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Hey everyone welcome welcome, well, folks. Ah today's the day the markets are waiting for today is the day that jerome powell will tell us, if he's pulling the rug out from under us or not uh. Now, obviously, we we've made a lot of uh sort of expectations and talked a lot about expectations regarding today, uh, and there are many different things that can happen. We know that jerome powell is expecting to accelerate the pace of the taper.

So that way, we are essentially reducing bond purchases by 30 billion dollars in the next month, rather than by 15 billion dollars in the next month, and then probably continuing that pace going forward. So that way, we're reducing by 30 billion, which would really mean we'd, be done, tapering, uh somewhere by uh, the middle of march end of march uh. This is uh, of course, the expectation but uh john powell could surprise us, and i believe that uh markets have been quite red, especially in any kind of risk-related stocks over the last couple days, uh because of uh fears for what jerome powell is going to do. I think there are a lot of folks thinking.

You know what i'm going to sit this one out, i'm going to wait to see what happens and then maybe i'll buy back in afterwards. Personally, i think there's a good chance. This morning we could see uh and i don't know you never know, but i think there's a chance as we lead into this meeting, we could see some more red. We could see indices go red which they're barely green right now, i think they're, mostly flat uh.

We could also see uh, you know some some more either profit or loss taking right beforehand as people get a little bit more standoffish and we'll see what happens. Yeah actually. Now look at that just in the last few minutes it looks like the indices somewhat flipped. Here down now down 0.08 s, p is only a .01 nasdaq down 0.03.

So you get a tiny little bit of a pullback here bond market. There you go. Look at that now, the s p, just literally turned red. All of them just turned red right before our eyes.

The treasury market is essentially unchanged, 10 years still sitting at 1.44, so treasury markets not really telling you that we're expecting any kind of longer-term inflation. But if you hop on over to the two-year this is where you're going to see the shorter term expectations and uh. It does seem that on the two-year, the bond market is expecting rates to go up in the in the near term, which would probably be within the next three to six months. We'll see some sort of rate increase some sort of bump from 0.0 to 0.25.

As a rate to 0.25 to 0.5 and then potentially another quarter up from there all in 2022., some folks, even calling now for three rate increases in 2022. But in my opinion, and and this is what's really going to move, markets is uh. It's all going to come down to what the data is, and i believe that jerome powell is going to be somebody who uh will make that very clear in his conversations today, and hopefully the stock market appreciates that uh this uh. This is actually very important because if drone power comes across as too hawkish and unwilling to waiver on newer data that comes out and then that's not that great, then then you're probably looking at uh even more pain in the market.
So let's go ahead and look at the market, so uh, we'll start first by noticing that look at this folks, roblox roblox is uh down 8.6 percent in the pre-market here, uh, okay, so so somebody's asking, how do three rate increases work uh? So it's pretty pretty simple: the federal reserve discount rate right now is it's a range and it's a range of zero to .25. So, even though we say rates are zero, it's actually a range, it's a range of zero to 0.25 uh and that's that's where they sit now and the federal reserve will bump those up a quarter of a percent likely every single time. So if you get three rate increases, then you would go from zero. You'd go from the first quarter to the second quarter to the third quarter.

That would be two rate increases. Second to the third. Fourth, a fourth quarter would look like a 0.75 rate to 1.0. So generally we would say rates are at 0.75, then, but that the actual technical definition is a range of 0.75 to 1..

So that would be the range where rates would be so yeah. Hopefully that answers that okay, so uh, let's figure out why roblox is going down we'll take a look here, see why roblox is going down, but look at that backed holding here's this one. This is your five to ten percent swinger. Basically, every single day i get it, it kind of gets a little uh ridiculous.

Honestly uh, let's see here yeah there we go: okay, uh roku, ooh, roku down 4.5 ouch uh roku, just uh hitting even even lower levels. Here you know what does make me very interested, though, is i've been wanting to find this out and uh? Let's see here, roku earnings reports, i've been wanting to know if roku uh or how much money roku actually makes from advertising as opposed to other revenues like selling their tvs, whatever i've never invested in roku, i've only considered it if so, i'm gon na do a Very quick look here: this is their last quarterly report and so look at this. They make money from their platform and they make money from their player. Now i don't know what the difference between those two things are, but fear not that's what annual reports are for.

So, let's just quickly see there, we go uh what those two different things are. So that's going to help us understand this company a little bit more, so they have net revenue from platform and player. Okay platform consists of revenue generated from the sale of ah look at that the sale of digital advertising, but they lump together content distribution, services subscription and transaction revenue, including premium subscriptions. So, presumably, if you sign up for youtube premium, maybe they take some sort of a cut and sale of branded buttons on remote controls and licensing agreements with tv brands.
I mean that's a lot. I i wish they would parse out digital advertising. I don't know if they do, let's see, because that would give us a little bit more of an idea: advertising business about roku yeah. We operated two revenue segments platform platforms: okay! Well, that's the same! Okay! Here we go.

We believe advertising budgets will continue to shift from traditional tv to streaming tv and will benefit from the shift due to our advanced advertising capabilities. Major content. Publishers have continued to reorganize around streaming as a result, and you know a company like trade desk, helps people place. Advertisements on on platforms like roku, in fact, if you go to trade, i think it's partners yeah here you go look at this.

You see all of these, these different companies that they end up partnering with. I want to see if they specifically mention roku on here, though i mean look at that you got tick tock over here. So it's interesting! You you want to get. You want to invest in like tick tock ads, for example, you could get the ad buyer here.

Spotify pandora, but i don't see mprs rs. Oh you think roku would be right here. Hmm, that's interesting! Trade desk roku, well, people just comparing the stocks uh more interesting play on growth streaming arena than orca. Now people are just comparing roku to trade.

Us that's interesting! All right anyway, uh sorry for the little deviation there had to or or a tangent there had had to go. Look that one up oops! Let's get rid of that: uh huh, okay, so domino's domino's, three percent to the downside, monday.com falling a little bit again, not actually a lot of red. Honestly. This is uh.

