DEADLINE NOVEMBER 1 💎💎 2023 HouseHack Startup Fundraising (Read Circular; this is not a solicitation): 🚀Noob vs Pro Crash Courses PRICES JUMP SOON:
In this video, we go over the near approval of a Bitcoin ETF, followed by a look into Donald Trump's legal saga concerning a gag order and fine. The conversation takes a geopolitical turn as we delve into the evolving Israel-Palestine situation, touching on hostage releases and oil deliveries amidst the conflict.
We further explore the surge of job applications at Deliveroo, a UK-based food delivery service, pondering if this uptick stems from individuals seeking extra income or having more free time. The chatter flows into the realm of US consumer spending, speculating on how side gigs in the food or grocery delivery sectors might be fueling this trend.
As we navigate the political waters, we touch on the perceived lack of clear leadership within the Republican House and discuss the possible strategic missteps by Democrats. Our dialogue also covers the legal hurdles facing Donald Trump, including a closer look at plea deals from his former associates in a Georgia case, and a personal anecdote regarding an interaction with one of Trump’s former attorneys during a California gubernatorial campaign.
The discussion takes a sharper turn as we delve into Sidney Powell's association with Trump and Tucker Carlson’s remarks about her. We also speculate on Trump’s strategy amidst the surrounding chaos, contrasting his political maneuvers with other Republican figures.
Our geopolitical analysis circles back to the Israel-Palestine conflict, highlighting the actions and strategies of both sides, and the external support, especially from the US, influencing the conflict dynamics. We also delve into the realm of humanitarian aid and the tragic civilian casualties that come to the fore in such conflicts.
The episode rounds off with a brief mention of the recent rise in Bitcoin's value due to the anticipation of potential ETF approvals, and a discussion on diversification in investment portfolios.
0:00 Everyone wants to work at Deliveroo
3:11 Speaker of the House FAIL
5:46 Trump’s CHAOS
15:15 Hamas heroes? Putin DEAD?
28:59 Humanitarian aid & coffins to Gaza
30:11 New York Times, Reuters & AP were WRONG!!!
34:28 Obama
37:29 Bitcoin MOON?
47:01 Did the stock market get HACKED? (DTCC down)
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Hey everyone, welcome back to another episode of the Me Kevin show. Today We got to talk about the Bitcoin ETF near approval. We got to talk about Trump getting actually a gag order and we knew that one, but he got fined for it Finally. Uh, we'll see what we think about that.

did he deserve it or not? Israel Palestine Updates: what's going on with the hostages and oil deliveries and why are news agencies taking their live blogs down What's happening? We'll talk about that. We'll also talk about some free speech issues Tesla and more. Let's get into it. Uh, first.

really finding it interesting? Deliver: Uh, gets 10,000 job applications a week. That's the food delivery service based out of the United Kingdom What's happening? Are people just trying to get more money? Or or are people out of money? Are people like I I Got extra time? I Mean you know we always talk about this. It's like if you sleep 8 hours a day, you got an extra like 114 hours a week. What are you do at that time? You know you got a 40 hour a week job.

Got plenty to drive and do some deliveries. What do you think is this is this tough? Economic Times Got to fill those Pockets up again. It could be going back to school I Know a lot lot of students like to do the delivery things with their extra time. CU They can't have a full-time job and they can't necessarily commit to a part-time job hours.

so it's like the late night deliveries and things like that. So now that we're back in the swing of school season, um, maybe now we're getting closer to the holidays. People like: I'm going to earn some extra cash for Christmas for my family or whatever. It's a great idea I didn't even think about that I Remember when I went to high school I had to request like a special 4-Hour shift schedule because you know after school like how much time do you actually have you want to work but it's hard to here.

you make your own hours. kind of like with Uber or what ever That's really interesting. Okay, that's that's a good point. could be that.

So back to school. What do you think? Miky? Yeah, that's actually a really good point cuz I was going to say it's usually not someone's first job like no one's wanting to to work at Food delivery as like their priority. It's usually like well I'll do this until I find something else, get some extra money, and do this as a bridge, you know American Express I Read their earnings call but they just reported on Friday Uh, they're talking about consumer spending specifically from their Millennial and Gen Z cohort. but consumer spending up 9% in the US year-over-year inflation on average average.

this year has been like what 4 and a half 5% So you still have this positive like 4 and A2 4ish per of of spending increase that's happening? Is that because people are working for deliver? I guess you're Uber Eats or something? Yeah no it. it could totally I Know a lot of my friends do it when they are, especially in school. Most of my college friends do some sort of side gig whether it be grocery delivery or um, grocery delivery tends to be more profitable than food delivery and it's less fickle. Why? Just because it's like bigger order bigger price tickets instead of like a $40 Panda Express order, you're getting $150 grocery from a mom that has two kids that can't leave the house and then they're thinking 10 or 20% tip on obviously a higher value item.
Ah, interesting. and those grocery ones I think there's probably a lot less. uh uh, order complaining in grocery like I I Don't get me wrong, I bet if you do a $150 order, there's probably a you know, 10 bucks that gets aside for every order for just mess ups. but you mess up somebody's dinner.

It's like like all or nothing man. yeah cuz they are hungry and cranky already. Yeah I'm hungry. You forgot the sauce all $40 refund request Yeah I've seen it I've seen it.

Yeah, yeah, okay good. So what do we got? It looks like oh we're starting off here with Jim Jordan What happened here? He lost again. that's a surprise is he is Kevin McCarthy going to come back Is that would that even remotely be a possibility CU It even though It seems like people love to hate him, he was the one person that actually got the votes. and apparently out of these other 217 people, there's just nobody in the Republican house that could lead this group.

I Think the Dems messed up a little bit. It was kind of a weird Flex that they did. and uh, now that everyone's suffering for it, that's a good point. That's a good point because if you think about it, the Dems had a neutral Republican speaker.

Yes, right. and the Dems control the presidency and the Senate Which means as long as you can get something done with a neutral guy on in the house, you could slam anything else you want through the Senate and the presidency because your one roadblock is the Republican house. But if your roadblock has a neutral guy in place, great, You get a you know Matt Gates or whatever in nothing's going to get done. You've just lost your your third branch so to speak.

and I Don't want to confuse that with branches you know, legislative, Executive, and courts. but think of it as like the three branches of of the Political Control even though courts have gotten politicized. Uh, the three Branches of Political Control house the Senate presidency. Yeah, you're right, maybe the Dems just screwed up big time, as because they were frustrated.

