What’s Hot & Not in Social Media for Real Estate in 2023 | Tom Ferry Podcast Experience
On this episode of the Tom Ferry Podcast Experience, I have two of the greatest marketing minds in the industry, Byron Lazine and Jason Pantana, to discuss one thing: what’s working TODAY in social media for real estate agents.
In just under 24 minutes, Byron, Jason, and I are going to take a deep dive into:
• The best social media platforms for real estate agents
• Where agents might be wasting their time on social
• High-level strategies for YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok
• The social media content that’s performing best
• Where to get started with social media for real estate exposure
If you’re a real estate agent doing social media marketing in 2023, this episode is full of the advice you need to cut through the noise and stand out in your market.
In this episode we discuss…
00:00 – Benefits and issues with TikTok
03:05 – YouTube’s strategic advantage
06:00 – Shortform
10:23 – Most important strategic advice
18:53 – Attracting your tribe
20:50 – It’s time to start
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For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated to changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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Foreign. Hey, welcome back to the show. Whether you're watching us or you're listening. Thank you so much we're live in.

Vegas I've got uh Mr bam Byron lazine and I've got Jason Pantana Mr All things marketing. What's up Fellas, Rock and Roll having fun I'd like to acknowledge that no one told me I was supposed to wear a bomber usually do I know it's kind of a standing I was gonna take it off but I'm not now because I'm clipped yes on the jacket. Yes, All right. today's show is brought to you by Blue Bombers All right so fellas.

Uh, there is so much happening in the world today. Tick Tock Will it be? Bam Will it not be banned? Instagram Reels YouTube shorts there is I won't I won't disclose it Jason But we've now identified eight different types of agents that are producing content. Only two of them. Make money? Yeah I Want to talk about what works and what's not so I Want to like go hard like someone is listening right now.

Whether they have been doing content or not doing content, they need to know how do I cut through the noise and how do I actually produce content that is Meaningful and significant that will either create top of funnel opportunities or help those deals at the bottom of the funnel. Everything else at this point is just going to be noise is my hypothesis. What say you? Where do you want me to start? Yes, Yes, uh I think last year I went hard on Tick Tock and I think for you know a lot of agents that was a theme. Let's go really deep on Tick Tock right in 2022.

Turns out that that was probably for the local agent looking to drum up business in their Market was a mistake. You know if we're being clear on that Tick Tock's algorithms, Why? Why? Well Tick Tock's algorithm was so juicy, right? So it was like I'm gonna I'm gonna go for you, right? Yeah for you page and you can go out there and just clean up if you are a new account on Tick Tock In 22, you likely grabbed ten twenty thirty thousand followers in a quick time frame. A lot of views, right? and you and you probably got a lot of you know attention onto your Instagram. So maybe there was a little bit of impact there, but it wasn't your local impact? No.

So if your goal on social media was to make a real impact in your local market, you wasted a lot of time on Tick Tock right? right? Thank you very much for saying this and I'm not I'm not putting Tick Tock though I do think it's going to be yeah and I don't even know what if it's going to be banned or not. I'll tell you right now in 2023, it's not on my phone Exactly. It's like now am I it's nowhere near the front page of my phone. Am I posting on Tick Tock every day? Sure Yeah.

I'm sure. Thank you for posting too. Thank you thank you Courtney Sorry your phone's gonna blow up any minute now. Yes, but no.

seriously. First of all, it's a Time suck if I want to get real information. If I want to consume information that's going to help me on a YouTube video on a podcast on my Instagram I'm on Twitter right now thank you. That's where I'm concerning my information.
Twitter is a really juicy spot. we can get into that um and Tick Tock was good for what I needed it for. but I also wasn't trying to pick up listings personally in my local market in 2022. Yes.

and for the team, we didn't go deep on Tick Tock because it didn't make sense. Yeah, we stayed into Facebook We stayed into Instagram right where our clients were right. Jason What Say you can I double down on that? Yes. So I think YouTube has a strategic Advantage um I think of what you said comes true and Tick Tock does get banned.

