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Welcome back everyone to another stock market, open, live stream. Folks, inflation expectations have slid slightly again. The market is now expecting that inflation will be, and not at 2.9 by the end of 2022, but rather 2.8 by the end of 2022.. This can, in conjunction with the expectation that inflation might actually fall to 2.5 by the beginning of 2023, is leading to a little bit of a shift from crypto to stocks.

We're seeing that at the moment, seeing a little bit of a rally in stocks while at the same time we're seeing a little bit of recent slowing in that inflection point we were seeing and watching for in uh crypto, whether that's solana or btc we're seeing a Little bit of a drawdown here now uh, we do at the same time, which is also kind of crazy. Uh have uh expectations for s p, uh eps to actually be higher by a dollar rather than lower uh, and most people were expecting that earnings estimates were going to decline going into 2022 because of omicron well folks, wrong. Apparently, earnings expectations are actually going up, not down which is really incredible, uh and i think that's what's leading to quite a green market for the big caps uh. You know there.

There was a lot of talk uh yesterday about uh folks at some point: uh selling off larger cap stocks and mega caps to buy small caps, which, which could happen, could totally happen. Some of the small caps have sold off for absolutely nothing uh and uh. There's there's uh this lingering belief, though, that hey small caps might have their day. That doesn't necessarily mean the bigger companies have to suffer, because that's where lots of profit is and that's what people like in this kind of market uh lots of profit is a form of defensiveness, and so what do we got? Dow up? .17 s p.

At point. Two nasdaq technologies, uh almost uh, well actually outpacing the dow here in futures by 2x uh oil up a tiny little bit uh. More importantly, look at that ten-year see. Look at that 10-year down as those inflation expectations actually rotate down slightly.

It's really really incredible. So uh treasury yields uh being down great. At the same time, we still expect the housing market to soar on which is also pretty dang wild. Let's take a look at uh individually, what's moving we'll start with some of the crypto.

So take a look at this. We've got solana here, uh falling to about that 187 support line here, which is actually uh slightly about a buck to two bucks below fibonacci we've got ethereum following that's, you know, ethereum, never really had a good inflection point. I made a video yesterday about uh well with some ta about various different cryptos, and this is one thing we noticed is that ethereum's lagging, and i had a theory if you want to watch my video yesterday, you'll see my theory on ethereum lagging. Oh.

That sounds weird theory on ethereum yeah anyway uh. But this inflection right here in btc not good a little bit of a signal that we could have a slight rotation back to, unfortunately, that 47 support line there we'll see what happens with crypto. But in the meantime, folks, in the meantime, uh what do we have over here? It's probably a good thing that jp morgan only lets me do a hundred contracts, a hud eight at a time, it's like 30k uh, which is like one tenth of one percent of my portfolio. I was only able to do it twice.
It's probably every time jpm limits me it's red the next day, so uh that is hut 8 is red the next day. So so maybe it's a blessing in disguise jp morgan's. Trying to send me a signal kevin! Don't don't go big on that hot yolo son? Oh they've been right two out of two times anyway, uh tesla up one point, one: seven percent here in the free market - uh. No, i wouldn't say necessarily huge movers.

Here, though it is interesting to uh watch arkamoto hit a three percent here, really high short interest. Here we're well in excess of 30 percent and substantially oversold uh. I i am very impressed mp materials again continuing to go. We will be over 50 soon, at this rate, really really impressive.

Uh to the downside, though there you go, uh the the mining blockchain companies getting hit, coinbase, not a surprise when you get that inflection point in btc pricing, it's obvious. In my opinion, the miners are really just a leverage play for most of your crypto. A quick note, this video is brought to you by both weeble get five totally free stocks with this particular trading platform. Here when you go to metcalf.com weeble, and if you want a stream like me where we could throw up comments like this, whether we like them or not, check out streamyard by going to com stream yard inflation has people ticked election will be interesting this year uh.

I can't run for president unless the supreme court decides that people born in other countries can run for president. I you know, i think that that rule and i'm not just trying to be a complainer, but i kind of think that's like if you think about it. It's a leftover form of discrimination and i'm not trying to play the whole like discrimination card, but uh, not not that that is a card uh that can be played many times. There is serious discrimination but uh.

You know it's kind of like that right because it's discrimination based on where you were born. You can't change that anyway, just ranting, so uh blue apron uh. I don't know that. I believe this so sometimes i see blue apron.

Have these weird fluctuations in the pre-market and it disappears right at the open five percent a little while, but i'm not actually seeing substantial movements here in either direction. You know 106. The slow come back here on a firm amd, 0.7 percent tattooed chef .6. You know not massive movers here.

I would say just more broadly a lot of excitement right now in that we are seeing those earnings forecasts actually jumping uh for for the s p, 500, despite omicron, that's crazy, just saying that's crazy, uh! So uh, let's uh! Let's take a peek at uh, some of the uh headlines that we've got going on over at bloomberg to start with and uh. Of course talking about those record omicron cases. But honestly the market doesn't care much uh. Even if we go to recoveries, i don't think ccl's down more than half a percent.
Let me look. Ccl is one of my barometers. Oh yeah, okay. Well, it's down 1.4 uh, but it's still at 21..

