NFTs are the latest way for lots of people to lose lots of money.
In this video I will share the really big problem with NFTs and some important points about NFTs that people don't know.
Although non fungible tokens have some amazing potential use cases and the technology is here to stay, the vast majority of NFT activity at the moment is a pointless trade in hype.
And the problem is that a lot of people don't actually understand what it is that they are trading or how to properly assign value to it.
So in this video I explain the reason why most NFTs at the moment are scams or just horribly overpriced art made by people with questionable artistic talent.
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Hey guys it's sasha, and today i am going to tell you about a massive problem that is going to lose a lot of people a lot of money. We are going to talk about nfts and i am going to tell you what the really big problem with nfts is that many people seem to not think about. In fact, i will share a few other problems as well. Now nfts are non-fungible tokens and they have completely exploded in 2021.

Just when you thought that the never-ending load of crypto token scams, ponzi schemes and other rubbish was already bad enough. Along came, nfts, nft stands for non-fungible tokens, and these tokens allow you to own a digital asset. You could technically buy any digital asset. You could buy art music piece of code.

Anything else really that can come in a digital format, and the idea in principle is incredibly interesting. Nfts could, in theory, revolutionize how people trade, art or trade anything digital at all, in fact, trade things that are not even digital themselves. What if property, for example, were sold through a distributed? Nft ledger: instead of millions of local authorities and different countries all over the world, keeping their own, sometimes paper, sometimes really bad system records, but as with crypto, the big problem that we are seeing is that nobody actually really cares about real potential of this technology. To solve actual problems or to improve actual processes or to address any real needs.

Instead, what we have is a bunch of celebrities, influencers and scammers tripping over each other, creating pointless jpegs and paint and selling them to each other instead and the people buying. These pointless jpegs think that they are mighty investors because they saw some guy on youtube. Tell them that they can make 5 000 return by flipping that nft a week later. The greater full theory means that if you decide that a pointless jpeg is worth 20, then it must follow that a few days later, there will be some other person who will come along.

Who will happily pay you 100 for it, because that person thinks that if they buy it for 100, then a few days later, somebody else will come along and pay them 500. For the same thing, if you take a step back and actually think about it, does that sound in any way normal and not insane now, as is becoming quite common with new technology over the last few years, we're stuck in this weird loop of people pumping money Into ponzi schemes that operate in exactly the same way, but just change their structure and their names. First, we have the mysterious investment funds that wouldn't tell you what your money was actually invested in and paying off old investors using money from new investors via a traditional ponzi scheme. Then we had one pointless crypto token named after a dog breed or promising to take.

You to the moon or something else after another, tokens that serve zero purpose, have zero value, solve zero problems, offer zero solutions and provide absolutely zero innovation, but somehow attract millions of impressionable young people who think that they can get very rich with their 100 investment. And now we have nfts another technology that could actually solve a lot of problems if it was actually applied in the right way and make really meaningful improvements to many practical areas of our life. But in the end people are selling gifts and pointless jpegs. For thousands of dollars to gullible buyers instead, so let's talk about the big problem with nfts, but before we get to the really really big one.
Let me warm you up with a few others. First off, just because somebody's selling you something for x dollars doesn't mean that that thing is actually worth x dollars. I know a novel kind of concept, but we live in a society where people have sort of gone away, have lost their own ability to place value on things. We're so used to people telling us what things are worth we're used to going into a supermarket and seeing what the price of something is on a label.

We don't need to think about it. We just go and pay it. We don't barter, we just pay the price that we're told our electricity bill will tell us the price of electricity, and we don't argue the petrol station will tell you how much petrol costs on the day when you turn up and you're just gon na pay. Whatever somebody else tells you so naturally enough, if a guy on the internet tells you that a little jpeg that their dog drew, that morning is worth, let's say, a hundred dollars, then of course it's worth a hundred dollars.

Why would you question it? Unfortunately, life is more complicated than that in reality, and a lot of people will one day need to wake up and smell the coffee, which leads me nicely to the second big problem, and that is the actual provenance of this thing that you are buying, because this Is an important point that i think most people don't understand, i don't want to understand. Nft advocates will tell you that these non-fungible tokens give you ultimate ownership of that digital file. That is why you buy it. You get to acquire that thing right, but what does that actually mean? And the problem is most people actually misunderstand what it means, because the simple answer is it doesn't mean very much at all.

You only own the address on the blockchain that confirms your ownership and legally. This is really important and practically it is also incredibly important. You do not own the copyright to that piece of work. You don't even own the intellectual property.

