#TomFerryPodcast #TomFerry #TFPE
Why You Should Go ALL IN on Video + 10 Videos You Should Shoot Now!
Video is... intimidating.
Video is... uncomfortable.
Video is... time consuming.
And oh yeah, one more:
Video is... ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL to your business!
I’m talking all things video on today’s Tom Ferry Podcast Experience.
I’ll start by making a case for why you NEED to go all in on video, and then I’ll give you 10 ideas for videos you should shoot now!
Whether you’re still working up the nerve to hit that red RECORD button or a video veteran, I’ve got tips you won’t want to miss in this episode. (For instance, are you using TubeBuddy and Quora as content idea generators? I’ll show you how.)
For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated about changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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Hey guys welcome to the podcast. I am actually testing something going live on facebook, while i'm doing this. First of all, thank you always for subscribing for sharing for leaving a comment. It just means the world to me.

This is going to be really interesting because i'm going to talk video today and i haven't gone direct on just strategies and tactics and why you should just be going hardcore on video, though i know you know this and if you're a long time tom ferry follower, You are probably take probably out you're way ahead of the curve um, but there's still some people out there that really aren't executing at the level. I just want to talk about that, but i want to start by uh. You know saying hey to my friends on facebook live and everybody listening uh. You know whether you're in the car working out or you're watching this on youtube.

Thank you always um. In the summer of 2007, i was playing golf at uh at my club back in southern california, and you know we can all remember 2007 what that was like global economic crisis challenge upset uh. You know so much uncertainty, but about 18 months. Prior to that, i was looking for a way to contribute to as many people as i can remember.

In 2007, we didn't have many of the platforms and tools that we have today. So i had this ingenious idea that i could record audio messages into one of those old like tristan globe. Microphones right in my you know home. You know home office and i'd record these messages, and then i would like send via email a link for people to listen, and i did that for goodness, 16 18 months and then all of a sudden.

I am on the golf course and my buddy ed park. Big shout out to ed park, he says: hey, do you want to play golf with my pal and i'm like yeah? Of course, man like hey man, nice, to meet you who are you and he's like? Oh, my name is david. I'm like david. What are you doing? He says i, you know, i live in new york and i work for google and i was like oh well, you you and i should ride together and get them in the car, and i just start asking them questions right.

Let's tell him about this and talk about that and how long have you been with the company and you know not like interrogating but kind of interrogating them and uh, so you know we're about halfway through the round, and i say you know. Google clearly wants me to succeed, so i can spend more money on advertising. I said: can i share with you some of the things that i'm doing then you could give me some feedback right and so he says yeah. Of course man like what do you want to do and i'm like well, so i'm doing these audio messages and i'm i'm thinking about blogging and i'm doing some blogging, but i'm not doing it at any consistent level and funny.

He says to me back then: remember it's 2007. He says yeah audio's, not where it's at right. Just tristan. Just think about that.

Can you imagine if i continued to do audio podcasting? What we would call it today from 2007 to today, like i think joe rogan, would be calling me and saying: hey man how'd, you do it right because he started what around 11 years ago and just from doing it forever and obviously having great guests and content. Joe is like a genius right, like i just think, i'd be so much farther ahead, but whatever i regress. Instead, he said to me: hey we bought this company called youtube. You should go all in on video, and i was like okay like - and i remember launching my first youtube channel in 2007, and probably just like so many of you, i thought, like youtube, was a place to watch charlie, but my finger uh, the original dance.
You know whatever videos cat videos, all this kind of uh entertainment, which is hysterical because you think about like tick tock today, which is purely an entertainment site like netflix hulu and everything else. It's not a shock right that video worked, but i go back to those early days and i just said i'm just going to find out what's important to my clients and just put it out there on video and see what happens. I'm not going to be attached! Launch my my current channel in 2009 and when i reflect back on uh, you know the horrible first videos all the mistakes. I made the evolution of no lighting, no microphone standing outside in chicago on a flip video camera just creating content, because i knew i had to put something out and where we are today it just.

First of all, i'm super grateful. I'm super grateful that i had the the foresight the inside, whatever you want to call it uh, then i carved out the time of my incredibly busy schedule to to do this. Well now, today, you watching this right now, whether you're with me live or you're. Listening to this later um, i want to make the argument uh statistically and then tactically, on what you should be doing from a video standpoint going forward um some videos.

I believe that you need to start doing on a weekly basis and it doesn't matter as you're. Listening to this, if you're, like i'm already feeling behind yeah, the good news is there's not enough agents out there that are actually doing video like when you look at the consumer data around what's important to customers. What do they want? You're? Not behind, though, those of us that started early, that kristoff choose eileen rivera's lisa doyle's like so many of my clients that went early early, seven, eight, nine ten yeah they're way ahead. But when you look at the demand for content and how consumer behavior is shifted towards video, certainly over the last five years, and even more so today, the the the call to arms for you is just to start.

But first i want to show you this um. I guess i can't really show you but uh, i'm looking at this article that came out in april 30th, 2020 on oberlo oberlo and it's the 10 video marketing statistics that you need to know in 2021. So i'm going to share these and then i'm going to share with you 10 videos. I think you should shoot that are just going to be one officer or campaigns.
Then i'm going to talk to you about um, how i come up with content ideas and then i'm going to basically just wrap it up with like the three most important videos. I believe you need to watch or you need to watch. You need to produce every single week, so i'm just scanning the site right now we had googled earlier, like you know, marketing statistics regarding video and you know, look high level. This is the stuff you need to know.

Internet users everywhere enjoy video content. 85 percent of all internet users in the us watch online video content monthly or on some like some device so like that seems pretty obvious, i'm going to try and skip through the most basic ones. I think this was interesting, though. Demand for video content is increasing.

