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00:00 Gold Course Expansion
00:25 Tesla Valuation.
03:51 Tesla Production Freakout.
05:55 The Problem with Troy's Data.
08:12 The More Likely Reason.
10:02 My Opinion.
This video is not personalized advice for the viewer.

Quick note: I Just expanded the gold course by about 20% totally for free for existing members with brand new lectures. how to make money with real estate, fundamental analysis, more content on productivity. You're missing out if you're not part of this. Get your end of thee tax deduction.

Buy the course. You won't regret it and you'll get lifetime access to the new content and live streams. Link down below. Got a question: email us staff at me Hey everyone Me: Kevin here So as usual there is some classic Tesla drama going on and in this video I'd like to clear up give you a quick New Year's Eve update Since we are expecting Tesla to release their delivery numbers for Q4 soon January 2nd is when the expectation is before the Market opens for these numbers to come out.

Now we are going to then know 2023 deliveries in total, which is great. We're expecting those to be over 1.8 million, but the real question is going to be what is Tesla going to project for deliveries in 2024 during Tesla's earnings calls tentatively slated for about 2:30 p.m. on January 24th mark your calendar. So the drama has to do with this Troy Teslike, who regularly posts production and delivery estimates on X has now suggested by running this poll, what should the delivery Target for Tesla 2024 be And the options he gave were 2 million deliveries or 2.1 million deliveries And initially you might think why is that a big deal Kevin Well, it's a big deal because originally Tesla was growing at the 50% growth clip I believe Tesla's probably more likely to grow closer to 30% However, 2 million Vehicles divided by 1.8 delivered in 2023 is only an 11.1% growth rate.

That's a really big problem because you've already got a little bit of an elevated PEG ratio for Tesla. In fact, right now, if we look at the consensus estimate for 2024, EPS at Tesla, we're looking at nearly $4 $389 Okay, $4 or $248 on the share price $389 Divide those two. We have a forward price to earnings ratio, not trailing forward of about 64 on Tesla. Right now, 64 divided by 30% EPS Growth is actually not that bad.

That's a 2.1 Peg which is still less than Apple and some of the other major companies that are knocking on the door of three pegs as they're considered safety yet. AI adjacent place. Okay, what does Wall Street actually think EPS growth will be over the next four or five years? Well, Wall Street thinks EPS growth, not vehicle delivery growth. These are different.

will be 26.2% going into the end of 2024, 37.3% 34.8% 33% going forward. So if you add that together and divide it by four, you get an average expected DPS growth rate of 33% So the Market's already pricing in a about 1.9 to 2.1 PEG ratio. But can we actually get that kind of earnings per share growth if deliveries are only going to grow 11% Maybe. But you would need a lot of margin expansion and so a lot of folks are scratching their head going.

Why does Troy think Tesla is going to have such a low projection I Mean if they wanted to grow deliveries at 30% 1.8 * 1.3 you'd be trying to deliver around 2.3 to maybe 2.4 million. Vehicles Ideally Tesla says we think we can do 2.5 million vehicles and now we get back to an over 30% growth Target But targeting vehicle growth of under 30% Not great. Now this led to kind of a freak out on Twitter Here's somebody who says why so modest in terms of goals and Troy is saying I think there are only two realistic options I Don't think 2.2 million is possible considering Tesla is demand limited for all models in all regions except the Cyber truck which is production limited. So in other words, he thinks there's a lid to demand.
And why would there be a limit to demand if Elon told us there's infinite demand for Teslas and the only problem is interest rates? Well, Troy believes if it were true that the only problem were interest rates, then why did vehicle sales go from 13.7 million into 2022 to 15.4 million in 2023? huh? Well, that's interesting that that's a really interesting argument. Let's let's pause here for a moment. so a respected analyst on Tesla Deliveries is arguing Tesla might only grow deliveries by 11% because there's not enough demand. And to show that there's not enough demand.

we are going to look at China and say look in China Interest rates are low, yet demand is low. And to also show that demand is low, we're going to say that Vehicles Deliveries in America grew in 2023 compared to 2022. yet Tesla had to cut prices. Okay, so we have to take these two things independently first: I Think it's easy to argue that China doesn't represent America, especially since China is probably more in a deflationary style depression than anything else, especially after the destruction of real estate uh, wealth in in China and the fact that their youth unemployment rate is in excess of like 24% It's so bad that they stopped reporting the number.