My prediction is that YouTube hands the most ready I Agree to seize that opportunity because if you look at Facebook and Instagram they have their reels but their algorithm is still really tied to your personal Network and I want to talk about that in a second? Unless you spend money, you don't get views. that's that's just too noisy in the space now. Yeah, it's too busy. yeah, but on YouTube they're algorithm.

They stand to have the best chance with their shorts of really stepping into that opportunity. What else is true about YouTube is that they're a higher intent search engine already right? And so I have a couple of thoughts: I think YouTube's a massive opportunity I Think agents should be asking themselves the question does my subject matter in terms of what? I create content-wise work better in a long form setting or a short form setting. Oh, unpack that well. So I'll use me as an example.

I make a lot of short form videos, but to be honest I also make long form videos for our podcast and whatnot which over time get a whole bunch more views. and I'm watching a lot of agents who are struggling to create short form content because they're having to find a way to say it in a shorter setting, try to fit it down and condense it when if they adjust on a podcast or gone long form and then paid someone to chop it up and post it as shorts that drove to the long form content later, they probably would have gotten a whole bunch more. A lot more bang for their buck in terms of the content they created. So a couple of things.

one: I think YouTube's got a big opportunity too I Think you should be asking the question: how can I leverage long form and then create short form chops that drive to the long form content so that I can have the best of it all the best of the top of funnel that drives to my middle of funnel higher intent watching longer durations that ultimately leads to business. Yes, a lot of our clients who are crushing it on YouTube are the ones who are generating literally hundreds of leads in Market hand raising buyers and seller leads. We're looking at clients who do listing videos on YouTube that are seven to nine minutes long and they're killing it. They're doing podcasts, they're doing knowledge broker content, and they're building massive consideration for their businesses.
Facebook and Instagram I think you're right to stay local there because they're still LinkedIn too. I would throw into that mix a little bit. it's your network so to speak. But one thing to be aware of is Zuckerberg Made a comment at an earnings report last year where he said by the end of 2023, 30 of what we see in our feeds on Facebook and Instagram is going to be AI suggested content which is basically to say 30 of what you're going to see in your feeds is basically them trying to be Tick Tock where they're going to basically keep suggesting us stuff from strangers that we might be interested or entertained by.

But the way I look at that is as an agent, you're potentially losing almost a third of your ability to reach your consumers, your network, your past clients in sphere who are following you there. So you have a couple of options, but the main option is you start paying to play. Okay, this goes back to the fundamental difference between Facebook and Instagram which we all love and we've all used. but the only reason it's effective for me is advertising, right? YouTube Non-advertising That's right.

Super effective. How do we help them transition to more shorts more? Whether it's long form or just or just should an agent sit back and say go on quora, look at every question that's ever been asked, then reform it. maybe with chat GPT into localizes for local search for real estate in my area every question and then just answer all the questions in short form. Or am I being too rudimentary? No.

I think that's the first yeah and that this is something that I've been passionate about for years. We've talked about on a podcast before where you just take like the 52 questions in your email and start answering them on video as opposed to just typing them to one-on-one directly to the clients. It works in a one-on-one world, but if you record that information and put it out there and that's today's short, that's today's Instagram reel. But interestingly Instagram said they're gonna do more photos now, so that's a mix a little bit.

but I am ultimately in agreement with you on short form video. Don't go back to like Okay, I'm just going to post static images and win because you're agreed. No, agreed. You're just not going to do that.

But we're all seeing the same data. All the all the action is inside of reels. Yeah, that's where you get way more eyeballs. way more time, way more attract Depending upon the size of your phone, there's two ways to do it: to get great short form content.

