are dying on streets and why can't government not doing that's a question? A lot are asking india's grim statistics keep on rising they're, promising free vaccinations for all, but in this one of the world's biggest vaccine manufacturing nations.

Only around two percent of indians are fully inoculated, and the surge in testing across the country means these are hard to come by too now, with the positivity rate soaring in calcutta. At the moment, every second person being tested is positive. India's being engulfed by this virus and its people are utterly helpless. The scenes coming out of india are shocking and every loss of life is tragic.
Many hospitals are running out of supplies and are often forced to turn patients away, but it's also important to put the crisis into perspective. On april 25th, india reported 2 800 covet deaths, which is an all-time record for the country. While this surely is a lot, it is actually a lot lower than the record daily debts reported in the u.s. On january 12, 2021, there were about 4 400 coveted deaths in the u.s much higher than india's current rate of 2800.

This is despite the fact that india has roughly 4 times the population of the us, while india is still far behind the u.s in terms of vaccinations. They do have vaccines and they are steadily rolling them out to more and more of the population. They have already delivered more than 100 million doses, and almost 10 of the population has received at least one dose as more and more of their population gets vaccinated. The current surge they are experiencing will likely subside.

So, while the situation looks grim now they can likely recover relatively quickly. They are a few months behind the us in terms of vaccinations, but by the summer the current tragedy will likely be behind them and they can rebuild their economy. Some good news for fighting the virus in india is that, as far as scientists can tell, the existing vaccines from companies like moderna, pfizer and johnson johnson will be effective against the virus in india. However, it does appear to be more contagious than the original coronavirus.

In only a few weeks. It has caused a second wave of cases in india much more quickly than the first wave which peaked in september of last year. One of the most concerning things about this new variant is what some people call the double mutation phenomenon. The new variant has two particular mutations that might make it doubly more dangerous.

One of those mutations is called l452r. According to a recently published study. This mutation was present in a variant of the coronavirus that appeared in california and quickly became responsible for about half of all cases in that state. This variant was determined to be about 20, more transmissible than the original virus.

This may have contributed to the indian variant becoming so contagious, but scientists say that the vaccines already developed should be still effective against this new indian variant. According to a doctor from cambridge university, it is unknown exactly how resistant the variant may be, but it is likely that the vaccines will still be effective against severe illness and death. However, it may be less effective for those who have weak immune systems to start with. In the case of the california coronavirus variant, it was found by scientists that mutations of the virus may be more likely to produce weaker variants than the original virus.
A possible reason is that weaker variants that do not make the host human as sick may be able to fly under the radar for longer keeping the host asymptomatic and spreading the virus to other people. A strain of the virus that causes less severe symptoms will be able to spread more quickly, taking share from other strains of the virus and becoming the dominant strain. A strain that is more deadly will more likely cause severe symptoms, early on causing the host to quarantine or die more quickly, because the less deadly strain can spread more easily. It will dominate the more deadly strain over time, as viruses mutate, they tend to get less deadly and more contagious.

If the coronavirus also exhibits this trend, the death rate should trend down over time. Even if new variants emerge that are resistant to vaccines, they will likely be less lethal and less likely to spur economic lockdowns. The stock markets are also pricing in the possibility that this second surge could be over quickly in the original coronavirus wave. The imda indian stock market etf dropped by more than a third of its value signaling.

The initial fear that gripped the stock markets all over the world. However, after quickly recovering and more, the etf is still significantly above pre-covered levels. Since the onset of the most recent wave, inda is still only down about five and a half percent from its highs, which seems to suggest that the smart money is betting on a quick recovery. Of course, the outbreak in india is massively bad news for everyone.

Many people are dying, even though india has already had to endure a first wave of coronavirus, but there are also signs that might be over relatively quickly, hopefully for everyone. This will be true, and if so, the world can continue on its way back to normal functioning. Alright guys that wraps it up for this video, if you like the content, make sure to smash that like button for the youtube algorithm and subscribe for future uploads, also check out our second channel wsm research, where we post due diligence on high growth stocks. As always.

Thank you guys so much for watching wall street millennial signing out.

By Stock Chat

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32 thoughts on “India covid crisis: market crash?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thiago Pimenta says:

    The deaths and cases are way bigger than we can see in the numbers. There is no material or human resources enough to track the majority of the cases.

    It´s a disaster wich we only has seen in movies, happening now, in real time, right in the screen in our hands.

    Cannot imagine the pain they are suffering. Hope this nightmare is over soon.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Kim says:

    Temporarily Suspend Vaccine Patents.
    The dire circumstances call for Year of Jubilee-type reset. We are all in this together. The whole world is interconnected. We are one.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! TheBishop12 says:

    India had a very similar spike last year. It’s not going to crash the US market. Maybe the FTSE, HANG SENG, DAX, or NIKKEI but not US indexes because we just recently lead the world in YTD % gains. Typically the rest of the world follows US not the other way around. We are not going to crash from a spike 9,000 miles away.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Manu123 says:

    You can't really compare a developed country like the US to India and extrapolate for there. Those deaths reported from India are probably not even 10% of the actual people dying, as it's impossible to keep track in those chaotic conditions. I hope you're right and the problem is solved by summer but I can't help but doubt that.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LAUCH3D says:

