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Welcome back everyone to another market, open, live stream, hi jack! You want to tell everyone hi! Do you want to say anything to anyone? You really like charmander back there yeah, but next time i got to get you minecraft at dave and busters. Is that right? Mm-Hmm? Okay, say bye, bye, all right! Welcome back so, let's see today looks like we've actually got green on the indices. This is, i feel, like the first time we've had the futures green uh before the market open here in in uh, quite a bit so uh, let's uh. Well, let's, let's see what we got: okay, um! Oh here we go so uh.

Here we go, we've got the dow uh futures up half a percent, we've got the s. P futures up about half nasdaq only have about a third here: 0.29, so uh, dow and s p, doing better than technologies. Here, let's take a peek here at bonds. This is uh.

This is what an interesting moment here is. Take a look at this uh. You go to bonds. We didn't really see movement in the 10-year which we'd kind of expect not to get movement in the 10-year.

After jerome powell talked about raising rates three times, uh, that's because longer term, we think we're kind of capped in terms of how uh you know how high we can actually go on rates. But what was crazy? Was you go over here to the two year? The two year was something else, folks look at this the two years at .647 and if i now go to the five day to see what happened yesterday, okay, let's take a peek at this uh. This right here is yesterday this right here. So this is the start of yesterday right here: that's market open.

This is jay pal and his triple rate increase, uh rates jump up, and then we actually get to a place, that's lower than where we were when we opened the prior day, which i thought was really interesting, because it's really the market saying: okay, we're we're good. You you're doing the right thing: jerome! Thank you. We uh. We appreciate you and uh yeah.

We, we trust. You is basically what the bond market saying now. You might not believe that, but i thought this was really interesting because it's like wait a minute. The market really thinks this is it.

This is the solution to inflation. Three rate increases next year: okay, that'll, take us just below one percent, got it loud and clear and uh yeah there you go so uh, that's really interesting to me and i would pay attention to sort of uh inflections in this two year, the two years. What you want to watch sitting at .64? Well, i mean the chart is in a different spot than this, but we'll see it in a little bit once we get everything up and running in terms of the market open this morning, but uh pay attention to stuff. Like that very cool uh, okay, so with that said, let's go ahead and jump on over and well, let's do a coin market cap peak and then we'll jump over to weeble all right so uh.

On the coin market cap front, we've got a little bit of mixed uh result here, we've kind of not really moved much further after the slight rally we had yesterday, which was basically what would got us to 48.8 to 49 000 on bitcoin ethereum, just just about Where it is right now, uh solana did move up another about eight points. Uh from where it was yesterday about 178. cardano has been about stuck uh dots up a tiny little bit. Uh avax is up uh, probably about another four or five percent and uh uh polygon matic is a slight little bit from where we were yesterday as well.
This is just from memory without going to look at the charts and then let's go ahead and see what we have here so pre-market. Let's go start with the red wow look at that backed holding get getting railed by about 15. I worry: that's got to be more than just momentum on on that sell-off there. So we'll see, what's going on with back in just a moment: uh iron net adobe also eight percent.

Here in the pre-market. That's substantial uh still wondering if that software compression is gon na hold, but uh we'll see uh. Okay. So, let's see here, this is not a lot of red.

Look at that that red that we have in the pre-market here uh we're on our the full watch list. So we've got one page of red, maybe with another four or five. This is probably going to be one of those days. We have somewhere around uh 95.

Green day, which is great but let's see what's a leftover opportunity and then i do want to find out as well. Why uh do we have this pain over here at adobe, so we'll find out and we'll get to the bottom of this so uh? Otherwise, let's see what's running up and we'll get our info a canoe, oh canoe's, up 9.95, a lot of folks worried that this one's gon na go bk. But i'll tell you. I think this one has the potential of having a lucid style, uh sort of run, but it's really gon na take a milestone from this company and uh.

That right now is probably actually getting well, i mean not even anywhere close to vehicle deliveries, but an actual manufacturing system where these things are actually rolling off the line uh kind of like like if you could get canoe to where arkamoto is, where uh they can Run these things off the line they can actually let people test, drive them and such but uh uh they they haven't fully expanded or fully gotten to scale with their their initial batch of manufacturing, they're just kind of single manufacturing these. That can be pretty good for canoe, but uh until then, and arrival they've got the whole micro factory concept going on which i mean compared to tesla. I don't really understand at all. I get their argument they want to.

They want to build these vehicles in smaller scale facilities, so that way they can have these uh closer to uh to the end user, but just the supply chain. It's gon na be a disaster with that. I can't find this clip - oh well, whatever uh, so that that's uh, that's an interesting one that i'm definitely gon na pay attention to, but we'll see uh watching lemonade, just a sort of a little early indicator of maybe a maybe eventually a small cap rotation uh. You know it was up what eight percent yesterday and and now it's up and uh.
Here we go. It was up six point three percent yesterday and up four point: five percent right now toast was uh down a couple uh one and a half percent. Yesterday, up uh four and a half roblox rebound kathy wood bought a bunch. Yesterday she bought a bunch of roblox yesterday, uh, which it's interesting to me.

She continues to sell off tesla and it must be because their order flow or uh their um, their inflows into arc or or low, or something because they continue to uh uh to dump tesla, and that was even despite yesterday, the thing ran or fell down. Nothing right fell down to like uh 9 33. I mean we don't know exactly when they sold but um yeah. I don't know if this code means anything play p w.

U y sounds funny all right, we'll get some more details here: hmm, okay, uh matterport back to 22 and a half not like you've got big deep, green here, a couple percent on a lot of different companies and phase expi, a farm nvidia uh neo tesla. These guys have one and a half the tesla's, almost back to a thousand yeah nice all right. Okay, let me find out what's going on with adobe and then we'll uh see what else we got here. Uh, okay, cbc is writing a headline that nasdaq is now positive for december.

Yeah december was a kind of a crazy month: lots of uncertainties, uh great value on course members signed up last night. Oh that's awesome! Kyle james welcome board, okay, so uh. Why adobe show? Okay, here we go adobe q4 profit halves, provides weak outlook. Oh wow revenue, trailed expectations.

