US Inflation data has just come out and CPI has dropped from 6% to 5% in just 1 month.
Every key component of the US CPI is falling - food has began decelerating, energy is now posting big negative numbers and lagging inflation indicators are getting more pressure to move down too.
Will the Fed now finally realise that they got it wrong and change their approach or are they really so bad at their job that they will keep increasing rates regardless?
US CPI (Inflation) -
Historic CPI -
Oil Price -
Natural Gas Price -
US Rent Zumper Report -
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Hey guys, it's Sasha The stock market crash that was 100 definitely going to happen according to constipated. YouTubers is officially canceled because this morning the US inflation data came in and inflation has fallen from six percent in February to 5 in March. Inflation only went up 0.1 a month on month in March which is very low below the Fed's long-term goal of two percent per year and the stock market has been massively surprised. Of course, immediately after the inflation data came out, the S P 500 moved up on pre-market trading and grow stocks were up between two and three percent.

And it's funny because everyone was absolutely sure that inflation is not going away. The stock market is going to collapse the worst ever. Financial year is going to happen. Oh my goodness.

Every single Financial YouTuber was sat there holding their head in their hands, telling you that you need to sell everything right now before the biggest stock market. Russian History That was absolutely coming. except this guy because I've been explaining exactly why inflation is falling, exactly why it will continue falling right here on this channel and getting a massive boatload of abuse from everyone including many other YouTubers for not getting it. But here we are and inflation is down and stock market is jubilant.

Everyone is surprised inflation is going to continue falling for the next few months. We are now in a situation where U.S inflation rate is at five percent, which is now equivalent to the Federal Reserve funds rate. And this is exactly why four weeks ago I was saying that the Fed's increase of 25 basis points was really stupid. very poorly thought out and an entirely unnecessary measure.

If you look through the inflation data, all the key components are on the way down, many actually tracking even better than I anticipated and inflation should continue falling from here, which is really good. Food stayed flat month on month, which is extremely positive because food inflation was one of the hottest parts of the CPI index for some time and you can see that it has been gradually reducing owner month to month basis for a while now. Food inflation was 10.1 just two months ago in the January data after peaking at 11.4 in August last year, and it was very stubborn, but it has now come down by 1.6 in just two months now. Inflation coming down on food and on everything else does not mean that those things are now magically cheaper because I Know a lot of people in the comments don't understand this point.

In fact, food is still going up at 8.5 a year on average, which is a lot. it is very high. The reason that this is good news, however, is that it is now going up at a slower rate than it was last month than it was the month before and so on and the rate at which is going up is reducing sharply. Even more important is that food at home so a minus 0.3 percent movement and came in at 8.4 year on year and food at home is critical for the functioning of the economy, critical for workers that underpin the economy being able to put food on their table.
So this is really encouraging news and you can see that energy is now showing a massively negative number minus 6.4 overall and energy Commodities are minus 17 I Am looking forward to all the headlines that get way surprised about this happening because this was entirely obvious and I've been talking about it for six months already. but the media will act so surprised. After the recent production cut by OPEC and Russia oil prices climbed to 86 dollars for Brent crude and although that's a big increase in the last few weeks, the oil price today is still way under what it was at this point last year. and you can see that the oil price stayed high in April and in May and in June and in July and only really started coming down from August onwards.

So unless something major happens to oil, it will continue pushing the CPI figure down every single month for some time. Yet, natural gas is doing even better after the huge Spike following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Natural gas is now trading at under 2.20 which is roughly three times cheaper than it was at this point last year. This is huge and you can see that the inflated gas prices stayed High all the way until the end of 2022 and there was this uncertainty around supplying Europe and what's going to happen. But now Europe miraculously made it all the way through the winter without blackout and Anarchy that everyone was forecasting and price is now staying low as a result.

and in fact, it's been heading even lower now. Energy Services are only down 2.3 percent month a month and still sit at plus 9.2 percent year on year. This sounds Bonkers Because of course, energy companies do not pass on drops in commodity prices at the same speed at which they pass on increases in commodity prices which are immediate. Oh my.

