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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #bottomlinereport #israel #marketcrash ⚠️⚠️⚠️
00:00 The Catalysts.
03:27 The Scenarios of a Great Reset.
07:04 My Worst Case Scenario.
09:02 Winter is Coming - Housing Crash.
13:57 Do This NOW to Prepare.
My take on the extent of the US housing market crash, the best time to buy, the stock market crash and the depth of the crash, and the scenarios for inflation, the fed, and massive uncertainties specifically around Israel, Palestine, China, Russia, Ukraine, Trump, Biden, and more.
This video is not personalized financial advice for the viewer. Read the Offering Circular before investing in HouseHack.

In this bottom line report: I'm going to break down exactly what I think is going to happen in the real estate crash that we might see sooner rather than later. I'll break down exactly how much of a real estate crash I think we might face I'm also going to break down why everybody feels absolutely miserable right now and the outcomes that we could end up seeing in the stock market and global economy. Let's get right into it. The first thing we have to do is understand what uncertainties we face and this list is not even a complete list of uncertainties.

There are a lot of uncertainties a lot. but before I do that I want to remind you that after I make this video and I get a little bit of sleep I Got to raise the prices on the new verse Pro courses I didn't get it done tonight so you still have a chance to go to Meetkevin.com to check out on the new verse Pro courses before the price goes up. So what are the list of uncertainties we face? Well consider how long this is and this isn't even everything. What happens if Donald Trump wins his cases? Does he become president? And what does that mean? What happens if Trump loses these cases and then he doesn't end up becoming the Republican nominee who fights Biden Does Biden win? Does Biden officially run and win? Or does Nome step up? What happens if we actually get a real earnings recession? What about that real estate crash? What about another? Black Swan What about a debt bubble and some kind of default leveraged loan crisis? What about an immigration crisis? Another banking crisis? excess savings evaporating by January 1st Like people keep click baiting.

What about escalating? War But not just localized conflict? but Global Warfare Think about this. Russia Ukraine Israel Palestine China Taiwan a global incendiary cluster F And when I say cluster F I Say it with passion because that is what war is. War is a cluster F But beyond that I Want to make it very clear the killing of innocent children is effing disgusting. Killing more innocent children in retribution for that is also disgusting.

It is not the answer. Killing children is not the answer. And I don't want to hear the comments of people going well. You know it's different if it's collateral damage.

The last thing I Want to hear is people talking about taking innocent children's lives because oh sorry I missed. This is ridiculous. But this video isn't another war video. This video is to understand the economic war that we face.

And how much do I actually expect real estate prices in the stock market to fall? well? In order to understand that, we have to understand there are three scenarios that we could go down. There are three Pathways And after we analyze the three, Pathways What we're going to do is we are going to analyze the worst first one to try to assume how bad things can actually get. Obviously, we are in the fog of War we don't have all the answers. but I'm going to do my best.

And yes, even though I am a licensed financial adviser, becoming a stock broker and I'm a real estate broker, No, this is not personalized. Financial Advice for you: This is just perspective for you to determine your own situation and your own investing strategies. But what are the scenarios that we potentially face? Well, I Wrote them down first. This is the worst.
This is slow disinflation and slow disinflation. coupled with war, high yields, gold rising, and oil Rising leads to a very hesitant Federal Reserve to actually cut rates. This is not good. This is probably the worst case scenario and some of these things we're seeing now: Gold up 3.3% on Friday we have not seen that in a very long time.

Oil up 5 to 6% Then you'd think bond yields might go up because inflation expectations totally got destroyed in the University of Michigan sentiment read on Friday Sentiment: Way low inflation expectations Way high. And what did we end up getting with treasury Yields: A drop in the 10year treasury of 9.4 basis points and the NASDAQ down 1.23 basis points. Very weird. Another bare steepening of the yield curve.

yet the stock market Market plummeting along with gold rising and oil Rising All of it actually points to the same direction. Fear. Massive, fear, uncertainty, and doubt. And it's fear of what it's fear that recession, a banking crisis, A debt crisis, The lack of savings and earnings recession.

