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This video, We need to talk about women becoming more liberal, especially in Gen Z So under 30 years old and men becoming more conservative in the same age group, What is going on? Why is this happening? Not only am we going to provide my insights, but we're also going to provide the insights of my wife Lauren who has some interesting perspectives that I didn't think about. Let's talk about this first. Let's look at the data. This is a piece in the Financial Times.

As this line goes up, you become more liberal. As the line goes down, you become more. There's evidence of you becoming more conservative as you could see in South Korea There's a massive move towards conservativism in men women. slight uptick.

United States Look at that wedge in the United States And this wedge did not start which I originally thought was a potential contributor around roie Wade time which was the summer of 2022 about a year and a half ago. But look at that. a year and a half ago was really this like right? Edge Over here, the spread has really been happening for over a decade now. How Wild Is that Women becoming substantially more liberal? You see this happening not just in South Korea or in the United States but also now Germany and the United Kingdom.

Look at the United Kingdom Here Same divide happening. So what's happening? What are some of the reasons Uh for this? Let's look at some of the opinions of the Financial Times piece here and then we'll also look at uh, some of our opinions and then uh, compare what some of the outcomes of these could be. So right here we see that women aged 18 to 30 are now 30% more liberal than their male contemporaries. This Gap is being seen globally.

Uh, they suggest that the Met Too movement was a big trigger giving rise to Fierce Feminism I wrote down some different ideas and then I want to tell you what Lauren's ideas are? So I wrote down the following first. I wrote down not just abortion, mostly because of the timing of Roie Weade although I do think that's a contributor now more recently. I Actually think social media is the big alignment here that remember I mean I remember joining Twitter for example back when it was Twitter in 2009 and I want to draw just for a moment? Really where we got this rise of for example Twitter you're right about here. Let's maybe draw a little bit of a thinner line.

There we go. Uh, and then really, we had the rise of Facebook in Myspace probably more mid 2000s I Know they were launched a little bit earlier as early as' 02, but you didn't really get Mass popularity until internet was more widely available. uh, especially broadband internet. So I Personally think, really, going into the 2010s, you saw a massive rise of social media.

Now why could this be? Well, I believe that men are substantially more likely to post about business success, and women are substantially more likely to post about familial success Women much more focused on. Here's my husband. here's my family house. Here are my children.
Here's my partner. Here's my family. Whatever it might be. On the flip side, men are more focused on showcasing their Personal Achievement or their company's achievement.

That's business success, money success. Think closely for a moment to the rise of the Andrew Tate mentality on social media which is work out Work Hard Play Hard fancy car Jets Whatever, it is business success achievement. It's not about people's success you very rarely hear about Andrew Tate talk about his children for example, or his respect for women. In fact, I've noticed this just in social media as well.

If I say something like I think Lauren is amazing. she's the love of my life I I I value her so much people are like oh, you're you know, you're uh, whipped or or whatever derogatory comments want to say it's It's less popular for a guy to receive positive reactions for cheering the success of being a father or being a husband that gets less popularity on social media as opposed to look at the success of my business or my chat or my car or my workout routine. whereas with women, it's almost the opposite. And so I wonder if that then drives men towards a more conservative, patriarchal 1950s Style right? Finance Conservatism: lower taxes, less government business free values libertarianism whereas women might associate that patriarchy with misogyny.

Andrew Tape misogyny. Where's where's the respect for women, right? And potentially that could be what's driving this divide. Consider for a moment the opposite. I Turned over here.

Uh. turning to the left for a woman is almost like shunning that patriarchy. In fact, if if you look at women and their attendance in college, ready for this, watch, This women now comprise 60% of University and college enrollment men just over 40% 50 years ago, it was the exact opposite. Now of course we could argue and this would be a natural argument that I'm sure many of you are thinking right now.

oh, it's the liberal institutions that are brainwashing women or women are becoming more independent or women are finally recognizing hey, I Don't need a man in my life to run it I Don't need a dude to tell me that it's okay for me to be able to spend money on myself or it's okay. uh, uh, to to, You know, uh uh. live freely and have my own career. It could be this independence of women saying hey, we can take care of ourselves.

We don't need you to do what you're showcasing on social media. I Run the ship. I Cut the logs right. It's an interesting idea.

Now, what's also interesting about this is you would think if men are more conservative and business focused, they'd buy more homes. but they don't. Single men own 8.24 million Homes Single women own 10.95 million homes in America So you've got almost 20% more homes owned by single women than single men. And that's while women still make about roughly 82 cents to every dollar that a man makes and was actually really interesting About this is single moms.
There are about over 15 million single moms in America to just 2.3 million single fathers. So you got Way more single moms 3x the number of single moms that you've had since the 1960s. And so I wonder is is what we're seeing with these uh, these shifts in in political preferences Partially a a sign of women sort of revolting from what men are very used to promoting on social media and is this sort of a recoiling of no, we don't need you But unfortunately, and I don't know if that's the case, but unfortunately, what's happening is it seems like there is less empathy for the other gender today than ever before. Now that might be because of this.