Demand for video content is increasing. 54 of consumers want to see more video content from a brand or a business. They support a brand you or a business that they support. 54 of consumers are like.

I want to see more of your content. I want to see more of what you're doing educate me show me. The city show me: the town tell me what it means to buy a million dollar house here. How do i buy my first home? They want to see more from you not less number.

Three video as a powerful marketing tool. It says 87 of marketing professionals use video as a marketing tool. 87 so think think about like 15 years ago, when tv was the mother lode and it was impossible for people like you and i from a financial standpoint to go out and to create like commercials on yourself. Yet today b-roll youtube commercials b-roll, like the you know, the pre-video that you would see because you want to see lebron james, do a dunk or you know a tom ferry, video and all of a sudden there's a that video before jason pantana huge shout out to Jason montana, the head of our uh, you know marketing events at tom, ferry uh.

He has been helping people do these short form. You know 30. Second, 15. Second, videos, the lead generation, that's coming off that the brand awareness that's coming off.

That is bonkers. 87 percent of marketing professionals say video, video, video and more video consumers love this number. Four consumers love seeing videos on social media. We both know that.

I think some of that, though, actually plays to the algorithm like we know that facebook many years ago when they added the live button, uh instagram, ticktalk, uh, snapchat twitter - i i just think video is just it just became an algorithm thing. So i appreciate what they're saying, but i think it's more i'll go number five. Video marketing equals profit again if you're, just checking in with me, live right now on facebook. We're talking about the 10 reasons why i need to be doing video based on what the consumers are saying, then i'm going to talk to you about 10 different videos.
I want you to shoot, i'm going to talk about where you can get like content ideas which you're going to get a ton today and then obviously like the three must do videos so number five was 88 of video. Marketers are satisfied with the roi of their video marketing efforts. 88 are satisfied. Now i wouldn't say satisfied.

I would say i am thrilled blown away, but if 88 percent of people say i'm satisfied, which means they spent the time the money, the effort they got a videographer, they did it live on facebook. They bought the ring light. They like they put something into it. They put some equity into it and then 88 are saying no brainer tristan.

How would you respond to what how satisfied are you with creating content for super 73, 10 out of 10., if you could have answered 1 000 out of 10, i think you would have said 1 000 right how many, how many bikes have you sold being an Influencer for the super 73 product, like approximately this year, 71 bikes hit his side. Hustle is doing something that he loves. Riding these super cool electric bikes around town, recording it they pay. Can i say this: they pay him to shoot video and then people use his promo code and he gets paid like you're, not 88 you're, like 500 out of like if 10 right so and think about this, like i think about um everyone out there watching right Now, when i was a enormous advocate for video uh launches on your listings, starting in 2010, i became a huge advocate for this and and people would say - oh the cost to do that, and you know it didn't directly sell the home fast forward to like my Client, tim smith, he did the duffy video on a 45 million dollar house across the harbor from my place in newport, and got two buyers to write offers after watching the video two buyers so like.

What we know today is video is where it's at. But let's keep going real fast, just a few more then we're getting into all the shows. I want you to do number six per uh per oberlo's, top 10 reasons to be doing video. They said video marketing is a lead generation, channel 66 percent.

Listen, video marketers video marketers get 66 more qualified leads per year. Why? Because if i know you like you and trust you, if i'm watching you on video, if you're educating me as the local professional in your town, if you're showing me you're the mayor of the community, then of course i'm going to be way more likely to say. I choose you zachary faust, who's, a great client who's, just crushing and does just a great job on tick. Tock would be, i would say his biggest channel and he and i were doing a clubhouse recently and he said, like i don't get objections anymore.

People just say: zach, we're totally excited get the home on the market like if you're not getting. I trust you calls those are known as come list me calls. I trust you calls if you're not getting more hey. You know we we're we're talking to a couple agents.
We want to talk to you. We want to hear what you have to say. It just means you're not doing enough video you're not getting on enough people in your markets, consideration when they're thinking about signing their home right. This one in particular that says according to optimonster video marketers get 66 more qualified leads per year.

Optomonster also concluded that video marketers achieved 54 increase in brand awareness, 54 increase in brand awareness. Additionally, 93 of the marketers say: they've landed a new customer thanks to video on social media, like i i guess again like for maybe for a long. For my long time. Clients, like i know, just okay, tell me the 10 videos.

You want me to shoot because they're super bananas, but let me just you know for my friends that are still questioning this number seven video marketing on social media channels in 2020. Youtube excuse me: no editing youtube is the most popular video sharing platform. We also know it's the number two search site on the planet uh with 88 percent of them planning on using no. No, no, let me see if i said this wrong.

Oh 88 of uh of people are saying we're spending money on youtube with our video marketing and 76 on facebook. That seems like common sense, i'm trying to get the one that i wanted, and i think here it is ready power, video on purchasing decisions. Number eight, eight out of ten people have purchased something based upon watching video. Eighty percent now hiring a service, that's you and i purchasing something, probably not a house but yeah.

You could say a house. This is probably more like product driven, you know, one-off, but when you look at like the number of people that are choosing their service provider based upon the video they watched and the number one, video obviously is like that. Who are you video? Who are you for? What do you stand for? What are you all about like that has to be on the face of your website? If it's not, i wouldn't even look at your site literally when i'm looking at investing in companies and i go to their their main page. If i don't see a video, a teaser video, an explainer video telling me who they are tell me what they stand for.

