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00:00 Ads Problem.
02:15 Relationship vs Script Sales.
09:48 Followup Sales.
11:53 Danger of Affirmations in Sales.
15:30 Relativity Danger.
19:32 Stagnation Hack.
23:55 Not Aristotle
26:28 Learned Intelligence
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You know what? There is a process that when I got into this I didn't understand in this video. I'm going to break down what bone I have to pick with Alex Heros We're going to go through what I like what I don't like and where some additional perspective could be useful to finalize some of Alex's thoughts on entrepreneurship, sales, and success especially in business. Oh, and by the way, hi I'm Me Kevin I provide financial news and commentary here on YouTube or wherever you're watching me. I'm a license financial adviser and got like almost every series license under the sun.

We manage over $100 million and hopefully have a couple startups on the way to a billion plus of dollars. and I started as a real estate broker in sales, license, lender, license, contractor. So hopefully I've got some insights that are useful to help you become better at sales. and Entrepreneurship So with that said, let's get into it.

The first thing that I think is a copout and and I don't want to start negative and harsh because I like a lot of what Alex says. but I have to say the first thing that I think is a cop out that if you're not doing some of the other things we're going to talk about here, you shouldn't even be thinking about this. but I hate hearing this I Hear it all the time People like why is your business not succeeding No duh, you are not running enough ads advertise you can chunk it up. Oh yeah, uh.

let let's be real about this for a moment. ads. especially when you're starting out as an entrepreneur or business owner. Not only do they cost a lot of money, but they need to be done correctly.

And let's be clear: I'm not here to sell you on Advertising because there are plenty of firms that are going to call you all day long suggesting you can become a millionaire if you just advertised more Because after all, if you could put a dollar in and get $2 out, why would you not do more of that? But the problem for most entrepreneurs and business owners isn't getting the attention. It's what to do when you have that attention. Now there are two styles of selling and many forget this. Okay, you could go with the script based.

This is very much the door knock. We got to close this transaction right here. I've done this before as well. door to-door sales.

Totally different ball game from relationship selling. Now most folks haven't considered which typee of sales they're in and this is a problem because if you can sell with running a script by knocking on a door, then sales becomes a purely numbers game. It's transactional. How many NOS to get to a Yes, not all sales is like that.

And this is where a lot of people make a little oopsy dupsies so you could run ads all day long and give your script. But if you're in the wrong type of sales for your industry then maybe it doesn't matter how good your script is or how many ads you got coming in, the market is telling you they don't want your product. The market is really good at telling people what the market wants. Let's make it simple: if you're not selling, they don't want your product or service.
Is it the script? or are you using the wrong sales method? Yes, it could be the script. Alex Heros is right. Maybe you didn't have a script. Maybe your script is bad.

Maybe there are things to improve on here. Maybe you just stink. You know you got to take a shower and dress up and put a shoot on a suit on and shave. Or clarify the way you explain things to folks or how you react to them.

I Come from a world of relationship selling and that's not to say script based selling is bad. You could use scripts to lead into relationship selling. Here's the difference. Let's say you're a real estate agent or you're somebody trying to sell something and you're doing an open house or some kind of event where somebody comes to you.

People are coming to you because they have a problem or a need. People who go into an open house are usually neighbors who want to know what their Market values are so they can buy or talk about selling in the future. Notice it's not the tenants who usually come through, it's other potential sellers. Great way to get sellers is open houses.

By the way, most people like is this the look L neighbor? Those are sellers. They're vetting you for the future when they want to go sell or they're home buyers or investors who need help. The problem is the thing is when people come to you, they have a problem. Even when you go to them, your goal when you start off this script is discussing a problem.

For example, let's say you're selling. Uh Pest Control You knock on the door. hey, you know we're just doing some Pest Control in the neighborhood. Right over here We noticed you've got some problems with these cobwebs over here and a little bit of a potential rat intrusion over here and hate to see those around you.

