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so there's a lot of this. Left Right fighting going on and y'all know me as a Mr in the middle I ran for governor as Mr in the middle I came in second place out of the candidates I won San Francisco that was really cool I I Gotta go visit San Francisco and pay my respects. But the point is I want to go through some of the reality of what's actually happening? So we're going to look at some of the letters that are being talked about. The letters very, very important.

We're going to look at what is the Senate saying. We're going to look at what courts are saying. We're going to get a little bit of a different perspective on uh, what actually happens with the train derailment and potentially what caused it. Now this is really important because obviously right now in East Palestine Palestine thanks to the train derailment, a lot of people getting sick right now and it's kind of scary.

We don't want to see that because well, after all, they're going to be massive lawsuits people are doing their individual testing. Why? Because they don't trust the government to do the testing for them In part one of the reasons people don't trust and I'm going to get into some of the letters In part, some of the reasons people do not actually trust the government are because of the nonsenseical responses that we're even getting from the Governor of Ohio So obviously if you haven't heard, there was a trail derailment at the beginning of February One of the issues was that one of the rail cars wheel bearings overheated when it overheated it caused to it led to a fire. 50 train cars derailed and they spilled a bunch of toxic chemicals. Now, rather than than just leave the toxic chemicals or try to continue cleaning them up Because of the hazards associated with cleaning them up, the uh, your rail agency or the the rail company decided to be a fantastic idea to just conduct a quote-unquote controlled Burn and Burn the camera Vehicles leading to a toxic plume of black smoke and people complaining about dead chickens thanks to all the toxic air but dead frogs, dead fish, nasty chemical, uh, odors throughout the town, people complaining about rashes and coughing up blood, and issues that they haven't previously had.

This is despite the fact that the government is trying to suggest oh, everything is okay. Don't worry, our testing suggests everything is fine of course. Now there are allegations that the testing that's being done was actually being done by the railway and their contractors. and so the EPA is kind of like okay, y'all need to go test and let us know what those tests say.
Oh wow and lo and behold, if the company is involved in conducting these tests. Wow, Everything is safe. Don't worry, you could drink the water and the air is fun. Look, listen.

after Covid, nobody believes that. That's why people are doing their own testing right now. And people like I don't know how you're saying there's no contamination I smell it right? I feel it. It'd probably be a good idea not to be in this area, but let's listen to the governor and I hate to say it.

but this is probably the most embarrassing clip for this. Governor This is very, very bad. but listen to the Governor of Ohio and then we'll get into some of that fighting that's happening between Marco Rubio and and the Senate and so on. So let's go ahead and listen to this clip.

right now, these folks given results to the water testing that are accurate I Mean that a lot of these hooks are rightfully untrustful of these tests. Uh, the initial tests that were done were being done by Norfolk Southern They were being hired by independent contractors from Norfolk Southern Correct. These are these are tests. The tests that we are doing.

Uh, we're doing double testing. Uh, so you know notice he doesn't deny that the railway is actually conducting the test right. but it gets it gets worse. Testing is being done by the Ohio EPA or the US EPO Okay, that was not the case to start though.

Uh why why we continue we continue to do to do that testing gotcha. One more question. Uh, if that's okay. So the um what took some long to get FEMA involved here? Go ahead.

What took so long to get FEMA involved? The most important thing is you're reaching out to the federal government you would on an interview I watched you said straight up that uh the President Biden said that he would provide Aid I don't think he's done nearly enough and I think a lot of residents here do. but you said you didn't return the phone call. It seems like it's been thing after thing you know. Look, the president called me and said anything you need.

uh I have not called him back uh after that after that conversation we I will not hesitate to do that if we if we're seeing a problem or or anything but I'm not saying it. why isn't there Federal money Now for these people to move? well there should be. But Governor Dewine has to ask FEMA to come in and he hasn't done it yet. You didn't say that.

no and it was offer you hadn't called back. Sorry, go ahead. no, you're not letting you're not letting. me finish classics.

So what? The President of the United States called and asked if there's anything else we can do I Told the president that the U.S EPA had been here from the beginning. Within hours they were here. They're working very very closely with our Ohio EPA so they're going to continue continue to do that gotcha and that's that's what's going on. Okay first of all, shout out to the person who says looks like Bill Gates's long-lost brother.
That's hilarious. Anyway, that was terrible. Okay, that's a terrible show of of. Basically, as soon as he got caught in a lie turning around and you know what, you're not letting me finish my sentence and walking away.