God Gas prices gone up quick. increase the bills by 500. Oh wait, gas prices are down well. You know it takes time for this to filter through.

We have to have a committee meeting to arrange another committee meeting and maybe then we will think about arranging another committee meeting so that you can pay less for your guests. Although gas costs 70 percent less than it did this time last year, the price of gas to households is wait for it 5.5 more than it was at this point last year. and I Know that the energy companies and the governments will make lots of excuses like blah blah blah. You have to buy gas in advance.

You know it's very complicated. You need to know what the price is going to be in the future. boo who. But eventually those prices will also have to start coming down following the commodity prices.

So the energy part of the inflation index is going down and it will continue going down a lot more. A lot of the analysts will point out that all items less food and energy is still at 5 5.6 and went up 0.4 and I am sure I am certain that the mass media will make this into a thing that will tell you that this proves inflation is here to stay because you see this core inflation figure is actually the really important one. But there are two massive problems with this line of thinking. First, I have never understood and will probably never understand why everyone is so obsessed about core inflation as opposed to looking at total inflation.
Because energy in food the two things that are excluded from core inflation are about the most critical part of inflation that affect how the economy performs Overall, they are two of the three primary drivers of basic economic stability and health along with shelter. so ignoring them but instead giving a about the price of Handbags and clothes is a very dumb way to look at inflation in the first place. But even more importantly, there isn't an actual problem with core inflation because if you actually look at the data, it looks great Because the only reason core inflation is at 5.6 instead of maybe three or four percent is down to three factors: new vehicles, transportation services, and shelter. Now New vehicle inflation is dropping.

There is a price War Among the highest selling car makers in the United States Tesla has dropped their prices significantly in recent weeks. Other big manufacturers like Ford are following suit because they have to, they're dropping prices, others are at least not increasing prices, and we're going to see all of this come through in the new vehicle data in the coming months. A lot of the commodity prices feeding into the price of vehicles have also come down sharply, and this is enabling those reductions in price. Transportation services is running very hot at 13.9 and it's up 1.4 month a month, but transportation services are often lagging two important things: one is inflation it's sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy thing, and two is energy commodity cost to a lower degree because transportation is a very, very heavily based on employee salaries and in part on the price of gas and oil.

And you have this combination of two things happening. When inflation is high, the transportation industry gets disproportionately affected by an upward pressure on worker salaries. It is very manual, many of the components that go into it, and the cost Transportation tends to react very slowly to changes in commodity prices directly and indirectly because transportation services themselves are mainly things like servicing and things like that. so they don't necessarily use up energy themselves.

not much anyway, but they are heavily reliant on the industries that do so. When the transportation companies see that they have been losing a boatload of money, while oil and gas prices were high, they will eventually have to scale back. They will eventually become more price sensitive, more price conscious. eventually.
this will affect the prices of this element as well, But now that the energy prices are stabilizing, overall inflation is falling. That will enhance the ability of Transportation Services to follow as well. Which they will because they're lagging and we're going to see a steep drop there in the coming months. The only other factor that is pushing core inflation up is shelter.

And shelter is at 8.2 percent year on year, up 0.6 month a month. This is actually better than I expected because Shelter was at 8.1 last month I Thought it would go up more now. shelter is a massively lagging indicator, and for a long time, house prices and rents were increasing way ahead of Shelter the number that we read in the inflation date and we knew back then that eventually shelter will have to increase to catch up with those price increases. It took longer than most people expected and now it has increased.

But now rent price inflation is falling. The Zump report has runs dipping towards a six percent Mark and the latest house price data from the St Louis Fed shows that house prices stopped increasing and were flat in Q4 last year after skyrocketing since covert arrived. So it's very early days and shelter will stay elevated for some time in all likelihood, but every month now, we will have more downward pressure adding up on shelter, which will eventually have to reduce to catch up with the lower increases that we're seeing in the real world. And here is a critical point: All three factors that are pushing core inflation up are indicating that they are either already reducing, will be imminently reducing, or be over time reducing in the coming months, maybe years.