We had much more pain in recoveries when ccl was under 18. and so that recovery subsided a little bit. But but you know not much, it's not that big of a deal. Let's do uh, let's do another one.

Let's do american air here and then maybe delta, like yeah american is only down 0.17 dal down 0.23. Now they did get a softening of cdc guidelines, though right so the cdc said. If you are asymptomatic, you only have to isolate for five days, but you self-report that compared to uh, if you, if you are symptomatic symptomatic, i just want to say symptomic, but that apparently that's not a word symptomatic uh, but whatever covets here to stay screw covered. I'm so tired of it yeah, uk uh! Oh, is that on the bbc, that's great! If that is i'm gon na, go look at that really quick! So does anybody remember when the bbc used to be c bbc oops, i guess all right, bbc dot, co dot! Uk, i always had to type that back in the day, but they finally got the dot com domain, but anyway, uh yeah, look at that covet isolation.

Time have uh somebody here in the chat's mentioning that there's a uh potential doctor saying that deaths for covet or history. Now i can't find that i'd love to find that, but uh, that's very interesting, so i cannot uh confirm but uh. It wouldn't surprise me. France announces tighter covert restrictions.

You know europe is just getting smashed. Germany and greece also toughen measures uh, and i think this is really going to slow your your european market and the european market is one that that's much weaker than the united states, a film without an ending. Oh, my gosh yeah all right. Well, we we need the ending over here, but anyway uh.

So what do we got here? Gold edges higher edge is higher. Okay uh. Let's see here evergrand some progress out in evergrand was reading quite a bit about evergreen. Yesterday we got progress in every grand here.

I'll give you a little bit of an update on evergreen, so uh yesterday on evergreen. What do we have here? It is okay, so evergrand, yesterday uh, their stock has declined for five weeks in a row now. Uh shares are down 90 and now, apparently they're prioritizing payments to migrant workers and suppliers. They're also trying to get properties built again uh.

They are uh promising, at least to to slowly continue to build here. Uh. Let's see that sounds so interesting and uh evergreen claims to have restarted 92 of its property projects compared with 50 in september. Honestly, i don't know if anybody believes that uh.
So, let's see here wechat on wechat evergrant said it has been delivering batches of apartments in 18 provinces. Uh provinces, not providences, let's, like providence, rhode island. I i don't know why i stumble on that, but anyway, so, like i honestly, don't know how much i believe how well evergrand is recovering, but uh in terms of really affecting the united states market doesn't seem to be that big of an issue all right. So how's arc doing, you know, come on kathy uh, yeah, eric's, flat, yeah, okay, uh.

Let's, let's see what uh, what we hear here about uh this here, um arc kathy woods, arc etf is missing out on end of the year rally everyone's talking about the santa claus rally, but arc is still going lower. Oh gosh, everybody's, just beating on her teledonx, zoom and zillow, are among the fun's bets that contributed to declines this year. I think she dumped most of her zillow though i just saw the other day. She still had some zillow left and i'm like really, you still actually have zillow left.

I thought you got rid of all that. Let's see here, keep in mind, she's reduced tesla folks to six point two: five percent in her fun i mean this was like seven. Eight percent at some point, uh and and coinbase at four point. Two six i mean i still think coinbase has a great future down the road, but it's gon na be a while uh.

You know i it's it once they got to get their secondary sources of revenue up and, let's see here, z, uh, oh yeah. They still have a little bit of uh zilla left uh. What do they have here? Market value, 65 million dollars of zillow left. I'm shocked all right, oh well! So, okay, let's see here well, nothing there yeah pound, tears, yeah.

I think volunteers actually slightly red china vows proactive moves to stabilize economy yeah, that's kind of what they're saying with uh i've regret. But again you have to be skeptical. Uh, i i really think they have to uh loosen up their debt requirements again for the property sector but which they have been doing uh they loosened up. Their three strikes rule their their red lines, uh, but every time you do that you just you're just blowing more hot air into the bubble the china bubble.

I don't. I don't actually believe that we have terribly much of a bubble over here, but uh yeah. Okay, so yeah a lot of doubts by the way for apple on their apple car, but that's not stopping apple at all. From exploding uh, there was another departure.

I think it was yesterday to redwood materials. If somebody has access to redwood materials, please let me know because that that seems like an interesting company, it's another tesla escapee uh founded company, redwood materials and they're, making batteries for evs and stuff. I don't know terribly much about exactly what they're doing, mostly because uh you can't invest in them. Yeah battery recycling, that's what it was, but uh yeah anyway uh they just had.
Let's see they were founded. Who was it? Oh yeah? Okay, here we go this guy uh. He was a co-founder of tesla and chief technical officer until moving to an advisory role in 2019 yeah. Well, it's all those tesla people moving around to to start new companies and change the world.

Hey speaking of lucid and well tesla companies making a difference, when's lucid going to report deliveries, hopefully within the next week, that's gon na be interesting, uh! Oh, what do we got here? Nicola short on cash? By the way i uh ran this uh. Well, i posted this thing on twitter yesterday, i posted look at this look at this. I i was blown away by this shout out to whole mars, uh uh uh. What's that, what's this exact whole ma, i got ta, get it right, whole mars, blog at holmar's blog.