Not that I believe China's numbers. Anyway, Okay, so let's forget China for a moment. let's go to this Us number. This is what really interests me.

If it were true, Total Car Sales in the US would not increase from 13.7 million to 15.4 million. Hm. Well, let's look at the stats. Let's look at where the source is where Troy is coming up with this data.

So this is the report that Troy refers to and on this page I added the line here. On this page, you could see here that in 2023, we expect sales since today is technically New Year's Eve and the day is not over yet. we expect sales to increase because so far they already have and we should end the year higher than in 2022. So I drew this little red line here of increasing sales since the pandemic.

What's really interesting to note, though, is that this is actually substantially lower than anything that we've seen in the last decade. Look at this in 2013. Uh, vehicle sales? over here. You can kind of see.
Ah, you're You're roughly aligned there with 2013, right? The gray bar is vehicle sales. So since 2013, what you've actually seen is vehicle sales have been higher every single year before the pandemic. For about seven years: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 67. the pandemic slowed sales down substantially, and we're really just on this uptrend again since the pandemic.

So that might mean there's more to Troy's argument here than just saying. Look, interest rates went up, but Car Sales went up. So interest rates clearly don't affect car demand. That's Troy's argument.

I'm going to respond to that and say I think that's wrong Troy I Think interest rates absolutely affect car demand. Car sales are only going up because they're coming out of a covid hole. In fact, the long-term Trend here is still we. We're still below the long-term Trend Since 2016, there's still a gap over here.

We're still trying to get back to trend lines of where we were, and if you draw it from 2016, that's a downtrend. If you draw the numbers from 2012, we probably have an uptrend. Gap Point is, there's something else going on here. What I decided to do is go to the same report that Troy used this year at the same point in time last year and I wanted to see what they said in last Year's report to see if they could give me a reason why car sales are going up even though interest rates are going up.

Like what is the big thing driving this increase in vehicle production and sales? Ah, interesting. take a look at this from their report last year. Although there will remain challenges with the semiconductor shortage and other supply chain issues, we are not expecting them to be R entirely resolved until 2024. The problem is easing.

Thus, inventory is expected to generally continue Rising throughout 2023 as automakers increase their plant capacity. If there is a mild recession, the actual timing could be thrown off. However, based on the current Outlook and forecast production for the US market, we project that inventory will be 2 million units by March 2.1 by the end of Q2 and roughly flat through October. Point of this is there are going to be more Vehicles available for sale by vehicle type.

We see output Rising 4 5% for cars and trucks 11.1% So in other words, output is rising. And this was for the 2023 forecast, which now all of a sudden it makes sense. Ah, we have below Trend sales. What caused those below Trend sales, semiconductor shortages, production shortages Factory slowdowns and shutdowns and cutbacks.

Now we're just trying to get back to Trend So I don't think we can simply argue that oh well. Interest: R went up. Therefore, Us Sales Uh, went up And because interest rates went up and Tesla sales didn't maybe benefit as much without price? Cuts Tesla Somehow won't benefit from lower interest rates? No, No, no, no, no, no, no, no way too much going on here in my opinion. Let me give you a bottom line here in my opinion: I Actually think Troy is basing his opinion on these low delivery estimates way too much on the fact that interest rates won't help.
Tesla I Completely disagree I Think interest rates 110% will drive Tesla's growth in vehicle deliveries in vehicle production and the expansion of new gigafactories and the return to Limitless demand at various different prices I 100% Believe that now I could be wrong now I'm off obviously also invested in Tesla So maybe I'm biased. but the core argument that I saw scrolling through like 100 different tweet replies from Troy Here The core argument was that again, says it in different, says it multiple times. It's like oh, look, they've been demand limited. They've had to offer free supercharging, They've had to offer credits I Think Troy Completely misses the argument that interest rates are the reason for this.

