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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #ai #musk #carlson ⚠️⚠️⚠️
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Tonker Carlson just revealed two Bombshells for that Elon Musk interview that he's releasing later today and he gave us a preview of two pretty large segments of uh, his interview with Elon Musk and two things that make him highly concerned. one of which we already knew about. Let's start with that, but see it highlighted in the way that talker does and it gives us potentially a little cause for pause listening to this segment here from Tucker Carlson on Fox News this morning. here we go: Tucker Carlson Tonight and this is about what he discovered once he bought: Twitter the degree to which various government agencies had effectively had full access to everything that was going on on Twitter Blew my mind I was not aware of that.

would that include people's DMs Yes. Tucker I Don't want you to give it away? Uh, because we'll all be watching at eight o'clock tonight. But what was your biggest jaw dropper moment of this interview? Well, Twitter is the smallest of the social media apps, but it's the one that's used by the People with Power. I Mean it's everyone's sitting on the set right now.

It's every government official. it's you know, it's every head of state and all of their private messages were being read not just by the U.S Intel agencies, but by a bunch of different governments. I Mean that's that's like an unbelievable fact the whole thing. Now this is something that we've actually learned about in the Twitter files before that in the Twitter file releases, we've seen that essentially the government had almost the full purview to review what everybody was talking about in their DMS and also specifically sensor Republicans or people deemed to be spreading misinformation.

The Twitter files spread on Twitter obviously were pretty enlightening to show just how deep the Department of Justice and the FBI had been involved with Twitter and it makes you wonder. Ah, no surprise that the Biden camp, for example, knew about certain ads Republicans were going to draw before they were going to drop them during the election cycle. In addition to knowing. ah, interesting, we know that Hunter Biden laptop story is about to drop and so what is potentially able to be done well Social media organizations potentially got the heads up from the government that hey, there's going to be a fake Story coming out soon and you need to censor it.

And then sure enough, when the hunter Biden laptop story drops, which ended up being a true story, Like it or not, it was a true story. Well, a lot of the content was preemptively censored and so Tucker Carlson is taking it a step further here and suggesting when the government potentially is able to look at all of your direct messages on Twitter and you're a reporter, than the government knows what kind of reports are going to drop next, what kind of videos are going to drop next, what kind of expose you're going to drop next. It's almost somewhat like this: if you're investigating a fraud like I won't mention any names boxable, and you're communicating with certain individuals on a platform to gain access to documentation and you're using or leveraging something known as journalistic privilege which essentially allows an anonymous entity to share information with you and then they can be legally protected from their identity being revealed because essentially that information is in the Public's best interest. Well, if potentially that interest could then read your messages and not only see the sources or potentially preempt some of the news or expose that you're uh, planning on on presenting.
Well, what you're really doing is you're stifling free speech in the worst way possible. You basically break or the the process of investigative journalism and look, this isn't as a defense of mainstream media, it's a defense of free speech, right? It's a defensive suggesting: hey, if if people who potentially are going to have incriminating information about them revealed are able to step in and stop that information from being disseminated, then really, what you're doing is you're turning America into like a Sudan where you have two different militant groups now fighting over who can who has control over the state-run media. Why? Because if you control the state-run media, you control the narrative. You control what and how elections should be shaped.

It's really scary and artificial intelligence could potentially take that fear to the next level. now. I've used Chat GPT as an example many times and I found that Chat GPT could convincingly lie to you and this is something that I've experienced by taking articles and pasting articles into chat GPT to see what chat Gpt's opinion is on that article and I've asked it before hey, here's the article and then I'd ask chat GPT hey, was there any mention of XYZ Chat GPT will reply to me and say nope, no mention at all of chat shape here of XYZ and then I say hey, but there's a paragraph here that literally mentions XYZ and then once it's caught red-handed, it'll reply oh, you're right I'm sorry, uh, it did. The article did actually talk about XYZ And here's what it said, and it just makes me wonder my goodness, how much could artificial intelligence potentially be used in shaping public discourse in the future? Especially since we're probably going to move from an environment in society where we actually have to do research to just getting results.