I mean really roku and roblox. But beyond that, then you just have these sort of nominal declines. You know one percent here, one percent there big deal really uh, it's nothing. So, looking on the upside, you actually have dwack d-wag up 5.76, now dwack, actually now uh partnering with rumble, which is the right-wing uh video media player and they've reached an agreement on that.

So uh it'll be kind of interesting to see the market react to that. Today, via dwack, but again duac as far as we know, it doesn't actually have a much of a much of a an actual platform or much of anything yet uh other than hope, but they're they're really trying to fill that hope out and you got ta give It to them all right, let's uh! Let me take a brief, listen here, because we did make a video on this yesterday. Okay, let's stay focused, okay, uh. I think that senator warren uniquely is decided to pick on the rich and that i don't know if it really resonates in this country.

I think what resonates in this country is that musk has taken back the the manufacturing mantle from the germans and the chinese. Although the mobility in this country is not all right, i'm going to pull that off. Uh interesting argument that warren's designed to pick on the rich, probably uh, so roku had a price target cut from 435 dollars to 315 by jp morgan. So that's why we could be seeing a little bit of a downside, move there, sadly in roku price cut and then, if we jump on over to roblox, to understand why they're down eight percent - let's see here, roblox drops after november users and bookings trail expectations.
Aha november metrics data roblox reports daily active users of 49.4 up 35 over the year, but apparently uh folks were expecting a little bit more there. Uh, let's see. If i can find expectation i mean it's so they seem like phenomenal numbers, but all it takes in uh in wall street is for you to miss the expectation and uh. Then you end up getting burned yeah, it's a little harder to find the expectation.

Okay, no worries so then we know what's going on so missed expectation on users for roblox. That explains why we're about 8.3 percent of the downside on roblox roku, down with a massive price target cut from jp morgan from like the 430 level to the low 300s. But otherwise, most of the market, just tentative, looks like about one percent down a quarter of a percent down for some stocks. You've got uh, you know quite a bit of uh modest green over here biggest thing being.

Do we have dwack here on euphoria again uh? It does look like you have a little bit of uh bitcoin and uh. A little bit of bitcoin nervousness yeah. Look at that not not terribly much, but you are kind of trying to rotate back to um to your support lines here. I'm gon na throw let's see here: okay, yeah you're, seeing that with ethereum as well, almost exactly the same pattern.

Yeah look at that. We hit 3 900 over here. Almost going right back, wouldn't shock me to see the coins all rotate back right to uh right to our support line until jerome powell speaks or we get our press release to see exactly what's going to happen, remember that takes place today at uh at 11 a.m. In fact, what i should really do is i should have a tentative uh broadcast set up so that way you can set a reminder for it.

I'll probably go live like five minutes before or something like that. Uh, oh uh. What should we call the fed statement and decision? Ah there we go okay, so i'll schedule that so that way you can uh. You can set a little reminder for that as well and and so that way you get a notification for that.

Now keep in mind youtube, and this is a funny thing youtube does youtube, will only ever send you three notifications within 24 hours. So if you're ever wondering why you don't get all the notifications, it's a really good idea to download the meet kevin app in your app store, and then you get all the notifications, so just type meet kevin and your apple or android app store. Do it right now, otherwise, you'll forget about it right now, all you have to do meet kevin in the app store and download it, and the cool thing about that is you don't have to uh? You don't have to worry about missing notifications. If you want those notifications, you know otherwise don't get the app uh anyway, but then you don't miss anything.
So some people are like. Oh man. I wish i saw your the notification for when, when that hack was happening or whatever with crypto, it's like well youtube's. Only gon na send you three so you're gon na miss something anyway uh lucid's down a couple percent.

Let's take a look at lucid here. Yeah lucids were really dancing around just above that 36 level sitting in about 40 right now in the pre-market here good run. Yesterday, though, quite a few things actually ran yesterday, let's take a look at that, so you've got apple here. Let's go to the day.

Chart yeah you've got apple uh that rotated uh. Well, let me see the day chart for yesterday. Actually, the minute chart, that's what we want to look at there. We go see yeah, look at that.

You had that run into the close yesterday on a lot on various different companies yesterday, so i do wonder: geez weeble come on there we go. I do wonder if we're going to see some of that continue, this sort of low that we had we fell during the day, ran into the close, with the exception of that typical institutional selling right at the end so curious to see. Look at that bounce perfectly off that 1479 line there. Well nearly it's 1472, but incredible uh, a lot of stocks relatively tentative here going into the morning all right, weeble's going nuts today! Here we go, i don't think weeble can handle it.

We will can't handle j-pal j-pal, shutting down our weebs uh anyway. Yeah i mean i, i don't expect any big moves, with the exception of to the downside, uh until uh, until jay pal's release, which i personally think is going to be a buying opportunity. Now i don't want to like blow everything but uh specifically because well i mean, if you have a larger correction in the market, you uh a don't want to get margin called and b. You don't want to be uh uh in a place where you can't buy the dip, so you don't want to blow everything uh yeah, 11 a.m.

Pacific time, that's that's right in terms of the fed's decision, but uh. You know personally to me. I'm hopeful that this market opens up so nervous about jay pal, that we end up getting tesla with a straight drop and we get maybe elon musk selling a little bit and we end up getting some form of uh. You know sell-off in uh.

What do we have? Um some sort of sell-off under 900 would be ideal, some sort of massive pain. That comes very briefly, so i'm probably going to be watching the tickers all day long today. Well, certainly at least until 11, when we go live with powell and then i'll still be watching the tickers, but i'm really going to be looking for those brief moments of fear. I don't know if we'll get them.
We had two days of fear in the last two days and that's why i've been nibbling a little bit in the last two days. So you just don't know if you're gon na get that fear this morning. But i i'm i'm hopeful that i get some red over the next few hours and then after jay pal, we just go green, the rest of the year. That's that's the hope, uh or at least uh.