And you got children. Your children This this is, how can we help you while while we're here. Maybe we could throw in a discount right? that? That might be your script or your pattern to get start with to get started with. But all sales ultimately wins in my opinion when you employ empathy and that was really in my opinion missing from Alex Hero's last presentation which I link down below I Thought it was good, but empathy is a very, very big missing piece.

and of course we've got many other missing pieces here we've got to talk to. But when people come to you at for example a Sales Event they're not there to be sold. Nobody wants to be sold. They're there because they need help or information or data.

When they come to an agent, how is the market doing? You better be prepared with data. What's the best school district? What's the crime? You better know these answers. It's the same thing as when you go to a car dealership. You say hey, I need eight seats I've got children coming and I need at least two of the seats to have latch systems for car seats and I've got other ones that are going to be in booster seats.
How am I going to strap these in? You have something with four latch and and you know still eight seats you need a salesperson that can say all right. Well you're going to be looking at a seat SI or an Odyssey. Look, we sell Sienna here. But what I recommend you do is make sure you also go across the street and go to that Odyssey dealer because I want you to make the best decision for you and your family.

Now here here's what you're going to see between the two. When you go, look at that Odyssey across the street I Want you to pay attention to. you know this difference. It has a little bit of a larger trunk.

let's just say but oh man, but it doesn't have. You know XYZ that you might be looking for. Pay attention to that and then compare that to this. Take them both on the drive.

listen specifically for the sound the transmission makes when you change it right. That's building value for your customers, which everybody talks about providing value Building value I Used to be called Meet Kevin which was trademarked the trademarked no Pressure Agent providing more Value I trademarked All of those Meet Kevin Providing more and no Pressure agent All of those because I think that's the value of a salesperson is you don't have to pressure somebody to sell. You can use empathy and relationship to sell. You could start that relationship with a script and they come together.

But most folks start here and they get so stuck on a script that they forget that sales is about providing value and helping people solve a solution that is human. Sales will always always be a human business. It is so frustrating me when people try to dehumanize what sales is. Nobody wants to sell or nobody wants to buy something from a dag just like nobody wants to feel like they're forced into buying something you know.

I I Don't have what 10,000 people who have signed up for my courses on Building Wealth in stocks or real estate or property management or you know, my entrepreneurial courses I Don't have people signing up for those or thousands of people coming to my course member live streams because they were forced into it. They come because they want value and perspective and they perceive that somebody else has a perspective that could help them right? And so your goal is to do exactly that. How could you increase that value perception? And you don't have to start off a video with oh, I Got all these licenses Hundred million working towards bills? What? None of that matters when I started as a real estate agent I started as somebody at Open Houses just to stand there and share people people's pain and frustration with them about specifically the market at the time. Because we were just coming out of the the 2008 recession and people were scared.
they were worried about a double dip recession. They were worried about this: Shadow inventory of homes coming up for sales. uh or for sale. that would.

that would end up crashing the market. And so my job became being an educator for people so that they could feel comfortable in making a decision for what they wanted to buy or what they wanted to do. So that's very important and that's something that we forget. So this idea that you should just advertise more in my opinion is a complete copout.

There are plenty of opportunities to get clients without blowing money on ads. Now let's bring that to the next thing that Alex does great and that is followup Boy he is So right when He suggests that people do not follow up enough. if you're in sales or you're in business, simple followup up could be the difference between getting a deal and not I Have a rule of thumb, the last one to be on the phone with a prospect is the one who gets the deal. Give you an example.

you put an offer in for whatever it is you want or you give a client a contact. You give them some information. You provide some value. you're like I did such good work I provided so much value for this client.

Uh, they're sure to use me as what you think. So you're so enthusiastic andc excited because you followed the rule. You provided value. You did the best you could, but you didn't follow up.

So I have a rule. It's when you provide value on a Wednesday and the client says they're going to make a decision on a Friday Guess what's going to happen that Friday evening, that Thursday morning, that Thursday afternoon and that Friday morning before that client makes a decision, everybody else is going to Pepper them. Everybody else is going to provide more value and their value is going to be more recent than yours. Because now that seller could say to that Thursday call they got.

well you know I had this guy yesterday. that's you. Tell me this, this this and then they go. oh well, you know that's great.

But here's how what we're doing is even better. Oops. It's usually the person with the last phone call who wins. So Alex Trosi 100% correct about followup I Want to give him massive credit on this? We've got to pay attention to followup.

