Thousands of agents have requested it, so here it is… The #TomFerryShow is BACK!
Although I haven’t exactly been away (I’m covering A LOT more ground than ever before), I feel more compelled than ever to reach as many real estate agents as possible and help them push forward through market challenges. To do that, I’m jumping straight back in with episode 284 of the #TomFerryShow.
It’s the same style of direct, practical, and cutting-edge real estate advice I’ve always given but updated for the situations agents are facing in today’s market. If you’re a real estate agent looking for motivation, marketing strategies, sales tactics, or systems for running your business, this this the show for you.
And in a fitting manner, this return episode is all about the thing that every agent wants but struggles to maintain – momentum. I’m sharing four ways to get it, keep it, and enjoy the power that comes with it.
Welcome (or welcome back) to the Tom Ferry Show!

Welcome to the Tom Fairy Show! Hey welcome back to the Tom Ferry show. It has been three years and we are back. Now here's my question for you as you're watching this video: Are you looking for three or four ways to immediately get into momentum and make 2024 exactly as you designed? If the answer is yes, you're going to love this show, so let's jump right into it as we start a new Year. We were all smart enough to write our goals to write out our plans.

The struggle that I find though is many people can't make the leap between. Here's what I wrote out of my goals. Here's what I wrote in my plans to. Here's what I actually have to do every single day every single week to get into Momentum.

Well it reminds me of a story of a client of mine years ago who was transferred into my schedule as another coach and I said to her how can I help she said well I wrote this giant business plan and it must have been this thick it was huge and I read it from cover to cover and I thought slightly overwhelming. Then I on our first session said so tell me how do you plan to achieve your goals for the year and she was looking to double the size of her business and I said how do you plan to do it she said well I'm GNA follow my schedule and I said so tell me about your schedule she said well I get up at 4:45 in the morning at 4:47 I put my shoes on at 4:48 I brush my teeth at 4:49 I Get dressed. It was so detail oriented, it was almost overwhelming. Do you know someone like that? If you know someone like that, leave a comment below if you know someone that's a little crazy when it comes to their schedule.

Well after I listened to her entire schedule I said so let me ask you a question, how long have you had that schedule and how long you been working on that plan she said well, I've been working on it for like two years and I said so you came into my schedule because you're looking to get better results I'm going to make the recommendation that we take that plan. we throw it in the trash and we take that schedule. We throw it in the trash and we try and simplify this by just answering one question. So here's my first action for you.

As you think about what it is you want to accomplish in 20124, it's it's January You got plenty of time to get into Momentum. Here's the question: What are the five to seven most important activities that will drive the business that will move the business forward That will get you into Momentum, Where you wake up in the morning with a sense of certainty because you know you're doing the right things. Five days a week? Six days a week? Seven days a week. whatever it is.

So if we just stop right there I'll tell you what she said to me. she said, well, I got to go to the gym I'm like, okay, great, let's put that on the list. Go to the gym. what else do you have to do? well I I said no, no no, let's let's chunk it up.

Let's keep it simple. sounds like morning routine. She's like yes I need a morning routine where I listen to something get myself fired up I said and what about the office I Want to get to the office at this time? It doesn't really matter, it's your schedule. you decide I said but when you get to the office, what? what is the most important thing you need to do to start the day she says I need to go inside the MLS I need to look at all the new listings, all the pending sales I'm like Okay, so we're going to check the daily hot sheets so we're GNA go to the gym.
We're gonna have a powerful morning routine. We're going to check the daily hot sheets now. What else do you have to do to get your business into momentum? She goes. Followup I said okay, is it followup or is it scheduled some appointments she said well I think it's both and I said well, let's write down, follow up and schedule appointments.

That was the fourth thing she put on her list. I said okay. So once we've done that, what else do we have to do? She's like oh, I knew you were going to make me do this I've got to start calling my clients in my sphere and I've got to, you know, work for some repeat and referral business I I just oh I struggle with that I'm like, well, let's get it on the list because we know that's important what else and she had another lead source that she was focusing on just like you. we added that to the list.

Now here's my point. when her and I decided to go from this sort of comp, complicated, crazy business plan and this incredible schedule that was just overwhelming to even try and follow and we simplified it into a daily. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Across the top, the activities on the bottom left a daily in weekly action checklist. All of a sudden now she was like H Okay, I know those are the things I have to do.

That's what's going to get me into momentum. Those are the things that when I do that, my business starts to hum and I'm like, okay, let's not complicate it. why don't we just for the next 30 to 45 days just do that. Now my question is, how many days a week are you going to commit to those things How many days a week And she told me the numbers and then I said okay, let's take it one step further.

So you're clear on this: I'm asking you what are the most important activities? Five to seven things that move the needle in your business: Sending your email, sending your text, doing your followup scheduling appointments, Knowing the daily numbers, you know you know what you have to do. You were smart enough to write your plan. Now let's get into something actionable. So she creates the list and then we created a little accountability where she had to send it to me once a week before our coaching session.