It's sit down and do 30 videos, add a clip, and have your month batching, or just to do one long form piece of content a week, and you're like if you're gonna do 30 minutes, yeah, 40 minutes of long-form content and chop, you're gonna get two or three. Really good. Clips Maybe once in a while you'll get four to five, but you can count on two or three every single time. If you're saying, if you are talking on a topic that's interesting, right? like here's one: I'm gonna punch Byron in the face right now.
Let's make this a short note, right? That'll work. But we also need and I'm being facetious, but we we need to be thinking while we're creating this content yeah that we don't always know what the moment is. So if you have 20 of these, 15 of these, I'm always shocked when I go on like even on my reels and I look and go. Why did that one which I did buy myself Courtney and my team probably looked at and said like embarrassingly Tom made that himself and yet it got a hundred thousand views and then stuff that sometimes is so beautifully produced.

Is it full? Is it from long form that usually performs best? No, no, it's it's all. No, it's all. it's all of the books because we do all of it. But no actually Courtney which which performs better long form cut, or the silly horrible stuff that I do short form not even produced.

Yeah, of course we're doing a green screen right now is going to be your best performer right now as we as we sit here today. I would I would say that or just taking a longer look at it over the last year. Plus when even traditional rock stars like Glenda who do face the camera short form video and are really good at it when you put them when I put Glenn in a podcast setting last year, what happened, the most viral short form video in real estate of all year went over 20 million views Dave Ramsey Covered it right because she was a little bit at a higher level being on a podcast and having an engaging conversation then mapping out all the content. Her content does great right and attached a controversial topic.

Absolutely right. So so there is, so this is not unusual for Glenda No, no, that's not unusual. But the point is, when you do long form, you don't know where the conversation is going to go and it can go into a place that gets real unique that you haven't even really actually thought about and you're articulating in real time and boom, you have a massively explosive clip. Yes, so I would argue.

There's a couple things to think about. one. What is your subject, what are you gonna talk about? what is your subject matter expertise and then does it lend itself better to short form or long form because there are like the questions, the 52 questions in your inbox or whatever. Those are easy for a batching kind of setting, set it up.

knock them down one after the next. Evergreen That's right, Evergreen is key. Yeah, that's December 31st, right. But I But the long form I think it does open up a world of opportunities.

But the other thing I would point out is I think if you become known for a certain type of content and then you can mix it up with different form like your green screens or when Glenda did the podcast, it was a different. It's a different view of what people are used to seeing and I think that can have people like, oh, what is this? It's different which can then have an algorithmic sort of ripple effect in terms of how that content performs. So my point, there would be mix it up as well if you don't just do the same thing over and again. Okay, I'm going to pressure you guys both.
so there's only two kinds of people watching and listening right now. People that are doing content, People that aren't. Yeah, the people that are doing content. What Is the most important advice strategically for 2023 And it's got to be like precise: People doing content who want to achieve what more business more needs more sales, More things, More sales more.

Yes. Because when I walk in the door All The Above That individual that is doing content now needs to stay away from the contagion that's spreading across the industry of oh I'm gonna go get a speaking opportunity out of this content for the industry. Here's here's the moving from the ecosystem to the ego system, right? Yeah, I mean unless only a few people will get that, there's nothing wrong with Yes with Yes. I'm grateful to have the opportunity to speak the next couple days.

But in this industry of 1.5 million agents and shrinking, you're going to pay on your dime more times than not on your speaking opportunity. So you're producing content now to go out there and pay money to get on a stage to then. It's like what right? You're then feeding the content loop again to do it all over again and over and over and over again. right? Okay, and there's and there are some paid speaking opportunities like you.

When you and I did one, it was great. Yeah, that was a lot of fun, but those are far and few in between in this industry for the whole. So I would say be producing content in your local market that nobody has started doing yet right? Your county meets every single month. I See a lot of green screens happening right now that would fit the bill.

If you have a national business, why aren't you green screening what's happening locally? Thank you in your Market I mean Jeremy Knight does a great job of that. He does in Austin a lot. a lot of our friends going super super local to Austin to you know Philadelphia like yeah, that's right, your local market and even subdivisions there and that's where I think you kill and that's absolutely where you kill. if you're the if you're the person that's bringing the information from the meetings of the of the night before in the county.

