Success as an agent begins with a perfect real estate schedule. As a real estate agent, there are a lot of demands on you, and it is NOT POSSIBLE to always put your time to its best possible use without a well-kept calendar.
In this episode of the Tom Ferry Show, I’m giving you not just an example schedule for real estate agents, but the perfect real estate schedule to feel and perform at your best – in life and your career.
Be sure to watch or listen right here and incorporate all the elements of this perfect real estate schedule into your calendar.
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Welcome to the Tom Ferry Show! Hey welcome back to the Tom Fairy! Show Episode 287 Let me ask you a question if I grabbed your phone right now and I opened up the calendar What would I see? What would I see? Would I see a schedule that is organized that is packed full of the right activities, moving the ball forward, getting you in the best possible position to win or might it just see some blank spots? Well, here's what I know in this business. if it's in your schedule, it gets done and if you're trying to do it by memory, we both know what happens. So what I want to do today is I want to walk you through what I believe is the most ideal, most ideal schedule to help you achieve the goals that you have for 2024. I Don't think it's going to shock you to hear that.

To me, the day starts with an ideal morning routine now I don't know what time you get up I like to get up super early I know people that sleep until 7 I Couldn't imagine it, but it's true. Whatever time you're getting up today, get up a few minutes earlier I Promise you you'll be able to get more stuff done and you'll feel better about the day because you're just getting started before everybody else and that's always a good idea. So here's your morning routine. in a nutshell: I Think you should do something that's going to get your heart rate up going to make you feel good because when you feel good, you perform good and I don't think you've ever gone to the gym, walked the dog, got on the elliptical and said to yourself afterwards, darn it that was a bad idea.

No you always say I have to do this every day I Feel great. Remember when you feel good, you perform good. The second thing is something around your mindset and to me this is whether it's affirmations, prayer, meditation, reading, something good, listening, something good. What I'm looking for is some mental stimulation to create some new synapses in your brain to get yourself fired up.

Because when you get yourself fired up, you've already exercised. You know you've seen your family, you had some fun, and now you're ready to start the day. If your current morning routine isn't doing that, it's time to make an adjustment. Now the second part is I'm going to stay to you I Believe you should get to the office at the same time every day I Think you should have office hours is it Monday through Friday 9: to 6 weekends by appointment only.

Something to the effect that you show routine in your business. We all know the same thing. When you get into success routines, you win. but when every day is kind of come on seven right? let's see what happens that Loosey Goosey style that Loosey Goosey Behavior does not support greatness in this business.

So I don't care what time you get there but I'd love for your voicemail to say hi you've reached Tom Ferry at Banana Real Estate. My office hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 to 6:00 weekends and evenings by appointment only. Thank you so much for leaving a message! I'll get back to you by seress convenience and then literally that becomes how you run your business. Now if you look at the next part, Part three: I Call it the business morning routine different from the fire yourself up.
get yourself going right morning routine to stimulate the body, stimulate the Mind Get yourself ready to go here. I'm looking for three things. Number one for you to be the knowledge broker. Which means you're going to spend 58 10 minutes looking at the MLS looking at the new listings, looking at the recent sales, looking if there's been any price reductions or expired listings Because this is how you get begin to see correlations in the market.

What is going on right now with condos? What's going on with one bedrooms? What's happening with four bedrooms, right? What's happening on this side of town versus that side of town? So when people say to you, how's the market, you can have an intelligent conversation because nobody knows the market better than you Can you believe that there are agents right now that don't look at the MLS every day I Saw a recent study that said the average real estate professional was looking at the MLS maybe once a week I Know that's not you. You're probably looking at it twice. once in the morning and once in the afternoon. That is an important routine.

The next part of that is I Believe you should practice. Yes, you should work on your presentations. You should practice and rehearse. whether it is calling a past client or sphere or doing an open house or practicing shooting a video or your listing presentation, or your buyer consultation.

