Winning on a Hyperlocal Level: Call the People Who Know, Like & Trust You!
Agents are constantly chasing new leads, but too often unwilling to invest the time and energy to pick up the phone and reach out to those people they already know!
The latest data shows that approximately seven percent of people are considering a move right now. Think of that... 7 out of every 100 contacts in your phone are potential listings just waiting for your call, but if you’re not making those calls, you’re missing out.
So today’s podcast is addressing this topic head-on, with scripts and topic ideas to make your calls easier and an old-school method that still works – even if you have no database!
For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated about changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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Number seven: if you want to win on the hyper local list, you might want to call the people that already know you like you and trust you now just for fun, ready everybody grab your phone and very quickly go to your phone and go to your contacts. Go to your contacts, go to your contacts like i just did in your phone super important everybody's got to do it, and then i want you to go to the very bottom. To tell me scroll down like the pound sign or the you know the xyz at the very bottom. You just hit that on the side i have 5513 contacts.

I want to know how many you have how many people do you have on your phone, joe ferrente whoa. Look at bob four thousand tasha. 744. 200.

I mean look at these numbers guys. Oh you're you're gon na love me and you're gon na hate me in a minute. 2000. 3200.

4500. 14. 000 contacts in her phone 2. 900.

Okay, so you got the idea. Now you ready watch this everybody, here's! What the math tells us today so keep your phone out. You ready! I want you to take that number and give me the number at seven percent of it. What's seven percent of that number? What seven percent of that number so you've got two thousand people in your phone.

I think that's a hundred and, let's see seven percent, ten percent would be uh two hundred, so it's like 100 and thirty hundred forty look at all these numbers. 175. 111. 26.

35. 20. 257. 106..

So watch this everybody pay really close attention. If you pay attention to the property data over the last 12 months of both property data and human data, social data, the numbers gail show right now that seven to eight percent of every person in your phone is thinking about selling their home. This year. Seven to eight percent of every person in your phone is thinking about selling this year.

I really want you to get this point. You are sitting on 35., so my you're sitting on 35 listings right now in your phone right uh joe ferrante, is sitting on 105. trinette is sitting on 242. jackie's sitting on 41 right terry's sitting on 160.

rainey is sitting on 86 right. What i want you guys to get is, if you're going to do all these things, which i want you to do, to protect your brand. To put you in a position where you are defending yourself against all these monster companies and more, you have to start calling the people in your phone. You have to start talking to the people in your phone.

Now i saw a buddy of mine who i'm going to give a little shout out to his name, is peter raider long time, coaching, client, so peter, and i at the blueprint we did. I think it was earlier in the year and i forgot with munch february march, whatever it was. I said to peter peter on the zoom screen, how many people are in your phone and i forget the numbers like 1800 or 1900, and i said peter. I want you to call every person right he's.

Actually, i just saw it right march 3rd 1207, people on his phone now peter peter's out here with us right now so peter you know you could see when i screenshotted this from my phone and text you and said i'm going to share these numbers. You can see my friends he's had 471 conversations amy with people in his phone he's had 35 listing appointments like people that raised their hand. Some of them are like. We want to do it in a year.
Some of them are they want to do it now? Some of them are like. We want you to just talk to us. We want to know what our options are, but he's got seven percent conversion. Do you guys want to know what a script is? Who would like to know what a script is? Okay, it's really complicated ready.

I haven't talked to you in forever. How have you been peter? Did i get that right right he's like i'm, sending you the new data today? Thank you. I haven't talked to you in forever suzanne. How are you doing - oh, my god, and now obviously they're going to say i haven't talked to you? Have you been what's going on as your family? Has your life as your kids as your puppy right? But if you want the question to ask it's right here, if you want the question to ask, look at this question everybody.