He posted this. I saw it first on his, but i couldn't retweet it from his because it wouldn't have shown the picture, but anyway, apparently this is in the irs right now. Uh look at this folks if you steal property. So if you steal stuff, the irs wants you to know that you must report its fair market value on your income in the year.

You steal it unless you return it to the rightful owner in the same year. So folks, if you steal thousand dollars worth of stuff from nordstrom's the irs or nordstrom, the irs wants you to report that thousand dollars as income on your tax return. So uh. I reported that i think this section was written for trevor milton at nicola, but anyway, going back to nicola over here there you go.

That's the best line right here. Aoc must have written that one. Oh, that's a good one that just takes it to the next level. Oh that's great! Oh yeah, yeah! All right anyway, uh nicola entered the year with ambitions to start production yeah.

I think they delivered one car one vehicle, but anyway uh. Let's see here stuck in neutral since last year, gm pulled away, where's the cash part. They say they have access to plenty of cash, but it's burned through one third of its cash on hand over the last 12 months as it tinkers with battery operated trucks. Oh tinkers with uh, you know that that's not a good thing when they say uh tinkers, with battery operated trucks, unusual, financing tools, niko's valuation has plunged to four billion dollars.

As the company forecasts, it will end the year with around 350 million cash. That's it! That's! Not good uh they're gon na burn through that real fast startup has access to more capital via an unusual tool, equity lines of credit uh. I mean that's common in real estate, but maybe less so here in uh uh. Let's see here in in uh, the vehicle world equity lines give nicola the right to demand.

A new york-based capital group buy shares at a time of the startups choosing at market price minus three percent nickel clint drawn the line only in installments which are capped today. It has called on 72.9 million, leaving another 527 available. That's quite interesting. I i i know nichola makes me nervous anyway.
Uh, let's see uh yep. Thank you. That is true. Elon did like a post of mine that was awesome, uh and so did tesla and may musk all the same one.

If you sell illegal drugs, you should report that income also probably irs thief in disguise. Oh my gosh yeah yeah uh. Well, someone says futures indices are dropping like it's hot cnbc. Oh look at that you're right, so we just had the nasdaq futures about have uh.

We had dow go to zero and uh s p. Also about have uh. You know. Nasdaq was up about point three.

Five s p was up about point two, so that's interesting little start of the day reversal here. Let's take a look at that spy yeah a little bit of a reversal here in the pre-market in at least this spy. Let's see if there's what underlying is moving here, not tesla tesla's still at 1.19 and nvidia is still up about one percent end phase still sitting at 189 and face stuck in the mud by the way uh waiting for the solar takeoff, not a bad opportunity. Honestly to load up on some more end phase, i might do that today.

I will see what price action is like, but uh i don't put loose it's down. It was 38 it it will not go under that 36 level. It just keeps bouncing off of 36. kind of impressive uh, but look at sophie just getting beat up again.

It uh financial stocks are just getting destroyed, don't particularly see why s p started rotating down uh. Let's see here, carnival tiny little rotation down all right, nicholas great. I heard their showcase prototype truck only weighed about 15 kilogram. That's a paper mache! Oh my gosh, all right all right! Let's see what other other info we got here, so uh! Okay, we took a peek here here here here: uh cnbc, yeah no fun over here; okay, let's go to the journal; yeah the apple, that's true apple! Closing the new york stores.

You can't even you can't even get stuff now at an apple store with an appointment. I'm honestly surprised apple is being such a weenie baby about the army. Uh i mean, maybe maybe i'm missing something about. What's going on in new york uh, we know cases are a little crazy, uh and using uh.

Let's go to new york city covet cases uh. Let's see here, yeah, let's go last 30 days here: 54 000. Yesterday i mean that's uh and then uh well monday, monday usually seems to under uh 22 000, but anyway, 54 000. In fairness, for this is new york, new york city alone, i mean in fairness.

We used to have like 50 000 countrywide, you know, so it is a lot of cases. Don't get me wrong, but uh. Let me see here what they're saying here so 243 000 for the country now quite a lot but uh but again army. It's army knock on wood uh.
Oh, this is not so good. Let's take a look at this cover. Deaths are rising for some groups: okay, average daily cover that's before and after universal adult vaccine eligibility. Oh that's, interesting! Uh! The overall covet death has declined since vaccinations became available in april, yet nearly quarter million people in the united states have died from the virus.

In just the past eight months. The virus is now responsible for a higher share of deaths from all causes amongst younger americans than it was before all adults were eligible for the vaccines, so in other words, this suggesting more people have died here than here. Is it uh? That's a little confusing the way, they're wording. This coveted accounted for 14 of all deaths in the united states from march 20 until all adults became eligible, okay, so 14 of deaths here compared with 11.

Since then, oh, so, that's less! Why does it seem like the overall code has declined? Yeah, okay, okay, okay, i just write it backwards. I don't know why, but anyway uh okay. So let's look at the journal. That's what we're going to look at the business stuff.

