Tesla Model S Plaid Review. 🚀🚀🚀Use code BIRTHDAY
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00:00 Intro.
01:31 Frunk & Trunk.
05:50 Doors.
07:18 Interior.
15:25 WARNING about Full-Self Driving [FSD].
20:17 Cheata Mode Tests
22:15 Additional Interior Review.
29:45 Final Thoughts.
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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #Tesla #TeslaModelS #Review ⚠️⚠️⚠️
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And it's lowering the front of the car down right now. Oh my god! Oh yeah, ready here we go! Oh geez, hey everyone meet kevin here in this video. You are going to get a complete review of the tesla model, s plaid. I think this video is important to watch whether you are a shareholder of tesla or you're interested in potentially becoming a tesla owner.

I'm going to show you and tell you some things that might not be the most bullish about tesla, but i'm also going to tell you things that i think are very bullish for tesla. So, in my opinion, you're going to get a very non-biased review in this video, even though i'm a tesla shareholder, i'm not going to hold back i'm going to tell you why i think tesla is able to increase their margins the way they are because i think They're cutting some corners. Let's get into the review of the video, keep in mind that i have had this tesla since december 10th. It was an early christmas present to myself.

It is a butter purchase which means it melts away in value. It is not an investment purchase, but i did it. I did give my tesla model x, which is a 2017 model which i'll be making some compare comparisons between. I did give that to my father, who is absolutely in love, and now i can say my dad rides, my black ex so dad you like the x, tell me about it, it's nice, but there are some things that this car has, that the x didn't have And there are some things that this doesn't have, that the x did have kind of bugs me, since i just paid over a hundred and forty eight thousand dollars for this car, the first of which sounds a little first world problem-ish.

But the frunk is substantially smaller. On this now it makes sense, because this is a smaller car, or so it seemed because this car, actually i'm pretty sure, we'll put up the stats, is longer than the model x, but because it's not as tall the frunk is relatively small on the model x. You have a much deeper front, which i much prefer. I have a lot of stuff that i could put in the front can't put that much into here.

Somebody could definitely crawl in like fully crawl into the front, not that anybody ever would of the other one, and you could close it comfortably. This not happening uh. So it is what it is. It's a sand.

I get it, maybe i'm being overly critical with that. One thing that the x had that was really annoying was when i went to close this with one hand, it wasn't possible, i'd either have to sit on it, which is a bad idea, because then your pants could scrape up your hood or you'd have to use Two hands to close it, i'm gon na try to one hand close this one, that's good, so they fix that on the model s. So that's good because this, if you have an older x, you know this was a big annoyance and it was mostly something i think that tesla just kind of failed to think about that. You should be able to close your frunk with one hand uh, something that i did notice as well about the model s is, i pulled this up to a garage and i opened the back, and the model x is really good about having sensors.
That know, if you're going to hit something, i don't believe this has sensors if you're going to hit something so the model x. If you want to open the falcon wings or the back, it wouldn't know if something was above you and it would not open just from whatever sensors it had. I don't believe this has that i'm just going to kind of be here yeah, no, absolutely not! So if uh you parked too close to a garage or something, this would definitely cause some damage to your to your back door. Now uh in my opinion and i've left the trunk kind of a mess, but that's okay.

I just threw some things in here. We'll talk about the trunk in just a moment, uh in my opinion, that is something that a premium luxury car like this in 2021, should have the back trunk shouldn't be able to smash into something without sensor, stopping you now. Obviously, the trunk is going to be a little bit smaller than the model x. You don't have that same height that you do on the model x, but again makes sense.

It's a sedan now, with the model x. If you had all seven seats out, you'd have less space in this trunk. The model x was basically a non-functional trunk vehicle if you were using all seven seats. This has a lot of nice space and one thing if you come a little closer.

That's really nice. Here is that this this is pretty flimsy. So if you set heavy things on here like in real estate, i used to set tile on here you you want a good support under this. This is pretty flimsy, so i don't love that.