I'm sorry Mr Ojai Ohio Governor you're probably not going to get reelected after this disaster. This is very very embarrassing. Now we've got to talk about these spots that are going on between the politicians. and I want to give you some real insight into maybe what's actually going on here? Because listen, there's nothing I hate more than politicians cherry picking bullcrap about who's actually at fault of in in these issues I Can't stand that kind of stuff and so right now one of the things that you have going on is you have Marco Rubio Pete bootage Patton on Twitter and I want to show you the reality first and this is this also leads into Trump versus Obama Okay and this is the the whole idea here is to show you what's actually going on.

Okay so first of all, Marco Rubio says hey secretary Pete why were you M.I.A on the trail derraignment, a derailment and it is kind of drain treatment. but anyway, derailment? Uh then uh Marco Rubio says Pete Budajek lies to the media claiming my 2021 letter calling for more track inspections was a letter calling for deregulation. He is an incompetent who is focused solely on his fantasies about his political future needs to be fired. Okay, so Marco Rubio doesn't like Pete That's obvious.

Marco Rubio is a republican. Uh, Pete is a Democrat It works for the Biden Administration as the head of the Secretary of Transportation So Pete Butterjet replies and says the facts: Don't Lie The 2021 letter you signed was obviously drafted by the railroad Industries lobbyists. Well, first of all, that's an that's an opinion the second part. So we're already conflating opinions and facts.

But let's see what the facts are right. So Pete Bootage goes on and says it. The letter supports waivers that would reduce visual track inspections. Oh, that doesn't sound good.

Wait a minute. Marco Rubio Did you sign a letter that would reduce visual track inspections right before a derailment thanks to a wheel bearing failure and now Pete Budajek continues and says now, will you vote to help us toughen rail safety accountability and fines or not. In other words, Pete is taking this idea that the railroads are at fault and you contribute to it because you called for Less Visual Inspections. But you want to know what the fact is and this is why in my opinion you come to the channel Here This is is why you come here.

The fact of the matter is that letter is right here and does the letter actually call for Less Visual Track Inspections. Listen what I'm saying visual track Inspections and the answer is yes, that is true Pete is correct. It supports reduced visual track inspections, but guess what it also does is it replaces visual track inspections with better, more efficient automated track inspections using technology. So see how like you get uh, politicians who try to screw with you? Let me read you some of this.
A critical step in the utilization of new technologies is the Federal Railroad Administration waivers and testing programs that provide the freight industry the opportunity to achieve the next level of track equipment and employee safety improvements. Basically, and I'm going to fast forward a little bit here. Rather, what they basically do is rather than solely rely on into individual people conducting visual inspections, they instead rely on data monitoring and technology that measures how are our Wheels doing. Are things more shaky? What are the algorithms saying? And now you could take that labor and allow that labor to go to where the abnormalities are, to find where defects are now this piece here alleges that these ATI these automatic track inspection programs have proven safety benefits of this concept.

These tests have resulted in an over 90 percent reduction in unprotected main track defects per 100 miles tested. Now Hey, maybe this letter was written by some lobbyists, right? That's possible. That is possible. And so we're going to do some more research here in just a moment.

And I'm going to show you how this politician stuff just grinds my gears. But I Want to be very clear? Yes Marco Rubio Signed a letter right there as a signature Yes Marco Rubio Yo signed a letter that calls for Less Visual Inspections Fact: However, false that the letter actually was calling for less safety. It was actually calling for more safety and better inspections. Now, how do we know that the automatic technology is actually better? Well, this is where you could look at a case that was Uh basically litigated by the United States Court of Appeals between the Federal Railroad Administration uh, the Uh and then the uh.

basically the unions of the railroads. Okay, so you could look at this case. It's a case that was decided on July 15, 2022 case number 21 1049 And short of going through every bit of this case, let's look at some of the Salient items for it. First of all, they talk about these waivers and they actually uphold visual waivers in favor of automated technology because the studies provided directly by the unions show that are safer to use automatic Technologies whether it's for braking, brake inspections, or just track inspections.