Let's see here, omicron disruptions prompt. Easing of some restrictions blame bad weather weather for 2021. Yeah insurance got smoked uh by the storms we had in texas and some bad weather uh throughout the country. Uh spacex's future depends on a giant rocket and 42 000 internet satellites, nice.

42. 000.. I hear they're really good, though, like somebody had a picture of uh them mounting their um, spacex, satellite or receiving dish uh to their tow hitch. Oh wow, really, hey you guys.

You guys had a nutshell: lockdown uh at the beginning of the pandemic too, and i mean maybe maybe everybody's just used to this in new york city now but uh. Somebody here says: uh bro, i'm in uber, i'm an uber driver in new york city work has been dead since christmas, yikes uh, that's that's just the last four days and that's wow, that's crazy! Who would live in new york if they had a choice. I mean honestly, i would uh so so would uh this particular person here anyway. Um save your five dollars for the margin call.

Oh, i could tell you're a bull as long as they're better than comcast. Oh my gosh, all right so chicago all of a sudden. Okay, who cares all right? Can we get a little bit, maybe on the economy? What do you got home prices growth slowed in october, uh still expected to go up next year, though, rose 19.1 percent in the year that ended in october. That's nutty the fact that real estate is even holding a candle to the s.

P 500 is absolutely insane like to think about it. Usually real estate grows, like i don't know three or four percent a year and uh, and then you consider leverage in real estate as well right. This is important to consider most people who own real estate. Uh, are you know putting down 20 25 when they're buying? So you've got this like three to one leverage.
Well, i guess you wouldn't really call it three to one. Would you no? I guess you would because if you put twenty five thousand dollars down and you get a hundred thousand dollar home, that's actually like four to one anyway, so you're putting down this four to one well. Leverage and uh home prices rose 19.1 percent. I mean your leveraged rate of return is, is uh is almost such that you, you basically bought the home uh.

I mean look at this. You put twenty five thousand dollars down. You buy a hundred thousand dollar house. It goes up.

19. You've almost got your 25 grand back now, of course, you're selling costs and that kind of stuff, but it's insane uh so and then we see here that home buyers have fallen. Where is it? I just saw it here somewhere um. I thought i saw it.

Oh here we go first time home buyers fell to 26, the lowest level since jan of 2014, down 32 from a year early wow, it's a big decline in first-time homebuyers they're, just getting smoked by all the investors coming and making the dollar hollas yeah. I talked about crypto a little bit at the start of the live stream and i think crypto's falling, because people are throwing their money into the bigger tech stocks and inflation expectations rotated down a little bit wall street inflation expectations rotated down, which um kind of believe That in 2022 i do think 2022 is gon na be good for crypto, but at the same time i kind of am holding this sort of like dual thesis, because i do think that inflation is going to come down. I mean i've. I've been um inflationist, transitory kind of person for a very, very long time, and a transitory has taken a lot longer to come around, which i admit to feed on, but i still believe it uh it's not going to stay up forever.

Nobody can do that. Nobody can keep it up forever inflation. You know anyway, uh all right, so we're we're about a minute from open here uh we did have a little bit of a rotation down in uh in indic values right at the beginning or right in the last. What 10 minutes here? Let's take a look now what we got! Oh they're kind of back up that went back up to about 0.08 s, p back up 0.13 nasdaq up above 0.25, we're almost at 4 800 for the s p! That's a milestone! If we hit it by the way - oh crazy yeah, i i agree, i think that inflation kind of stayed a little high because of uh the delta surge as well affecting uh supply chains.

But anyway, um remember. This video is brought to you by weeble, get five totally free stocks by going to mattkevin.com weeble and get professional streaming software by going to met kevin.com streamyard linked down below all right. Let's get the bell see what happens here, as it opens the best first day of the santa claus rally which typically takes place in the last five trading days of the year first, two of january since 2, 000.. It appears, as we have the opening bell right now, that we could have another update, although, given the volatility these days, carl, you just never know.
It's very true. Look at that solo guy he's not even the middle, and what is is the nasdaq just not doing anything today? What what? What could they not find anybody uh, whatever uh? So it's like 50 50 green red. I do notice that end phase is going a little trying to push a little green here, tesla's pushing a little bit red yeah. Let's see uh, we are hmm.

Let's get that change percentage over here there we go so up, work! Uh! Oh wait! Nope got ta. Let weeble update you know we weeble we pulled being weird again but uh. Oh wow yeah. You definitely got a little bit of a pull down here, uh, even on sheeb, six percent yeah hot aids, not very happy uh that bitcoin selling off the miners selling off.

Not a surprise that would happen every time you kind of get a crypto sell-off. It's kind of your leveraged uh vehicle here, uh united wholesale mortgage, going back down to six dollars toast going down 1.5 dutch bros rotating down what else here very good food company now at 73 cents, my goodness, it's literally a penny stock, that's trying to go to A penny now polka dot, just got smacked down. Ten percent tesla is now up. Two percent uh and yeah tesla's rallying a little bit yeah.

