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Well, hello here welcome back to another market closing advice. I had a crazy little market huh. We are uh we're in this market, where there there's a lot of euphorium that somewhat started chilling out on on certain stocks uh, but we've also moved over to uh this uh this this market, where a lot there are also a lot of companies specifically backs uh Small caps that have just been getting obliterated, i mean you look at some of the small caps and you're like man. It seems like there's value in these, but the the market has this funny tendency.

Uh recently, and - and i think this is more of a recent phenomenon - it's like a 2021 phenomenon and i really believe it. I don't know how to feel about it, uh, but i believe it. I believe the market is - and we've talked about this a little bit, but i want to touch on this specifically. I believe the market is again doing this over concentrating into uh individual stocks phenomenon like stocks.

That would make sense that they have higher prices. Stocks that seem like they have really good. Relative value are not performing well. I'm going to give you an example: shift shift technologies.

I think it's a great company. It is way cheaper than carvana or vroom, but they don't or or didn't have the sex appeal that carvana had carvana had that that enthusiasm, whether it was through the advertising or or stock crowding or what it was but carvana has always been this i mean since The pandemic: it's been this this explosive stock, where it went from you, know, 30, bucks or whatever, even though, even before the pandemic was like 90 to 100 bucks. This explosive stock that ran up to almost 400 a share. It's only recently been selling off and and shift has actually been selling off with it shift technologies.

Now, what's crazy, though uh is when you compare the fundamentals of carvana to shift shift, looks like a bargain uh you compare multiples or whatever i mean you're. Looking at a 50 billion dollar company carbana, which does operate in more areas right, it has more revenue, understand that but you're comparing a a 50 billion dollar company to a company like shift technologies, which has a 400 million dollar market cap. I mean how many, how many shifts can you put into a carbona 50 divided by 0.4 125? You could literally gobble up shift 125 times with the market cap of a carvana, uh and they're not doing 125 times the business. So to me, it's it's a result of this.

The market wants to be where the market is, so you get this overcrowding into certain stocks. It's the it's, the the uh like sheep on steroids, and i don't want to call anybody a sheep or sheeple right like i. I don't. I feel like that's insulting it's just, but it's it's the perfect analogy where, if you have just like four plots of land - and it's kind of just like the sheep, don't kind of like wander out to go, look for other plots of land.

They just kind of like get herded by the dog, and it's like all on this one all on this one, all on this one. Okay back to this one and it's like they're playing those same plots of land over and over and over again they're, not really exploring out to the other stocks, which fundamentally have a similar thesis, uh and a much better valuation. But the sheepies don't care the they're they're uh they're like well, that's those aren't the ones that are going up. You know uh so honestly like to me this.
This is the worst market to be in for uh the last two years for uh fundamentalists like if you're a pure fundamentalist, probably somewhat hurting in this market uh, and that's not to say that fundamentals, don't matter, i think fundamentals are very, very important uh. I say this regularly like we. We just had a course member live stream. It was like 45 minutes long, maybe like 42 minutes long, whatever um and and one of the things again that we reiterated was - and i talk about this regularly - is just that stocks are built on three things.

Number one is fundamental valuations, then, on top of that, you have technical analysis. This is where you get your your sort of gyrations uh of of stock prices, very normal, and then on top of that, you have momentum, which momentum can sometimes be much bigger than even the the fundamental basis of the company. So really really bizarre, uh and and the market is behaving in in a way that reiterates that yeah, you might look at a company that fundamentally looks cheap relative to other things, but nobody cares about it. So it doesn't get money, it doesn't get invested.

It doesn't get attention uh and then it just doesn't perform uh at the same time. We're seeing this really bizarre - or maybe it's not necessarily bizarre - it just is what it is, but we're seeing this this rotation out of uh fintech payment processing. So, even though jp morgan's up today, which i do think, is weird, you are seeing somewhat of a rotation here, it's not as bad as what it was earlier like robin hood was was down as low as 27 45 earlier, it's sitting at 2819, but the problem Is like, when does the trend end? I mean look. Look at robin hood like i don't even want to start drawing a trendline because it looks like crap.

It looks horrible uh. My wife wanted to trade in at least gmc carmax and a few dealerships, so they can't take the trade uh. You have to go to gmc. Well, i think when your lease is up, i i mean, because you don't own the car, i'm pretty sure when the lease is up yeah, you got to go back to the par the company that did the lease with you.

