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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #AppleVisionPro #meetkevin #ehack ⚠️⚠️⚠️
00:00 Apple Vision Pro: Office Productivity.
03:00 Apple Vision Pro: Secret Plus.
04:25 Apple Vision Pro: Office Away from Office.
05:45 Apple Vision Pro: Moving Around with It.
07:00 Apple Vision Pro: Subway vs Plane.
08:45 Apple Vision Pro: Best-Case Setup.
09:34 Apple Vision Pro: Issues.
This video is not personalized advice for the viewer.

Hey everyone Me: Kevin Here in this video, we are going to review the Apple provision headset. oh my. God and we're going to do so. coming from the perspective of somebody who likes a lot of monitors.

Monitors Monitors Monitors Monitors Monitors Monitors Monitors I Love monitors. So the idea that the Apple Pro Vision could make me more productive with something I Absolutely had to get my hands on and in this video. I'm going to teach you what where I think it is brilliant and where it falls short. Let's get into it.

Let's start with the good. There are two things that I think this is going to be absolutely brilliant for. and I'm very excited about this. I haven't heard anybody else talk about this yet.

Here we go. Okay, let's put it up on screen here. Watch me walk around with the provision on and pretend that I'm in an office and I'm walking up to five different employees cubicles or office spaces or or whatever and with the provision floating above their head. I Can have all of the reminders or notes that I wanted to specifically talk to that employee about.

Now in this case, I just made this up. Obviously there are no employees in this set here, but while I can walk around and check off items on each individual's sheet, I could have a conversation with them physically see. The cool thing about the provision is it actually doesn't replace this studio that I'm in with all of these different physical monitors. In fact, looking at these physical monitors with this device is not a functional idea.

I Do not like it. It is too grainy. In fact. I'll tell you.

one of the most frustrating things is having this headset on and then needing a dual off code from your phone because then face ID doesn't work Google face ID gets blocked so you got to punch bu in numbers or other codes or you got to take it off. It's a pain in the butt. So looking at other devices with this, no thanks. even though I can, it's annoying.

frustrating strains my eyes. But using it for bringing devices where I am outside of a static office environment that is the game. Cher Because now I can take my office essentially with me to wherever my employees are and I can have my own notes up on each employee. Now think about why that's potentially very practical.

One, it helps me minimize forgetting things and B lets me or two, lets me make sure I'm tracking whether it's compliance or doing whatever it is that I need to do. I Can imagine compliance attorneys in the future going to an employee whether you're on the factory line or you're in a bank, or in an office or whatever with the headphone. Okay, let's see, did you do this? And instead of a clipboard? boom boom boom boom notating it all there. but there's a big plus: privacy.

I could have a bunch of notes up checking things off and there's no way anybody else can look over my shoulder and see that there's a little note in there that's maybe private about the person or whatever. like don't forget their child's name is XYZ and there's like a little note. you know, whatever. So if you're building Rapport whatever might be, you're cheating a little bit.
but the point of that is not to say that you need to cheat or anybody needs to cheat. The point of that is simply to say hey, there's a really cool way to use this as a private checklist in a setting where you're actually interacting with other people again. I I Think sitting here in this office I Don't think this is actually very practical uh I don't see myself wanting to use my uh, sort of Mac remote display Extender on here because I can only have one screen then from this unless I want to open up a bunch of the other individual apps but I've got all the monitors I need here in a static place. It gives my eyes a break from looking through a 3D uh Vision device anyway.

but I can put this on, do a check-in with everybody on the team, update checklist that way and be a whole lot more practical and efficient. Not only that, but when it's time to go somewhere and have your own office space away from your office, take a look at this. I Sit down on a couch where I want to use a an Apple wireless keyboard and the Apple wireless touchpad. Highly recommended.

By the way, if you want to go typing. Okay, yes, the finger controls are fantastic, but typing is very slow and once you start getting into typos and Bolding and formatting disaster quick text messages? no problem, no problem at all. But any kind of formal writing, you're going to want a keyboard. Probably even more important than the touchpad is an actual keyboard.

But anyway, so I sit down in a room that actually, you know it's not exactly like an office space. but I put a keyboard on my lap Touch Bad up, turn some music on after I've got my music on I start writing and now you scroll the Little Wheel to go into a different environment. Boom! Everyone else is invisible. So these two things right here move.

Moving a new office into new a new environment is a complete GameChanger Okay, now what about with Mobility Casy Niat in his video told us hey, you know when you kind of put a window up and you keep walking, you walk through the window and keep going and the window's gone true. I Think What the Vision Pro does is essentially use Lar to map out what's around you. So basically window panes stay where you leave them. Now, if you're relatively close, maybe within 20 30 ft, you can kind of grab the bottom of them and pull them forward to you, which is kind of cool.