Oh my gosh who's, doing the shopping right now. Look at that tesla, the wow, and what does this mean for end phase? Let's go end phase and nvidia nvidia barons had a nice bullish piece on tesla. Oh nice little drop there on on nvidia uh baron's had a nice bullish piece on tesla this morning, yeah michael, look at that, but uh nvidia pulling back it's coming back coming back now and shows tesla that was nice. Big purchase went through here right in the beginning, uh yeah, look at that that volume even spread over two minutes here.

That's incredible neo! Oh, my gosh neo is over 30 dollars. Uh did the s p 500 just hit the record. Let me see here: did we hit it? Let's refresh it here. Oh almost almost we're trying to see if we can get to a 4 800..

Oh, it's so close 47.95. If we get to 4 800 that'd be the first time in a while uh, so brandon tested positive for covin. So now he has to yolo everything. He says all right: let's go brandon uh best wishes on those those yolos uh, okay, neo having a little rotation down here.

Some profit taking after a big, buy, look at tesla, also rotating down after big buys here, really uh, okay, nvidia's also kind of given up. Okay, all right here comes a little bit of the selling pressure. Let's go all right! That's fine! Give us a little bit of a. I don't mind doing a little bit more behind oh jacob yeah shouting out brandon there as well like look.

How look how happy everyone is for brandon uh that he's gon na yolo? Oh, she here interesting start. We had some big buys there right at the beginning, but i think we got a lot going somewhat red here: uh yeah hood right back at 18 bucks, a farm's going red as well how's ark, that's a crashing, sound uh! Oh yeah are kind of rotating down slightly as well: hmm tesla tesla's vaseline now under one percent, okay, so a little bit of a rotation down here. So a little bit of paint coming, that's probably going to hurt uh the s p from hitting its record here. Yeah nvidia just went red; okay, all right all right! I'm i'm gon na get my little my little shopping tool ready here.
Um shop, shop uh - i don't know if i'm gon na buy anything just yet but um i'm! Oh! I got ta transfer more dollars over oops, okay yeah. We got some dollars, let's just transfer a little bit more over to be safe, uh, yeah, interesting little little rotation here, all right. Let's go two three extra all right got ta got ta. Have that dollar ready? Okay, coming back nvidia's coming back now, a little bit went down to 307, but i don't know how long this is gon na last, let's see here, uh spy.

What terry says yo finally got my 12 plus badge. I've been waiting 365 days for this. What's 12 plus uh anyway, uh okay spy had a little bit of red there now rotating back up, but it's it's really having trouble doing anything here, carnival cruise lines, just flip positive, oh oh, the 12 plus badge on on the youtube membership. Oh congratulations! I should know that uh, you know on on stream yard.

It actually doesn't show me the little badge i could see you remember, but it does see how it has that little circle with the s or whatever uh. Oh, my gosh look at carnival it's taking off. It's running like crazy. It's running like a madman here, disney's running up a percent here as well uh, the ricoh stocks are going nutty, corsair nice little run here, also uh back over 22.

tesla's softened. A lot here in the morning wait a second yeah how's btc. Acting oh loose it down about 3.5 yeah, but lucy's bobbing around 36 37 every single day, uh btc. We got a midpoint somewhere at 48.4 here on the weebs wayfair down again, uh, no surprise at this point robin hood sitting at 18.

So fine financials just sucking whatever, what's moving, that's what we're gon na look at right now, so a couple percent on hippo carnival though 1.67 now build-a-bear 23 and me walgreens nordstrom the airlines. These guys are going positive, they're going to push the s p air up a third of a percent tesla's going to zero uh tesla. Oh yeah! Look at that! Tesla rotating down nasdaq turns red. That's right: okay, vidya! Oh yeah, nvidia down nice point: eight percent! Right now, apple down also etsy's down yep apple rotating down; okay, all right so a little bit of uh a rotation back down here on some of uh, some of the tech names while uh while recoveries are u-turning.

Let me see here also impossible to get a kova test here in mass. I have a feeling: numbers will be lagging yeah, it's interesting. If you look at some of the data for see, if i can get it up for the united kingdom, they really think that they've got somewhere around two million people symptomatic, but they're only testing like two or one in ten or like diagnosing one in ten. It's quite interesting, but let me see if i can get it all right.
Let me see here. Ah now you could watch my video yesterday and see it, but uh yeah confirm covet cases now according to well yeah all right i'll. Come back to this. I got ta get my my link straight, we'll come back to this uh, but, what's worth noting, is look at this, the the s p, knocking on the door of 4 800.

It ran up to 47.96. It is pushing like crazy right now. Let me see what we've got if i can see anything here on the back end uh, let's find out what are the suits saying mixed start for tech stocks. It looks like a mix day for big tech.

Uh-Huh that comes amid doubt about how much steam is left in the stock rally. I see this has to do because uh this has to do with the fact that there there were bloomberg, ran a survey of uh 815 suits and uh. They expect that uh, their primary preference is 51 domestic 21 emerging and the uh median estimate of a gain for the s p is only 1.4 percent for the s p. 500 for 2022..

That's way less than what the financials and the banks are expecting. Banks are expecting somewhere an average of about four four percent for the s p. Next year the looks like the the median and the average i can't tell they didn't say anyway, either the median and the middle number. So whatever the middle number is.