I'm i'm not 100 sure on that. But i believe that's the case. I i don't know if cars car companies do lease takeovers and what happens at the end, i'm not familiar with that. That's just a question so uh, but anyway, besides this sort of madness, uh in in the markets uh, you still have euphoria.

Some leftover euphoria around tesla around neo uh, uh, canoe ford. You know some of these. These uh very excited uh. Electric vehicle manufacturers are really kicking butt uh and that's great that's sort of that.
This has been the market that we've been in with ev euphoria since probably uh when tesla was like 8 25. I feel like is really when it started. So 8 25 would have been like right here october 14th. So we've really only been in this for about five weeks, the sort of eevee euphoria cycle uh when did when was the rivian ipo.

Let's take a look here: rivien ipo was november 9th and canoe. Only recently started running around the 15th, but lucid, also started running in october. Lucid really started taking off around yeah a little after tesla around here october 25th. I want to say here is when they started announcing, that they were getting ready to do deliveries at the end of september, and this is where you really got this run from all-time lows here, while recent lows of 16 up to um, you know 25, or so It is sitting right now at 52.23 cents, 5.3 uh percent of the downside, you're, also seeing at the same time another dip here on bitcoin.

Look at this. You you bounced off of that 56 line a couple times here, but boy, oh boy, it broke right through it uh that not not so ideal. So i'm actually going to probably mark this as relatively weak for now. Uh we'll see if it ends up bouncing off that at all i mean that's.

This is like a perfect bounce right here. This is what we had this morning so and we've seen that a few times see 56 8 over here. 56. 6..

It's like perfect bounce couple. Bounces here tried to hold it, but boy just gave up so uh. It wouldn't shock me to to just assume that, potentially we are going to go into this environment of profit-taking by uh institutions or by whomever, and that could potentially lead this market to settle down. So i do have some nervousness about that.

Uh neo canoe, camber, okay, but again i you know, i'm i'm very long on this market, but i've definitely built up cash. I made a video this morning talking about why and some of the things that i sold. Hmm, let's see here, is now down 10.5 yeah. This one has been so interesting to me.

I mean this has been such a crazy run here on You've got really a launch price of about 172 insanity here after earnings. Really i mean now: it's it's sitting around 344, my goodness, what a run from the summer i mean a lot of things have doubled from the summer. I mean that right there should be a sign.

That's not really sustainable right, but uh yeah a little bit of uh rotation down here on a firm look at that nine percent on a firm so far down seven point: two: two uh, it's pretty big for so far - and i don't know when this bleed trend Is going to stop, i don't know but uh i'm keeping an eye on this because y'all know i'm mister. By the day i saw somebody left a comment like oh kevin's, kevin's selling is it? Is it time to buy the dip? Then i know you know somebody's being sarcastic like you know, i usually associate myself not trying to do so in hindsight, just it's what what i have done, i usually associate myself with the person who's buying the dip when everybody's telling me not to buy the dip. Like people are always like, oh don't catch a falling knife that doesn't mean you can always perfectly time the bottom of the market but uh. You know i bought a lot of the dip in uh in march and some in april and a good chunk as well.
Multi-Millions of dollars in in may right, around may 12th may 12th was probably one of the best times this year for buying the dip, because that was like solid, like bottom uh, but there have been some other times where i haven't bought perfectly at the bottom, but Definitely bought it at lower levels, and so i like that, usually though, what you're feeling when it's time to buy the dip is, is fear you're, like oh, my gosh, like how much further is this gon na go like when you're kind of still sitting here going? Ah, a firm 124. That's still really good. That doesn't really create fear, yet right, uh, it's it kind of interesting. I think the kind of fear that you really see is what you might see at something like kathy woods.

Arc g. I think that's where you're probably getting some fear selling i'm not suggesting by the dip there, but i think unfortunately uh the market has not been very kind to kathy's archie. I do have a. I pulled a couple of her names and i bought a couple of them about options and a couple of them stupidly and blindly.

You know followed kathy on on a couple of those uh kathy wood here but uh. Oh well, that's what happens like. I always tell myself stay away from biotech. It's su they're super small positions, but uh boy, yeah, oh geez, got destroyed.

