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Ukraine vs Russia Putin escalation. AOC.
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28 thoughts on “Warning: the putin vs ukraine crisis just escalated.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ivailo Ruikov says:

    Honest! Thank you, Kevin

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jaja binks says:

    Jeff bezo owns the anti Vax look up onem one health. I bought it knowing it what it was. Ukraine bought old Russia military equipment to make a show to trick the US into giving Ukraine money. reason why Biden son done a deal with Ukraine to build the war machine. you are lied to about Russia and Ukraine. the video you see are stagged and now soon the real war will start with the weapon of indignation. Bible says when ww3 starts it starts from rumors of wars. war I'd fake for money but now it's real because overtime it's neg effected the Russia empire. Nordstream is real and now putin mad but when you see war scenes on news it's staged.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Diane Witt says:

    I watched your video earlier today, and left a few comments about your ignorance. But it’s bothered me all day that you showed the maggots at that meeting, showing how ignorant and disgusting these people are, and you promoted their hate and ignorance. I will admit that I’ve enjoyed your videos on real estate, the economy and the stock market, etc., but your Display of ignorance today is the straw that broke the camels back for me. I’m leaving this message and then unsubscribing. Please get educated and stop spreading. Hate! You are dead wrong on this issue.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jaja binks says:

    George floyd Johnny Depp all mocked trials to later find the innocent guilty. you should have had amber side if you had Johnny side that means they know they can fool you into doing the wrong thing. it's silencing the victims and rewarding the one who does the evil deeds. this was said to come in the bible and that alone tells you God is real.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jaja binks says:

    Ukraine war is fake they are building the war machine. Ukraine is the biggest fraudulent country in the world yet you are told to trust them. putin good Americans are bad if they follow Biden. This is the start of religious persecution. I was raided someday as trump if you noticed trump said they took his birth certificate. he didn't know why I know why they have killed trump digital identity.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jaja binks says:

    read the Bible and read the declaration of independence to findout where we are in its subliminal timeline it gives in the text. understand what time you in and you will know where to put your money. understand you will have money lost soul or have soul no money. crypto is a weapon you will find out soon it was deployed by the democratic party to take and harvest illegal info. I've been listed as dead for almost 7 years now I was once a normal person but now I'm not due to fraud done for election. they take a person identity and use it to vote there way. the illegal people coming in are taking the tax payers social number and abusing it to get life in America. in return they vote dem and a victim in us losses it's credibility.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mai Welsh says:

    The threat of Putin using nuclear weapons has been there from the start of the war. The west’s firm response and support for Ukraine is main deterrent for him not to do so. If the west stopped supporting Ukraine and allowed Putin to do whatever he wanted he could use nuclear weapons without any fear of retaliation. He is more likely to use them if the west withdraws it’s support from Ukraine

    Furthermore, Ukraine has made it clear from the start that it is only fighting to end the war. It doesn’t want the war to keep going. The only person that does is Putin

    Additionally, Ukraine has met with Russia several times for peace talks and each time Russia’s conditions for the end of the war were so extreme they were ridiculous. Putin demanded a complete demilitarisation of Ukraine, demanded that the government be replaced and demanded that Ukraine not be permitted to join NATO

    Furthermore, people have forgotten that China has been watching the war closely to gauge how the west would likely react if it were to invade Taiwan for example. If the west stops supporting Ukraine and shows no interest in helping democratic countries defend themselves from invaders, it’s open slather for China

    Also, it was so easy to broker a peace deal with Russia it surely would have been done by now. People forget that Putin is obsessed with achieving his goals and it’s hard to negotiate anything with an irrational dictator that refuses to compromise

    Finally, if the west were to withdraw its support now, it would make the west look extremely fickle and weak. It would also mean that the billions of dollars spent and thousands of lives already lost in trying to get Russia out of Ukraine has all been a waste, just as the tides have turned in Ukraine’s favour

    Also given that Putin lies about pretty much everything, it’s highly unlikely that Ukraine could trust that he would stick to the terms of any peace agreement

    Furthermore, allowing Putin to get away with annexing Ukraine and agreeing to his demands puts other neighbouring countries at risk. He has had his eye on Moldova for a long time too

    It’s very easy for the west to talk about a peace agreement. If they think it’s possible to broker one on reasonable terms, they should certainly try. But they shouldn’t withdraw their support for Ukraine in the meantime

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars unknown says:

    Just put a rocket in my prius and sell it to the cat down the road lmao

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alligatorblood says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ENO says:

    Glad you didn’t win the election for governor! When your country gets invaded for no reason do you negotiate??? Or you fight???