The middle number result of respondents thinks that the s p will be somewhere around 5 000 ish by the end of uh, 2022.. Hmm, okay, uh someone says kathy woods sold yesterday. Let me see what she sold yesterday and then i'm gon na also compare it to fun flows to see if she has a um, if she's having net outflows, because if she's having outflows, then it makes sense why she's selling, but let's see what we got arc. So yesterday's trade-in from oh, my gosh holy moly.

What is this like? Like a tax loss harvest here or something i mean, these are small numbers? It's just cleaning up but look everything's red, it's all cells, but it's they're tiny percentages of a total portion of the portfolio. I think it's just an end of the year cleanup because they're really tiny percentages but there's not a single buy. Everything was just sell, sell, sell, literally sells across the board yesterday. Oh, it says right here: transaction activity today was for the purpose of raising cash for the 2021 annual etf distribution.

This cash raise activity has been completed. What are they distributing cash when? Why why i don't know? Maybe i don't understand that, but let me look at the flows. Rk flows. Oh it's because of the outflows.

Oh well. There you go. The last few days has just been negative, so we have 50 59 million dollars going out of arc k. This is just our k: 59 million flowing out on the 22nd, only an inflow of 5 million on the 23rd and then on the 27th, which was yesterday.
We had an 82.8 million dollar outflow. That's crazy, uh! I wonder if i could do arc g flows, r g flows, oh yeah, same thing, uh, so arc g. All the funds are just having outflows. Arko g has not had a green day since the 20th, when they did get a 40 million dollar inflow, but they just had a 56 million dollar outflow uh, followed by another minor outflow and a flat day.

What about arc f flows um? Can i see that arc f flows? That's no large outflows detected at etf per nasdaq yeah. I think this is outflows. Where's this jacket from hugo uh. You were an outflow yesterday.

Maybe individuals are doing their tax loss harvesting at the end of the year dividend. Ah, maybe i haven't filmed anything with richard hart, but i believe we have that scheduled for today. It'd be a live stream. If we did anything so you can come look at it.

I know i'm sad. I really like my christmas sweater. I might have to wear it the next couple days just to just just because uh, it's the it's still december and it's still okay to be festive okay anyway, let's go figure out what what's happening in the stock market, because it's it's just weird, so roku yay Roku is doing well uh carnival cruise lines up. 2.6 percent rico stocks are like kovid.

Ah, that ain't got nothing on me, uh nicholas actually up 2.8 percent. After that scathing barons, article making fun of their cash. Hmm, oh a firm went positive again. That was an interesting u-turn.

They started their negative okay, so a lot of pain in in the crypto space. Oh yeah, oh nice, nice little sell-off there so ooh that almost looks like a little bit of a liquidation cell down right there. But let's look at 30 minute here, yeah 30 minute! You could see once we got rejected at 52. It was straight down.

Oh well! So let's see where's the money going. It's certainly not going into lucid donkey signs stuck at 155 clownflare lemonade. Some of these guys stuck nvidia. I like that nvidia's on sale today, not much.

It's not a big sale 0.62, but so is google. A little bit is google recovering. We see here oops. I do want to bump my goog position.

They've been quite stuck in this. Like 29 region here - and i really think as an advertising play for 2022, people are underestimating how much advertising we're gon na get uh uh in in 2022.. It could be wrong. I i but it's it's one of the plays that i'm that i'm anticipating you know don't go, don't go all in end phase still stuck at 188.

That's fine, so did tesla end up going red yeah disney, i think, is, is bouncing nicely right now. One well one point: six: seven percent: oh look at that recovery on tesla tesla. There went straight red for a second and uh nice recovery, disney we're off of our lows here on disney, so disney's lows, its floor is somewhere around that 142, 145. and uh.
Now we're sitting at about 155 disney's had a big old oversell here. I think there are some opportunities in disney uh. 155. Let me look at their forward.

Financials here on dis start a dd on magnite, but i've not really gotten far, but we did start um, oh disney. Let's see here no, not distressed bonds. Who cares about that? I want walt disney good old walt uh, i wonder - was he he was not born with that. Was he let's see walt disney wiki? Oh yeah, he was.

Was he walter walter elias, disney, wow? Okay, all right because, like uh donald trump's, dad changed their name from drumf to trump. I think that was d-r-u-m-p-f, there's like some german thing or something like that donald trump uh and they changed it to trump smart move, but anyway, uh forward eps expected on disney of uh. 7.7 20. 25 155 divided by 7 27 puts about 21 times.

Four yeah growth is a little bit slower, though i mean you're looking at 24, maybe in 22, then 11, 7 6, and that slows down a little bit okay. So not your growth play what's in videos forward right now. Here, let's see here, nvidia is. If we go to 2025 uh, that's where that stupid meme, i didn't know there was a meme uh.

I think you're talking about the trump thing i have no idea, but yeah yeah. You could look that up uh. I think it was in one of trump's books. My name is donald trump yeah.

I was wondering his books were good. The early ones like the art of the deal and that stuff i i know some people on the left are not going to like hearing there. But just it's like the early apprentice days come on like season one and two apprentice. Who was that guy? The the the old guy uh before they had ivanka uh they did it was that the older guy and and the other lady, the blonde lady and the older guy, what were those if somebody can give me those names in the chat i'll be very happy uh.