Did they what's going? Oh we'll on look at this one? Second here so: oh yeah? Okay, so obviously they have their earnings. Okay, uh! Here we go so their forecast for 2022 was about 1370 of eps, and the estimates on wall street were 14.2. Revenue was projected to be 18.21 they're projecting 17.9. They announced some leadership changes.

Let's see here, earnings per share was lower than a year ago, 257 versus 464.. Their eps. This quarter did come in a little bit higher than expected about a penny higher than expected, but otherwise it looks like the guidance was what hurt here wow. I wonder why? Let's, let's see what their what their reason for that is: adobe, let's get a press release from them and then we'll find out here we go so here's adobe's press release, oh and of course they load it in an adobe dock.

Uh. Let's see if they talk about our guide here, they talk about their growth sales, pits lots of sales pitch; no, they didn't talk about it here, so you'd have to check their earnings. Call later, that's interesting to me that adobe is suggesting a potential lower guide uh. I mean - maybe they just pulled forward so much during the pandemic, where everybody's signing up for adobe but you've also got adobe not as a pure advertising play, but they also do advertising services and such so.
I'm always looking at these all right. Well, let's see here so that's adobe, let's find out backed backed also but backed keeps doing. This is every single day it's ten percent plus or minus. I feel like it's an easy trade one uh.

Well, i mean, i guess if you get the direction right, this is two days in a row: bread, okay, back made a video on them. If you wanted to see a full story on them, just type into youtube, meet kevin b-a-k-k-t, but uh this morning we just have adobe lennar, backed among pre-market losers back slums as sec declares stock registration, effective, okay, max volatility continued thursday, as the chairs fell after the Sec declared a registration effective. The filing registers previously issued stock ah plus shares issue bowl under the exchange stock, fell about. Eleven percent of the pre-market warrants slipped about seven.

The filing relates to the potential resale of 191 shares issue issuable upon the exchange of paired interest. Wow 4.2, additional okay, so so you're and 33 million of pipelines wow. This is like a essentially a a lock up coming of somewhere around 220 million shares for back um. You can try, let's find out here what the how many shares they have outstanding.

That's a lot yeah or at least seems that way. Let's see per share, we've got um, it's got to be. It's got to be more than this. I love to find out.

Let's see back, cheers outstanding, i think that's an outdated report. That's right! There shares outstanding 57 mill and a public float of 39 uh. I mean that's at least what's coming up right now, but i don't know about that. Anyway.

Uh you've got a lot of shares coming from back so uh sans the exact share count of exactly what's going on uh, with back that looks like uh. Why backs down about 15 so uh back down essentially on on dilution, then you've got uh adobe down on a poor guide. Hmm all right, let's see here, prove pre-market canoe. That's really your move or everything else kind of just chill, mostly green, though.

Let's take a look if goives got anything for us: okay, roth capital, upgrades canoe to buy, raises price target to 14. wow um yeah and then another price target increase here from 19 at rf lafferty to 21. vdl who's. This some rumors about vdl, oh okay, they had their earnings as well.

I see this was uh. This was last night. Okay uh. They came out with targets they want to get to so they're guiding higher vehicles.

I don't believe this. I wonder if this is just that this is like their sales pitch. Canoe is now guiding, instead of 500 to a thousand units for 2022 they're guiding 3 000 to 6 thousand, instead of fifteen thousand and twenty three they're getting fourteen to seventeen thousand try to make that number look, a little more realistic, huh uh and then they wan Na get to forty to fifty thousand and twenty twenty four and seventy to eighty thousand twenty twenty five, an interesting ramp from 40 to 50 000. But then, okay, all right, um yeah, will accelerate and now shift production of its breakthrough.
Electric vehicles from europe to the united states, we'll begin manufacturing its advanced industrial facility planned for northwest arkansas and remains on target. Hmm, that's basically, it raised guidance. Higher price target and uh will eventually build their factory so uh, that's that's the hype that uh canoe is running on. You know i wish we could get some like real news here that uh that to me just sounds like click bait honestly, just oh yeah, yeah! Well, that's it our stock's been falling.

You know what it's time for it's just time to raise production guidance. That's what you got going on over here! Canoe! It's working, though i mean look. They added 9.6 in the pre-market, we'll see if that actually lasts, because to me that sounds like bogus somebody robert wants to know here. If rates go up, will that help rocket mortgage? No one of the reasons rocket mortgage has not been doing so well is because when rates go up, less people refinance and less people that you have substantially fewer loans and if anything, you're um, you know you're doing less business, i mean.

Wasn't it just better.com that laid off a bunch of people better ceo layout yeah? It was the ceo who fired 900 employees, uh on a zoom call yeah and now he's taking time off yeah. I i wonder, if that i didn't actually see the zoom call, but yeah apparently better.com, which is the digital mortgage firm. They fired 900 people on a zoom call. I remember seeing that, but then i kind of forgot who the uh the company was but to me that that's not necessarily the best indicator for mortgage companies right now, because they're expecting oh wow, let's see if there's a clip of it, here's uh it looks like There is hold on this call.

You are wait hold on if you're on this call, if you're on this call, you are part of the unlucky group being laid off, your employment here is terminated effective immediately. It's been a really really challenging decision to make i've. This is the second time in my career. I'm doing this and i do not do not want to do this.

The last time i did it. I cried um this time i hope to be stronger, but we are laying off about fifteen percent of the company. You got ta be kidding me. The market has changed as you know, and uh we have to move with it in order to survive, you're going to get an email from hr, ask hr at better.com and your benefits we're all u.s employees we're providing.

Oh, my god. I can't believe this one month of full benefits and two months of cobra, for which we will pay the premiums. Thank you for each and every one of your individual contributions to better. I wish the news was different.
I wish we were thriving at the beginning of this year, mom that sucks uh anyway so um for for whoever asked how mortgage companies are doing how's that for your answer, oh geez, but yeah yeah. I i also agree with steve. I think some of the pain could already be built uh in the uh built into these mortgage companies. I agree with you because united wholesale mortgage rocket mortgage, these guys have plummeted, uh very true uh.

