Lets talk about the new DWAC SPAC Merger, whether or not this should be considered as an investment, and my thoughts on the company going forward - Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan - DOWNLOAD MY NEW FINANCIAL APP: https://hungrybull.page.link/graham
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Traditionally, when an established, privatized company wants to raise money - or, cash out - they’ll perform what’s called an “IPO,” which stands for an Initial Public Offering. This is when they partner with an investment bank, release financial records, price their shares in-line with market value…and then, start trading on WallStreet for everyone to speculate with in the first week.
But, in this case…since, a fully formed company doesn’t yet exist…they’re not able to IPO…and, instead, they use what’s called a “SPECIAL PURPOSE ACQUISITION COMPANY,” otherwise known as a SPAC.
These are companies formed for the sole purpose of RAISING MONEY to acquire OTHER companies…and, in theory…investors are buying in because, they believe the management team has the potential to blindly turn their investment into a mini-fortune.
But, unfortunately - there isn't the best history of SPAC performance:
When YCharts analyzed the performance of SPACs in relation to the overall market…it was found that the vast majority of them FAILED to outperform the SP500 since 2009.
Even though, short term - SPAC interest can see some pretty monumental returns after an announcement…as momentum settles down, so does their price. In fact, it was found “that over 100 SPACS, who announced mergers this year….have, on average, gained under 2% from the price they traded at, when they first listed on the stock exchange.”
Statistically…when you look at this OBJECTIVELY…it does not have the components of previously successful SPAC IPOs, in terms of an established company as a sound financial investment…but, it does have something that MANY of them DON’T - and that’s PLENTY of free marketing.
Everything is fueled by hype…excitement…and the euphoria of seeing this continue to increase in price, whether or not it’s actually sustainable...so, long term…I just can’t see how these valuations would be sustained without being constantly mentioned in the media, over and over and over again…which, I suppose is absolutely possible…OR, them actually executing on the project without anything going wrong.
Overall, I would treat this stock as you would any other social media momentum investment…don’t invest more than you could lose, don’t get greedy, and take profits if you’re up a life changing amount of money.
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For business or one-on-one real estate investing/real estate agent consulting inquiries, you can reach me at GrahamStephanBusiness @gmail.com
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available. This is not investment advice. Public Offer valid for U.S. residents 18+ and subject to account approval. There may be other fees associated with trading. See Public.com/disclosures/

What's up, graham, it's guys here so normally i don't make videos like this and i tend to stay away from anything involving politics. But today we got ta talk about one of the most requested topics of investing that stands to make or lose people a lot of money in the process and that would be dw ac, otherwise known as the trump social media stock. That's begun to take over the entirety of wall street. In the last few days, the stock rallied 1200 percent trading was halted 12 times in a single morning from excessive volume.

It's consistently been the front page headline of every major news outlet and now it's gaining momentum on reddit's wall street bets with some believing the price could go even higher. So in an event that some people are now comparing to the previous gamestop short squeeze. Let's discuss exactly what's going on what it is, why it's going up in price so quickly and what this means for you, whether you're just curious how it works or you're thinking about investing, because you two want to make 500 000 in a few days like a Pan man, but before we start number one, i don't get involved in politics. I don't take science and i only cover the facts objectively in terms of how it relates to your money.

Second, i'm just some guy on youtube making videos from a half converted garage. So you shouldn't listen to me and this isn't financial advice and third, it would help me out tremendously, if you diamond handed that like button for the youtube algorithm by making it turn blue or black. Depending on your settings, oh, and by the way i first covered. This story on my newsletter app the hungry bowl.

So if you want to hear about these stories before i'm able to post a full-fledged video on them, the link is down below in the description. You'll get to see these types of topics before anybody else and i would love to have you a part of it. So thank you guys so much now with that said, let's begin all right. So, on the surface before we go into these mouth-watering details, here's what you need to know on october 20th, donald trump announced that his new media company is set to rival the largest social media platforms would be merging with the publicly listed stock dwac in an event That would quite literally break the stock market.