Those were like the og's of uh before the whole. Like celebrity apprentice crap. I hated that uh anyway, 308 divided by an 8 eps puts us at about 38.5 forward for 2025, and but the growth is, is probably going to average about 30 percent from video. So, no not not bad! So, oh who were they.

Nobody else is telling me apprentice season. One uh, okay, i'm gon na look myself really quick and then i'm gon na go back to the sticks and figure it out. Oh, i can't find it omarosa and bill rensick. Oh my gosh, what a throwback who were they does.

No, nobody know was it george. Maybe it was george judges, oh carolyn and george yeah george rosh and carolyn uh carolyn. I don't know what her last name was, but but carolyn and george, that was it. Oh my gosh, that's crazy! I remember watching those as a kid uh yeah when when was that, let me just quickly date this here uh season, one 2004.
Oh man, that's uh! 16 17 years ago, so i was what zero no a little older 12. uh anyway. Okay, so uh hmm hippo moving three percent okay. So so let me look at some, so some of the smaller caps here - rite aid, purple hippo 23 and me, but this could just be a bounce back from some of the pain that we had yesterday.

Uh, let's see here, the carnival move is incredible: eureka move here, three percent disney nordstrom, okay, but it's creating an opportunity. In my opinion, oh matterport's down three percent. I still got to build a little bit of a matterport position so write that down. Mttr is down a little bit nice discount today, so i'm gon na write this down discounts.

Mttr then we've got. Let's see, toast red fin charge. Point shift technologies right back down. It was red.

Yesterday too, even though it started green, a firm 104 robin hood's at 8, 25. palantir uh stuck in the mud, etsy 228 - i'm i think i'm built out on my etsy position. Let me look really quick i'll, tell you at cnn phase and then let's look at some some headlines again see what the suits are talking about, but uh. Let me quickly grab it.

Let's see here, okay, here we go so my tesla's gone. It's the 42 is a little heavy. The video i got ta work on i'm at 4.3 percent there. I really want to pop that and etsy's at 5.2.

I'm probably okay with that for right now. I might adjust that a little bit farms, i'm well built on a firm and end phase. End phase is at 7.4, so i'm okay there as well, so really matterport. I got to work on building nvidia and goog.

How are they doing? Okay? This is dancing around 307. google, oh goo keeps rotating down so watch that goog and then tesla tesla's up again at 0.69 stabilizing there and then rk is actually up. Look at that wow, okay, so uh, let's see here, yeah brandon tell me about it. Uh man, all right! Let's go see a little bit more.

What we got going on here in the news all right anything else, let's get the latest what's the latest? What's the latest bloom european stocks edge closer to record high yeah? Okay, did we get 4 800 on the spy? Yet we hit? Oh look at that. That's a record! You saw it here. It's a moment. 4.

800. On the s p, 500. That's just nuts! We got to see that on the chart. Whoa! Oh look at that folks.

You want to know what the top looks like there. You go and you know the best time to go all in it's obviously at the tippy top. Let's go! Oh my gosh. That is insane folks from the depths of the pandemic.

If you had bought on march 20th, you're up 108 wow, that's insane! Oh, my gosh, all right so anyway, uh mach, 5 missiles, ooh fed incoming moon yep biden's got to pick some people kathy sells a bunch of stuff cnbc. What are they saying? Slash your 2021 tax bill with these last minute. Moves oh, get an hsa! If you haven't yet, if you have a high deductible health account hsa, oh i love those things uh. So what are the moves? Tax loss, harvesting, donate to charity and pay medical expenses defer income into 2022.? You know i always used to do that.
I'd get like commission checks at the end of the year, i'd be like yeah i'll, just i'll just deposit this next week, uh hey, you know you get uh, i don't know if you're allowed to do that, i mean cnbc is talking about it but um. It's not tax advice, but um yeah, i mean it just bought you another year of of uh not having to pay taxes. Uh and somebody says anything. Cannabis is at record lows.

Man, i've been saying for like a year now stay away from that candy and it's it's just um. It hasn't been a good market uh and a lot of it, i think, is because there was too much hopium that went into the cannabis market because of uh um uh joe biden so well nope not buying a jet. Oh, oh, look at ark ark's going green, holy moly. Oh my gosh and carnival cruise lines is continuing to run three percent here, disney's almost at two percent, so definitely a little bit of a recovery recovery.

I do want to look at solar before we go, though, because we haven't, we haven't, looked at solar, a little bit: roblox 1.4, okay, uh tesla! Where are you and then solar? Tesla? 0.71? Okay, so it's stock nvidia video is coming back up. Yeah v is rotating back up and then how about goog? Is that rotating as well? Not really? Okay, so watching this and uh some pain, some discounts, you should say a discount. Oh yep, there goes goog. Look at that big, buy order that just came in on goog holy smokes.