All of that happens because Why? It's simple folks, it's right here. because the FED Cuts more slowly and we drive into recession now. I'm going to give my projections in terms of what I think on how bad the real estate market might be what I'm seeing on the ground right now and the stock market in just a moment. but realize there are two other scenarios.

The other scenarios are slow disinflation with no Black Swan That means these conflicts resolve themselves. no major banking crisis. And I Want to be clear I Don't actually think we're going to see a banking crisis again. Uh, the reason I say that is because you could look at the bank term funding program.

It's not seeing a lot of funding again. and that's a sign of low banking crisis problems. So I think banks had their wakeup call during the banking crisis. I Think it's there's a low chance we're going to see another banking crisis.

I Also, think immigration is actually supporting the Fed's call for lower wage inflation, so this is probably not a big deal. Excess savings? Well, excess savings were zero before the pandemic. So I Actually, don't think that catalyst is that big of a deal. Defaults right now now are roughly normalized.

And yes, our debt crisis and our budget failures. and Congress failures. Those are all real problems. Those aren't the problems that are probably going to take us down in this cycle.

What could take us down in this crisis, in my opinion? War Absolutely, absolutely war. In terms of what happens with the election. Well, think about it. When are we going to have the answer to the election? When are we going to have the answer to inflation? Well, probably by the end of next year.
So the question now is: how much does all of this uncertainty hurt? stocks and real estate? Well, that's this is why I have three scenarios. Scenario number One Scenario number one tells us: slow disinflation. That's the worst one. That's scenario number one here.

Uh, Scenario number two is the slow disinflation. And then scenario number three is the best one. This is your soft Landing That's rapid disinflation. and the Federal Reserve can cut rates quickly.

That's most ideal, right? So so what do we think? Well, in the fog of War it's likely that disinflation is going to continue, but is going to be bumpy. and I'm going to go with a scenario that is the worst case scenario. I Believe that the worst case scenario was already in 2022. that is Paul Vulker.

I Think Paul Vulker is the worst case scenario Runway Inflation. And I Don't think we are going to face runaway inflation. That's why it's not one of my three scenarios, and that's solely based on in earnings calls every single day. I'll spare you the details, but I Don't see runaway R Runaway inflation.

We are facing more disinflation than we are facing inflation. Yes, sometimes we have volatile categories jump. We get it. but the trend is down.

And guess what we're going to have by the end of next year? housing disinflation will be here. We will see a leveling out of the other inflationary categories. Yes Energy Prices can squeeze margins and cause an earnings recession, but not run away inflation. That's really important to remember.

Oil can Skyrocket And that'll destroy company earnings. but it does not need to cause runaway inflation on actual core goods and core services. and it probably won't. Yes, Would runaway inflation be the absolute worst case scenario? Yes, But I don't see signs of that.

Maybe I'm wrong. Look I Know inflation's been hot. We've had 18% inflation on average food, way more expensive, rents, more expensive. everything's frustratingly more expensive.

but that's not on my bingo card. Was runaway inflation? So I'm going to put that scenario aside I'm also going to put the really bullish soft Landing narratives aside and what we're going to do is we're going to look at the worst case scenario that I see the worst case scenario and the price impacts that I see are as follows: Number One: Higher for longer and these conflicts Drive Pain for longer and uncertainty for longer Gold Rises Oil Rises And stocks can't break resistance. Here's how this breaks out. First, this ends up being the nastiest real estate winter we've had in a while.

worse than last year. It's what we're starting to see on the ground: I Think you need to take a 10% reduction on any real estate that you're seeing right now. That is. If you thought a fixer upper was a good deal at 600, you really need to buy at about 540.
Now that's what we're seeing on the ground. Saw a fix her up or come up that would have comped out at 550 to 600 2 months ago. Now it's comping out at maybe 510 to 540. Yeah, that's a big 10% reduction and we're seeing this in multiple areas.