The premise for this company is fairly simple, as outlined in a 22 page report on their website. Their goal is to create an anti-censorship network to level the playing field of expression and create a community where everyone is welcome. On page three, they suggest that such a business could eventually evolve beyond social media and into broadcasting news and other computing services that, if implemented correctly, could be non-cancelable, although where this begins to take off, isn't so much the concept, but instead the massive news coverage from Around the world talking about their latest plans to be the biggest social media network and driving up the price, alongside with it now how this works is really really interesting, or at least it is for me, because i'm a nerd when it comes to anything related to Money, but hopefully this helps explain why it's gone up so much in price. Now, traditionally, when an established privatized company wants to cash out or raise money, they'll do what's called an ipo which stands for initial public offering.
This is when they partner with an investment bank. They release financial records, they price themselves in line with market value, and then they start trading on wall street for everyone to gamble on in the first week. But in this case, since a fully formed company doesn't exist yet they're not able to ipo. So, instead they use what's called a special purpose acquisition company.

Otherwise, what's known as a spec, these are companies that are formed for the sole purpose of acquiring other companies and, in theory, investors buy into this with the belief that the management team is going to turn their investment into a mini fortune. It's really no different from me saying: hey everyone i'll! Allow you to give me up to 10 million dollars to invest in my next business. I have no idea what it's going to be yet, but so far i have a pretty good track record and if you want to take a chance on that, just give me your money. The advantage here is that a spack only takes a few months to set up and then once they merge with another company that other company is instantly publicly traded on the open market for everyone to buy and sell.

It's a very smart strategy if used appropriately, and that, of course, then brings us to today. The spac dwac initially starts the buy-in of about ten dollars a share and from there they have two years to merge with another company, otherwise they're required to return all of their capital back to investors. Now this is important for me to mention, because even though ten dollars is the buy-in price, once it begins trading, the sky is the limit, or in this case it could be even higher as written in the hungryble app within the first day it surged 400. Within the second day, it doubled in price again within the third day, it more than tripled, and it's now up 900 higher than when it was first announced on october 20th.

Of course, when anything goes up that much in a short amount of time, wall street bets isn't too far behind, but the ticker symbol, dwac being the most popular mention on the subreddit and being the single most actively traded stock in fidelity's brokerage platform, not to mention With the previous price of one dollars a share, the technology company was now valued at four and a half billion dollars all without a working product, revenue and financials, but instead the promise of a free speech, social media network. Now, even though some people might be dismissive in terms of actually executing on these goals, we should talk about both the pros and the cons to give an equal argument to both sides. So that way, we could look objectively in terms of whether or not this is actually worth investing into based on the facts and the history of previous spak ipos before us to start in terms of the positives first, whether or not you're for or against the idea. There's a big enough market out there for this platform.
It's the same reason why we have facebook, twitter, snapchat, youtube, tick, tock, discord, clubhouse and a variety of other social networks all with their own unique specialty, and even though i'd like to believe that everyone is always welcome everywhere. There is an element where people tend to surround themselves with others who share the same beliefs. The second. I think it's no surprise that donald trump knows how to get attention from everyone for a new company.

I believe all publicity is good publicity and the more headline attention this gets. The higher the price will inevitably go as more users sign up and buy in out of curiosity for what it might be plus. It also starts an upward cycle where the higher the price goes, the more media attention it gets, which causes more people to buy in causing the price to go even higher, causing more people to cover it and the process repeats itself. The third what's unique about dwac is that for some people it represents the fundamental support against censorship, and because of that, some people will buy and hold just to support the message whether or not the fundamentals are justified.

This, arguably, is the most difficult part to quantify, because you can't put a value on a person's conviction to stand behind a message they believe in and if people buy in without the intention of selling and without the care of making or losing money, then this might Continue a lot longer, the fourth speaking of fundamentals, even though four and a half billion dollars for a non-existent company seems like a lot. There is big money in creating a social network. For example, facebook is valued at over 900 billion dollars. Youtube is over 500 billion dollars.

Dick dock is reportedly valued at over 400 billion dollars. However, even though this could continue going higher, i wouldn't yolo everything quite yet, because there are some downsides that we have to talk about. First, everything right now is based purely on speculation. We have no idea how they plan to implement these concepts.

There's not a working plan for people to use, and so far what you're buying into is the promise of what this could be if everything is right. The second there is a risk of de-platforming, like other social networks. Before it see, most websites operate under, what's called section 230, which says that a network is not held responsible for what their users say as long as they don't alter edit or control. What information is being said, however, if a company or a website perceives something to be hateful or harmful to its users, they're allowed to take action, and that's resulted in other social media platforms being removed from search.
A third is a business model. It might be difficult to attract a larger audience and partner with others to continue growing. I'm a firm believer that, even if you share a different opinion, it's a smart idea to remain on good terms, never speak poorly about anything else and leave the door open for business, because you never know how you might work with each other in the future. In this case, though, by painting a narrative of us versus them, it becomes that much more difficult to grow across competing service and, as a result, revenue has a strong likelihood of suffering.

