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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #TSLA #Tesla #Investing ⚠️⚠️⚠️
What Tesla JUST did - firing @AI Addict and more on Tesla as an inflation hedge. Tesla Stock and Elon Musk.
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Holy smokes. Everybody we've got three things to talk about when it comes to a tesla, it has to do with tesla just firing. Somebody on their fsd team we're gon na talk about that. Then we got ta talk about tesla as an inflation hedge.

Then i just want to say a little thing about berlin. Okay, that's what we're going to talk about in this video brought to you by extra. You want to raise your credit score without actually having a credit card, go to kevin.com extra to use the extra debit card that reports as if you're, making payments to a credit card. That's because they lend you the money until the next business day when they draw it from your existing bank, account, don't even have to make a new bank account and boom.

They report these balances paid to the credit bureaus and potentially help you raise your credit score. While using a debit card and getting rewards, learn more at met, kevin.com extra okay - so let's talk about this folks. Okay, this is on a channel by a.i addict, shout out to him apparently and allegedly according to cnbc. He was just fired for his critique of the tesla model: 3, his tesla model 3 and its behavior in crashing into a bollard.

Now, fortunately, this bollard was a plastic bollard. I am going to show the video clip here. I'm going to add my own commentary. I'm going to tell you about my experience with fsd, and then we got to talk about tesla tesla stock and the inflation hedge and a little bit about berlin.

All right! Let's go ahead and listen in here we'll play this for about a minute. I want to give you some commentary. Alright, here we go february 4th i was driving my model 3 on fsd beta 10.10 in downtown san jose weather is perfect, and so is visibility. Traffic is low.

As i head north down almaden boulevard. The car makes a right turn onto west san fernando street. This is where the accent occurs as you'll see. Now, let's step back and go frame by frame at frame three minutes, that's 28 seconds and 19 milliseconds.

This is my first indication of the vehicle's trajectory possibly going off course at frame 329.02 is when i realized we, the indication of a possible collision with the green bowler at frame 329.07 is when my brain decides to send a signal to react at frame 329.12. You can see my hand start turning the wheel. This is also when i activate the brakes as hot as i could. You'll then notice.

That frame 329.19 is when fsd deactivates on screen at frame 329 21. The tesla vehicle makes impact with the green bullard. Despite my attempt to avoid finally at frame 330.01, the tesla vehicle comes to a complete stop bending the bowler to the ground. Luckily, it was only plastic.

Okay, a few things here. First of all, social media took this really far. This clip or a portion of this clip pretty much went viral, especially on twitter and tesla q fans, that is the tesla short crowd and everybody who hates tesla was talking about hahaha. Look how lame fsd is okay.
First of all, it's a freaking beta. Second of all, most of the clips cut out the fact that the ballard bent over why? Because those bullards right here, if we didn't know they were plastic, they look concrete and shout out to galley from hyperchange. I've seen him on his fsd videos, almost driving into concrete barriers under the trains in in seattle, and i have personally been uh twice in an fsd tesla vehicle, a couple, older versions and unfortunately it does do some quirky things like you really got. Ta assume it's gon na do some stupid stuff.

Sometimes it's still in beta. That is totally normal. Now. Is that an excuse for it hitting a bullard? Well yeah? It actually is because the bollards hey they're there, but it is probably the hardest thing for the tesla vision to actually indicate these as cones.

Yet now soon they will soon they will they've already picked up on labeling cones. In fact now - and you can see this on screen here - none of these bullards are actually showing up as cones they're, actually almost invisible to the tesla, and it's probably likely that this tesla sees this lane. This sort of rectangle here is coming to an end and it's trying to align with one of these right white lines here. This is a pretty miserable road design, in my opinion, because you don't actually have a continuation of this line here to imply that oh yeah, this is the lane right here.

