Here are my thoughts on Dogecoin, its performance as an investment, and whether or not this can one day be a viable currency - Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan
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The whole thing started off as somewhat of a joke in 2013, when Jackson Palmer, a product manager at Adobe, began making light of the cryptocurrency craze by posting about HIS OWN non-existent cryptocurrency venture: Dogecoin. At the time, it was nothing more than a satirical joke based around the popular Doge Meme, featuring a Shiba Inu with comic sans thoughts popping up…but, to Jackson’s surprise…those Dogecon tweets began gaining some popularity online, and after some positive feedback, he bought
Not too much later, it was picked up on Reddit, where it caught the attention of Bill Markus, a software developer at IBM, who reached out for for permission to actually build out the software and make DogeCoin a fully functional, working currency. The infrastructure was fairly simple, and - in less than a month later, the coin was launched in December, 2013….2 weeks later, the value jumped 300%.
Today…it has a market cap of nearly $10 BILLION DOLLARS, and is trading at a price of around 5-8 cents…all from something started less than 8 years ago, as a joke.
With Dogecoin, right now, there’s over 128 BILLION coins in supply…and rising, by the day. Each year, the number of Dogecoins can increase by as much as 5 BILLION, which was meant to encourage people to USE AND SPEND them - otherwise, over time, their value might decrease as more and more are pushed into circulation. As of now, this represents an equivalent of a 4% inflation rate per year.
As far as Dogecoin as an investment… that really depends on who you ask. The FOUNDERS who created Dogecoin in the first place, are totally perplexed by its popularity.
The co-founder, Jackson Palmer, left the Dogecoin team in 2015, and later said in an interview:
“With no immediate plans for development, it looks like the coin will slowly become stagnant in the future. The circulating supply of Dogecoin is astronomical, which will deter the price of the cryptocurrency from rising any further.”
Jackson Palmer said that he believes the doge theme has helped to make the cryptocurrency market appear less menacing, more accessible, and a place in which he hopes philanthropy will outnumber the profiteers.
Functionally, and instrincially…it’s NOT an investment, and it’s nothing more than a light hearted spin on a NORMALLY serious topic…but, lately, there’s been a BIG push away from mainstream corporations and big Wall Street institutions…and, when you look for a cryrtocurrency that people feel COMFORTABLE with…Dogecoin is probably one of the first that comes to mind, because…who doesn’t like dogs, and two regular people just messing around for fun on the internet with memes?
I think there IS something to be said about the popularity of Dogecoin, and - as it gains more acceptance, and more people embrace it - it’s going to stabilize in price. Could it one day reach $1? Maybe. Could it go back down to 1 penny? Absolutely, if people stop talking about it, or move on to something else.
The problem that I see is that people are viewing this as a way to “GET RICH,” and - yes, if you time it correctly, absolutely you can make money. BUT, that’s not a sustainable way to invest…because, mark my words…investments like this are entirely dependent around attention, and as we’ve seen time and time again…attention will shift week by week, month by month, year by year. Maybe it continues to grow, or maybe it doesn’t…so if you have money to RISK, by all means…but, as a serious investment, it would be irresponsible for me to say it is.
For business or one-on-one real estate investing/real estate agent consulting inquiries, you can reach me at GrahamStephanBusiness
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

What's up you guys, it's graham here so i'll admit, i never thought i would be making this video, but here we are talking about one of the biggest meme investments of 2021 dogecoin, which is so far this year gone up 1500 in price from 0.005 cents. All the way to seven cents at the time, i'm making this video fueled by viral tweets, internet memes and lots of comments with rocket emojis in them, and even though this entire currency started off as a bit of a gag, the recent price movement is making everyone Question that maybe this is something we should start to pay close attention to and that perhaps it's going to be much more than just a meme from 2013.. Although i want to be clear, i was not planning to make a video on this, but simply due to the sheer amount of comments asking for me to talk about it literally in the thousands, so i'm gon na do it. I have no idea how many of those comments were just a joke, but in the spirit of dogecoin, even if it is a joke, i'm gon na take it serious and talk about exactly what it is.

Why it's gone up so much in price and whether or not it's a viable investment? Because last year i bought a few hundred thousand dogecoins on a spur of the moment. Whim is a bit of a joke. So if you want to know whether or not i still have those back when they were a fraction of a penny, keep watching and i'll answer it, but first i want to share a quick thank you from our video sponsor today, the like button. That's right! This video does not have a sponsor, so if you wouldn't mind supporting the channel just by smashing that like button, it would help me out a ton and would help out the youtube algorithm and deciding whether or not to recommend this video to other people.

