In this video we will cover a very important part of preparing for a recession, which is getting your personal finances in order and making sure you are better prepared for tough times ahead.
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DISCLAIMER: All of Tom's strategies, and news coverage are based on his own opinions alone and are only done for entertainment purposes. If you are watching Tom's videos, please don't take any of this content as guidance for buying or selling any type of investment or security. Tom Nash is not a financial advisor and anything said on this YouTube channel should not be seen as financial advice. Tom is merely sharing his own personal opinion. Your own results in the stock market or with any type of investment may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Please keep in mind that there are a lot of risks associated with investing in the stock market so do your own research and due diligence before making any investment decisions.

Okay, so you got to do these things by December 31st 2022. This is super super important to get your economics in order and if you're going to stay to the end of the video I actually have a bonus tip that you don't want to miss because it's probably worth its weight in gold. Now look, let's talk about what's coming. We have two weeks to the end of the year and it's super important that you listen to what I got to say here because I'm hearing a lot of New Years is really made very few I assume will be kept.

but people will talk about getting into shape. You know, getting in touch with friends and loved ones they haven't been in touch with eating healthier, working out all that stuff are important I'm not saying that they're not, but nobody is talking about getting your money right, getting your economics in order. Why? I Mean this is just as important as getting into shape, trust me. Especially since it seems like 2023 is going to be a year in which a recession is going to hit us very, very hard.

Things in 2023 will not be better. They will be worse. Look at the housing market. It's now 35 less new home sales year over year.

Blackstone Heating Redemption Caps selling properties. Look at the job market. The FED is about to push it to five percent unemployment. Look at the personal savings rate as a percentage of DPI of the Disposable personal income the lowest we had since November Two Thousand Seven.

Every single indicator out there, including the FED themselves are telling you 2023 is going to be very, very bloody. Why would you not prepare for this? Why are we just ignore it and hope it's not going to happen. And guess what if you do what I did on this video As far as your own personal finance, not only are we preparing for a recession, if the recession doesn't come, all of this advice I'm going to give in this video and yes, this will be advice. This isn't going to be in any way shape or form, negatively impacting on you.

Even if a recession never comes, everything out there in this video is going to make you right where the recession comes or not. Guess what? Let's start with the first thing. creating an emergency fund for six months. I Talk about it multiple times now.

Imagine you create an emergency fund of six months money you can survive on for half a year if you lose your job. If the worst happens, now, imagine a recession doesn't come. Imagine you keep your job. Imagine now you even make more money than ever.

Guess what? You have an emergency fund that you haven't used Cool now? I Imagine the other way around, you didn't create that emergency fund and the recession happened. and now you start holding your balls without any money. Which scenario do you think is better? I Think that having an emergency fund and not using it is way better than the other way around. Now let's talk about tip number two.

In 2017, there was a movie called Down on Sizing I believe it was with Matt Damon Basically shrunk himself and he went to live in this community of shrunken people and shrunken homes. Now the reason I'm reminding myself this movie because this is the second tip is basically downsizing. You have to downsize everything right now before this feat hit the fan. I Was trying to get demonetized in this video.
but I think it's too late. So if the does hit the fan, you don't want to be stuck in an expensive house with an expensive card with basically lots of payments. You have to actually take some preemptive action. Move in if you can, to a cheaper house, reduce your rent, take a cheaper lease on your car.

You don't have to drive the most expensive car. You can drive a 35 000 car. A thirty thousand dollar car. A twenty five thousand dollar car.

Get your money right if you reduce your rent and your car lease payments. That's huge going forward into recessionary year because think about it this way. a lot of people won't do it and they won't do it for one reason. One reason only is because they're ashamed.

They think that going from an expensive car to a cheap car is going to make their neighbors think that they're going broke. Who gives a flying? F What your neighbors think of you? Who cares, Bro. Don't be ashamed to get a cheaper house and a cheaper car just because you're prepping. Imagine the recession never comes.

Guess what? You just save a bunch of money. Cool. Take a vacation next year, right? Who cares? Wear it like a badge of honor. I Drive a cheap ass car? Yeah.

I'm proud of it. I'm saving money. Guess what? Who cares? Embrace it. Own it.

A lot of things you can do. Get rid of everything that you absolutely do not need I mean some of you may have expensive gym membership Equinox Go to cheaper ones I Don't want to say but cheaper. This is cheaper options, right? There's a lot of things you can do to reduce your monthly expenses. I Mean there's no need to spend all this money if you know things are going to go bad.

