The video discusses the recent electoral victory of a Dutch politician named Geert Wilders
in the Netherlands. Geert Wilders is a very outspoken and unapologetic person, particularly known for his strong views on immigration, crime statistics related to Muslims in the Netherlands, and his stance against Islamization. He is reported to have expressed controversial opinions on various topics, including supporting Israel, suggesting that Palestinians should move to Jordan, and advocating for the Netherlands to exit the European Union.
The video highlights that his recent campaign focused mainly on economic issues, such as the high cost of living and a housing crisis in the Netherlands, rather than his previous anti-Islam or anti-immigration rhetoric.
0:00 - Introduction
0:24 - Geert Wilders immigration policies and views on Islamic countries
1:00 - Discussion on Netherlands exit from the EU (Nexit).
1:38 - Geert Wilders support for Israel
2:01 - Geert Wilders campaign strategy, focusing on the economy and housing issues
3:01 - Discussion on the previous Dutch government performance
6:03 - Geert Wilders political strategy
7:00 - Expectations from Geert Wilders leadership.
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So this man just won the Netherlands elections by the biggest Gap in the past 20 years. Check him out. Moroccans are over represented enormously in the Dutch crime statistics. More than 60% of the Moroccan youth under the age of 23 has been arrested by the Dutch police because these people are Moroccan or is that also because they are unemployed I'm not a psychologist or sociologist I don't care why people are criminal so his name is her.

Wers is a fascinating guy and he's a very outspoken personality and completely non-apologetic by saying things like this: if one country is tougher on its immigration policy than the other, and then the most immigrants go to the country with the softest immigration policy and then saying things like this free Tommy Robinson and then this if I would become the prime minister of the Netherlands next year after I would win the elections, close the Ddge borders for immigrants from Islamic countries immediately. You' be only be able to do that Of course if you followed Britain out of the European Union Exactly I Mean in order, we transferred our Sovereign rights not only when it comes to our monetary policy or our budgetary policy, but also our immigration policy and we transfer that to Brussels so we have to regain our you would hold a referendum. We would hold a referendum in the Netherlands for what we call an exit, the Dutch leaving in order to be able to toughen up our immigration policies. it cannot be done and it will not be done by Brussels and the European Union You have to become a sovereign Nation again.

In order to do that and then even this, we should stand with every nation and every people threatened by Islamic Jihad. But especially if you allow me, we should stand with a country that I love so much namely the state of Israel. So as you can hear by his statements and by his positions, he's not a fan of islamization, he's anti-immigration from Muslim countries, is anti- islamization of the Netherlands and the rest of the European Union and is very pro-israel guy. In fact, he said that Israel should exist from The River To The Sea and that all Palestinians should move to Jordan.

That's one of his many statements. So how the hell did this guy managed to win by such a huge Landslide? Well, the Netherlands political system is a little bit different than the they don't have a president, they have a prime minister which is based on a parliamentary system. There's 150 seats in their Parliament and the party that gets the most amount of seats gets to negotiate with other parties and form a coalition to then elect prime minister. Essentially a cluster.

So basically this party and this guy her wers went up from 17 seats to 37 seats in just a year, essentially getting the most seats of any Dutch part parties. In the past 20 years, they've absolutely won by a landslide. Which means that he will actually get to determine who's going to be the next prime minister, assuming of course, he can form a coalition that will give him the majority of the seats. Let's assume right now that if he gets to 75 seats in this Coalition he gets to be the next prime minister.
He currently has 37, so that means he needs another 40 or so. Now here's the crazy part. His campaign was not even about these crazy opinions we just mentioned in the beginning it was about a whole different topic because as I said in the Javier M video, James Carville called it first. It's always and always and always about the economy.

There ain't nobody who ever lost an election about Israel or the Palestinians or their opinions about Islamization. It's always always about the economy. And in the case of Netherlands, they're struggling with massive issues like cost of living going through the roof, a massive housing shortage. You see, after 13 years of the previous government, Netherlands had gotten to a point where there's a huge loss of trust between its people and the government.

This was an impotent government filled with scandals, zero accountability, and the complete destruction of the Netherland system. We had scandals such as tax officials blaming parents of fraud based on ethnic profiling. We had farmers in the Netherlands being abused by its own government for nitrogen emissions. Really? 2023 with the war in Europe and that whole thing, we had massive fatigue from this backro dealings between the EU and the Dutch government and the total submission of the Dutch government to this whole woke policies.

you go woke you go broke because this is literally what happened. Cost of living in the Netherlands went through the roof and I believe that is what won him the election. He ran on that. mainly.

the secondary thing he ran on was the housing crisis. He's basically saying look, we have a housing shortage right now in the Netherlands we're taking all these immigrants, we don't have enough houses for our own people and that's actually you know it's a reasonable logical position. So he's basically saying look, I'm going to solve the housing shortage and I'm going to solve the cost of living problems they very similar to Javier M if you kind of follow it the 13-year rule of the previous prime minister and how bad it's gotten. Basically gave him this on the silver platter.