I i would expect when you start seeing inflation rotate down. That's that's when maybe these guys will start doing better uh, because maybe that'll limit how many rate increases you have to get. But michelle here says they said these employees productivities are only about three hours every day, but they were offering. They were paying them benefits.

It sounded like paying them benefits and their responsibilities are three hours a day i mean that's, that's less than that's less than like a typical benefited part-time employee with 32 hours a week. That's like 15 hours a week. I think they, probably only maybe they mean they. They were full-time employees, but they only had three hours of work for them a day.

Yeah i mean i mean, don't get me wrong like if the work's, not there you're, to go bankrupt. If you keep paying a ton of employees right, that's that's. Employees always got to prove their productivity and their value to the company, but yeah. That's that sucks uh.

It definitely sucks so anyway, uh. We are now eight minutes from the market, open, canoe, uh, starting to rotate down time a little bit here. I i wouldn't be surprised if this rotates down substantially once we actually open. I i wouldn't buy that in the pre-market uh cloudflare 2.53 to the upside roku's up a little bit.

I think robin hood's down like one percent, that one fluctuates a lot. I'm really hoping we begin a nice path up now, though, uh, let's see nvidia uh back to 310 nice, oh yeah! Well, let's as well, do this eight minutes the market open here, let's go take a peek at arc. This is also true helen that that they made that disclosure that disclaimer after the pr nightmare, uh yeah. I don't.

I don't know that i would have said that i feel like it would have been more like hey we're we're gon na go bankrupt. If we don't kind of think you know uh yeah well, so all right, how's arc, let's see here, oh we were gon na look at the arc flows too. Okay, cool arc's up one point: four: nine percent and the pre-market here tesla up one and a half. I think just below 190 or 990., let's see here, rk flows.

What do we got see if people have been buying the dip? Yet on this one uh? Yes, the answer is yes. The last two days you've had inflows of 32 million and then a big one. You had a big inflow yesterday, folks 281 million of inflows yesterday she's gon na be a big buyer uh. Well, she sold something yesterday.
I wonder if, if, if those flows mean she's already placed them yesterday or she's slowing him today, but either way, that's the biggest inflow, we've seen since october 19th at uh ark yeah, and it's more than what we saw on october 19th. Otherwise, it's been mostly outflows. That's why you've seen kathy wood kind of selling a lot lately, but uh now you've got you've, got actually got some inflows, so that's uh, that's exciting. I do think it's interesting though, and i have this here - let's just go through some of her her latest transactions here, because i think it's very interesting that she bought robin hood on the dip at like 28 or something like that and then then she stopped.

She stopped buying it, she didn't, sell them. Um yep! Here we go so here you go. You can kind of see here transactions. This was yesterday, so she bought the dip on roblox.

She grabbed uh roku on the dip she's still buying. Oh no she's been. She bought robin hood. She bought the dip yesterday, robin hood.

Okay, i missed that yesterday yeah and then i also thought it's interesting she's putting uh she's putting some of the therapeutic companies like beam in arc k and uh. She did sell a little bit of whatever this iova is, but uh yeah look at this also sold talent here kind of near the bottom. Here, look at this pound here and tesla and they were down. You know i mean these are smaller portions of the portfolio right just talking about point two to point four percent of the portfolio but uh.

I thought that was interesting, that you know throwing some pharmaceuticals up in here buying robin hood zoom, roblox roku. I understand roblox and roku, but i don't know surprised anyway: uh blade air mobility she's been adding to this one rq there's some more roblox, robin hood, roku and uh arc f only did sound uh fractionally. This is nominal. You can't even call that a cell huh yeah anyway, so that was yesterday and we can look at just to look at a couple more to see.

This was the day before selling a lot of this iova and edit in rk, buying intellia therapeutics a lot of therapeutics on that um because remember, she's also got arcgi, which is the genomics fund right. So some some cross-contamination you have here or maybe she's just really bullish anyway, uh and voozi - i don't know: okay, maybe i'll. Look at one more here, yeah same thing: getting these therapeutics up here in rk and then again view woozy blade. Little nominal buy here, dropped a little shopify dropped a little amazon and facebook yeah, okay, so uh, okay, canoe's only up six percentage right now, matterport's up 5.2.

That's great arrival, toast roblox! You got the movements over here, amc back to 25.. Now that some of that pain is gone, you got uh, you got the half weekends coming back, uh a firm sitting at 113. Looking at the downside, docusign wayfarer couple percent adobe's, really the one getting hit again: that's software compression and then you're really looking at stocks. That are down about half percent kryptos solana's running cardano's stuck she's, mostly stuck btc stuck uh.
Doge is okay. Had its nice elon run where's ethereum ethereum's doing okay, all right. So what do we got? We've got two minutes to go all right. Let's jump over here, bank of england surprises with first rate hike in crisis.

Ooh jpmorgan fire trader shows it pace to win your old job back uh, oh fire, jp morgan trader got paid, will regain a 675 000 per year job and millions in payback, wow ipo filing for reddit. No they've been talking about this. This has been rumored for a while, but that'll be interesting to see how that does. I want to know their revenues.

I mean. I know you can like pay to compliment people with the little badges in that but uh i don't know, i don't can't imagine their expenses. Are that high i mean. Does anybody know, does reddit advertise, i mean they have servers.

Obviously they have some infrastructure staff, but i mean the the website i feel like heavily operates itself with its strong moderation community. So, okay people are saying they do have ads. Oh okay, i mean i've, never seen the ads, that's not to say they don't exist, but i it makes me wonder like: are there just fewer ads or something like that? Okay, yeah? Well, maybe about 80 of you have seen the ads all right, uh cool, let's uh, let's hit the bell: the idea that you think i'm political is insane. Let's get the opening bell here on this thursday cnbc real-time exchange at the big boys owner and operator of bowling centers celebrating everything at the nasdaq.

