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sold stocks
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Everyone kevin here, so this market has been absolutely wild and insane and it is just not giving up. It has been kind of fun, but i also hate investing when things are feeling euphoric, and so i have decided to take some profits so so far year. To date - and i think this is pretty great - this is uh my buy and huddle portfolio is up 40.84 percent uh. That's that's all right, you know, could be better uh.

This is my my weeble account. This is where i do more of my trading. You can see the green line. There was a little much, certainly much more volatile than something like the dow or the s p.

But that's because i bought a ton of options which didn't do too hot in may, which i bought in april, but it have since skyrocketed and uh. I do a lot of options trading on my weeble and, of course, anytime. I send a buy or sell alert. Uh i send that out to everyone in the stocks and psychology and money group which you can see the trading printing profit and loss here on weebles about 2.4 million.

This is the smaller account. That's on on weibull. Most of my money is in buy and huddle accounts, whether it's td, ameritrade, jp, morgan, uh, buying huddles and robin hood, whatever uh okay, so i did just sell uh a chunk and the easiest way to kind of start with. This is just breaking down an update to my cash position right now.

My cash position is here there we go so uh the green at the bottom. There i've got 5.5 million dollars ready to go shopping now. Some of that might end up going into real estate or some other purchases towards the end of the year here, but i have been taking profits where i can. I've also been limiting my exposure to some positions where i'm slightly down and i'll talk about those positions.

In just a moment, so i'm at about 16.5 percent cash, that's about double the cash cash cash geez. I can't talk today cash position that i had last uh last week and that's mostly because i continue to see euphoria in the market that i'm not a big fan of investing into, and i'm also starting to see some trends that are a little bit more. Concerning i'm going to talk about those broadly and i'm going to talk about specific stocks, so broadly take a look at this okay. This right here is the s p, 500 spy, etf, outflows and inflows, and what you can see is we've actually last week.

This is a weekly measure. Last week we had the most outflows out of the s p 500 via spy ticker spy. That we've had basically since april over here was april, where we had larger outflows, and that was about the fourth week of april, and we just had the largest amount of outflows and to me it's a little bit of a sign that potentially investors are finally recognizing. This market has gotten a little bit frothy and it might be time to take at least some profits now, a sector that i'm particularly watching right now is the behavior in the fintech and payment processing space.

So take a look at this, so here's weeble - this is tesla tesla, had a pretty interesting kind of sell-off. Today, i'm going to talk about something i did with tesla stock as well today, but uh. What i want to show you is, i want to start with something like visa mastercard and get into some of the fintechs. So look at visa.
This is the visa day chart. We really peaked out around july 28 for payment processing, which is really odd, especially since we're going into a period of time where consumers have uh all-time highs of confidence. We're going into this period where we know we hit we're going to have jerome powell longer, which is a potential sign that we're we're going to have supportive monetary policy longer going forward. We do have a lot of coming catalysts of news this week, but it's mostly just data we're going to have, for example, personal income and spending we're going to have the federal reserve minutes coming out on wednesday, durable good orders, trade orders, consumer sentiment, we'll have earnings At some companies like zoom best buy x-ping motors gap, nordstroms, hp, autodesk, but you've you've got some concerns that maybe markets are a little bit frothy and maybe supply chain issues are going to last a lot longer than we expect and who knows, maybe even jerome powell's Uh re nomination could potentially stoke fears of inflation again but anyway, so visa's payment, processing, uh visa, just in general here, has really gone from a high of about 256 here recently to uh to about 198, which for visa for a large company like this to drop.

All of a sudden about 22 percent is pretty remarkable, but you're also seeing that at a company like paypal. Look at this paypal is sitting at 185 folks, 185 divided by 310 you're down 40 percent from the high and you're actually seeing today the fintech space, the fi, all of it really on fire like melting, look at robin hood, all-time lows: 27, 45 and no signs Of this fall stopping redfin 42, it's going straight down, which is also in the real estate space, and this is despite i mean i suppose you could say somewhat exposed to financials uh. I i'm not exactly sure the correlation potentially between redfin and financials here. So maybe i'll just shelf that and just stop talking about it, but anyway look at some of the other financials.

