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00:00 hard life story
09:50 commentary
11:19 2021 hardship and startup
15:20 jet math
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This video is not a solicitation or personal financial advice. See the PPM at https://Househack.com for more on HouseHack.

Now I've got to tell a little story, but it's a story that hit me pretty hard yesterday. So yesterday where was I oh that's right, yesterday I uh I went shooting see I have a little leftover bullet here from the range. so I went shooting I went to an outdoor range in a mining query and I had this small uh group uh lesson and uh, we go out to a mining query. it's really cool and uh, the weather was amazing it's out here in California and I was with these two dudes.

uh they almost looked like they could have both been cops. but I think one was like a surgeon and and the other was uh like a massive like Nationwide uh contractor like an electrical contractor. It was really really cool these guys. they were so nice and they were really insightful.

but I'll tell you I spent a lot of time while I was there relatively quiet because it was me, them two and the instructor uh the instructors will say and uh, what was really eye-opening to me and and it was almost like chilling. like bone chilling to me it was. it was really scary. Uh, it was probably honestly one of the saddest things I've heard in my life or or maybe even like dare I say the scariest thing in my life.

So we get in the Sprinter van and what is this a 9 mil? This is a 40 Hollow right here. um anyway, all right, so saddest thing. So uh I'm I I get in the fan and the entire ride of them who are probably like 65. both of them are like yeah so and so just passed away from cancer and the other one's like oh I'm sorry and then you know then he's like my wife just had a stroke and you know she's recovering and then the other guy's like I just got over prostate cancer and and oh my wife, you know she's she's going through chemo, she thought she was gonna be done.

she's on round 11 out of 15 of chemos, lost like 20 pounds and and she's like I'm I'm almost through I've almost made it and now the doctor's like we're gonna have to keep going and and these people, they're like you know, the the wife and the husband one of them are, they're surgeons and uh you know one of the things they said hit me so hard they're like did you think we would work for 40 years just to have our retirement be spent like this and what they're saying was did you think we would go to basically med school for 12 years and then be surgeons for 10 years and and work their ass off You know, basically for Combined 40 years to finally have the freedom of retirement only to be dealing with the hell of of basically age and ailments and and uh, whether it's a lack of energy or cancer recoveries or the inability to travel because of treatments or or friends and family dying or all this like craziness and I'm just like this is like literally the saddest place I could be right now, but it was actually probably the best place to be because I'm 31 and it hit me really hard because I'm like damn you know that that goes to show that like you should do whatever you can and not say no to experiences in your life when you can have the experiences you know I think so many of us, especially in the financial Community uh we we get so like tight. sometimes with money it's like no no I don't want to spend money on that I want to save because I want my investments to grow. But really, what you're doing when you're constantly saving for retirement is you're borrowing from today to give to an uncertain future. And that's really scary.
That's really scary and it's real life you know. But it's scary and and so my thinking you know the wake-up call to me has been and I felt this way probably more for like the last year. uh maybe since I turned 30. uh is is this idea of like hey, you got to make sure that you take advantage of all the experiences that you can because the future is uncertain and you want to get in whatever you can.

Now if you have the energy to have fun and and uh, you know Work Hard Play Hard do it. and I think that's something that I've always really lived by is the idea of it's okay to work hard like I'm not saying don't grind I'm not saying don't invest I'm not saying don't you know, work overtime I'm okay with that. like I work a lot Uh, I probably I you know I I would guess I I work somewhere around 100 hours a week and just like it's always work. and maybe there's 15 hours on a regular week for family, right? That's like a couple hours a day.

It's not a lot, it's mostly just work work, work, work. And that's because I've got three different jobs. Uh, you know it's running an ETF, the financial advising side, the the real estate startup a YouTube and social media and and coordinating teams around that. It's a lot of work.

but I'm also willing to make sure that when I travel with family, we have a blast. I mean I Have to say I just went to uh, what was it um Deer Valley actually briefly went skiing with Ross but I had a blast skiing with my five-year-old my seven-year-old my wife and we had a great time. You know you're going in the pool in the spa when it's like freezing outside, but but you know it's all just fogged up because uh, because they keep the the water temperature so hot. Uh, everything looks like it's steaming.