That's something that most people get wrong. Uh, it's amazing to me how few salespeople actually follow up with me when I'm interested in doing something. specifically In, for example, for my real estate startup purchasing good deals, it's surprising me how few actually follow up unless we're constantly reaching out to them. It's like it's our job to follow up with the salespeople to remind them to follow up with us.

Yeah, kind of exhausting. Now another thing that Alex does great, which I think is somewhat interesting from a speaking point of view. I'm not sure how great it is from a close in point of view from a speaking point of view, he he does a lot of affirming with his audience. For example, a lot of statements like hey, you know how to turn on a computer, right? Do you know how to turn on a computer? Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.
Can we agree that people with more Charisma sell more? Yeah. Do you agree? Whatever, you want to make more money, are you here to make? These are great In motivational style speaking I Don't think they're that great in one-on-one deal closing. and I think that's where a little more Nuance is useful as well. So if we're one-on-one deal closing, generally, what we're looking at is not asking affirming duh questions.

Be more charismatic, right? Can we agree that if someone's more charismatic, they might do better in this field in general. Yeah, Cool, but actually empathetic questions that are specific to somebody's goals. So for example, you sit down with a client, hey, um, why are you selling? oh, you know, tired of uh, dealing with this property? We inherited it, blah blah. Have you thought about renting the property out? Oh, you know I I I Just don't know how much it would cost to have a property manager? Well, what if I told you it would cost 10% a month of the monthly rent to have a tenant? H Well, you know I Really don't want to deal with the headache of having tenant? Okay, no problem.

See what you've done in that you may be thinking like, well, you're a salesperson, Why why would you suggest that? Well, what you've done there is, you've empathized. Hey, you know, Have you thought about not hiring me and looking at the other option? Have you thought about going across the street looking at that? Odyssey That is a way of building empathy because you are not just somebody there who's trying to cram something down somebody's throat to get them sign a contract. That's where people go wrong with the scripts. And I'm not saying scripts can't work.

But eventually after you break that ice with your script and you know what to say when that phone rings uh, or or you call or you knock on that door, move. Empathy One of the easiest sales I Ever Closed door-to-door selling Pest Control was a woman who we found out was married, uh, to a husband that was working a lot. After uh, the script opener, we realized she was pretty stressed over the fact that her husband wasn't really around that much. So I said hey, you know who currently does the pest control for your house Oh well, you know my husband does it when he has time and gets around to it.

Well, what if we could get something off of your husband's plate, wouldn't that help sold like right there? Let's just take the wallet out and give it to you. Just all in on getting something off of her husband's plate. So that was great. So that personto person empathy very very frequently forgotten and I think this is very important.

It's not something that advertising can actually solve. Uh, and that's useful for remembering. Completely agree. By the way, when Alex says that your skills compound your ability to speak and follow up and your charisma compounds over time, The more you do, the better you become.
But on doing and becoming I have a little bit of a reaction here. Okay, Heros suggests that you should do in order to become. So basically simplify everything. Look at who you want to be and then just do it.

This is very similar to be the change you want to see in the world. Want to make more money than do what successful people are doing right? There's a quote: watch what successful people are doing and copy it I Actually don't think that's great for two reasons. Number one, there is something called the Toxicity of Relativity so we'll just call it the Toxicity of R. This is when you compare yourself to other people.

so much so that you actually just become miserable. You're like, okay, I I Thought I was doing better than them and I'm doing what they're doing. We actually ended up both at the same listing presentation. They went first, then I went obviously generally different times if you're a real estate broker.

Whatever. But then you see the other person get the listing. You're miserable. You're like, why didn't they choose me and you feel resentment towards the person that you're trying to emulate.

Resentment turns into hate. And it's it's vicious. It's very negative. It means your successes are never good enough because somebody's better than you and your losses are like acid on you.

