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00:00 What Happened
01:45 How the Strikes Happened
06:27 Inflation Issue.
09:45 Biden Statement
This video is not personalized advice for the viewer.

Well, the United States and the United Kingdom jointly with the support of Australia Canadian Forces and Uh forces from Bahrain have conducted air strikes in Yemen. Yes, these this is in direct retaliation to the Houthi attacks in the Red Sea on Uh, not only American but international shipping vessels. Uh, The Guardian this morning warned that an attack like this was prepared Uh and it was a likely. Here is a map of all of the attacks that have taken place in blue here.

blue dots being November and December 2023 attacks on vessel Reported incidences in the Red Sea red dots are January 2024 attacks Uh, right here on November 19th Houth actually landed on a cargo ship via helicopter in a now pretty viral uh um, uh, Tik Tok video that had Circ CC C at for a while. Uh, But point is, the United States has responded and attacked various different regions uh and cities including the capital of Yemen. It's worth noting that the Houthis took control of Yemen in 2014. They were actually declared a terrorist organization under the Trump Administration a declaration that the Biden Administration, Unwound the Biden Administration uh basically unlabeled this group a terror group.

Again, this is You can see my research and some comments that I throw on the website. Keep them out there. Uh, for free? Uh, they'll always be free. and they're they're there.

Go to if you want to read it. I I'll point out some things from this now. we've got aircraft carrier in the regions. Uh, we've got F35s.

We've got us submarines like the Ohio class missile sub USS Florida in the region. Apparently all of these are participated in not only uh, air, uh, aerially delivered uh strikes, but also Tomahawk cruise missile strikes I Wouldn't be surprised if you had the submarine and aircraft carrier launch attack from the sea, while at the same time from Saudi Arabia to the north, uh, you got an attack uh uh via uh via F35s, B2 bombers. Whatever. The real concern now is does this escalate us into World War III A lot of folks are worried that yes, that's exactly what this is going to cause.

In fact, there are reports that air raid sirens are going off at the US Embassy in the green zone in Baghdad which is not good. That means there are some kind of retaliatory attacks on US Embassy in other regions. In the Middle East Uh, there are reports that I mean some people are saying in this is in the comments okay, but in the comments, some people are saying Iran is scrambling its Air Force Uh, There are allegations that the Houthis are launching Uh barges of counter ballistic missiles uh against uh Uh. ships in the Red Sea and houthis have argued that they will retaliate.

Uh. In fact, in the latest statement here from the Houthis, we find uh, that let's see here, Houth, We will respond forcefully to the American and British battleships in the Red Sea. The Royal Navy will stay in the region. The Royal Air Force also participated in the strikes.
Houthi leaders say they will confront American aggression. Obviously, Biden came out and suggested that uh, hey, we won't hesitate to take further action. Essentially, if uh, the Houthis want to keep fighting, we'll come back for more Rir strikes. That's essentially the threat.

At the same time, the United States is expecting some kind of retaliation. The air strikes are now over, but the US is expecting some kind of retaliation and therefore we have our Patriot missile defense systems uh in Saudi Arabia along that northern border of Yemen on high alert. Uh, it's worth kind of just looking at a map here so you can understand this a little better. So when you zoom in right, we're over here.

we've got Sudan Egypt Ethiopia Uh, and uh, you know Iraq is really up here. uh by Syria Georia Jordan Israel above Kuwait Well, in between all of where this drama is, we have Saudi Arabia which is where the United States has bases, air bases, and otherwise we have the Red Sea right here which is very, very important. Shipping route: Uh, it takes about 35% longer to get ships around the tip of Africa here and get them into Europe Now, uh, a lot of these southbound ships from Russia Uh, since Russia does have uh, the uh, like Port sylvesta pool over here, A lot of the southbound ships have actually not been attacked because the Houthis are specifically attacking countries that are supporting Israel via mostly Northbound traffic to Israel mostly cargo ships rather than oil ships. Anyway, attacks now launched along Uh coastal cities here as well as the capital of Yemen Uh, we have uh again reports that the air strikes ended uh after about 44 minutes.

Uh, the air strikes were first reported at about about 3:38 p.m. California time. Uh, they uh were reported to have ended by about 4:22 So this was probably about a 30 minute operation. Realistically, by the time we had the News That's relatively quick.

it looks like we heard from the Pentagon that 10 targets were uh bombed in Yemen one of them was an A UAV production facility. Uh, We have also heard that storage facilities have been bombed Uh, radar locations have been bombed. Uh, Any kind of uh uh, anti-ship or anti-air facilities have likely been bombed. Uh.