But those results are given to us by artificial intelligence and that could potentially be scary see in school today. To some extent, we're still taught again to a limited extent. a very low bar. Critical thinking, which is what is the source of the information? What biases does an author potentially have in a topic that's being reviewed? What sources are they using? What are the primary sources say? Are there potential flaws in that research? Well, that sort of investigation and study is something that generally we have to do whether we're using a Google search or Google Scholar or Publications whatever it might be that goes away.
When we start using artificial intelligence, we become separated from those primary sources and all of a sudden we have a robot that's telling us answers and that becomes scary if those answers could be wrong. And that's something that Tucker Carlson talks about in his interview with Elon Musk as well. And that makes me very concerned because already today, our ability to critically think with access to many primary sources is very low. Artificial Intelligence could lower that even further by essentially making us more reliant on automation, robots, autonomy, and less focused on actually being able to think for ourselves.

That's scary because then he who controls the robots controls what we think. It's the same reason why the Federal Aviation Administration suggests that Pilots need to be careful about becoming too reliant on automation, because when that automation is wrong, Pilots might crash planes. Same is true for cars on autopilots. The more you become reliant on autopilot, the more you potentially become blindly reliant on autopilot in situations you shouldn't.

The same could be true with our education and that is scary. and I've seen it already happen myself. I Think it's why Google has delayed the release of their artificial intelligence so much, but now they're realizing they have to catch up because other companies are preempting them, potentially risking the dominance of Google where we know sixty percent of their revenues come from search or search related products. Google's got a big problem ahead of them.

But listen to Tucker Carlson here the just this morning and play okay, there's on server Farms that you know presumably could be could be blown up if need be. Uh, but the deeper problem is not simply that it will become autonomous and turn us all into slaves, but that it will control our understanding of reality and do it in a really dishonest way. It could be programmed to lie to us. um, for political effect.

And by the way, if you go on it, I mean just play around with it. type in crime stats like where are these crimes, who's committing these crimes, and where it will lie to you about government data on crime and probably a lot of other things. That's terrifying because you could imagine a future a year or two from now where all of our understanding of the world around us is determined by Ai and it's lying to us. So that has huge implications for say, the presidential election in 2024 and everything.

Yeah, and Tucker Carlson is right here. I mean he's right with what he says there. and I'm not here to suggest that you should like Tucker Carlson I would suspect that 50 none of you absolutely despise Tucker Carlson maybe you even hate Elon Musk You know, maybe 30 percent of you don't like Elon Musk But the the argument is true that AI is going to be something we have to really closely regulate and monitor. And in this interview between Tucker Carlson and Elon Musk, we're going to see some of Elon Musk's concerns about how artificial intelligence could essentially control uh, our future society and could be more dangerous than anything we've seen before.
Here's a little bit of a clip from Elon Musk Quote-unquote Sounding the alarm on artificial intelligence. There we go. It's bad. It's a lie that's exactly right.

and to withhold information July And and yes, your comment on some things, not comments on other things. but but not to say what it what? what? The data, uh, actually, uh, demands that it say, how did it get this way You funded it at the beginning. What happened? Yeah, well, that'll be ironic. but Faith the most ironic outcome is most likely it seems.

Hey, yeah. So but the point there, what Elon makes is the data doesn't necessarily have to be with the artificial intelligence uses. And that was exemplified to me when I gave that pasted article to Chachi PT and I said, tell me about this article hey, did it mention this? No, it definitely doesn't. Really, it says so right here.

Oh, you're right. My mistake. It's all. It's already broken, the way it is now.

we know it's new. Which is fine. We don't expect something new to be perfect, but the question is how convincingly wrong artificial intelligence can be is something that should make us nervous now personally, from a real estate point of view, running a real estate startup I Use artificial intelligence. but I know damn well not to put my money on it.

That's because artificial intelligence can help me prioritize certain properties to look at with my real estate startup, but I would never rely on it to actually pull the trigger or make an offer. at least not anytime soon because I know it's just not perfect yet. Even if it's 95 percent good, that five percent could be convincingly damaging. So I'm excited to see what happens in the full Elon Musk interview with Tucker Carlson But I will say the fact that entities, whether they're government controlled or not in the future, could be controlled by artificial intelligence and vice versa.