I mean look at this. You started the year on arcg at uh, closing of 93 dollars, the thing's at 66.96, now 66 96 divided by the old number of 93.. Oh that's a 28 decline, yikes uh, that's crazy! No, we got ta, get some coffee flowing again. You know a little bit left right here, i'll just drink, this really quick, mmm, it's ice cold gross and not like iced coffee, good, more, like room temperature cold.

It's which in here is like 67 degrees, but anyway uh kali, look at peloton. Okay, so wow! Remember there was somebody who bought like a bunch of peloton shares. I think what was it like one or two billion dollars at 46 dollars that led the stock to run up to like 53 yeah? Well, whoever just spent that one or two billion dollars is now upside down. It's at 44.

ouch uh, it's worth noting too, that i'm seeing some stress on the software stocks today and i talked about this on saturday. It was in my video, my massive mistake or whatever, and i talked about how bloomberg was bagging on software stocks going into next year because they see valuation compression, and this is where somebody left a comment, and they said. Oh, my gosh, how could you say prices are gon na fall for for software companies. I work in software um we have so many products and and revenues are skyrocketing.
Everything's great. It's like okay hold on a second there, mr fuss, but it didn't say that like income would go down or that prices necessarily had to fall, i said that bloomberg said valuations might compress. So what does that mean? Well, what that means is, if you've got a company like snowflake selling uh, i don't know whatever it's at 350 bucks and let's say it's selling for a hundred times earnings. I don't know i think they're still losing money but, let's say they're selling.

For a hundred times earnings, that's a 3.50 eps right! Well, what if the market says? Hey, you know what we're not going to value you. So it's a 350 stock. Let's just say: okay, we're just doing math here, okay, it doesn't even have to be snowflake. I don't care pick random number: random company abc software 350 stock, 100 valuation, 3.50, eps, well, valuation compression changes.

This number right here. It basically means that companies are less willing to pay for the same or for the same growth that they were willing to pay more. For earlier, and so that's potentially because growth rates might not continue exponentially, increasing like they had been during and after the pandemic, that doesn't mean that there's no growth, i said growth rates, see like if you're growing at 20 per year. That's constant growth, you're, a growth company you're doing great 20 a year, that's great 30 a year, that's great! But what wall street likes to see is you're growing at 20 you're growing, 25 percent you're growing at 40.

Oh, my gosh you're, going to 50 right like that that, like almost exponential growth like so sexy on wall street right okay. So if you have valuation compression, what you're doing is you're taking a hundred as the multiple and you're dividing, uh or or you're multiplying the earnings by a smaller number. So if 100 the multiple turns into 75, then you take three dollars and 50 cents of earnings times 75. That now means the company's only valued at 262 dollars, so the new price is 262.

The old price was 350. All of a sudden, you just lost 25 of the share price because of valuation compression. Now, if the stock is still having sort is still on like an uptrend or whatever or or people are still optimistic about the company, it doesn't have to follow the full 25. Maybe it only falls 10 or 15 or whatever, but the point is valuation compression becomes a headwind in uh in a market where interest rates might increase in a market.

That does not believe that growth rates are going to continue to go up. That's very, very, very important, so growing growth rates, important and valuation compression very important and bloomberg bagged on valuations, so uh for software companies, especially so it could be given that this is the very first day after this uh this sort of bagging on the software companies That, maybe that's, why we're seeing a little bit of pain, uh, there's a lot of plan right here, but uh on some of these companies, like specifically companies they mentioned, were companies like cloudflare, okay, they released the article like friday evening. I talked about it on saturday. Cloudflare was one of the companies mentioned uh, and here you go it's down: 11 roblox 9.
What was another one they mentioned, i think strike was another one crowd. I think it's is that the ticker symbol yep it is. I got the ticker right yeah down. Six percent today uh zoom - they mentioned, let's throw in zoom uh.

They also mentioned talent here so zoom and pound. Here, let's look at those really quickly, zooms down three percent and there's pound here also down three point: two five percent kind of weird: maybe it's just the sign of uh the power of bloomberg like not trying to shield them and their fud just saying it's kind Of interesting how the very next trading day you get some pain in those software companies and the companies that are actually doing well today are tangibles uh, neo, seven point: one percent right: canoe: 15 percent uh, getting a little speculative there on on that one uh tesla Is up two percent uh you've got? You know, companies selling physical products charge point you're, you're charging company, i think end phase was granted. I'm not sure, though. Let me pull in phase.

