0:00 - Intro
0:30 - Hamas launches attacks
1:20 - Impact on Civilians
2:10 - Israeli Defense Forces' actions
2:50 - Abductions & Hostage situations
3:30 - Gaza Border situation
4:10 - Rocket onslaught
5:30 - 24-hour aftermath
6:10 - Casualties and losses
6:50 - Unfolding hostage crisis
7:30 - Israel's response
8:10 - Palestinian perspective
8:50 - Global reaction
9:30 - Historical context
10:10 - Hamas vs. Palestinian Authority.
12:31 - Short-term Win for Netanyahu: Public unification amidst chaos.
13:06 - Northern Front Dilemma
13:33 - Slow Israeli Response Explained
14:05 - Hezbollah Joining the Fight?
15:01 - Potential Outcomes

So at 6:30 a.m. local Israeli time, the Hamas launched attacks on a number of cities Villages and Military outposts by the Israeli Defense Forces killing civilians, women, children, men taking hostages, killing soldiers taking over whole bases around the border with Gaza At the same time, Hamas fired 2,000 Rockets within the span of 24 hours into Israeli city centers, including T Aviv killing civilians, damaging buildings, and to this point 24 hours later, this is still a developing story. We have about 300 dead confirmed on the Israeli side, about 2,000 injured, and 100 kidnapped civilians and soldiers into the Palestinian side of Gaza and at this point it's unknown where they are, but theories are saying that they're within the tunnel system of Gaza which would make any ground operations by Israel in Gaza very very complex. More about that in the second.

Now, the Israel response at this point has been very, very slow. and that's the weird part about it. starting from the point of entry that was absolutely overran all the way to about four or five hours. from the initial response to this whole event, we had people basically running around and running over cities and bases and there was no military response for four to five hours.

absolute death, No response. Everything was paralyzed. Why? I Don't know. Now to this point is response.

about 24 hours into it is still based on the previous cycles of violence, which is basically bombing empty buildings and not doing a lot, all strictly from the air. No ground forces on the ground, yet just aerial strikes into empty buildings. Now of course there's 250 dead on the Palestinian side, but that's one of the world's most dense populated areas. We're never going to be bombarding even empty buildings.

People are going to get hurt. We have 250 dead, 1,800 injured according to Palestinian sources The credibility of which is for you to decide now. So what happened here really beyond the mainstream media and Bs that you hear on CNN and Fxks and all the rest of them? Well, the story here is much more complex than the age-old Israel versus the Palestinian conflict which I'm not going to get into in this video because this is going to be a Battleground for people to beef over history. That's not a point in this video.

I Want to talk about facts and what's happening right now on the ground now. Like what it seems like on mainstream media, the Palestinians don't live in one single entity. In fact, there's two two separate Palestinians. One is controlled by the Hamas which is Gaza.

the other one is controlled by the Palestinian Authority which is basically a descendant of the PLO and that controls the West Bank. Now, both of them chose completely different approaches to this whole conflict. On the one hand, the Palestinian Authority is trying to shame Israel in diplomatic Avenues Basically going to the UN and going to all these Avenues to get Israel to pack down and work through a diplomatic solution to allow them to have better borders On the other hand, Hamas is going on all out. War Trying to destroy Israel Not forsaking the way of violence.
Now these two approaches birth absolutely different situations. On the one hand, the West Bank is prosperous. They have a stock exchange, they have nightclubs, restaurant life in the West Bank is quasi normal at least for the most part, and definitely way better than what's going on in Gaza Gaza is basically a refugee camp that's out of control. People are starving.

It's dirt poor. There's no resources, no infrastructure. It's absolutely chaotic now. I'm not here to play the blame game.

I'm just giving you the situation on the ground. People in the West Bank have a decent life somewhat. People in Gaza have a horrible life now while the PLO dropped out of this violence route. for the most part, Hamas stayed in and about 10 years ago they had a beef with the Iranians but they figured out a way to make friends on the face of it.

Hamas and the Iranians should never get along. You see, the Iranians are Shiites and Hamas are sunnis. They really hate each other. and when they say really I mean really.

Now the crazy part is that as much as they hate each other, they both hate Israel more. And that's why about 10 years ago, they' made a pack to work together to destroy Israel. Now effectively, what happened is that Hamas became a proxy for the Iranians much like the Hisbah up in the North of Israel and Lebanon and much like the hoodi rebels in Yemen Iranians love to operate. Why these proxies and Hamas basically taking the money of Iran became such proxy? But the real question here is why now if Iran was running Hamas for over a decade, why launch this offensive Now what triggered this now on the face of it and what you see in mainstream media is that this was the 50th anniversary of the 1973 October War as it's called on the Arab side and the Yumi War as it's called on the Israeli side.