Tell me the problem they solve: how do they? How do they solve it a great way, so i can get more information. I bounce. What's up greg bingham in the house, speaking of greg runs the smith group uh just talking about the duffy video just a second ago good morning, greg good to see you, my friend, uh number, nine and we'll wrap it up with 10 growing popularity of video per O'Berlo growing popularity of video internet users spend 6 hours and 48 minutes per week watching videos online like that, doesn't actually shock me if you think about like that number, probably spiked by the end of the pandemic, because of you know hulu and every other device netflix On our, you know, laptop on our phone etc, but here's the big one: here's the mother, lode number 10; videos, roll on internet traffic, right videos, roll in internet traffic, 82 percent of the global internet traffic coming from video streaming and downloads. So i share all that with you, because whether you're a long time listener long time viewer of my content or you're new to me.
I just want to say to you: it's not too late right, it's not too late! For you to say, i'm gon na go hard on video, as as my primary way that i message to people and get the word out so tristan. Should i do? How do i come up with content first or just go right into like 10 crazy ideas? Just go right into it all right see. This is what happens when we're live, and i you trust your producer and you just ask and you go so. I was asked recently uh to speak to a bunch of agents that are doing a lot of video and they said to me: can you tell us like, in your experience like what are like 10 or 11 videos that we absolutely must do, and in this case It's probably more like 15 or 16 and probably some series, but i want to give you a bunch of ideas so think about it like this, so i live in dallas, texas and in dallas texas.

I believe the median sales price is 350. 000 bucks. If you look at the migration pattern from people leaving other states going to texas, all you got to do is just look at the data. It's pretty significant they're saying like 550 000 new jobs coming into the state, you know austin, houston, san antonio dallas and dallas is like saying la right.

It's just it's massive, so i would literally the first video i would do. Is a video called moving to city or moving to state seven things to help you get started like if you live in an area like nashville like anywhere in florida, anywhere in utah, anywhere anywhere right where people are moving in to me, i would be immediately thinking. Okay, if someone's moving from california to texas, what are the 17 17 things you got to do right like how do you select this? How do you do this? Where do you start? What are the sites you should look at? Where do you get the best data you know like? How do you get the school reports like? I would try and just be the educator for movement, and i know, agents that have already done other things like this. That are crushing it, and the same rule applies for beverly hills, santa monica san francisco, bellingham washington, so moving to x, city or moving to x state.

Here's, the seven things to help you get started. That's a no-brainer number. Two, a lot of popularity around a video called what does x dollars, get you in why city? If you haven't done this uh, it is a hugely successful video that so many of our clients have done um, but i want to plus it enhance it see. I think about um here i am in dallas right so i say so what does 250 000 get me in dallas right and maybe maybe i i go broader and i you know i say in texas - no cause i'm in dallas, because it's my hometown.
So what does 500 000 get me? What does 750 get me? What does 1 million get me? What does 5 million get me, but instead of just like what we've seen is people like doing a couple house tours? I would literally start from the airport. I would like you know, i don't know: i'd buy a ticket, i'd fly back to my own hometown and with my videographer tristan, imagine this it's you and i coming off the airplane you with me, so i'm at dfw, i'm at love, field picture this guys and I come off and i'm like: hey tom ferry banana real estate, just landed from los angeles. Looking at the lakers video in front of me here, the lakers sign and i'm here at dfw. I want to show you what 500 000 gets you in the greater dallas marketplace and i'm literally walking off the airplane i go over.

I grab the luggage we get in the car and i'm just having a conversation like so, if you're thinking about moving to dallas and you're asking yourself what does 500 000 get me today, i want to show you five pieces of property one. You know one in the east two in the west right three in the north, whatever the number is, and i'm just describing what five hundred thousand dollars gets you. I do the same thing at a million right, but then i wrote down this morning like if i was in the high end. I would do the same thing at 1 million 2 million 5 million 10 million, but i would do it walking off a private jet.

You don't actually have to get the jet, you can actually just say to them. Hey. Can i give you guys some free promotion, i'd like to like do this video, but i need to step out of a cool jet right. Like you know, you just say i'm getting right, tristan right or wrong like this.

Is you know this is like instagrammer? You know influencer 101. You get off the jet and you're like hey just landed here at love. Field want to talk about what five million dollars gets you in highland park in university park or in preston hollow right, like very specific high-end neighborhoods. You know right here in dallas off the private jet through the fbo, maybe stop at the carlton or the crescent right, because that's probably where that person's going to check in and you say, look there's only a couple of super luxury hotels in town.

If you're going to be shopping in any one of those three places, this is where you're going to stay. You show them around you introducing the concierge, and then you go look and preview a couple houses that are in that price range. I just think i don't think i know that video would be bonkers and if you have this combination of moving from x to y moving from one state to another, moving from this city to that city or that state to this city, you know here's the seven Things you need to know, here's the 15 things you need to know. Maybe you interview your accountant right and they talk about what they need.
You know sharing that perspective, but then to like literally do the 500 million five million dollar price points and say you know, here's what it's like from the perspective of the person getting off the airplane. Welcome to dfw, you know. Welcome to i don't know the airport in austin right. I just think that will be bonkers for you, so those are kind of number one and number two, even though it could end up being like six videos, because you could literally say moving to dallas right, north, south, east and west, and you break down the four Communities and then it's is it quadricated? Would that be it like four different, i'm on this, like bifurcation trifurcation quadrication, i i don't think that's correct.

Someone needs to tell me in the comments all right. Those are the first two videos number three on my list would be a drive communities, video series. This is something that my dear friend long time, friend christoph chu, absolutely nailed. When he basically said look, i'm gon na go drive, beverly hills flats, i'm gon na go like every super luxury area community in his town and he drove around and he just talked about.