Whether it's California it's Utah, it's Arizona Uh, it is. Texas Florida To some extent, though a lesser extent, it's also happening in. Florida Though though, don't kid yourself. Brower County We're seeing it.

Tampa We're seeing it. It's harder to get these deals done now because rates are so high and uncertainties are through the roof. But think about how long these uncertainties will last These uncertainties. Many of them will probably be gone by the end of 2024, especially since the election will be over and we'll know.

Did China invade Taiwan Yet, how did these Regional conflicts turn out as a result? I Actually think rates are most likely to have their clearest path forward. not now, but at the end of next year. And so that makes this winter an opportunity. and this winter could be long.

It could be a November to March painful period of time of uncertainty, especially with these geopolitical conflicts which will affect the real estate market as well. And that's why I think this winter is a great opportunity to buy actually. I Think it'll be a much better opportunity to buy than the winter after the election, because the winter after the election will have a lot more. Clarity Way more clarity Clarity on interest rate path, Clarity on presidency and Clarity on conflicts.

We won't have those clarities this winter and generally the best time to buy real estate is between November and March. Uh, more like November December January Because who buys during the new year and Christmas and Thanksgiving right? The people who need to sell sell during those times. So uh, that is also why. Well, exactly what we're going to be doing with House.

and it's exactly what we're seeing in various different markets throughout area that we're trending towards more pain. That's what I'm saying. 10% Yes. Look, we had a 10% to 20% correction from March to May of 2022 down to the winter of 22.

Then we recovered from January to about September. But I think September's going to be your high August September Comps are going to be your high in Texas Probably July is your high and then you start seeing an inflection all the way down to the end of the year. That's good for Real Estate It's an opportunity for Real Estate But it's not a 2008. It's my opinion.

I'm giving you my opinion I see 10% this winter and it's a buying opportunity. We have way more certainty on inflation than we did in 2022 and we're continuing that. Trend Now we need to get uncertainty away in some of these other issues and those are going to go away in time. Then, as far as the stock market I Don't see stocks going back down to 2022 levels.
That's because there's no Paul Vulker. However, it will be very difficult to stock for stocks to break through resistance levels. It's for like Tesla to hit new highs or otherwise, it will be very difficult for stocks to hit new highs. How long are we going to have these uncertainties? About a year thanks to the election? I Think once we get to the election 2024 cycle, you're going to want to have allocated to stocks.

Now keep in mind: I'm also a big fan of you considering allocating to house. Haack The minimum to invest is now $5,000 You have a deadline between now and November 1st to invest. so check that out. Uh, we plan to close the fundraising round for this year.

Uh, by November 1st. we're not sure if we'll bring it back. That's because we're going to focus all in on buying real estate between November and December. So it's my thesis.

My thesis is very, very clear. Do I think we're going to face? World War I No, but the uncertainties of World War I will be in our face. The killing of children is is so disgusting and unfortunately we're going to see more of it and breaks my heart. I have twins due probably within the next 2 to 3 weeks here.

I Could never imagine that. Look, markets hate uncertainty. That's why Gold's Rising that's why oil's Rising That's why yields are so high. It is an uncertain time.

but I Don't think our economy is destroyed. One day the dollar will go to zero and the debt crisis will blow up. But not this time. Buckle up for a ride.

But these are the times to educate yourself to provide more value to your employer, to make more money to invest. because I still believe it. Come 2033, that's 10 years from now. we're going to look back and go.

Yeah, inflation was transitory. Wow, those were a lot of conflicts we were in WoW Interest rates on home are now 1.8% Real assets are going to do really well then if that ends up turning out to be that case. With that said, check out those new vers Pro courses I Got to change the prices when I Wake up. This video is brought to you by my courses on building your wealth.