just water vapor. It's not actually steam. but anyway, it's uh, you know those are the sort of experiences that you want to share with the people around you that you love and care about and friends and family. and so I think it's really good even though we're always talking about Finance to remember like not everything in your life has to be you taking the back seat uh to to really good experiences because you're trying to save a few extra bucks like personally I cringe when people are like oh no I don't want to spend money on like a Starbucks I just it makes me want to vomit I'm like really, you think so little of yourself that you can't work a little harder to make that up or like really, you're gonna go go to to I don't know Disney World and you're not gonna pay for the the fast tickets or whatever they call them.
uh like really, you're gonna, you're gonna spend your time in the line if you have the ability to afford it like what are you doing, your time is so valuable. and I think that that experience of when I went shooting with the folks it really made me realize like wow, you know you gotta double down on making sure you're taking those moments and those experiences because you don't know how long you're going to be able to anymore I mean we when we did, uh like running shooting drills one of the guys, he couldn't do them and it's like I'm gonna sit out the the running shooting drills and I'm like what the hell I I Didn't say that obviously but I'm just thinking to myself like I don't want to be 65 and then be like oh I gotta sit out the running shooting drills because I can't run I'm like that sucks uh, you know, like I don't know I I I it's it was. um it I don't know. It hit me pretty hard.

it was just this, uh, pretty wild, uh, sort of wake-up call like I think that line was so impactful. Uh about not only them talking about all these people dying which is obviously terrible and all these people having these ailments, but also just the line of did you imagine we'd work our whole lives just to spend our retirement like this And it's like, ah, because what do you have in retirement? A number, right? You have a number, a number and yourself? That's what you have when you retire yourself. And a number And like, you have to be able to do something with that number. Whether it's five million dollars, a million dollars, 10 million, 100 million, you have to be able to function and do something if you can.

It's like what was the point. So uh, so have some fun as you go through the Journey My father-in-law always calls it the Journey like you, you you don't want to, you don't want to, be the person and I'm guilty of this too. Where like you get in the car to go on a road trip and you're so focused on like getting there that you're missing the fun of like stopping at that funky gas station in the middle of nowhere. Like the entertainment that happens along the way because you're so anxious to get to the destination.

The problem is, if you're so anxious to get to the destination, well, the destination. Let's put it this way, the destination life ain't that great. Like where you're going is like game over, right? They don't have a sound clip of this here game. Yeah, like that's the destination.

So so you gotta enjoy the ups and downs. You know the games and these, what's the lead and you know a little bit of manipulation along the way. Check out the programs on Building Wealth Link down below I Have to do that right? after you know it's a Age of Empires Anyway, that was pretty impactful to me and and then you know then there's just like unfairness that happens. I Mean then you see people that you know it's terrible, but there are people who are in there I Know somebody right now.
actually a good friend of mine. his wife's got cancer and she's like 24. and I'm like what the hell like that's not even fair. that's just that's just wrong, you know.

And like three kids, it's just It's just it's so sad. it's so terrible. so uh, you know. So anyway I don't know.

uh, hopefully you could. You can enjoy uh, life out there as as much as you can. Um, you know. Go.

Go. have fun. Don't don't take yourself too seriously I think Probably the biggest lesson that I've always learned is um, you know probably the biggest lesson I would say is life is all about two steps forward. one step back.

but you kind of have to look at those one step backs as just part of the game. like I think sometimes we get so frustrated like ah, it feels like I'm always getting set back. It's like that's part of the game man. like you gotta play the game and and enjoy that.

Uh so somebody here says one should stop drinking alcohol if they won't have a productive last 20 years. Yeah, I don't know. I mean I I pretty much am totally off alcohol. Uh, which is I've actually inspired my dad as well to stop drinking alcohol.

he's how old is he now 40 foot and he's coming up on 71. uh, that's probably pretty good. Somebody here writes Doge from the future. If you appreciate these morning meetings, send a couple bucks.

Oh well. thank you. Appreciate that. That's really nice of you to say.

In the old days the husband was the hunter for food, but in modern times the husband is the hunter for our family the hunter is from. Uh yeah with Tammy saying that here I think that's where the talk about priorities because we need you I mean I'm not going anywhere like don't get me wrong, like I'm not saying don't work right I want to be very clear about that I'm not saying don't work uh I'm just saying like work hard but then also have fun uh like go go do so Like let me put it this way. Okay, so so last year okay I'll give you a little bit more background here this is: I think this might be interesting. So in 2021 I was thinking about creating a stock brokerage.