At least some were saying that you had Mcarthy slamming Democrats on 60 Minutes and every Democrat watches 60 Minutes every Sunday That's true. So so everybody's like, well, we'll show you, but that's is it. It's kind of like biting off your nose to spite your face. That's interesting.

Wow, that's a really good analogy. Okay, so who's going to run this? We have no idea I Guess we nobody's really leading right now. Eh, nobody's leading. But we have.
Well, we had nine candidates as of this weekend and then yesterday one dropped out I've got the other eight on my screen. If you want to see their precious little faces, let's see it. Yeah, let's P it up. Oh there they are.

Axios. They're a good publication I like them. so there they are. Wow, look at that.

Uh, see. the problem is I Don't know that any of these people quite Frank like I think most of the people watching this video are going to look at this and go. These people are in Congress I don't I don't even know who they are. So like, that's a problem.

You know when when you're trying to unite the entire uh, uh, Republican party? So okay, what about speaking of Republican party, What about the uh, the unspoken leader of the Republican party? I Heard he just got fined and some more attorney Drama Oh Yeah, unspoken Le Donnie Trump Donnie T Donnie Trump He had that, uh, the partial gag order that we've been talking about and so uh, the the judge was basically like hey you can't be talking crap about people in my court because he was saying that the uh the clerk was like the girlfriend of was it the judge or something like that Chuck Schumer oh Chuck Schumer and so he's like you can't talk crap about my my court and that's it. So he deleted the I guess it's called a truth from truth social. The post okay yeah yeah okay uh but it turned out he never deleted it from his website. it was deep in the Donald J Trump website and so the judge found out about it on Thursday uh issued a notice to the lawyer.

the lawyer took it down but then on Friday uh they were talking about it and basically Trump got fined $55,000 because it was still on the website. Yeah wow, totally worth it for Trump $5,000 fine I mean like again now now people are talking about him oh Trump got fined but you know that $5,000 probably turns into $500,000 in campaign donations. I' I'd be like find me again, hit me again baby and she threatened it. Oh if you do something like this again, we're going to find you again.

Like the repercussions are so minor pleas please. Yeah Trump's lawyer said this was inadvertent and to be to their credit I kind of believe them. They were like it was deep in the website, they called it the back pages like we just didn't know about it. Sure.

So it's not a big of a deal as people think it's probably like a Truth Social feed that posts to their website and and then maybe it doesn't delete from there. Once it pulls it in, it doesn't update it afterwards. I I could see sense. Uh.

also interesting. Uh, you had the third. Uh, actually no. This is now the fourth guilty plea that Atlanta has secured from former Associates or attorneys of Donald Trump in the Georgia case.

Uh, the last attorney here now is uh Jenna Ellis Uh, she's 38. She just pled guilty uh to violence. She could face up to five years of probation. uh, fines? They have to do the they have to five I think it's $5,000 of fines as well, which is a lot more for an individual person compared to the Trump campaign.
Uh. And then all of them are basically agreeing to testify against Donald Trump uh Ellis Actually went as far as saying if I knew then what I know now I would have declined to represent Trump What I did not do or should have done was make sure that the facts others alleged to be true or false Back Then Basically before she took the job, so kind of trying to distance herself from hey, shouldn't have worked with them but I did I got stuck. You know it sounds a lot like what's going on in the S Bankman Free trial where you have Carolyn uh arguing that oh you know I was romantically in love I I fell into the Trap I was a victim I was convinced by by his charm or this, that or whatever. uh what's really wild is that uh this fourth attorney uh who just uh pled guilty actually hit me up a lot during my campaign for governor.

Really? in California she uh because you know I'm running against Gavin Nome and I was getting like all the Republicans from all angles dming me like oh, here's a story. look into this, look into this, look into this and it was so hilarious because people just wanted somebody to light a fire under Gavin dusome and they're like Kevin can do it so she's like hey, I'm the former attorney for Donald Trump like this is such a small freaking world and she was really nice in DMS and she'd be like hey you know here's a story you might look into and research this that and none of it ever seemed like pressured or there was like it just seemed like it's so it almost feels like if somebody's figh your enemy Gavin usum then everybody who is also enemies with Gavin is now your friend. It's really kind of funny in politics how that is. I do think it's only the third attorney who's pled guilty okay, that's what I third, that's what I thought the third.

uh but if Bloomberg here saying State prosecutors in Atlanta secured a fourth guilty plea. so I wonder if one of them has had like a a double plea or something like that? So I because I when I read the story this morning as well I thought it was the third person. so maybe there's a fourth play or something like that. but good claric there so something to be figured out is really not messing around with this.

Georg is going all the way. Well this is a smart way to do it because if I mean if you think about it, if you're going for like the head and you basically tie up all of the arms to then fight the head, you know that's the way to do it. But if everyone is United uh together then it's very hard for a jury to say oh Donald Trump was at fault when everybody's like no, we did nothing wrong oh Trump's already backpedaling. If you want to see my screen here this is a regarding Pow which was one of the attorneys from last week and this is Trump on Truth Social is it fair is is she the one people say is like the crazy one with who was always on uh on social media with uh what was it uh Rudy Giuliani People always made fun of her like these are Sydney Powell Let me let me clarify this in case people don't know the context.
Sydney Powell was the one Tucker Carlson called a nut job Wow. So so just to clarify on: Sydney Powell when Tucker Carlson calls someone a nut JW Anyway, that was from the Uh the transcripts that came out from the uh, uh, Fox and Dominion lawsuit. Anyway, let's see what we got here. Yeah, Trump says that Powell's one of the millions and millions of people who thought that you know the election was rigged.

But an interesting point here. He goes despite the fake news reports to the contrary and without even reaching out to ask. the Trump campaign Miss Powell was not my attorney and never was. Wow.