Interest rates are the reasons for Price cuts and incentives and his argument is no interest rates have no effect. see Car Sales went up everywhere else. No, no, no, no that's wrong. That's that's his argument.

Completely disagree with that. So anyway, that's my take. Let me know what you think in the comments down below: I Wanted to just throw in my hat in this discussion and argue that I actually don't agree with Troy here and I like Troy's estimates. but I think he's basing his estimates on wrong information.

Now we'll see. Maybe he will end up being perfectly correct and in that case maybe then we have a problem. But if I see a production estimate from Tesla of two or 2.1 I'm going to be like what just to be exceptionally clear. Yes, it would be very bad if Tesla had a target of Just 2 to 2.1 million vehicles.

I will be very very very disappointed I Don't expect it, but if it happens it's bad. Why not advertise these things that you told us here I Feel like nobody else knows about this? We we'll try a little advertising and see how it goes. Congratulations man, you have done so much. People love you people look up to you Kevin P there financial analyst and YouTuber meet Kevin Always great to get your take even though I'm a licensed financial adviser, real estate brok and becoming a stock broker.

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By Stock Chat

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27 thoughts on “Yes, this could be very bad for tesla”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DocOrtmeyer says:

    Interest rates ARE tesla

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! @blipblop92 says:

    I just sold my tsla holding. Thanks for the news Kevin

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ideapad2092 says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DragoBTC says:

    There are no EVs like Tesla. I legit see 100k ICE vehicles driving around and do not for One second wish i had one. Drove behind a Rolls Royce SUV other day. Nope. My kids and their friends love Teslas. Even my pickup driving, grease monkey brother in laws want to take the Tesla for a spin Everytime i see them. A lot of people are still misinformed and nervous to take the leap. They will though. Nothing is instant. Its a curve. I have 3 people in my life that that i know want a Tesla as their next car.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ryanreeves70 says:

    Up front tax credit will be huge plus for Tesla

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TeslaEVolution says:

    If Tesla just OFFERED fifteen years payback terms=NO DEMAND ISSUES EVER!!! Since that would cut monthly car payment to about HALF of current AVERAGE US car payment of $728.00/month, assuming one buys Model 3 or Y, but the way lower payment applies to S, X and CT also, just not half $727.00. WHY could Tesla do this? Because the lifespan of a Tesla is 3-5x that of an ICE : ) Genius?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @itisim says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @felixpropertymanagement7342 says:

    Rates are only high on a short timeline. People are just used to crazy low rates

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TheESGcinema says:

    I am heavily involved in the automotive industry, interest rates have ABSOLUTELY impacted sales. Leases too! People come in to renew a lease they got in 2020-2021 when money factors were low and expect to pay $300 a month for the same car. Well now that same car is $600+ a month! Used cars? Forget about it. Cash deals or incentives from manufacturers like low apr financing on new cars.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MarcoNierop says:

    And don't forget we get on the steep part of the EV adoption curve… Tesla can ride this curve to perfection.

    I go for 2.5 million Tesla sales in 2024. Why? I tell you why!

    Texas will get on a hiring spree this year, more than doubling battery cell production, adding more Cybertruck production lines, the Gen 3 car production line starts, and Model Y production will be maxed out…

    Just look at the expansion of the parking lots, adding a 7 Stories high parking garage probably more than doubling the employee parking capacity. Outbound end of line facilities being build right now… about trippling the capacity. It could more than double the output of Texas alone.

    But similar things will happen in Berlin and Shanghai, and do not forget about Nevada!

