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00:00 Tesla Mainstream Disaster.
02:23 How the Cybertruck Saves Money.
08:28 The Mainstream Shift.
10:42 Amazon vs Tesla.
Vehicle to home Tesla.
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We've got two pretty important things to talk about regarding Tesla Number one: killer robots attacking people and pinning them down. What? And then, of course, we've got to talk about the real story here, which has to do with the Cyber truck and some hidden benefits that could be generating passive income for the owners of cyber trucks, which will become a lot more apparent in time. That could end up being a catalist for the stock, as well as a convincing justification for you to tell your wife why you want to buy a cyber truck even though you don't need it. Yeah, in this video, I'm actually going to show you the math behind how the Cyber truck could pay you passive income of$ 200 or more dollars per month without renting it out to anybody else.

We're going to talk about that. but first, a very quick note here on Killer Robots the Daily Mail literally uploaded a thumbnail of the Tesla Optimus in front of cyber trucks and then the headline Tesla Robot Attacks An engineer at the company's Tesla Factory during violent malfunction, leaving a trail of blood. Okay, well, what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to where I prefer to get my insights. Oh wait, that's actually the stuff that I write Uh, this is our website uh for providing our research and news and commentary.

Uh, and before we get into the Cyber Truck Part worth noting right here that the Daily Mail actually wrote this to talk about one of these robotic arms that had a malfunction in 2021 and that no other robot related injuries were reported in either 2021 or 2022. Though maybe more injuries are going under reported even though they occur, they allege. So basically the Daily Mail is trying to use the Optimus as a way to clickbait some kind of big takeover of robots that want to basically kill you. And it's not actually happening.

because when you talk about about the story, the story literally has nothing to do with the Optimus robot. They don't even talk about the Optimus robot in the story. That's just how they're trying to lead clicks. Kind of sad day for the mainstream media.

But Not Unusual which is why I Love what we're doing over at Totally free website, free forever for you to go learn more about and uh, give me your feedback on in the comments down below. All right. But now, how does the vehicle actually save me money? Okay, well, there are two ways we already know about the easy one. The easy one is the 179 deduction I Want to talk about the new one? the 179 deduction just to catch you up to speed really quick.

Let's say, you buy this car. This vehicle. It's over 6,000 lb. Obviously, right now it's like $120,000 for the founders Edition This is hard to justify.

This is going to be a lot more of a delicious calculus once the car is like $70,000 and you have the lower or less expensive vehicle versions. Uh, but anyway, you buy it now. for 120k, you write off 25k plus one of your seven years of straight line depreciation. Your first year of owning this vehicle might actually exceed your down payment.
If you finance it, you might save $15,400 on the vehicle. Year one: if your tax bracket is 40% you're writing it off for business, which is kind of cool. And then you might save an additional $5,400 a year on the vehicle. Uh, just in tax savings, of course.

Confirm this with your CPA which is like 450 bucks a month by owning the vehicle. That's pretty cool. but I mean that's just depreciation though. So check that out along with some of the accelerated depreciation you might be able to take.

But what I think is actually a lot more cool and will be a lot more applicable to a lot of people in the long term and is super underrated when it comes to analyzing Tesla is vehicle to home charging. And here's how vehicle to home charging could generate you over $200 of passive income per month. First, it's worth noting that the vehicles offering vehicle to home charging right now are the Volvo Ex90, the Chevy Silverado, the Tesla Cybertruck, and the Ford 150 Lightning. Now now they there are expected to be others that offer the Bir directional charging like these here in yellow.

There is also the Volkswagen Id4, which does offer vehicle to home charging. Uh, but uh, this one's labeled slightly a little bit differently and uh, let's just focus on the Cyber truck for the purpose of this video. Oh, we got the Kia Ev9 over here. You can take a look at this right here.

Uh, to give you a little bit more of a breakdown, but what I'd like to do is understand this: when we pay money for our utility bill, our electricity bill which the average throughout the United States is around 170 bucks a month we pay with what's known as after tax money. Okay, now to understand this concept, you have to first understand taxes. When you go make money, you pay taxes and then you could pay for after tax expenses like your electricity bill at home. So for example, let's say your electricity bill is 180 bucks a month.