It's really interesting because I found this tweet on X back before he was banned and he said I look forward to Mary Giuliani spear Hing spearheading the legal effort to defend our right to free and fair elections Rudy Giuliani Joseph Janova Victoria tonsing and Sydney Powell And there's Jenna Jenna Ellis A truly great team added to our wonderful lawyers and representatives. Nice! That's a good find. I mean this? That's a really good find. I mean this is just Trump like everybody like everybody knows.

like when he says it's the greatest thing ever, it's the best thing ever. It's all marketing and it's like what he the sad thing is like you have to ad MIT that's not very presidential but but people are like well well neither is Congress Well neither is the government the way it is and and so you need somebody like that to go. you know, fight the dirty fight so to speak in dirty ways or whatever ways it takes. it's really interesting if you're Trump are you starting to worry about how serious they're taking all like the the all of his lawyers going down or is he concerned or thinking it that Donald Trump uh deep down inside feels that he is like a martyr that no that no matter what he is doing the absolute best thing for the country.

uh like I I know like there's part of me that's like he has to know, he has to know when he's he's saying like he has to know but I I I think he's gone so far down this Rabbit Hole of politics that he's convinced himself that he is running because you know God wants it the People Want it, whatever it is and and that he's going to say anything he needs to do to defend himself now just to get one step further. he's really doing the shield analogy that we always talk about, which is just like you know you put up the shield, you're going to get attacked and one foot as long as one foot's going in front of the other, you're winning and I think that's really what he's doing now. some of that like what you just showed it, it exemplifies flailing right a little bit. You know it's kind of like it's not targeted.
He has a a more incoherent strategy because there's so many things that weaken his strategy. Like that that doesn't look good, doesn't look good for anyone. So uh I don't know. I mean what am I missing? He's just adding like we talked about it quite frequently.

He's just adding more chaos to the whole mix. It's just like he just says one thing here and like everybody pays attention to it. Then he does another thing over here. and just like he's never going like he's He's never quiet.

that's and that's part of his attention getting mechanism. That's why he pulls so much ahead of all these other folks. I Mean, look at like Vake had a had a storm there after the first uh Republican debate. but now you never hear about him anymore.

He's he's not the focus of attention right now. it's it's Trump And it's it's stuff like this that gets everyone talking about Trump and not the ideas of people like Pence or or or VI. And here's something really interesting. although it'd be terrible.

what's happening with Israel and Palestine Um, Biden's been in front of the camera more than he has been in the last six months. Well, as he should be, and he should be. but like it's kind of a double-edged short form. He's doing his Presidential duties while also running, uh, getting ready for his campaign.

like everybody's seeing him. He's on every news. Outlet Fox CNN You name it, he's there. When's the last time you tuned into a Biden press conference? You know, certainly before the Israel thing.

Like, never like they're boring, right? But during the Israel oh address to the nation, we got to watch. you know, yeah, even here in the office like Biden's talking to everybody TV's on like what's he going to say about the conflict this time? yeah, y yep, it's it is interesting I actually think there. uh well. I'm surprised a by Donald Trump's quietness on the Israel issue.

Uh, because it's it's it's a disaster and I would expect a little bit more commentary from him, but we're He really focuses a lot on the election and I think he's purposefully trying to stay out of this because it's almost like a lose lose to comment on these sort of kind of conflicts. Uh, so that's very interesting. On top of the fact that you've got the Biden Administration they're really pulling in the Reigns on Israel on this idea of oh, they definitely need a ground Invasion How many days in a row has the ground Invasion been one day away? You know, like for the last like two weeks, it's every day. It's like, oh, it's the invasion's coming.

it's one day away I Really think you've got the Biden and there were some great pieces on this as well, but it seems to be a consensus. The consensus. now is: focus on hostage res, uh uh, rescues, focus on Aid to the region and you have an update on Aid right? Uh, hostages and Aid Let's talk about that. Yeah, let it.
Yeah. So they released uh, just this week and they released two additional hostages and that brings her total up to four. Initially, they had released a mother and daughter I think were American and uh, just now they released two older ladies. one was 79, one was 85.

presumably their husbands are still captured. Actually do have a video that I'll pull up here in a second of one of the hostages and um, who say she was beaten but then treated well. It's interesting. yeah.

I I Wouldn't be surprised if at at first like I think Israel's response was so underestimated by Hamas that if you're Hamas right now and and you see the destruction that youve basically been responsible for in the Gaza Strip you're like we done effed up. This is like. which is the point. That was the point Israel was trying to make.

It's like you mess with us. This is what we're going to do to you to some extent. As much as I entirely disagree with the killing of civilians and there's no justification for that. To some extent, the leveling of the Gaza Strip that you're seeing the destruction you're seeing is a giant warning sign to all the surrounding countries too.

Even Iran It's like you want to mess with Israel We have all the funding we need from America because they got the money printer, we got all their weapons and we will send them all to your doorstep. Yeah, I think Israel got put in an interesting predicament where the invasion basically if they invade hasb is threatening that they'll attack Israel on the other side and Israel's like is it really worth an allout? War rather than just a response, they're inciting an entire War not only in another country, but they have to defend their own country again. On the other side, right? And then that's where I think the the purse strings matter a lot here. where it doesn't take much for the US to say look, we'll keep supplying you bombs and defensive rounds for your iron dome.

but if you go for an allout invasion, we're not going to support you anymore. Yeah, that's all it takes to get Israel to stop because they don't have the money to do it themselves in those. To be fair, they just don't have the money. The economy is just too small.

It's not because they don't want to have the money or they're they're just phys. They're just literally not capable of having enough money to fund this without America. So in other words, America controls what happens as usual. Yeah, if it's not America it's it'd be someone else.

it would be China or whoever. Russ that's a really good point and and that's where you know a lot of Americans argue. Why does America have to be the World Police Well, would you rather Putin would you rather China All right, that's a really good point. A golden rule a The person with the gold makes the rules.
What? Uh, didn't There is a rumor that Putin has body doubles and that he had Cardiac Arrest yesterday. Oh uh Sunday night. Yeah and and now there's I mean So who was it? It was. uh, the Sky News I think Sky News was reporting that via telegram Putin basically had a cardiac arrest.

uh in his bedroom, he had a table of food and drinks. uh, apparently knocked it over I think like a hotel cart almost to food and drinks, knocked it over and was convulsing on the ground. His uh guards heard that came in. Medical staff on site resuscitated him.

Guess when you go cardiac you die and then they resuscitated him. Uh, you know now now and then at the same time rumors are coming out that when Putin goes to events he has body doubles that go because he's so afraid of being assassinated. I Guess the Kremlin's now laughing this off. None of these rumors are confirmed.

But yeah, it does make you wonder if if this is this like an attempt to you know, slip something in his food or whatever. or but you have to look at it both ways and or remember there three. There're always three things. three stories.

There's one side story The Other Side Story And then there's the truth. And so to some extent, if the Kremlin actually confirms this and then paints it as like an assassination attempt or whatever, you could actually in a weird way. Galvanize Support for Putin When when you have a failed assassination attempt, people actually tend to rally and support like imagine as much as people hate Biden Imagine if there was an assassination attempt on the president and it was found out to be another country. Yeah, it's not the person.