Oh and phase actually went down 1.42. I think they started. Green was the thing they ran up crazy. It was like 182.

yeah. Look at that. We hit an all-time high on end, face today. 182..

Look at that roller coaster. I mean it even looks like a roller coaster. Tell me this does not look like a roller coaster. This right here is that d.

Look at this drop on end face here going to the clothes. What is this uh wow? That is like sharp, sharp, sharp uh? Let's see how some other things are closing, but worth noting that uh, you know bloomberg could could have an influence on the market a little bit so pay attention to that valuation compression and check out the programs on building your wealth link down below get all my Buy sell alerts, i've sold like five million dollars worth of stuff. I'm not gon na go through everything publicly that it sold, but uh yeah. I've got like five and a half sitting around for for stop for for opportunities, whether that's stock opportunities, real estate opportunities, business opportunities, whatever of taking a little bit off the top uh.

Oh, my gosh look at this beachbody, oh yeah, but anyway that coupon code expires friday, uh at 11, 59 pm yeah. Look at this cnbc is even talking about it. Crowdstrike docusign peloton watching them all go down here. Uh apple's still doing decently, though it's actually a pointy two percent anyway see and look at the headline tech stocks hit by rise, rising rates.
That was literally what wait a minute they're all saying the same thing. Look at this that is so weird see see. The banner on cnbc was just tech stocks hit by rising rates. Look at this look at this.

Rising rates hit some tech stocks. Oh it went away sorry stupid there. It is see that, like they're, saying literally the same exact thing, it's like they're, all coordinated, uh, weird but uh i mean i understand they're talking about the treasury yields right, but uh. This is also what was talked about this weekend.

Somewhat forecasting, this potential uh pain. Here maybe we could just send them a bill, for you know crashing the market. I mean i, i don't want to go as far as saying crashing the market, because it's like it's not really crashing right. It's just certain things that have run like crazy or in a little bit of pain.

Somebody donated two dollars for me to share my thoughts on shift and if you would have rewound the video you would have gotten that for free, because we already talked about it. Uh yeah yeah yeah, so okay cool next, so wow d-wack down 12. I would just not be shocked to see uh. Some of these names come back down hugely and it's sad like i don't.

I don't want to plan for that. It's not like. I want to short uh the market uh, although that worked out well on a riven who knows, maybe i got to do that again. Uh, you know lcd i think is is, and this is not like trying to poop on lucid, but i do think i still.

I think there's an opportunity on some of these to potentially throw some shorts up uh, especially as a hedge like. If, if this fintech sell-off continues, hey look at this square went down to 205. This kind of crap continues could be an opportunity to make some dollars. Look at bitcoin, it's just i'm free falling uh yeah.

So what else do we have here? Uh, oh wow, see look at that robin hood selling off into the clothes here: 27 87. palantir uh down about 3.3. Finally, nvidia's turning red. Thank the lord uh.

Look. I don't want anybody to lose money. I want everybody to make money, but i also really want to buy nvidia. So if a video goes back down to like 199, okay, i'm i'm throwing in everything i got, i will sell my house and buy nvidia okay.

I probably won't sell my house because probably won't be able to do that fast enough, but i could take money out of the home equity line of credit on my house and they kind of make it feel like. I took money out of my house to buy nvidia, but look at this sell-off going into the clothes folks. Okay, this is really important. You got ta understand why the stuff sell off into the close.

Let me explain why stuff sells off into the clothes institutional investors who have massive amounts of money. I'm talking billions of dollars of assets under management like a kathy wood and her etf or hedge fund managers, or whatever, usually their trades, go through at market open or at market close folks. This is market close when the institutions are dumping right before market close. You get the roller coaster dip at the end of the day.
Yes, it is also possible that traders are taking their money off the table at the end of the day, but guess what institutions are some of the biggest traders that exist? Look at that roller coaster. Dip here on end phase, there's no buying pressure. Look at the volume folks look at the volume the volume is the highest. It's been all day.

You almost have more volume at the end of the day than you do at the beginning of the day here uh. This is your classic roller coaster. Institutional sell-off, dip into the end of the day same thing's happening here on neo uh, the rest of the day. Could be just generic trading, but people are taking their money off the table uh because they don't want to be exposed to the gyrations of either the aftermarket or they're suffering.