Okay, you and you pay 40% in taxes on average, you would end up having to have to earn $300 to pay 120 in taxes to be left with 180 for your electricity bill, right? So consider this when it comes to evaluating the Cyber truck. all this in detail over here at Consider this. Let's say Peak Utility rates are now which they are 4: to 9:00 p.m. when the sun is lower and solar isn't as effective.

average Peak Utility rates are around 40 cents throughout the country. Roughly average use AG during this time could be if you use power during 4:00 to 9 p.m. like most normal folks do, could be somewhere around 5. KW an hour works out to about 25 kwhs.

Now let's say your cybertruck has that spare, which quite frankly, you probably do. You plug in the Cybertruck and you run the Cybertruck as your home's power source automatically. It's all done automatically. You don't have to think about it through the app for 5 hours at 5 kilowatt hours.
Okay, that's 25 kwhs. Now Now, you're going to recharge at about a 17c discount in the middle of the night. That would generate roughly 17 * 25 * 30 for a monthly figure $127.50 per month just by moving your peak hours onto the cybertruck's battery during peak time and then getting that power back that energy back in the super off peak times in the middle of the night. Now, obviously, these numbers are going to vary I'm not using very expensive California numbers I'm trying to use across the country averages here, right, but not including any other offsets.

If you're in a 40% tax bracket here, saving $127.50 of electricity is actually kind of like earning $212 of passive income per month. So literally, that's like somebody coming to you and going here, Ma'am Here's $200 of passive income and then you pay a little bit in taxes. you have 127 left to give to your utility. That's how the Cybertruck can actually save you money in a way that a lot of folks aren't even considering about it yet.

But I'm not even considering about this from the point of view of like, should you actually justify buying a vehicle? Uh, that's $120,000 just to save a little bit here? No, of course not. and there are other considerations as well. like in the future the vehicle will be less expensive expensive then it'll make more sense, but you might not be a high energy use user and you might not have the car available during that time unless like you're a crypto Miner or a YouTuber and uh, quite frankly, we don't know yet how much this is going to affect the longevity of the battery. You might have some battery depreciation by doing this that would offset some of your savings right? So now for like the way I look at it is for me.

It would probably be a boon for people like me because I'm a high energy use user and I'm home a lot. But I could have this same benefit a lot cheaper just by buying Tesla power walls or end phase battery packs because they would cost me a lot less to get the same kind of benefit. But buying batteries is not sexy for your house. Buying a cyber truck is so.

Is it possible? The justification for buying a cybertruck could start including the calculus of savings from vehicle to home charging. The answer to that I believe is yes, but it's it's not just now. The Fringe going. Oh yeah.

I'm going to save some money with my cybertruck with vehicle to home charging. It's actually, when this goes mainstream, imagine you buy a $30,000 car a $30,000 car at a 3% interest rate like in the future. Okay, this is this is where it becomes a catalyst and this is my point. It's not the now it's we're going to go here.

Let's do this. car loan calculator. All right. Ready for this? Let's go do an auto loan calculator.

We'll just go to a website over here. Let's say I buy. uh the $30,000 Tesla Uh, You know in the future we'll Finance it at 72 months and let's say rates are lower, they're 4% okay and I'm going to put $5,000 down. Great.
That's like what 15ish percent? a little more than 15% We'll get our sales tax in there. Great calculate. Okay, so what is my payment on the sucker? My monthly payment is $391 assuming I don't use that for business. that's all an after tax expense.

But if I can offset half of that, I might literally have 50% of my Tesla car payment covered simply by being able to plug this sucker in and using it to support my home's Peak energy use during the middle of the day. Again, this is a few years out, right? You got to get new Tesla Like model 3 is allowing vehicle to home, people have to pay for the inverters. but but in the future people are going to have the inverters. In the future, it's not going to make sense to have a gas car anymore because your monthly payment might literally be half of the equivalent of a gas car simply because a vehicle to home.

Okay, and this is not even comparing to the Catalyst that I was cheering this morning from. Uh, Morgan Stanley actually. so Morgan Stanley's Adam Jonas updated his Tesla thesis and he didn't really tell us much new. but there was one thing that I thought was really, really interesting.