This court case upholds that the studies do show an increase in safety from automatic inspections and waivers. When we hear, uh, certain waivers, right when we hear waivers, we automatically think oh my gosh waivers and less inspections. That means less safety, Not necessarily not necessarily. In fact, the industry is working to get better and I'll show you what the potentially actually standing in this because I'm not like I'm not a Shale for the railroads.
Okay, like let me be like crystal clear about that. really quick. Like the railroad f'd up here. Okay, they highly screwed up over here.

Massively screwed up. It's obviously a for-profit institution. I Get it, they screwed up. They got a lot of work to do and I would not trust the tests at all.

So I'll be very clear about that, right? So I'm not here to like chill the railroads I'm here to show you how politicians manipulate what's actually happening. What's actually happening is you have both sides that want more automated inspections. but now they're pointing fingers at each other for complete nonsense because they're kind of both trying to get things to be safe for both the Republicans nems. But they're pointing the finger at each other going no, no, you want less safety and you want less safety which is not actually true And so the next thing that comes up is people start talking about breaks.

Okay, well why did we go from automated braking under the Obama Administration and calling for more automated braking under the Obama Administration to less automated braking via the Trump Administration Okay, so immediately that's an argument that's circulating on Twitter that says oh, all the trumpists are for deregulation. They caused this accident. You know we should have stuck with the Obama era stuff. Okay, well this is where it gets really nasty.

Okay, and I'm gonna keep this simple, but watch this. here's a document and I'll tell you. I've been up like all night researching this stuff. Here's the department Department of Transportation letter talking about electronically controlled pneumatic break devices.

basically automatic braking systems and the biggest like these are great. These automatic braking systems work. they're They're fantastic. They're great.

Like they improve rail safety right? But they have some problems with them and now you're gonna that it's not this part, but the problem that comes after this. You're gonna see where the real problem in my opinion is potentially and then this is going to be like the Aha moment where it's like oh, anyway, watch this. Okay, ready for this. So in the conclusion, they talk about how great these braking systems are the automatic braking systems, but they talk about how there are actually some issues they have not actually found solutions for yet.

They say, look, there's some software issues. Even after we're fixing the software issue issues, some of our tests are failing. There are backward compatibility issues. We basically need new train cars.

We need newer systems. We have issues. Look at this. They literally say here there are issues presented during testing for which a solution cannot be identified.
So there are still problems with some of this new technology, right? And so then you might be thinking to yourself, okay, so there's new technology that would make Railways safer right? Like, why don't we use that new technology that would make Railways safer? Okay, I'll tell you this is this is the big like. What The F? What the F: You want to see why we're not investing more and trying to get this technology, the automated braking systems, the automated inspection systems, and making them function better. Here it is. Here's just an example for you: Rail Labor Files: Joint comments on the railway agencies.

You know standards and take a look at this one right here. The brotherwood Brotherhood Railway Carmen This is this is a union, right? BRC Joined with four other rail unions to oppose new regulations from the Railway Authority And here it is among other things. The unions argued against proposed changes Innovative changes Mind you, for the following reason. Number one: the regulatory framework right now is already good enough.

Fine. whatever. I'm paraphrasing that I'm going to read you. this one word for word.

Reason: Number two: The railway. Uh, unions do not want more of the Innovation Here you go. The changes would lead to decreased safety by having fewer break inspections, fewer timely discoveries of defects and other problems, and by allowing risks associated with brake system degradation to actually increase across the rail network. That doesn't sound good, right? Translate that for a moment.

less labor. It's a union. The whole point here is, you have a union. and what does a union want? A union exists.

It literally exists to increase union membership and to protect employment for employees. Which means more employees. What did The Regulators want? both Republicans and Democrats What do they want? More automation, better inspections. So in other words, physical waivers and automated inspections that do a better job as well as automatic automated breaks.

But somebody is standing in the way going. We don't want automated brakes. We don't want inspections and I hate to say it, but the Smoking Gun appears to be the unions. It's not Pete bootage.