A war in which Israel was attacked by multiple front and still beat the living crap out of these countries which is a huge embarrassment and them basically doing it on the 50th Anniversary was some sort of an amends you know to fix the shame of the 1973 defeat. The other reasons that were given is encroachments by the Israeli side on the Alaa Mosque, which number one is not a new thing. It keeps happening all the time. You have militants basically throwing rocks and shooting at Israeli soldiers.

They chase them, they walk into the Alaxa Mosque, the Israeli police chases them into Alaa Mosque and then you know the whole festival starts about how Israel is encroaching on Alaa Mosque. I'm not here to take sides, I'm just describing why this isn't news. This been happening for a while and Israel has no plans to demolish the Alaka mamos nor to rebuild their own temple on that mountain. Which is a whole different story that the Palestinians are selling that narrative.
Absolute nonsense. they're also talking about. you know, their own agenda and how they've been imprisoned for so long. and they they actually have you know finally blew up All this may be true.

They might actually got to a boiling point because of their relationship with Israel. They might be annoyed more now by the Alamos encroachments. They might be more mad right now because of the 50th anniversary of the 1973 Yum Kipur. October War All this may be true, but those are not the predominant reasons why.

Now the reason why now actually has to do with a country far far away. And it's not the United States it is the Saudi Arabians Why Saudi Arabia Well, you see, the Saudis are the most important, important Arab nation in the world. Sorry all Arab Nations they are. They have the most amount of influence.

money, oil policymaking, Whatever the Saudi says goes, they control OPC. They control the Arabic narrative. and the one enemy that they have in the world is actually Iran Iranians Hate the Saudis and they've been very active at trying to hurt Saudi Arabia as much as they can. including a drone strike on a Ranco which is the Saudi company by the hoodi Rebels which is a proxy of Iran just a little while ago.

So the Iranians they hate the Saudis, the Saudis they hate the Iranians. There's tensions there, there's a lot of distrust, there's a lot of fear, and the Saudis are now looking at Iran racing towards a nuclear bomb. By the way, shout out to this Administration for allowing this to happen, which is an absolute insanity. but nevertheless, this is the reality.

You can't sugar quote it. So while the Iranians are basically racing to a nuclear bomb on behalf of the guidance of the US government, thank you President Biden for that. The Saudis are like oh my, God we have to have a nuke of our own. This can't happen And basically they went to the United States and said, well, look guys, we need a nuke of our own.

If you're giving it to the Iranians, give us our blessing as well. We want a nuke just so we can counter these guys. They want to kill us And the United States basically said, you know what? Cool. But here are the conditions for us to do this: Number one: Stop the shenanigans with OPEC give us cheap oil Number two: We can't give you nuke until you guys agree not to bomb the freaking state of Israel with that nuke we're going to give you.

So that means you have to make peace with Israel and normaliz relationship And that means that if you do it, the rest of the Arab world with the exception of Iran and the Palestinians will follow your lead because you're the most important Saudi. It is what it is Now the Saudis don't really have any beef with Israel and they have no issues with controlling OPC So they basically said bet, let's do it. Now the first thing that happened to lead into this is the Saudis never wanted to be first so they let the United Arab Emirates sign the Peace Accords the normalization Accords first. So once the UAE signed this deal, once the other Arab Nations signed this deal, Saudi was next and you have to think about it like a three-way NBA trade.
Every single team gets something it wants. the United States gets cheap oil for Life Israel gets normalization with the Arab world massive. Saudis get a nuke to counter Iran. Everybody wins in this trade.

everyone except Iran and the Palestinians you see for the Palestinians and the Iranians. This cannot happen and mainly the Iranians because the Iranians are pushing their own little triangle. They're trying to broker a triangle with China Iran and Saudi to counter the US proposal of us Israel and Saudi and they're offered a lot of car to Saudis to go that route. But if the Saudis will buy that deal with the United States of Israel, the Chinese Iranian Saudi triangle is rest and peace.

It's dead. They can't have it. It's a zero. Some game somebody wins, somebody loses.

and the losers in this agreement would be the Iranians. So right when this deal was supposed to be signed on the brink of its signature, you have massive rocket attacks. Saturday 6:00 in the morning, everybody's asleep, everybody's home, minimal military presence, border collapses, cities, bases overan absolute chaos. Now there's a lot of questions on the Israeli side.