It's the office. That's what people would get defensive. Anybody that cares about their country, it's not the person. It's the office.

Yeah, we don't like. obviously. Joseph Biden is in the the presidential seat, but we don't necessarily like Joseph Biden isn't the person we respect. It's the seat that it's the office.

It's The Mantel that we respect. Yeah, I mean that's a great thing. analogy or just statement. I mean look at like imagine if Mexico staged an attempt at assassination on the presidential office.

you know it' be disaster. I mean everybody I Feel like even though you hate, people might hate Biden and there are going to be some people in the comments like I wish they would you know cuz that's just the YouTube comment section. But I do think the vast majority of Americans would start buying American flags again. you know you'd actually Galvanize the support.

So that's one possibility is that maybe there was an attempted assassination attempt or something like that. uh although usually you don't get these sort of, you know, trying to study you know, poisons and that, uh, you mean you can get like Fox Glove or some some uh, you know, heart related, uh, poisons. but usually you go for uh, you know, like nerve agents or or or things that basically shut your your cap ability of breathing down. So going cardiac could have just been a related health issue.
Yeah, uh. and and there have been rumors that he's been falling ill or or showing him like appearing weaker. He is like 71 years old, so it's entirely possible. but uh, it is interesting.

I Also, don't know how all of a sudden I got to Putin uh, the cardiac I guess the cardiac story. So you're saying well, I'll get to the video of the hostages. But right? So you're saying one. One possibility.

There's three sides to every truth or to every story. One side is that, uh, he might have been. it might have been an assassination attempt, right? The other might have just been illness. He's illness.

He's getting old and the truth could have been that he happened. He found no. He found Pran's coke with hand grenade pins in every line. Yeah! I I think you? I don't know if you know this.

the the Kremlin confirmed this morning that it's all. he's fine. Okay, yeah that he's fine or that that story never happened. Uh, everything quote.

Everything is fine with him. This is just another complete hoax. And then they went on to describe the reports of body Dou qu ab and false. So notice how they're saying the body doubles report is absurd and false.

But they're not actually saying the cardiac story is absurd fault, they're just false. They're just saying he's fine, he's fine, and this is a complete hoax. But like what's a hoax, the assassination, or the health? Or yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. so there could be something there that's interesting wording there.

they're They're clearly saying the body double thing is a joke. Yeah, but don't worry, his health is fine. Okay, so was it last night or two nights ago. You know it is.

It's very interesting. Yeah. I Think we got to there because we were talking about like with Israel uh, you know, do we does If America's not the World Police what if it's what, if it's Putin or whatever that that's how we got to that. So going back to Israel then since clearly I get off on these tangential discussions.

Uh, what's going on? Yeah, so the two more hostages that were released? uh, we still have over 200 hostages as far as we know, so this is just a drop in the bucket. Uh, but Christian if you want to throw this on the screen I have this muted just because the first half is silent anyway and the second half is mostly censored. Uh, but this shows the the two hostages. this is still in Palestine So this is with uh Hamas around them.

Mhm Yeah, that green, uh, the green bandana is is, uh, sort of your and the black uniform is very sort of the uniform of Hamas H. But yeah, I mean this is this is you know? Yeah, look at this. This is all this is all for the show. By the way, you know here's here's a drink.
uh whatever. Look, look at her. look inside of it like what is this I Don't trust you. You see that that's interesting that they picked those two people because they're probably the most frail and most fragile hostages of everybody.

And if they, for whatever reason like, passed away in the custody of Hamas then the headlines are Hamas kills two hostages and then the war can escalate. So if you're Hamas like I don't want these people dying on my watch. oh yeah, let's get them off. back up.

like 30 seconds if you can. Oh yeah, look at that. see that's perfect. But back up like that look.

look at his face. that or the hamasa. You can't see his face obviously. but but look at how he's leaning over like he cares.

Yes, you see that this is they picked the most empathetic Kamas guy they can find. look at his finger off the trigger like he's a professional or whatever. you know, like he's opening up the theack for handing it to her. They got the softest guy ever.

uh in Hamas I Don't even know if that's possible if you could suggest that there's a soft person. maybe just another hostage dressed up as cuz like how could you ever call like a terrorist organization like soft right? But but uh yeah I mean this, this is I mean let's call it what it is. It's brilliant marketing. It is great marketing for Hamas because what Hamas needs to do is go.

we're not that bad. Okay like that and look at the destruction they've caused. That's be if it if you just remove one thing. If you just remove that attack on Israel, you would not have had the destruction of the Gaza Strip So call Israel's response whatever you want.

You could agree with it. You could disagree with it. You could say they went too far. You could say they didn't do enough.

You could. Whatever you could say, they should have used more diplomacy. whatever had it not been for the first strike on Israel here. Which don't get me wrong, there have been plenty other aggressions you know people like.

Well, they're evicting Palestinians You know the Israelis are evicting Palestinians from their homes. Uh, they're encroaching a land in the West Bank You know they're oppressing. You can make all those arguments, but just in the narrowed framework of if you just remove the attack by Hamas the destruction of the Gaza Strip would not have happened at least now this time, so that's very clear. So this is very clearly Hamas's responsibility.

and now this this U-turn of look we're humans too is very interesting. I and I think it's part of their negotiations because now what you have is there's this discussion about a 50 hostage release which fell apart because Hamas wants fuel. Well, no sh like duh like if you don't have fuel you can't turn the power on. you can't do anything.

you can't run your radios, you can't you know, send emails. You know you can't send your telegrams which is your propaganda machine to some extent. ENT right? I Mean there are and you have to know this. but there are telegram channels that are just purposefully dedicated to showing all the Palestinian civilian injuries and they're terrible and the deaths and the destruction is just it's it's so heartbreaking to see.
uh, but it is. that is a form of propaganda. Well, if you destroy all of the capability to have cell service or Internet or whatever can't upload videos yeah, that the first Russia tried to do for Ukraine was take out their comm's towers and anything comms related. and that's where Starling came in and kind of foiled a lot of what Putin was trying to do.

y yeah last thing I want to show on this video if we could throw this back on the screen? Uh, so like you said, a lot of good marketing. He even puts his arm kind of behind her here to lead her out and they're saying like are you ready to go and she's ready to go But interesting to note she did turn around and like shake his hand which she didn't have to at this point. she's kind of free. So I mean that's like the thank you the the final like I appreciate you doing this.