New vehicle prices have stabilized, and transportation and shelter are both lagging indicators where we already know that they will be coming down in the future, even if they have not done already. So, core inflation is sitting there at 5.6 percent, but it doesn't really matter because it is being artificially held high Because look, the core part of the index is about 79.5 of the total, CPI shelter is 34.5 Transportation services are 5.8 So those two lagging factors by themselves are more than 50 percent of core inflation. So if we know that they are artificially high, if we know that they are on the way down, we don't know exactly when or how quickly that means core inflation will be coming down, too. It won't happen fast, but that doesn't matter because we can see where it's headed.

We can see the direction because the underlying fundamentals are going in the right direction. And now in two weeks we have the next Ofomc meeting where you're in power and the rest of his cronies will have to sit in a room for two days and discuss how incredibly dumb and unnecessary their last rate increase was just four weeks ago when they increased rates by 25 basis points 70. Scene: Out of the 18 of those, Chumps were saying that rates will have to keep increasing a lot more at least another two hikes of the next two meetings. Now we have a situation where inflation is equal to the rate and falling.
Oh my. God Who could possibly have predicted this? The economy is beginning to suffocate because of their rates increasing, not because of the underlying factors, not because of problems in the economy, because of the rates increasing without there being a need for them to keep increasing. And this is becoming a bit of a problem. So the big question is, is the Fed too proud to admit that they got it wrong.

Are they too proud to admit that giving speeches about increasing rates and how hawkish you are and blah blah blah is that more important than actually fixing the economy is drawing power? Going to give another 10 million speeches saying that you know core inflation is still hot, more increases are needed even though he knows this is complete and utter. Is the Fed really so far up there in backside that they don't realize that more rate hikes May create really bad, irreversible damage? Or is the data now so overwhelming that even those morons can't possibly keep making the same exact mistake over and over and over? Well, we'll find out in two weeks time.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

33 thoughts on “The stock market is about to explode”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JPM CEO says:

    So crazy to see such reactions to data when it’s absolutely CLEAR that it is misunderstood and misconstrued when comparing to a volatile inflationary period a year ago. This should all be smoothed, plus CPI is basically bullshit since all of the removals and changes in the measurements, plus the lagging indicators not even remotely considered by most YouTubers pretending to be economists…

    Long view, use smoothed metrics and wait for meaningful data before calling major trend shifts…

    Or ignore this logic and just pump bullish videos that threaten to wreck millions of good people that don’t understand any of this and just hit BUY buttons… hopefully they watch more than one channel and actually learn about economics and investing 🙏🙏🙏

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DivineLove247 says:

    The Sly Snakes who want a crash for the last 4 years,…..must be pulling their hairs out.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IamGrimalkin says:

    It's worth mentioning that the infation rate is the rate food went up, not the rate it's going up, as it's compared to the same data last year.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wilfred Teo says:

    What happens when a bubble is made of air goes bigger and bigger, it will pop eventually. There is no soft landing, this is just to prevent you babies from a major sell-off. Every price that went up will never go down, because the US dollar has already lost its value permanently.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BJ Dekreek says:

    You should know better! The fact you are saying we are out of the woods because ppi is down! Seriously? Wow

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TT777 says:

    Completely agreed with you 100%.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars neil Brown says:

    The market can still crash and it's not just inflation to worry about job cuts chance of another war on top of the war that's already going on it might not crash but were still not in the clear yet keep in mind people said that before the crash of 2008- 2009 how about the house market and those banks and Job cuts that caused the big crash before.
    Still alot to worry about and the US job lay offs happened after the jobs report businesses like Walmart and many more others are closing stores in locations what's going to happen when most people that live pay check to pay check can't pay there credit cards or mortgage causing more bank and housing market stress and can't buy anything they'll pull out of the stock market and the fed wont be there to help because they don't want to put us in hyper inflation…

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hello Hello says:

    sasha everyone wants to know what to invest in but what in your opinion are the really useful questions to ask a real world mentor or finance youtuber?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Felipe Behrens says:

    energy is down, but my electricity company is still passing on increases to me…. I used to get winter bills below $40 here in Miami, now I'd be surprised if the bill comes below $60 in December

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul D says:

    Oil is going back to 100 USD throughout this year, we aint outta the woods yet, on that front anyway….