It's the forbes 15 over 15 and the 30 under 30 honorees msnbc's nika brzezinski. Pretty good was that 85 green uh spy right on open kind of not sure what direction to go so yeah we'll see what happens on the open canoe, actually popped, tiny, a little bit toast. Oh people are like wait. A minute toast is like half the ipo price: here's matterport uh yeah; no, no 25 consensus estimates yet on matterport you're you're playing the the easiest way to understand matterport for the person asking the questions is honestly to to download the matterport app on your phone.

They have one for android and iphone now and uh, and and do like the bottom of wherever your. I don't know your your downstairs or your living room or whatever scan it and and then think about the possibilities for the future of matterport uh matterport's. Really, in my opinion, a hardware play no clear path to profitability, but a hardware, because it's so new, it's a little startup. It's like a little um.

What do you want to call it? A a solid startup is what i think it's unique in its space. Very very strong, moat in my opinion, and integrates into everything with real estate, but it's not just going to be real estate. I mean people are using this for plane tours for uh starting finally, starting insurance claims, contracting property management for tenant disputes, and there are endless possibilities and the whole meta. I think a lot of people are now getting excited about the metaverse potential for matterport, too.
Think about it, if you scanned up your home and then you're like hey, i need i need an appraiser to come or like uh, i don't know a real estate agent or whatever uh invite him over in the metaverse in your actual home uh after after it's Scanned that's, this is gon na, be very interesting, so the metaverse, i think, is the or matterport is the closest thing to bringing our existing reality online back does not like the share delusion. It is now down 20 on this. This happens with startups too uh, but uh, basically going back to 10 bucks here and remember: specs can go under ten dollars, but uh this one was under ten dollars. It was like.

Eight dollars ran like crazy uh on uh. I can't remember now: oh so was it a partnership announcement? No, it was. I think it was something with mastercard. Maybe it was a partnership with mastercard, uh, casa co-living in paris.

Just as an example, let me see uh and then we got ta see uh. We got ta see what the other sticks are doing. Uh, paris, let's see if they have uh well. They just have some videos i'll look at this later, but yeah anyway.

I mean there are plenty of real estate listings that you can kind of go through uh and use this for, but uh anywho, let's go over here, so uh adobe's, almost a full 10 down yeah, oh etsy, oh good! Yesterday i was thinking about wanting to potentially pick up some etsy and docusign or not docusign uh airbnb. I didn't do it so now. Those two are red, which is good, so that gives you a little bit of an opportunity. What else we have here so toast running canoe, five and a half arcturus up matterport three roku 3 and phase 2 roblox 2.? It's not like a big deep green! Here i mean it's.

It's green ethereum's popping up a little bit. Another 20 bucks there lots of one percent uh tesla - was up a little bit more in the pre-market uh google up 0.69. It's pretty modest, almost like a modest tentative uncertain green day. But let's look at the individual stocks just to see if uh we're getting any directionality here, yeah, look at that see tesla wise! You actually got downward directionality right when we opened here, you've got pinterest up about.

Oh, this is actually robinhood. Sorry i thought this was pinterest for me. Oh look at this robin hood's. Almost at 20, that's good! So robin hood's running a little bit.

Pins is kind of flat. Apple's back to 180. man end phase mixed okay, yeah adobe adobe's guide really hurt yeah. Let me see the spy here too spying bond yields - let's see here so spy rotated down the first.
What four minutes here, four or five minutes, starting to rotate up again a little bit? It's at point four right now see what other news we have better travel stocks are europe's only losers. This year, wow said reddit um, all right, not much over here in bloom, let's go to financial times, france block entry to uk tourists as omicron surges yikes. You know i highly recommend, especially if you're here you know, wanting to understand, what's happening in the stock market and what could potentially happen as negative catalyst. I highly recommend you watch my video yesterday in the omicron like if you watch it yesterday, watch that video just meet kevin omicron, look for the one that i posted yesterday.

You're gon na see this this maddening thing here which looks like it means nothing right now, but let me just put it this way in terms of why you want to go watch that video. You want to buy uh recovery stocks right here and we we're here and you want to buy them here. I know that looks like a giant mess because it is. But if you watch that video yesterday it it it's got a really good thesis on on where the bottom might come for recovery stocks could be wrong, but but to me i think it's the most logical thing that would happen when you get this convergence of delta Deaths and delta hospitalizations, with uh, with with peaking cases ultimately, hopefully from omicron that'll, be interesting spy rotating down a little bit more.

It's only up 0.3 right now trying to keep on to keep on to some green here, but uh. It kind of keeps rotating a little bit down it's a little softer than than expected in terms of an open nvidia, for example, just went slightly red and so did expi cloud flare. All right. Let's see here, wall street journal covet surge, slows european recovery, but supply problems ease i'd love to actually see if that's true here hold on, let's see what they're saying about the supply, but there are signs that supply blockages that have hobbled factories in the past months Are easing this is in europe.

These. These are important things to look for supply surveys of purchasing managers released thursday by the ihs market. Oh, that's today showed that in the early weeks of december activity in most parts of the eurozone services sector slowed while germany, while in german, the activity declined for the first time in eight months. Okay, so that declines for people and services, purchasing managers, index and services and manufacturing fell, but where's the supply recovery.

They're talking about manufacturing sectors, saw output, increase at a faster pace as supply problems. Eased with factories reporting slightly slower increases as prices increases of slightly slower increases of prices. This is important. Okay, slightly slower increases mean prices are still going up, they're, just not going up as fast for raw materials and other inputs.
Easing supply constraints have alleviated some upward pressure on inflation. Keep in mind. You still have things going nuts like like lumber, fiberglass pvc like home building products still going nuts at the moment, but uh some things have cooled a little bit like aluminum and iron. Similar surveys for the u.s are to be released later thursday and are expected to show a slight acceleration in growth in both services and manufacturing.

Okay, we'll see, oh those usually come out in the morning. Maybe they are already out i'll look at just a second, but let's see here spy continuing it's a little downtrend here. Palantir is basically flat. Look at that united wholesale mortgage.