You know the stocks that have gotten beaten up. There are a lot of things that have still done well, which are things that are propping up the s p, which don't necessarily have to continue. I mean i don't know that apple necessarily needs to continue the crazy run, and sometimes what you see is people selling apple to go, buy some of the other stocks that have been discounted take here. We were having a chat about this.

Yesterday i mean look at some of the specs folks. Look at this, so you got hippo. Let's go to the day chart on these watch this. So, let's zoom in a little bit more there we go here's, here's hippo for you, two dollars and 45 cents.

Let's go to like if you're a newer company here, you're, almost just getting smoked, here's shift technologies they're, almost all on the same path. Hippo shift. Let's look at honest uh, i mean it's. It's a straight down: evaporation in the stock market.

How about a smile, direct club? Look at that straight down, let's go for! I don't know what what are some other really pained ones: body uh! Let's try robinhood, really think we're gon na get a solid u-turn on robinhood, but could be totally wrong uh right now. It's going to zero snapchat. Let's take a look at this yeah. Look at even snapchat getting hurt here: yikes open door.

How has open door been doing yeah open door? 1411 yikes yikes, oh microvision, yeah, there's another one: that's sold down! Oh! Look at that yeah microvision down to and ninety four cents, which reminds me xl fleet was another one of those and i think that's three dollars now or four dollars now. Hyleon was another one yeah look at these. These have basically all become penny stocks. It's really incredible: someone says my hair is still red uh, so you don't think they'll be green.

Well, it's it's pink! So it it! It's a sign of uncertainty in the market, all right all right! Let's uh! Let's go see what we got in uh in terms of some uh headlines all right. Let's see here headlines headlines all right: we've got u.s retail sales trail forecast suggesting drag from inflation. You know this is actually good to finally tell businesses who keep raising prices, that people are sick and tired of it. We ain't putting up with all the new price increases anymore.

I know it sounds wild to think that consumers have that power, but it's true all right. So, let's see here, u.s retail sales rose by less than forecast in november, suggesting consumers are tempering purchases against the backdrop of the fastest inflation in decades. You know this is like the greatest media line right here. It's so perfect for selling the news anyway.
Uh, let's see told my kids santa has covid and the reindeer blue tongue disease need cash to buy the dip yeah, i'm sure that'll go well. The value of overall retail purchases increased 0.3 percent, the smallest advance at four months after a revision of a 1.8 percent gain in october commerce, department figure showed wednesday, excluding gas and motor vehicles sales climbed 0.2 in november wow. That's nominal yeah. Look at that! This kind of gives you a little bit of an idea.

I mean we have had declines of retail sales and you frequently get those declines after these, these larger more these stimulus distributions now uh, it's worth noting that i did this video yesterday on uh on the last stimulus check, and it really gives you this this catalyst Point somewhere between february and uh april for another one of these big peaks like i wouldn't be surprised. If we see between february march april, we see some elevated levels here, because folks are going to be getting their six-month child tax credit uh, which, which is substantial. I mean that's between fifteen hundred and eighteen hundred dollars per child. You know: we've got over 61 million qualifying children uh in this uh in this uh country and if you're wondering what to do with that money.

Well, obviously, you should use all of it to check out the amazing programs on building your wealth and the bundle options we have, especially for the new course that comes out in january, been reading through a lot of your submissions and they're, absolutely fascinating and incredible. I'm so excited uh and and then of course, the most popular one is the socks and psychology of money group where you get live streams with me, uh the personal ones, where we talk a little bit more in detail and answer q and a uh and uh. The buy sell alerts, the lectures uh and then the next popular one is um zero to millionaire real estate investing anyway, so bloomberg was expecting a 0.8 gain in retail sales. So we we missed substantially here with only a 0.3 percent increase.

The softer than expected report may also reflect the pulling forward of holiday sales yeah. So this was this was something that uh there were executives from macy's talking about. Oh, and that reminds me if i haven't said it - there is a coupon code that expires uh uh right at the end of the 25th, which is in 10 days. Can you believe it? Christmas is in 10 days, so the price go up again after christmas, but anyway this was interesting.

A macy's executive mentioned that you, if you pull forward demand with consumers because they're worried about supply chain issues, sometimes they end up spending twice. They spend once when they pull their demand forward and then again during the regular sale season and according to the retail sales data that we're seeing now that doesn't appear to be the case see here. The software than expected report may reflect the polling forward of holiday sales, as many americans aware of supply chain slowdowns shopped earlier than usual october. In october, the sales increase was the strongest in seven months, crowding more holiday shopping earlier in the fall does not change our estimate for stellar consumer consumer performance in the final quarter says bloomberg.
Economics u.s consumer prices are rising all right. We already know that sales breakdown, five of 13 retail categories, showed declines in receipts last month, led by electronics and appliance merchants. My opinion, by the way, is that if you see it, you start seeing substantial declines in appliances. This is a good sign that soon you're going to see substantial declines in uh, new and used car prices and and other durables durables are appliances like things uh, like refrigerators, washers dryers, we start seeing people pull back on stuff like this.

That's great sales at non-store retailers which include e-commerce were flat in november. That's sad that uh in black friday on black, essentially during the black friday and cyber monday period, you'd have flat sales. That's sad. Rising prices could also be driving.

Some increases in categories like gas stations and grocery stores, or seats at restaurants and bars the loan services oriented category climbed, one percent. Otherwise, if you're not buying services, you're buying goods right, in fact, that's what economists call it. You know what gas stands for goods and services anyway, so when people like how how was gas spending oh well, goods and services? Sorry, it's nerdy so-called control group sales, which are used to calculate gross domestic product and exclude blah blah blah, okay, great so uh. Let's see here, somebody said kevin.

I signed my three-year-old daughter up for your courses with my stimi money. Let's go that's what i'm talking about uh. The new course is uh is very unique thanks for asking uh but we're gon na get to the ticker symbols. Here.