So after i'm like suzanne how you been what's shaking, what are you doing? What's new how's life, how's work, then i'm gon na say suzanne. I've been asking everybody, i know how is covid in the last year, plus at the pandemic, change the way you feel about your home and then you shut up, and you know what you're going to hear my house is too small. I need more space. I want a backyard i've been dreaming about a pool and, as listen, my friends be very clear as more and more people get vaccinated right as as more and more people feel safe and secure going outside on the coast.

Mostly, you know what's happening all those people now you call them and say hey. How has cova changed and you know what they're doing they're like i have been working at the dining room table of my house for the last 15 months. My spouse works in the master bedroom closet. We have a three-year-old five-year-old and seven-year-old we've been afraid to go out and guess what now those people are thinking about, selling look up here guys? Are they gon na go to your site? Are they gon na call you, or do you think, they're probably going to go online and start doing research? I think all of you know the truth: they're going to go online they're going to do what everybody else does what are home selling for in my area? Let me go on zillow: what's the latest estimate, what are homes selling for they're, going to go on redfin they're, going to go on realtor they're, going to go on all these sites, my friends because it's easy! So what must we do? What must we do? We got to get comfortable and confident and start carving out an hour or two every day to reach out to everyone.

That already knows us likes us and trusts us and by the way, look up here. All those companies and the other 40 companies would prefer that you didn't do you guys get that they would prefer that you didn't do it and you kept looking for the secret formula to suddenly have all of your clients reach out to you, but hand-to-hand combat is Still, where it's at so what else should you say, hey home price appreciation has been this right: sellers in 2021 that sell are going to capitalize on record low interest rates, they're going to capitalize on the shortage of properties. Massive buyer demand hey so far this year, home prices in tulsa oklahoma are up 18. You start giving them this information, and then you ask who do you guys know thinking about selling? I i promise you if you just ask this question after saying: how's it going.
You won't have to get into any of this, but you should know all these details because you're the hyper local expert. Now i will tell you, in addition: should you mail all of your past clients from 2010 to 2018, an updated home valuation? What do you guys think doing five six of those a day and then, following up right, i'm five weeks into my career second week into tom ferry coaching with coach, frank, herrera who's been calling yeah. Who has me calling everybody in my database and tracking two and a half hours a day, i'm having amazing conversations and leads from folks? I would have never expected mark french austin texas, one of the hottest markets in the country mark. That's the power of having a coach, absolutely yes, good job! All right now you ready before you say: hey tom, i'm brand new, and i don't know anybody look at this.

You know what's also working right now, if you're new and you're, like i moved here from salt lake city, i'm now living in phoenix arizona. I don't know anybody. This would be low on my list of things to do, but i want you to know it works. They're literally calling and saying hey, my name is tom ferry.

I don't know if you know this, but a property just sold down the street. It had six offers on it and sold for what looks like 18 more than the asking price. But here's the problem, six offers meant five buyers are crying right now because they desperately want to live in your neighborhood. I'm curious, you know, do you know anybody, that's thinking about selling i'm curious.

Would you like a crazy offer on your home and agents are doing this? William legendary agents are doing it with them and their teams, and it's just been nuts look at terry says i got 47 offers on a recent listing and the biggest mistake that we make is we go yay 47 offers, oh my god, my seller's so happy, but What about the remarketing in that community, because you're sitting on 46 other buyers and there's a reason why 47 we're writing an offer? I have a feeling there wasn't 12 houses to choose from think about it. My friends, you.

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6 thoughts on “Winning on a hyperlocal level: call the people who know, like & trust you!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Valdez says:

    Thank you Tom!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Enrique Pascual says:

    Tom is great at captivating the audience. Bringing all these people together. Thank you!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Snow White says:

    Thanks this is really helpful…
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  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chriss4365 says:

    How do you keep up with 5000 contacts. This real-estate market is a mess its absurd.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KP Communications says:

    Tom I love what you do and how you help SO much. Thank you its a HUGE help to someone like me just new in the role.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Gold says:

    What script do you recommend for calling your SOI?

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