If you go to christoph choo's youtube channel, you'll see it, you know he and i uh we. I know we've text a couple times this year he's been with me in a couple. Live events like you know, virtual events, but he would regularly tell me like i get like come listening calls which are. I trust you calls from those videos and they have like three thousand views.

Four thousand views: five thousand views, six thousand views, ten thousand views, and he did him like years ago and they just sit there like these sales and marketing machines when people type in you know beverly hills, flats right or they type in you know somewhere in santa Monica and boom there's christoph in his mercedes hi. It's christoph today we're driving through this community and he just takes his phone and, like suction cups, it to the you know, whatever the what is the thing called in front of you, the you're when you're driving? No, the glass thing the windshield. Yes, thank you. Yes, i can talk killer, video content, but i have no idea what the thing is in my car called the windshield uh, no editing he suction cups into that, and then he just drives around and talks about.

You know most of the homes here were built in the 1920s when this community happened, or you know, blah blah blah blah blah, and he just is the educator he's the mayor he's the one that knows it better than anybody else, because he took the time to Shoot these videos so that'd be number three um number four is one of the videos that i think you have to shoot on a weekly basis and it's called how's the market, if how's the real estate market in dallas, texas, how's, the real estate market in the Parks, how's, the excuse me no editing. This is just having one of those moments like. What's in my tee, i like it. Maybe i had to sip something, and then i remember back in the day when i was like you got to edit, that you got to edit, that when did we get over editing, were you assuming that i wasn't a real person tristan like before we? Yes, okay back to the video.
If, by the way you should go to uh, i'm gon na give you a little hack, there's a site called tube buddy tube buddy google, it tristan. If i screw this up. Tell me. Tubebuddy essentially gives you insight into your videos.

Watch times little deeper analytics than than you know, you get from your existing youtube channel, but what i loved the most about it is, you can actually go into buddy and you can say basically like tell me the videos that aren't being created in my marketplace. Aka. What are the searches that are happening in my marketplace? On google, where there is no video content created, mic drop? You could just leave right now, if you just did that, if you just said: okay, i'm just going to go in, i live in who bedoville anywhere in the world. Okay, this is what people are searching for when it comes to housing.

These are the things that they want. This is the information they're looking for, and there are no videos on that content. You could just stop right there and just start creating content. Well, one of the obvious things in the early days of this was people were searching for how's the real estate market in their town, right and and there's you know, obviously, a ton of content there.

Now the people that are winning are the ones that are just doing it every single week i look at like steve cohen in new york city who, in the middle of a pandemic, starts his show, and you know there wasn't a lot of good things to talk About when it came to how's the market in new york city during the pandemic, but because he kept doing it and interviewing interesting people right, he continued to blow up now, i'm watching his videos. I was watching one this morning, shout out to steve stevie cohen in douglas element. He's like hey this many contracts every week. Here's what's happening.

It's a news show! That's all it is. It's a new show, hey tom ferry banana real estate, thanks so much for watching. Here's the real estate market in two minutes or less right here in hubeyduville. Last week we had this many new listings come on the market.

The average sales price was x. We had this many pending sales. Last week the average sales price was y and we had this many closings and the average sales price was z. I did a little deep dive research.

I asked 75 agents. The sense of buyer demand today with interest rates beginning to tick up, and the answer was no stop in buyer demand the promise you saw from the listing number. We simply have right now a massive shortage in homes for sale, so sellers who choose to sell in 2021 are still going to get the advantage of incredibly low interest rates. Massive buyer demand and a lot of flexibility once they sell their house.
So it's tom ferry banana real estate. This is your real estate marketing update for the city of who we doville see you next week. You do that every week and you properly index it on your youtube channel and then you post it on your facebook page, your instagram page, your linkedin page, you put it everywhere and you do it for a year, you're gon na become the mayor, and it's two Minutes or less it's the news now. Obviously, if you get more advanced and you have someone that can actually like you know, put up the infographic that can show houses can show, dollar prices can show arrows up and down which you know.

Maybe you get to that later, you do that it's gon na be even better. Okay, so that's like think number. Four number. Five.

You ready think about this in the u.s 21 million investment properties of the 138 million homes out there uh. Where is the video on buying investment? Property in your town always want to use the name of your town, the city right, like buying investment property in blah right whatever that is. But then i would also do another one called buying a duplex, and then i do another one called buying a triplex buying a fourplex buying multi-family. I would kill that.

Look at my guy dan blackwell, uh dan blackwell long time, client, unbelievable guy sells multi uh multi-unit apartments for cbrr's the number one guy i think in southern california right now, absolutely killing it do. You have some pull up questions for me because otherwise, it's just too hard for me to see it going live here. Um you should check out dan blackwell today, dan does in the middle of the pandemic. Think about this guys we're talking about creating all this content.

He's out video uh videoing like large apartment buildings, describing it he basically set an attention like i want to film every large apartment in my marketplace, right which you could say, look at duplexes. Look at triplexes look at sfrs that are happening in your marketplace like you want to be the educator for investors, whether they're buying direct or they're wholesaling, whatever it may be, you want to be the go-to gal for this. This is another segment where you can absolutely crush it right from a video standpoint dan. He and i were on a coaching session.

You know it's like april, maybe the end of march, beginning of april, and there was so much worry during the pandemic about you know. What's going to happen to rents, are people going to stop making their payments and then, of course, you know all the relief bills that came out right all of a sudden, i'm like you, know dan. What you should do is you should just start interviewing large apartment owners like big, you know, institutions, midsize and then mom and pops survey them to find out. What's the rent roll been like, what's the percentage of collected, those videos blew up? Hey it's dan blackwell cbre right here in newport beach, california, it's the may rent, control or rent update, everybody called it a show and he'd say so.
I interviewed uh seven apartment owners they owned between them 3000 units. I interviewed another nine people that had about you know: 2 000, you know total and then i interviewed seven more people that between them owned like 50 units, and i asked them. What is the current percentage of rents, you're collecting and it's 93 percent, and then he'd talk about it? It was genius. What are you doing with sfrs? What are you doing for investment properties? Is it how to fix and flip in your town right? Is it how to invest in your town? Is it why you should buy a duplex versus a single family residence? Those are more contents.