How the hell did these people get in? How do we have three 400 people just literally cross through the Border like it was nothing Israel invested billions of dollars in this system on the fence to prevent exactly this from happening. And it failed. So how did it happen? Did it undergo a huge cyber security attack? Did it have a drone strike against it? basically eliminating the entire border. Was it a huge colossal failure and negligence? Whatever the case may be.

I Don't know. but there's one thing I Can tell you the offensive was extremely coordinated, well planned, well funded, well executed, and absolutely grin lit by Iran against Israel via the proxy of Hamas. There's no doubt about it, but you see. the thing is that once these horrific images which I mentioned in the beginning of the video Hit Israeli media, the Israeli public is going to ask for a massive response.

There's not to waste about it. This was a colossal failure for the Israel intelligence, for the Israeli military, and the failure of epic proportions that was almost as bad. or maybe even worse than the 1973 Yum Kipur intelligence failure. And yes, even though Israel did win that war, that was another massive intelligence failure, this probably was even bigger.

or at least as big. So Israel is currently in a catch 22 of swords. On the one hand, if they go out and they demolish Gaza, they're basically jeopardizing the agreement with the Saudis which is historically important. For the United, States and Israel plus you have 100 hostages on the ground in Gaza plus the insanee complexity of fighting in a highly dense residential area.
Massive casualties For the Israeli military. the hostages will be dead. The Saudi deal will be dead. Absolute Chaos.

On the flip side, if you don't go to war for this and just bombarded from the air for a couple of days and let it go, you basically lose this war, but you get to keep the Saudi deal. But here's the crazy part. once you get shamed like this. not sure that the Saudis even want to sign this deal with a wick.

Israel Plus you got to be inviting as Israel many, many future attacks on you. If you are perceived to be weak, you see Israel is living in a prison mentality. They're surrounded by people that want to kill it. much like in the prison violence, right? If they show weakness in that neighborhood that they live in, they're going to get overrun by much, much worse than what we've seen in the past two days.

So whatever the choice they make, it's an impossible choice. There's no good choices here. And by the way, the United States with the Biden's Mission will be pushing towards option number two, which is save the Saudi agreement, the Israel public is going to push to option number one. one Shortterm: BB Netanyahu This prime minister of Israel that everybody keeps talking about.

he has a huge win on his hands because right now, the whole colossal cluster that happened in Israel all these protests, the legal reforms, all this opposition, his unpopularity that's all gone, everybody's now United behind them to go to war. But once the dust settles and there will be investigations and it will be actually looked at who was at fault here, he's going to have a major disgrace on his hands and he will be out so long-term Huge loss. For BBY shortterm, it's a win. He gets to survive.

but I'm not looking out for BBY In a couple of years he's going to be out of the job. The problem is that Israel has another dilemma which is the absolute Northern front of Israel Right now, what we're looking at is the southern front. On the northern part of Israel you got Hisbah which is the Lebanese organization completely funded and operated by the Iranians and the Hezbollah are sitting on an arsenal of 130,000 Precision rockets that can hit every point in Israel for days and days and weeks and weeks. And there's no Iron Dome can stop 130,000 Rockets I mean 100% It's going to cause massive effect.

massive damage. now. Why is the Israeli response being so slow at this point? Well, some of it has to do with the fact that the fighting is still going on inside Israel until the Israeli Army clears out the last of these Hamas terrorists from its grounds. It's not going to commence any operations in Gaza.
Number two, you have the hostages on the ground, about 100 people. You have to evaluate what you want to do with these guys. guys. Number three, the ground offensive requires a prep about 48 to 72 hours.

You have to call out reserves. You have to work out a plan that has to take time. Plus, you have Hisbah dilemma right? If you launch a ground offensive in Gaza What happens if Hisbah joins the fight, right? They got a massive Arsenal but they depend on the Iranian trigger. And here's the crazy part.

while Hamas shot a few mortars, you know the past few hours if Hisbah joins the fight, you're going to know about it. It's not going to be just a couple of mortars. But here's the thing. Hisbah will not join this fight without the pre-approval and the guidance of Iran.

It's not going to happen and the Iranians will have to make a decision here if they pull the trigger on Hisbah, they lose leverage and I'll explain. Hisbah was armed to the thief by Iran As a quasi balance of Terror against Israel Should Israel preemptively attack Iran and try to prevent it from getting to a nuclear weaponry, then Hisbah will act and basically deploys 130,000 missiles towards the entirety of Israel That's a balance of Terror right? If you pull the trigger at now and you activate Hisbah to help Hamas you lose that leverage because once Hisbah pulls and Blows Its load, Iran does not have that leverage anymore. So they have to make a decision whether they want to keep Hisbah basically on point, still ready if Israel actually acts upon their threats against Iran or they want to launch them right now. but it's a one shot once you launch them.