It suggests that this maybe is just a marker on the ground, which is probably what the tesla seeing that there's some sort of marker on the ground, uh that that doesn't imply you can't be there and uh, and - and it's probably aligning to this side. Unfortunately, i'm not trying to make excuses for the tesla, it doesn't see the bullets. Now we can see the ball arts elon musk's argument is that hey that tesla vehicles should be smart enough to be able to spot objects like this and stop yeah? Eventually they will we're not there yet so, while we're in beta. I can't really blame the tesla yet especially grateful that this was not a serious accident.

We don't want to see of fatalities or uh in you know, really bad things like actual accidents where airbags are being deployed, which obviously we know wasn't here. They talk about that here. How hey some people say. This is an accident because we didn't have airbag support.

Hey look, it was an f up. It's a screw-up, the car didn't see the ballards there's some work to do. That's the reason we do beta testing right. No excuse tesla, effed up here in this, but it's part of the learning process for full self-driving bullards.

I don't see them marked cones used to not be marked now they are. When i first bought my tesla, i bought a tesla 2017 model x. It would not see cones or orange bollards. Now it looks like it sees cones and orange bollards, but doesn't see green bullets and it kind of goes to show you just how far full self-driving really has to come to be perfect.
Now, thankfully, these were just plastic bullets, so the damage to this individual's vehicle was very, very low. The problem and i'll show you that's a real argument. The problem was, unfortunately, that this person was a tesla employee and by being a tesla employee, he was fired allegedly for posting this video. So here you can see the scratches here now uh.

He claims that this is the first video accident uh caught on camera or a full fsd uh camera on camera accident caught on camera boy that was really wordy, but whatever uh and uh, and he doesn't really go as far as saying uh. Anything other than this is proof that uh there was an accident with uh fsd here, uh yeah. I think the only reason that this person could justifiably, if there's any justification for the firing of somebody for for posting, something true, is if they sign some form of company non-disparagement agreement which most employees do sign. It's kind of says: hey, like you, won't, say anything bad about the company, even if it's true, which is bad because then it's kind of like hey but like what about whistleblowers? Like you know, bad things should come out to public light.

I mean that's a form of censorship amongst employees. Yeah, it's true now i'm grateful that this came out because now, like hey tesla, yo label, freaking green bull, arts like this is a problem. I i personally don't think somebody like this should be fired for me. I think a more proper response would be like dude.

Thank you. Thank you for pointing out that our system does, at least in this version, doesn't label green bollards. Let's get that fixed, but there's probably something about non-disparagement in this person's employee employment contract. We don't know, maybe they can tell us unless, of course, they signed an nda after their departure from tesla.

Who knows they're, welcome to come on my channel and talk about it. I'd love to talk to them about their ai experience and their labeling experience. While they were at tesla working on the fst team, but not a good look for tesla, especially since cnbc is running their article suggesting oh well, tesla's social media policy doesn't say you can't say anything bad sure. Their social media policy might not say that, but their employment contract could say that so probably a little bit more diving in there.

That has to be done. I will say, though, in the cnbc article tesla talks about how there's this uh tech, loyalty kind of culture that you have like thou shall not say anything bad about the company that you like, or work for, or whatever right uh. I i imagine this is really true. I mean it's it's kind of like you know, showing an oopsy of of like your clan or your guild, your group, it's kind of like hey man, that's that's, embarrassing, don't put that out there and that did go viral.
I'm not trying to make excuses for tesla again. I think that should have been met with a thank you like hey. We fixed that now uh dude, you know here we're fixing your car. For you, i mean.

How much is that really gon na cost, the bumper uh - i don't know, even if the scratches went through the paint, put a new freaking bumper on okay, three grand come on whatever, so me, not a good pr image for tesla. Oh well, uh, i'm sure it's fixed by now. If it's not, it's obviously something they're aware of and will be fixed. This is not a big deal for the stock in the long term, but what is a big deal for the stock in the long term? Is the stock as an inflation hedge and that's what we're going to talk about next? I do quickly, though, want to mention that i personally believe - and this is just my speculation, but i believe that one of the reasons i have not been invited to the tesla full self-driving program, even though i have a right now, i have a 99 safety score.