Withdrawals, they're, fi, they're suffering, essentially redemptions their their clients are like i'm taking my money back. Uh, you know jp morgan, look at this slip into the clothes folks. This is an omen. I think i think we're going to see red futures here and we could see some pain.

It's one of the reasons i've taken money off the table uh, fortunately very early. Today, but look at even apple, this is institutional cell pressure right here. This is not retailers on wall street bets going. Oh, the momentum is over in apple.

Okay. You like this is this right here. This is people taking money out of the s p. 500.

Let's look at microsoft and some of the other big ones, really quick. Microsoft. Look at that microsoft, uh, uh apple, falling in sync, like this google, in sync, like this people are selling the index, people are are taking money out of the institutional funds. That's exactly what's happening here and uh.

It's it's a sign of really a loss of confidence in how long this market's run, which is really weird because you think like oh, like there should be a catalyst right, not necessarily like people could just be like. Okay, we hit nasdaq all-time high. You know what time for me to take some profits, i'm good! Thank you very much. I'm gon na go buy myself a turkey and i'm gon na buy myself some chocolates for christmas.

I'll see y'all next year. Look at it! Cloudflare 12 to the downside. Now in fairness, we we like ran from 130 to like 220 like that uh in the span of a month. So maybe it's not that big of a surprise but uh look at these curvatures here the sell-off into the clothes folks.

This is institutional selling into the clothes now, on the other hand, you could also have institutional buying into rivian, because there are a lot and you're seeing an increase here, not necessarily, but you have a lot of institutional investors who missed so badly on tesla that they Will do anything to kiss the feet of rivian to have a diversified opportunity to share, and potentially some of the returns that that tesla has very very common uh like i see a lot of institutional investors that are big bulls on tesla, but they can't go more Heavyweight on tesla, so they're like oh well, nick's best thing, maybe is rivian: oh okay, all right uh and look. I don't want to bag on ribby and i think they've got great potential. But i i like investing when the potential is a little bit more clear. Still a little nervous here, but anyway uh square shifting to the downside.
Look at this come on folks. Mastercard does not fall five percent on a day unless you're starting to have some fear in the market. Five percent on a day in on mastercard, get out of town come on folks, visa uh 2.6. On the day, that's odd.

These are massive companies. Nvidia is down three percent rotating uh uh into the uh into the close here uh. What's another one: google yeah, we looked at google already uh paypal, paypal's just getting obliterated absolute destruction here and really i i don't think, there's a wider market catalyst that that's suggesting why these should be i'll be selling off, but they are it's. The markets taking the breather - and this is institutional selling at its best - that's what's happening.

This is exactly why you got to pay that one-time fee join the stocks and psychology money group. So you can be part of me in my private livestream, so we do q. A i share more of my thesis on what's going on in the market and uh use that black friday coupon code before friday at 11 59 pm, let's get to the closing belt earning season with dell and gap and nordstrom coming up later in the week. But for now we're going to have our eyes closely pinned to zoom and urban boom: okay, uh wow, the dow ended up 0.05 percent.

The s p ended up point three perce or down point three percent uh nasdaq down one point: two: six and the russell down point five. Let me hear what sarah says mike santoli. Also here cnbc senior markets commentator investors are now turning their attention to a pair of earnings from zoom and urban outfitters, as carl mentioned coming up, we'll have instant analysis of both of those results. First off on the markets, hightower stephanie link is still with us.

I'm surprised uh, i thought they were gon na have a little bit more commentary on the numbers here. Maybe that'll come, but that's okay, so uh we'll go ahead and look at uh some of the earnings that we have coming up here. Uh we'll do that in just a second here, then usually they come out in about five minutes afterwards. So we'll go ahead and see exactly what is happening at the close here.
I will also pull up earnings for urban outfitters and zoom. We have zoom up already and urban outfitters up already, so we'll take a look and see how those uh end up closing okay. So let's look at the closing bell here: how did things end up so uh tmc material metals? I'm sorry 17 percent uh d-wack down 12.4 to fintech down 13.39 next door down 13 on next door. Oh whoa, look at that euphoria.

This thing had holy moly. It ran up to 1859 straight back down to 11 9.. This is when you get people who are like uh, oh the stock market's rigged. You can't make money in the stock stock market.