It's not a A A A Marco Rubio I Don't think it's Dems or Republicans I Think they all want more real safety I Think its unions who are protecting the reason they exist more labor. Now Look, I'm not saying unions are bad. Okay, I'm just saying from the research that I've done, it appears to be that there are ways to make trains safer, but unions do not want labor to be replaced. duh.

that's why they exist. So what's an easy way to do that? You stand in the way of innovation, which could actually be better than human labor now. I Want you to think about this logically for a moment. What do you think is better at determining whether a break should stop or like a train should stop Or if there's a track defect, an algorithm that's measuring vibrations and is you know, thousands of times per second measuring how a train is moving through a trained system railroads, or a dude walking by with a clipboard going that looks good and keep going? Come on.
it's obvious it's so obvious. Now again, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the unions want to have their jobs replaced by algorithms that do the job better. Maybe I'm wrong I just don't think I am and I hate to say it, but it's this kind of on Twitter that's so wrong.

Marco Rubio didn't sign something saying we want less regulation and Pete Butterjudge is not talking about the real problem because guess whom the unions often vote for. But then what happens is after Pete Butage had tries to call basically call Marco a liar You get all of these these comments from people that are like, how does self-professed and a proud Christian like you square with the fact that you regularly break the eighth command with it's just like doubt shall not lie, thou shall not lie or deceive people, Right it? It's like he didn't like. Ah, it's not that. ah I'm sorry, it's it's so freaking frustrating.

And and look. this. this is what I try to do on the channel. I I Try to look at like from a first principles approach here.

What's standing in the way? What's actually causing the problem? I Guarantee you it ain't the tweets going back and forth that are gonna solve everything. Anything, They're not gonna solve anything. All they're going to do is piss Americans off more. But I I Don't give a crap whether you're a Democrat or Republican I Think if you just watch this whole segment on the Ohio train derailment disaster, you're looking going the come on man, that's ridiculous.

Like this is not a Republican or Democrat issue. it's a union issue. just saying just saying okay like I I ah and then and then of course you get all like I feel bad because like I you know I get hate on the internet too I try not to pay attention to it, but like I feel bad because it's like you know people are calling uh, each other Liars here and it's like there's there's so much more than you can explain via a tweet. But but you know I Guess people's attention spans are too short to actually like learn.

This is why I have courses on building your wealth through the psychology of money. uh, through a real estate investing zero to million because people honestly don't understand the things they don't even understand. it's it's in unconscious incompetence, right? They don't even know that they don't know I know I don't know everything regarding this. but I've already gone through that phase of at least trying to crack what's actually happening right? I know I'm not a trained expert I I don't know anything really about trains, right? But at least I know enough to realize I don't know and I want to learn more.
This is like when people like oh, Kevin you should just you should just hire somebody in different areas to go look at real estate for you. They don't understand why I am physically going to the places I want to buy real estate because they don't even know that they don't know. They don't realize they are such at such a low level of confidence that they are just completely incompetent and and they will never wake up to that because they don't allow themselves to wake up to their incompetence because it's so much easier to remain incompetent because that's popular. If you're an incompetent idiot spouting on Twitter you happen to get a lot of likes from other incompetent people and that's popular, so it actually encourages you to be incompetent.

How the hell am I supposed to explain what I just explained in the last 10 15 minutes here in 140 characters on Twitter it ain't gonna work and even if I manage to do it, it's not going to get a lot of likes because what gets likes on Twitter is the incompetent. I'm sorry I I am so sorry I get so heated about this stuff because I like I feel like the people who watch my channel and and I feel like most people are good people. everybody's trying to do the best they can with the information they have. but people get basically just getting lied to because it benefits uh the the Liars basically because they get more more you know, like like likes and and hits and stuff and it's just like ah, this is why the mainstream media is broken.

It's like why is the mainstream media so divisive? because well, it gets way more hits and clicks. being neutral, very hard. very very very very hard. And anyway okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I had to go through that that was.

that was a disaster.