You know it's it's that that's human empathy of like look I get you're fighting for your cause. thank you for freeing me. That's that's a big moment right there. like letting that sink in for a moment like that.

That's such a good observation Mikey that that final turnaround that did not have to happen that is really incredible I Just want to see that here. Look at that. He wasn't even expecting that. Yeah yeah, she was already holding someone else's hand, being guided away from the threat and she stopped and went back.

You know, But that's also isn't what's that syndrome called Stockh Stockholm syndrome? That's exactly what that is to some exent. and you have to think that there has to be a little bit of the reverse going on because although the terrorist organization is terrible and evil, they are still people. And that man probably saw, oh, she's similar to my grandmother or she's similar to my mother and these hostages sit there like we just want to go home like we have kids and grandkids we want to take care of. They're probably verbally wearing the the hostage like the Hamas soldiers.

They're wearing them down to motion like oh, these are just people too. Like this, just an exchange. Like, let's just get this done. Well that's like the smart thing to do if you're ever a hostage is you make your hostage taker love you and you know you.

You have to like like, not necessarily like sexually, but like you. You have to be nice and like relatable and like empathetic to them. Because if if you're in there and you're doing the you know the Jason born which is just basically like say nothing or like f you just going to kill you. You know they get pleasure out of it too, right? So like if you're ever a hostage, it's like you know you got to say whatever you got to say to just get your get your out.
The organizations might be at War but there's people. these organizations that do care and that they may not even be fting because they want to, but because they feel like they have to because it's a family or whatever or religious thing. I Mean that's almost true of every war too. You know it's almost every war.

I Think you? You do get that the human to human like. Yeah, Anyway, right. Wait, were those both US Citizens? No. I think so not.

These first two were these two, which were the other day. Oh okay, that's what. I'm confused. Okay, so uh.

all right, what's next? They they are sending humanitarian Aid Yes, the trucks went through the 20 trucks. 20 trucks. uh I I saw they were carrying supplies like medicine I Also saw, uh, they're carrying coffins. oh which yeah, that's sad.

um I don't know why you'd prioritize coffins over like Diesel and water and stuff like that. Well, so what's interesting is it I wonder because I don't believe coffins are stackable like musical chairs. but uh, coffins do have I mean they're They're kind of an ideal CR if you think about it for possibly loading up with food and supplies like instead of using pallets and plastic wrap that you're just going to throw away ship. I Don't know this.

but I'm speculating you could put food and medicine and AK uh in the coffin and uh, you never know Man, you never know. Okay, that's a good point though. I hadn't thought about that Where it's not just a waste of space or taking up space, something else there's fill up with something else. Yeah, Uh, so you went.

Warning: The Gaza operation could end. Uh, tomorrow. This is the aid operation without more fuel. This is uh, this is just part of the tense negotiation that's going on right now and has been for about the last 48 hours.

And that's the uh uh, the concern that look without fuel like you can't even run the hospitals anymore. Yeah yeah. which by the way, that missile strike I mean the Wall Street Journal did a pretty good piece on it and showed uh, multiple different angles, about three different angles on that uh, rocket. it the the at least.

the current consensus is that it is a rocket that, uh, misfired, um, or misfired or or failed or whatever. and uh, remember they struck a parking lot and the reason that was such a big deal is because people were camping in that parking lot waiting to get facility access to the hospital. So either way you you look at it, you know everybody involved in a conflict ultimately is responsible for the deaths of civilians. and and that's why the quicker you can end conflicts, the better.

Yeah, and from what I found too it uh, it came from Islamic Jihad which is a separate enti from Hamas even yeah y y yeah, that's another uh another uh I believe also offshoot of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood that's where Hamas came from as well. So uh, really weird if you look back at the history of these groups, how they kind of started actually in Egypt uh and uh, and it's it's it. Makes you wonder if if these are groups that like they didn't make it in Egypt I don't know I'm just speculating like right? Like let's say you have your your like you're like yo We hate our Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt because we have no power. let's go build our own base.
Where are we going to go? Let's go to Gaza and you build your base over there and you become a faction over there. So that's how you gain power and and start gaining notoriety or whatever. which is what everybody's after. Interesting enough, the New York Times admitted their error in the hospital reporting.

They issued a public apology for the the lack of reporting and the lack of facts that they used. Really can you read that out? Uh, this is on Politico um New York Times admits error in Gaza Hospital report the New York Times walked back its initial coverage on the explosion that killed hundreds of Palestines in at the Gaza Strip hospital last week, saying saying in an editor's note that the newspaper quote relied too heavily on claims made by Hamas militant group. Soon after a huge blast rocked the hospital on Tuesday finger pointing over its new over its source began. Um, they just keep they just they talk about how other outlets reporting different things I mean this.

This is wild. They're literally saying several outlets here, the times reuer, the AP and and like the times we know there's a tilt. uh and all. Honestly all of them have some tilt.

but Reuters and AP are supposed to be your news wire services that provide news to you know the AG the other newspapers so they can put their tilt on it. So the kind of think about it was like Reuters and AP. they're like your your fact gatherers on the ground and then they send the information to the Nyt and the Wall Street Journal CNN Fox and then they either just republish the story the way the AP wrote it. That's why often when you read a news article they'll say per AP or whatever they license the stories.

This is how everybody seems to get the same stories. uh or they put their tilt on it. Uh so Reuters and AP publishing also the Hamas Viewpoint here. that's embarrassing.

yeah that's embarrassing there there. and and so I mean like we said when we were first covering it, the truth always eventually comes out H and I thought we said we would never know We? Well yeah that's a good point. uh I think Mikey you said that we might we that is a possibility ground and you see Okay you know here's the depth of the crater and uh here's the direction it came from because you could see the blast or whatever and so you do get more facts. Uh and it's uh it is pretty wild uh to see Uh, how in the fog of War you could get information on on all angles and you just the reality is will we ever truly always know? No there.
This could be spin too kind kind of like prosan like really like grenades on the plane. Yeah. I Guess that's the point is like you get more facts, but will you ever truly get the real truth? probably? I Guess maybe that's the way to put it. Probably official statements? Yeah, that's a good point.

Okay, fair, fair. Okay, so maybe maybe the truth is we'll never know with 100% certainty. We'll just know with slightly more information with some with some Sigma notation margin of error. Yeah, Yeah, exactly.

yeah. Okay, all right, what's next. Last one on Israel and Palestine Obama actually had a message about this too. You remember that guy right? who? what? Obama the buck stops with me? That guy? Yeah, so uh, he has a statement here I have it on my screen if you want to throw it up.