But one thing that is nice is look at this. This frame all the way around right here, that's actually quite valuable, because if you put this down, you want it to be able to support that weight or if you have little kids that go back here. That's a good thing: the original model x, all it had were these two little plastic pieces that stuck out like this to hold the whole shelf. That was really stupid that, because that actually broke, and then i get it fixed, you do have a lot of little other nooks and crannies over here nook over here you've got a lot of another.

I don't know what you would even call that a little nook over there, although it kind of looks like no yeah you could put whatever you want over there and cover it up with this little side panel here. So that's neat. Um. Doesn't this is kind of odd this? I don't love.

You know i i just noticed this, but it's for what it is. If you come in a little closer here for a 140 8 000 card, this shouldn't be unfinished like this, especially since, if i peel this back, it's really just the body of the cars down here and you can see some insulated foam. If you come a little. Maybe stand up and come a little closer here.

You can get a good peek in here. That's that's weird that it's like this. I mean whatever nobody sees it it's under here, but a little bit of that kind of classic tesla fit and finish yeah, it's okay! I i imagine this has an auto stop if it hits on the way down. It does okay, but that's normal.
You would expect that carbon fiber here probably shouldn't try to close it from this. I don't want to cause damage to that. So close this now, if you come close to this right here when i go to unlock the car, that motor sounds pained, i don't know how long the servo in here is actually going to last when it's already making sound like that. Listen to this closely, i'm going to put my mic a little closer to it, i'm going to lock it here, not so bad on the lock, but when i open this it sounds pained now i like it, it's nice one thing that you don't have on this, Though is the option to have self-presenting doors, and that was on the upper end model of the model x, the doors would actually open the handles, will self present and the doors could open automatically for you when you walked up to the driver door, which was awesome.

This sounds really first world, but having driven a model x and having the pleasure and almost the luxury of getting in the car stepping on the brake and then having the door close on me is something i've gotten really really used to, and i know it sounds Extremely first world, but it's odd because every time i get in this car i step on the brake and i'm like. Ah that's right. I just spent 148 grand to do this and again super super first world and probably highly unrelatable unless you have a model x, but i'm just thinking myself. Why did a car four years ago? Have that and then this one doesn't so it makes me wonder like.

Is this how tesla's getting the margins up? Are they cutting out on sensors in certain places like the back opener? Are they cutting out on the feature of having a self-closing door? Bothers me a little now inside something i love. This feels really nice. The leather is incredible. Seats are really nice.

Really nice quality, it's 80 percent better. I had the white leather uh last time. This feels a lot more luxury. I don't know if it's the finish or the trim or what it is they did.

It just gives you more of a luxurious feel. Maybe it's the sort of the breathability of the leather here or whatever it is. This feels a lot better than what the model x had so definite improvement there. Now this one i got ta say i've got some beef with the steering wheel and i love innovations, but this one bothers me.

First of all, you're driving you're in a panic. Oh crap, someone's cutting me off. Nothing happens. Why? Because in a panic someone cuts you off, you want to honk.

You got to somehow move your thumb over here, which your thumb ain't going to reach, because you got to push that button. I got time for that. In an emergency, and the fact that that does not work is a safety problem, in my opinion, that that is not good. This should work as well as that button.
If you want, but have both don't love that at all, the horn should function as an emergency intuitive feature and it doesn't and for not to function in this weird another thing, the the turn signals i know in the future when we have autopilot all this stuff Is going to be auto, weird, the left and right right here, but this is something to get used to. I can get used to the turn signals being right here. I will say what i do like is when i set the turn signal and then i'm on the highway or whatever, and i change lanes as soon as i'm done changing lanes. It automatically turns the turn signal off see like in the bmws.