I'm not going to spend too much time on it. Basically, i've got a course on real estate, investing course on stock, investing psychology money, but a lot of folks feel lost because they don't know what they should do. Should they be getting into real estate. Should they get rental property out of the area in the area local to where they are, should they move, should they not move like? Should they get a better job? Should they? How should they negotiate where they are? Are they good where they are, and they just need to invest differently, uh hashtag, non-financial advice, but uh? These are.

These are questions that come up. It's like. Okay, i got all the ammo from real estate got all the ammo from stocks now. The path course kind of just puzzles that together, based on people's individuals, individual personalities and uh and their circumstances, so we're going through like uh.
You know at this point was going to be more than expected. I was initially saying, like 32 to 64 different paths, but it's going to end up being more than that, because we have so many different, unique submissions. It's really incredible say: look at that. The darn three-year-old has lifetime access.

Now, that's value yeah, i'm not going anywhere uh. Don't you think it's a good time to start buying small caps, yeah uh? No, i for small caps, i'm really interested in in watching for rotation uh, although i have started buying some. So i guess it's a yes and a note like uh corsair, i feel like you're, pretty close to a potential bottom there, similar with with robin hood. Well, it's not robin hood's, not really a small cap, it's more of like a mid cap, but uh yeah we'll see what happens this morning and i'm very interested to see uh action this morning, specifically because i want to go shopping.

In fact. That's what i'm gon na do right now is i'm gon na i'm gon na pull up my brokerage account. So that way i could go sh hopping uh right! Well, let's see here there we go all right, mate, we're gon na go shopping. Uh, i got ta be careful not to spend too much, though, let's start going into margin here soon, all right, uh, roblox, uh, you're, seeing okay, so you're, seeing some acceleration of a sell-off here.

Look at this you're seeing uh roblox now down nine and a half percent, as opposed to the eight percent that we saw alibaba rotating down, lucid rotating down uh under 40, again, dutch bros rotating down roku's down neo down 2.32, a firm 2.22 uh rivien 1.48. A lot of the um recovery stocks. Actually i see a lot of toast. I see toast here, macy's uh, maybe some more omicron fears dwack's in the same spot, honest c3.

These guys moving up a little bit hippo's, actually green, etsy's, actually green. All right! The big things to watch spy we'll start with the spy we'll see if the broader mark, not, i can't believe i said spy but wrote tesla. Well we're going to watch that one too so spy's actually 0.03 positive right. Now we're going to watch this with the bell happening right here and we're going to see here we're going to get an institutional sell down.

Are we going to get a rally? Are we going to get flatness? I have no idea, but i'm ready, i'm ready to buy here we go. They would not agree that hope that demand is waiting at all. Judging by that last conference, where they're really talking about demand meaning going through 2022. but marvin ellison is a great manager.

So i can't discount what he said, but i know that that's up in home depot's version, that's pretty green! That's pretty green! Going into the fed meat! That's almost a sign that the market thinks we over correct it. A little bit. Uh we'll see. Let's see here slightly green on the spy there trade desk looks like we might get a little bit of red here, so you have to be a little choosy.
There goes tesla. I i bet you i so bet you. This is elon. Musk he's like get me out of here before joe j powell goes nutso.

I thank you for the person here mentioning that with spacex they reduce the cost substantially of launch prices compared to nasa absolutely good point. Thank you. Let's see restoration hardware has dropped almost 100 from its high last week. Oh well, good, all right, uh yeah, so so fast yeah, your stocks courses for somebody brand new that doesn't uh you're a stock you're a stock.

Are you think, you're asking a question? No! The stocks course is is really for it's for, in my opinion, for everyone uh, because it it's designed to uh, take people from zero to advanced knowledge but uh. It works for everyone, uh, okay, so tesla rotating upper. Ah you got you got some. You got a lot of uncertainty.

Okay, look at this tesla's going. Tesla has no idea. What way it's going to go over here and let's see here, i'm trying to get charge point. Are we going back over 20.

charge? Point looks like it's set to run, so i'm going to write down what seems to be potentially running charge. Point oh look at that run on etsy. Let's see, i really do have to increase my position in etsy and i say that because i sold a bunch ooh loose, it's falling uh at higher prices and now i'm kind of averaging down uh. But i haven't gotten back into where i was at the level that i was a farm.

What are we doing trying to determine where to go here? Oh look at that carnival is back under look at that nice drop on carnival. Oh uh pins dropping down 17 7 on carnival pins rotating down ooh. There goes dave and buster's again. Well, it's still over oh matterport under 22..

Oh, this is getting so delicious again rk, plummeting sofi sofa is going down google's ooh sofa is extending. Oh here we go: okay, okay, now we're getting some of these red bars the exception of etsy. Why is etsy moving up so much on these retail sales numbers? There had to have been a different report on etsy and i don't like chasing stocks when they're going up, but if you catch it early it does. You know a few percent here.

It doesn't matter so much uh, let's see here. So, let's see, let's see, i do not actually see a reason for etsy going other than just there's no particular news on etsy, so i don't know how sustainable that's going to be. Today i mean i got enough. Etsy trade desks actually going up a little bit.

One percent here so, if i announce their offering, is finally done no idea, while it's going down all right, let's see here: okay, owlette, oh man, i'll let down another seven point: four percent: that one's going to the basically zero as well toast. Four point: six: eight percent: oh the retail selling down a little bit lucid down about four. Let's go to the upside here: okay, minor greens, here really trying to see if we're going to get any kind of sell down. Roblox is about to be over 10 down recovery stocks, heart palpitations a little bit a firm's, probably going down about three and a half percent on some of that weaker retail sales data.
Although, honestly, my expectation is that retail, weaker retail sales data is gon na be exactly why people do more buy now pay later next year, then you have to worry about a debt bubble growing. I don't think we're anywhere near having to worry about that. Yet for households, but in the future, that'll be something to pay attention to uh: okay, bitcoin 47.3. A lot of movement here so far is btc falling.