Whoever was asking about it. You know look at look at that. It's it's up! Six percent! Toast up seven percent: okay, matterport 3.3 neo up 1.8, not a lot of things up substantially here in a soft green day. Okay, let's see a little bit more.

Oh, let's see if those ism numbers came out in one sec. Let's see here oh triple witching. Tomorrow, adobe falls nope, not yet. Okay, all right, no problem, all right: let's go back to the wall street all right, so, let's see here, yeah, no, not other, otherwise, a large amount of news.

I think it's just the volatility we might be expecting in the market. This morning, so the dow is only up 0.27. The nasdaq actually went negative. The s p is is, is getting hit.

So let's take a look at this here: spy yeah, look at that the spy keeps selling off tesla's almost red here. Look at that straight down on the day back to 976, where we closed yesterday, roku's up five percent - that's nice, but um yeah. Otherwise, look at this you're. Getting some continued bleed.

We got uh n phase just dropped about three percent, since the open just got a notification friend face so affirms down, one percent interesting apple down, half percent, still some pain pain. Still lingering, hmm, let's end phase, it's a bizarre market. Huh all right keep an eye on it. Let me see if okay, spies still working on turning red and let's look at bonds.

Do we have a bump here at all no 10 years down, and so is the two year 10 and the two down yeah? Maybe omicron fears huh traders taking gains from late yesterday, omar quran fears happens after every fed meeting. Well, oftentimes you get read during the fed meetings: huh, okay, what about someone's asking about ribbian? Let's see what about ribbian uh they're supposed to make an announcement today about a new factory they're building which they they announced, that they were making that announcement yesterday, ribbian to build five billion dollar electric truck plant in georgia. According to the ap yesterday, yeah that's great five billion dollars. How much money do they have on balance sheet? What did they raise? Rivian ipo raised.

Let's see, oh, they raised 11.9 billion with that ipo. That's that's an impressive startup capital i mean, i think lucid had like five bill is what they raised and uh wow review. It's almost at 100 billion dollar market cap. That's just nutty, but anyway um that actually helped them get to production.
You know good injection of money, all right, let's see if i haven't mentioned it yet. Actually i know i have it. I just pinned the uh coupon code that expires for the programs. I'm building your wall uh christmas.

Well christmas, the eve of christmas day, it's the 25th at night, toast is really stealing the show right now toast is having a great start to the day. You know you look at this one. Here's one that you're you're, essentially half of where you were when you ipo'd it is a great company, great payment processing company for restaurants, a lot of restaurants use it regularly see uh toast devices when i go out - and let me do a peek here, just to See if there was any particular news today, toast raised at morgan stanley on growth and valuation, they uh morgan stanley upgrades to overweight from equal weight, but they cut their price target to 53 from 63. um yeah and goldman sachs cut their price to 44 from 59.

It's obviously still lower than uh or still higher than where it is now, but i guess maybe it's just moving on those price target movements. Okay, so the manufacturing pmi came in at purchase managers index a number over 50 means we're. Expanding right came in at 57.8 versus the 58.3 in november, and then uh the composite manufacturing and service came in at 56.9 versus that 57.2, so both of them uh a little bit less than november, but also less than expectations. Interesting.

I wonder if the spy is going to move off that take a peek yeah. If anything, the spy is actually moving up. Oh, what a crazy market so taking a peek here, also at uh other things that still have value. Oh, let me look at the financials.

Really quickly of toast and then let's look for other stocks that have value so uh toast. Let me give you this remember. I always like to compare companies with the 2025 earnings just because we've had so many ipos this year. Toast, for example, loses money in 2021, 22 23, but you um.

We don't have 25 consensus yet, but usually a lot of the companies that have been ipo, they're, they're, almost all profitable by 2025, and then it's a lot easier to compare them. But that explains why toast has gotten hit so hard. It's the most of the money. Losing companies are the ones that have gotten hit the most in the last uh period of time here.

That would include docusign well anyway, oh and lemonade, actually as well lemonade up. Four point: four percent workhorse ford, these guys moving about three percent um shopify roblox roblox. Only up two, now matterport settle down a little bit as well. Let's see here created not not horrible, i mean other than adobe, backed in iron net, not terrible airbnb.
I'm looking for airbnb, this is another one that i'm i just am watching for, especially if we get to sort of a uh, a level of um peak cases, hospitalizations and deaths all happening. At the same time, we get to a level of of that convergence. That sort of critical point - i would it wouldn't shock me to see airbnb lower than where we were at ipo, which i don't know what my obsession is with with buying airbnb below ipo. Maybe it's because my support lines for this are between 129 and 139 and i'd kind of prefer to see it over there.

So that could be, but uh airbnb is one that i'm definitely watching. Come it's not it's, not a bad company and and they've just they have that they have dominance in the space. I know you've got vrbo and you know other options as well, but that's almost like, even when people vrbo something it's almost like people say. Oh we're.

Gon na airbnb it it's got that that xeroxness to its brand, not that you want to overpay. For that. You know beyond me, and this is something to keep in mind when something so well known. You almost want to sometimes be careful because it can hype up.

So much faster, like look at beyond me shortly after it ipo'd like within a month and a half of it ipointing, it went from ipo of somewhere around 57 to 239. Now it's gone through these insane ups and downs. We've had massive channeling look at this channeling that we've had between 130 and, like 115, a lot of channeling in the stock uh with with some breakouts and breakdowns, but but then look at this. You know this bleed out over here and uh.

Sometimes i wonder if, if you do have just popular names that uh, where it's like? Oh it's, this new company, it's ipo and i'm diamond handing this forever and people are gon na. Have it and then that slowly bleeds out over time that enthusiasm, just because it's so well known? Who knows that could be something that happens with airbnb during the uh? The pain that we see of uh the critical point of covet coming up end of january probably mid. I'm sorry end of december, probably mid january uh, since especially since we're still early in the delta search too right now, but anyway, uh yeah. So right now you can buy adobe for essentially the bottom of what we had in october, but you're still paying substantially more than than where we channeled for most of the first half of 2021..