Anything that the United States could do to limit the ability of drones and Rockets to move out uh or attack ships from the Red Sea uh have have essentially been targeted. Uh, so uh. here are some specific city names: I Do not know how to pronounce these city names so I'll just leave the the words here on screen so you can see that. but uh that that is what's going on now.

Now keep in mind all obviously the greatest concern everybody has is what is next because now we have a we just I mean the Tinder Box got lit a long time ago. Okay I mean we could go into history and talk about the United States trying to control oil in the region after you know, giving uh uh, giving uh like Al-Qaeda plans for nuclear weapons in the 70s I mean we can go far back okay or whatever. But the point is more recently uh, after the Uh attack on Israel and then the Israeli incursion into to the Gaza Strip uh, houthis who are a uh leading party in Yemen who are also deemed to be backed by Iran uh, they have started attacking ships in the Red Sea to disrupt trade that creates an inflation issue I was surprised but on Christmas Eve we actually had us warships in the region with operation Prosperity garden and that Prosperity Garden wasn't very prosperous because apparently we were still getting attacked to the point where shippers are like look, we thought we could go back to shipping under your escort. This is not good enough.
we quit. We're not shipping over here anymore. So what happened? The prices of container ships skyrocketed. 40 foot containers went up from 1,200 bucks to somewhere around Uh 2 and 1/2x as expensive if not even more expensive depending on the type of container.

Now now, when containers get more expensive, some Goods move to Air Freight and to truck Freight. So Air Freight and truck Freight has substantially uh uh, seen or has seen large price increases. uh in the Middle East So what does that do it? IND It increases cost for producers. There is a belief that in an increased cost for producers could lead to more inflation which is highly unpopular.

Uh for for the the Sitting President right now. Uh, and this is my opinion. Okay, and and keep in mind before I give you my opinion I Just want to pitch Yes, we have a coupon expiring for the amazing Gold Course Link down below. Lifetime membership includes the course member live streams and I teach you all I Know about Finance from real Estate investing Stock Investing Uh, how to be an entrepreneur Sales, how to not pay tax hackes and bu build your wealth the real way.

There's some amazing hacks in the gold course as well as the stocks and psychology. Money Zero to millionaire real estate. Do yourself Property Management you name it. YouTube Whatever.

There are plenty of courses there. Check those out at Uh, next price increase is on January 31st. Email us for bundles at staff ATM Uh, but what's most important? Uh, is that. uh, the the sitting President wants stability because when we come to election time, Joe Biden will benefit from an economy that hasn't crashed.

Hopefully right? Like, If like, hopefully, the economy hasn't crashed, right? But Joe Biden would benefit from that. Joe Biden would benefit from a real estate market that's up, a stock market that's up, and uh, inflation that's down, right? And and people not being jobless Donald Trump would benefit from basically the opposite. Uh, more of the political and geopolitical instability. We're seeing more inflation.

uh, housing prices going down and St prices going down. That's understandable because when people have pain, they can vote with their pocketbooks. And when they vote with their pocketbooks, they usually vote for regime change. So that's why for the Biden Administration Stability in the Red Sea is very, very important.
The question is: is this creating stability or is it warmongering? Because if it's war mongering and we're actually creating instability, then we have bigger problems. Uh, the strikes against the terrorist group in Yemen Or an attempt to degrade the capacity to wage war as well as restore deterrence in the region. I Think it's very interesting that they say restore deterrence in the region. That somewhat implies we've lost our ability to deter.

uh, uh uh, You know, attacks in the Middle East I I would agree with that. We there doesn't seem to be much deterrence. The Uh Uh Joe Biden has released a relatively large statement I Have a copy of that statement now. I'm going to throw that up on screen.

Standby New statement out right now today at my discretion. US Military forces, together with the United Kingdom and support from Australia Bahrain Canada and the Netherlands could successfully conducted strikes against a number of Target in Targets in Yemen used by Houthi rebels to endanger freedom of Uh navigation one of the world's most vital waterways. These strikes are a direct response to the unprecedented Houthi attacks on International vessels in the Red Sea Uh, We've been attacked 27 times At this point. this has affected 20 plus countries Uh, and we had one of their largest attacks just recently on January 9th, to which obviously we've now responded to Uh with an unequivocal warning to Houy Rebels that they would bear the consequences if their attacks did not cease.

And yesterday the UN Security Council passed a resolution demanding the Houthis and their attacks. Uh, which of course was followed with a clear message of targeted strikes by the United States and partners. Uh, and of course the threat that the United States will not uh, uh, uh, sort of. Uh, how should I say um, uh.

The United States basically is prepared to direct further measures after air strikes on Hthy targets should it be necessary uh for there to be more air strikes These, by the way, Come Just As An blinkin wrapped up another tour of the region. Uh, and you having blinkin over there somewhat suggest. obviously this is a top priority for the administration, as it should be for Uh, quite frankly, the administration and America hopefully this does not escalate into having lit a Tinder Box which would be a disaster. Anyway, you can read all of these updates uh and links to more information at It's free.

