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Meet Kevin millennial money. Why meet Kevin left millennial money.

Everyone meet kevin here. There is seldom a question that i have been asked more more and it is when is that freaking coupon code expiring and of course it july 28th not really what would have been asked so. Many times is why did i really leave millennial money and in this video. I'm gonna talk about that so i was just on a run.

I'm in paris uh. I'll be in london soon and uh figure. Hey you know what it's time to just sort of give you the three reasons. Number.

One is probably the quickest and shortest uh. But it's by no means all of it it's maybe i i'd say. These originally were this was originally a larger one but it sort of grew into it's okay maybe it wasn't the biggest reason. It's that the podcast should be in person.

I think everybody's gotten kind of tired of the zoom and and the uh coved kind of crap uh. So i wanted to encourage in person uh and encourage hey you know come to vegas every. So often it'll be an opportunity for us to get together. Anyway.

And it'll be better for the growth of a millennial money thinking. That okay well maybe in person would would allow more of that chemistry and and four person interaction. Rather than unfortunately. What it ultimately kind of felt like uh in many instances was this sort of uh.

Everybody has their moment on the pedestal. So to speak to uh to to share their opinion uh and it it didn't really feel like a four person discussion. And i thought that was really because of the essentially zoom style of it so. In person.

Is is reason. Number. One originally that was probably like a 60 to 70 percent weight in in my encouragement. Now.

It's probably like a 40 to 50 weight. So it's still something that's actually real and important uh. Because i you know personally i think the viewers deserve the best we can give them especially if we're gonna be talking for an hour and a half and and i always want people who watch my videos to go ah. I never thought about it that way or oh.

That's interesting learn some kind of new perspective right the second thing is millennial money was filmed at 6. Pm. California time to 7 15. California time.

I usually wake up at like on average probably. 5. 5. 30.

In the morning sometimes 4 45. Whatever by the time six o'clock rolls around the last thing. I want to do is spend more time in the studio. I did that for two years with covid and i've really gotten so tired of sitting in the studio that i almost have kind of grown to resent being in there that means i spend more time outside now i spend more time whether it's exercising or running or going to the beach.

Which is better for my physical health anyway or even playing tennis and uh. It's also better for my mental health because the last eight months. We've been in this bear market and and so everybody always obviously. It's very easy for keyboard bullies to take out their frustrations uh and their own mistakes.

And take it out on on people on youtube in the comment sections. Because you know that's just what they feel like they have the right to do and if that makes them feel better fine. But you know it's it's pretty taxing so better for my mental health to be off the platform at a certain time of day as well and that really 6 pm. Is the time to spend time with family uh.
It's time to go on a date. Night with lauren. It's the time to wrestle max and jack. The last thing.

It's really time for is sitting in a studio. Even more i'm tired of that so i don't want to do that anymore uh. So the time was another aspect. So in person was one time was another aspect.

But the next reason might come as a little bit of a surprise and i can't say this as a guarantee i think that this is uh substantially correct. But i can't say this with a guarantee so maybe. It's just an opinion uh based on maybe even just how i felt but uh. My demographic.

That watches my content is approximately 10 years older on average uh like the the bell curve is just moved over to the right in age about 10 years in my channel on my channel compared to let's say graham and andres uh. I'm not so sure about jeremy's. But the point of that is we're going to have a different demographic interest in what we cover uh our an older demographic is going to care about some things that a younger demographic won't care about uh and unfortunately. That is why sometimes i felt like okay we're having these in like either duo or pedestal discussions.

Where it's just kind of like okay. We're not actually all having a four person discussion. Here maybe there are two of us having a discussion or when we're discussing things some of us are really trying to cater it to our audience. Which maybe mine is like comedy and age of like 25 to 35 whereas others might be a medium median age of like 15 to 24 right that that 10 year sort of gap.

There uh and and so i think that left me feeling a little bit unfulfilled at the end so i'd say if i put percentage and i'm going to keep expanding on that but number one in person. I'd probably say today is about 40 of the reason uh number two another 40 percent of the reason is 6. Pm is just a terrible time for me to do it and based on kind of how i remember the schedules of andre and jeremy. And them are you know doing it any earlier is not feasible for all of us uh you know unless uh.

It was filmed not live anymore and i was really a big fan of live. So that kind of sums up the reasons. I think i could add a little bit more clarity on on the last one and that's really that you know let me put it this way if i go to tennis and i play tennis. I love talking about real estate and i really get excited about talking about real estate investing in real estate or or my series a that's coming up uh.

Which is a massive real estate opportunity. Which will be really cool. I'll be investing a lot of money into it over six sorry over seven figures into it dollar for dollar with the people who are investing with me uh and uh that's really exciting to me when i'm on youtube. I love uh debating fundamental analysis or politics.
I really don't care about a lot of the things. The finance community does care about whether that's you know nfts or crypto or more base level discussions. Many of which i i'm just not interested in because i want to learn more depth and again. I think that sort of depth appeals to an older demographic.

I think if we're looking for the broadest audience and this is where where i had like a personal feeling that okay maybe i'm weighing down the podcast. Because my content is sort of niche in that it's it's trying to go so deep. But the problem with that is you narrow the audience so that last 20 reason really also means that i thought i was potentially sandbagging. The growth of millennial money by bringing a more niche perspective.