You want to create number six on my list, easy one. If i go to your website and you're telling me to search for homes, if i go to your website and you're like search for homes and there isn't a seven mistakes to avoid in buying your first home in x, city, city, city, city, city, again, eighty percent Of consumers are making their decision based upon video. It's like 88 of marketers are saying. I'm super happy with the roi from the video the time the energy, the effort having an outsourced videographer getting my own videographer doing it live on facebook.

They're. All saying like roi is fantastic. Super excited: that's a no-brainer for you number, seven or eight on my list is selling in blank selling in blank avoid this twenty thousand dollar mistake selling in dallas avoid this two hundred thousand dollar marketing mistake, selling in who be doville avoid this fifteen thousand dollar marketing. Mistake now you could, of course from that say well what you know what mistake? Well, you you know like: have you gone in the mls and looked at some photos of some of the properties that are for sale? Like that's a mistake right, the lack of video, the lack of exposure, the lack of email marketing, the lack of agent age network, the lack of the lack of the lack of you could argue.

You know it could be tens of thousands of dollars. Think about, like think about um, so many people, i talked to glenda baker and lana georgia she's, like darling, because when i launch my listings, we unveil the property at such an extraordinary level that you know we're going to sell the property with multiple offers, and it's Going to sell over asking - which i know sounds normal today, but she's actually able to articulate because of the things that they're doing they get more so the opposite of that is people that don't do those things lose. Fifteen thousand lose twenty thousand. That's a great video shoot right away, another one, if you think about the population around the world aging right the amount of real estate owned by my dad, 75 years old, grandparents, 85 90 years old.
As an example, i would want a video called downsizing from big home to small home in city, downsizing, from big home to small home in city, no brainer and and probably best. If you are, you know good-looking 27 year old, that you sit down with your parents or you sit down with your grandparents or anyone. You would recently help that is of that age, and you do a little collaboration back and forth. Like you know, tell me about what was hard about, you know, oh my goodness.

I just have to pack up. You know, 55 years of memories. I think about my mother-in-law. I moved in with me uh three years ago, now, 93 years old and like such a superstar, but you know the emotion of going through the house right having those kind of open, beautiful, authentic conversations with someone that has gone through the experience with you.

That is a killer, video, okay, number, nine, i'm gon na do a few more and then we got ta wrap um. I think i did this earlier. Oh yeah selling selling in this state and moving to that state 16 mistakes. To avoid, i think, that's a no-brainer.

16 things five things: eight things to avoid: okay, couple more number: ten, this one blew up right, huge, shout out uh to sarah down in miami right who right she comes up with this campaign. So sarah, you get all the love. We have thousands of agents that have done this now and they all say the same thing. That was the easiest thing i've ever it was the hardest easiest best money making thing i've ever done hardest because you had to sit in front of a camera.

For you know, one time a day for 30 days and put out a piece of content. Sarah came up with this concept: turner coach of i'm going to answer 30 questions about real estate in 30 days live or you know, pre-recorded and then posted on instagram, and then you put it on instagram, facebook and everything else. So so you think about like what are all the questions you get from consumers and you just make up a list and then you just go through the list. Hey the number one question i get is blah blah blah and here's the answer: blah blah blah.

Here's the answer talk about it, tell a story. Give an example right share how you helped a client work through this share, how you helped them buy a house, and this was the question at that moment where they were struggling and you were able to help them overcome it. That is powerful. So 30 questions in 30 days and obviously, if you can do the city around miami right, oceanfront and newport beach, right uh, you know naples florida as an example, toronto or the lakes right or you know here in nova, scotia.

Here's the 31 questions. I've gotten over. My 20 years in business is a great idea and then the last video in case you're. Looking for more content, i love i love one of my closest friends on the planet: kirk kessel, melbourne, florida he and his partner dwayne.
We were sitting in a mastermind which now feels like tristan. Like a million years ago, we were in newport with jay, abraham and andy c, debbie hall away, just like this bonkers mastermind, with all these amazing agents and and many of them. So this is almost two ish years ago: they all still rave about it. It was super insane, but here's the thing what i said to them all was you all need to write down a number for me.

I said they're all there, i'm like write down how many years you've been selling houses, so they all write it down, and then i said, and if you're a partnership combine it so so dwayne and kirk were like 61 or 62 years that they've been selling homes And i said guys: here's what i want for the next 62 weeks. I want 62 lessons in 62 years of selling homes 15 lessons in 15 years of selling homes 10 lessons in 10 years of selling homes. You do that, my friends and and again it's not this video. It's not the 30 questions.

It's not the landing at the fbo and hopping off the airplane and saying what does 500 000 get you in north dallas? It is doing all of these videos that create the body of work that over time makes you. The mayor makes you the absolute best makes everybody in town know who you are and that's my goal like. I want you to be on the consideration set for the largest number of people that are thinking about, buying and selling in your town. Like think about, like i go back and look at from 2009 forward, i don't know how many videos i posted on youtube.

2. 000, it's got ta be more right. Yeah tristan just said a lot and and look coaches are like flavors, i'm a flavor brian biffini's, a flavor, my dad's, a flavor, this one's a flavor that one's a flavor. But you know what like, if you could taste that flavor before you buy and you could taste it in mass at scale.