It was going to be a combination between uh, probably M1 finance and Weeble something like in the middle and we were going to do like automatic Wheeling of options and and there's some really cool things. The problem is when we're in discussions with both Finra and Apex as well as some other institutions and and uh, market makers, we're realizing there's no money to be made in the stock brokerage business. I don't like starting businesses that can't make any money like yesterday I was thinking about I was researching you know, credit cards backed by home equity and I found a company that I won't reveal but I basically think is a fraud and I think they're a fraud because they have so little demand I don't think there's money to be made in that because I don't think homeowners care about credit cards secured to their home equity. I think they're like hell no, my home equity is sacred.
like f off. So so if there's no money to be made in something, I'm not gonna do it. So uh, for example, on this idea of starting a stock brokerage. we uh, after my campaign for governor in 21, we we were in that idea for about two and a half months and we killed the idea because a we saw an inflection, a massive inflection in the market.

that's back when I shorted RK at like 100 bucks and we saw massive inflection on the market It we figured it would be near impossible to get people to sign up for a brokerage in a bad market. So we killed that idea like a month later. Lo and behold, Sam Bankman Freed's on CNBC getting interviewed by Becky Quick talking about how he wants to create a stock brokerage. Now in hindsight, we're like, of course that fraud wanted to find more ways to attract Capital but Becky quick she's like hey, well, how are you going to make money in a stock brokerage and he's like, oh, we're not, It's a lost leader and it's like a good thing we didn't go down that road.

I mean we figured that out ourselves, right? Uh, but I don't want to do businesses that don't make money So in 2022 instead I I launched businesses that I think have have very real potential in the long term to make a great deal of money. I mean no guarantees but I mean think about what I did in 2022 I launched an ETF which I think is a phenomenal uh Financial product and you learn more about it at me, Kevin.com Uh I launched a real estate startup which I think is going to make a lot of money and I didn't do that because I wanted to work less right? I did it because I got to ring the bell. the New York Stock Exchange I get to do a startup I get to employ a lot of people and share the visions that I have for for both socks and real estate with millions of people. like.

That's exciting to me, but that excitement also helps me unlock excitement just in regular life. Whether it's it's you know, going paintballing with the team or whatever like actually again Work Hard Play Hard uh obviously. I Also, I bought a plane in 2022 which was really phenomenal because it's basically free for the first year which is amazing thanks to the tax benefits. but uh, you know a lot of people look at that.

they're like oh, you're just trying to finance the lifestyle if you look, it's like if anything that that thing has made me work a lot harder. Uh, because I I travel for work so much but the beauty about it is it really has enabled me to be very very quick. I could get a lot done very quickly. Uh, for example, I'll give you an example here.

we did some math. uh so I'll give you some PJ math. Okay now some people like oh Kevin you're just trying to justify I don't have to justify Jack's to anybody like plain is mine I don't have to justify anything to anyone. Uh, but we did did some uh quick math which I think would be very interesting to people.
So where did I write it down? uh I I have it written down on one of these notepads and find it. but basically uh, what we did is uh as a as sort of a did anybody watch the original Apprentice where you kind of get assigned a task and then you have to compete against other people to see how they do well I just did that with uh with with four employees because so I've probably traveled I think we're at somewhere around 100 flights already for the year. 98 of them will probably work uh, related, maybe two aren't But anyway, so out of 98 flights for the year, I've gotten to a lot of places and I've taught a lot about real estate and what we're looking for and what we're doing. and so what? I did in sort of an apprentice style do I Charter my plane? Hell no no dude, that's my PP don't I don't want anybody on my pee pee.

Uh Anyway, so what I did was this Apprentice style challenge where I challenged four employees to travel commercially to two different cities each and then report back to me and uh, so uh, we went to. basically we covered eight different cities two people went to or one person went to two cities times four right? That's that's basically eight people and uh and they had seven days to learn everything. They can meet agents and basically do what I do and Implement what I do in person and learn everything they can. and it's really different when you're just watching Kevin doing something to basically getting thrown in the fire pit and having doing it, having to do it yourself.

you actually learn a lot right? That's the point. But what I thought was really interesting is I compared how long it would take and how much it would cost to send one person to two cities four times over a seven day period and how fast could we do it if I loaded everybody into my plane and basically I drove the bus I don't fly. but we basically we did it with me my the Kevin version and so here were the results, which was really interesting. So the results were that, uh, it took seven days to have eight different cities visited.