Town Hall That nobody ever shows up and goes to thank you but you're breaking it down on a green screen. You know, maybe even you're just taking the notes because you sat there right and you're putting it into your note app on your phone and that's behind you and you're scrolling through your own personal notes. That video would crush I Agree 100 and so I'd focus more on that if you're not producing content. it's gonna seem like you have a huge mountain to climb right now because you're like where do I start Some people you know Taya's doing all this different kind of.
all these different people are doing all this different content. Where do I even start? You've got to pick that one weekly. It doesn't have to be a long form podcast. it could be I'm the weekly person providing the minutes from the meetings in my County Okay, but look at David there's one thing look at David Schwartz and how many hundreds of women and men that have have gone out and said I'm going to do that are the 30-day challenge sure or and then David said I'm gonna do the 300 he and Brit bear and a whole bunch and they just said I'm just gonna go one video a day for three and so I had him on my show and I'm like David how many listings calls did you get? he's like none Mike how many buyer calls he goes none and I'm like this yes and I go.

but what happened he goes every appointment I went in on people are like we know you Yeah, like he was a it was basically don't say anything wrong on the appointment. you've already won now. don't screw it up like that's what he got from it. 365 days of content sounds like a daunting task until you sit back and say what happened today in my local area.

Read the local newspaper. That's right, what happened today. Do content around? go to where the attention already is. Living right? right? And so that's what Jeremy does a great job of in Austin You know they have a property tax yes issue in Austin in Texas in Texas Overall right and so he'll do live streams talking about just that, right and going deep on it.

And what does he get? He gets a lot of people who are following politics in Austin who moved there for a particular reason, but they're going onto his YouTube channel and they're in the live chat. comments: I've seen it in real time and and they're They're having a political conversation in the chats. Jeremy's not taking a stance politically. It's what I've done on my radio show locally.

Still do it today. for eight years. in Connecticut we get on there and say we're not going to take a side on politics, but we're gonna. We're gonna bring to the table these discussions that they're already having.

They're coming to that radio show for those discussions. so let's at least host the party. All right. Jason Two kinds of people doing content not doing content.

Yep, very very specific. What should I be doing Now if you're doing content I Think you owe it to yourself to do an audit of what worked and why I Think you need to look at your analytics. How do I do that? So if it's YouTube you go into your YouTube studio. If it's Instagram you look at your insights.

it could be a relatively informal processing like I know all of that stuff. So so YouTube Yep, let's make it really easy. Yeah, was there a video that everybody talked about when you went in your listing appointments? There was a qualitative reason people talked about that that's the one that you went into a restaurant? Somebody said oh my. God I just watched your video about that video right and or was there or were there videos that just really performed really, really well? Yes, and I would make a very short list of your best performing content and I would double down.
Um, I think it's time to really consolidate on the best performing content we're We're all stuck in the modality of we throw so much content to see what sticks, but we're forgetting to see what's stuck right. And so I would say Let's go see what's stuck and let's figure out how do you double down on that so you can get back time and not feel like you're peddling a hamster wheel. As far as video creation goes, I'm not sure if that resonates or not, but that'd be my advice too. Listen: I mean we talk about so often I did a little short front piece of content plays it work, Look, look at what worked, What didn't We need to look at that in every facet of our life and of course in our business.

And when you find something in the analytics that continues to grow over time. So like I have a short form right now Why business cards suck? It's a short on YouTube and it just is getting three four comments every single week it continues to grow in views. It's crazy I Need to go take that video and go long form. Yes, you do right I Need to go long form video I Need to go a five minute video Yesterday you should do an interview with Mark Davidson from Thousand One and say which which business card would you and let him know he's been emailing me at this like brokerage email that I never check like one of the va's just goes through it once a week to make sure there's nothing really important in there.

Yes! So I'm the guy saying business cards suck. you shouldn't use them. Yes, when I'm when I do a podcast with him in we think we're in Dallas right? Yeah, it was a it was a great time. He's like hey I need your business card I'm like oh man this is Mark I got a little professional I think I might have one in my bag I have two left in there I grab one I give it to him not thinking he's gonna start emailing me on this email I Never check yes and um he's I'm like stop emailing me on that email I gave you a business card I Should have never done that I Don't even believe in business cards.