I just think it makes it easier. I remember getting a call and i won't say who the competitor was, because i'm friends with all my you know quote: unquote competition and - and i don't say that doggy like we're all competitors but like i don't really think of them as competitors like. I just think. They're, just good people they're just doing their thing, we're all trying to help the industry, but like one of them called me in like 2012 and basically said it's not fair what you're doing you're giving away the stuff that we all charge for 300.

400. 500. Thousands of dollars and you're giving it away for free and you're going to ruin our industry. Think about that.

I was like hey man, totally appreciate your perspective, i'm just on a different journey. I just believe that the more i give uh you know the more good. I do the more seeds i plant the more possibilities going to come out of that like there's like when, when did cause and effect stop working when did doing good, stop creating more good back to you or the people that you love and serve. That was my mindset.
It totally worked out. I want you to do the same. So let's go through quickly. How i come up with content.

It's really complicated. Tubebuddy is a no-brainer right, because tubebuddy will tell you exactly what uh people are searching for on youtube or on google, but they're not finding content there they're not finding the answers to your questions. That's a no-brainer another one is quora quora to me when that first came out, i thought man. This is going to be the most extraordinary thing on the planet.

If you don't know quora, it's like q-u-o-r-a, it's basically a forum of q, a started out mostly. I think tristan would like coders like tech people, but then it's morphed into like when zillow and truly and realtors started letting consumers ask questions on a forum and then smart agents would go in there and answer those questions. I would just go into quora and search real estate in your town and see every question. Thank you.

By the way i see the amanda. I appreciate it, love you right, that's what it's all about! You got it exactly. Thank you. I would go into quora and other forums.

I would even go into um. What's the neighborhood site, i'm now spacing on it. My wife was super obsessed with it like if you want to find out whose cat's been stolen or who's right next door, next door. The website next door right like even there, not just to go in there and answer the questions, but i'm looking for what's on the mind of customers right.

So if i go to quora - and i discover what's on the mind, then i can shoot content about those questions. If i go on to like next door - and i see that people are curious about this interested in that want to know more about this - i'm going to take that information and i'm going to create content based upon what's important, but also google analytics tells you exactly The search terms that people are looking for. Listen to me, my friends, if you, if i wasn't already in your cookies and you went to like a new laptop and you googled real estate, coaching, i'm going to show up number one everywhere. You wan na know why? Because i went onto google analytics like seven years ago and said: okay, there's not many people searching for it, but the ones that are searching like i don't care if it's three hundred three thousand or three million.

If there's that many people searching, i want to be the first option, does that make sense, so i created all this content and tagged it real estate, coaching real estate, coaching real estate, coaching real estate, coaching, it's a simple playbook right find out. What's on the minds of people, whether it's through google analytics tubebuddy, quora next door and create content on that? That's how i do it that, like that's my strategy, i'm just asking questions all the time to find out what's on people's minds. What's up matt wagner, matt is a genius dude you and i need to talk soon. Please text me and follow up it's a bonkers week this week, i'm going to austin math for the first time super excited right.
All my friends from austin i'm coming to austin. Oh, it's gon na be fun. That's great! Steve conley goes dude you're in my cookies, no you're in my cookie, steve conley. That's the way it works for my friends that are watching or listening on the on the podcast.

I'm also live on facebook right now. We've never done this before. I think we might want to do it again. There's a lot of good content here.

A lot of people fired up. So thank you guys and thank you all right. So i'm going to end with like three videos that if, if i was your coach, i would like mandate. This is what you absolutely have to do on a weekly basis.

Number one. You got to do a how's, the real estate market in city, and you got to just say this: is it for the rest of my career? This is what i'm doing. You can talk interest rates. You can talk about the 10-year treasury.

You could talk about. What's selling, what's not, you can talk about stories of multiple offers. You can talk about how you're writing offers to get your offers accepted because of your agent-agent relationships, and that you know right that, there's a method and a process. I've got some live content done.

If you haven't seen it go to my youtube channel a whole thing on like how to get your offers accepted, but that's one number two you've got to do: buying and selling tips in your area how to buy a home in uh how to sell your home In uh, and if you do it by community, that's even better, if you do it by like, you know how to buy and sell real estate in north dallas and then literally just go highland park right university park. Preston, hollow plano bam, bam bam like all of that, but you want to break down like look at go to tom tool. T-O-L-E. If you look at his tuesday show it's like tom's tips, that's it tom's tips and all he's saying is: did you know this part of the contract? Did you know why you need title insurance? Did you know what escrow is? Do you understand what and he's just breaking down all the the components the manufacturing of a real estate transaction? It's brilliant right! There is a lot of consumers out there that are going to go, buy their first home they're going to sell for the first time dustin old father is watching dustin.

I got so much mad respect and love for you that guy's a beast. His wife is bananas. Like his whole life, his brokerage, everything he's doing, i love you, dude right, your team, i should say team um, but think about it, like the amount of first-time buyers coming the market or the consumer that hasn't sold the house in 10 years, they haven't sold a House in 10 years, maybe 12 years, maybe 15 years - maybe 20 years. They have so many questions.
If you, if you could be the source of information, if you could be, they went to google and there was a video of you with your smiling eyes and and on the thumbnail of the video it like is answering the question that they googled, because you went To tubebuddy and everything else, and you knew the questions, people were asking, especially people that haven't sold a house in 15 years or more right and your content's there and you're, like hey tom, ferry banana real estate. I get asked this question mainly from people that haven't sold the house in 10 years or more tom blah blah blah blah blah, and then you give the answer. Like that's killer content, so that's number two and then i would argue number three is you've got to do something inside of your community to show how hyper local you are. So that could be everything from interviewing every school president to the local mayor to the owners of the best.

