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We got to talk about World War III And what the Secretary of State just had to say. First, let's set this up for you. people. Hear about World War III and they think, what's Russia and Ukraine Got to Do with World War III? We gotta look at it this way folks.

you've got two massive axes and I hate using that as a reference. but I think it's appropriate? Consider this. You got Russia on one side. who's now since uh, the Uh Cold War.

So the first time since the 1970s started loading nuclear missiles, strategic and tactical localized nuclear missiles onto ships for the first time since the 70s. But you have the alliance between not just a Russia and Belarus, but you've also gotten out the strengthening alliance between Russia and Iran. Which this is quite problematic because Iran basically supplies weapons to Houthi rebels in Yemen who like to uh, you know, strategically attack countries in the region, including the United Arab Emirates. This is not great.

You have a lot of regional tension here, and Iran is basically feeding this while at the same time, the United States takes over fishing vessels and sometimes captures thousands of Uh rifles like AK-47s or hundreds of thousands of bullets ammunition 556, you name it. Uh. And and the United States Navy is taking these weapons and bullets. And usually what the United States does is they take these weapons and they destroy them.

But now they're actually thinking about taking these weapons. and potentially and this is against the United Nations conventions on this, potentially sending them to Ukraine. So in other words, you're literally dare I say stealing might not be the right word, but essentially taking from Iran weapons that are manufactured by Iran and then you're giving them to Ukraine potentially. Now that's pretty wild now.

remember: Iran backs the Houthis who create a lot of problematic issues in the region of the Middle East, but now potentially taking thousands of assault rifles and ammunition, Seizing those and transferring them to Ukraine would be against un the U.N arms embargo. Here's actually a Wall Street Journal article talking about exactly that. It actually says here: the U.S has provided Ukraine with more than 100 million rounds of small arms ammunition as of this week 13 000 grenade launchers, guns, and rifles according to the Pentagon and at the rate at which Ukraine is expending ammunition, which is substantially greater than the current rate of production. There are calls on ending the United Nations arms embargo, requiring the U.S and the allies and its allies to destroy, store, or rid seized weapons.

But now you've got the United States seizing weapons from Iran either being transported from Iran to Houthis or directly from Houthis and potentially thinking about sending them to Ukraine. So think about how how you're setting up for this sort of World War where on one side you have Russia with its now loaded up strategic tactical nuclear missiles in combination with Belarus or it was supported by Belarus which is important because that's where the Minsk, one and two Peace Accords were signed which are essentially torn up now. So again, on one side, you've got Russia Belarus Iran Who, by the way, Iran is now considering a building a drone Factory 600 miles east of Moscow so they can make somewhere around 6 000 Kamikaze drones with stronger engines to travel further and faster to dodge Ukrainian anti-suicide drone defenses and you have this combination solidifying again with these factories now being placed potentially within Russia itself. so Iran can profit off the war but not have the risk of having to transport those weapons from Iran to Russia where they could get captured by the United States and then actually be given to the Uh to Ukraine instead.
Iran's like we'll just build a factory inside Russia so you can move the product directly from within Russia to the front lines. anyway. So on one side you've got Russia Belarus and Iran on the other side you've got obviously the United States Germany the United Kingdom Uh, Spain Portugal Canada France. But listen to this: the United Kingdom is doubling down on their aggressive posture Rishi Sunac, who took over from Liz Truss's Uh very brief stint as a prime minister who didn't Outlast a head of lettuce anyway.

Mr Sunac is now urging a double down in supporting Ukraine but is also pledging that Ukraine should indeed become a member of NATO North Atlanta a Treaty Organization This This would be problematic, in fact, many say it's the entire reason Russia invaded Ukraine in the first place is because NATO keeps expanding uh towards Russia and Russia wants a buffer between itself and NATO Uh, now you've got the United States calling for joint ammo purchases between all of them and then also transferring ammo and weapon Seas from Iran uh to Ukraine. So you've got that one side. But now listen to this: you potentially have China going from a nuclear or sort of from a from a neutral posture I should say to potentially one that is provoked now by the Chinese weather balloon and potentially now wanting to back Russia with actual Lethal Weapon support for Russia I'm going to play a video here in a moment, but I want you to think about how this is setting up so far again: Russia Belarus Iran China on the other side U.S Germany UK France Canada Spain Portugal It's not looking good then. of course you've got tensions in sort of the middle countries as well, like Turkey and Greece having their own sort of fighting going on.

It's sort of like an off suit offshoot of fighting over here. And then you've got Taiwan and Japan supporting the United States with South Korea. It's all a mess. But take a listen to this.

uh, two minute report here and we'll listen to this together. and then I'll add some more commentary. Here we go. Okay, hold on, be nice.
Kevin If you actually would play the audio, you have to turn the audio on for it to work for people. Goodness gracious, you got it. You gotta unmute it. I Still have it better, but it's not about it.