Now let's talk about tip number three. Tip number three is super important, which is budgeting. now. Budgeting is super important.

But even more important, budgeting is actually making sure you're on track. You Gotta Be Your Own Boss Create your budget. Make sure you understand how much money you're bringing in every month, how much money you're spending every month, and make sure you plan ahead for the next year, exactly how much you want to spend, how much you want to bring in, and every month you make sure you stay on track, and if you actually stray away from it, try and figure out what happened so it doesn't happen in the next month. Every month you have to audit yourself.

Make sure you stay on budget because otherwise you have no idea how much money is coming out or coming in. Now this leads me to my next point, which is save, but save methodically. Don't say I'm going to save money. You have to decide how much you want to save each month and be methodical about it.
In fact, I urge you to actually create an automatic transfer automated transfer from your checking account to your savings account every single month just to force you to do it. Make sure you understand exactly how much you want to do it, and you know what. You're going to thank me later because that way you're guaranteeing yourself you're not in that percentage of people not selling right now. People's savings are about three percent of the disposable income we were at 14 just a year ago.

People are burning through their money right now trying to maintain some sort of Lifestyle not saving because they don't know what's coming. Don't be that guy or girl. Make sure you save methodically. Now let's move on to the next thing You have to spend less.

Spending less is easy with just a few. simple: Mind Tricks Because we, as humans, we are triggered by Society to spend more. Everything around us is basically designed to cause us to spend more. advertisements.

Uh, product. Place Placements. All this stuff. Hey, here's a few tips for you to spend less.

Number One: Make sure when you go. when you shop, you shop based on a list. That way you don't get tempted. You don't make any impulsive purchases and emotional stuff.

Get a list. Go get your stuff. Get out of the shop. You can do it in the supermarket.

You can do it in any store. By the way, you're going to the supermarket. Make sure you eat before you go to the supermarket. Guess what? If you go hungry into a supermarket? Studies show that you spend about 40 percent more in the supermarket than if you actually go full.

Guess what? Use plastic? No Use cash? Yes, if you use cash and your brain sees you're spending the money and the money going out of your wallet. It's much harder to spend that money than clicking some plastic button. Or you know, swiping some plastic hard. It means Jack Casinos do it to get people to send more using these chips.

Why do you think there's no money in the casino? The Same thing. Do Not Use credit cards. Use cash. Use coupon codes like the one we have for stock.

MVP By the way, stuck in the bees right now. 50 off with Christmas 50 for the next two days. You can use that. but that's not the point of the video.

Now that's going to be in the link below if you want to use it. but that's really not the point of the video. Let's move on. let's talk about the final.

Point Here Now we've covered budgeting. We covered spending lists, We covered savings, We covered having an emergency fund. We covered all of these things now. I Want to talk about the most important part.

Prepare yourself emotionally, but also financially to what's coming. Now you have a job. You have a business. You're making good money right now.
That's great. Nothing is guaranteed for the next year. Nobody knows what's going to happen. nobody.

Make sure your creative. Plan B Creative side Hustle which can bring in money if you need it. If you lose your job if your business goes down the toilet, if now you get a pay cut. Whatever.

If you have a skill you can teach it, you can take your skill be a freelancer online on Fiverr or other apps that provide that. You can actually be a personal virtual assistant. A lot of companies are looking for part part-time personal assistance you can do. you can drive for Uber You can deliver food.

There's million things you can do set that up so it's there. You don't have to do it tomorrow, but make sure it's there in case you need it. And actually you know if you have time. If you're playing video games all day you're playing.

Call of Duty Hey, go deliver some food, Go drive an Uber Go do some freelancing on Fiverr Guess what? Make some money, Create a plan B for an additional income stream. If actually things are bad and guess what if things don't go bad? Hey, you just made some extra money and you created a nice little side hustle. You can turn it on and off whenever you need. Now Look, this is just a few things you can do.

but I urge you not to wait until it's too late. Do this now. Don't wait until the fit hits the shed. do it before preemptively.

Then when things happen, you're sitting there nice and cozy, prepared, and you don't get embarrassed with your pants around your ankle. Just make two cents. Let me know what you think. If you have any additional tips that I haven't mentioned here and you think can help our audience in our community, comment down below: I'm actually going to pen the best one and I hope you guys can actually add to what I'm saying I Don't think this is like God's speech here.

so I want to hear your tips as well.