He suggested that Amazon web services Drive 70% of earnings before interest in taxes at Amazon and they think this could happen with Tesla's Dojo as well. So then I'm like Hm. so I dug around I went into Amazon's 10q and I'm like, oh, how interesting AWS brings in $2.5 billion per quarter with 5.4 billion in net. That's actually really impressive.

That's a 26.3% net on cloud services, which is really, really fantastic. I actually wrote here congratulations Amazon This is amazing. This is like totally an understated consideration for Dojo because remember, this isn't Dojo or Nvidia right? This is not Amazon or Nvidia like Amazon has its own chips and they use Nvidia chips. Your goal is just to create a server Factory basically and then compete in what I consider to be this oligopoly Olop olop.

There we go. olop Of very few companies that can actually provide largescale Cloud infastructure for cloud compute and cloud storage I Personally thought about getting into Cloud infrastructure because I think there's a lot of money to be made there. The problem is cyber security. That's your greatest threat.

So cyber security isn't great with smaller companies potentially. Or I think you have less money to potentially fight the risks right? So does does that mean in the future there will be few dare I say an instead of OPEC for oil like an Odec, an operation of data exercising company. Okay, that's it's a really bad one. Okay, but I I came up with something.

The point is, is it possible that very few like Microsoft Google Amazon Meta and maybe Tesla as well could end up fighting for that margin and that profit? Yeah, now am I going to price that into my? PR No, Not at all. Do I think of it as icing on the cake? Absolutely. Do I think is? V Do I think of vehicle to home as icing on the cake? Absolutely. Is it going to take a long freaking time for people to start understanding that vehicle to home charging is actually going to save them money? Like pre-tax money? Yeah, it's going to take a long time.
Most people don't even know the freaking difference between post tax and pre-tax and the fact that when you pay your electricity dollars, it's post tax money. Man, most people don't realize when you save a little bit on your electricity, it's actually like instead of saving a dollar, You know how they say like a a penny saved is a penny earned? No, No, no, no no, it's like a penny saved is like 1.4 pennies earned roughly. To make a dollar, you have to divide it by6. It's actually like saving 1.67 pennies, right? Think about that.

1.67 pennies times6, which would be my after tax is a dollar. Mhm. Yeah, so every penny you save is like earning a penny 67. That's why after tax uh, and pre-tax considerations are really important.

Vehicle to home charging does that. It saves you money where it's actually more useful money to save. That's pretty cool now. I teach that kind of stuff in my courses on building your wealth.

We got new Gold Course lectures coming out uh here at the end of the year I'm obviously biased towards Tesla as well I hold uh Tesla in my ETF and I own uh Tesla myself. So I'm a big Tesla bull here. But but I'm not pricing any of this into my trajectories for Tesla I'm looking at this more as like here's what the mainstream media is talking about Killer Robots And here's what Me: Kevin's talking about. Wow, look at the future.

We're going to go into a future where Tesla could potentially compete in data centers. But more interestingly, every person might end up offsetting their Peak energy use by plugging in their electric vehicle and arbing the difference. Yeah, that is very interesting Anyway, Thanks so much for watching. We'll see you in the next one.

Goodbye, Why not advertise these things that you told us here? I Feel like nobody else knows about this? Well, we'll try a little advertising and see how it. Go Congratulations man, you have done so much. People love you, People look up to you Kevin P there financial analyst and YouTuber meet Kevin Always great to get your take even though I'm a licensed financial adviser, real estate broker, and becoming a stock broker. This video is neither personalized Financial advice nor real estate advice for you.

It is not tax, legal, or otherwise personalized advice tailored to you. This video provides generalized perspective, information and commentary. Any thirdparty content I show should not be deemed endorsed by me. This video is not and shall never be deemed reasonably sufficient information for the purpose of evaluating a security or investment decision.
Any links or promoted products or either paid affiliations or products or Services which we may benefit from I personally operate an actively managed ETF and hold long positions in various Securities potentially including those mentioned in this video. However, I have no relationship to any issuers other than House Act nor am I presently acting as a Market maker.