Let me see here: btc yeah so far has been under the 1471 support for like three days now so bitcoin yeah bitcoin, see what did i say. I said it like what 20 30 minutes ago. I wouldn't be surprised if the cryptos fall back to our support lines before jaypal talks. Tentatively, that's exactly what's happening.

Okay, etsy is still doing well, c3ai and chargepoint at cc3ai chargepoint. These guys are are making nice little moves here to the upside, as is adobe. Trade desk is trying to be green. All right.

Let's see here path, ui path, down: 2.69 percent red fan down: 2.94 uh red fence keeps getting extinguished over here. Shift technology. 3.3. Hmm doug: what are you talking about? Oh did you mean before the open? I, oh you meant you meant at the initial open: okay, okay, okay, okay, yeah, because i've been saying like i'm, i'm waiting for red before j-pal speaks right, like i'm waiting for that.

But i think what you're saying is when we first initially saw the spy you're saying things are going red a little more okay, okay, i understand uh. Let's look uh yeah, it's just it's mixed honestly, like i was. I was hoping for a little bit more of a disaster which we could still get. You know give it give it these next 30.

Oh, my gosh here goes tesla darn it uh and see. This is why i bought tesla over the last few days because i'm like as much as i hope, there's going to be a sell-off right before j-pal speaks you just don't know you just don't know what socks you're going to do. Stocks are are kind of insane, which is really i i enjoy it. It's really entertaining, but uh yeah, that's that's! No fun come on.

I really wanted the pain, uh i'll, keep an eye on it. Patience patience is a virtue we and and then maybe we'll find the house of pain, but look at that tesla jump. We're gon na be over 960 here in a second or 970, rather all right. So what is still burning even lucid's, recovering now, okay everything's recovering now really lucid's, recovering redfin's, recovering uh pinterest is recovering affirms recovering they're, all recovering already well, that was quite boring.
That was a very soft boring, open, etsy's doing well. Uh nvidia is doing well everybody's. Taking the kevin's strategy by the bottom before jay pal speaks, and unfortunately that's now turning things green as opposed to rent. Everybody knows papa j pal.

He can't be that mean to us. I mean he might he might spank us with the with the ladle, but he's not going to choke us out all right. Somebody says uh. Am i bullish long term on hood? Now i wouldn't say: i'm bullish long term on hood, i'm more bullish, short term on hood uh.

That is, i think, uh. I think you could get uh. You know a nice, a nice u-turn here on hood uh in the next few weeks, no guarantees but uh. That's definitely a play that i'm watching.

Hmm, that's no fun all right. How are the solar plays doing today? Let's get like the end phase and those so end phase slightly up sun run these guys sold off yesterday. Let's see here, sun sun run. Uh looks like slightly up today and sun power.

Some power is uh, no, both of them actually fractionally negative okay. So what's stopping you from selling a 2024 put for a 900 strike and collecting a 30k premium per 100 shares of tesla? Well, a opportunity cost your upside is limit limited b. The spread is going to be a disaster on those i know because i've done it. Paypal was a problem uh, but we also didn't expect paypal to just get destroyed that way.

Uh. We because i bought in after the pinterest dip, but anyway so yeah, you probably won't get executed over here, uh and yeah. So you you sell one, put you get your third, your 28k or whatever, but i can't even i can't even imagine what the spread is right. Uh, actually i mean 13.

It actually doesn't seem horrible. I mean you pick 900, but if you've got a lot of open interest and a much a tighter spread, it's not horrible, but yeah opportunity, cost limited upside in the event. Tesla runs uh, but if, if tesla runs sooner, you could always just dump it and then get your unlock your money. So you know it's: it's a bullish, trade.

Okay, so we do have some things that are moving down. Roblox is continuing to sell off here. All right, you know, roblox is down almost 12 here. Backed holdings is down more united wholesale mortgage down more roku down 6.44, some of the recovery stocks down a bit.

This is where you're getting some selling pressure. Tesla tesla's still up little bit of a u-turn. Here, though, i keep an eye on this a little bit of a u-turn as well see on etsy. Okay, let's keep an eye on that.

Let's see if we're going to get a little bit of a rotation in the downside. Here, look at that spy! Okay, the spy is suggesting what we were expecting that that markets are going to rotate uh. Why do you think so far still setting off well for the same reason, everything's selling off uh matapor? Yet i love matterport. I would nibble on matterport uh personally, not financial advice for you.
This is interesting. Look at this folks. End phase was green. Now, it's down just over a third.

The spy is accelerating its decline, google's down 1.17. Okay, all right here we go here. We go. Let's uh: let's get the indices here see it was just a matter of of patience.

Look at the the indices, go red: okay, dow jones, industrial down, 0.37 nasdaq down 0.23. Let's see if we continue to get a rotation here. Do i think that uh crypto could foreshadow pain in the future uh? You know i, yesterday's bounce off those support levels on a really red day. I thought was actually bullish, not negative.

I mean it's no surprise we're going to probably go back to the support levels before jay pal speaks on a lot of nervousness but um. No, i'm not terribly worried. It's the point where i did buy some crypto just over the last couple days, but anyway uh, but it's also a very small portion of my portfolio but um look into it. I will see yeah we'll see, falls more, hey, it'll, be another buying opportunity all right.

So lucid, i think, is probably not the best tell for the market. It's worth noting that i think carnival. Oh my gosh. Let me just click it weeble, let's go so i think carnival there we go i'll.

Just do that. Carnival might be hitting a recent low because i'm pretty sure that's low. No okay, we hit 1632 on that bloody monday, so we have gone lower. But it's it's rotating right back! Look at that bounce that bounce off that 19 line.