All right. Somebody now says the spy is ripping. Let's take a peek. Let's go to minute chart i mean i don't know if 0.35 percent is ripping, but i agree with you it.

You turn back up uh, it's a very interesting sort of morning selling there uh here comes google back a little bit dave and buster's at 36. trade desk back to 92. uh. Let's see dutch bros also moving with sort of the recovery movement here next door.

Roku is still nearly five percent up and loose it moving uh anyway, let's uh, let me take a peek here just to look at top news quickly. Okay, so rate hikes aren't quite uh. Let's see ecb x to oh. This is interesting.
European central bank has oh wow. Listen to this. The european central bank has temporarily boosted regular monthly bond buying for half a year to smooth the exit from pandemic-related stimulus, as christine lagaad unveiled a forecast showing a strong economic rebound, along with an outlook for faster inflation. So expecting faster inflation expecting inflation to be 3.2 percent in 2022, but still printing, more and they're saying this - is this basically allows them to kind of slowly taper off? The decision is an acknowledgement that an emergency policy settings must come to an end, but also takes into account the height and uncertainty temporarily boosted, regular monthly bond buying for half a year all right.

It's kind of doing the opposite, like we're gon na taper, but we're gon na just boost bond buying for a moment first and then we'll taper hi good for you ecb. All right. Where are some deals there? Any deals left uh we've got i mean risky plays. Would be jumping in early on some of these uh recovery stocks, like toast dutch bros, dutch pros, has actually held on pretty decently from ipo.

I don't think you're getting like a massive massive discount here. Um, you know 50 yeah. I mean it's obviously gone down from its peak, but i i remember when i ran looked at the numbers around fifty dollars and i thought the evaluation was so close to starbucks uh relative to the to the revenue that they i thought. No, i don't know about that, but hey, maybe maybe that people were building in all that hope for the growth purple.

Coming back from the dead a little bit, three percent up lemonade, rotated back to about two and a half like matter, poured at two and a half row blocks almost back to 100. This soft - i would say i really characterize this as a soft green day with with back to these guys, still burning a little bit hut. Moving down a little bit, so btc must be moving down a little bit. You got another deal another opportunity to buy sofi under 15 and nvidia under 300..

Oh yeah, look at this. You've actually got tesla down on this side as well. Here's doc you sign mostly rotating up, but but even though it's rotating up still down so it must have been down more on the pre-market down about one percent right now. Tesla tesla's just been straight down on the day here, apple's been kind of straight down, uh etsy's, been vacillating, looks like hood's down about a percent.

I can't get the darn thing there. We go interesting moves here on hood little little triangle um. So what's the spine? Doing uh spy sticking around kind of vaseline around this point three level: okay, it's interesting, let's peek around here and see if we got any other news, all right, kevin and the uk businesses are calling for help from the government. Again, i thought oh wow got ta, get some more that the uk version of ppp huh all right.
What else do we have? China tells evergrand to prioritize paying workers and suppliers well, yeah um wall street beds. We talked about them: okay, it's quiet financial times, u.s housing starts rise as buyers face shortage of homes. Fed's pivot is complete; they call it hmm financial times after by the way after time.com declared elon musk their person of the year, the financial times did as well, but they didn't. They didn't get near.

The press yeah spike, showing a little bit of pain again. Roku nice recovery, though five percent today bought this one yesterday in the dip all right, let's see what uh, let's take a brief, listen here just to see what gym boy is saying: you've got some stint in here. Well then people say no jim. They need higher rates uh.

I look. I happen to i've been trying to get my arms around some great european names and it's been very, very difficult. You got shantanu and orion tonight and that yeah that's we're going to really focus on something new. I uh.

We have a spack analysis which is devastating, but i i caution once again: people who sell adobe there have been many moments where shantanu has offered conservative guidance. He is growing that company is growing, it's a great company. It's it should be on everybody's radar screen to buy after settle down, not sell jim, we'll see you tonight, yeah stay healthy, yeah, i'll, say: yeah definitely stay safe. They stay healthy, we'll see you mad money, 6 p.m.

Eastern time as the dow has seen, its opening gains erode a bit still up 117 s, p 47-17 yeah, so jimbo says: go buy adobe uh somebody's asking here. Why are rate hikes in increments of 0.25? Why not 0.1! I think it's because the the trading range for the rates uh, because they're they're they fluctuate and and the fed tries to keep them within the range uh are usually done in in quarter increments, so zero to 0.25 percent. If you tighten that too much, it becomes very difficult to actually try to keep rates within that bound when the fed needs to step in i'm not an expert in it, but that's probably the best. I could give you so they need essentially that buffer yeah various different movements, though here uh back just continuing to get smoked on that uh - that new share registration - oh wow, toast just popped off 11.

Now, hey i mean it's coming from a low place, no path to profitability, just yet, but probably going to be there by 2025, probably might come a year. Early peloton moving up a little bit makes you wonder if it's covered fears or what the nervousness is, because there's there's really nothing left, but you do have a bit of a tentative market today, even with bitcoin down a few hundred from uh are open here. Yeah, look at that the spy is barely green. It's got like nothing.
This pie is about to go red, yeah um puts on, i think you mean rivien or lucy. I i i don't know if it's too early uh, i i mean, especially if you're talking about buying, puts uh. I still think we've got some downed catalysts for these guys, mostly when we get our first production counts, so maybe january or or delays for manufacturing. That's that usually hurts these guys a lot, but we'll keep an eye on that.

I certainly am so. I would like very curious about uh, especially lucid, i think lucid. There are so many people and it's uh, it's an older cohort. I found - and this is mostly anecdotal, so this is not it's not like.

I've got guaranteed research on this, but er. Well, i mean that's not necessarily true. We look listen for tesla, we know the demographic is 25 to 40 year old dudes. That's that's your tesla demographic! That's like the the thick of the bell curve, uh, probably 70 to 80 percent uh.

So a little bit of trouble, converting older folks uh and got some work to do with women. Lucid, i think, has the real potential of appealing to uh older folks who don't want the mainstream sort of the ford and gm anymore. They've had this their whole lives and they're like they're, ready for that pure ev play, but for some reason they just can't stand. The you know the young folks tesla, i don't want, i don't want tesla cause cause.