Check those out. Email staff Atme Kevin.com if you need a bundle Up! Check them out along with the links to my real estate startup house hack my actively managed ETF and licensed Financial Advice all at the little Banners at the top at Meetkevin.com Keep in mind that even though I'm a licensed financial adviser, real estate broker and I'm becoming a stock broker, this video is not personalized Financial Advice or real estate advice for you, nor is a tax, legal or otherwise personalized advice. This video is generalized information and this video is not and shall never be deemed reasonably sufficient information for the purposes of evaluating. Securities Thank you so much for watching! Have a great weekend! Goodbye! Why not advertise these things that you told us here? I Feel like nobody else knows about this? We'll We'll try a little advertising and see how it goes.
Congratulations man, you have done so much People love you people look up to you Kevin PA there financial analyst and YouTuber meet Kevin Always great to get your take.

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24 thoughts on “Warning: the ww3 great reset housing stock collapse bottom line report e.14”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars What In The World says:

    That virtue signaling intro you did about “killing babies” is very disingenuous. You are known for your research and analysis skills, it’s why I’ve been a subscriber since 2019 but this was a cheap shot. I challenge you to do a real analysis of the situation in Israel with evidence and facts and not do what every other lazy or dumb influencer does. If you’d rather not get into it because it’s messy then fair enough, I don’t blame you, but then at least don’t spew this uninformed garbage out into the world

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reggie says:

    Thanks for driving the TSLA stock down with your comments – when you come up with billion dollar companies then call that person a crying bear. Let me know…..for now your just an adolescent

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ken Marcou says:

    What program are you using for your uncertainties list?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dante Ramirez says:

    Ima say it, the world needs a massive crash just so we can get it over with and get back to a decade long bull market again

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars josedelfuego says:

    Well you know children being there happends man, bullets will always finds its target at random. This is the natural order of life, you live and you pass on.😅

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Faith Herrera says:

    Considering what we are all experiencing… Can you give advice to people in their 20s who have yet to experience buying a home, investing, stocks etc. I am trying to educate myself on everything and do it the right way, but what’s the best move? Or at least best first move?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mateo & Grandpa says:

    Nobody knows

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mdc334 says:

    I’m pretty saddens by Kevin’s comments on Gaza. I am a course member and listen to him all the time. No one wants dead children. I just don’t see how Israel is supposed to react when Hamas have 200 Israeli hostages and are sending rockets from hospitals and schools. Israel telling everyone to move south seems like a good plan, but there will be collateral damage when Hamas tells its people to stay in a war zone.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pvnbg says:

    Hey Kevin, would you be able to share your thoughts on the Rent CPI vs Zillow rent index ? Thanks

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 3103frank says:

    10%?? Just in the winter? Way to try to talk down the market lol!!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ohno says:

    The most miserable thing is actually Kevin claiming something but didn't happen – keeping us on edge all the time. Lol I prefer to see the outright disaster happen immediately than being haunted by the hints of it every week. Lol…..!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose zabo says:

    Let's hope Kevin is right

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luck says:

    Thats one hell of a title 😂

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars j m says:

    Thx Kevin

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars radigass says:

    Your courses has been going up since the beginning of time haha 😂

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zachary Edwards says:

    Is this clickbait?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oleksa Crowley says:

    Is that a simp's hypoctiry, or just a regular colonizer psycology? Children in Ukraine dying for 20 months every day, and you've never thought you'll see that untill "priveleged" children died?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sasha Fragrance says:

    It's a concerning situation for sure. I've been trying to diversify my investments, but it's tough to predict the future in such uncertain times.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sky Blubeau says:

    35% to 40-% drop in housing pricing by 2nd quarter 2024. Write it down, Kevin.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Junior Pop says:

    Bad market

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert DMR says:

    I wonder if Kevin would be against the possibility of collateral damage if his children were intentionally murdered?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Wesman says:

    There is no guarantee that there is now war Kevin !! We have two aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean!! For what ??? Intimidating?? Supporting? What if one missile by accident here or there !!! Our leadership is screwing us man ! We need earlier election or you can expect anything to happen until we have a real and strong leadership in the house ! When I say strong ,it doesn’t mean by intimidating and spreading fear , but by showing wisdom and spreading peace…

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phillip Mazza says:

    Kevin is a good dude.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pete H says:


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