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34 thoughts on “The tesla cybertruck could pay you to own it.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jesg3760 says:

    Ohh man… that's a lot of savings… what if I just DON'T buy it… 🤔

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Smiley_101 says:

    Wtf man when I preorder at the time it said only 65k for the full FSD n all the top features and now is 120k

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DanKohan says:

    you nailed it on the robot hype

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @EARN-750-DAILY_JOB_FOR_U says:

    Your dedication sparks others' drive! 💡 _ "Believe you can, and you've already completed half the journey."

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Ryanashita says:

    Great video as usual, but my short term interest is a production of 4680 and cybertruck. any video to address these? thanks.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @kronoz3601 says:

    i love the website

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @larrymorton5332 says:

    RON WALKER, a respected chartmaster ,says we are going to 1600 on sp500 in 2024 !

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Don_P says:

    Interesting… saw this optimus killer robot reiterated in Sweden largest newspaper… now I know what REALLY happened.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @dowlrod66 says:

    people are going to "make money" off their cyber truck by using the truck as a battery for their house and charging it when energy is cheaper. this is delusional. fun fact: the oil that heats your house is the same thing they sell for diesel trucks at the gas station. you can "make money" filling your house up with five gallon jugs 😂😂 the price difference is at times 100% its probably more profitable than the ev battery idea lmaoo

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ProjectAlien724 says:

    I even give my robot vacuum time off. She just loves to relax in her base

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ProjectAlien724 says:

    Robot was tired of working 24-7 and wants a vacation!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @EddieSerban says:

    Cybertruck 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @adityag13 says:

    Let's come back to this video after a few years @MeetKevin. We'll see how much of this plays out.
    Also, if MS Adam Jonas says anything, I do the opposite. MS are idiotic permabears, last one anyone should be listening to. Never served me wrong. InverseAJ would serve the public much better than InverseCramer.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @carlmazziotti221 says:

    Keep cycling that battery while powering your house, then replace that battery in two years for $18,779.86

    Huge savings Mr financial Ill advisor lol

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! @blipblop92 says:

    Nobody pays 40% effective tax rate unless you make 500k+ and most of that is short term cap gains 😂

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @itisim says:

    Somebody wife wants a rivian, not a cybertruck

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mihaigeorgeanghel6066 says:

    So you buy a ugly 3tone monster you don't need that consumes more than 30kw/60mile for 120k, then every day you plug in at 4pm then plug out at 9pm just to make 100bucks/month? Very smart. Maybe instead of getting fire for no particular reason like Teslas sometimes do it will burn your house too.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @gaithercain5636 says:

    Kevin I live in Texas and I can sell power to the grid.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @gil6970 says:

    Imagine an e hack app with this daily news.

    Forum section for us to comment.

    Financial tools for us to use.

    Kinda like Reddit. But for professional finance crap.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @gil6970 says:

    When is the e-Hack app coming bruh

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @NowAmFound says:

    Electric vehicles are a scam. We are not ready yet

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @NowAmFound says:

    This is not sustainable. This is why we are in the pool of 💩 we are in. Who pays those tax subsidies to the rich? The POOR Kevin. The POOR is taxed not the rich.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-kw7rk8vs8c says:

    As far as I know there’s still no power wall in Canada 😢

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @JA-zh5xi says:

    That cyber truck is one of the most worthless automobiles out there today.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @glenayres7523 says:

    Mainstream media/propaganda

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @randomsonmymind6919 says:

    Hoping to put the Cybertruck on turo when I get it.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @my2cents395 says:

    For years I have been saying "A penny saved is 2 pennies earned". Greetings from Canada Eh.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TiagoRamosVideos says:


  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @donwatson1330 says:

    You would have to pay me to own it. Yuck. LOL

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @juiceda6 says:

    It would be nice if tesla offered hardware and software to purchase to do it with current vehicles.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DragoBTC says:

    If the killer robot was an actual true story….that would have been Very Bullish 😎 kind of got excited a little thinking robots were working and functioning as humans already 😅

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @AresGodOWar says:

    Yeah I wouldn't even wanna power my home with it, When you realize it's going to destroy your battery, Then it cost you 10x as much as you are saving

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mihaigeorgeanghel6066 says:


  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @shiestyshart says:

    I just paid $15 for a nacho fries taco box, don’t tell me in the future a Tesla will be 30k

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