Isel is going to react in such a way that Hezbollah will not be recognizable. Yes, Israel will have massive casualties, but it's not going to leave Hezbollah and its current configuration. Much like it won't leave Gaza in its current configuration should it choose to do so based on recent events. Whatever the case may be, the next 24 to 48 hours will be extremely critical for the entire future of the Middle.

East Make no mistake about it, if you enjoy this video, make sure you hit the like button and subscribe on your way out. I'll see you in the next video.

By Stock Chat

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27 thoughts on “The war in israel what’s really happening”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Lade says:

    ๐ŸŒ๏ธโ€โ™‚๏ธTRUMP is Saudi Arabia's ๐Ÿ›ฉ๐Ÿข #1 fan! ๐ŸŒ๏ธโ€โ™‚๏ธ ๐Ÿ’ฐ

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Lade says:

    No explanation needed! Religious people say "THIS IS GODS DOING!" and people have nothing to do with it. GOD ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ’ฉ WARS RULE!! ๐Ÿฅณ The end is near! ๐Ÿคฃ

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carl Becklehimer says:

    I'm impressed. The analysis of the geopolitical aspect is uncanny. Nice.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Isnโ€™t it rich says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Allan says:

    How did biden give Iran a nuke? I can't stand Biden amin

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Assad says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DareBear says:

    Sounds like the US just needs to give Iran the 1776 Special until they wise up and call off their attack dogs.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nur Rochman says:

    Sebenarnya tahun berapakah masjid AL AQSO di bangun….

    Bukan kah itu bukti bahwa itu dulunya negara muslim …?!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nina Jefferson says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Davrian Barry says:

    Thanks for the info you making sense

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sakura Designs says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Esquer says:

    Iโ€™ll tell you as an American ever since this has happened Iโ€™ve been trying to figure out whatโ€™s going on in the media but I feel like my country is more interested in posting all the violence thatโ€™s going on instead of giving us factual information so I just know thereโ€™s a war going on and innocent people are dying

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M W says:

    Excellent content! Thank you for your non-lopsided perspective of world news. Great script!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Liberty Coffee House says:

    The Saudis do not control the oil. The Rockefeller and Rothschilds control Saudi Arabia. The Saudis have title to the oil but they do not control it.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SpiffyDude says:

    I'm religiously bias and I support Isreal in the war, but I do feel horribly bad for both sides civilians that have nothing to do with the war.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars STโ˜…RTโ˜…LL says:

    Hello. This seems to be the best explanation/example of what had been happening since I was quite confused (I live in the USA) they havenโ€™t told us anything in school yet, so I kind of had to search it up on my own. Thank you for explaining since I was quite confused before. ๐Ÿ˜€

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jibrรฏl V says:

    Ill tell you one thing you havnt done. Look at the actual footage people on the ground in Gaza as well as the other side. If those are lies, what are these children's body? Cgi? People are not just stats Tom. Take the time to swim properly.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mor M21 says:

    Something tells me WW3 is coming due to this with Iran and Syria getting involved

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lisa Majewski says:

    Thank you for all of your content and staying up late to cover everything. What happened to your videos from last week? They were good updates and I see they are gone.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose Ramirez says:

    The Middle East is always on some type of bullshit.. I hope the find peace.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Itwontfitn says:

    I think this was an inside job. Only because when it comes to the legacy media, whatever they say.. The opposite is usually true.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reb Moe says:

    Hi Tom,
    What happened to the other videos you made about the war happening? There is only one or two active on your channel right now.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pilar Q says:

    Tom what is your ancestry if you care to share

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abdullah Hashim says:

    where is the daily updates videos?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jobe Allemand says:

    U know what this made me realize if it wasnโ€™t for the Middle East there would probably be peace in the world. All the problems comes from Middle East

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KG says:

    Oh my! Tom, it looks like they're censoring your daily update videos! WTF? Seems pretty evil to me. Your analysis was pretty fair. Ok, you were upset and swearing about terrorists but hey.. I am disappointed in Youtube!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aziz Al shehri says:

    Good analysis, but it one point of view mostly right.
    As a Saudi, our first goal is not to have just a nuclear weapon we want a third route for logistics imports through Palestine ( Isreal ) and Asia. Limiting routs though Yemen and Iran is not good for us now. Also Saudi wants to have a peace life for all Arabs specially Palestinian because it is what all Arab and Muslims goal we want them to have a safe country and better life than 70 years of bad life

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