It's crazy gamestop. What did gamestop do is gamestop reporting today. I don't think it's reporting today, but uh. What did gamestop do today? Let's see here, oh uh, it looks like it did well on the day today, though, it's 9.35 and i've seen this before.

Sometimes, where, like amc, i feel like was having its euphoric rally when the broader market was selling off, which i thought was really interesting, but wow yeah, good job, gamestop, very, very interesting. So clown flare down 11.6 monday down 11.5 blink down 11.3 roblox down 10.5 23 and me down 9 hippo down 9.4. A firm uh is getting caught up in the mess down 9.26: the miners marathon digital down 9.35 rivian down to 8. so far down eight.

This is a painful day here, lucid 7.4. This is a lot of money that got taken off the table here. Holy moly, honey mining down six square down, uh 6.2 uh you've got uh wayfair down 6.03 c3 ai at 37. Oh my gosh, i'm not in c3.

I've i've tried playing it a couple times uh i got burned once on shares. I lost like eight grand uh and i made that back uh and more with two option contracts, but i like i can't i can't haul. I can't buy and hold something like c3 uh 5.72 shopify, 5.6 etsy mama etsy hit 301 today, the first time ever and then it just implodes. Well, not really.

Five percent uh coinbase down to 315 expi is back in the 30s folks 37.7. It's coming. The sell-off with cometh bitcoin, just under 56 000 now planet 13 down that looks, like 420, lift down 4.2 trade desk down four uh ater down four fuel cells down robin hood's down these guys all down four percent: here's pinterest again: uh peloton, palantir pain, pain, pain, Solar edge down three percent was actually up at the beginning of the day, and video was up at the beginning of the day. Down three percent sun run was up at the beginning of the day now down three percent corsair gaming, three percent uh.

This is uh ouchie, wow cheese here and face 2.49 lemonade. Another 2.27 percent uh gold, crazy, crazy, craziness, yeah um. Where was it? It was right here. This is where, where i uh, so i i've played lemonade options a lot, but i promised i would i promised somebody i would come up with uh.

I would. I would look at when i sold my lemonade. It was on the 12th that was when i sold the leftover shares. I had right here there's a closing price of 64.95.
Remember every time you want alerts on when i buy and sell when i think something's potentially going to head down a downtrend or whatever. It's not always right, but uh check out the stocks of psychology money group you get lifetime access to the program, uh all the content and lectures in in that i don't know if i'll do lifetime stock alerts, but i don't plan on ending those anytime soon, but I i don't know uh, but anyway, yeah there's never going to be an upsell inside those programs, good so zoom, just posted zoom comes in with an eps. It's actually beat eps of 1.11. The estimate was 1.09.

Revenue came in at 1.05 billion versus the estimate of 1.02 forecast was for 1.02 billion in next quarter revenue. This is a triple beat folks, 1.051 to 1.053. That is a triple beat on zoom. That's good zoom, actually up now about 5.4 percent in the after hours.

Congratulations that is a triple beat on zoom urban outfitters meets sales expectations. We came in with eps of 89 cents, we had sales at 88.9. It was a meet so zoom doing well here after uh, after probably a rough day today, let me see how much were we down today we were down four point: five, three percent we're up six point: six percent in the after hours now this is very good To have a triple beat on on zoom honestly uh, because a lot of folks are not a lot of folks. Just believe that zoom was going to be one of those that would just continue to sell off me included that people would just escape zoom, uh and and take money out of it.

As uh. We get back into sort of the reopening uh and covet goes away, but now you've got coveted fears. Growing you've actually got zoom, proving their staying power of revenue, not bad and then beating on top of that right before potentially a covet spike. This is good.

This is really good for zoom up 7.25 percent. Now very, very good. I'm want to look at some other after our market activity here, so urban outfitters met expectations. Uh not didn't get a bead out of urban.

Oh look at that urban outfitters falling nine percent in the after hours uh on meeting expectations on meeting expectations. Urban outfitters is now down uh, almost ten percent uh, which is really interesting, because it's showing you the nervousness in the market again, where it's kind of, like you better, be beating. Otherwise we're out like a meat, is getting punished. An unexpected beat by zoom is getting handsomely rewarded, huh very interesting uh yeah urban outfitters eps came in at 89 cents versus the 84 estimate now down about 8.4, so obviously volatile here in the after hours, very, very typical, looking at uh the winners here in pre-market.