I had a 100 for about 45 days, uh. Unfortunately, i i fell. I drove to disney and uh driving to disney uh through anaheim traffic sucks. My safety score fell to 99, which i'm very very disappointed about, but 99s and hundreds are getting in the full self-driving program, except for me, i'm not getting it.

I think one of the reasons i'm not getting into the fsd program is because i'm willing to say things that are not only bullish right, i'm not just uh everything about tesla is the best ohio tesla. I i will say negative things about tesla as well, and if it is true that there is that sort of bro culture loyalty, you know clan style, uh culture, then um, then it kind of makes sense. Why i'm not in the beta, because i won't hold back but i'll, be truthful, like i was in this video, like that's called being in the beta, you know uh, it's part of the game. Dude, that's the risk! You take okay, so you got some scratches come on man, i got my.

I got my tesla plaid and i already put a little dent into it, because uh well, a little front curb hit a front bumper hit a curb that a tree had sort of uprooted. I thought i'd clear: it couldn't clear it. Oh well, can't really see it. You'd have to know where to look so now.

In other news, we have seen some substantial price increases from tesla, including today we had another price increase when we go to just the purchase price raw here check this out folks, the cheapest model 3 is now 47 000 uh, and then, on top of that you're Going to have to pay 12 000 now for the fsd uh, which which is wild. Here's that 10 uh 12 000 fsd, which you're not even guaranteed to get the invite for this remember, i paid this 12 000 for both my model x from 2017 uh, which they won't even let my model x get in the program because it needs uh. The interior camera to be installed, which is really lame because they said they'd do that for free, but they still have never come around to doing that. Whatever it probably never happened, so i bought the model x.
I'm sorry! I bought the model s plaid thinking. Oh well, that'll give me access to fsd and i could review fsd no, but i'm not getting the invite. So i don't want to make this video about me just complaining about that, but this is expensive. Now this means now you are paying for the cheapest possible model 3 with the fsd, which most people are clicking yes to well.

A lot of people are it's pure profit for tesla right. That makes the cheapest version 59 000 with the fsd. Without it still forty seven thousand dollars, that's almost ten thousand dollars more than what we saw last year and folks, i have to tell you that's a lot and it makes me very excited. Here's why it makes me very excited.

First of all, we're still waiting to july to get a model 3 base edition right now. Model 3 base edition july puts us at about three and a half to four months out for the cheapest model. Three, that means we've got plenty of demand. Elon musk would not raise the prices if there was not enough demand.

There's too much demand too little supply wait times are still too long. So what are they doing? They're raising the prices? You know what that's actually good for margins margins are probably going to go up to at least offset the cost of the inflationary pressures they have more freight costs, as elon musk said, on twitter, higher costs in material and input costs they're more than offsetting their input Costs so i would not be surprised for margin to either stay stable in this inflationary environment or potentially to even take up why? Because they can and consumers are willing to pay that makes tesla unique compared to a company like heinz for for ketchup or coca-cola. These companies are coming out, saying, hey we're concerned that we can't raise prices anymore, because people are going to stop buying a product tesla's different tesla's, like yo, we're going to raise prices and people are still going to buy our product that actually makes tesla stock. In my opinion, somewhat of an inflation hedge - i really like that now, if you do want to spend about eight thousand dollars more to get the model 3 long range, you could get it in about two months, just kind of cool, same thing for the model: 3 Performance you're only waiting about two months for the model: 3 performance.

If we go to the model x, you know i have the plaid personally, i kind of wish. I got the model x instead of the s, because i i gave my x to my dad so now my dad rides my ex and i kind of miss my ex because it has seven seats. But unfortunately, if i wanted to get an x normal like i have already, it would take me until january 2023. If i wanted to get the plaid, it would take until october of 2022.