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27 thoughts on “The truth oil train derailment disaster biden v trump”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruce Banks says:

    Kevin is assuming that when they remove people from inspection they are going to put them into more safety and other places. They are doing this to cut cost which means less people. 🙃

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruce Banks says:

    You're fighting over government when the corporate railroads are the actual people who created the problem. That's crazy!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Markovic says:

    What does this have to do wiith Buttigieg? Trump removed the obama era rail regulations.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miami Aqua Life says:

    I think the best way to solve the chemical spill problem is to send more money to Ukraine.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronald Groves says:

    The Brandon administration is so dumb and Trump was smart and adept to visit before Brandon and Petey

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JLG says:

    I would have retweeted and shared this video on twitter

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars costafilh0 says:

    Images are always better! I wouldn't say a word. Just post the original letter and the highlighted parts.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars costafilh0 says:

    Politics always trying to distance us from reality!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars costafilh0 says:

    Not to be agist but if there is a minimum age to run for office there should be a maximum age too. Those old fks have no idea what to do besides politics.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars memback says:

    Kevin. Please Hire a good security detail. We need you to continue bringing unbiased news.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Weaver says:

    Unions are very corrupt. They are extremely inefficient and encourage complacency. All they care about is more money coming in the pension funds so they can use their pension fund for corruption and embezzlement. I was a member of 2 unions and I found better pay and benefits non union

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian Draven says:

    Good job mate, I share your values and views on this matter and we both share the same feeling of frustration about how we feel for people not being able to at least try to understand and go just a tad deeper on the topics we all share opinions on. Thank you again and stay awesome

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ClaymorePT says:

    Kevin basically does not like Unions because Tesla has been having issues with them. So now, it's time to conjecture how bad unions are, by taking a sentence completely out of context…

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars base4267 says:

    I'm from Ohio. Thank you for this video Kevin. We need more of the truth to get out 🙏

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erick Chatfield says:

    A vent and burn is standard

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kouroshb26 says:

    Why did I just automatically think he was gonna say "you can use the coupon code below" 😀

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timothy Pryor says:

    Welcome to Class 1 Railroads. Union Pacific is the worst. Majority of union workers are lazy and entitled. Brand new track with 141# CWR with grade ties and trap rock ballast wouldn’t have prevented the derail. Axle was locked. Wheel grinded/melted away. Every train will derail without an axle, even if it’s just one.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DoubleO CryptOJameS says:


    Let me explain why you don't understand even though the red tie was cute…
    The union makes decision's based on service logs , design team's make attempts at retrofitting brake systems for old train technology in a cute office with cute outfits like yours. The problem is that the ownership mentality you carry leads you to believe that union's aren't the one's who have written most of OSHA regulation's for them based on proven track records with building & service logs. The root of this problem is simple Kevin, You don't need to stay up all night researching the wrong things. Both Bush senior and Junior had the opportunity to not be greedy and allow for expansion of high speed Rail systems like the Union operated European Train systems, because it was in a way, a burden on Oil companies and car manufacturers. As far as I can remember, This is a Republican created problem for under funding public transportation while always being in bed with big oil and corporate interest.

    We need new trains not retrofitted systems.

    When did history prove that the problem of capitalism wasn't exploitations of money supply + deregulatory efforts in Corporate tax obligations and now all of a sudden it's Organized labor who has the least credibility in safety and the transfer of wealth towards building up the middle class.

    The middle class is the only significant class in which its spending makes the private sector and exchanges of money transfers significantly speed up, to where a republican created nation of debt and not surplus, can thrive on funny money Reagonomics. I'm tired of the trickle down red tie kids preaching out flawed theories. The best Technician's and Engineer's in the world have been schooled and brought up through union programs. Why do you think Liability insurance's don't allow policies for private sector industrial work contract's for Nuclear plant's/Elevator remodels in Government Buildings + Airports / and government facilities with proprietary machinery and security protocols? We design and build all the top secret facilities and are the best in the Nation for a reason.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle says:

    Thanks for covering this

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mmayka1 says:

    You are blaming unions for Trump’s 2018 deregulation that caused this mess. Please ask your minions to do better research next time you decide to spew anti-Union propaganda.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars euphade says:

    I just don't understand why they couldn't replace the lines I mean in my state they did it about 10 years ago I google it at the time turns out they tend to replace them every 20 years or so.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Affholder says:

    Unions have wrecked the auto industry aswell.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Affholder says:

    I know a few people that work for nfs they say management will make them sign off on checks with out even checking.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Will Martin says:

    I agree innovation is great the fed is not

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edward Gilmartin says:

    Pete was mayor of a sleepy city of 100,000 folks . What qualifications does he have?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric LaVare says:

    Love how rich man says in every video it's all the workers and normal people's fault.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars F. Spoon says:

    Oh this is so cute ppl think they are different 😂

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