You know, beer, pubs or beer gardens to all the restaurant owners to all the small business owners to the hr department of the company. That's moving in thousands of people into your city, like you want to be the one that, when they type in your city name, there are hundreds of videos with you interviewing hundreds of people showing community tours going through the best parks best places to walk your dog. What are the best trails to walk? What are the best places to ride your bike? What are the best places to do this? What are the best places for a picnic everything that a consumer could do in your city? You need a video on so have i given you enough ideas to create some content? Did i give you enough compelling reasons from the earlier thing from oberlo as to why we we have to do it and i'll end with this? I know i got a couple questions, but i'll just end with this sort of mindset of no one cares. What you look like, uh, don't surprise people when you get there right like if you have a fourth eye coming out of your left ear, it's better, that they know it in advance.

This is probably people like. I just don't like tristan how i look on camera. What do you look in the mirror every day? That's the same exact thing like you got ta get over and i say it and i say this with the most utmost respect. So i'm not i'm not being rude here, but you got to get over this narcissistic.

I'm not enough, i don't look good enough someone's going to judge me who gives a right. Your vibe attracts your tribe, you with me your vibe attracts your tribe. People are buying and selling with you because you're, a good human being because you're good at what you do, and if you put that out on video, you will amplify your goodness and you will find more people that, like people like you, does that make sense. So i'm i i understand it, i get it.

I work with enough men and women that are like i'm not comfortable on camera. I got a facebook, radio and all these like other silly things and i say, stop stop the world has gone all video and for you - and i as many people as i know that totally crush video and make a fortune because of video. It's still not too late, it's still not too late. For you to start doing, video at scale find a wedding.
Videographer use your iphone outsource. It go go to your local colleges and universities and post looking for videographer, who wants to build their resume. Will pay you in weed xbox, i'm kidding. You know what i mean like we'll: even pay you some shekels to do the work and you're going to find like at universities.

There is a ton i mean tristan when you were going to college in atlanta right. You'd have been like. Oh my god like weekend. Work like this is awesome videographers that have been displaced because of the lack of weddings during covid like wedding, auger, wedding, autographers, wedding videographers, like they're out there, the there's an endless amount of solutions when you're resourceful and when you blame resources, you're screwed right that simple.

So couple quick questions eduardo uh galvez asked: do you recommend posting the same video across different platforms? Yes, i do. Yes, i do. The only one i would be cautious on is tick tock, because you know you want to make it as native as possible and tick. Tock isn't about education, it's about entertainment, that's all! It is entertainment.

But yes, we take one piece of content and we splice it up and we put it on instagram facebook, linkedin twitter, we put it everywhere. Uh danielle, procopo, yo, sorry danielle might have seems fairy. Don't even go there: how long would you make these videos people's attention spans, aren't very long. I disagree.

People binge watch shows for eight to twelve hours when the content is good and when the content's bad, they don't. So. The answer is, you know, probably optimal. Three minutes, if you're thinking about like did you know, shows, but when you're doing drive tours right or restaurant tour and you're interviewing the restaurant owner look i mean this is the way i look at it.

If you get like you go on, facebook live or you shoot a piece of content. You post it on your facebook page and it gets like 78 views and you're like depressed because it only got 78 views. My response is: can i remind you how long it would take you to call 78 people and talk to 78, how many doors you'd have to knock to have 78 people respond to you, the fact that you can reach 78 780. 7.

800. 7.8 million people on these platforms to me is absolutely bananas, so i'm i never get attached to the numbers right. Some people, like more some people, like the content, less we used to talk about like every now and then you get lucky and you create a unicorn piece of content that everybody just absorbs. But i make basically a fortune on donkeys right.
Three thousand five thousand. Eight thousand ten thousand twenty thousand thirty thousand right now remember. I have four hundred thousand followers on youtube. So it's you know it's scale right, but it's the same thing for you.

If you're, like 11 followers, don't be freaked out when you got like nine video views and four of them were you right, but you got five more people that watched five people took the time to check you out. That's where it starts tristan right, like that's what i mean, how many subs do you have now right, 12, 000, two days ago, how long have you been talking about getting to 10 000. four years four years and now he's making a fortune doing what he's doing In a side, hustle passion with super 73, so you will make even greater money. He's he's getting like 200 commissions you're, getting like 20 000 commissions, hello, all right ben wheeler asked.

Should i focus on one type of video. Do uh doing all, of course, but one more than should i okay, should i focus on one type of video doing all, of course, but one more than the other okay market, videos, listening, video, okay, sorry, no editing and i'm like coughing like hacking, it's like something In my tee is just killing me here hold on as i drink more of it. That seems weird. I need to have something soothing so ben.

The answer is i have four or five original pieces of content that i put out every single week. That would be different from you launching a listing every time you launch a listing. There should be a video associated to it. I'm asking you to become the mayor of your town, the educator of your town, the one that is providing more value than any other agent in your marketplace, breaking down communities and everything else.

So the answer ben is yes, it really is going to come down to more for someone like ben who really wants to kill it here, carving out one day a week that just becomes content creation that that's all you do all day, monday you're filming right, which Means you might bring like two jackets and three different shirts, so it doesn't look the same every single time, even though i kind of don't do that. But i know many of you will um. So that's totally fine but ben. The answer is yes listing videos.

Every time, because that's a launch but market update every single week, community mayor, that's every single week, answering all your questions, that's joe moore says not enough bourbon in your tea. Well, i guess it's like. I don't know noon somewhere, not here in dallas all right. I love that, though, and if you're gon na drink drink, my bourbon, which is the duke all right mike, asked last question.