It's an old business card. Yes, right. But you find something that's working like that, you need to understand exactly what you're saying. You need to do it in all different formats.

Make it a Blog Make it a long form piece and that's why. YouTube Shorts All your shorts that you're putting on Instagram Test them out there and that's going to tell you a different story. Hey yeah, the YouTube platform wants a long form piece on this. Yep, yeah.
I So as far as that's my advice. so one is analyze on Instagram and Facebook and Tick Tock and Twitter and wherever you are what got the best results and do more of them, do more of that. Expand on that topic. go wider.

Is that what I'm hearing? That's what you're hearing for for folks who are just getting started. I would say get clear on why you're going to do it. What are you looking to build because you get what your content attracts and so a lot of folks are like? Well, I don't understand my clear purpose of why I'm gonna make videos. And to put it really simply, you're going to make videos because it's an opportunity to add value to anybody who chooses to watch or subscribe.

And so it's like what you said when you're talking to: David Schwartz What happened? Well, everybody knew me already. It was preeminence. I Went into a listing appointment with command and I had Authority and so I would say let go of whether it goes viral or not whether I get a ton of views if I do all the right things algorithmically speaking, who cares and adopt a mindset of you know what? this is going to be an opportunity for me to add my influence my two cents. My advice to anybody who wants to watch or listen and I do respect what you always say.

your Vibe attracts your tribe. So I would get clear on your why, which is ultimately because you have a message that you believe is worth sharing with Buyers or sellers in your Marketplace and maybe it's green screens. They're an easy, low hanging opportunity. You can set up a Google alert to notify you of any news related to real estate in your local Marketplace and be known as the person who covers it first and tells people what's going on That affects them right? The vibe I Want to push back a little bit on your Vibe attracts your tribes? Yeah? I You're just looking for a viral moment? No I'm not looking for you I am looking for flip it out or or people who will like want to get in the comments and mess with you.

Yes, either way, I'm gonna push back on Tom Ferry Good to see No the I agree with the macro. Yeah, your Vibe attracts your tribe because I deal with so many brand new agents. Yeah, it's hard advice to give them because if if they take that advice literally, sometimes they're going to say you know what, I'm not going to work with you because you don't like me wearing my backwards baseball cap right? Or you don't like me for who I am. So I'm gonna wait for those clients that actually appreciate me and connect with authentically Better make a lot of phone calls.

Yeah, you better really find those needles in a haystack. Yeah, right. So so I think that when you put out this content and don't worry about the views which is kind of where you are going with it. Yeah, this one for one content.

We talked about this on a band podcast recently like I'm making content so that when they research me and I come in for the listing appointment we have Rapport we have a connection which which translates to the macro of what you're talking about. We may not be friends like naturally in a natural setting, but I'm more on your Vibe just because you're more comfortable with me than the other two people that you're interviewing because you actually were able to research me and find content. So when you don't worry about the views, knowing that if you're making your calls doing those things behind the scenes that you always talk about and you get in there for the appointment, they've probably seen your video and you have a much better chance of actually getting the contract signed. Yeah, that's right.
And then those one for one content where you're actually doing a green screen not for Instagram but just for somebody who bought a house last year and you're like hey, these are the three sales right around you I know you're not ready to sell, but here I wanted you to have this. Yep, gotta go see you later, right? And that you're using their name is very connective. you know, the old school bomb bomb stuff. So I'll close it with this.

First of all, thank you guys both! Um, you don't want to push back on the vibe. No. I'm totally good with you. you're in on that.

I'm totally good with that. Signs off in the comments, right? Let us know in the comments hey I didn't Hey I I'll push back later. Okay, there'll be a wrestling match all right. So if I was sitting down with you one-on-one the first thing I would say to you is uh, it's never too late To start, there's going to be another.