The fourth. I'm also concerned that, given how it's structured, it could wind up being too niche of a platform to justify the valuations people want to give it. For example, one could argue that most social media networks could be used by anybody, regardless of their beliefs, affiliation or background anywhere in the world. But i have my doubts that this would be able to attract a wide enough audience as they could have, especially outside the us.

The fifth, unfortunately, there's not the best performance of previous spak ipos over these last few years. For example, in 2020 spac activity reached an all-time high, but that doesn't mean their price followed, the same path like pershing square surged and then immediately fell below their offering price. Multi-Plan corp is down 35 percent churchill, capital down 20 percent, big commerce, down 35 percent agora inc down 30 lemonade down 40 percent year to date, and if we analyze this even further, it gets worse when my charts analyzed the performance of spax in relation to the Overall market, they found that the vast majority of them failed to outperform the s p. 500 since 2009., even though short term spac interest could see some pretty monumental returns after an announcement once the momentum settles down, so does the price.

In fact, it was found that over a hundred spacks who announced mergers this year have, on average gained under two percent from the price they traded at when they first listed on the stock exchange. Another piece of research found that, even though the majority of them fail, the ones that do well have two traits in common. First, the larger the deal, the more successful it's likely to be in this case with dwc. The deal is only valued at what another person is willing to pay on a low float stock, with high volume, suggesting that now it's the retail traders setting an arbitrary value, not the company itself, and second, it was found that a strong performance also comes with a Strong management, team of which has not yet been proven with dwac, there isn't a track record yet of creating a social platform.

It's not exactly clear on what level everyone is involved and there isn't a concrete plan with how they aim to overtake traditional media. There's also mentioned the dwac's official address is listed as a wework office in miami, while their cfo is a top deputy to the brazilian president and member of the country's parliament. And lastly, there are new reports. The website source code was actually pulled from the social media platform mastodon, which requires that all copy websites cite where it's from.
As of now they're preparing for a potential lawsuit and as they say, our agpl v3 license is very important to me, and that is the sole basis upon which i and other developers are willing to give away our years of work for free all of this tied Together means that as a startup, there are a lot of risks for the investor and just to be careful with something as volatile as this. In short, statistically when you look at this objectively, it does not have the components of previously successful spac ipos in terms of investing in a financially sound company, but it does have something that many of the others don't, and that would be plenty of free marketing. Along with traders who want to just support the movement and or make as much money as fast as possible, like i mentioned everything right now, is being fueled by hype, excitement and euphoria about potentially going up in price even further, whether or not that's actually justified. So as a gamble, it might potentially pay off but long term.

I just can't see how these valuations would be justified without being mentioned non-stop in the media, which i suppose is possible or them actually executing on their plan without anything going wrong. Overall, i think i would treat this just like you would any other social media momentum, investment don't invest more than you could lose, don't get greedy and if you're up a life-changing amount of money, don't fear selling. Of course, there's also people who just want to buy and support the cause, but in that case, profits don't matter and anything i say here is not going to make a difference but financially play it. Safe understand that fundamentals could change in a moment's notice and always destroy the like button for the youtube algorithm and again, if you want investment.

Related news, like this on a daily basis before i'm able to make a video on them, feel free to use the hungry bull app down below in the description. This is something we've been working on now for almost a year and i'm really excited to be finally able to talk about it. So with that said, you guys thank you so much for watching. I really appreciate it as always make sure to subscribe hit.

The notification bell also feel free to add me on instagram and on my second channel, the graham stefan show i post there every day, i'm not posting here. So if you want to see a brand new video from me every single day, make sure to add yourself to that. And lastly, if you want a completely free stock worth all the way up to a thousand dollars, use the link down below and sign up for public using the code graham, and they just recently allowed trading for shiba inu coin, which today just saw a crazy run-up. I am blown away so if you want a free stock, the link is down below in the description enjoy.
Thank you so much for watching and until next time.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

33 thoughts on “Trump just stormed wall street”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nobody Here says:

    By yourself some Shiba Bitcoin so you have money that is not in the dollar. If and when it collapses

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Javier Trevino says:

    I bought in for the message $1k. Will be dropping more tomorrow. I don't care about the fundamentals of this stock, just the people behind it. I have plenty of other stocks and cryptos. I'm not telling anyone to drop a G or more into it. I'm simply saying I'm done with the current market, so invest in companies you believe in.. Right??