Comparing yourself to other people is a horrible thing to do in the business World instead. and this is the the second part where we can kind of build off of what her MOSI says. A much better strategy than comparing yourself to other people is not saying what is somebody in a place I want to be in doing so I can emulate them and get there. A better thing would be to say what can I do better than that other person because if I want to be like somebody else but I could actually do something better than them Well now we really start potentially winning because now not only are we seeing them as sort of the bare minimum, but now you're looking at your idol as a stepping stone on the way to what you really want to do, which is providing a better product or solution than maybe what they're offering.

And this of course is important to consider as well is that if you're in an environment where you want to sell a better hot dog than somebody else, well, it's difficult. You know the Costco hot dog's basically a lost leader for example. So if you want to get into the hot dog business outside of Costco, you know the market might not be too, uh, too happy no matter how EP or or too enthusiastic no matter how empathetic you are. However, if you can provide, provide a service that is 10 times better than somebody else because you're uh, a plumber who does clean work, shows up on time, is empathetic, gives reasonable bids, uh, works nights and weekends.
Whatever you got to do to get started. Well, well, now all of a sudden you could actually bring in more business because you're able to provide value where others are not able or willing to provide that value. Again, not saying you want to be working 24/7 but when you get started, you kind of got to do what you got to do. So not a big fan of comparing yourself to others big I do like the phrase of compare yourself to your future self.

That's great but Alex went straight from that into look at what other people are doing in copy we I I've heard that my whole career and boy I'll tell you it is. It is toxic. Now another thing that I I heard a lot of was about having this inversion mindset of how do you guarantee to lose and it's okay, well don't work Scroll on Tik Tok Uh, you know, don't go hold that open house for Real Estate or whatever and then his thinking is do the opposite. This is this is good, this is.

it's not bad I mean obviously like you can actually do versus not do then then yeah, like you only have yourself to blame if you're not actually getting out there and trying to put the grind in when you're start starting a business. My big thing for guaranteeing more success is optimism, optimism and progress. Now this is an interesting hack. Watch this.

Let's say you feel like you're stagnating in your business and like it's grown, but now it feels like it's somewhat stagnating sometimes. What I've actually done on purpose is I've created a little bit of a reset where you're kind of resetting at zero or it almost feels that way. But you have all of your experience and your branding or whatever still with you and your goal becomes. how can I now Now kill those ideas or projects or marketing methods or ads or whatever we were doing before, kill everything and just start over and then start building on stuff that works right? So just take the best and kind of start over.

One of the things that's neat here is you actually psychologically get a hit with this reset. but then everything you do starts looking like progress as you climb back to where you were. and then the goal is to exceed it. And boy, once you start exceeding where you were that Delta right here that just creates Euphoria And an entrepreneur, somebody trying to suce, somebody's trying to succeed.

Success is in my opinion, not about money. It's kind of like Sam Alman says Sam Alman argued in a blog he posted probably four or five years ago. You know the open AI guy. uh, he's like, you know, many people start an entrepreneurship for money, but they leave just wanting to have provided for Humanity That is amazing and the more success you could provide, the more you want to keep building, it becomes less about the dollar, it becomes more about providing.
And that's a really fun place to be in. So what else? Well then one thing I completely and wholeheartedly agree with is Heros suggested that if your plan requires luck, it's a bad plan. Love that one that's great. Uh, luck.

Luck is fantastic, but you can't plan on it. Not only can you not plan on it, but you could give a lot of luck to a criminal. Eventually the luck runs out and they still end up in jail. You can give a lot of unluckiness to somebody who perseveres and eventually the bad luck runs out and they get really lucky.

And then people look and go, Wow, That person like became an overnight millionaire and then people go, No, that person's been grinding for 12 years and then they became a millionaire. It's so easy to forget on the outside looking in, especially with the sort of Tik Tok and Instagram mentality and rented jet mentality that we kind of see on the internet these days, which is pretty sad. uh, but that's very common because the idea is oh, show the lambo, show the rented jet, oh show the big mansion and the lifestyle and oh I could go in the Apple store and buy whatever all that stuff is. It's such bull crap.

it's ridiculous. Anyway, Next, uh Hermos talks about starting to make change when you're busy. make it work in the worst condition. This is interesting.

I I Kind of liked where he was going with this. His idea is that hey, don't wait until the perfect time to start making a change. Make the change now. Like, what are you waiting for? Make the change now.