Who can also smash the like button? So thank you guys so much for doing that and with that said, let's start here welcome to dogecoin i'll admit. I didn't really know too much about the history of this until i started looking into it and wow, it's actually really interesting. The whole thing started off as somewhat of a joke. In 2013, when jackson palmer, a product manager at adobe began making light of the whole cryptocurrency craze by posting about his own, non-existent cryptocurrency venture dogecoin.

At the time it was nothing more than a satirical joke, based around the doge meme featuring ashiba inu, with comic sans thoughts popping up, but to jackson's surprise. Those dogecoin tweets actually began gaining some popularity on twitter and after some positive feedback, he was quoted as saying one night after work, i sat down with a beer. I had too much time on my hands and i bought Then i photoshopped the logo onto the coin and put it up there not too much later.

It was picked up on reddit, where it caught the attention of bill marcus. A software engineer at ibm who reached out for permission to actually go and build out the software and turn dogecoin into a fully functional working cryptocurrency. The infrastructure was fairly simple and not even a month later, it was launched in december of 2013.. Two weeks later, the value jumped up 300 through a combination of viral press and timing.
Around china forbidding the trading of bitcoin and dogecoin began growing functionally. However, it did have some real world uses. Reddit began allowing its users to tip each other in dogecoin and mobile video games allowed small in-app purchases, but all thanks to the virality of meme culture. In 2014, the trading volume of dogecoin surpassed every other cryptocurrency, including bitcoin.

Since then, the following, around dogecoin has continued to grow, and in 2018 robin hood began allowing dogecoin to be bought and sold for free on their platform, giving it significantly more exposure. It was even further popularized when elon musk began tweeting about it, causing the price to skyrocket within minutes. Today it has a market cap of almost 10 billion dollars and is trading at a price of around five to eight cents, all from something started less than eight years ago, as a complete joke. So now the big question is: does it actually have any value, and is it a good investment? Well, that's a difficult question to answer because, despite all of its success, it was never really meant to have much intrinsic value.

That's because it's derived from the open source project litecoin, which means there's no limit to how many coins could be produced within the system. This is very much the opposite of bitcoin, which is limited to 21 million bitcoins in existence, and that's it, but with dogecoin. Right now, there's over 128 billion coins in supply and rising by the day each year the supply of dogecoins can increase by as much as 5 billion, which is meant to encourage people to actively use and spend it as a currency. Otherwise, over time, the value of a dogecoin might decrease as more of them enter circulation and as of now for anyone curious.

This represents an inflation rate of about four percent per year. However, as more coins are mined over time, that five billion amount will represent a smaller and smaller difference when compared to the total number of coins in circulation. So, theoretically, within a few hundred years, it could end up being a fairly stable currency with very mild inflation. Just because the number of new coins in circulation is going to be predictable year by year now, i would say functionally in terms of how it's designed it's very much like the u.s currency that we use day-to-day like the dollar only has value, because the us government Guarantees that a hundred dollar bill will buy you a hundred dollars worth of goods, but as more us dollars are printed and the cost of materials begins to rise.

The same one hundred dollars you have starts buying you less and less, but, with all of that said, is dogecoin an actual investment, and is it better than the two free stocks that weeble is going to be giving you down below in the description we need to Deposit 100 on the platform, because those two free stocks could be worth all the way up to 1 600, so you may as well get free money down below in the description enjoy and let me know which two free stocks you get not too shabby of a Plug, if i say so, myself didn't even have that planned in there. It just flowed nicely, but anyway, sorry guys we'll get back to the video now anyway, as far as dogecoin as an investment, it just depends who you ask. The founders who created dogecoin in the first place are totally perplexed by its popularity, like the co-founder jackson. Palmer, who left the dogecoin team in 2015 was quoted as saying in an interview with no immediate plans for development.
It looks like the coin will slowly become stagnant in the future. The circulating supply of dogecoin is astronomical, which will deter the price of the cryptocurrency from rising any further, and while they certainly didn't anticipate any amount of success. They've used the popularity as a way to give back, including a 50 000 donation, to raise awareness for kenya's water crisis. They've also raised 25 000 to get jamaica's bobsled team to the olympics.

When the team qualified the creators were even quoted as saying that they don't own any dogecoin themselves, although a while ago bill marcus said he sold all of his dogecoin to buy a used, honda civic. As for what he thinks of all of this, he told the wall street journal that the idea of dogecoin being worth 8 cents is the same as gamestop being worth 325. It doesn't make sense, it's super absurd. The coin design was absurd, but that may very well be the exact reason why dogecoin is so popular in the first place, it was just created by two normal guys, just messing around who wanted to create something light-hearted and funny.