Somebody went and spent six hundred thousand dollars on the nian cat meme nft, and that is incredible in its own right, but that gives that person who bought it zero actual rights over it. I can go and watch the 9cap meme as much as i like on my computer and the nfc owner can do absolutely nothing about it. People often compare nfts to art or baseball cards when they're trying to explain why the scarcity thing is really important, but here's the thing: if you go and buy the mona lisa painting, you can go and put it up in a museum and you can charge people To see it, you can put it up in your house and let nobody see it. You have complete control over the access to that work of art.
If you own the legal rights to a piece of music, you don't have that same control over people's access to it, but you have legal control over the flow of commercial payments relating to that thing within an ft you own, none of those things and here's the Big problem that people seem to be completely missing, they're really really big problem. It is really simple, but a lot of people seem to have put on some blinkers and seem to completely avoid it in its current guys. The ownership of a digital file nft does not give you non-fungible ownership of that digital file, and this is critical. It only gives you non-fungible ownership of the entry in the blockchain ledger.

That says that you are the owner of that file, and this is a crucial difference. If you buy a rare baseball card, the community that trades these cards will have a consensus on its worth and once you've handed the money over, you are then the actual owner of that thing, if you buy a painting, the art world will inform you what a Fair price, for it is and the reason these things can command high prices is because they are non-fungible. You can't go and make another mona lisa the painting is unique. It is physically impossible to make another painting that is identical.

That is made in an identical way. At exactly the same point in time, 600 years ago, the number of printed baseball cards is finite, especially for these rare, expensive ones, and that creates actual real life scarcity. That makes sense, but here is an eye-opener. A digital file cannot have that same level of scarcity.

It is just a different type of entity. If you make a copy of that file, you create an exact replica that is the exact same chain of zeros and ones as the original, instead of there being a one-off thing that genuinely cannot be copied cannot be replaced, which is non-fungible means you can very easily Create any number of identical copies that are in no way different and, as time passes, the servers are upgraded. You know, technology changes and those files are moved between locations, so even the timestamp and metadata about those files is going to be changed. It is not going to be permanently immutable.

This is something that i think most people kind of, like don't really understand in terms of what the actual meaning is. If somebody pays 100 for a jpeg, i can go and look at that same exact, no difference whatsoever. Jpeg with no difference on my computer and the owner does not have any control over my ability to do it. They don't have any benefit or any kind of effect whatsoever from me doing it, and they don't have any legal recourse to me doing it either.
The scarcity does not apply to the digital item that is linked to the nft. It only applies to that blockchain token, and this is the problem. Imagine that you went and paid two hundred thousand dollars for a house, and then you found out that everyone can go and live in exactly the same house with all the same rooms, all the same benefits in fact they're in exactly the same location. And all of these other people can go and do it for free, but for your 200 000 you get to own the line in the land registry that says that, technically you are the legal owner of this house.

Does that sound? Like a good deal to you? I know full well that a bunch of nft fans are going to turn up and smash the dislike button and leave some insightful comments telling me that i just don't get it, but i don't understand it, but that's okay, because sometimes it is hard to see the Forest of the trees. I think that nft as a technology is here to stay, and it is going to make some really cool big changes. It is a good thing, but unfortunately, 99.9 of the stuff that people are buying and selling right now, that is getting all the hype is just a giant load of hype, just a giant bubble of pointless bs and the only cure it seems will be time because Rational explanations and logic, don't seem to hit anywhere near as hard as finding out that your 100 investment is actually completely worthless. Please, let me know your thoughts in the comments below i'd be really interested to have a conversation.

Thank you so much for watching, and i really really appreciate you watching this video all the way through. Thank you. So much and i'll see you guys later, you.

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24 thoughts on “This nft madness must be stopped”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spanish John says:

    i think you're totally right and this nft technology will only mean anything when there is consensus between everyone that ownership on the blockchain = ownership irl.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kaplan Bytes says:

    I think one of the best things a financial education channel like this could have done earlier this year was educate people on bitcoin and why it is the safest investment that exists. Far too much fear had been spread around it, but for those that put in a basic one hundred hours of study, there's no way to not understand that it's an airtight investment that will beat anything else over the long term. Those that put the time in to study it will gain an unfair advantage early on while the masses still regurgitate headlines all the while institutions and other big players accumulate it. We're in year one of bitcoin, it's still early. But most people will begin to be interested probably when it hits 80-100k as those are the type of numbers that make the headlines.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Musictomyears says:

    Whilst I agree with some of your points, you clearly don't understand anything at all about the art world and your comparisons are deeply flawed.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars abhishek k p says:

    Some one plz put a virus in block chain let this madness end so that we could play some games when bored atleast in our weekend

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars papa johnny says:

    All my NFTs are gaming related, you will need the specific NFT to participate. I have never bought any art jpegs with zero use case.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lucas Rigby says:

    Ive personally not messed with NFT’s but they do seem interesting for sure. Gamestop are supposedly launching an NFT dividend soon which is pretty interesting. They’re also making their own blockchain platform where users can buy and sell digital games as NFT’s so you can actually sell digital games like you can with physical discs. Also it gives the opportunity for the creator of the game to make abit more money in the resale! Super interesting stuff. Its endless.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anton 'Molen' Koev says:

    I see your points and I agree with them, sinceI am not an NFT enthusiast and I haven't even tried it yet. But what about the perspective of an actual artist trying to make some cash from his art? I think that is pretty cool.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Wilson says:

    As someone who likes NFTs, I really liked your video, even If I don't agree with all of it. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G says:

    Pretty flawed argument to compare the present day legal system relating to IP rights with NFTs. I also think you may have failed to realise why people buy art in the first place. Narrative is value. You can't value it by traditional metrics, so you think it's a “bubble”.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Knoksvau says:

    When it comes crypto i think the only half reasonable tokens is BTC,ETH, they have some public sentiment and background.
    All NFT , other crypto feels like long term ponzi scheme.

    Good video as always! 🙂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julian Becker says:

    Didn't John Cleese have an April Fools joke about selling an NFT for a child's sketch of the Brooklyn Bridge?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlos Bornes says:

    NFTs will be good for paperwork and certificates. For example a University giving you your Bachelor's certificate, where the information is public, you can see when and how and by who and for who it was issued. That's really interesting, buy JPGs is just nonsense

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oliver Butterfield says:

    Zoomers: facing massive costs for education and housing, and stagnant wages.

    Also Zoomers: “investing” in shitcoins and nft trash

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Thomas says:

    Not sure I agree with this. I don't believe people who are investing the kind of sums we're seeing think they're actually buying the rights to the image, it's clear that they are aware they are buying the record on the block chain of their ownership of that particular version. I guess the value in said entry on the block chain is governed by how much value these people put on the block chain in question and its technology. You may believe there's no value, but the growing adoption says otherwise.

    Also – did you equate tokens and nfts to ponzi schemes? You know one is illegal right? The two things are wholly different, not sure it's fair to equate essentially the buying and selling of addresses with a pyramid scheme….

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Neumann says:

    So now here’s the million dollar q. If we don’t like the current version of the asset how do we nonetheless cash in on the craze?? What’s publicly traded that could be viewed as the “shovel seller” (as opposed to the “gold”)??

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Neumann says:

    Hold up – so as a non NFT investor I nonetheless rationalized the idea like so: if I have a rear baseball card you can put it in a copier but I still have the OG. Same with NFTs… but I am understanding that with this you truly own nothing other than the Blockchain “info”. Correct? 🤯

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexandru Cosnete says:

    I think most people that are “investing” in NFT’s know they are BS but they want to get rich quick no matter what.Everyone thinks they are not going to be the one holding the bag,but eventually most will.
    The same applies to 99% of cryptocurrencies.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karlis Rullis says:

    There is one thing that I have learned – it does not matter what you think, but what matters is the market – if there will be a buyer for something like NFT regardless of how ridiculous it is, there will be a seller – its all speculative but not surprising considering the cryptos saga

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! ChompsLewis says:

    The ones that are used for gaming like the monsters in axie infinity actually have a use case so I can see why gaming nfts are valuable.

    But I don't get the whole crypto punk thing.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KuuKulgur says:

    Time and time again you have said that fans of X will flood your comment section and dislike the video. This hasn't materialized.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Patterson says:

    I couldn't agree more. It's crazy. The trouble is, with people I've spoken to, they just see it as a trade to make money in the immediate short term and don't consider (or care) that they are contributing to a troubling system. They think they won't be the one holding the bag at the end when people catch on to the fact they've essentially 'invested' in nothing at all so who cares. It's pretty depressing to hear people talk this way.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathan S says:

    Totally agree. I understand how some people might find worth in some specific NFT's but I just can't seem to justify some. An 8bit jpeg that can be reproduced infinitely doesn't seem to have much value in my opinion. Classic bubble and "a greater fool" situation as you stated.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Esteban Lopez says:

    Best part of the video. "We live in a society". Made me laugh quite a lot.

    In a serious note here. If my understanding is correct, NFTs could be used as a replacement for say registration papers for physical properties or for a document for a document such as proof of insurance?

    I mean, it makes sense since (If I am correct) that NFT address is unique. Right?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CaLaLo Corp. says:

    lol its funny u say pointless bs have u actually looked into opensea art work and veve even or even popped into a dicord or two? it's community more than anything and collecting what u like the profits are amazing but mainly people collect what they like u saying there worthless is funny like your crypto video but ye look deeper into it before posting a vid…. the dicord on some communitys are amazing connect alot of people u would never of connected with i think your missing the whole point of nfts nothing but love bro

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