After hours, rather we're at eight percent on zoom now this one continues to move and on losers, uh well, urban outfitters obviously would be, but otherwise it just looks like we have smaller fluctuations, weed maps and things like that looks like uh they're. Just now talking about zoom on cnbc we've had these earnings for like how long now i think we talked about the earnings like three minutes ago, but whatever i i'm just gon na watch to see. If i see a cnbc pump here, i think it'll be very interesting that just now they're talking about uh this, maybe not because they did put a little banner down at the bottom. So it's possible that one of these bars is when they put the banner out.
But we saw this pretty early, we'll see. Okay, could you share the spreadsheet you used on lucid to calculate future value with course yeah, of course yeah. Absolutely i'm actually surprised. I didn't post that under spreadsheets.

So thank you for reminding me i'll go ahead and do that because usually i do uh it's my rivian and lucid spreadsheet, uh post sheet so yeah when i make spreadsheets, i share them with course, members, of course, as websites like. Why not may as well just push the share button hotel meetings. Business is zero, so zoom is going to stay up target price on paypal square disney. I hope they fall more, so i could really buy them.

So, let's see here just taking a pee here at uh, some of your comments. Let's assume cpi, comes in even worse next month, inflation fear would peak even more. Where do you think people would put their money if not crypto or stocks um wow zoom is actually that's so funny. Folks, as soon as zoom went on cnbc, it peaked.

That's funny. It's like peak media people like, oh, that's it that's it. It hits cnbc time to sell once jim cramer is talking about it. It's too late.

No, that's that's mean uh yeah. So what if inflation comes in worse, thank you for saying about my hair. What if inflation comes in worse uh? Well, it depends what the category is, that's pushing it up. Uh, you know it's, it's not everything! That's that's for sure, pushing up at the same rates as things like cars uh and that's a little bit of an issue for uh trying to figure out.

Okay, how the market might respond, because it's going to come down to that that granular look, i mean yeah, usually when the cpi numbers come in high uh people try to flee to crypto, but i think the people who want to already fleet a crypto have already Done so for inflation, hedges, uh and uh we've actually, if anything been seeing a little bit of a softening in crypto's pricing. In my opinion, because the market's going to be at some point, pricing in that inflation is going to go down at some point in the future, we're going to go through high inflation for a while, but at some point it's going to come back down. So i don't know you know i i personally like the idea of being in technology hardware as a top priority, because technology hardware has been anchored by supply chain issues, but is still tech and growth where, when it comes through those supply chain, issues could really take Off the anchor will be gone so to speak, uh specifically bullish on, like the end phase uh and a tesla uh right, those those are some of the big holdings. Of course, uh, really like a firm really like etsy etsy for sure going into this.
This holiday season, i love it, i'm not buying it at these levels, but i just love it. I actually did sell a tiny little bit, but that doesn't mean it doesn't love it just it was. The price was crazy this morning, but anyway uh same thing with a firm when it ran to 170s, like this is crazy, but anyway um yeah, still companies, i'm very bullish on so okay. What else do we have here um anything fundamentally wrong with fintech? No, i think it's just the cycle of of insane euphoria that it had and it's time to cycle down on that you know you're getting that that profit-taking, that institutional profit-taking so okay cool.

So i think that does it with that said, go ahead and check out the link down below bundle up folks, the best bundle coupon or the best bundles to use with the black friday coupon for most people are zero to millionaire real estate investing in stocks in Psychology of money check that out linked down below and use that black friday coupon use it now before you forget, expires 11, 59 pm friday. Thank you so much for being here and we'll see you next one. Thank you. So much.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

32 thoughts on “Wow stocks”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CrabApples Bodaciously Bitter Fruit's says:

    Gotta get in something already oversold
    Look for top daily losers not gainers
    $CNTB buy now over sold too the titties time to $Hertz them vulture funds

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Schaefer says:

    I swear if Kevin says Euphoria one more time while I’m in the red I’m going to loose it lol

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Grimmett says:

    <I read about Bobby Lucas when I first started watching educational videos on bitcoin. I contacted him in weeks he helped me grow my small portfolio of Bitcoin from 2.2 to 11.4 btc. Bitcoin heading for 70k got me smiling❤️