If you would set the turn signal like halfway, it would just blink three times and assume you were done with the blinker after that, or you had to set it all the way and manually turn it off. This will turn it off once it senses that you've actually made your turn or change lanes, love that that's a great feature now uh in terms of of driving. This is probably best suited for when you're actually driving. So, let's give it a shot and i'll show.

You where my frustrations are before i show you that the turning issue with this, let me also mention that i do think this is not as intuitive as it could be. Uh. If i want to go forward uh it, i seem to always get this backwards, so i want it to go forward but - and i kind of feel like i should pull it back to go forward, and i have my stuff on the floor. There i'll pick that up in a little bit uh, but you actually have to push the little icon forward, which it makes sense.

It makes sense something else to get used to. I don't know if that's just a me thing, but i keep wanting to pull it back to go forward. I don't know why, but anyway, let's go, and this is where i kind of noticed my first annoyance is driving slow with this yoke. This is weird like i.

I never want my arms to cross. This, in my opinion, is very dangerous uh, so like with with a circular steering wheel, you could slide your hands around, but you can't really do that because it's a weird pretzel on this end and there's nothing to grab onto on this end. So i find myself kind of doing this, but then i'm also restricted with my range of motion so in in slow driving. This is weird, so if i go to make a left turn over here, what i found the best thing to do is palm this yoke right here and then i can kind of get back to my original turn and i still try to slide but notice how My hand fell off there in the slide.

I usually like my hand to stay having contact on the wheel. While i let you know, while that turn finishes, that's something that i've just grown up with driving. So we'll do it again here we'll do a left turn here and again i palm it and i really have to kind of stay with it, which is just weird. It's just another step to stay, get used to that's, okay, that didn't seem that bad, because again, it's just something that you have to get used to, but they're definitely at slower speeds times where it's like wow.
This is bizarre now for driving faster. This is amazing. So if you're going to launch this, you go into cheetah mode and you're going to launch this or you're just an autopilot great. But again, if i go to let go here, there's nothing and all of a sudden you're off the wheel, kind of weird again something probably just to get used to, but for autopilot driving.

You get maximum visibility with this half wheel here and i think that's really what the car is designed for is that eventually you're just not going to have to touch this with the exception of the little wobbles here now one thing i was worried about upgrading to A newer tesla was that, because they have the in-cabin camera uh, i was a little nervous that privacy wise i just was gon na get a million more notifications about touch the wheel more often because i'm looking off into the distance or i'm changing the song or Whatever uh, i timed the the notifications, because this does have an in-cabin camera and i set it on autopilot on the highway, and i timed that it would generally ask me to wiggle the wheel every about on average 35 seconds. Sometimes it would go as long as 59 seconds without having me to wobble the wheel, but that was only when i was staring at the road with my eyes open, like this just bluntly, staring at the road which generally people don't do. But if you're blinking, if you're looking around you're gon na, expect to wobble this wheel, uh yolk whatever uh every so about 30 35 seconds, and i found that that was true, whether you were just looking at music or i'm just gon na, say it. If you're, looking at your phone testing purposes, if you were kind of just doing this, even just for giggles, it still had about that 30.

Second. 35. Second cooldown, in terms of when it would ask you to wobble the wheel, and that was on a highway with autopilot on now. Another thing is: if you're one-handed driving with your right hand, good luck.

Setting the blinker you're gon na have to get your left hand up here and a single hand drive with your left hand, which i suppose, isn't that big of a deal depending on how you're used to driving. In the meantime, though, something that i do really like is i love that you've got these built-in contact chargers right here, so you just plop your phone in here or here, and your phone's charged in the spot. This is also pretty cool. Is this little thing you can kind of just pull this back and it opens up this whole segment.

Your cup holders here uh your your little tray that you've got here, something where you could probably hide things which nobody knows. Look at that it goes down even deeper into this black, and this goes down deep. I mean you could definitely put two or three handguns in there. Nobody would know not that i have any.
Oh look. I didn't even know this. The cup holder goes back. Oh, that's incredible! Oh and you have usbc plugs down here and a cigarette lighter.