    Mexico and other factories for 2025 and on.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @adityag13 says:

    Here's why interest rates may not help Tesla.
    Recency bias.
    If rates fall, and Tesla raises prices, people won't buy immidautely in previous volumes because now Teslas are more expensive than they may have been currently at rates higher. And no one wants to pay more for the same product unless they absolutely NEED it immediately. And I highly doubt that would be the case for anyone.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @whynotstartusingyourbrain8726 says:

    Troy really has no clue about Tesla. He didnt even know that what a Tesla shows you on tin displayis never the EPA range. Troy is an amateur who is taken far too seriously.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TiagoRamosVideos says:

    I agree with you 👌

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @huunguyen5280 says:

    well Tesla keep cutting price margin is way compress. 3K discount in store this weekend plus free transfer self driving software to a new vehicle this to tell me that the demand is not there

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @rachelk8368 says:

    Everyone in BC drives a Tesla and the Federal Government has capped started 2024 the amount of gas cars- they will ration gas car and push people to buy electric. I think Tesla will dominate on Canada and others adoption and forceful coerision to buy electric cars. You also forget that Tesla has other means of making money other than car deliveries. Automated Driving and their data potential just keeps growing future earnings.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @reading-between-the-lines says:

    Thank you for posting today…Happy New Year!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ShoelessNomadThailand says:

    The general public now hate EVs. Battery fires, insurance and falling second hand prices

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mspack44 says:

    I always appreciate the FUD in an effort to lower the price. I buy the dip, keep it up.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ninjazzrhythm400 says:

    China is on a depression that's why is in low demand. But Tesla is in demand throughout the whole world compare to China vehicles.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Paralegal97 says:

    Yup, paying 120 P/E for 11% growth. Now that's an amazing investment

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @thedualtransition6070 says:

    Tesla has very little drivers for growth in 2024. Firstly the CT is a very slow ramp up and only sellable in the US. China EV sales will still grow strongly in 2024, but the competition is brutal and Tesla has no more room to cut prices – in 2023 Tesla only just maintained its market share Q4 to Q4. Europe is slowing down and a lot of EV incentives are gone in 2024, plus the Model Y sales have been falling Q over Q. In the US, Tesla is rapidly losing market share as other makers (the Europeans especially, soon Volvo and some US brands) become competitive – they may well be under 50% market share in Q4 in the US. Also, the model 3 loses the IRA subsidies in January. Tesla may get 30% sales growth, but at the cost of margins so not 30% profit growth for the next 2 years. By then the Model 2 will be irrelevant in China and Europe, and it will even be challenged in the US. By then Tesla will be just another EV maker with a BYD or less multiple. They are nowhere in AI and robotics, thats all BS. They are also not that far ahead in FSD, competitors are pulling ahead with better sensor arrays. Troy is spot on, his research is excellent.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ejduffy says:

    Your math is not very accurate today.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ripuapartgg9074 says:

    People at work are more comfortable buying a hybrid. Just last week a woman bought a Honda CRV hybrid and her friend one upped her and bought a nice looking Lexus hybrid.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @haroldroa1806 says:

    I think that any guidance under 30% (2.3M ) will tank the stock hard.

    I sold like 30% of my position and I will sell more if for any reason it goes up after the next earnings call, I am not going to get cautgh this time, sick of those drops after earnigns.

    If it tanks as I am expecting, then I would considering buying more, but depending on guidance.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Travel_Photography_Dude says:

    Yeah I think Troy’s wrong on that too. I thought what you said about overall car sales increase, before you said it! I’m on the same page with you!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mojtabasadeghi7779 says:

    (15.4-13.7)/13.7 is 12%. The increase is not as you expect. scary for TESLA in short term but not long term

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @iandrewlawson says:

    Tesla products are seen as efficient upgrades to your driving/ energy consumption.

    Every efficient “investment” in Tesla products have ROI’s to a customers behaviour.

    Interest rates have a massive impact on ROI’s when investing in these efficiency’s

    E.g. I just bought a used Tesla for a 0% interest rate because it made absolute financial sense and it saves me money and I get a better driving experience.

    I would not have made the purchase if the interest rate offer were not there.

    I’m an extreme example having 0% but this is how people shop

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