And I know you know for decades I've shared this with people and I'm always blown away when people say to me, practice it's not really my thing You know, like I'm not into scripting and I'm like yeah, but you kind of do the same thing every time anyway way. But have you ever taken the time to rehearse to to think about the Cadence to think about how your physiology and your tone that really is what ultimately impacts somebody. It's what moves someone from a communication standpoint that there might just be a better way to say it. And that, my friends, is why we practice.

You know I do a lot of speeches and I create a lot of content. Would it shock you to hear that even before going on stage at one of my my Road Map events in the morning and the night before usually on the flight over, I'm going through all the Powerpoints all my presentations and I'm thinking about okay I'm gonna say it like this and I'm gonna do this and they crowd's gonna go ha haa. right? Like I'm literally practicing and rehearsing and visualizing what's going to happen at the event. All of your money is made in communication.

If you're not practicing it, start. That's all I'm going to say. So the first part is knowledge broker. I'm going to dig in.

I'm going to understand the MLS I'm going to look for pricing correlations, What's hot, what's not, What's moving, What isn't moving, what parts of town? I'm going to really get conscious of that, then spend 10 or 15 minutes just practicing practicing a presentation, practicing. You know, like the open house, you're about to do whatever it may be, just practice. Marketing is ever evolving and with the emergence of AI the rate of change is faster than ever. Adapt quickly to AI driven marketing strategies or risk falling behind.
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The third part is what makes your business work. And and I say activate and do your daily number right. Do your daily number. Do your daily number.

Whatever that number is. I think of uh my son Stephen who's selling houses in Hoboken New Jersey Shout out to Steo he is working with the Jill Bigs team. We are chatting this morning and I said Son Your Daily Number based upon your goals is 15 conversations a day and I said but we want to be mindful like we want to have 15 conversations a day. but that's that's not the real reason why we're doing it.

What we ultimately want is to schedule one appointment every day. Now you might say wow that sounds like a lot and he's a brand new agent and he works on a team that literally they would hand him appointments but he said I want to get good calling at of you know out of the pond right the the colder leads because if I can refine myself there then when I'm handed a better opportunity quote unquote an easier opportunity. If there was such a thing, I'll be able to perform even better I love and respect that Yes, he's my son so of course I'm slightly biased. Same thing applies to you: What's your daily number? What's your daily number? What's your daily number? Is it 10 conversations a day? Is it 15 conversations a day? Is it eight conversations a day plus four follow-up conversations or getting through every single person I promised I would follow up on.

But here's the thing. I Started this by saying if it's not in your schedule, it doesn't exist. If I were to open up your calendar and I didn't see morning routine I'd be like Hm what's going on if I didn't see at the office by 8 9. Whatever your time frame is, you know at the office by X I'd be like Hm.

Wow I bet this person allows whatever is happening in the morning to dictate the circumstances of their day. that doesn't sound like you're in control. That sounds like there's an outside force that's in control, not you creating your destiny. So I want to make that adjustment then I would say well show me when you get to the office what do you do first and it's not like hey, Phil want to go to lunch today? No, it's not that.
Instead, it's okay. open up the MLS look for the correlations. understand the pricing Okay I kind of see what's going on. Hey, let me check really fast here.

All right, the 10year treasury is at so interest rates are at okay. I'm a complete real estate professional today. I'm ready to go, then practice warm up role play. Here we go.

I'm fired up and then I've got 90 minutes in my calendar maybe two hours I don't know to get on the phone to have conversations, talking to my you know, my sphere, talking to my clients, talking to leads, doing my follow-up doing whatever marketing you do and I don't mean like sending you know, like direct mail I mean like if you're going to send some DMS Great. Send some texts great, shoot some personal videos great. but you're creating that outbound opportunity to get people on the phone to have conversations to find one appointment every day. That is the third part of an ideal schedule.

number four: That's you managing your business. Hey I'm working on my contracts I've got a listing I'm about to launch I've got a new open escrow I Want to make sure I'm in communication I'm reaching out to lender today. You're working on the I lovingly call it the sausage making if you will of the business. This is stuff that we have to do.