Well, that's why we we draw the lines: hmm, let's watch that spy, okay, so watching the spy okay still falling here, but sitting at about .23, hasn't really accelerated its fall in the last couple minutes. I i'm excited because if we could just continue to get this this burning and this mayor there we go there, we go it's continuing here. We go okay, good uh! Now now we're down point two: seven look at that: uh that was five tenths right, uh or point five, not five, ten point: uh 0.05 uh that we just rotated down there in that one minute, candlestick and um. If we can continue to get that, i think we're gon na have we're gon na have a nice bloodbath right before powell speaks and and that's what i'm looking for.

I want to buy in that that pool of blood right before powell speaks again. I've been doing buying little nibbles, but uh really looking what happens over the next few hours here, uh or just wait for a bloodbath afterwards. Maybe, although i don't know if we're gon na have it, i i'm leaning like if i had to place bets, i'm leaning like on red or black playing roulette, i would place bets on black uh that uh powell's actually going to help us uh, remove uncertainty from Markets and we're going to rotate to the upside. So that's why i'm i'm looking for this, as as give me max payne before please max payne, i want the bears to come out right now, all the bad ones.
Here we go. Okay, we had. We had our bad sounds anyway, uh all right, so, okay etsy a little bit of a red red rotation uh after after it's run, so it's run is kind of stopped, so is tesla's run back in 961, mostly just okay. Roblox is getting stuck around that eleven and a half percent down, so not seeing that further decline, you does feel like you're still seeing more of a decline on well weed maps.

Declining more and shift is declining. More macy's is declining more beyond meats, declining, more lucid, somewhat stable, obviously still down, though okay and then, of course, looking at the headline, which is our spy all right. So we're covered again a little bit serious. It's tough! It's a tough one! It's tough to keep this market down, how dare it all right, uh in the meantime, yeah disney's falling more uh, but so are a lot of recoveries.

So remember what you're writing down what your expectations are for: 11 a.m. J-Pal time your expectations are they're going to reduce asset purchases, an additional 30 billion dollars. So here's what that means. This is here's what i would write down.

So, let's get a little notepad here. I would write down that uh. First of all, we we were. Oh, that's so large there we go.

We were at 120 billion dollars in bonds per month we tapered by 15 billion okay cool now we're at 105.. If he stayed the course we'd be at 90., we're expecting him to go to 75 billion. If that pace continues, that means we do 75 bill for jan. That means we do uh 45 billion for feb.

That means we do 15 billion for march and then we stop. That means by april we could have a liftoff in the event that cpi data is. It continues to be bad for these here. If cpi is sad face, then we'll probably have the liftoff of interest rates in april.

This is, this is expectation right here. Anything positive from here should move the market up. Anything negative from here, like a faster taper or faster rate increase, should be bad. Oh there we go yay.

We just had a little dead cat on the spy 11 a.m. California time i made a uh, i made a you, can already see it, i'm pretty sure you can uh there's um uh. You can already get a reminder, just open up another tab. Really quick and just type into youtube really quickly meet kevin, and then you should see my video that's already scheduled for 10 55 a.m.

This morning the fed's statement and decision - that's pacific time - it's 2 p.m. Eastern hold on i got. I got to take a quick thumbnail picture for it. There we go, we did it all right, cool all right.

Let's keep watching the pain, because, right now it seems to be accelerating a little bit. Jerome powell talks at 11 30 pacific, but they release the statement at 11. and the statement is what's going to tell you see. This is important.
It's a good clarification. The statement is going to tell you are rates going up? Is the taper happening uh, the 11 30 is, is just jerome powell talking all right. Let's look for opportunities. Let's go hunting where's that dip, because the s p 500 is dipping more.

Let's go. Let's go yes, yes, lowest point in the day, keep going. I really hope it just keeps burning until j-power. That's my hope.

It burns through j-pal and then we have a green rest of the year and then i dye my hair green again. That's what we need: spy uh, okay, so spy's down! Point 38 still falling point. 39 still falling perfect right on schedule. Tesla did have a run here, but it's softening uh.

So is the nvidia adobe sort of these guys? These guys are softening a little bit see that softening going into about that seven o'clock hour. Uh roblox is recovering a tiny little bit uh, but if you lost money on roblox, don't worry. The good news is. There is plenty of time for you to still use that christmas coupon code before the prices go up on the programs on building your wealth, including the stocks in psychology and money group.

Where you get all my buy sellers and all of the courses come with private live stream access. I've also got that new course. The path course, a lot of folks are bundling up with uh. That course comes out at the end of january uh, but most popular is definitely stock.

Psychology of money then real estate investing and then it's kind of spread between youtube agents, uh sales, well agent, sales and uh, and then the newer course newer course is doing well too. Okay, good, so hmm, okay, so backed holding suffering, more roku suffering more even more. After that price seller or a price target reduction by jp morgan, jp morgan cut them almost a hundred dollars. That was a substantial cut.

You've got recovery. Stocks are not very happy right now. Look at naked, it's at 50 cents, roku roku, which is ironically, a stay-at-home play. So the same day, you've got roku burning on that price.

Target cut. You've also got the stay at home, place, uh or rather the uh the recovery stocks burning, which usually you see an opposite there, but uh. A lot of that is broken down in the last uh. You know a few months.

Look at this folks. Oh, my gosh, robin hood is literally almost under 18. That is insane like that, like we are, we are just getting so cheap like if you want to spite robin hood. It's really getting to the point where you just you just buy some calls or shares, and you yolo on that one uh hashtag no guarantees.

You could lose all your money because it's on the trend to zero, um, whoa, even matterport selling down see and when everything's selling down you know it's, not your stocks, it's it's or your portfolio alone. It's everything. Look at that we're gon na be under 21. Soon.
On matterport, the euphoria has left the building, which is good. These are the times you want to go shopping in okay volatility, slowly, starting to rise. A little bit. Uh etsy etsy just dropped a little bit uh sitting at 220..

Let me take a look at end phase for a moment here: ooh and phase under 200. Again, we were, we saw this yesterday, but you had a little bit of a run into the close yesterday, google down 1.39, the nervousness okay, keep in mind, even though i'm betting on things to go good after jay pal talks, things could go bad. You know jay pal in in uh february. I remember very vividly we were all thinking.