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Windham says:

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAhehehehehehe what a nut

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Buffalo soldier says:

    This is why I subscribe to Sasha, practical, level headed take on market forces.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vin Diesel says:

    Oh Sasha, you Zoom and Bloomer.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Farmer Jake says:

    Great Video Sasha Keep it UP!!!!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VeVeMonster says:

    Cool story if the Feds policy was based on headline CPI.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Adler says:

    Sorry, but housing is still way too expensive. I hope they keep raising.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars talkingtoothpick says:

    The “this aged well” messages did not age well – and I’m sure my comment won’t age well either

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Scott says:

    inflation was lower than expected, slightly. it's not down.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dejvid dejvich says:

    But how is that oil is going higher in price reduces inflation?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reeg Peeg says:

    Hey Sasha, big fan of your work Sir! I wonder if you ever plan on doing any subscriber meet ups in the UK? (Im assuming thats where you are based)

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Mallinson says:

    Love it Sasha! Boo-fucking-hoo 😂

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrej says:

    Sasha had some good videos a few months back, they are now becoming more painful to watch as time goes by. It’s like reading messages all in CAPS. He’s trying a bit too hard to make a point with all the blahblahs and BS references.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Ce says:

    MeetKevin was talking about this like for half year. So I wouldn’t call you genius to be honest 🙂

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C G says:

    tbh everybody on FinTwit I follow was expecting inflation to come down substantially. Nobody was surprised as per your video. Even consensus was expecting CPI to come down to 5.2% vs. 5.0% actual. So I do not really get your framing of everybody being surprised, except of course the FED itself, which is always behing the curve. Other than that I agree with your inflation analysis and you making fun of the Fed 😉
    In addition, I don't see this being positive for risk assets as per your click bait title. Go back in history and see how markets eventually struggled following a fed funds peak, which again is strongly correlating with inflation. Let me guess, you never experienced previous market downturns/bear market like e.g. 2008 or 2001-2003. Good luck going long risk assets here 😉

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars search index says:

    So. Uh …what do you think about PLBY stock?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BioMagic says:

    i LOVE hiw you call out stefen and andrew 😎

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wtf says:

    Are you expecting a recession this year? The fed funds rates still is showing another 25 rate hike in May even after this cpi print

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt X says:

    I’m back in the market in UK house builders which are priced like 2013 with nice dividends and house prices are holding. Volumes will pick up due to large immigration and mortgages will become more affordable over the next 5 years. Buying ftse 100 companies at 50 to 70% off their highs in a downturn is about as good as it gets.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P says:

    I hear what you are saying YET in the larger picture I am holding a large chunk in short term cash funds & a diversified gold fund PURELY because the economic damage has not hit reality.

    Stocks have not adjusted to reality yet. Inverted yield curve, you wanna see what happens after the yield curve corrects.

    Having available cash and a shopping list for that time over the next 6 months to 1.5 years is where the deals will appear.

    You have not yet noticed that the middle class are being wiped out in real terms, let alone the working people have been destroyed.

    You speak so positively yet the majority of peoples lifestyle are growingly poorer.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Pap says:

    The "constipated youtubers" is just incredibly accurate! Kudos for the brilliant writing!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel N. says:

    Greatly appreciate your content man. Keep up the good work. Can't stand all those other finance channels with their pre-cum face in the thumbnails.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars L B says:

    He will do another rate of 0.25

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M says:

    this aged like milk

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