Uh, that means it took, uh, multiple. It took one day of traveling on each. uh for each travel day was a full travel day? I mean like getting to the airport, being early, ubering to the airport, checking in, TSA waiting and then being bound by the flight time, then getting to the the location, checking into the hotel? All of that, right? It was a seven day process because when you compare that to what I can do with with our plane, it's it's about 60 faster. I'll give you the example in just a moment.

but we added everything up and I think the total cost was about eight thousand dollars. maybe eighty five hundred dollars right right around there. uh was the total cost and what we got basically was one person saw two cities and so it worked out to roughly about two thousand dollars a person for seven days. which is actually pretty good.
I mean some of them were using scooters to get around because the goal was how inexpensively can you do it? That was the goal. Uh, I mean we're talking, you know, 125 Dollar Hotel Keeping it as cheap as possible. That's part of the challenge is like how it how efficient can you be but some of the plane tickets are like 700 bucks to go from California to Texas Right now it's like 700 bucks. It's insane.

So anyway, the what we did is we said all right. Four people saw eight cities for eight grand. That works out to a thousand dollars per person per city, right? The problem is, uh, one person only experienced two cities, right? So if one person wanted to see all of those cities, the cost would have been a lot more. Not so great.

I Mean yeah, you could do double occupancy in some of the rooms, but still, you'd be traveling. So then what we realized is, well, what if we took my plane? And so we looked at the variable costs of the plane and if we took my plane, we could stop in two to three cities a day. And the reason we can do that is because we could take off and land whenever the hell we want. so we could take off at six a.m land somewhere at nine, have a rental car there, check out the City properties meat agents on the plane next city on the plane, next city, and we could probably do that entire seven-day itinerary in three days instead of six nights in two nights instead of multiple Ubers a couple.

you know, a few rentals at the various different places we would go. And so what we figured is the variable costs for the plane and Ubers and the fewer hotels and fewer dinners and stuff. we would be able to do the entire seven-day trip in three days with two nights only. it would cost us about seventeen thousand dollars, so a little more than twice so it is more expensive.

Initially, it looks more expensive, but watch this a little bit more expensive. So let me write this down because I think it'll be easier to visualize is I Also think it's very interesting, so you write it down. So what did eight thousand dollars get you? Well, eight thousand dollars got you. One person seeing two cities, one person seeing two cities, one person seeing two cities, One person seen two cities, right, and that took seven days.

That's what about eight thousand dollars got you well in three days. So in substantially less time, it might cost eighteen thousand dollars. But what happened Now all of a sudden you could have I would be along, right? So you could actually have five people seeing eight cities. So now all of a sudden, if you figure five people are seeing eight cities, take a look at this.

Eighteen thousand divided by eight actually works out to twenty two hundred dollars. Oops, let me do this. 22.50 per City divided by five. It would only cost four hundred fifty dollars per City for five people to see all of these cities 450 per City whereas over here people spent a thousand dollars per City.
Now how much of a mind f is that that I think is pretty remarkable. Now this doesn't work if only like one person is traveling, right? And it's also worth noting that I pay for the plane myself because it's my plane. I pay for it uh and I don't I don't Bill my real estate startup for my jet. uh I pay for it Uh, and I'm going to do that as long as possible.

So what's beautiful about this though is I realize like oh my gosh, we are more than twice as efficient in terms of how fast we could actually see real estate. We're more than twice as efficient with this plane. But on top of that, more people are able to get to the places and we're actually able to do them for a cheaper per City cost because you can load the plane up with like nine people. imagine if they're nine people instead of five.

So it's really incredible. Uh, just the efficiency that you can get out of this. So I'm these are the the risks that I've taken in in 2022. and yeah, I mean they're They're cool things that come out of it.

You know it's obviously fun, uh to do it that way because it's so much more effective, but these are just the risks that I'm that I like taking because a I think they're good business risks, but they also combine with the idea of like life like dude. if I want to see four cities, do I want to be away from my family for seven days? Hell no. And quite frankly, in seven days, the the people who traveled only saw two cities. So if I wanted to see eight cities commercial I'd probably be gone for a month when I could literally see eight cities in three days, right? Uh, it's kind of remarkable.

so so tying that all back to like life It to me. Uh, I think I'm making the best possible business decisions while at the same time looking at life and being like Scheissa You know you? you don't wanna you wanna? You wanna do what you can to be as efficient as possible So you could not only run the businesses you want to create the success that you're trying to create, but you also want to do it in a way where you're not miserable doing what you're doing. I Don't think there it would be possible to do my real estate startup without a plane because we we have to be places fast. We can't be beholden to a schedule of of commercial air traffic, and we can land pretty much wherever we want with this sucker.