I'm sorry. Okay, apparently I can't get this going. The pace was brisk as the U.S Secretary of State Anthony Blinken headed off for private talks with his Chinese counterpart. Wang Yi The meeting arranged on the sidelines of the Munich security conference.

It was the first top level meeting between the two superpowers since the U.S shot down what it says was a Chinese spy balloon. Keep in mind there has now been talk, uh between the United States and China which is good because initially China didn't answer a phone call after we shot down their spy balloon. Now there are a lot of murmuring saying obviously China's like dude, it was a weather balloon it blew off course. Obviously the United States is like no, it's a spy balloon.

Obviously, the mainstream media is supporting the narrative that it's a spy balloon and I think we widely believe it's a spy balloon. although we were supposed to shoot it down and then look at the parts and then show the world. Look at all this spy technology that Russia was flying above us and so far there's been quiet which is raising the question of okay, well what if it really was just a weather balloon? It's insane because you just almost don't even really know what to believe anymore. But what we do know is things are getting more and more tense, not less tense.

Keep listening in. The incident triggered a major Rift with Mr Blinken canceling a planned trip to Beijing Mr Secretary: how did the meeting go? The talks lasted just over an hour China sent a surveillance balloon over our territory violating our sovereignty, violating international law and I told him quite simply that that was unacceptable and can never happen again. China maintains it was just a civilian balloon that blew off course. Regrettably, All right, we don't have to listen to all this part.

Let's let me just fast forward here to the what Blinken says that China is considering providing lethal support to Russia and its aggression against Ukraine and I made clear that that would have serious consequences. That's the most important part, right? there is blinking. Just yesterday in an interview with Meet, the Press said China is considering sending lethal weapons to Russia to support Russia. Now China has been ascending, uh, supplies and selling supplies to Russia but they've so far been non-lethal and that's because the Chinese government has been trying to, you know, minimize tensions between the United States to minimize additional sanctions.

Of course, this whole weather balloon debacle kind of made those things worse and now it's leading to China. All right, maybe we do want to end up selling lethal weapons to Russia. So what you have is basically a giant sh9t show going on, because again, you have the United States thinking about somehow convincing the United Nations which is supposed to be pretty much everyone in the world with the exception of a very few, but you're supposed to have the United Nations providing sort of neutrality between everyone. But now the United States is potentially pressuring the United Nations to remove their weapons and arms embargoes, allowing them to take weapons that were basically seized which is just a nice way of saying stolen from Iran and giving them to Ukraine at the same time as you've got what really is setting up to start looking like two major axes: Russia Belarus Iran China us, Japan South Korea, the United Kingdom France Spain Portugal Canada, and so on, and so forth.
Yikes, it's just not good. and I don't think it's a very good idea that people like Rishi sunac are saying we need to double down on Ukraine becoming a member of NATO even though we know that's what Ukraine wants. That's kind of the whole reason a lot of this started. obviously a lot more involved, but we already have the idea uh, that that you could see Finland for example, separately, get voted into NATO which is also stone's throw from Russia Remember when uh, when you had the first uh incursions into Ukraine actually had a lot of Russians flee Russia itself uh through uh through the trains to Finland Is that directly corrected? Uh, Anyway, this is wild.

I think it's uh, it's uh, you know, should should. You should be paying a lot of attention to what's going on here and how things are developing because the posturing is getting worse and not better. And I don't just mean verbal posturing either. It was just last week the Financial Times was reporting that Russia is setting up uh, a essentially rows of their Air Force on the border of Ukraine preparing for a larger incursion that would include helicopters and jets, fighter jets, and the Financial Times arguing that Russia's Air Force is actually pretty unscathed from this war.

So far, it's just not good. It's just not good. Now a Salam over here says fud fud nothing's gonna happen. You know.

what's interesting is when people say fud I actually think it's a very uneducated phrase to use fud because it implies that what someone is saying is fake news, right? Fudd carries the connotation of fake news because people use it in the same way. Oh, that's just fun. But fear, uncertainty, and doubt is often based on fact, not fake news. And so when people use the phrase fud I actually think and this isn't to be offensive to this person, but I think it's uh I think it's uneducated to use the word fud so I would stop using the word fud uh I I would say I don't you're welcome to say I don't think it's going to happen just like what Ukrainian said the night before the incursion.

you know I had a connection with someone in Ukraine the night before on February 23, 2020 the night before and they said this is just Western hysteria. Nothing's going to happen Russia is not going to invade the very next day The Invasion happens I send off another email I'm like dude, are you okay and they're like yeah we had to flee to Sicily and I love this person to death like I was super worried and I obviously I care about everyone's lives I would like this was a a near and dear connection to me. so I think it's important to remember it that using the phrase fud is not a way to Discount reality. And the reality is, we have problems that are escalating, not de-escalating.