That is incredible. I did not even know those were under the cup holder, two usbc plugs, that's pretty cool see even i just discovered that uh. This also opens up to another little compartment that you've got over here. So i love everything about the inside very minimalist.

Great one thing that does bother me is the whole like. When you opt in for the self-driving beta, you will end up having nightmares about your safety score. I woke up at 2am yesterday and swear. I saw my safety score was like 70 and i'm like.

Oh, my gosh, what did i do wrong and i was up for an hour sweating about? Oh, my gosh. What's my safety score and every time i would look at my phone, i didn't have a safety score yet so i've had the car four days now and still no safety score. Now in fairness, i did uh opt-in late on when i turned on my safety score. So it's probably been about 48 hours-ish that i've been opted in on the safety score.

Still no score. I hear rumors that you have to drive at least 500 miles. I don't know when i'm actually going to get to 500 miles kind of inconvenient, because i want to experience the full self-driving beta as soon as possible, which is actually one of the reasons i got this car, because the model x would need a camera hardware upgrade In addition to the chip hardware upgrade, which i had already gotten, but the camera hardware upgrade is not available yet kind of frustrating, but i want to be, and i want to see what the cutting edge of technology is - and i can't yet now i want to Be clear about this, i paid ten thousand dollars for full self driving. Now you have to get invited to the full self-driving beta, but you can only get invited to the full self-driving beta once you have a safety score that is relatively close to 100.

So, like 100 99, 98 97. I believe i'm not sure if they're doing 97s, yet they invite you to full self-driving for the beta over time, but in order to even potentially be eligible for the beta, you have to get a safety score. I've spoken to many people who have given me: troubleshooting tips like reinstall, the apps, make sure you're updated, make sure you're close to wi-fi, try a different phone. I have used every method possible.

I have taken this car to tesla service and tesla service. Literally, just told me quote: be patient. I will put up on screen their service letter, saying nothing's wrong, just be patient and i hate to say it, but folks i am coming up on one month of owning this vehicle. We are at 29 days of owning this vehicle and i still do not have a safety score with about 500 miles on the car.

It's really frustrating because i bought this car because i wanted to do videos showing off the self-driving of this car, so i spent 148 000 excited to just potentially get invited to the full self-driving beta, i'm not asking to skip anyone in line. I'm just asking the car to even give me a chance to get in line it's kind of like everybody's, in line for the full self-driving beta, and i try to get in line and there's a security guard going. No, no you're not allowed in the line. Like i'm not even allowed to get in the line, because this is what i get i kid you not, it has been 29 days, and this is what i have so i will say, extremely frustrating.
So if you're getting this car and you're gon na pay, the ten thousand dollars for the full self-driving beta and you think, you're definitely gon na be able to get in line hold your breath. Okay, you might not, you might never be able to get in, which is extremely frustrating, and nobody at tesla actually gives a crap about helping you, because i called in they said sorry nothing. We can do just wait. The service center.

Sorry, nothing! We can do just wait. This is this is clearly a bug when other people are getting a safety score within 24 hours of owning the car, and it literally says the safety score will be available after your first trip. But it's not, i have to say, i'm pissed off, i'm really upset about tesla. With this now i will say as a tesla investor honestly, this means there's still so much improvement for tesla and i've always said that once tesla deals with all the problems they have.

I'm not going to invest in tesla anymore, because that means we've probably reached peak potential. So as an investor i actually like sometimes that tesla still has problems, because it means we're going to have lower adoption, we're not going to get to that mass adoption. Just yet, and that's okay, because there's enough tesla demand right now to maximize production at tesla factories, but when we get two years down the road, these problems better be fixed because then tesla's going to have more gigafactory capacity and we're going to need those perfection buyers. The mercedes and the bmw buyers who are like i want it perfect.