Now for you, that could be You know with your spouse that could be with your office manager. it could be with your business coach. it could be with your Mastermind group. But the science says that if I write out the list and I track a measure against it and then I report it back to somebody when I report it back to somebody I get geometric growth I get the lift that I'm looking for in my business I want to get into momentum.
So the most important thing I'm going to say to you as we start the new year and I know it's you know we're a couple weeks in, but it's okay is what are the five to seven most important activities you need to do on a daily and weekly basis that will move your business forward. You know your business, you know the stuff. Just promise me you're going to focus on the leading indicators, the cause, the the do the thing. Have the power stuff, not the hey I want two listings and I want three sales because those are the lagging indicators I Know you want all those things, but I need to know the cause that's going to get you those results.

So that's number one now. Number two, Number two. If you've ever read all these great business books, whether it's you know EOS and traction, or the four disciplines of execution or measure what matters, they all basically say the same thing. They say: number one have a wildly important goal.

you've got that right for the year personally and professionally. They say know the activities required to get there right. We just talked about that, so you know the things you have to do that will move the needle and move your business forward, but this is where it gets great. Number Three says, if I want to have a great business, if I want to really get into momentum I've got to put a scoreboard up that visually tracks and measures what it is I'm committed to now.

With everything happening in the world, it's hard to argue against what is the single most important thing that is the driver of success of my business. Like I would argue in my 30 plus years of experience, it is the number of appointments that I schedule and the number of appointments I Go on. So what if I told you I think if I walked inside your office, your cubicle, your home office, wherever you're watching this If I don't see an appointment goal for the year literally 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, seven, eight all the way down to the bottom the number of appointments you want to go on If I don't see that visually inside the office I might question: are you in sales I might ask yourself what are you really doing in this business now don't take offense to that I Care So I call that carefrontation when I Care I will say to people: if you don't have a visual scoreboard of the number one leading indicator of success in this business booking and going on appointments, if you don't have that, you're not really in the game. So if you're feeling the pressure of that, what are you going to do today? Maybe you're going to get a whiteboard up.

Maybe you're going to go buy like a a big white piece of paper and you're going to write out the numbers. But what I want is I want it up in visual whether it's at your home office or whether it's at the office there I Want to know exactly what you're committed to. Now you know what happens every time I talk about this. People start to put those visuals up and then it's like this: It's Ustus, right? Are you familiar with the word ustus? There's stress.
oh my. God I'm so stressed. and then there's ustus. It's that positive stress.

It's like I'm excited about this. Like, but I've got the the butterfli is in my stomach but I know it's something I got to go do and I'm ready for it I want to create some ustus I want every time you walk inside the office, you look up on that wall and you're like, okay I know I got to focus on solving this problem right now. but if I don't get after those appointments, I'm not going to get to my goal. So I got to carve out sometime today to fulfill on the promises that I made to my clients when I told them I was going to follow up because I want to buy and sell real estate.

So I'm going to at least do my followup. I'm going to book another appointment I'm going to move my business One Step Closer every day. no matter what, you know what. that's what the greats do.

That's what separates ordinary from extraordinary in this business. the extraordinary people simply do the things that give them the power, regardless of what's going on around them. How do we make sure we anchor that? We got a visual so everybody sees it. Which means everybody inside the office if you're watching this together.

By the way, if you're watching this in a sales meeting, let me know. in the comments. Ments: if you're watching this in a sales meeting, right, let me know. If you're watching on your own, just say hey in the comments I'm watching it on my own no matter what I want people around you to know what it is you're committed to.

So that's number two. Now let's go to number three. What I know is this Most of us, you included. We want more business from repeat and referral and what we know.

Looking back at 2023, certainly 2022, the second half of the year, one of the great drivers of repeat and referral success was client events. Now there's a multitude of events you can do. You can invite them to an open house, you can do a big brunch, you can throw a back to school end of school. There's uh, you know, tens of things you can do.

So I don't I don't have to give you the ideas there. What I'd like to see you do is book four events one per quarter. Now why do I really want you to do this? See, when you do an event, it's not the event, all the money and the referrals and the relationship building and the the strengthening of the bond of your partnership is created. Doing three things.

One is the invitation. Hey Brandon Tom Ferry We're doing an event coming up on hoby Dooo. We'd love to have you come out. Can you join us right having that conversation with someone in your sphere, A client, someone that you respect, maybe a prospect that you want to bring him into your ecosystem? Half the battle is just that invitation, just saying would you like to join us And when they say yes, you just had a positive conversation and in that moment you're never going to ask for refer girl.
but you know what you're doing. you're strengthening the bond, you're strengthening the relationship. The second thing is at the event hey Brandon I want you to meet my friend Phil over here and you know Phil us meet Mary and you're making connections and you're having fun and you're being social. and then the third part which is following up and saying hey Brandon I just want to say thank you so much for coming to the event.

Did you meet some good people? Did you have a good time? I'm going to do one of these a quarter should I keep you on the list and invite you every time. What would you like to do? Whatever the followup is. The bottom line is this: the more Comm ation we have with people that already know, like and trust us, the more we cement in their head. Tom Ferry is my real estate agent.