It wasn't meant to be taken seriously and because of that, dogecoin was not intimidating. It was quickly embraced by people who wanted to be in on the joke. The price was enough for people to feel like they're, getting a lot of value for the money they put in and as more people bought in the price started, going up functionally and intrinsically it's not an investment and nothing more than a lighthearted spin. On a normally serious topic, but lately there's been a big push away from mainstream corporations and big wall street institutions.

And when you look for a cryptocurrency that people feel comfortable with dogecoin is really one of the first to come to mind. Because who doesn't like dogs and just two normal guys messing around on the internet talking about memes? Oddly enough, this reminds me of one of the situations where the less you try and the less you try to make it an investment. The more it becomes. A successful investment because it's not what people would expect case and point will rogers most people don't know this, but he was a firm believer that politics were nonsense and ridiculous.
So, to prove that point, he created a mock campaign in 1928 to run for president with nothing more than the outlet of the weekly humor magazine life. His only campaign promise was that if he was elected he would immediately resign. Every week from memorial day through election day, will rogers joked around and exaggerated on how pointless the entire election was. But on election day he actually won, declared victory and then immediately resigned.

But that's really what people liked about him. He didn't try and it made people comfortable, knowing that he didn't need to be president. I think the same thing could be said about dogecoin. I wasn't trying to be anything and because of that people take to it and like it, but when it comes to the price i do feel like dogecoin is so disconnected from reality and functionality that at this point, its entire value is attributed to.

How often people are talking about it or how often elon musk tweets about it or how much someone else is willing to pay to get it, and at this point all of that is so unpredictable. I do think there is something to be said about the popularity of dogecoin and as more people embrace and accept it, the more it's going to stabilize in price. Could it one day reach a dollar? Maybe could it go back down to a fraction of a penny? Absolutely the problem that i see is that people are viewing this as a way to get rich and absolutely, if you time it right, you could make a lot of money, but that's not a sustainable way to invest and mark my words. Investments like this are entirely dependent around detention and, as we've seen on the internet time and time again, attention is going to change day by day week by week and month by month.

So if you have money to risk by all means, but as a serious investment, it would be irresponsible for me to say it is in order for this to continue growing its popularity and attention must eventually translate into real world use. Cases like if i could start buying real, tangible things with dogecoin, then, yes, we could start saying there's some intrinsic value, but if it doesn't then at the very least, i think it's had a fun positive impact on the market as long as people are not buying. In with their life savings to get rich now, somebody else pointed this out, but the fact that all these mega wealthy people are tweeting about it, like elon, musk, snoop, dogg and gene simmons, makes me think this is a real life donald sinclair, who makes wild bets Behind the scenes, depending on what random people do like just tweet about the most ridiculous things and then sit back and watch as people scramble over the frenzy of trying to get in and driving up the price, but really at the end of the day, the creators Themselves say that if all we've done with dogecoin is grow awareness into decentralized currencies such as bitcoin, then i think we've done a good job because for a lot of the people who are using doge now it's their first cryptocurrency that they've ever used and they've started Mining now, as far as my own dogecoin investment last year on the iced coffee hour, podcast, i threw in a thousand dollars, as a total joke to buy in graham's position is at point: zero, zero, four six but sorry guys. I had paper hands and i sold shortly afterwards, because i felt it was too speculative, but don't worry guys joke's on me, because how to just kept it instead that thousand dollar investment would be worth more like twenty thousand dollars today, although overall as much of a Fan as i am around good, jokes and memes - maybe it's just the boomer in me.
But honestly, i just can't justify the price either again, that's not to say it can't keep going higher because it's probably only a few good tweets away from hitting 10 cents, but whether or not it could actually stay there. Long term is another story altogether. You could certainly make the argument that if mass adoption takes place because of its popularity, then yeah might continue going up in price, but if the price is entirely dependent on attention, that's extremely fickle on the internet. It could just as much drop as it could go up.

Maybe we look back on this video like 200 years from now, and i look like an idiot, but i'm gon na take the stance that it's fun. It's light-hearted. I get the appeal, although it's not something that i'm investing in myself, but you know what i would invest in the like button for the youtube algorithm, because it helps out the channel a ton and it's totally free. So with that said, you guys thank you.

So much for watching, i really appreciate it as always make sure to subscribe and hit the notification bell also feel free to add me on instagram, i posted pretty much daily. So if you want to be a part of it, there feel free to add me there. As on the second channel. The gram stefan show i post there every single day - i'm not posting here.