I want the horn to work. I don't want to have to move my finger to press the horn in an emergency if i pay 10 000 for full self driving or more in the future. I better have a safety score after my first trip. Like the app says when those people start adopting tesla, then i think that's where tesla becomes the the max mainstream that it can go and then that, in my opinion, is where we start getting potentially to peak style growth.

Maybe that won't happen until 2025. 2030. So, ironically, the more of these little annoyances - i have the more it's assigned to me that tesla still has that room for growth and improvement, because as long as you have room for improvement, you have room for growth. So i know this is like a really twisted way of looking at it, but i i i will say i'm frustrated, i'm extremely frustrated that i went from a model x which i cannot get full self-driving in the model x, which is a 2017 vehicle because it Doesn't have the updated cameras yet and you can't buy the updated cameras yet, even though elon musk said hey we're coming out with the updated camera soon.
Now i hear rumors that they're coming out with the updated cameras for the model x and i bought a new car to experience full self-driving and i still can't because i don't get a safety score. So i kind of personally feel screwed. I feel like i got taken advantage of, i don't know what i'm doing wrong and nobody at tesla can tell me if i'm doing anything wrong because i've gone through all the troubleshooting steps and i'm still not getting what i feel like i paid for and again I'm not asking in an entitled way to get to the front of the line. That's not what i'm asking for.

I just do feel like i'm getting ripped off now. Let's talk about my experience with a launch mode or a cheetah mode. This is basically where you hold down the brake of the car, then hold the gas after putting it on drag strip mode. You could choose to wait for peak performance or not which it shows you on screen and then you let go of the break and the car launches.

This is where you get that about 1.9. Second, zero to 60.. Take a look: oh cheapest! Oh my god! Now i want to say, i have tried launch mode on dry roads, bumpy roads, dusty and rocky roads and wet roads, and i will say the car handles, amazingly in all of them, even when you're launching the vehicle on dusty and rocky roads, you could feel some Of the traction lose on some of the wheels, but the car seems to auto correct that extremely well. The same is actually true on wet roads.

When i launched this vehicle on a wet road with no other vehicles around, i could feel my back right tire about three times during the launch, freeze up and then continue to go. I believe this is because the electronic motors are making about a thousand adjustments per second to these tires to make sure you're maintaining traction, it's extremely difficult to spin this car, and so even in a launch mode. While it was raining and launching the vehicle, i felt traction lose about three times the car stopped that tire until it regained traction and then continued driving through a launch. I've also taken the car to a complete, stop, turned the wheel all the way in and on wet roads in the rain and stepped on the gas just to see.

If i could fishtail the car - and i was not able to - i would feel that back tire in this case much more frequently stop. So it kind of make this bumpy feeling, as you were, as it was basically maintaining traction, but i could not get the car to spam which, in my opinion, phenomenal in terms of safety now something i do like about the screen, though, is it's very responsive, so If i want to move things on, i mean this is like an ipad. So if you've got the map here uh, if you you want to see where the superchargers are, i can click on these. I could see that six stalls out of 20 are available now.
Unfortunately, in my model x i had a lifetime supercharging for free here, i'm going to get charged because it's a new vehicle and that lifetime supercharging does not carry over. I still have that x, though, since my dad's driving it so technically. We still have that free supercharging in the family, but anyway rates are posted. Obviously they give you idle rates and peak rates at different times, but the responsiveness of this very, very good, it's much more enjoyable than a model x and the model x, even playing games, was almost impossible because of how slow the screen was.

So over four years. They've absolutely sped this up very, very well. The sync works well and the voice activation actually works quickly and promptly. So, let's give it a shot here.

We'll do a live test play danger, zone, okay, we'll do live timing in terms of how long it takes it says, playing danger zone. My volume might be low, oh no, there! It is okay, so that gives you a little bit of a real example. Without any speeding up in terms of how long it took for that direct, not bad, if i did that on the model x, it would have taken at least five to six times as long if it even worked now one thing that i didn't notice, that was Really weird and threw me off the first time was if i was playing music through the infotainment system, and then i switched to my phone. Let's say i want to play iris by u2.