Gap Look, when you put somebody who's further left in the same room as somebody who's further to the right, it's harder to build a relationship with somebody who is diametrically opposed to you. Now, don't get me wrong, I Me, Lauren and I We have different opinions, uh, on on some things as well, but we're both relatively close to the middle to where does it Doesn't really matter if you're 1 or 2% more that way, or 1 or 2% more that way, it really balances out. But I wonder for new relationships? Is it possible that the wedge becomes so large? You actually promote the rise of less relationships, less marriages, and then ultimately less children? In fact, in fact, if we go down this Financial Times piece right here, you actually see that in Korea. So South Korea The extreme situation where that Gap is so wide.

look what happened, its Society is Riven. In two, its marriage rate has plummeted, its birth rate has fallen precipitously dropping to just 78 births per woman woman folks replacement rate is 2.1 Anything less than 2.1 births per couple is population line, and this is potentially now this Divergence is getting worse. uh, and more self- sustaining in the US UK and Germany Young women now take far more liberal positions on immigration and racial Justice than men, whereas more men are shifting towards anti-immigration like supporting the Afd in Deand. look, I Don't really, it doesn't matter to me.

Ultimately, if somebody is left or right leaning I Really consider, consider myself so far in the middle. but I Try to think about this out loud and and I see this and what it's culminating in in my opinion, is jadedness towards the other sex. First of all, obviously I'm in finance When I put out you know a request for interns I get like 99% dudes that apply because it's Finance career right and the the women that have applied mostly not qualified I In fact, I I can't think of a single woman that has applied that has been qualified uh from a finance point of view. Uh, so this is a problem if you are a woman watching this and you want a finance Career email us at jobs atme although I have a feeling I'm going to get zero, but we'll see.
But the point is this: this self-sustaining nature is becoming very problematic because it's leading genders to become much more jaded. and I find men are becoming a lot like heavily jaded towards women. just this idea that they're over it, they're over trying to please a woman and men are like screw this I don't need a man in my life I'll do it myself and it's sad to the point where the number one response that I get when I ask women whether they're strangers and I survey them younger older doesn't matter I say what do you wish men would do uh uh for you, it's it's not. It's not provide.

It's not have children with me. It's not work for me. make money for me. It's none of that.

it's just be nice. That's the overwhelming response I get is just be nice. Can people just be nice? But that's probably a lot harder when there's such a a political divide between. uh between.

apparently in the Gen z uh it it it seems like it's substantially more extreme that what you're seeing amongst uh Millennials what? I Also thought was very interesting is when I look at Tate for example, you've got twice as many men like or support Andrew Tate than women and that's about 26% total average. Obviously more, uh, younger men, uh, than older. but so the total average is about 26% %. Uh, according to the New York Post, only about 133% of women support uh Tate so twice that? about 26% uh for men.

but uh, you know I wonder, do do those preferences amplify this H manliness, patriarchy and then that leads to the recoiling in women? I'm not sure, but uh I think it could all be bridged by being nice and I was talking about this briefly this morning in our open uh Market open live stream Totally free. You could join me there every day the Stock Market opens and somebody met mention that every time they watch a Tate video the next day they get in an argument with their spouse and they're like what what's going on and they find them so they catch themselves being more aggressive and more I my rules this way. whatever. And and of course, women recoil against I mean anybody? would you could be a dude if somebody treats you like that and you get recoiling.

So uh, really interesting I I Don't know what this is going to be, but I do know that birth rate declines are bad for the future of economy, uh, economies. GDP uh Global Wealth It's a bad thing. and uh, really? for for those of you looking for a relationship, uh, you know Lauren and I We've been in a relationship. knock and wood.

We've been in a relationship for what 16 years now? it's It's incredible. And and for us, uh, I mean there's no relationship that doesn't have problems or has had problems. We' feel like we've gotten over all of ours again, knock on wood. But our relationship always started out with the premise of we're equal like neither of us are better and we're both going to work hard and uh, obviously you know our paths and and fortunes and our positioning in life went into slightly different directions.
You know myself. more social media. Uh, Lauren was more in Property Management My real estate led into social media and so on. So of course there are changes that evolved, but when we started we were both equally broke.

On the same footing, we treated each other as equals. We still do so. I Hope everybody can, but why not advertise these things that you told us here? I Feel like nobody else knows about this? We'll We'll try a little advertising and see how it goes. Congratulations man, you have done so much.

People love you people look up to you Kevin P there financial analyst and YouTuber meet Kevin Always great to get your take even though I'm a licensed financial adviser, real estate broker, and becoming a stock broker. This video is neither personalized Financial advice nor real estate advice for you. It is not tax, legal or otherwise personalized advice tailored to you. This video provides generalized perspective, information and commentary.