So i'd be waiting quite a bit for a new x, which is kind of sad model y, another very, very popular vehicle, along with three here great entry level, cars personally like i, i don't recommend spending the money on the x or the s see. These are the reasons why i i don't get the invites to events or stuff, because i'm i'm just too realistic uh. I don't think it's worth the money to spend on that the premium products i would just get these entry level y's and threes. If i were, you know we're looking at a car personally, i probably also wouldn't buy a car right now, because i think the inflation is insane right.
Now, prices keep going up and stuff, but even if i say that people are still going to buy these cars like crazy may and september is cheaper, is in september, for the model y doesn't surprise me at all. The s is usually much more available. Less people getting the s, i get it. I really like my s, but i miss my x yeah base model.

Uh s is a july and the plaid is sitting at only four to ten weeks. Oh so, as little as a month, that's actually gone up. That used to be a little bit less, so that's actually bullish to see that that model s plaid went up because in december they were doing get in december, which is kind of good okay. Now i got ta make a little note about uh berlin.

So we're still waiting to hear about that environmental lawsuit regarding water rights uh, but they're uh there there does. You know obviously tesla got their permits complete for uh the berlin gigafactory, we'll see what happens with water rates, hopefully nothing. But there's this really cool picture here, and this is more just for being silly and then i want to tell you a little bit about my take on the stock again. This is such a beautiful picture of their lineup of the tesla.

What looked like model threes here outside the berlin gigafactory? I mean absolutely beautifully lined up like this really really really cool and that definitely took a pretty chunk of labor here uh, i replied. The germans would spend the time to line up front bumpers like that. That extra labor cost will hurt margins. Now, i'm i'm being facetious here uh, it's a really cool picture, but uh.

It is true. The germans would do that and i'm allowed to say that, because i am german, and so if they want me in berlin, i could actually go there, because i got a german passport anyway, i'm not going to get invited so anyway, okay, the stock, look, i have To say in terms of tech, in my opinion, tesla's, probably still my uh safest bet, and i know people you know they like to poop on me and say: uh you're only good, because you invest in tesla. At least i know when to invest in tesla and when not to invest in tesla when to sell tests, i want to buy a tesla uh yeah. Maybe i do know tesla, you know whatever so uh.

I've done really well lowering my cost basis substantially on tesla. I mean probably in the neighborhood of 20 25, which is is absolutely amazing, uh, probably more and i've been buying on the larger dips here. The uh thing that i like about tesla so much compared to the other semiconductor manufacturers or potentially other tech plays, is i believe that a tesla has the substantial negotiating clout to actually get the products that they need. First and unfortunately, that comes at a little bit of the downside to like end phase, i think tesla is more likely to get batteries before end phase which end phase batteries are a big profit driver for them right.
So i really like nps, but i don't think they have the clout that tesla does tesla's got the clout. I also think that the semiconductor manufacturers like nvidia, i think the omniverse - is a little over hyped. I think their self-driving is nowhere near the capability of teslas, because they're, obviously working in the automotive space as well uh it. I think that it's really going to take the crypto economy or prices.

Crypto prices running back up to really see the semiconductors move again, and that makes me a little bit more bullish, therefore, on tesla, so that doesn't mean i'm not investing in things like nvidia. I get my eyes on taiwan semiconductors, but i will say it just always goes back to good old tesla, so i'm happy about tesla, not so happy about them. Firing ai addict! If he ever wants to come on the channel hit me up sliding those dms thanks. So much for watching folks and uh we'll see in the next one goodbye.