Which could either fuel more disagreement. Uh. You know more more discontent. Because look if you have a really broad based perspective.

And you're like oh just buy vti. Okay. Well who who can dispute that right like everybody could just go hell yeah like let's do that everything says do that great. But i don't enjoy that that's not fun for me.

It's not what i do in my portfolio. It is what one of the things that i do recommend uh. I actually i recommend a basket of index funds. Which is a little bit different from buying vti because a basket of index funds is something that you can adjust uh in terms of uh.

What allocation you give each index based on what's actually happening in a macro environment uh. So i prefer that and i guess. When i say i recommend i can't say i recommend because i can't give financial recommendations. Because i have no idea what your personal financial situation is but uh.

The point is like okay so i just explained that for 30 seconds. I don't really care uh to talk about that anymore. You know like i want to go into deep deep. Stuff uh and at 6 00 pm.

Over a zoom call talking about nfts. I don't know it ain't the time to do it this by the way is the tour de france. Let's go take a look at this it's just the beginning of it look at this. Oh well.

Anyway you kind of saw all the bikers already go by uh like 20 seconds ago. So oh well we got to see it together. While i'm recording a video oh there's some other stragglers anyway all right folks. That's why i left millennial money thanks.

So much for watching. And we'll see in the next one bye.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

29 thoughts on “Why i left millennial money.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose Lara says:

    I respect this brotha, keep up the good work

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vesuvious says:

    They kicked you out bro because your scam online course. Discount on that course since inception lmao but don't worry 28th is the final date.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jhosua Foreman says:

    Summary: I left because of Andrew..

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathaniel B. Saxton says:

    I've been saving for awhile, so I can put my money to work, came across a success story of an investors that made up to $700,000 in few months from investing just $250K and I'd really appreciate it if I could get clues and pointers on how to make better profit

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Parkin53 says:

    I really miss the 4 person Millenial Money. I loved the 4 of you with your different perspectives. There was nothing quite like it before and nothing quite like it since. Your greatest strength was/is your knowledge of current events and ability to explain things like Terra-Luna and derivatives simply. Bring it back at a lower frequency guys~ We miss it! P.S: What is the median age of your subscribers? I am 41

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars moonshine says:

    where is this at?It look like a great place to walk around

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Marino says:

    Why The all-in podcast is on zoom and it's amazing

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars br c says:

    Do you get recognized in europe?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Stroger says:

    I do feel that it was the right choice for you to leave Millennial Money, unless it were converted to more of a once a month deal. I always liked all 4 creators meeting up to do these discussions, but I completely understand the reasons why you wound up having to back away from the channel. I would honestly like to see a monthly podcast style of Millennial Money where you guys meet up once a month live and have as a slightly longer form of video of maybe 45 minutes to 90 minutes. That's just my two cents.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hubin007 says:

    When is Series A investment going to be available to invest in?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ponder says:

    I hate it when you guys fight 😔

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Monk says:


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chikekw says:

    Translation: the other 3 are sleeper buy and hold "investors" who have really nothing to offer

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roland Mills - Personal Finance says:

    You know it’s refreshing knowing that you actually spend time out of the studio. It very much seemed like you lived slept in that studio! Taking time to be a human is definitely something I support! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Agru Palos says:

    I mostly watched for the content, didn’t really cared if it was in person or not. It’s not like I’m there in the room with you guys.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Billy Lively says:

    Kevin, I thought the streaming calls were just fine and I stopped watching after you left. I think you should consider doing a show with just you and Graham and maybe someone else (not jeremy or andre)

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Azqato says:

    TLDR: Nobody cares about NFTs, Andrei

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saga S says:

    They’re not on your level Kev!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Travis Farmer says:

    Am I the only one to noticed that Andrea would always through underhanded comments at Kevin?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ineedtp says:

    Could you try hosting Twitter spaces?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Wible says:

    I bet it was because Jeremy made that nasty video about “people he knows” who aren’t traders but are gamblers. Obviously he was talking about Meet Kevin when he sold all of his stocks. Then the market dropped 17% and Kevin was 100% right about a pending market drop. Who wants to be on a show with someone who disrespects you like that.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ineedtp says:

    Kevin you don’t have to love me but I love you bro. I would not be where I am today without you I genuinely mean that. When I was depressed I was watching your videos and trying to get my life right. Thank you!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brownguylee says:

    You left cuz you BROKE

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Salmon says:

    Kevin has been missing some the sights over his right shoulder.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fernando says:

    All complaints of a person who has too much money

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maxwell says:

    One of the reasons I stopped watching Millennial money was because Kevin was no longer on it. It gets rather boring always hearing about cryptos and NFTs on Millennial money….

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tigrey tigrey says:

    Lol… let's just be honest here… those guys are ENTERTAINERS. You are ACTUAL EDUCATION. That's why u didn't fit in. They're basically the "inspirational mindset" side of finance. You actually put together data and information. They always looked confused when you were on like puppies.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel says:

    edgelords act like contrarians in the hope that everyone will admire them as rebels

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chillixed says:

    im 22 and started watching when i was 20

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