I just don't. I don't know why. Uh sorry, that's that's a quote from somebody. I know uh they're like oh, we got ta, get a new car and i'm like i'll get a tesla.

No, no. We will not get a test cycle. Why? I don't know we just don't want it, but there are also people who, like read consumer reports and they're, like it ranks low on on on the quality or this or the and the safety with the self driving and - and it's just like choking on their explanation. Because they, you know, they probably just read the headline uh so but anyway, yeah yeah boomer card here uh.

If crypto gets 100 regulated, do you think it'll knock out gold? No actually, for the same reason that i just described for lucid you're, you know almost almost exactly the same reason: the uh um statistically, and this we actually do have statistics on uh, pretty sure i have a chart on this older folks. Do not cannot stand crypto here. Let me show you this um. I was in this oh yeah.

Here we go here. We go here. We go so skeptics cryptoskeptics by definition, skeptics are less favorable towards crypto, perhaps due to increased preference for small risks with moderate rewards. Skeptics skew older and are more likely to be boomers and are equally split between men and women and then, if you go down to the unengaged boomers, are the most unengaged along with a higher percentage of females.

If you go in the opposite direction, like the curious you get the millennials and the gen x and then, when you get like the the people who are passive owners or active owners, it's it's substantially younger. I mean uh 49 here, like active owners, 49 millennials, largely male 65 male 1 uh, oh yeah, yeah. Don't get me wrong. I think the valuation for lucid is excessive right now how about because the company is? Oh, are you talking about tesla? Well, they didn't say that i guess they could have said that middle east glam.
Well, it's true there's a lot of yeah. I think the next facility is going to be built in saudi arabia. Is everything dipping geez man i'm running out of money for the dip? Let's see, if that's true, oh spy, turn negative. The opportunity to keep buying is back.

Oh look at that nvidia's down three percent uh backed backed is now down 25 on that dilution, oh, but three percent on nvidia. I that to me looks starting to look like another bite at the apple so far, um tesla, ooh, tiny little green. Stick there on tesla, oh trade desk at 90.. Oh look at that.

You know you got a little bit of round two with some pain, not much roku is still holding on how's snap doing today i currently consult the most german boomer bank spa casa uh, with the mo with most over 60 year olds in meetings as you can Imagine and even they started planning the integration of crypto wow, that's incredible, but they're having their bank, do it for them. Huh. Let's go to the spa casa and buy some crypto. No, i guess that's not really a german accent.

It will go by crypto uh anyway. It is falling nicely here, look at that some more market payne coming back ooh robinhood back under 19., another another opportunity for bite of the apple upstart, 149 shift. So far, all of them kind of moving together here, coinbase tesla tesla's, trying to bottom. Oh yeah, look at nvidia.

Well, that's great more opportunities. I wonder if there's a reason we can see, let me find out, because i didn't see bond yields going up central bank's caps, keeping with 30-year purchases bank of england bank of england turn risks putting sterling credit on a slippery slope: techno nationalism, inflate; okay; no, no Mixed bag from data as philly fed price drop, initial claims was in line 206. Housing starts exceeded, expectation by 11 percent and philly fed survey dropped more than expected, philly fed survey. What what does it measure? I see here? Philly fed survey oh manufacturing, with yeah manufacturing index manufacturing index.

The latest manufacturing index came in at 15.4 down 23.6 of last month's 39.. Wow that i wonder, if that's what's pushing the market down negative readings indicate contraction. The six month outlook came in at 19., so this is different from like the ism. Where 50 is the number here, you have to have a negative number to have contraction.

Here's kind of a give you a little chart that i pulled up gives you a little bit of an idea where we came in the red dot. Blue is the trend, but just above my head here you can see the red dot, so we came in a little lower than expectations. Our expectation was hmm, it's the only negative. I could really see here, but that's a getting a good rotation there for something that nominal.
It can't just be that uh, let's see here back still down back almost down 26 now adobe's chilling at eight, some other a lot of a lot of financials. Here. Four three percent apples, two percent ooh trade desk. These are our greens over here now, even lucid's pulling back up here.

It has been more green there we go tesla still sitting at what looks like a potential bottom sofa sitting right at its line. Here's that opportunity to pick up those etsy shares. I wanted i'm gon na watch this this morning. Okay, well, hey! You know there might be another opportunity to do a little bit of shopping this morning, ooh conflare, yeah well and then, as usual.

If i buy anything i'll send out alerts in the stocks and psychology of money group link down below check out all the programs, including uh, the ones on building your wealth with real estate as an agent on youtube. The path uh to wealth, which combines a little bit of everything, actually combines a lot of everything but anyway, use that coupon code consider bundling up before xmas price will go up, xmas uh! Well, the end of the day of christmas, looking at tesla still sitting at the bottom here, uh oh nvidia, robin hood's, still higher than where we were yesterday, but down from this morning and nvidia is getting a nice sell down stay i don't know, could we say It's a stagflation fear. I think this must be more of omicron. Let's see here um if i go to see at least, and you might not believe them, but at least according to the fed, we're still expecting gdp we're expecting gdp to slow, but not completely collapse.

If anything, they revise their expectations up, but yeah you've got nvidia here, burning even more at the moment, wayfarer back under 200 sofi under support trade desk under 90 and tesla under 960.. This is some of that green that we had this morning is really worn away. Our indices, now red dow's, still up but nasdaq's down. Almost a full percent derrick eric to paul, says we're sitting ducks for the next wave of covid uh well yeah, probably because what is it only like 30 30? Was it 13 or 17 of americans have actually gotten their booster? Let me see if i can find it, it was whatever it was.

It was low, oh yeah, here it is look at this. This is from december 13th. 17 percent of americans have had their booster, their third dose. Now i know omicron is expected to be more mild, but yeah i mean you can still get it with a third dose.