Christian Um, but I'll just kind of give you the Abridged version of this. So he talked about 17 days since the the launch since Hamas launched its horrific attack against Israel. He did mention that Israel has a right to defend its citizens in itself. Um, and basically talk down on on Hamas for the the hostage and saying that he's hoping for the return of all the hostages.

But he does make a note that even though we should support Israel it's uh clear that how Israel Pro prosecutes this fight against Hamas matters so he mentioned too uh Biden had talked about how they've made mistakes in the past even though their allies had warned them about it. so he's kind of doubling down on that um and saying that it's an extremely difficult task. A lot of a lot of what he says I think is very very accurate. War is tragic.

Even the most carefully planned military operations put civilians at risk corre like we talked about like the leveling of Gaza that's what they're trying to do. but they're not really trying to kill citizens right? it just it. Happ going to be casualties. It's just like the the the rocket misfire.

It's like you know the Israeli troops coming in so you get the Islamic Jihad it's like we're going to defend our territory. shoot Rockets oh crap one broke I was reading I don't know how truth true it is but potentially as many as 20% of the Rockets they fire misfire and a lot of these are like homemade Rockets too where they're just using like fertilizer basically and and sugar is like a catalyst and they shove it in a tube and and these are like PVC tube Rockets it's kind of wild I've seen videos too and again I don't know how accurate this is but this is from Hamas released videos of them going look, we're going into the ground and taking out all these water pipes that the EU paid for and using them and repurposing them for Rockets Wow so source is Hamas said they did that and they have videos. It was like a propaganda video of them doing it. Yeah, so if it's a lie, it's like that lie kind of bit them in the butt or it could be the truth I mean I would imagine that if you're making homemade Rockets it's you'll take any kind of piping you can get your hands on.
Whether that's sprinkler lines, water lines from the EU Whether those are copper lines in a home, probably not packs that's flexes a little too much. What do you guys think on the the rising minor strikes on us bases around the Middle East Because we've seen that I Just saw it on the on the news wire Come across that the United States is seeing an increased attacks on US military bases do you think? But when you say minor attacks, we're not talking children. We're not talking about gold miners. You're talking about small attacks like drone strikes like like attempted drone attacks.

Yeah, I mean this is this is the hot bed of what? Who? Who is a Dio Who said the hot world or whatever right? This is how the tension flows. Those attacks remember I think are getting more coverage now than ever because of what's going on. but they they those always happen. Our bases always get attacked uh in the middle? Be in the Middle East It's just a matter of how much are we actually responding to these and I guess a lot of it's coming from Iran is what we found.

Uh yeah. well for sure for sure. source of instability over there. Okay, so then we've got uh Bitcoin it.

Also, by the way, looks like we do have a an update here on the house. Speaker Election Emmer uh leads as House Republicans meet to choose a nominee. So uh Tom Emmer of Minnesota Number Three House Republican emerged from a crowded field on Tuesday as his party's leading uh, as he's the party's latest leading Contender for speaker uh, after multiple closed door votes. All right.

Very well. so a little bit little little bit of progress. Imagine that in Congress although nothing. how many weeks have we been out without a speaker? I don't even want to know? Okay, uh.

Bitcoin so Bitcoin Uh, Bitcoin's like almost basically doubled this year to the Moon Yeah, it's been going to the moon, so let's hear it. Yeah, I mean today? I I Can recheck the numbers now, but when I checked about an hour ago, it was up 12% in the last 24 hours. Uh, in the last week it was up over 20% almost 30% the last year, and then about like 80% Uh, in the past one year, Ethereum's up to a lot of cryptocurrencies up, but uh, Bitcoin especially and this is uh, you probably know more about this than I do, but the potential ETF that's coming up has sprung a lot of Demands and even Reuters reported on this and it's saying that Bitcoin shorts are getting squeezed Yep, Black Rock is among several major US Financial firms with pending applications for ETFs Uh. And then a quote I have from Reuters Here is speculation on their likely approval was fueled by Black Rock's Ey shares ETF listing on the website of Clearing House Dtcc.
It was unclear when or Why the I shares ETF was added to the Dtcc list. Uh, they and Black Rock did not immediately respond to request for comment per Reuters In anticipation Also grew after reports this month, including from Reuters that the SEC won't appeal a Court ruling that it had been wrong to reject an ETF application from crypto Firm Grayscale. Investments on Monday the court formalized its ruling, sending the application back to the SEC for review. Yeah, uh, you know what I think is so fascinating is I I Think the the SEC has tried to do everything they can to delay, uh, making any kind of, you know, creating any kind of regulatory environment around Bitcoin Uh, and that's because they're probably just waiting for Congress to tell them exactly what to do.

You know who's going to take control Is it? Is it the SEC Is it the Commodities Uh. future Trading commission? Who is it? The The problem you have here is the longer it takes the regulation, the more you get Ftxs and Voyagers and Block Fies and these disasters. and the more you get these speculative bubbles, this is good. Uh I Don't think anybody should look at this Bitcoin ETF and think that it's a bad thing.

I Think this is fantastic. Uh, I think it will this. This is my speculation, but my speculation is you'll probably get an initial surge of adoption in these ETFs and uh, along with a short squeeze, you're going to get an initial price rise I probably wouldn't buy uh Bitcoin right off the back of this sort of ETS stuff. the I think the perfect time to to probably buy Bitcoin which trades like risk asset is Right Basically, when rates start getting cut and that's probably true of all risk assets, whether it's like Tesla or Bitcoin or whatever, it's clearly a risk asset I Want to hear your guys's opinion? but that's that's my take is probably when the best time is and I think you have time between now when the ETF hype Fades and when rates start getting cut to actually get into BTC because when you have hype and shorts getting squeezed, you create a temporary overvalue valuation.

and I'm not here to say that oh, it's going to crash or this, that or whatever, but you probably you probably want to get CU This is not official yet. it's just looking like it's coming. You'll get the official announcement, then. what you're going to get is a lot of news and data about the initial inflows.