I plus i press play here. I can verify that we're on tesla model s, i could see it's playing, but it doesn't automatically transfer over. It doesn't automatically start playing. It still says kenny loggins danger zone here, while my time is ticking on iris u2.

Hold me close right weird, so it i feel like it should automatically take over. It took us quite a while to realize that there's actually this button right here and if i click here, then it transitions over. So, okay little quirk little thing to get used to not that big of a deal but otherwise much more responsive, infotainment, bluetooth and everything uh in the 2021 model. Here compared to the 2017, a lot of improvements i will say before we go to the back the car in terms of self-driving.

This car will change lanes substantially faster than any self-driving vehicle that i've seen before, and i actually purposefully set myself driving to a distance of five seconds following another vehicle and when it comes to changing lanes, i am a big fan of the slow motes. I believe. That's under customize here we go speed based lane changes. I have it on mild because i don't require a confirmation for when it changes lanes, it kind of can just do it and even on mild.

This car will cut people off and will change lanes very quickly. So it has done so safely. I have not felt unsafe in the autopilot yet on this i do not have the self driving autopilot yet, but i will say this is a much zippier car. Let's hit the back, i love about.
The back is, first of all, we have three heated seats in the back and you've got this really cool, monitor in the back love. It you've also got the temperature control. We've got it set to 69 right now, love this. You got the music control back here.

Boom play that music there we go love that gives the driver a little bit more peace to where people can just do whatever they want back here. Apparently, you can even pull up youtube, which i have not tried to do yet so we'll see what happens, but there are two usbcs right here which i enjoy love the heated seats back here i will say, though, if you are back here with three individuals: it Gets tight, uh, oh yeah, look at that! It opens up a browser. I wouldn't necessarily say this isn't! This is like an app. It feels a lot like uh like the actual browser.

Let's go ahead and type in meet kevin here and just see what happens? Okay: let's try omicron first death. Here we go let's, let's play that. Oh we're going to get our ad here and a loud car we'll wait for the ad to go by even now. Now that is cool.

I actually like that. So people can watch youtube back here, whether it's adults or children or whatever. If you need to change the volume or switch or whatever look, how responsive that screen is and just drop that down there. Let's go ahead and hit that volume button here and you can lower or increase or lower the volume back here as well.

I haven't gotten really good at figuring out exactly how to do it, because it's the volume button is not the most responsive, but i have noticed this. This screenplay here is very, very good. Why is that so crappy hold on a sec? Do you hold it? Am i doing it wrong, so i don't think i'm screwing up on the volume here, but it's not as reactive as it should be on the volume here, but i have to say if i wanted to pop up youtube here. You do get a little bit of this paused loading screen.

Occasionally it makes you go back if you do want to change the volume a little inconvenient, because you have to swipe down to change the volume unless the driver wants to do it and if you have to swipe down - and it closes your video just to change The volume a little inconvenient it'd be nice if there was some kind of easy way to pull up that menu without having to close. My video i'd prefer that, but so obviously inflation don't like all the rage, don't see that opportunity just yet. Of course you could. Oh wait see if i move it a little bit.

No, no, you see the menu pop up, but it doesn't stay long enough for you actually to do anything. Of course, you could just use the youtube volume control which that is actually extremely responsive. This is like an ipad. What one complaint some folks have had is that this button is maybe not as intuitive, so you want to get out of the car.
If you push it long, it works. It might not give you the biggest open feel here. You've got you've, got a ledge. You've got to get your foot over here.

You kind of have to like lift your toes in a little bit a little tight for what it is. Some folks touch it and don't get it to open right away uh. If you do a short touch, it won't open which no problem there you go. So it's just a matter of getting used to.