Any third party content I show should not be deemed endorsed by me. This video is not in shenge never be deemed reasonably sufficient information for the purpose of evaluating a security or investment decision. Any links or promoted products are either paid affiliations or products or Services which we may benefit from I personally operate and actively managed ETF and hold long positions in various Securities potentially including those mentioned in this video. However, I have no relationship to any issuers other than house Act nor am I presently acting as a market maker.

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where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

24 thoughts on “Trump vs biden the gender problem.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @JohnSmith-wk2tl says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Fandar says:

    Clueless comments by men here blaming women, once again.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Fandar says:

    Wow. There was a point where women in America were more conservative than the men?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @SheithKazmi says:

    Do you know what a factor was in Rome collapsing? Hint the answer is in your content in this video.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @carusetta321 says:

    Well done Kevin. I would like to see more of these types of videos from you.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @angrybeaver6667 says:

    The real question is where does kevin fall on this chart, or does he only care about views and won't divulge his true political beliefs?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @skawtt6977 says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @true-metal-man6402 says:

    Everything just fells like the end of Western civilization. It's killing itself from the inside. The only reason feminism/liberalism is a thing is because we live in such an amazing and accepting society, where we have it so easy. If survival is all you can afford to worry about, all that stuff goes right out the window.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @clayliving says:

    You centrists are the worst. Won't take a stance on anything because you're affraid to upset someone.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @pzcustoms says:

    Sounds like Calhouns Universe 25 mouse experiment where where the male mice start focusing on themselves and stop reproducing while other male mice got more aggressive and the female mice got more picky

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Studeb says:

    Maybe women really are smarter than us men. Or you men, I'm a man closing in on 50 and I've only moved left every year in my grown life.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MJB4646 says:

    Social media (accidentally) and politicians (purposefully) promote polarization which is extremely unhealthy at a personal and societal level

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @LegacyAftermath says:

    Dumbest take I've ever heard you make. There is no wage gap. 50% of the dads just don't get custody.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @stockbulll says:

    Woman say they dont need a man in theor life but surround themselves with men, and the things men have done and built, that allow them to survive in this world.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @stockbulll says:

    Single woman own homes that their ex husbands are helping to pay for or have already paid for.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @stockbulll says:

    Most woman are now entitled little brats that are hopped up on "girl power" nonsense and claim everything should be equal YET they still want to be treated like a traditional woman and have everything done for them by a man and paid for by the man. Woman are losing skills more and more. There is very little if any reason to be in a relationship with many woman these days.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @carsonc1272 says:

    I have noticed that women tend to be democrats. All the women I know are democratic. Also, Trump tends to offend them so much that they can't think of anything else when talking about voting. It doesn't seem to matter that democrats are destroying entire cities (NY, San Fran, LA, Portland, ect), defunding police, and other nonsense. These things have reached out and touched me so they actually MATTER. Trump saying ignorant things can be overlooked in the context of the greater good.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @escapegrl1 says:

    I think this was all done intentionally in order to lower the population. I have had so many men tell me all they meet is liberal woman and they have no interest in them.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @5th-Season says:

    because liberals are promising everyone a better future, and women are stupid enough to believe. Men know it's a trick, because it's a trick devised by men. women have been targeted and brainwashed to believe that having a career and being a boss woman is better than being in a traditionally more feminine role. All these women missing out on being mothers who love spending time with their kids, but rather chasing after "success" and money. It's sad. Women have been targeted, and need to wake up. Feminism is bad for you. It's bad for everyone. Patriarchy protected you. Now women live sad motherless lives, and deal with the depressing work force stress of men. Great job ladies. You voted for it.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @billchristianson3451 says:

    AFD Power

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @babyimHOME says:

    Women are a mess lately

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DocOrtmeyer says:

    Wage gap is BS Kevin.

    Female home ownership is divorce.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DocOrtmeyer says:


    Trump is already president.

    We just need november 8th to tell us what we already know 😂

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @darin7369 says:

    First of all, the phenomenon is being seen globally due to the fact that Hollywood, multinational corporations and billionaires have been manipulating cultures worldwide.These WEF elitists are cultural Marxists who divide and conquer by creating two classes of people; the oppressor class and the victimhood class. If you're a woman, then you belong to the victimhood group. If you are a racial minority you belong to the victimhood group. If you are LGBTQ then you belong to the victimhood group. All others are placed in the oppressor group. The goal is to create a majority out of minorities and give them a sense of dependence upon the Marxist elites to protect them from the "oppressors". In this way, they garner majority support of the people as they divide and conquer; taking away freedom after freedom in the name of protecting the weak (members of the victimhood class). Men are portrayed as oppressors (dumb brutes) unless they renounce their masculinity and bow at the altar of wokism. Since men are immediately disadvantaged by this system, they are the first ones to see through the scam. Of course, everyone is disadvantaged by it once the Marxists have seized enough power that they don't need the support of the so-called victims anymore.

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