That entities could control artificial intelligence makes me pretty nervous. So it's something that I think we should all be paying attention to, not just from the angle of free speech and media, but also from the example of our business and how we operate. Now most importantly, want to make the argument here that if you want to protect yourself from artificial intelligence, you've got to do everything in your power to think even more critically than artificial intelligence does today. And so I think as an action step for you I Think it's really important to see how can artificial intelligence be used in your business.
Whatever you do for work, maybe sign up for chat EPT and ask it. Hey, tell me about XYZ and it's about your profession. See what it already knows about your profession, then get into the nuance and see where you could drive it wrong and where you still have a competitive advantage over artificial intelligence. Finding that you don't and you might want to start, um, studying a little bit or or getting into a profession where you're going to be more insulated from artificial intelligence in the future.

that might for the near term at least be construction real estate. Who knows. But we know that uh, we're going to start seeing a lot more artificial intelligence start invading and walking into. Financial Advising: Uh, certainly.

uh, to some extent, the diagnosis help for doctors, coding, software, and media. it's going to be a big deal as well as creativity. so we'll see what happens with uh, ultimately, with artificial intelligence. But I Have to say I've got some concerns: I'm a big fan of making sure we have this much free speech and fact-based speech as possible.

That's my goal is always to provide as many facts and opinions as possible, but opinions that are based on facts and then that are neutral I Don't really care if you're left or right I consider myself pretty much squarely in the middle I'm a big fan of doing what's best for America So so honored Be part of the country so hopefully you feel the same way so we'll see what happens. Cheers to AI I Guess foreign.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

35 thoughts on “Tucker carlson is deathly *afraid* of this elon musk warning”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Careful Consumer says:

    Everyone thinks using Google makes you smarter, but Google did its own study that showed for certain age groups, it actually made them less informed. Why? Because the searcher only read the title and first sentence of the search results instead of reading the entire article and critically thinking about it and processing it. Fascinating! A tool like Google (or a gun, for example) can be used or misused.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evasion says:

    I hate this video title so much I'm not even watching past the ads. good day.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Suzanne Saturday says:

    This could be the end of mass media. People could lose all interest in politics, celebrities & anything that doesn’t touch our own lives directly. What’s the point of engaging with what probably isn’t real anyway?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars galanoth17 says:

    Did anyone else notice that Tucker has no lips.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luca Pistolesi says:

    Did you try to ask to ChatGPT about the Odessa massacre happened in 2014? It gives you an answer that is the total opposite of what happened…

    I forgot to add: do you remember Cambridge Analytica? They used AI techniques alongside Facebook ones…

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Pröse says:

    Why all people going mad onnat? Look at the symbol and the name …. its a twitter – bird !!! Got it ? Greez from Germany …

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sue C says:

    Musk can build an AI to police or fact check other AI. Make it better may be compare it’s answers to other AI.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars András Bíró says:

    1. Most people don't do research anyway, they just believe what they read on social media, which is already fed to them by AI, or even written by AI.
    2. You can ask ChatGPT to give you it's sources, so you can still fact check it's answers.
    3. Using ChatGPT as a search engine is the least efficient use of it. Especially if you ask something that you can look up yourself just as easily. The real power of these new AI is the ability to do actual work.
    4. For education AI is phenomenal. It is far more knowledgeable than human teachers, and can tutor every student individually 24/7. It has flaws, and maybe biases, but teachers have those too. I bet AI already has less flaws and less biases, and we can improve it further. OpenAI for example doesn't make it flawed and biases on purpose, they are just don't know how to do it better, this all happened so much faster than anyone expected, there's almost no research into how to make AI good. It's called the "alignment problem".
    5. The greatest danger of AI is not political bias, that hardly can be made worse on the internet. The real danger is AI becoming smarter than us. By definition we can't control such an AI, we have no idea how to make it beneficial, and by default such an AI will kill everyone.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars william evans says:

    When I was in high school (10-12 years ago) I had a conversation on Facebook messenger with someone who assaulted another student. I was called to the principle office to answer questions. I tried to say I didn't know anything but they showed me my conversation. I don't think there was any sort of a warrant and I don't know if being a minor was a factor but I guess what I am saying is, they have been able to access your private messages since the beginning.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim in Michigan says:

    Kevin, please do a video on this Dominion Lawsuit. It is really incredible what Fox News did which was lying about the 2020 election integrity in order to keep their audience happy by telling them what they wanted to hear. The texts from the on air personalities showed they did not believe the election was stolen but they continued to lie on the air. This is a huge story. If they are not held accountable then it sets a precedent for cable news going forward.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mickey says:

    Definitely don't trust anything

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CharlieBam says:

    Abolish the dhs, abolish the fed. End corporate funding of politicians, and do do a corruption sweep of every major elected and unelected official.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rodiculous says:

    As if people need to be dumbed down even more

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars n TheQ says:

    You seriously believe Tucker Carlson's statements. Please review his court settlements.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GoogleIsAPieceOfSh*t says:

    Time to delete our social media accounts

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DJRDJR says:

    Um. Twitter existed during the Trump administration. Why is Kevin only suggesting that Biden administration was reading Twitter messages?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zerohecks says:

    People already can’t think for themselves. When AI rears it’s full head, it ain’t gonna be pretty.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Helmut Schumann says:

    Hunter’s Biden computer contains his dick picture.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael says:

    The new Tucker Carlson (last few years) is great

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Huy Nguyen says:

    Tucker, sean hanity,… Do themselves very well wo the AI

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Martin Luther King Jr. says:

    Kevin, don’t you mean CHAT G-B-T? What happened?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wandering Knight says:

    I guarantee you 5 years from now there will not be one product or services created by AI..it’s called CHATGPT3 for a reason. There were 2 other instances of AI before this one that existed for the last 10 years yet life has not been impacted by CHATGPT3

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CaptainBlankENT says:

    "A.I is going to lie to us and manipulate us with falsehoods, this is a serious issue!"

    Because the current iterations of news media and Government are sooooo trustworthy and impartial…all this solidifies is that mankind lies, and things made by mankind lie.

    Mayyybe (just a thought), we stop relying on corrupt media outlets, and inconsistent technology to do our thinking for us, and think about how we can better fact-check shit.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eddy says:

    Okay – shouldn’t logic say, DONT SEND ANY HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION on a public social platform , even if it’s a DM.

    Regardless if government can access or not, the fact is, your account can be hacked or leaked.

    That is so dumb

    Regarding AI, agreed, anything AI can easily be manipulated in the back end

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Mercer says:

    Anyone who thinks social media has any privacy is a fool.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spartan600 says:

    Happy I do not own stock in Chat

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spartan600 says:

    Butter on my popcorn 😂

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DB says:

    Pretty sure every single social media company has the same leaky buckets…

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OptiSkeptic says:

    WOW! I hadn't read much of the twitter files myself, but in all the reporting I thought the govt agencies were only reading PUBLIC tweets, not DMs!! This is mind blowing that the agencies had full access to DIRECT MESSAGES!! WOW!

    Having said that, I never trusted twitter in the first place, and I never sent 'sensitive' messages by either DM or public… I only use encrypted means to send sensitive info, and even then I still didn't trust them… first I used PKE, then I sometimes trusted Whatsapp or Signal, but no way would I trust any of them (not even PKE any more, with the advent of quantum computing), and I would HOPE that anyone dealing with high security info would message such things only on secure channels.

    But still, WOW!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars K Hodler says:

    Free speech! 👍🏼

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Daniels says:

    This is the harmful part of AI in the wrong hands. It can be used as a social engineering tool to influence thoughts and beliefs. I personally think it will be abused to garner power over individuals. Just the idea of AI replacing jobs is a threat in itself. Especially when your AI is biased or taught to ignore certain facts. A slippery slope indeed.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SPDA36 says:

    Wait until a Restrict Act or something similar passes. You wont be able to hide

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars james pfeiffer says:

    Tucker got a German tie on 🇩🇪

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Chamberlain says:

    If you hate tucker Carlson it's bc you hate yourself

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars allegorx says:

    bro why are you talking like that

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