Even if you're busy now, then stay up an extra couple hours, pour yourself another cup of coffee, and get to work. Stop being a little weenie and get to work. I Actually like that. And uh, one of the things that's so useful about making changes when you're busy is it forces you to be more efficient.

The easiest tip that I could give when it comes to efficiency is making sure that every time you run into an inefficiency, you fix it. Don't wait. So if you're like H my phone's out of battery again, why do you not have more? Chargers They're like $15 on Amazon for a pack of two, so get some more charger so you don't run into that situation. Same thing is true for your car or your travel bag.

Why are you always forgetting your tooth paste or your razor? Or this that what have a duplicate now? All of a sudden, you make a small investment to be exponentially more efficient. Last thing you want is to start off your day on the wrong foot just because you couldn't find something. or your computer's dead. or you forgot something.

These are just the basic barriers that that make it much easier to succeed when you don't fall victim to those nonsensical traps. Shortening your commute is a nice one too, and so little. Aristotle Little Ancient Greek we are what we repeated. So this is not actually an Aristotle quote.
Uh, it is a misattribution, mostly because it was an interpretation of a dude in the 1920s who thought that's basically what Aristotle meant And so what Aristotle meant uh, had a lot to do with excellence. And so the idea of Excellence is really about how do you live The Good Life And so the idea of living the good life is really to have a balance. You dial everything to the mean nothing to the excess. you drink in moderation, not too little, not in excess.

You play in moderation. not in excess, not too little. Otherwise, you're miserable or you're a loser and you don't do anything right? So there's the idea of Excellence is quite simply this: When you do, you want to be excellent in what you do, but you want to do those things in moderation. You want to provide the best service possible for your clients.

But you don't want to be so extreme that you maybe come across as high pressure or annoying or too laxidasical that you become lazy. So it's not just a matter of you are what you do so to speak, but it's the balance, the moderation in how you do it. Uh, and that's why I Kind of keep going back to this idea of people believe that a business is simply run ads and win. the more ads, the more winning.

No, no, no, no, no. Maybe run ads in moderation like retargeting advertisements to people who've expressed that they're interested. But then at the same time, you also need to have scripts in moderation to be able to answer that phone the first time correctly. Then you need empathy.

Not so much that you're calling them every day like they're your girlfriend or boyfriend, but enough to show you care. And it's when you put the whole package together that it becomes a lot easier to succeed as an entrepreneur. Now, the last comment that I have for Alex Heroi is in reaction to his idea that intelligence is defined as how quickly you are able to learn. I actually believe that it becomes easier to learn faster the more you learn that when when we generally think of intelligence, we kind of think of something that we're born with.

kind of like our character stat when we start out in a video game like H you know I got five out of 10 intellect. but I picked strength right? or oh, I got nine out of 10 intellect. but I got a one for strength. All of those things, in my opinion, can be changed.

You could go to the gym and actually work out or work out more. uh, if that's important to you. Uh, obviously being healthy to some extent is important to everybody. Everything in moderation, right? But intelligence? Alex Trosi defines as the rate of your ability to learn I Actually think when you learn your intelligence and your rate of the ability to learn more actually starts speeding up.

So the more learning you do, the easier it is because not only do you know how to learn more efficiently, but things start relating more and you're able to wire your brain better. Notice what I Drew was not actually a linear line. For those math folks, learning is exponential boy. I Wish that marker had worked there.
We go. Learning is exponential in my opinion, and so I believe that if you can learn faster when you learn more, then your intelligence can actually go up over time. And the intelligence is maybe just a measure of the slope of a line at any given point. And so the more you learn, the the steeper that slope is.

Uh, so look, that's my take. This is no hate on heroi it's just additional perspective. And if you like this kind of video, make sure to subscribe for more here on the meet. Kevin Channel You can also find me every single day the market is open at the meet Kevin Live Channel Where I'll live to cover the Stock Market opening and talk a little bit of Market Every day the Market opens around 5:25 a.m.

I'll start streaming through the opening bell. uh and then uh. of course, check out the Meet Kevin podcast as well. These are all linked down below and the Meet Kevin Just Chatting channel that used to be the Politics Channel We're going to turn it into just Chatting and so that way we can kind of hang out at night when I'm available.