It had nothing to do with his politics about Israel and anti- islamism and all that stuff. In fact, in his latest campaign this whole anti-islamist thing was actually ton down and he was talking way more about the economy. Now if you look back for the past 13 years, I mean if you talk about the Argentinian government it up. This government had really horrible track record.

so the previous prime minister he let shell you know the old company V taxes in 2019 and then when they actually said oh now you have to start paying taxes Sheld just relocated to the UK we had actually get massive subsidies from the Dutch government which it then use to not pay taxes and buy buyback shares with government subsidy money Like insane things. Can her Builders actually be the Prime Minister of Netherlands Well it's not very likely, but it is possible. you see he need another two parties to combine with him to get that 75 seats. And as much as politicians hate him and do not want to associate with him because they think he's radioactive.
Now that he has 37 seats and he's extremely popular, he's just too big to ignore, they actually have to talk with him. So while I'm not saying that there's 100% chance he's going to be the next prime minister of the Netherlands, he definitely has a chance because with 37 seats he's going to be the big swinging banana in the room and he's going to call a lot of the shots now. He did say some crazy stuff for European leader in 2023 such as I Visited many countries but I've never felt more at home than in the state of Israel. Now with the exception of Javier M which said similar things just a few days ago, this is a very unusual statement from an EU leader and statements like this basically got him on the Al-qaeda death list for the past 10 years.

He has 247 security and a serious security. He also said that Erdogan, the Turkish president is an islamist and is a dangerous guy. He's a very popular with the young people which usually you don't see with these guys so very very popular with the young people. They're similar to Javier M right? He's full on Israel his fullon anti- migration specifically from Muslim countries.

He wants to implement the same model of Poland and Hungary basically blocking immigration from Muslim countries. He wants to disengage similarly to UK from the EU he wants an exit Netherlands exit like a brexit. And of course there's a bunch of statements we can show here such as saying that there's a lot of islamist Traders within the IND Dutch government. but that's not where he wanton the elections.

and that's not where the previous Prime Minister Ruy actually lost his So people. The Ne basically said we had enough This very very similar to Javier Mele they elected this guy. He's very very out there but he has strong opinions. Let's see how he can make it.

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24 thoughts on “What just happened in the netherlands”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The God says:

    orange army of dutch ❀❀

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars michael ashtar says:

    he won because everybody had enough of islam sweden denmark germany france belgium italy everybody finally had enough and thank you holland for showing the way

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Owen S says:

    We need him here in Canada

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roderick John Gardner says:

    I totally agree with him ..πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§
    Sounds like the UK

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars W M says:

    Go Blue.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BADA BING says:

    Most voters wanted change, that’s democracy how it’s suppose to work.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert says:

    Our nightmare is happening on daily basis, go visit AZC in Ter Apel.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D G says:

    And that's just the beginning. In Belgium, the upcoming elections will probably take the same direction. Also the same for Germany

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iain robertson says:

    Far too many western countries suffer from institutionalised islamophylia

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dr Vinson says:

    Bout time some countries started waking up.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ciro grey says:

    pretty spot on analyse (Y)

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian says:

    Prtobably most immigrants are from within the EU……..

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SwtorBro says:

    Nah hes geert wilders he won finally

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Mdk says:

    Same is going to happen in Belgium in 2024.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BigLebowski1337 says:

    You nailed it. We got shafted for over 10 years (close to 20!) and we are tired of it all. Geert did say he shifts his focus to income, costs and housing and stop the flood of immigration… now you have the Green Party and those who claim we need more immigrants (????!!!!) are crying wolf.. sad, very sad!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pczarn says:

    Geert is the voice of normal people who can see their life is being destroyed by utopian politicians.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars O Bud says:

    Nothing will change, they will ignore the voters, and carry on as always!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SKYwalker 777 says:


  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anat Katz says:

    Congratulations to Geert Wilders, brave man and loyal friend!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BBC Fakenews says:

    During the parliamentary election, was the Dutch capital under siege by supporters of Hamas? If so, this would maybe provide an explanation for this.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars unicronbot says:

    I am from The Netherlands. All this things are big problems.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars south pole says:

    Geert is hero. He is living under protection for 24 hrs past 20 years.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jreb says:


  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Theresia Sardjoe says:

    Congratulation Geert Wilders, the next PM of Netherlands !!πŸ’πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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