I mean we just have volume spiked to 38 000. Oh my gosh! What is that? 2? 900? That's a 110 million dollar spike holy smokes, wow, okay, yeah, look at tan someone's, oh yeah, that can't be looking good right now: uh tan, oh yeah, no, no uh biden, wins surge, plummet, yeah ouch, but uh a lot of the solar companies just not not doing Hot right now, a little bit of a discount on them really. I still think the best bet is end phase 190. Here, look at that bounce bounce right off that support.

That's crazy works so well! Well, we're still close to it. So i think it you know. I don't think there's a missed opportunity there, uh, okay and talked about oh marquita marquetta is moving up a little bit. It says arc g, wow and rk.

Okay, all right. I got some enthusiasm with the exception of no enthusiasm in crypto right now, yeah wow 4806. Now, on the s p 500: it ain't stopping. I don't.

I don't think i own s edge. I might own a little bit in m1 finance that was me guilty: yeah uh, wow, wow, wow, wow, okay, bloom! Let me look in the back end quickly, just see if there's anything wild created a suture sign, never know top news, not really uh. No, that's stupid! Nothing! What about this hold on no omicron? No! No asian stocks rose. European stocks rose, crypto, falling moving into stocks, blah blah blah uh how about commodities glc global commodities? Let me just look at the year to date on some of these so the year to date for aluminum's up 43 copper, 23 gold down four percent year-to-date iron down 35 year-to-date silver down twelve percent year today, nickel's up 20 year to date.
Iced, it says i don't think they mean this. This is like an international commodity exchange. I think, but it says, iced coffee is iced coffee up 77, oh no, oh and then, of course, natural gas and oil up wow. Okay, folks, i got ta go.

Thank you! So much for being here, i love you. All uh go get yourself: five free stocks with weeble by going to mexican.com weeble, and if you like, professional streaming software, where you can put comments up, go to method.com streamyard, okay.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

27 thoughts on “Whoa”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crybaby Blues says:

    all those small caps are in the red again, you spoke too soon.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars red32303 says:

    People born in other countries can run for President. Romney was born in Mexico

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rike S says:

    Is the IRS crazy? If you steal, do you really think you're going to go report you stole something to the government? Yeah, the FBI would be interested in hearing from you!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Truth says:

    Tesla was 7 or 8% at some point, of Cathie’s fund? Actually it’s been 9-11% for like 2 years. It being at 6.5% is interesting.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars REAL TALK says:

    Damn Kevin, you’ve grown on me so much. Thanks for all that you do.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Royal Shibas says:

    Anyone looking at QS? it's only slightly above IPO price again, major potential for EV cars too

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Way Ne says:

    Yes, "tinkers with" was clearly "loaded language", and meant as a slight by the writer.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mklolCoru says:

    I don't trust crypto

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Poly_Voxel says:

    Live chat replay?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Ainsworth says:

    So crypto can follow the market or do the opposite? Wild.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jin Nani says:

    Dude, COVID is now just snivels, it’s being used as a tool for the government to control us and make the rich even richer. All the while us normal folk drown

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veronica Davidson says:

    Looking gorgeous boo boo forevermore sweetness sweet pea pooh Bear guarding her cub alone always my, as always my love!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veronica Davidson says:

    Good morning boo boo forevermore sweetness sweet pea pooh Bear guarding her cub alone always my love, not feeling good today, sorry boo boo, no harm intended, just me, hopefully later I will feel better, love you boo boo!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JB123. says:

    really appreciate ur content and work.. now discrimination comment?!.. dont necessairly agree with that.. believe discrimination is a little overboard of a word in this context..only allowing citizens who were born in said country, to become President seems logical to me.. now i could see an argument saying as long as ur a citizen then thats good enough.. to me tho the being born in the Country adds an extra layer in an attempt to have people in our highest office who truly cares abt it success (now of course countless self-serving politicans have caused that last comment to be in question) and its away to kind of reward the citizens who are deeply routed in the country (ie. being born there).. anyway i could see a legitimate argument that as long as your a citizen then thats good enough.. for some reason though the idea of our President being actually born in this country does give me a little more sense of comfort..

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan Hansbarger says:

    DMTK is making a comeback today. One reason could be that so many other health care stocks are already very inflated and the others are going down due to competition. I continue to believe that because DMTK is cheaper and less invasive than biopsies, it will become a better way to catch suspicious skin issues

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Zizzo says:

    Can't wait for the Hex stream today!!!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mighty floppers says:

    I watch this guy randomly, what's with the colored hair? It's unsettling.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Krystal says:

    Thunderf00t just did a video on Elon, comparing him to Theranos.
    Elon's involvement with PayPal was somewhat surprising to me.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Monica S says:

    Lol. Apparently if you sell illegal drugs you also need to report earnings on that. 😅

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan Verga says:

    The market is being a vampire lately

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NotModernMan says:

    There are a lot of reasons for the president being born within the country and hold allegiance to the country they would be the leader over. This has been more evident through the course of the last year.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nafiz Haq says:

    Boris to run for US presidency 🤣

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yep says:

    Any ideas on nio vs xpev.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tang Mang says:

    I'm feeling good

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ionut niculici says:

    Do you ever sleep?? 🤔

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karen Loing says:

    Good morning do you have access to captions?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caleb Zen says:


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