How many millions of dollars are going into these? ETFs how many more ETFs are going to get green lit? uh and and I think you'll kind of get like a bleed out of attention on this, but over time as more and more investors are like great I don't have to worry about a hardware wallet I don't have to worry about you know, a blockfi going bankrupt or whatever I can now get safe access to Bitcoin rates are starting to get cut I want more exposure to this risk asset? You get a slow increase of diversification in people's portfolio to crypto, especially after the total failure of the 6040 portfolio over the last year. Stocks and bonds complete wreck. People like oh, you're Diversified if you're 6040 bull crap It did nothing for you this last year. you were a double loser if you were 6040.
So now I think people want to be exposed exposed to okay I'm not going to be that concentrated anymore in just stocks or bonds I need my exposure to maybe it's crypto, Maybe it's real estate. which reminds me we have a November 1st a deadline for investing in house. Haack Go to House my real estate startup. Learn all about it.

Read the offering circular because this video can't be a solicitation, but as the offering circular. Read about Investing In House Haack The deadline to invest for 2023 is November 1st 11:59 P.m. So go check that out. What do you guys think I'm trying to think if big coin like how do you even as I mean obviously as a port, a portfolio manager yourself how do you even analyze this with the the thesis of pricing power Does Bitcoin have pricing power? Can you argue for or against pricing power with Bitcoin I think you can argue as Bitcoin more as a of a hedge Uh so you could look at it as like a we said that in 2021 no no no I didn't say inflation hedge uh I I Think you can look at it as as like a diversifier to to uh you know uh I mean look I think it's but the point.

The point that I'm making is you can't say that uh I think a commodity or whatever Bitcoin is is is really something that has pricing power because it is something that you set up as a diversifier. So it's what. Is it a diversifier from? It's not a diversifier from risk. It's a multiplier to risk.

But is it potentially a diversifier to uh, you know a um, you know a crash in consumer staples or Staples go down. Maybe your risk assets go up. Is it a diversifier to dollar to currencies? Yes, Yeah, absolutely. So not.

Maybe even necessarily just the dollar. But maybe you're invested in your own currency at home because you have a lot of Euros in your bank account, you're like I want to diversify away from Euros So I'm going to put my money into BTC So I think uh, if you're looking at it from which is your question like uh, uh, how do you put it into a pricing power portfolio I think you put it into the percentage that's like the Hedge basket? gotta Yeah. And you're not necessarily hedging pricing power stocks which could be risk asset stocks cuz it's like an amplifier that you're hedging something else. Currency risk.

I Think it be really advantageous for, um, not inflation though that didn't work. No, no, that did not work non Us investors. If you're wanting exposure to a regulated currency that's not your own or you don't necessarily want the dollar, it seems like an okay alternative. like an I something to to look at.
Yeah, and and I wouldn't I I I I Do think the near-term hype cycle has some risk to to slowing down. but here's the thing when we get to Peak rates and the FED starts relaxing Bitcoin will do just as well as risk assets. How does this affect the balance sheets of companies that like Tesla has a couple handful millions of dollars in Bitcoin they still have, they didn't sell, they sell all of it out. Yeah I mean obviously it's good.

the price go up. You know, good thing does Tesla dump now. like if price go up or do you think they use it as like a currency hedge too to like do they I what do they do with it I think Tesla holding Bitcoin is Elon being Elon You know it's like his version of marketing. uh so I I I don't know I Also don't know that it matters so much I think that what matters is that uh because like Bitcoin go up Tesla stock go up.

That's those are not necessarily because you know Tesla stock doesn't necessarily go up because Bitcoin's going up. It's just when Bitcoin's going up, it's going to be because risk assets are going up and Tesla is a risk asset. Uh, interest or stocks that are growth companies are risk assets. Growth companies benefit from lower interest rates.

The best time to launch a Bitcoin ETF is when interest rates Peak that might be right now. that might be right now. Oh boy, that's interesting. You got any thoughts.

Mikey Yeah, short term, there could be risk. Like you said to the hype with all this stuff happening like don't don't I'm I'm not your guys's financial adviser or investment advisor but uh, when things kind of get hyped up because of rumors and things like that I know they say buy the rumors sell the news, but that usually works if you're pretty early on the rumor too. With that said, Bitcoin tends to have these fouryear cycles that we've seen before too. and and I think the best time in general to buy Bitcoin or cryptocurrency in general is when it's not sexy and when people aren't talking about it.

when people are going back to saying this is a scam, this will never work. That's the time. So these last couple years where nothing's really happened, that's the time. Soon as you're seeing it on the news and you're getting calls from like your grandparents and your aunts and uncles going like you should buy Bitcoin I bought this bit sell, that's the time to sell.

Yeah, that's so funny. I mean that's I feel First of all, I think you're 100% right? Second of all, I I keep telling myself you know I was talking to somebody just the other day about Tesla they're like oh, so you know, if you take a Tesla on a road trip, what do you have to probably, uh, stop in charge for like four hours every so often, right? And like you mean like 30 minutes and you're like 80% nearly like what it's gotten that people have no freaking idea how great these tesas are and what I tell myself is I sell Tesla stock when everybody says Teslas are great and I like charging is great. That's when you sell. you don't sell Tesla stock before you get this mainstream adoption of EVS cuz you're not there yet.
It's the same thing what you're saying with Bitcoin when everybody's talking about it, that's when you're near Peak Yeah, it's actually a good point. The website just went down because so many people are going to check. Wow, that's a big uh organization. That's my presumption of why it would be down is because they're being swarmed by inqueries.

but is down or they're getting dosed. True, You know about this Dsing, what's going on here? Heard of this? Yeah, well. D Handshake SSL handshake failed. Cloudflare Cloud Flare says LA's working browser working host error.

So this is a a certificate issue between The Edge which is Cloudflare and the The Origin Web server. Basically their SSL certificates probably expired or invalidated for some reason and they haven't put it back up yet. Wow, can you try forcing it over HTTP Do HTTP call and then Dcc's website with the S without the S without the S. Okay, okay, okay, still nothing.

Still nothing that way. at least you'll bypass SEC Not secure. Yeah, yeah. so I'm going to continue to site.

Yeah, uh, pin will. Wow. So a Dos that that has like a malicious implication like a DOS is when something gets taken down because one person sends a bunch of requests over to the server and basically shuts it down. A Dods is a distributed denial of service.

So it's when either me and M and all of our friends are attacking the same Source or if I'm using a botn net or something like that. In this case, it basically works just like a Dos. It's everybody around the world's trying to connect at the same exact time and that's overwhelming the server and it's just shutting. Now going I Can't handle this.

Amazing. So is it Mal Like if you had an error, is it malicious Or do you think a lot of people are just curious? It's it's probably the the ladder. Yeah, people are all just trying to connect and it's overwhelming. The well.