Nobody else is like my family, my kids or otherwise. Then we'll be able to chat over there. So if you found this helpful subscribe, check out the courses on building your wealth. link down below and we'll see you in the next one.


By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

27 thoughts on “What alex hormozi isn’t telling you”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jonathangamble says:

    Interesting… you should review other ideas… ramsey, rich dad, cardone, etc

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Jlp9091 says:

    Good point Kevin,
    A script is the foundation to a conversation. Specially for a new agent that doesn’t know what question are importan to a customer . Asking to many questions may also sound like a interrogation. Not having a script is like starting in LA and going to New York without a map , no structure to the conversation. No structure to the conversation will have you running around in circles in your mind and may show your not a profesional. The customer will lose confidence or interest in the conversation. Learn the script to naturalise it so you don’t sound like a robot . The more information you have from the customer the more options you can present that they can choose from. The customer makes the decision and not the sales person . I’m some cases that may be a … no I won’t be buying or selling .

    Telling a customer what to do is Selling them on something they may not want to buy.
    Ask question and present options or solutions.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @333nickmcd says:

    I don't think Hormozi would disagree with anything you've said here because I think he's actually implied it without maybe spitting it out. For instance, he talks about using friends and contacts first and doing work for free to test your concept and get feedback. That feedback could be that your product/service is terrible. Absolutely agree that ads are not always the answer and he goes hard on that because it's what worked for him and he will like businesses that can be scaled in the same way. My business has grown to a decent size and we've never paid for ads because we've built great networks of relationships with other businesses that share our customer base.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TiagoRamosVideos says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @NarveyTheDuckToller says:

    Great video Kevin easy to listen to

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @dowlrod66 says:

    Language is just a finger pointing at the moon. To me, Kevin and Alex's lectures are just different fingers pointing at the same moon.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @briansgenius says:

    Been subscribed to u since like 2018 and Alex just a few weeks ago. He has a lot of good stuff and I think u have a fair take here

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jajajaja2624 says:

    Build and they will come if its wroth buying it .

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @conormckennaUK says:

    A great salesman once said “I got fish man”.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @luisopofficial1581 says:

    Kevin, I really liked the video. But it got some classroom professors vibe going. I’m not sure if that’s what you were going for.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @eddiegomez9693 says:

    Been waiting for this video or an Alex Hormozi interview 🎉
    You need to interview him Kevin!
    I’m a HUGE fan of both of you guys.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-on2sh1vw6h says:

    Buy a toyota or a lexus, you won't regret it 😏 Odyssey, Honda is good too 👍

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @teh1uck says:

    I know you’re busy but his books cover all the “problems” you talk about. $100 offers – $100m leads – and his next book is sales.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @tirthb says:

    What a coincidence, i am reading Hormozi's book now and was about to sleep

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @misterlonestar says:

    I'm homeless and I am trying to change my situation. I been listening 🎧 to him to keep me motivated.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @fareli91 says:


  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @srdand1429 says:

    I was about to go to bed but now I’m watching this 😂

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mohammedkhan3781 says:

    Hey there!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @gorkembaydar says:


  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @joecreatesart6901 says:

    You guys should go to battle in the Octagon. But you have to dye your hair for that. The best fighters dye their hair. Like Sean Suga O'Malley!!!!! Meet Suga Kevin!!! Or box Graham Stephan!!! That would be AWESOME!!!! Fight Elon Musk!!! Or the Facebook guy!!! Yeah!! Woohoo!!! You got your real estate licenses, ran for governor, became a mega millionaire, had cool green hair, created an ETF!! You need to get a BLACK BELT!!!!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @financialfastpass says:

    Loving these videos of 'What X person' isn't telling you. Keep doing them!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @dyalabatayneh9223 says:


  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @thatstoodeep4758 says:

    Hi Kevin

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @lefutures says:


  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @GodofWrath795 says:

    I clicked right away when i saw Alex on the title 😂

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @dkdabdab9137 says:


  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @andre_dias says:

    Nice video!

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