Oh you know the market's crashing a little bit in february this year. Uh, it's okay, jay pal, will take care of us. Papa j pal will take care of us. Everything will be okay and uh, and then he comes out and he's like yeah things are basically overvalued.

Stocks just start tanking hilarious, so you can't rely on papa j pal, but uh. Look at that. Tesla is now vacillating at zero. Here had a little bit of a run, but it's pulled back so you had somebody buying the dip and then and then that cell rotation again all right so worsening over at backed holdings roblox recovering.

So if you're looking for roblox under 100 get a little bit of an op here, though they did just report weaker user numbers, so probably if you're looking at it for fundies want to look into that a little bit more video game sales. Also, yesterday were reported down substantially. Oh, i had it written down uh. Where was it video game? Sales? Videos? No got bad.

Do i have it uh? No, all right! I saw it yesterday. It was a little note that video games had declined like a certain percentage. Above expectations, uh - and i cannot stop getting ads for halo, which kind of reiterates my belief and not just that, because i know that's very anecdotal, but that advertising is going to be a huge play in 2022. Companies are flush with money.

They've borrowed a lot of money. They've got a lot of cash uh and uh, and they're gon na advertise like crazy to to fight for what i think are gon na be limited dollars in 2022., so very bullish on advertising, which does make me wonder: do we have opportunities today, in particular stocks That would be advertising related. So, for example, look at snapchat look at that folks. Snapchat right now is sitting at lows that we have not seen since see we're at 45.

We've not seen these lows since december of 2020, so over a year, snap has done nothing. Absolutely nothing another one would be facebook which uh actually facebook's, not down that terribly much pins is a risky one, because if you go through the reviews, the latest reviews on on pins people are hating what this company is doing, uh with their app it's like it's. It's honestly like the company's not paying attention to the users which, in fairness, people are complaining about pinch or uh snapchat just as much, but it seems to be like a deeper kind of insulting that you're getting from pins like with snapchat. It seems like you just have like 13 year olds, going in the review store, like i hate all the ads with pins.
You have people like i used to use pins all the time. I'm offended you all took away some of the best features. It's like you're, not listening to the community, blah blah blah blah right. So those are some risks now as much as i hate facebook, because they're censoring scumbags uh they and they've got a lot of regulatory issues, they're still the some of they're still one of the best platforms for advertising honestly uh, so facebook instagram ads very, very, very, Very powerful and uh, so you've got an opportunity here, but this is why i've really been enjoying trade desk as an advertising opportunity trade desk as an advertising opportunity.

Adobe is an advertising killer. I mean they are a shark uh and then uh adobe trade desk. What else did i write down hold on? I wrote down a few. I have a little list.

I have a list of my faces. Ah, of course, google. So, even though i have like twitter uh snap pins on the list and facebook uh, my highlights are like trade desk, adobe, google and - and i don't i i need to look into. I know salesforce is more of a customer resource manager, but i wonder if, if um you get some it'll look into them as well, because for some reason they were coming up as well.

When i was looking into more advertising research. But i don't know that much about salesforce, so i'm not going to pretend to speculate on salesforce, but anyway those are things i've been watching so uh. You know, okay, all right spy, still down 0.35. It's not worsening right now.

Look at that, if anything, a little bit of a bounce there on the spy dang it we need you down. Please get down all right! Expi rotating up slightly here, intraday where's, the firm yeah firm's doing okay relative to where it was when we opened that's no fun uh shifts now down a full five percent mattel's down on weaker retail sales. That's no surprise! Roku down on that jp morgan price cut, roblox is really recovering here. We've recovered about three percent now and looks like it's gon na be trending back to over a hundred bucks here shortly.

Volatility is up about four and a half percent. As of the last 15 minutes cloudflare recovering from that fire, you had yesterday uh cloudflare by the way great company i am going to do. A video on uh white house is adopting salesforce, so joe biden is adopting salesforce. That's i don't know.

How do we feel about that? Uh salesforce has a marketing cloud that companies track and send advertising campaigns, yeah marketing cloud, okay, yeah! I got ta look into that. I guess i i don't and to i understand, tracking advertising campaigns, but i don't know what you mean with send advertising campaigns. Maybe maybe they have tools for for distributing. I i have no idea.
Do you have any support lines drawn on end phase before the 150 level? I don't actually think so, because we've kind of just been straight falling. If anything, my guess would be the 175 180 range. Maybe oh look at that. Guess.

Look at that! Freaking guess what did i say my guess was the 175 180 range. I have a 176 65 drawn nailed it so uh yeah. We we get some bad news out of uh j-pal. Who knows you can see that uh? You can see some drawdown over here.

Uh yeah yeah all right uh robin hood come on get under 17., then i'm buying some yol. If we, if we break or sorry under 18, if we break 18, i'm buying yolo calls uh on uh on hood. Well, i should say: i'm buying more uh. Let's see here, okay, all right, so the salesforce also has a shopify competitor, but for enterprises, salesforce commerce cloud.

You know i've never heard of that. That sounds very cool. Salesforce commerce cloud is the spy diving. Okay, we'll take a look at that just to say, grow your business faster with the commerce cloud, interesting commerce cloud that does kind of look like uh yeah, look at that they built their own sales or a shopify style store into this.

That's very interesting, and then what about? Let's see products here analytics sales they do so much. I think, mark minioff by the way is brilliant. Anyway, all right, let's see here, somebody's mentioning spies going down. No, if anything, it just recovered a little bit.

Oh, that last candlestick in the last minute look nice all right so yeah. So here's the thing write down your expectation about what j pal is going to do and what i would do is is, i would make a christmas wish list and in fact i'm just going to do it right now, i'm going to write down my wish list. So i'm going to write down wish list and uh, and then these are going to be my my core uh stocks that i'm going to watch around the time of powell and uh write down. I don't know how many names i mean i would say, no more than 10 names that way when you would see.