He's my guy. I'm strengthening that Bond Not by saying hey, who do you know and would you like to and do you know anybody but instead I want to deliver value to you, which you're going to hear me talk about throughout the next 12 months. So number three is, if you want to get into momentum, you got to do four events this year, which means you got to book one in this quarter. Which means you need another reason to start calling all of your clients, all your sphere, and all your prospects to invite them to that event.

So let's do the last one. Number four, All right. Number Four, Would you be shocked to hear that for the last 11 years, the first week of January I open up Evernote which is kind of where I keep all my notes and I open up my entire calendar and I go back through the entire year and what I'm looking for is what were the great memories, the great experiences that I had in 2023. Now I know for a lot of people, 2023 was a hard year and it was a battle for all of us in business, certainly in real estate and yet for the last 11 years I do this that first week to reflect on the good things that happened and you know what? it, it just gets me fired up if you would have asked me in June of last year I was a year ago and I was like it's hard I'm working harder I'm doing more events I'm helping as many people as I can but it's a it's a slugfest with interest rates at eight and everything else you experienced it I experienced it.

But when I reflected back looking at each week of the things that I did and the date nights with with my wife or the fact we got a new puppy or celebrated our 30-year wedding anniversary or time with my kids, time with my friends, playing golf, playing pickleball whatever was I was able to identify that I really had from a magical memory standpoint, a lot of great experiences and it makes me reflect on the year differently now. I would ask you maybe you should take on the same discipline. More importantly, Point Number four is I would challenge you to create for yourself a list of experiences you want to have in 2024. Now you're like wait a minute Tom You told me like how am I G to have an extraordinary year you know I got to do the thing.
have the power I gotta have my checklist of the five to seven things and I gotta you know I gotta get my scoreboard up and track and measure all my appointments and I gotta make you know I'm doing all this stuff and I'm like yes, I want you to do all that stuff But here's the thing we're all G to grind this year I'm gonna work hard you're GNA work hard. What I want though is I want you to have these moments in time where you're like hey, in the next month and a half I'm going to go do this and then six weeks after I'm going to go do this and now I've got a reason to go work my face off help as many clients fulfill all the promises, Do all the follow-up book the appointments, send the text, send the emails, send the mailers. Do all the things I know I have to do because I know coming up. I've got this cool experience and maybe it's a getaway.

Maybe it's a trip, Maybe it's just taking a day off with you and someone you love and going to the spa. or maybe just going to the mountains or going to the beach. It doesn't have to cost you anything, but it's designed and it's an intentional thing to say. In the next 45 days, I'm doing this and we're going to make a great memory now.

Why does that matter? Once again, we all need something to look forward to. So if I know you've got eight 10 12 things to look forward to throughout the year and I say to you: keep making your calls, keep fulfilling your promises, keep sending the texts, Keep sending the emails you're like Okay, Coach I'm going to do the work, but I know I've got this coming up and that's going to be my break to go. This is why I'm working so hard. Does that Does that make sense? All right? So I would love as I Wrap up Episode 284 After a three-year Hiatus of the Tom fery, Show Brandon gives me a little round of applause I Would love your comments below.

What are you going to do to get into momentum as quickly as possible in 2024? So you earn the money you deserve. Thank you so much for watching the show and I'll look forward to seeing you next! Tuesday Hey, if you like this content, make sure you get back to my channel and check out Jason Pantana this week in marketing the Tom Ferry Podcast Experience and of course mindset. Monday.

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where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

10 thoughts on “Tomferryshow returns! – 4 ways to get momentum in 2024 tom ferry show”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @PhoebeReyesRealtor says:

    Love the TF show and grateful for all your insight and advice!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @gregboudreau5778 says:

    Love this
    Focus on the “leading success activities”
    Play the game of “TAG”
    Achieve some “traction”
    Trust in the process
    Keep moving forward
    As you build off of your momentum
    And the results will happen!! 👏🎉
    See you about an hour at Santa Clara

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mickstewart8380 says:

    Watching this at 230am Australian time. Home office

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-nw9my2qp5q says:

    Received a link to this from my TF coach. Fantastic start to the day. I am going to buy a whiteboard today so my effort and results are visible.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @juancarlosromero5052 says:

    I'm going to put my dashboard in front of me to remind me of my promise. thank you tom

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @eileenrodriguez9333 says:

    This is what I like to hear, watch it on my own.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @annvaughn-realtor9217 says:

    watching because brokerr sent to me….lucky to be with Selling Paradise c21…Bobby Mahan

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @SouthwestFloridaLiving says:

    Guilty on the details and too much of it For SURE!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @kerryannfullerrainey-clear2868 says:

    YES!!!! I’ve missed these! Welcome back, this was great! Just what I needed. 🙌🏼👏🏼👏🏼🙏

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @NYStateofMindRE says:

    This was super helpful, chunking down! And love having something fun to look forward, after following our schedule and making our calls! TYVM and WELCOME BACK COACH!

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