    Noo, dont apply same wrong logic again. When there is a new variant it is a new situation. It has nothing to do with the dominant variants. It is corona21. Reported numbers are ALLWAYS converging to real cases from below, it is allways underestimation. It is too late. With any "smart" human move you train the system. Masks create maskresistence and vaxines create vaxine resitence same as antibiotics create MRGs/multiresitance. 100-> 10.000 –> 100Million! Exponential. You have to adapt to the new situation with all new variants. When we are in a stable equilibrium the same as we are in a stable equilibrium with influanca A and B we will find normality. Fighting windmills is such a common human fallacy. It is evolution, it is smarter than you. You cant get rid of highly infectious but low mortality viruses because we live in a world where hosts can travel multiple times around the globe within 24 hours. Build more hospitals, oxigen but dont try to manage evolution you fools.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars c r i s t o b a l says:

    Bruh, ain’t the main guy from the WHO Indian? Where he at when his people need him smh

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hannibal Barca says:

    India governement is really inefficient and probably tried to cover up covid. Now the truth get out.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Михаил Ефимов says:

    On the bright side there will be less fraudulent calls at least temporarily 🙂

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noelio Emerald-Isle says:

    Most poor Indians don't even have the MMR from birth….. I won't be taking any Bill Gates Eugenics injection

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve J says:

    i am pleasantly surprised by the quality of this channel, no hyping, no pumping just educational and informative

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daud Ibrahim says:

    Now Modi's India is Hanging on a Bicycle brother. Bam bam bole Ji

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emanuel Herrerias says:

    I started following indian news. There is a hospital being accused of making up a fake oxygen scare.

    So, the pandemic is real but people are also assholes and make shit up.

    Like after 911. people went around getting rich and famous PRETENDING TO HAVE SURVIVED 911 when in reality they were not even there.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Whatsapp ±❶❸⓿❹❼❷❾❹❽❾❷ says:

    Nice video!! engaging from beginning
    to end,I've gained financial freedom day
    trading.and ignorant people will definitely
    be kicking themselves in regret for missing
    the opportunity to buy and invest in

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phil Russell says:

    Kinda weird that the virus is striking hardest in countries that offer the stiffest competition for China. 🤷‍♂️

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chuck Crizer says:

    How do we turn off the asinine Covid-19 message from Google. I hate them shoving this crap down our face every day.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex H says:

    Experts say India's daily death number is greatly under reportered, the real death toll could be 10~30 times.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sandro Silva says:

    It seems the silent virus is the worse because it can create more dangerous variants. And the only way to stop that process is to promote lockdowns. Slowing down is much likely.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ceres Station says:

    "EU, UK and US are among the countries to offer help"….
    Bitch WHAT? They've literally been blocking and hoarding supplies all this time and only now have the made statements when the situation has turned so dire.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Burnt Rubber says:

    Virus might be real but this is all being used for control. It's disgusting.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rambo says:

    "Sikhs to the rescue" lol, they are doing a protest in delhi since last year with no precautions and say that covid is a fakery, created by the government to stop their protest. They are doing parties and sikh singers gave concerts to the protestors. This is ths same protest that rihanna tweeted about. It actually became more enhanced after it so she's on blame too on delhi's covid crisis. These protestors have occupied highways entrying delhi and are stopping oxygen containers and vaccines to come inside the city.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TeslaInsights says:

    You're missing the point that people on the ground have pointed out. Deaths are being underreported by atleast 50%

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gulam Mohiddin says:

    Lesson learnt: Stop electing illiterate dumb leaders to run the country.. They'd be more concerned about maintaining their power than leading the country..

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Suds says:

    Those death and case figures coming out of India are false. Don’t believe a word from the Indian govt

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karos says:

    It’s because a lot of people think Covid is a hoax and didn’t listen. Therefore infecting and killing innocent people.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Moderator of Youtube says:

    Those oxygen tanks are not medical grade they used for blowtorches and acetylene, its dirty air.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars truth voice says:

    There is a uncapable chief minister of Dehli name Arvind Kejriwal. He did mismanaged. Now his responsibility for health has been taken down today by Federal Govt. Now soon problems of Dehli be solved by PM Modi.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Michael says:

    Why are you covering this fake crap? Are bodies flammable to the point alil hay vaporizes a body.
    Wake up. They r trying to sell vaccines to 1.4B people

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kapil ayyawar says:

    I'm Atheist, I respect Sikh, it in their blood and religion to help others, they are big people with big hearts.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Famous Flores says:

    You: Yea that’s a lot of deaths, but The USA had more!
    You: They even have a higher population than us, and we STILL had more!
    Me: That’s right 😏 We’re #1

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michel Bruns says:

    Astonishing how long it took until the numbers there got so high, slums, poor people, bad healthcare system etc

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheBigG says:

    I'm gonna be honest here. This is to be expected. They do have the 2nd largest population. It's extremely tough to contain the virus there too especially on how they handle food and just poverty itself. It's a shame how it killed so many people already and cases breaks records daily. Hope to see a turn around in the coming days! Please take there fam

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cull Game Development says:

    I feel for those who are sick and have died, but having had Covid myself, I can say it is not a threat if you are young and healthy. I thought it was a cold until I had a positive test. The extreme elderly or those with very serious comorbidities are at risk, but those of work force age will be fine. It wont break their economy. This is media sensationalism, Covid sucks, but it's not anywhere close to a societal collapse type of virus.

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