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31 thoughts on “World war 3 *just* became more real russia, ukraine, china”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Domino Five says:

    What does the Ukraine have to offer NATO aside from strategic military positioning for the U.S.
    This is exactly why Russia is on the attack. U.S. democrat politicians caused this

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Key Gen says:

    I'm disappointed Kevin
    Do you really think us viewers are too dumb to know what NATO is and what it stands for?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wealth In Truth says:

    Brics… Want a currency that is gold backed…
    Saudi s are joining them.
    Weimar lifestyle heading our way

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zxx5 says:

    For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IT Work says:

    It's all very sad yes. Russia walked into Crimea and took it. It then invaded Ukraine after saying repeatedly that such a thing is nonsense. It used the premise that it's because of NATO. Even though NATO hasn't and would never invade Russia. And remember that Russia itself has always had Nuclear weapons that we have had to feel stressed about all of our lives. Yet despite all that, nobody has invaded Russia. Even while Putin is physically in Ukraine murdering civilians, kids, men, women. Today Putin stood there and lied through his teeth with his speech saying that Russia was attacked and that it now has to force Ukraine out. WTF is this nut job talking about? I'm sick and tired of hearing any sort of argument about how Putin was provoked. Are we to spend our living days constantly bowing to Putin's every whim. He, and all of his followers need to think very hard about their next moves. Unfortunately, what has to be done has to be done. Unless Putin backs off.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 2 Claps and a Rick Flair says:

    So Africa and Latin America are not in this, they always avoid these conflicts

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Liana Benks says:

    WW3 has been going in since NATO countries have been pouring war supplies into a war with Russia.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tan SpaceX says:

    What'd you expect when we blew the "spy" balloon up with a $400K air-to-air missile? That was dumb – the debris was pulverized out of existence!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars the chosen won says:

    Wow your views are down ok

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Molloy says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Princess Tiarra says:

    Just another reason to not invest or buy Tesla.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Canyons Carver says:

    I'm on the side of the United States of America

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Canyons Carver says:

    Stop with the war crap!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darin says:

    After all of their lies and manipulation does anyone still believe that our government actually serves the people? Instead, our government serves the WEF billionaires that fund their campaigns and use their control of corporate media as leverage. This is true of nearly all governments in NATO countries. They are puppets of the WEF. The new British prime minister is actually a WEF billionaire himself. These are the people who are controlling the narrative of mainstream corporate media. These are the people who use big tech censorship to try and censor independent media and all other voices. And these are the people pushing us closer and closer to nuclear war. After all, they have luxurious bunkers underneath their mansions. But why would they do such a thing? The answer is simple: They want to expand their dominion over every nation…and those who refuse to submit peacefully must be violently forced into submission.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ERIC CRAWFORD says:

    My wife and 4 daughters are still stuck there in Ukraine, and it is crazy scary. She will not leave which is stupid, because it is where she and my daughters were born. I told her I did not want her and my daughters to die there! I have begged her to leave the country. I also told her Russia was going to invade days before because I knew they were going to go to war with Ukraine, why because they were bringing in blood bank hospitals you do not do that for practice you do that when you expect wounded soldiers. I cannot sleep one night without thinking about my family being there, I guess you cannot fix stupid. Sorry, but yes, I am calling my wife stupid!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luca Pistolesi says:

    I might be wrong, but it seems that it all started because some folks a) had to make some dirty money in Ukraine b) are trying to cover their illegal business in Ukraine c) must help their "friends" in Ukraine.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MIke Silverman says:

    Kevin, need to do laundry?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maverick Jones says:

    Good these guys need a wake up call of who is the real world power. It’s like a man against a child.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rj Hall says:

    its war buddy

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars costafilh0 says:

    Ask ChatGPT if everything that happened so far after 2021 was true, if we would be in world war 3? The response is depends on the definitions. For some WW3 means direct participation from many countries on a global conflict, for some a proxy war with many countries backing it up would be already considered WW3. So for half we are already in WW3, for the other half we are getting there soon. Nice!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Art Krueger says:

    I remember back in 2015 when they tried to install Hillary, she seemed to imply she would attack Russia.
    It seems the US has been pushing for WW3 for a while.
    The mainstream media not questioning why the US/NATO pushed into Russia's border does nothing to stop WW3 either.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars costafilh0 says:

    Are we at WW3? Let ne ask ChatGPT.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars costafilh0 says:

    That's why they avoid using Nukes. So people believe this is not WW3.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars costafilh0 says:

    This is already WW3.
    Ukraine is just the proxy.
    For now.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fancy Name says:

    The real winner will be the military-industrial complex. Let's load up on their stocks, even if we might not live beyond WW3.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deez nutz says:

    Who's loading the boat

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Robinson says:

    You called it a Chinese “weather” balloon at 6min.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Infinitely infinite says:

    China hasn't come to the party yet

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ghøst Data says:

    I'm not going to war, the fed can go f*ck itself. They put us there

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lars Anders says:

    So was leaving billions of dollars worth of military equipment in Afghanistan to the Taliban also a violation of UN regulations?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SH DMD says:

    I ask again

    Why is Biden doing this to us? Why is he risking my 3 year old to Russian nukes for fucking Ukraine Border?

    People need to stop this fucker

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