You have to remember, the Dtcc is a website that is for clearing brokerages, clearing firms. How many freaking clearing firms are there in the country? Not at least two. At least two. Yeah, Yeah, yeah.

Okay, so maybe like a few dozen, right? So like, if there are a few dozen clearing firms that need the services of the Dtcc, how often does their website get visited? You know it's been getting visited by us a lot. Not because of Bitcoin, but other things. But it's very rare that somebody's like oh, I'm waking up and I want to be a customer of the Dtcc Now everybody's like Dtcc d the entire Bitcoin and crypto Community You know everybody wants to see it there I Wonder if because of that, people have found vulnerabilities in the website because it is such not a public facing website that maybe it is a malicious I Don't know. Generally the the facing part of the of the website is going to be totally separate from the backend stuff that happens.
which is why like I'm sure these like people are still able to clear these transactions just fine. 100% you can't visit the stock market would be halted right now. They clear like 70 plus% of stock market transactions like when you trade. Um, guarantee it your trades have gone through them.

Uh so uh yeah. no. the stock market would be shut down right now if the Dtcc servers were actually failing. So I think I think it's what you said, it's this volume.

Yeah yeah, it's actually other words. Apple Just announced an online event called Scary Fast Plann for October 30th. Any idea what it could be Scary Fast or fast Scary fast October 30th They just announced it. What would that be? Uh, you're invited to watch a special Apple event online.

Tune in to on October 30th at 5:00 p.m. Scary Fast. It's like 800 p.m. East Coast Time like that's late for an event.

Apple's next special event will take place on the night of October 30th with scary fast presentation to include Mac updates it says that's it. Uh yeah. so so so it's the Mac event. Okay, so so you know it could be a new Macbook Pro maybe it's the M3 new Max after you just bought the M2 laptop.

Obviously the next thing that's going to happen is they'll release the M3 I have the M1 and I Still love this thing. Man, these chips have been the best they've ever released. Are you app plotting Apple I you I hate to Tex Yeah, but uh oh. if Android made a decent laptop, maybe give it a shot.

What? The Chromebooks ain't working for you anymore? Oh dude, those are a joke. Man it's like a more complicated tablet. Those things are a joke. So do you have? um, we have earnings today I Got to go You got to go I Got to go to a uh mommy Moon That's because these babies are due like any day now.

Uh, we have two wins coming via surrogate So I'm taking Lauren on a little wine tour. nice and it was a surprise. Surprised her and uh you have surprised her or you're going to surpris I Already surprised her last night so she could get ready. Girls don't like last minute surprises as we've learned.

Uh so um anyway she's very excited and uh I will be uh I'll be gone for the next like uh, 30 hours and we'll We'll see you tomorrow. All right, we'll hold the fork down. You're supposed to just sip the wine and taste it. You're not supposed to actually chug it and get drunk.

Yeah right. Yes. Kevin But I Don't know if they can stop you if you decide to do the L With that said, even though I'm a licensed financial adviser, licensed real estate broker, and becoming a stock broker, this video is neither personalized Financial or real estate advice for you. It is not tax, legal or otherwise a personalized advice tailored to you.
This video provides generalized perspective. We need some music Christian This is a little too boring without the music any third party content I Show could not be deemed should not be deemed endorsed by any of us. This video is not and shall never be deemed reasonably sufficient information for the purposes of evaluating security or investment decision. Any links or promoted products are paid for sponsorships.

Streamyard Go to Streamyard. look at that. Send me a coffee mug too. How great is that? Thanks so much for watching.

We'll see you in the next one.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

26 thoughts on “Trump betrayed, israeli flip, bitcoin moon meet kevin show e.12”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Y2Kazan says:

    This war is all about the new Silk Road between Europe and the Middle East. Wake up 🐑

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Boe Jiden says:

    3 Intellectuals with 2 having the personality of sliced bread.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Kohan says:

    Keep hustling and adapting! 😊

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Driskill says:

    BTC 🚀🌙💎👐

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nu N says:

    Naive Kevin called out Israel so passionately for the hospital strike, but doesn't say even half as much against the real perpetrator. He just says 'both sides are responsible'. Sounds pretty biased. And saying terrorists sending thousands of rockets into civilian areas is them just protecting their land? That's more than just being biased

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Liang says:

    I want to see more market and business news. I don't care about political news unless it's a new chips bill or something that affects markets.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Live N The Moment says:

    114 hours a week lol 😂

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Boylan says:

    Well it starts with $5000, $10000 and it moves to 3 days, 5 days, 10 days, 15 days, 20 days, 30 days.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J Tel says:

    Biden presidency is a train wreck. I lived so much better when Trump president. JAF

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rudy Enriquez says:

    Meet Kevin channel is my new Netflix

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JoeCast says:

    0-4 in convictions in those cases. Just saying in a few years all those guilty pleas could be wiped out if they don't violate their guidelines. take that how ever you like.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marc Kuhn says:

    Appreciate the update!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ann says:

    China and Russia would not aid Israel like the USA does and they both hate Israel

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve green says:

    Nobody is blinking an eye if something happened to joe. Dont kid yourself. Nobody, is going to war for that man, regardless of his post.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Hewitt says:

    This guy is a salesman first and foremost – you have been warned.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Casper says:


  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DeAnna Choi says:

    Someone fill me in on who these other 2 lads are that Kevin is talking to??

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Liam Gauge says:

    The idea that Kevin McCarthy was "neutra guy" is laughable. He literally tried to impeach Joe Biden with no evidence.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veronica says:

    Why not comment on Microsoft and Google earnings?? This is one of the most important things yesterday in the market. I Dislike this video!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark says:

    one month ago meet kevin: intel is a good company (intel 39)
    today : intel 33

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KennethGLeecom says:

    Rising mortgage rates, lock volume decrease, and market compression force the closure of prominent Georgia-based lender, ending its two-decade run.

    And just like that another mortgage shop has gone out of business. This time it's Homestar Financial Corporation headquartered in Gainsville, Georgia.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dale Bruno says:

    Those aren’t American hostages.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars QuadTap says:

    BTC is shifting to RISK OFF… keep up kev

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vassili says:

    Consumer spending will go down when more workers go back to office?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cristhian Diaz says:

    Who are these guys?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abid Rahim says:

    You don't have to be highly qualified to know what happens when you increase interest rate…..Companies close or file for bankruptcy as they cannot afford to pay the interest incurred on their loans. People who have invested in stock loose their money. I think JP should resign and look for another job.

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