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28 thoughts on “What you need to do to prepare for the upcoming recession”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NJ Darda says:

    really good financial hygiene advice. if only i hadn't already blown all my money.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Bart Vanneste says:

    don't leave the lights on when not needed

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hyghner Boyd says:

    No recession is coming. All these things he's talking about were too damn high anyways. What we are seeing is a mean reversion. Yes shit is going to drop in value, but because it needs to.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Towanda Goettertl says:

    I have learned in recent months is to remain calm, especially when it comes to investments in cryptocurrencies.
    Learn not to sell in a panic when everything goes down and not to buy in euphoria when everything goes up. I advise y'all to forget predictions and start making a good profit now because future valuations are all speculations and guesses.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donna V says:

    Another valuable lesson…don't go in shops to browse because that's when you impulse buy! If you don't need anything don't go in at all

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars randomguy001 says:

    yooo so true about going out grocery shopping hungry!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars amarafi says:

    Genuine advice for once. No bs in this video 👌

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scottland says:

    Great advice and Merry Christmas and Happy Hollidays!!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian Chua - Body Language and Face reading Expert says:

    TIP: If you think about daily survival vs thinking about your income in terms of months and years, it will be really different. Employees think monthly, and entrepreneurs and investors think in longer horizons. Yearly or even in decades. If you are worried about what you will eat for the day, you need to rethink your financial strategy.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian Chua - Body Language and Face reading Expert says:

    You said it as it is. Hard for many to hear. But the hard truth is never easy.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Javqui says:

    If a very important amount of people in the world follow your "comments" the inflación problem will go away in few months. From somebody that was in 2000 and 2008 crisis in USA and was living for a while in one country with one of the largest inflación numbers in the world (more than 4 digits).

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Primordial Light says:

    No one likes todo it but go through your bank statement check you have no old subscriptions but also notice where your spending most at to highlight where you can save the most

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Claude Thomas says:

    How do you see the $1.7 trillion dollar spending bill affecting the stock market?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Random Junk99 says:

    DON’T cut back on health insurance or stick with a high deductible plan if you have shaky employment. While I’m a full believer in keeping all 10 digits attached…1 slip of the knife 🔪 can easily COST MULTIPLE PAYCHECKS and make you seriously wonder if you really wanted the end of your thumb reattached after all

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ruben Spyckerelle says:

    Two years ago wgen i started following you Tom, this video would have stressed me out because it showed me how much i wasn't doing.

    Two years later im like nodding with every single point.

    Emergency fund? Yes!
    Reduce spending? Yes!
    Side hustle? Yes!

    Love it merry christmas

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Schuyler Oliver says:

    Question, hey Tom, what about loss harvesting? I hold Tesla AND Ark…both down 50%. I was thinking of selling Ark and buying Tesla?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Helene says:

    Good thing I'm a minimalist.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rodney Smith says:

    Excellent points Tom, all of them! I'll bet Grandpa taught you most of these while sitting on his knee, ages ago. I have followed these guidelines all my adult life (I'm 76 now) and I can guarantee you will be better off financially, mentally, and socially by doing these things NOW, start NOW!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam Marshall says:

    Sold 11 mths ago! Was early;but didn’t take the 40% dick punch!!! Traded good companies all year and traded out of oil / gas in early Apr. since then just been picking at div stocks that sell better in a recession!! Tobacco, groceries etc.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Takashi // 過激派マッチョ says:

    Stfu man.
    You got like 95% of your predictions wrong.
    Get it right for once dude…

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A F says:

    300k on the side is enough @tomnash ?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saint says:

    GANG ❤

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anon Ymous says:

    Borrow tools and appliances from friends (things one dont use often) or purchase them as a group, get rid of your car and rideshare or ride a bicycle if at all possible, find free and healthy things to do like hiking with friends instead of partying it up

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CRG 92 says:

    Get a cheaper car around 30 thousand dollars? 😅

    Meanwhile me driving around in a car that cost me £1900
    Same a months wage.

    I'm currently Investing every penny I can!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Denham says:

    Thanks Tom
    I hope sellers start to panic and sell harder and faster in Q1 to bring S&P to 3000 or less then we buy at ground floor price again

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rich Ireland says:

    Buy into Gold & Silver stocks. Live within your means.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Stephens says:

    Cancel your onlyfans subscriptions

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D Ket says:

    I think Tom is trying to give me a good idea what might well happen in the future…
    It's not financial advice, its lifestyle/ survival advice.
    Hmmm, maybe I should pay attention.

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