First of all, i bagged on insurtech this weekend, but don't blame me for causing this sell-off. I mean hippo. Insurance is down 10 uh. You've got mq.

The credit card, uh processing company here down 9.8 percent you've got backed holdings, another fintech here down 12 and it's already at the bottom of its sort of momentum curve here, a firm down 11. Here software companies like cloudflare down 10 today a square down at 207 dollars. I mean look at square's chart here. We're about to hit.

May lows i mean we are at may lows right now, uh! Well again, main lows were about 192., we're almost at may lows. So far way back down, look at this. We broke right past that 19-ish support level broke straight through that uh and there's no sign of this downtrend stopping down seven point: seven: nine percent you've even got the miners selling off here. Look at this matter port this morning.
This is actually a little surprising uh. I uh i actually sold a bunch of mad report this morning. That report this morning was up like six percent. Now it's down six percent, i mean that's a twelve percent u-turn, holy moly, uh, lemonade, insurance down five point: three percent: these are uh etsy etsy was up this morning.

We were almost at three and look at that. We hit and one dollar for etsy and and now it's that was up like five or six percent. Now it's down five percent there's been a massive u-turn of sentiment here in the market and it's mostly starting with financials right now, fintech and payment processors and insure tech brokerages. They are getting destroyed and wrecked.

At the same time, people are drawing more money out of the s p 500 than we've ever seen since april. So it's no surprise that we're starting to see some of these lows come back right now. We are still seeing somewhat of uh enthusiasm in electric vehicles and uh and charging companies, but in solar companies. But honestly, i have to say: solar edge was green today, but i don't see it in the green anymore.

Yeah look at that solar edge is down now. So all of a sudden you're starting to see a little bit of a drawdown in solar. This could just be a temporary movement here, but you know, in my opinion, it uh it's a little bit of a of a red flag warning sign. The market could finally be saying you know what we're getting to the end of the year, it's time to potentially take some profits and and recognize some gains and set some money aside to potentially buy the dip.

Now don't get me wrong, i'm still very, very long on this market, but uh i did. I did do some selling this morning uh. I will go through some of my cells. Uh.

All of them are obviously always posted and - and i talk about my theses in the stocks and psychology of money group uh in our live streams, all the time. Remember folks, if you join the programs, you get lifetime access, so there's a coupon code that expires on friday, uh you may as well just join. Now it's not going to be any cheaper between now and friday, 11 59 pm. The price is going to go up after that, and last thing you want to do is wake up.

Saturday morning, oh crap, i forgot consider it check it out. Look at the bundle options as well. It's the best price you're going to get for the black friday sale here and uh. Let me go through some of the sales that i did this morning, which every time i post to sell uh whether it's a buy, it's a sell.

I try to include a little bit of a thesis as to what i'm doing, why i'm doing it and uh and my intentions. Is it a trade? Is it long term? What am i doing? Why am i doing it and it's every single time like i don't pick and choose like if i make a trade and it turns out to be a loser, it's embarrassing, but i'm transparent, so uh. Okay, i closed some of the sold puts that i had on amc just to take a little bit of to raise that cash and limit the potential of me having to use that cash. I still have my long position in amc.
I sold a thousand etsy uh. Let's see etsy etsy, i didn't time it all the way perfectly at the top, and i still have a lot of etsy. So don't get me wrong, but uh i did sell etsy. We uh sold etsy at a thousand shares of etsy sold.

Ten thousand shares of matterport uh, both of these higher than where it is now. At the time of this recording neo, i sold out of some options. Some call options that i had on neo. One of them was profitable by about uh 20.

30 000. One of them was down about 6k, so i really used it to free up cash like, for example, uh, even though i was up thirty thousand dollars in one. I was down six thousand another here, but it would unlock a hundred and five thousand dollars of market value, uh selling it so here i can actually show you that screenshot right here, here's that screenshot of that that neo option that was down is down 6k. You know it's up almost 16 000 on the day, because neo had a pretty pretty nice rally day here, but i'm now freeing up uh 105 000 of cash and and so i'm willing to do that, especially since i'm washing it out with with some of the The other gains that i have uh so uh, then we've got uh some other sales that i made.