Uh, which is great. We could get into small airports, we only need a 4 000 foot Runway That saves a lot of time so it's really exciting anyway. so so that's some insight. I Want to look at uh, some, uh, uh, some of these, uh, some of the comments that you all have.

um Nobody Rides My jet. Nobody gets charged to ride my jet that doesn't exist. Uh, actually I think we just one of us just visited. Minneapolis Uh, so let's see here.
Kevin Airlines No God no no no no, no time does not equal money. Everybody has time, but not everybody has money. Well I mean I think that depends on the situation that you're in right? like personally? Uh, when I when I was broke and I you know went to um uh Jamba Juice I was working at Jamba Juice I would go to all the grocery stores with a coupon right like today I'd probably just use WalMart delivery because Walmart plus it's like free delivery. It's like why would you waste your time doing that I don't know why people keep asking about Charters uh I don't do Charters Love the house hack videos.

thank you. Uh let's see arm and a leg. just it travels annoying man it's it's really difficult. Your uh, relative lived in a development with a runway in his backyard.

Now that's pretty cool. That's pretty cool. Yeah you could you could put a plane back there. that's amazing.

Oh my gosh, a plane absolutely increases productivity. Massive increase of productivity. It's insane. Well, because the other thing too is when you're when you're on an airline.

uh, and I've been on airlines plenty. Okay, so it's like it is what it is. but when you're on an airline, after you fly, you're tired. You're exhausted like your productivity is like zero that day.

whereas uh, my little baby plane I almost I Feel like energized when I get off of it because I get so much done on it because everything's where I want it like I keep an iPad and a laptop on there. Uh, you know the pilots bring me my newspapers. it's like I yeah I still read newspapers? Uh, it's phenomenal. Just the productivity of being able to do what you want.

and and sometimes I mean it doesn't happen often. but we can in theory be midair and we're like, yeah, let's go to a different airport. You know it's like crazy. You don't actually wrap planes.

You paint planes. Yes, we have two dedicated Pilots that are on salary. How much is maintenance? You know? if you want to know how much maintenance is on a plane, you should not think about owning a plane. It's insane.

Let's just put it this way, the planes probably gonna cost somewhere around 2.4 million dollars a year to own and operate. Uh uh. so yeah. but uh, we are going to paint on a new tail number onto it which will be pretty pretty cool.

um mm-hmm and just make a teleporter I know, right? Anyway, so I wanted to share that uh, you know that's uh, do I regret not having a wedding experience? No. I Actually don't because see I think a big wedding experience would have probably tanked our ability to buy real estate. And the most important thing you should do when you're younger is buy real estate. Uh, now don't get me wrong, that is counter to what I'm saying here.
like this experience versus like um uh, like real estate right? But I also had an experience you know what I did instead of spending 40 or 50 Grand on a wedding which gets you, you know, one or two nights we did a 10-day honeymoon uh and uh and a Mediterranean cruise for like five grand. So in other words, instead of spending 50 Grand on a wedding or 40 Grand a wedding where everything is overpriced. The photographers, the videographers, the wedding cakes, the venue, everything is a rip-off in the wedding industry. And I'm sorry if you work in the wedding industry.

honestly, you know deep down inside it's a rip-off but that's okay. like people are willing to pay it. so I don't blame you for charging the prices other people are willing to pay it. Make your money, man, it's fine.

it's okay for you to make money. I'm not gonna do that though if it's that. I'm like I'm gonna have a in vacation for you know, five grand or 10 grand. maybe? All in right I'm gonna have a in 10 day vacation and it's gonna be the best thing ever.

but I'm gonna spend zero on the wedding and I'm gonna spend 10 grand on my honeymoon because why do I want to entertain everybody else when instead I'm gonna have a and vacation an eviction experience without my wife and buy a house so so sorry. Okay, don't ask me about weddings man. anyway I gotta get over to the Elite Hustlers Live stream. So I appreciate y'all being here.

Y'all are great! Uh I know there's some haters who watch, but you know what the haters are watching which is honestly an honor. It's okay, man, you know it. It's life. You know some people want to punch me in the face.