It's free forever I put stock picks on there I put short ideas long ideas Bitcoin ideas real estate ideas, fed ideas everything I put uh everything I can I can put out there in terms of research not everything I have, but everything that I can get on there I try to put it on there I leave it there forever so you have the same research that I do uh and again, if you want to learn the way that uh I teach Building Wealth easiest way, check out Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you in the next one. Goodbye and let's pray that this is not the start of something worse. Why not advertise these things that you told us here I Feel like nobody else knows about this? We'll we'll try a little advertising in CR Go Congratulations man! you have done so much People love you people. look up to you Kevin PA there financial analyst and YouTuber meet Kevin Always great to get your take.

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26 thoughts on “World war 3 airstrikes explained: us strikes yemen! houthi rebels!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @aztucsonman77 says:

    The biggest reason they get labeled a terrorist group is to make it a crime for us to donate money to them. Millions of us would be donatimg money to them if it wasn't a crime bro

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @CLaw-tb5gg says:

    There is a very, very simple solution to all of this.

    1. Stop supporting Israel.
    2. Stop taking a side in Sunni-Shia conflicts.

    These two things, and only these two things, are what really, really pisses off people in the Middle East and makes them hate the US.

    If the US treated Israel like any other country and didn’t give it this weirdly privileged status to let it do whatever the fuck it wanted and constantly write blank checks for it and turn up with a bunch of aircraft carriers on demands, and it stopped looking like the US only took the side of Sunnis, the Middle East would be cool with the US. There would be lingering historical grievances of course, but yeah.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Josue-on8gu says:

    WW3 and The Second Civil War before GTA VI👎🏼👎🏼

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @BeeBrotha says:

    Just can't help themselves but to get involved in another war…thats all these people want and the dummies follow and do it every time. Doesn't war get old???

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @andressierra2951 says:

    Bruh nobody wants war with the US..

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @tejinder868 says:

    please don't start a war. I have invested money in stocks.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ryan6391 says:

    Biden unwinds terrorists and then lets them freely walk over our borders. This administration is a failure.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @pietrovalsecchi1680 says:

    Kevin, Can you tell us what impact could US involvement in a potential WW3 escalation have on US treasury yields?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TiagoRamosVideos says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! @madoldgoat5960 says:

    About time

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @EddieSerban says:

    Too bad that USA is completely controlled by Israel

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @truefreedom9308 says:

    Click bait

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ibond127 says:

    Another screw up by sleepy Joe

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @joycekoch5746 says:

    You that Mitchel’s prayer have heard
    ‘Send war in our time, O Lord!’
    Know that when all words are said
    And a man is fighting mad,
    Something drops from eyes long blind
    He completes his partial mind,
    For an instant stands at ease,
    Laughs aloud, his heart at peace.
    – Yeats –

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Ivansthename says:

    “War is a Racket” book by Retired USMC Gen Smedley Butler 1935. War makes no sense other than for the opportunity to thin the heard and make money. Don’t do it, don’t support it. “Thou shall not kill.” This is literally the most clear commandment.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @hermanwheeler3130 says:

    Stop Netanyahu and the IDF and you stop the Houthis. US and UK are responsible for all of this. Starting back in 1945. Sad.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @antonio325i says:

    Really Kevin, what's with the title, are you that hard up for clicks or just being greedy 😅

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @antisistemadirittisociali5553 says:

    As always they are spreading democracy around the world

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @soulahousefm4153 says:


  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! @hdvideos6559 says:

    Why Islam making problems all over the world?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @frankkarenjacobs4509 says:

    The Houthi response is so what — they have been bombed by Saudi Arabia for a decade now — they are used to it..
    Maybe Israel needs to stop in Gaza so the Houthi's will stop.. The Houthi's are trying to stop an genocide… All this started by Israel's war crimes in Gaza… See the case before the World Court against Israel.
    Maybe we (the USA) should do the right thing try and stop it too…

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @alburu9528 says:

    Just wait for Maersk stock to skyrocket

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mason7157 says:

    Wow US saved the world again. Houthis will behave from now, not only they welcome our troops with flowers, the shipping route in the Red Sea will be very safe!! Idiots

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Maradona024 says:


  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @monaliza3334 says:

    What can you do with 2000 troops there? Its a small 🇺🇸 base against Arab world, please be reasonable.
    The new Atlas with Brian explains a lot, watch it….

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @markeasley6149 says:

    I am anti-war while Biden is in charge. He will lose it all. Lives and treasure and enemies will get stronger.

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