That might be something that guests are a little more like. Oh, how do i get out of this now another safety complaint here without actually having physical opportunities for you to open the door? What happens in the event of an emergency and you need to get out and the power system's malfunctioning you have no door handle. Now you might think, oh i'll, just break the window, not as easy as you think. First of all, you've got side, curtain, airbags, side curtain, airbags like a big old cloth balloon now in the way, so you got ta move that and try to break a window.

That's not the easiest to break best option tends to be your elbow. You're, probably gon na break your elbow doing it. One of the best options could potentially be the glass above you by just leaning, back and kicking the glass up above you probably the best way, since a lot of the sealing in the car is glass on the inside and then again getting out you're you're kind Of biffing up the side a little bit, not that big of a deal mostly because i'm the driver. I did also notice that if you wanted to upgrade these calipers to red you'd be paying about ten thousand dollars, in my opinion, not worth it.

But i have to say otherwise the car really impressive. I like it. I know i've listed a bunch of complaints here. Is it worth 148 000? God no buy tesla stock.

Instead, now people get mad at me when i say that, because they're like dude, how could you recommend people buy stock but then not buy the car like that would bankrupt the company people get to buy the car anyway they're not going to listen. To me i mean if you like, if you're watching this video, there's a chance, you want to buy the car or you just really like tesla and the car company, which is fine, uh it and look as a tesla bull. I i tell people buy the stock, not the car here i am, i bought it. This is butter butter melts away.

This is not an investment but hey. If this can make me appreciate where tesla's going more and i can start understanding. Okay, where are we cutting from margin or where are we cutting from the car to try to improve the company's margin like we mentioned the back hatch, the doors, self-presenting and self-closing? Some of these things they make me just understand a little bit more. Ah, okay.

Now i see how they're getting away with increasing their profits and potentially taking away some features, are those going to alienate customers in the future. What they've done, probably not minor nuisances and annoyances sure, would they prevent me from buying this car, like? If somebody told me those things up front, would i not buy this car? No, because it's fun as anything that the cheetah mode is crazy. Uh, it's it's a fun experience. It's going to give me an opportunity to get into the full self-driving beta sure i could have gotten into that, though, getting a model three or why so again, is this worth it versus like a three or five? Probably not the reason.
Why is i've driven the new models phenomenal, really tight? Steering you really feel like the car is well put together at higher speeds. You didn't feel that you didn't have that in 2017 model x's, they felt a lot shakier and looser, in fact i'll say it. I have taken this car the fastest i've ever taken a car uh, which was previously a record held by a mercedes sl, an old one from the 90s on the autobot in germany, totally legal. That was about 137 miles an hour and i had death grip on the steering wheel and i felt like the car was like.

The bolts were going to start coming off, because everything was shaking older car uh this vehicle. I have taken 140 miles an hour. I didn't even realize i was going any faster than 90., that is scary. It feels very well put together, especially at high speeds, and that yolk delicious at those higher speeds, don't recommend driving that fast because very dangerous, but if you're going to do it.

This is definitely a car, i would say: you'd want to be the one to do it in or is the car that you'd want to do it in anyway, if you found this review helpful. Consider sharing the video. Let me know what you think in the comments down below and folks, we'll see in the next one thanks bye.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

33 thoughts on “The truth about tesla’s most expensive car after 500 miles .”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Manuel Mendoza says:

    Kevin you’ll need to do a few live streams in the Tesla to be eligible for the safety score.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cam Whitman says:

    Surprising that Tesla doesn’t consider you beta-enough for their beta self-driving. You look beta to me.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SweCars says:

    Great video. Seriously you did a good in depth review, would watch more car reviews from you lol.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars justSTUMBLEDupon says:

    I think the Model X Plaid is about to come out soon (too lazy to look it up cause I’m not that excited about it lol)

    Tesla is doing very well. Stock going down, might sell and wait for the FED to do its think in February and March