That's fine. You know what? Even the people. hey, you can still go to Stream Yard Medkevin.com Sign up for one of the best streaming platforms ever! You put cool things up on screen like it's okay promotion sponsorship. but hey, Streamyard rocks! Check them out! Thank you.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

31 thoughts on “This is hard”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars j m says:

    You can set your own take off time! Order exactly what you want to eat. Heaven! But no, I don't own a private plane, but I worked for someone who did.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars j m says:

    It's all part of the plan. The matrix. Got to try and get out of it as best you can. Nothing wrong with working, but they keep us from having a balance. It's good you had this experience. Opens your eyes. Take those vacations with a young body and mind!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mikhail Blinovskov says:

    That is the point guys! If we have high inflation we can not retire! We need to do Paul Walker and preserve the wealth of whatever we have

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kat ci healer says:

    Enjoy your time off Kevin , take more family time. I'm kind of in a similar boat as your shooting buddies. once you get millions , You don't necessarily need more and more. .

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars noice/guy77 says:

    there is no way to happiness, happiness is the way

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ChangeisComing says:

    Imagine if everyone took the "fast" tickets at Disney world 😂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fropello says:

    let's go Kev, right on point

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Tracy says:

    Are your pilots hired full time or do you have retired pilots who still like to work part time and keep their annual flight hours requirements up?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Semera Faroog says:

    Best video you made Kevin!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin McMahon says:

    Great content. Sending this to my father in hopes that it strikes a cord in him. He retired from his job 5 years ago but still works sooooo much helping my mom clean houses and setting up her karaoke gigs. He says said he wants to see the national parks when he retired. So far he’s seen none 😢 I really hope something inspires him to go see them before it’s too late.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chuck Reynolds says:

    Alcohol is the cause of and solution to all of life's problems.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tech Alive says:

    You can run but you can't hide

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Irfan Atatekin says:

    As a 66 yr old I agree with you 100%

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ricky ricardo says:

    Kevin, when do you plan to move this $2.4MM annual operating expense to HouseHack? Will HH be charged any amount of the original purchase price?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonny Twotimes says:

    Kevin, I’ve been watching you since the beginning of Covid and this is the best video you’ve made sense very impactful and true

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Owari says:

    Life ain't fair Kevin and it's not meant to be enjoyed to it's fullest. We're only passing through here, it's the next life we're preparing for. Look into what Islam says about the afterlife.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CannonFodder says:

    Dude, you've achieved so much. Retire, enjoy your life

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ricky ricardo says:

    Kevin, would the capital used for the jet be better used having gone directly into the start-up? Wouldn't that demonstrate to investor's a higher personal commitment & better use of capital?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rebecca Sinyard says:

    Good video ❤

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ricky ricardo says:

    How to Rationalize the Phenom EP300E to Others That's what flashed through my mind during that segment. It appears you're using math that subsidizes operating expense of the jet for the first year. Which is a construct of your mind & not reality. Plus you're working employees from 6AM to 9PM. Not realistic. See how long before these employees come to dread traveling & their jobs under those conditions. Then there's using salespeople instead of unbiased independent data to inform your team for important decisions.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars V K says:

    Holy shit dude. I literally cancelled a family trip to Panama City Beach because I thought spending ~$10K for a 4 day vacation was too much. I want to vacation but man times are tough.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hacker Eagle Good🩶🖤:(Sad says:

    Awesome work.. Yeah, AZRC40! is something so unique, very exciting ,big exchanges will come before the bull run kicks off

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hassari Demir says:

    This is truly a gem 💎 AZRC40 is deff a good risk to make great returns in a year or so! Deff will see what happens in a full blown bull market! Let's go!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IWFrozen PUBG says:

    Great detailed analysis of AZRC40! Love your work 🤝🏼🔥💎 AZRC40 is definitely a sleeping giant with such a low MC with what is coming! ‬This is a project that has great potential to mint new millionaires who buy around this price… 💯

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Çöp Kutusu says:

    AZRC40 has all the fundamentals to achieve 100x. Great to see exposure like this. When the community grows and comes together this will fly!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Efe tv says:

    You cannot argue with AZRC40 ecosystem numbers. Fud all you want but it's a highly active chain

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Şah ismail Bakan says:

    Seeing AZRC40 in the preview photo beside eth made my day.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vortlexy says:

    All of them are really nice picks. But the potential of project that elegantly combine blockchain and AI is Amazons AZRC40 and should not be overlooked, I guess. Among them, this truly tackle real-world problems and have vibrant ecosystems, like Aiwork.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NionLo says:

    That's the real kicker, eh? AZRC40 goes to a million, my personal wealth doubles.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Boklu Zort says:

    I’m still interested in what Amazon will do with the AZRC40 now .

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brad Pırtt says:

    Need more AZRC40 content. Converted my ETH to BTC but kept my AZRC40

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