American Idol Next there's gonna be another hit comedy. Next, there's gonna be another musician that comes out of nowhere. There's gonna be another overnight success I Think it should be you. Yeah, that's my first thought.

so you just have to start. The second thing I would say to you is the content isn't about you. Don't make yourself the star, make your clients the hero make the local market, the hero make everybody other than you the hero And and what happens when you do that when it isn't just me, me and look at me me me then people are like okay I can I can oh wow like there's just there's just a no like and trust that I think just goes through the roof versus the person's like look at me right like look what I did look No you would argue. there's a place for I Need to be able to say.

Here's my recent sale and here's a recent transaction and here's how I Slayed the dragon. But I Think if you just fundamentally say the person that's the star of my show is my client. It is. It is the future buyer.

It is my current buyer. It is my last buyer. It is my future seller. It is my current seller.

It is my last seller, renter, investor. whoever you want to work with and if you just think about him or her or that couple or that individual and you just pour yourself into them, you will be that next. American Idol Whether it is just in your local marketplace with by the way I'd argue is more than enough or you just might be that next celebrity agent. So that's my advice.
Thank you so much for watching! Thank you guys! Want to add on to that for sure. Are you going to say your five attracts are tried? No. I'm going to say that when we were in, we were in. Dallas You were in the room and a mastermind.

Tom Had the most brilliant idea for what you just said. Your future seller? your future buyer? Yeah, interviewing the 35 year not 35 years old, but 35-year homeowner been in the same house for 35 years in their living room which is probably unchanged in 35 years and doing an interview with them. Maybe reaching out to six and creating a little mini series four that to me is still preparing your home for sale. The best undone content I'm waiting for somebody to do in 23.

you know who's gonna be pissed? Everybody in the hashtag 1200 listing attraction Mastermind that you're dropping super secret insights No, that was before the 1200 master. that was a different Mastermind that was which one was that this was the video now I Thought we were trying to end the podcast Courtney Just goes. You guys are done all right. Thank you so much for watching.

Follow these Knuckleheads And hey, comments. Listen, the more comments we get the more we know what's going inside your head. So please give us comments, give us feedback. We are here to serve you.

Thank you. Whose bomber Jack is better? Mine are Pantanus.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

13 thoughts on “What s hot not in social media for real estate in 2023”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Buscemi Living In Ocean County NJ says:

    Good Stuff. I like Jason's jacket beter.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edwin Sanchez says:

    i always say i dont carry business cards i send them a digit contact

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Selling in Maui, Hawaii says:

    I love watching you guys seems like the right video at the right time ALWAYS comes through!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars steven bishop says:

    Tom is that Fiji water I see 👀?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill Butler says:

    Love these ideas! Covering planning meetings at the city – brilliant, thank you!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Calonge says:

    Killer episode… great job really focusing on what agents need to hear regarding social media.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Powers & Rawls says:

    Byron's bonus idea of Tom's he shared at the very end, could someone explain that a bit more, trying to understand what that video would look like?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Sandoval says:

    Thanks guys , good stuff ! I’m an agent for sometime now and have not did one second of content not knowing where to start I took away making the market the hero not about me that takes a load off and both jackets are great for you guys two different tribes ha ha 😎🤜
    San Jose, CA

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Simeon says:

    The wisest thought that is in everyone's minds today is to invest in different income flows that do not depend on the government, especially with the current economic crisis around the world. This is still a good time to invest in gold, silver and digital currencies (BTC, ETH…. stock,silver and gold)

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josue Martinez, Realtor ® says:

    Don’t sleep on business cards. My accountant friends have a large client base of all the local business owners in my market, and they pass out my business cards almost daily. I have $1.5 million in listings from accountant referrals.

    All I do is leave a pack of business cards with them

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Where to Live in Oakville and Burlington says:

    Is TF drinking pedialyte? Is that a new thing?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marilyn Rey says:

    Love love all your content !!!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Larkin says:

    Time to start digging into the local council meeting info!

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