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe says:

    My like button turns white not black or blue. Because of that I'm out.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Patrick says:

    I smashed that like button so hard it's BLACK & BLUE!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maddie Arancibia says:

    I'm on dark mode, my like button turned white

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rupert Runo says:

    Great stuff. I started watching your videos last year as a beginner before giving stock market a trial. I was able to make $463,000 with a capital of $75,000. Please keep it up

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tafhim Tanjil says:

    Not gonna hit like for a guy in garage

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Morgan says:

    My advice to new investors: Buy good companies stocks and hold them as long as they are good companies. Just do this and ignore the forecasts and market views which are at best entertaining but completely useless.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Austin Rodriguez says:

    It's so sad to see Americans have to excuse themselves before talking about politics in any shape or form. So much for freedom; that word is as fake in America as their money printing ponzi scheme.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kebman says:

    All news outlets: This is really dangerous. Truth is bad.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mich John says:

    I’m making money on the hype than getting the hell out

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars what says:

    Marjorie Taylor Greene bought at the peak and lost 70% of her investment 📉🤪

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Freddy Benelli says:

    "…on r/Wallstreetbets, with some believing the price could go even higher" is an incredibly self-evident statement if you've ever been on any reddit investing forum

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessica Boltze says:

    I’m not a trump fan, but I am a free speech fan so I’m on the fence. 🤓😎🤷🏻‍♀️

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Davis says:

    Is cardano worth a buy? Hearing a lot about it.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Candyman Trader says:

    I believe this will hit legendary highs… and make the biggest bunch of bagholders in the world… and I plan to profit from it! 🤑🤷🇺🇸🚀🚀

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Javier Martinez says:

    Can you please do a video on SHIBA?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ex-muslim of New York says:

    Don't listen to this guy hates the republican and freedom 😂

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph B says:

    The what’s up graham it’s guys here is the most cringey thing so that people comment. Kinda over it.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PureTone Music says:

    Also, this is funded out of…guess where..WUHAN CHINA lmfaoooo.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars larry visgar says:

    If it was Biden, Elon, bill gates, or Obama doing this, I’d run away screaming rape. But it’s trump bro. He’s going to dominate

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars somethingg interestingg says:

    Free speech unless you insult trump or the company "in their opinion" So not free speech lol.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David says:

    If anyone believes you are A-Political they are fools. Why no offers to buy shares if we hit the like button? You have done your best to pour cold water on this now let's see what the future brings.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RJ Max says:

    Why do they halt trading? What purpose does it serve?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mingma Sherpa says:

    It’s a pump and dump folks…. Don’t be left holding the bag

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars freedomwaste dispatch says:

    All hype stocks rise quickly then drop.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mister ichi says:

    Greed and FOMO are just a very small part of this. People are pissed about being silenced, and they're waiting for a viable ecosystem of companies to express themselves and expand their business. This is dixie cup compared to the tsunami of companies forming to support freedom of expression and the hope of every rational and intelligent person, an honest dialogue with people we disagree with instead of trying to silence, cancel and destroy them at the personal and professional level. There's going to be a lot of pump and dump and fomo with this, but 79mm people who actually voted with legal ballots are energized to find a business ecosystem they can support by voting with their dollars.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars isaiah spinks says:

    That’s a great looking Ford GT you go there what year is it

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trevion Jenkins says:

    If this man writes scripts for his videos with how long, informative, fast he talks then he’s beast.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Malicious MusicYT says:

    Lololololol trump with free speech😂😂😂
    It’s quite literally in the terms and conditions that you CANT talk negatively of the platform ON the platform.

    😂😂😂😂😂😂 it’s a tin-box Kim Jong😂😂😂

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick says:

    I’m not gonna invest in anything related to tr*mp

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GodsSpartan says:

    Nah, F social media, but good luck Trump

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kenneth Ng says:

    you look like tom holland lol

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