This is great info for getting buyers. What is the best video for attracting sellers selling your home in just switch every one of those buyer conversations to selling your home in selling your home in selling your home in homes for sale in mike? I do a lot of stuff on listing attraction right now, i'll leave you with this and then we got to end the show and end the podcast so mike. What? If i told you that right now, the number three or four depending upon the top agent? You talk to number three or four way that they're attracting listings so beyond their database beyond their top of mind awareness beyond their nurturing of their. You know: five thousand ten thousand twenty thousand email address list because they've been online marketing for a long time.
The number three or four is circle: dialing, hey, it's tom, ferry banana real estate wanted to let you know we just sold a house just down the street. Congratulations sold for 25 thousand dollars over asking. So you know good news. Is your home's gone up in value? The bad news is right: now we had 11 people trying to buy that house, so you got one new neighbor and 10 people like crying in their soup.

So i'm calling on behalf of two of my buyers. Do you know anybody in the neighborhood?.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “Why you should go all in on video + 10 videos you should shoot now!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amanda Holder says:

    Thank you Tom for giving context to the number of views a video receives. Manage expectations is important when just getting started.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Masoudpour says:

    I love HubyDooVille. Would love to visit. Next vacation for sure!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Libby Turner says:

    Love love love your content! I’m 8 months in and I’ve received so much content through your channel in the past few months than the last year 🙌🙌 Thank you sir, your awesome!!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PH Property Guy says:

    Every single time I watch here, I'm learning. One day, I will dominate my community. Yeah!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Suzette Kitselman says:

    Hey Tom! When and why did you move to Dallas?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Claris Ndoro says:

    Thank you .lam a new agent and listening to you helps me alot cause most agents are busy to sit down with you and help.Make my start video yesterday on youtube. Thank you for sharing your knowledge 🙏.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessica Moir says:

    Do you have any specific company or recommendations for where/how to outsource video editing? Tried and true vs “Fivrr”? Especially minor edits like adding graphics, getting the length correct for multi-platform use, etc.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derek Jones of eXp Realty says:

    You should do timestamps to be able to jump to certain parts.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ron Disanto says:

    Tom, Can you name a Coach in Richmond Virginia that can help me do exactly what you’re talking about in this video. I have some videos posted but I need to up my game and be more consistent.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stacie Duffy, Realtor® says:

    I've been doing video since 2017 and I LOVE doing it! I think it's fun and a great exposure opportunity. I've done some of the videos you mentioned but still took away some great new content ideas!!! And I just set up TubeBuddy as well. Thanks as always!
    And I agree, TikTok is video, but is a totally different tribe.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adrian Small says:

    Thank you Tom for sharing these great ideas for videos.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ashley Lazarian says:

    Thanks so much for all the great content! Because of you I started video about a year ago but trying to be much more intentional about one video per week. QUESTION…. if the area I service is a smaller town outside of Atlanta, do you recommend doing hyper local videos, "Buying a home in Suwanee, GA" or do you recommend mentioning Atlanta so people that are out of state actually know what I'm talking about?? I struggle with this so much!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sorilbran Stone says:

    I added this video to my YouTube Blogging playlist based on the title after it showed up on my home page, not even realizing this is about real estate (great job with SEO). And it's still crazy helpful. I did not click away. Lol. GREAT JOB!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shayna's Miami Home and Health. says:

    Outstanding, Tom! So much great knowledge 💥💥💥💥💥

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harry Moore- Realtor- eXp Realty LLC says:

    Tom- Thanks for the great ideas!! You mentioned Tube buddy as a way to find searches that DON’T have any video. How do you do that?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Real Estate Connect 🏡 says:

    Thank you so much for this coach… Switching to video asap. Been pondering for so long and this video just gave me the cofidence to go out and do it 🙏🙏🙏

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven M. Padernacht says:

    Tom, this video is full of great info. Do you have this in written form anywhere? Also do you offer coaching for video topics specifically or just general real estate coaching? I currently have a coach and he is great but I need help on the video end of things

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Len RockNRealtor says:

    Excellent content! I am a pro musician and full time Realtor and have been hesitant creating videos that encompass Real Estate content then finishing off with a quick drumming tag but after watching this I am gonna just do it! Thanks Tom!!!!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kanoa Biondolillo says:

    Wow Tom what a great video You're such a rockstar! I really appreciate everything you do 😁👍

    As always the quality of information you provide is so worth my time.

    Don't stop doing what you're doing you're changing lives

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrFox580 says:

    Can you guys boost the audio on your videos? They are much lower than most videos on YouTube. Thanks Tom Ferry and Team!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Favored4life says:

    Great video! How do we get Jason to make videos for us?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julie Kennedy Munden says:

    You killed it with this video about VIDEO!!!! YES.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Travis Hoida Realty says:

    You're the man! You've been an incredible influence as I begin my journey into real estate. Thank you!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brad McCallum - Calgary Realtor says:

    Tom! Were both speaking next week at the Dippidi conference. I've built my business on video the last few years. Been listening to you for 3.5 years since I got my license. Video works better than anything else!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mama June says:

    No one could possibly dislike this video. You deliver such great content and I appreciate it!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Henry Timmins says:

    Who is Dr Faust on Tiktok? Give me a link please

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blue Hammock Studios says:

    Would you be willing to be a guest on our new podcast show?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Oreziak says:

    Great Content Tom!! Thank you so much for sharing!!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Grandison says:

    Thanks Tom, great content. RE-starting my video today.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Studer says:

    Great ideas to get my synapses firing in the morning! Key take aways for me:
    1. Be genuine and authentic
    2. Be the local expert
    3. Have ongoing regular video shows in different categories

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