Makes you feel powerful, but then it messes up where you had them and that's a little annoying sometimes. What? I've noticed also if I have the notes main window up and I put up maybe five of those little different smaller notes. If I close the main window and then open the main window again, it takes all of those little five notes I put around and collapses them all back where I'm standing and I'm like no I wanted them all in those ples Pces. So there's some quirks that you kind of have to get used to and that's just part of uh, learning the quirks and then also Apple Well, recognizing that this is basically version 1.0 and there's going to be a lot of growth.
Another thing that bothered me the noise cancelling headphones. The pro Maxes I think are spectacular. You're not going to get a seal with these on, however, you can use these, so keep that in mind. Back to though: Casey Nice.

Dad Casey Niat was trying to wear this on a subway and suggested that maybe a plane is better. uh I opened up Apple TV and it was like this window right here Jordan and as he started to move, the window went away with the back with the subway car you can't use Windows if you're in like a if there's a lot of like kinetic movement it I Imagine it works in an airplane cuz the airplane is so steady. but this is a Subway and it's bouncing. depends depends on how much turbulence you have.

So when you're on a plane, you can actually use what's known as travel mode. You simply look up boom click Travel mode. it's on. Now in travel mode, you have to be stationary and an object can move.

So Casey probably could have turned on travel mode in the subway. The thing is you can't move. so as long as you sit down and and sit still and you turn on travel mode, you could go ahead and put up your office on a train or on a plane. Problem is if there's a jolt or a shake, you're going to get that tracking error.

Casey IAT mentioned I Noticed that as well but it only happened when I had turbulence. so one little turbulent Shake boom tracking error Easy to solve though. You just push the little circle button and then you're right back to your office. The bigger issue will be having a good Wii connection.

So if you're relying on browsing the internet with the Apple provision while you're on a plane, not great if you're editing a video or maybe you're doing some uh, you know, word processing or whatever. Perfect for a plane or train. Just turn on travel mode. It's spectacular.

Best case scenario for using this device: if you ever go to a place that is not your primary office, what you really need is a spinny chair and ideally some kind of like table that comes out in front of you. If you had that, you could spin around and actually use all 360 around you. pretty functionally, that would be really cool. I Don't know if you're going to get a spinny you know chair with a desk anywhere so you could always just go for a keyboard on lap hand as Mouse and spinny chair spinny chairs I Don't know.

Spinny sh chairs share shares of spinny chairs. Stocks of companies who sell spinny chairs may go up # Notp personalized Financial advice anyway. uh, other issues. Okay, so that's great.

But other issues if you have advanced protection on Gmail you ain't going to be able to set up on the mail app through Apple Vision Pro it's not supported yet really annoying. On top of that, when I was trying to set up my Apple provision I had to dis and I've re-enabled it I had to disable security Keys using you know physical security Keys like see this one right here. uh, life hack by the way magnet. Okay, this thing's really, really cool cuz I could hang it up on a server wack or whatever the Little Apple Air tag so you don't lose it and the security key.
you know the little USB Boop oh it works okay, doesn't work so cuz you can't plug it in anywhere And you're like oh well. but the battery has a USBC right. doesn't work. It just says security keys are not supported.

So then it's like how am I going to set it up, disable your security Keys Really stupid and kind of annoying I'm surprised that the lack of forethought on that one apple. Uh, then I Will though, say Optic ID missed opportunity to rhyme I with I I Will Yeah, Optic ID as opposed to I ID Anyway, uh, your forehead will start to feel discomfort after a while, so yes, you want to make sure not to overtighten. A lot of people don't even realize that you can tighten these, which is U Kind of remarkable because once you realize you can, it's a game changer. But there's simply a little knob right here that will, uh, tighten the cloth.

This is really impressive. It actually is pretty comfortable. If you have it loose enough, you just have to get it to that right balance. Not too loose where it's all on your nose, not too tight to where it's squeezing the top of your head, but this is very comfortable for what it is.

I Also got the Zeiss negative. 75 prescription lenses. They actually have a little meat Kevin uh em, uh, what is that called? uh I don't know whatever label on there that they Etch in or carve in or whatever they do. Kind of cool functional.

Otherwise I Couldn't really use the Vrs anyway. Uh, because I need correc Vision with them. Sometimes the keyboard does glitch in terms of which window you're on. so I could be finger controlling one window and then I'm like great now I want to type here or I want to close this window and I hit command W on the keyboard and the keyboard's still glitched out on a different window and it closes that window down.

And I'm like broh uh sharing. If you want to share like your actual headset with another person, they're going to have to pair their hands and do all the little dots and everything. It can be a little Annoying to try to let other people try this on, which is lame because you want to share it, you want to show it. but then they don't know their way around.