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars weeiiee14 says:

    I thought some people says you can just cover the horn area for the horn.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vicky Dada says:

    Tesla morons, no proper blind spot or instrument panel/heads up display in Model 3, pretty patrhetic! More cost cutting and tesla cult think that is amazing! NERDS!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CYCLEGAMER says:

    You probably need to update the app on your phone then reset

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gavin Broughton says:

    OK. More of Kevin's Dad please, seems like a character!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BD A says:

    because that is how you use your phone, draw down, screen go up.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kryzs czarnecki says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Life says:

    The Beta will disappoint you, let it go. If you keep launching your safety score will be minus ten.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars saint2709 says:

    You won’t get a safety score because you ran for governor and your a YouTube influencer. Hello .

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Payne says:

    Great review Kevin, definitely felt honest and non-biased.

    I do agree with you on many of your comments, and I too think the true ‘yolk’ steering wheel is a little premature for the public however I do want to touch on your comments about it feeling unsafe to have your arms crossed.

    Racing drivers actually cross their arms all the time, and it’s ideal to keep your hands at 9 and 3 for performance driving. With that in mind you need to sit a little closer to the steering wheel than normal, and it’s also totally normal to NOT do that in regular driving, and seeing as this is a car for the streets, the yolk isn’t the best solution in my opinion.

    Overall great review!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shane Freese says:

    I buy Teslas and sell them higher in this market. So they do appreciate!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mikey Manov says:

    Who's your handsome friend driving in the first shot? Give him my number. 😍

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vicky Dada says:

    Hight margins, crappier quality! Worst quality car ever made!!!! If you want tacky quality from a company that cares more about profit margins than product quality adn the customet, buy a Tesla!

    Tesla motto- Elon Musk is always right!

    Trash cars!!! I owned one BTW!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trader Drew's says:

    Kevin, TESLA should do extensive FSD auditing before letting you publically show it on youtube lol smart on them.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ps31871 says:

    Imagine living in a 1 plu million house with no garage lol

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Gonzalez says:

    Resetting your features may reset your safety rating system…👍👊😎

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bæ Ong says:


  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars heythatjusthappened says:

    Kev: “Why can’t I get a safety score?!”

    Also Kev: “I have used launch mode in all conditions including wet roads.”

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Gruenbaum says:

    A wise man once said, "Don't buy the car, buy the stock"

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dezha Quinn says:

    Isn't there a chip shortage? That means less features. Doubt it has anything to do with margins..

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brother Ho says:

    Wow totally agree w u on the central horn.. I always use that in an emergency.. thats not good.. not sure why they took that out

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZYXT says:

    In an emergency just cover the entire right so it will do high frequency horn. You don’t have to look for the horn button. It works great just try it.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lucian Mihai says:

    Dont like the steering wheel in tight curvs with the cross arms and the honk i like to "punch" and helps relise stress

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 3iii's says:

    Hey if u read this u should do dmt lsd and ayahuasca its life changing we're all the same consciousness creating reality through the mind🧠👁🕉

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RogerM says:

    The Plaid is like Honda selling a Civic with a V8, with the price tag of an NSX. This powertrain should been used on the Roadster or a complete new model. Looks matter too.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doug Manck says:

    Tesla needs to get the model 2 to market ASAP to crush the coming competition. Show they can produce a truly affordable car.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicholas Thon says:

    Is that the new-ish CA plate? The one that uses e-ink? Looks better than I thought it would.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Louderback says:

    Just curious did you PPF the car like most Tesla fanatics?

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Obeid Kaifo says:

    This really was an honest review. How refreshing 😅 Would love to see you look at how this compares to the Mercedes EQS which is the first attempt, at a real competitor to Tesla model S.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J C. says:

    Awesome you gave the Model X to your father, without him co-signing on your first house you wouldn’t be where you are today. Glad he likes it

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