I'm not gon na go through all of them close some other options, some other positions, some smaller positions. I did, though, get it remember. I got a signed. Tesla shares i get assigned a bunch of tesla uh.

Let me go ahead and show you tesla tesla uh. Here it is okay, let's go ahead and pull that up here. Okay, so i got a signed uh tesla shares because i bought tesla shares uh. I bought a thousand tesla shares because i sold a put and then tesla fell because thanks to elon musk and i was able to break even on that assignment - which really worked out, because i didn't really want more exposure to tesla.

But i sold a put. I got a credit i sold the put for 1225. You can see that there at the bottom 1225 10 contracts so worth about 1.2 million dollars uh. Then of course, elon musk started selling.

I got a signed uh, so i was net net in for about uh 1177, which you could see on uh. If uh, let's see here there we go on the right side. There average price 11.77 the screenshot's, showing up a little funky. Let me try to show this a little differently there we go.

If i do this, i think yeah that's much better. Okay, so uh i got a signed. So basically i sold a put promising. Somebody had paid 12.25, i was doing weekly sold, puts because tesla was basically on this euphoric rally and it would have continued had it not been for elon musk selling shares.
So whatever i made money doing some uh some of these before and i i was just milk and premium, it was great and i was willing to buy extra tesla shares, but i didn't really want extra 10 000 or an extra 1000 tesla shares. But anyway. So i got a signed 12.25. My net cost was 11.77 tesla fell to like 980, i'm like whatever i guess, i'm diamond handing these shares, which is fine, because i've got a massive long position on tesla, but today tesla rallied up another like four or five percent.

So as soon as it went profitable, these shares it was up about eighty six hundred dollars, i'm like yup cha-ching, i'm gon na ring the bell on that. Take some profits, and so even though i ended up getting assigned to put i held on until uh until that one broke uh slightly positive and uh. Interestingly, tesla's have been on a little bit of a roller coaster today, so uh tesla is sitting right now, uh at uh about uh. Let's see i sold this at about when tesla was sitting at uh 1180 tesla right now sitting at a little bit of a roller coaster, uh tesla bouncing up from its lows earlier.

Take a look at this. Tesla did fall to about 11 32. I sold right around 1180 a lot it was somewhere around here. When did i make that transaction 8 23 am 8 23.

Am here you go so tesla was at about 11 85. When i closed that position, so you could see it. It fell substantially more after that it's recovered fine. It's volatile! I don't really care, i diamond hand, my long position on that, but for my trade position, i'm glad i was able to uh rotate out of that free up some cash, and so that's where a bulk of the cash, the trading cash was that i was able To free up so this is where i am now i'm at about 16 cash, i'm probably not going to go more than 20 cash, but i'm definitely definitely looking for opportunities and probably what i'm looking for in this market right now is either a continued sell-off in Fintech, which we may or may not get you're getting a little bit of a recovery right now in a firm, it fell to 118..

I've been watching it recover. Here we could get a recovery. I've still got a long position in a firm and at cnn phase. My 85 of my portfolio - i'm not touching, but i am interested in watching to see if this trend continues.

If this trend continues, i will buy the dip, but i'm not ready to buy the dip yet because i worry that the sectoral trend potentially is just the beginning, so i don't know yet. If, if we've hit a bottom, i know intraday. Obviously, we did in the firm bottom at 118, but this is going to be a trend that i'm going to watch and i want to see if this fintech sell-off ends up spilling over to energy. So far, there's still a lot of enthusiasm and energy and evs lots of that also looking for potential sell-off in nvidia.

But i've got a cash position i'll either use it for a larger and substantial dip, and when i see that dip, obviously i'm going to be sending alerts in the stocks. Psychology money group that here it is this is this is where i think, i'm happy buying. The dip and, in my opinion, that's a way of trying to build your portfolio to get outsized returns when you're really going in heavy when something has sold off, and so i'm looking for that opportunity. I don't think we're just there yet it could be wrong and if i'm wrong, that we're not at a bottom yet then then i'm 85 percent long and it's okay, if uh, if if we end up going to lower levels, obviously the long positions won't be very Happy but that's okay! I don't want to pay too many taxes on all those long positions, so we're just going to keep those diamond hand those, but i'm going to use this new cash pile that i've been able to generate through taking profits or trimming positions that that i'm not as Enthusiastic about going into the end of the year here and i'll wait for some catalyst, whether it's congress uh it's drama over the bipartisan or not the bipartisan infrastructure package.
That's done the buildback better plan, uh the debt ceiling, the government shutdown, whatever i expect we'll get through all that just fine, but if we can get some drama that happens over the holidays over the next few weeks here, hey i'm ready by the dip. I'm excited. So we'll see what happens folks! Thank you so much for watching this video. If you found it helpful, consider sharing it and we'll see in the next one thanks again goodbye.