So there's a real learning curve with sharing I've done it a few times now and it's fine just saying. It's not as easy as like take off and put on. you have to turn on sharing mode, take it off, take off the prescription uh, lenses. give it to the other person, teach them how to do it after they calibrate everything, and most people are still trying to like touch things with their hands as opposed to looking at things with their eyes.
So it's it's a learning curve. It's okay, eventually people get used to it. Just don't expect to be able to go here look at my babies on 3D or whatever with this goggle set really quickly. that's unfortunately.

uh I think a downside I wish there was a way I could just have like a share mode where it just shares whatever I Pulled up and as soon as they put it on the video starts playing like that'd be sick. It'd be like the the stupid proof share mode. Okay I shouldn't say that the the nonpr vision user share mode. okay uh so you got to think of a better name for that but but that would be beneficial.

uh it is also grainy and low light I Want to show you a reaction of one of my children to me wearing these goggles which flash white when you're recording people or things. but uh you could see her reaction here does. does she want to talk to me to Spaceman hello my with pretty eyes you have what pretty eyes hello oh my God uh and as far as environments oh my gosh, being able to feel like in an office, you are at peace all alone with your you know not noise cancelling headphones unfortunately. but the little you know buds that works good enough or well enough and visual stimulation is cut out thanks to the environment.

Oh wow. Productivity enhancer. Absolutely a productivity enhancer. I Would consider if we get a little further along with these buying these for everybody in my office because if they put this on and headphones silence, Everybody can just work.

Nobody's distracted by somebody coming in the door and going or whatever or hearing noise or this, that or whatever. I Like this again. You know you just want to Bunker down for like 45 minutes at a time. Take a little break.

Bunker Down for 45 minutes. Take a break. There's some real potential in this. Very excited by it now.

Unfortunately, until we get the feature to actually have static windows windows that don't move when we are moving, we're probably not going to be able to use this while we're walking or running. It's probably by design for now. But I think that future is one software update away. Why not advertise these things that you told us here? I Feel like nobody else knows about this? We'll We'll try a little advertising and see how it.

Go Congratulations man, you have done so much. People love you people look up to you Kevin PA there financial analyst and YouTuber me Kevin Always great to get your take even though I'm a licensed financial adviser, real estate broker, and becoming a stock broker. This video is neither personalized Financial advice nor real estate advice for you. It is not tax, legal, or otherwise personalized advice tailored to you.
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However, I have no relationship to any issuers other than House Act nor Am I presently acting as a market maker.

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26 thoughts on “What casey neistat didn’t tell you: apple vision pro”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Jdevil21 says:

    I don’t think it’s supposed to replace your computer. It’s like an iPad. Another tool in the toolbox that’s it. Why ppl acting like it has to change their lives is just crazy. I think the $3500 price tag is what has everyone trying to figure how how it can do everying but it’s not meant to be a replacement for anything I think ppl from not inside the vr market don’t understand how expensive this type of headset is to make. It’s just expensive tech and if you want to use it today in 2024 it cost more than it will in 2029

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @advertisercommerce6990 says:

    How did you make out with the kids?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @AutoDudes says:

    😂 I’d laugh at anyone wearing this dumb shit. Can we just be normal people? 😂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! @Kyle-li8wi says:

    There is no chance in hell that I will ever use one of these. I already hate phones enough, this is worse.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @juansuarez3384 says:

    Have you tried the quest 3? Would be nice to compare.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-yb9dl6ok9r says:

    you are horrible with tech reviews .. stick to finance please. 🙏

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @bjlbernal says:

    The productivity idea of having notes while you talk to people is from the Google Glass days. The Vision Pro form factor is even more detached and distracting.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @andrewstokes2029 says:

    So basically walking around with them on is a waste of time,

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @purplenaturellc733 says:

    Walking around seeing colleagues but then I went 10 floors in 3 seconds 😮

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @fate711 says:

    It's call a clipboard for paper. You don't need a vision pro…

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @nathankudlaty6263 says:

    So dystopian and stupid

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Christoff8188 says:

    I have nystagmus, so there's no way I'd ever be able to use this.

    My eyes literally shake. Constantly. 😂

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @tombaker283 says:

    Terrible headset, ridiculous looking

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @danielferguson8127 says:

    Right now the DEX has a huge glitch

    If you are swapping you are getting like x 7 I did a vldeo

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @zack2396tube says:

    if airplane lights are off, you won't be able to use device.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @attackxxx says:

    Neistat shouldnt be talking and filming strangers in a train

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @attackxxx says:

    No over head strap seems like a bad design. Didin't they take any lessons from other vr headsets?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @deluca2854 says:

    I am an apple user and love the products, but there are 3 products I‘ll never buy. The watch, the headphones and the Vision Pro

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @shameekmiller4251 says:

    3M might be up on spiny chairs

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @PCMonitors says:

    I love monitors, too.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @3EBstudio says:

    Ohhh i so want to see an SNL skit with the vision pro .. pinching, swinging hands ,wavung hand in awkward places

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Kalamana says:

    Now you never need to see the world with your real eyes you can be like darth vader and be a cyborg forever addicted to looking through the camera at the world with screens soldered to your face 😂

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @kwameoluwasomi1518 says:

    Note hovering above employee: "if he says no to working late tonight, fire him"

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jonl9192 says:

    How many kids does kevin have now?!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @BlushinGun says:

    3 seconds in and I’m already in the comments because you said Apple Pro Vision…

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MorningStarNews says:

    I swear you’re calling it the Apple Pro Vision just to get me to comment 😅

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