So if you want to see a brand new video for me every single day, make sure to add yourself to that. And lastly, if you guys want those two free stocks use, the link down below in the description and weeble is going to be giving you two free stocks when you deposit a hundred dollars on the platform and those stocks, are worth all the way up to 1 600, so if you want two totally free stocks, use that link down below, let me know which ones you get. Thank you so much for watching and until next time.

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29 thoughts on “The truth about $1 dogecoin”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Powell says:

    Ugh… ur just another affiliate marketer. And who gives a fu*k about jamaicans bobsled team??? What a waste of money that could've actually helped people. Sad

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike D says:

    Great video! I'm happy I decided to watch!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Wilson says:

    Nice video! I was able to build a big and huge income stream in 2020 during the covid-19 pandemic investing with a professional broker, Mrs Natalie sassone and now in 2021 am still doing massively well in profit. Her strategies are top notch coupled with the low commission she charges for trades

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fox Mulder says:

    DOGE is still one the best investments, remember bitcoin in the early days? Same thing, Dogecoin will eventually skyrocket! HODL

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Misanthropic Musings says:

    Will Rogers did not win the presidency — he received no electoral votes. He declared victory then resigned, which is like me declining the Oscar for Best Actor.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark McKinney says:

    I just want to applaud at how intelligent this video is. I'm blown away by this analysis and I'm glad to have been a long time subscriber of your channel.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dean Braden says:

    It’s not about getting rich people that’s greed talking. It’s about being productive and having stability and protecting your property

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sam blevins says:

    Betting ghram seriously regrets selling doge 😂. He’d have made a million on it…. that’s what I always tell ppl…..sell doge at your own risks. I learned my lesson! Accumulate!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars james Brown says:

    Recently i made huge profits on my investment since i started trading with mrs florence george, her trading strategies are top notch coupled with the little commission she charges on her trade

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Renegade master 2017 says:

    BUY CATGE COIN guna tival it is massive gains incoming!!!! 🐱 🚀 🚀 rocket 🚀 100000x

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dhinesh Ram K says:

    your voice is tooo sharp – hurts the ear drum…

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Baltazar Trader says:

    I came from Brazil to say that today 06/03/2021 the doge costs 0.39 dollars

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sikoo31 says:

    I bought $105 at .35. Some predictions say $35 by October. Others say by 2030.
    All I know is if it gets to $35 and I don't have any, imma be pissed

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andreea Brant says:

    Hey Graham, I'm currently writing a university paper about Doge, its evolution into Dogecoin, and its effects on our society, and I thought you'd enjoy knowing that I am using you as one of my sources. Thanks for the educational content! 🙂

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kwyjiboss says:

    May 14, 2021 DOGECOIN is trading at $0.56 Elon Musk is working with developers to improve it.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bads says:

    marques remakes this video, adding no additional info, minimal editing, triple the views. This one actually answered my questions. Thank you.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ammanuelarun says:

    Heyy what's your opinion on pitjupiter???

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darrell Young says:

    Do you feel at all embarrassed with DOGECOIN at $0.60?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richardson Dackam says:

    Will Rogers didn't win, he "declared" victory on election day. He never actually receive any state electoral votes. But that was a great story to illustrate the point. The winner of the 1928 election was Herbert Hoover.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stanley Smith says:

    So drivel opinion. Much junk. Very false confidence.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris ewing says:

    Graham what did it feel like sitting next to a doge multi-millionare?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dwi Tjahyanto Suharso says:

    not every valuable asset is tangible…. there r many examples….

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James J. says:

    If I had a time machine, I'd yolo the hell out of DOGE. I put $2000 into stocks instead of DOGE a year ago 😭

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg Munsey says:

    Thanks for the sweet video, i want to use this opportunity to say a big thanks to ms Jane investment platform i was so scared investing at the first time, now I'm enjoying it now.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick says:

    Graham sounds like mainstream media speculating on Tesla.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars charlietuna1971 says:

    How.much would that $1000 investment be worth at $0.69 Graham?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lawrence wooten says:

    Good morning what platform should I use to buy and trade. A friend uses Robinhood but I did not want to enter all the information that someone could use to steal my identity. thank you in advance.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KaikerTV 2 says:

    I am from 2022, dogecoin is the absolute currency of both Earth and our Mars colony.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Graham Stephan says:

    WARNING: There are fake profiles of me that will reply to your comment and ask you to text a whatsapp number. THOSE ARE NOT ME. I block those users but they keep making new accounts within minutes. I will never ask you to text a whatsapp number. If my profile doesn't have a checkmark next to it, it's not me.

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