By Stock Chat

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31 thoughts on “Why i just sold out”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D Cal says:

    You sold out because you finally see how the Biden Administration is running the country and economy in the shitter.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John F says:

    It will come back maybe in 40 years hang in there
    Look at California the homeless being arrested for no home and no place to stay it’s an American
    Management problem sadly

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PAVLE STANIMIROVIĆ says:

    I like meet Kevin , please put some in VEVE and OMI

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Federiko Corme says:

    Does anyone know how much the price of the KRRX token will rise?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sydney Woods says:

    Great stuff. I started watching your videos last year as a beginner before giving stock market a trial. I was able to make $46,000 with a capital of $8,000. Please keep it up

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheSushiandme says:

    I just sell puts now. Calls and stocks suck…

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John William says:

    Mrs Lisa Carter and her method work like magic I keep on earning every single week with her new strategy

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexander Leonard says:

    your hair screams liberal arts major….not finance guy.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Mahan says:

    Because he is a trader and not an investor?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benjamin Koontz says:

    Something screwy is going on because the rest of the world collectively owes us the United States about $27 trillion

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars freese271 says:

    Frost those tips bro. When did lance bass start making stock videos.
    Backstreets back alright.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Lee says:

    Maybe it's time to colour your hair red?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skye Z. says:

    the billionaires are selling their position, only dumb money is buying.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jerome says:

    So when he says he takes some profits is he selling the whole position and waiting for better entry or is he taking out the money that it says he’s up and leaving the rest? Always confused on this

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Minaj says:

    sellling at highs is never a bad idea… even if it keeps going

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Jenkins says:

    Buys his Stocks course so that you can get great recommendations like Lemonade and Shift. LOL.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shmev Beats says:

    Intel is looking undervalued and ready to explode.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Vel says:

    I think alot of people are moving positions into crypto

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank Wiersma says:

    Wonder who has been swimming naked now the tide goes out. I think a lot of retail investors are going to find out that the bag they are holding is huge.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J C says:

    “Supply chain issues might last longer than we expect.”

    Apple: Great! Let’s go to a new ATH!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle Kinsella says:

    ill buy your most premium program if you just get your hair back to normal….

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kamila Hudson says:

    Success depends on the actions or steps you take to achieve it. Show me a man without investment and I'll tell you how long it takes to go bankrupt. Investing creates a safe haven for the future. With the right investment choice that has at least a 2% minimum risk and with the advice of an expert, profits and interest are 100% guaranteed.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars radcow says:

    Chinese crash incoming and I belive it will crash the world economy

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Willdoe09 says:

    Meet Kevin buy some siatama thank me later

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Allesandro Santiago says:

    I just made my first $20,000 in cryptocurrency I'm so glad I'm gonna have a successful retirement. ..

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Frost says:

    Euphoric? My account has been down everyday for a month lol

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vitaliy Leonov says:

    Kevin, about credit company:
    Amazon refuse to pay credit fee for V in UK. That's big loss for Visa. And people scary about Amazon will refuse to pay credit fee for other companys in future! That's the reason of selling this stocks!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amere Mortal says:

    Didn’t visa lose Amazon in Europe or something?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheQuickChef says:

    Euphoric? LMAO… Look at SFT, BARK, HNST, TDOC, HIMS and Jumia… LMAOOOO

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars michael roberts says:

    This GUY thinks he is PHILS GANG…go back to real estate, you know predicting the "soon coming Crash" in Real Estate!!!!!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Mendieta says:

    I sold about 40% of my portfolio last week cause it’s time for my first property. (Thanks to your real estate course)

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