Sometimes, when things are falling and they're falling fast, like maybe right before or after j pal speaks, sometimes you uh, you actually don't have enough time to uh to think you just kind of have to have a list. You have to go. Okay, we got to buy the dip, there got to buy the dip there and then, before you know it. Sometimes the dip is over uh and see helen believes that j-pow is going to burn this place to the ground.

Okay, all right uh that doesn't sound good roblox worsening again, and so then you have to ask yourself: do you want to get into the recoveries? Do you want to get into any of the small caps? Is it too early? Is it too early to get into snapchat, which is at its lowest point since uh uh, you know december of last year? Is it too early to get into uh the rob of the hood um you know 18 is something i've, i've uh referenced and now i i bought it before 18, but it's still reference. I'm like i wouldn't be surprised if it goes to 18. sure enough uh, but i didn't listen to myself, bought it at 20, what 22 23, or something like that. I don't know anyway, uh trade desk, hmm, oh yeah! I went down trade desk that'll go on my little shop list too true, dusk, all right! Well, we know what we're looking for 11 a.m.
You're, going to oh look, see tesla went negative, so you had uh. You had a little bit of a positive positivity. Maybe some by someone buying the dip over here, but now you're getting that bleed out, seeing, i think the same thing across a lot of different stocks. Ah spy moving up a little bit so make your shopping list make your shopping list.

You you got! Ta come the live stream at uh 11 a.m. Pacific time you can already find it, so you can settle a reminder for it. If you do not think that youtube is going to send you a notification because it may not, you should highly consider uh getting the meet kevin app. You could download that in the apple or android app store just type in me, kevin it's totally free and if you want you just turn on notifications on that, and the whole purpose of the app is to make sure you don't miss a notification for things like The j-pal meeting all right good, so i got my wish list.

You know things like google net and face uh etsy tesla, a firm hood trade desk. You know these. These are some of my cores going into next year. Uh again, you know a farm people are gon na, be borrowing more money, uh hoods hood's, not a long huddle.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

26 thoughts on “Today s the day”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Thompson says:

    Anyone who is not investing now is missing a tremendous opportunity, Imagine investing $1,000 and receiving $9,300 daily profits. I have made enough money for this Christmas in just a week, Ms Lucy White is truly the best.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Leonard says:

    Hey you yes you you speaking in the back of the camera I’m James Leonard a wolf the Kong of the wolfs I’m your kind and Elon musk king eking musk is just my general I command you to be my disciple so we can spread the good word that your savior has arrive he’s name is James Leonard he’s come to take all the females it the world and leave the earth and make a new planet on mars with me James Leonard only he loves single females only

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary Rogers says:

    FED just released their new lie to save the markets. Who believes these people anymore.🤪🤪🤪

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roberto Carrasco says:

    Once Powell does his BS talking market will go green. Relax… Kevin even you know that.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fud & Fomo says:

    Same thing with the DJ drone company or whatever it is

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fud & Fomo says:

    Read an article earlier about Roku devices not being allowed anymore

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CMT T says:

    Feel like the rug has already been pulled….

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ferenc Tóth says:

    When will be this Powell speech? I do not find it anywhere on google or bing.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B KL says:

    Sorry I missed the live stream… waiting for the Powell statement… stay cool man.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Russty Russ says:

    Roku now down 11% just sad if the meeting results in crashing the market even more than it already is, and I'm not talking about the AAPL MSFT etc, just the rest of the entire market is like more than 50% or more lower than ath, some even 80% lower from 52 week highs just as ROKU, TWLO, even MRNA, NIO and so many more. Just insane, still so much panic selling off as I write this…

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Bell says:

    Enough already! Time to jump off buildings, grab our toasters and fill the bathtub and deep throat those gun barrels! It's all over! If you have money in the market it's ALL gone, bye bye!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Z says:

    man the amount of his stupid followers are astonishing. Buying his overpriced and useless courses. Like they said, a fool and his money are soon parted

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Camping for a year Reno heart says:

    Yep 👍 more pain buy the dip that never stops dipping

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dianeth Galindo says:

    Do you have a course on how to start a matter port business?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Haley says:

    Well so far I’m only down 2.5% from my all-time high. Never in my entire lifetime did I ever expect rates to be as low as they are now. The federal reserve has been way too accommodating and totally manipulating the stock market. Our government has been spending like a drunken fool since George W. Bush came into office. I really miss the days of balance budget under President Clinton. The poor and middle-class always pay the price👎🏻💰. Best of luck to everyone out there and thanks for sharing your thoughts Kevin✌🏻

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pottz1 says:

    Framing free speech as "right wing"?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CosmeticAffairs says:

    Do you even talk negatively about republican politicians? Coming from a true moderate you seem more right leaning instead of moderate.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sundayv Godson says:

    Venturing into the trading world without the help of a professional trader and expecting profits is like turning water into wine, you would need a miracle, that's why i trade with Mr. Andrew Becker her skills set is exceptional.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 𝚈𝚃 𝙿𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚋𝚢 𝙹𝙳𝙾 says:

    If J.Powell comes out today and says no rate hikes until March or April, will we see a bounce upwards in the markets?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rhea McDowell says:


  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Johnson says:

    there's a bug with exchange rate to ethereum almost x6, i posted a videoo'

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clark D. Purvis says:

    there's a bug on binance with exchange rate, i posted a videoo

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clark D. Purvis says:

    Binances BTC-exchange having a glith with the exchange rate on it

    exchanges right now btc like x10 price to ethereum

    I posted vldeo

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charlie Romanak says:

    How is going from 0 – .25 going to fight 7% inflation?! Look at the 70s and 80s, you need an interest rate higher than the inflation rate. you need positive real returns

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D S says:

    Just make a 15 minute video with no nonsense

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D S says:

    Bro watch with all the hour long videos who that has a credible job that’s a professional has an hour to spend listening to your videos every day

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