You might be you're more likely to be asymptomatic if you have the third dose, because you've got a fresh dose of antibodies, which are already less eff effective. If you just have the two dose regime or uh or or just prior illness. You know you're more protected from severe disease if you have either pr previously had coveted or uh had the shot, uh the double shot, but otherwise yeah. This is not a bad point.
Maybe it's just omicron fears, city tells new york and new jersey employees to work from home for the holidays. Uh, let's see here, sitting ducks for the next wave we're lagging behind. What we need to this is why i'm not touching any of the recovery stocks uh. Let's see here it's time that fully vaccinated is defined as three shots omicron land now yeah i mean, makes sense.

I mean that's just a fancy quote: they didn't really tell us anything what's up with that, the market seems to call a timeout every day. After about an hour in yeah, this is very common. Actually a lot of people and i'm just reading your comment here. Meat spin legacy a lot of people uh kind of just putting off getting the booster.

I agree. Work from home isn't gon na help. It's like you mean to get it. You want to get it, but but you're not so i wonder if we've hit a potential bottom on the day here, which, in my opinion is an opportunity, see look at that invidious.

Turning sofi redfin etsy might be too early to tell lucid moving up nicely yeah. I would say for lucid, you're, probably looking at in terms of timing for delivery numbers coming out the first couple weeks of january. That's where i'd be looking to go shopping for a lucid, potentially hmm, all right. Let's do a brief look at short interest, i'm trying to see where the shorts are, how much where, if shorts fell yesterday or if they held on let's write this down.

So today is 12 16 shorts. Let's see where the shorts are today. Okay, i can share this in one sec. There we go so we have.

Let's try hood, i'm just going to write down the ones that actually have 6.49. That's not it's not that short uh tesla 3.35: let's try rivian rivien 3.6 corsair yeah! That's a shorted one 32.6! Oh my gosh! How about l-sid lucid 11.8 percent matterport matterport 10.3? Oh, that's, not bad! Either! Sure i don't know.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

27 thoughts on “We good now or ?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donna L Mich says:

    Kevin, your kids are so cute, you should have at least 3 more!!! 🙂 👍

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ancient e- says:

    Washington State Employment Security Department did these guys one better and just let go of even more employees a few days ago during a mandatory all-agency Zoom meeting. Surprise, no more work for you! Must be contagious. Right before Christmas with zero warning. So much for "employment security", right? FYI, the people running ESD are a real piece of work, you would be hard pressed to find anyone anywhere more selfish and incompetent. Their negligence has cost the tax payers millions in lost funds due to fraud (and stupidity). I am going to run and hide now every time my boss states there's a Zoom meeting I must attend.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars euphade says:

    redits ads are put in as reddit post. so people can react to them. not sure how effective they are.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sage Akporherhe says:

    Imagine being laid off on a zoom call, yikes.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Shah says:

    Missed this stream and opened this stream sooo fast, seeing Jack on the thumbnail!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Your Realtor says:

    I hope you dont stick poison synthetic gene editing into your offspring…would be BAD

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Surresh says:

    Wow Vishal Garg is such a scam, even the last company went bankrupt, his partner also sued him

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars frawldog says:

    You are a piece Kd shot and tucked up lives and help nobody:

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Russty Russ says:

    BNGO read InvestorPlace article posted two days ago… TWLO TSLA MRNA RMBL FANG MARA NIO OPEN FUBO SAVA SHOP AAPL MSFT FB

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maureen says:

    Ditch that pink hair! Your natural color looks more……NATURAL.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars michael streed says:

    it's not omicron, it's fed tapering and the massive leverage coming out of the market. institutions are deleveraging. with this inflation consumers have less capital and less discretionary spending and it will reflect in future earnings. companies are talking about this in the quarterly earnings calls

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aesops Retreat says:

    Fauci said everyone needs another booster – that will make it #3

    He also wants an annual shot – that will makes it 4

    Now they are making a shot for Omicron – that makes it shot #5

    How many more are you going to take before you tell Fauci Bonaparte enough is enough?

    Because with each new booster or shot comes the extension of "The Crisis."

    Which will never end, because if it does they lose all the power they granted themselves.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Trank says:

    Market is super red again after Jerome speech. Why is it so hard to understand the market movement. We are talking about human decision based on the situation. Why can't public access the same news they get. It's like Wallstreet hedge funds all have the same mindset and move together in selling or buying at the same time. People have different opinions. Secret communication channel? That would be manipulation that should be investigated by SEC.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike B says:

    Thanks for all your hard work Kev. I enjoy your live streams more then CNBC now. You need a tv show.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M6lali says:

    Kevin y was Yesterday too early with buy the Dip?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darlene DeVegan says:

    Carbon copy of you. He must think you are so strange with different color hair every week! LOL

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dave calico says:

    jacks not buy’n ~ daddy’s in his office

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fanaticvandal says:

    your son is good looking, are you the dad?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Temirlan says:

    Wow, Jack looks sooo like Lauren, sorry Kev😂

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joyce Koch says:

    God bless you Kevin and Jack!
    You are a blessed man to have such a little guy –
    Thanks for that moment of you two together.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dulce Dominguez says:

    Yes,older people do not like Crypto. I think ot is because they don't understand it. I was having a discussion about how in the future we will be converting to a digital currency. They argued never.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bobbydee30g says:

    Umm dude I think you looked past Witching. That's this week. Santa Rally is next week. I bought the dip earlier this week. I think that might be as good as it gets.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kiana says:

    Hey Jack! You're getting so bigg! You and Max be good boys for Mom and Dad so Santa can hook you up with all the toys on your list. Auntie Kiki loves you both. Merry Christmas Xoxo 🤗🥰

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donna L Mich says:

    Jack is an absolute Doll! He’s soooo handsome!!! He’s adorable!!!!!! 👍👍👍👍P.S. jack, listen to your parents, they are Very Smart People!!!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dennis Owusu-Ansah says:

    That kid will never have to worry about Money in his life…Dad will sort him out

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars caleb jerst says:

    Awww so cute! He looks like Kevin. Adorable

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Metro Realty says:

    Your best asset, Jack. Teach him all you know.

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