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Twardowski says:

    Putin wants to push red button.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Schneider says:

    I am not worried about this war. I am worried about what will happen at the end of it. How are we going to get back those Javelin and stingers? We are in a world of hurt 😢 😰😱😨

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars V G says:

    outbursts seem paid

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Jamison says:

    Appeasement always comes out of California.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JFunTime & Chloe says:

    17Billion dollars 😶😶😶

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roc Norris says:

    Kevin… 🤦‍♂️
    You should have done some DD before posting, and maybe a common sense check. Ukraine… so "sophisticated" with its remote technology used a truck bomb (killing the drivers) to blow up part of a bridge, then "allegedly" used 15 drones on a massive attack against the Russian Navy. Let me guess… the reason they didn't use drones on the bridge is because it's a stationary target and would have been too easy… 🤦‍♂️. Check to see if you can find one image of a ship that was damaged by this "Massive" drone strike. Even the Moscow times doesn't have a picture and Russian is also blaming Britain for this "fake" attack. Russia claims they shot down 9 drones in the air and destroyed 7 drones in the sea…..ok, where's the pictures of these drones?

    And what's up with the AOC vid? That was so left field I thought I clicked on the wrong video. I've seen an AOC video twice this year and it was all on your channel. I don't want to see her, or hear here so please stop with the baiting unless you got real news to share with us.

    And please stop using the same "shock face" on your thumbnail…. kinda embarrassing and lazy.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Me Gusta says:

    You've shown AOC trolled by some pro Tulsi idiot. Why haven't you mentioned Tulsi is on Kremlin 's payroll. She actually received donations from the FSB.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Me Gusta says:

    You should stop getting your geopolitical info from pro-Kremlin sources. You're parroting lying talking points. Easy for China and Russia to win when top US influencers are fudding their country and talking crap using their own talking points, being their useful idiots.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MarxAlex says:

    People and MSM ignore the horrific crimes perpetrated by Azov and Kyiv against the ethnic Russians population in donbas. Indiscriminate shelling including cluster munitions, use of rape, passing laws undermining Russian culture and language in an attempt to forcibly ukranianise them, even sending swat to arrest anyone posting pro Russian memes. The weapons leakage to the black market was highlighted by CNBC which then self censored and amnesty has to apologise for highlighting the ukranian practice of siting military positions in middle of civilians as cover ( USA doctrine in Iraq was once attack occurred from such position it was a legitimate military target). You have no right to bomb pipelines in other countries waters or drag Asia, Africa and Latin America into the abyss over cold war score settling and NATO expansionism .

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johnson repp says:

    17 billion given to Ukraine from the USA? That is ridiculous and stupid. Germany gave maybe 1 billion, so the USA gave 16x that amount, while the rest of the world did nothing. American government is dumb. Putin played the USA, hand over fist.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars My Mini Horses says:

    @MeetKevin Can you see this comment? If you see it could you just reply "Yes". I'm fairly certain that @YouTube is shadow banning my comments and probably my channel as well despite the FACT that it has NOTHING TO DO WITH POLITICS. They just don't like my political views so have put a blanket shadow ban on me.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ivan Popovic says:

    we are going surely for Nuclear war between Russia and Ukraine , Gold will jump to $ 4.500 soon.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars My Mini Horses says:

    @YouTube PLEASE STOP SHADOW BANNING MY COMMENTS!!! I know because I CAN SEE THEM when I'm logged in but NOT after I log out. And yes, I scrolled thought the entire comments to see if mine were visible AFTER I LOGGED OUT. I HOPE ELON MUSK BUYS @YouTube as well in order to stop their censorship!!!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob Lossie says:

    Putin JUST has to pull his military out of Ukraine and it will be over. Unfortunately – we will still have to deal with the War Crimes that have been committed by Putin once guns are laid down.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricky Listman says:

    Dude Ukraine has no Navy, how'd it get to the bottom of the black sea and hit a hardened pipeline?
    And as far as that bridge goes, Ukraine can't even get past Kherson. How did it travel all the way through Crimea and make through Rusian security "which is on both sides of the bridge" all the while knowing the Russian train schedule to set off the bomb directly beside the fuel cars.
    Jesus the more i listen to this video… stick to stocks Kevin. Cause you're far from the mark on military strategy.
    Their will be no cease fear. This will be the 5th country Russia has invaded. Putin will not stop till he rebuilds the Soviet western block

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Lee says:

    Kevin. I think Bad Putin will love this video you made. In his desperation and loosing, this is exactly what he is hoping for to save himself. For USA and the west to stop helping Ukraine. For all us to give in to his persistence. He got away with it b4 . West didn’t do anything so he
    Became bolder. If we back out again now. He will , and china and North Korea will see this and do the same thing again in the future. Putin should be stoped now.

    Evil will persist, if good men do nothing.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Ce says:

    All world needs support Ukraine! The end! All other arguments are invalid.. Russia is terrorist state and everyone knows that

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jung Lee says:

    hey Kev. I really enjoy your stock/real estate content and will continue to follow but cmon man…we don't need another Tucker Carlson in this world.

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