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pollux says:

    KEVIN video request. Ultra UOS. Research it, is not junk crypto. Has real value. Crypto gaming platform that plans to be like STEAM. Steam doesnt want part of crypto gaming so look who steps in. Ultra has already partnerd with big names such as Ubisoft and more. It'd be nice to have more eyes on it of course

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bench of lemons says:

    When you compare anything to carvana it looks like a bargain, same goes for lucid and rivian

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julio Urena says:

    Don't buy his poopoocaca courses. You'll make more money by putting in an ETF and leave it alone

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julio Urena says:

    The stones on this guy lol. Tells y'all to buy crap and leave y'all holding the bag when he's done pumping…. **SEC is knocking on the door**

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julio Urena says:

    Kevin (in the background): SELL SELL SELL

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Crabbyface says:

    Glad meetkevin is getting some sleep. he hasn't posted in 11 hours

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg Thornton says:

    Kevin, check Form 4 filed today for Tony Aquila, CEO of Canoo.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eamonn O’Shea says:

    this is the kind of video you put out and your inexperienced followers sell out of their portfolio's. you should really try to control your drama

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Think Pod says:

    wtf happen to you’re hair? I haven’t seen you since March! lol! bro! N-Sink boy band

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SH DMD says:

    Why are Democrats and their CNN and MSNBC TV stations more concerned about deaths of a child rapist and Domestic abuser who attacked a 17 year old and got shot to death than about A BLM guy killing defenseless kids and elderly in cold blood? 🤷🏻‍♂️

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jones 0 says:

    Insurance… do a video on insurance!!!!

    Dental , Health & life !!! Tell the others
    Kevin and An… Yh you know who

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Faisal Alomari says:

    Yeah. $BNGO, which is one of my largest positions is beating me to pulps. Not good :/

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rexford Hazelton says:

    Now 35% goldsilver 30% equity (high quality, not growth) 10% high quality bonds, 20% real estate, 5% speculation mania stuff (bitcoin, companies with no revenue or profit, short and long etc

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HollyWood Life says:

    I hope everyone here has a great week and makes massive gains or strategically puts themselves in place for major success

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mak Acct says:

    this is the reason why many say keep buying S&P is one of the best ideas (and personally I do the same to VIG), and you do not have to spend time for market research, this is more passive, of course depending on your goal though.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars max omus says:

    Kevin, do you realize Thanksgiving history week!! No volume. WE gain historically on Monday after. Street calls it cheat week, !!! Lmao u don't see it yet!!!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bobby Cost Average says:

    3% down is getting destroyed? I'm in crypto, my daily spread on day trading is minimum of 3%. Hell my CRO plays are 8-10% intraday swings lol.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ju2wheels says:

    Kevin out here lookin like he spent too long in Flavor Town lol.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clinton says:

    I'm starting to think Tesla is a better hedge against inflation than gold.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars max omus says:

    Do a video, on Thanksgiving week factoid!!!!! Always sells off Monday, regains on some, than Come MONDAY (turkey fay closed, 1pm early close friday) KEVIN … no brainer video!!!!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Domino Au-Young says:

    TSLA & AMC UP against the broad index………………!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars World's Got Talent says:

    Sold all of my Nvidia, Tesla and Roblox shares this morning. Took my profits and timed it pretty well.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zackary Musketeers says:

    The market is so bullish to me , they just want to get rid of paper hands 🙌

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Perkins says:

    I think it’s the largest investors have so much cash you couldn’t reasonably shelter it in small companies without distorting them even more horribly than these large caps are distorted. Trying placing a gallon of water in a 20 ounce bottle. If you are dealing in large numbers you need to deal with companies large enough to take all that money.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reel Hawks Studio says:

    TSLA is not a car company. You won't get the value in Rivian that you get in Tesla.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dũng Nguyễn says:

    Hi everyone does anyone know how can I access Kevin's discord group? I already enrolled in the course though

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marilynn Schroeder says:

    They are none of them doing their own research…they all get their info from the same place and report the same thing…😂😂😂

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Owens says:

    No, you can just trade a lease in like any other car. They just exercise your buy option. It’s a great idea right now with inflated trade in values. Carmax staff don’t know the business. They just follow a technology driven process.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pat W says:

    During the rotation out of fintech I've been buying ARKF. Thanks market.

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