By Stock Chat

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31 thoughts on “What tesla just did…”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Susan V says:

    Touchy area. Like if someone in your team brought into public something bad in your operations instead of speaking to you about it and having the team decide how to better break the news to the public to caution them. Can see both sides though.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wes Crafton says:

    And soon when the 4680 battery is unleashed it’s buy once cry once! 1 million mile battery life cycle!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars z5m2 says:

    Delivery dates are due to demand or supply chain issues?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SenorSteel says:

    You can get away with anything as long you say 'beta'. It works exactly like saying 'not financial advice'. Little known trick fyi.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lena Hedger says:

    Makes sense you have a huge audience Kevin they may not want to go there with you.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Cox says:

    I have FSD Beta with no interior camera. I have a 2020 Model X. Interior camera does not prevent you from FSD Beta

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Seens says:

    The line continues into parking spaces. You can see them on the road and also see parking meters.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tricolore pizza says:

    as a Tesla employee you nat allowed to have youtube channel apparently

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pooping While Standing says:

    Schrödinger's feminism: a woman is simultaneously a victim and empowered, until something happens. Then she chooses which state benefits her the most…

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick says:

    Yeah probably not smart to make your employer look bad online. He could have avoided that IMO.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Ames says:

    If we saw clips of everyone else’s manual driving mishaps – we’d be here a hell of a long time!

    Tesla’s technology is amazing (coming from a dude with a gas powered, sports car!)

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David G says:

    This video is foreshadowing how Powell's Fed talk will be ….crush hawkish Bullard and be dovish tomorrow

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Kim says:

    Kevin – your dad is riding your X, and you miss your X? sorry to hear that man

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlos Battousai says:

    "My dad rides my Ex and I kinda miss my EX"
    golden 10/10

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Padilla says:

    Posting something that may be perceived as bad on the internet vs bringing your company productive info, are two different things.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keg 05 says:

    People do that with out fsd only different is either they are stuffing their face with something or texting some dumb shxt !!!!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeffrey Coloma says:

    Hey Kevin, love your show and all the information. Considering this particular episode, consider the other auto manufacturer "The Big Three", do you realize how much their product have gone up, and how long you have to wait for some of their models. For instance a simple empty Ford Transit cargo van, you would get delivery of any Tesla you mentioned quicker than you would get that Ford van. Just my thoughts, love you man

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CodY Arnold says:

    statements you weren't ready to hear from Kevin X'D "my dad rides my "ex"' lol had me cracking up like a 12 year old geez how old am i (30) ha i'm 30

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stcredzero says:

    I've had exactly this sort of gradual veer to the right in my Model 3. In my case heading towards an 8 inch curb on the right side on a highway overpass. Fortunately, I caught it in time.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars the SURE says:

    $46,990 Model 3 how much is that including average dealership markup and holdback?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Non Stop Fun with Joe says:

    Kevin! I have an extra Plaid Model X in Grey I could sell you. Delivery is July. FSD 6 seater, 20s and white interior. Has 10k FSD and reserved at the lower price. Let me know and we can set it up.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vincent O'Donnell-Groulx says:

    ''I gave my X to my dad and now my dad rides my X and i kinda miss my X'' wait whut

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Glenn Nichols says:

    All we need to know is Tesla is down Bout 37% from it's high and continuing to go down with no signs of reversing. AND it is down over $75/share from a year ago. REMEMBER EVERYONE LONG TERM. Yup as it continues to show signs of weakness and CONTINUES TO GO DOWN. OH YES THIS IS THE STOCK TO BELIEVE IN. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SgTHerk says:

    I’d invite you Kevin. I identify as Ironman if that helps.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Invest with Alen says:

    I would fire him too. This guy is a scammer because it’s a beta software that’s says keep hands on wheels at all times and pay attention.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle M says:

    While it may be in beta, it’s problematic that it’s tested out in public with users that aren’t trained, and in a manner that could harm other members of the public.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim N says:

    Did he really say he misses his ex and that now his Dad rides her?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Salomundo says:

    Tesla is the only company that doesn't care about people telling the truth.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Glenn Nichols says:

    Hey S for brains. I thought you were done with videos. OH JUST TO GET PEOPLE TO CRY FOR YOU TO STAY. WOW

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Balz says:

    "My Dad rides my X" … Kevin I can't let you get away with this phrase.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TwoLargePizzas says:

    "I gave my X to my dad, so now my dad rides my X" – Meet Kevin 2022

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