It's ultimately what gets you paid, but it's not going to bring you more transactions. Do you get that? it's not going to bring you more transactions. That was the the section we just completed I Ensured my success in the future by having my daily conversations by moving the ball forward by doing my followup by fulfilling all my promises every single day that I told that person I'd call you in three months and I did and I did. And that's why you're going to win in 2024.

So I'm going to manage my business and by the way, stop for a second. People ask me all the time what should I post on social I'm like I don't know how about that. How about How about you finish your morning routine and you go I Worked out hard today, right? And then you get to the office at 9:00 and you're like huh? I'm the only one here, right? And then you look at the MLS and you find some correlations. You actually grab your phone, you go.

hey, would it chocky to hear that today? We have 22% more listings on the market today than we did this time last year in 2023 and you you share a little bit of the Insight on your social in your stories that sounds like a good idea. Then you practice. And by the way, what if you actually showed that there's a there's a level of Professionals in the market that would respect the fact that here's a real estate professional who's practicing their ability to negotiate, practicing their ability to help customers right, and then actually like I've seen people do this big shout to like Katie day in Houston she'll grab her phone and she'll record like in that super fast mode of her making her phone calls and booking appointments and moving people forward and you're actually showing people that you're doing the work. How powerful is that to show clients and perspective clients in your sphere that you're doing the work.
Hey today, I have a buyer. there's no inventory I'm going to ser Circle dial around some recent transactions in a neighborhood where this person wants to be and I'm going to show them how I do it. Here we go and making the phone calls and it shows it in fast mode. You actually capture what you do every day.

People will be inspired by you. Number five is of course going on appointments meeting with Buyers meeting with sellers, meeting with investors, meeting with your lender, whoever is going to help you move the ball forward and you can help them. You can help them achieve their real estate goals now I would just ask you to stop. Let's just go through it again.

Number one is your morning routine. Number two is get to the office at the ideal time for you, but do it every day because those are your office hours. Number three is your business morning routine. The things I have to do to get the flywheel going and make my business really predictive, then I'm going to manage if you will, the sausage making of my business transactions, marketing, communication, all the things that need to get done, and I'm going have a block of time where I'm doing that every single day or maybe two three days a week and then the balance of my day is on appointments.

Now here's my question for you. What if What if you did that 220 days in 2024? What do you think would happen? I Want to see it in the comments below. What do you believe would happen if you followed a schedule and a routine like that in 2024? What do you think would happen? Leave the comments in below and maybe just send this video to one of your buddies inside the office and say hey, you know what? Let's you and I do this. Let's let's challenge one another.

We both talked about making this year infinitely better than 2023. What if this is the way we did it Now if not this schedule. My question for you is what schedule are you going to follow Now my last note to you is consider this: I was talking with one of my clients Andy C Andy is one of the top Berkshire Hathway clients. the the Home Services Company actually works for Inot in Northern California has massive market share in his in his area um, 22 years in the business.

We were chatting the other day and he said you know everybody can follow a schedule. You can follow a schedule, but you want to know the degree of separation is the real thing that makes the difference. So so over here you got you know Phil and he's just doing the work, doing the work, doing the work, following the schedule Mak the phone calls and you just you know, like you see people just almost like going through the motions and then over here you got Andy you got Sarah you got Sally and she's like this: okay I'm following my schedule I'm doing my practice I'm looking at the MLS I see the Cor I'm Mak my phone calls I'm scheduling appointments I'm working on my deals. The degree of separation is doing the work with enthusiasm.
so follow the schedule, do the work and do it with enthusiasm. Thank you so much for watching today! I Can't wait to read your comments. Share this with a friend that needs to see it. Remember always, your strategy matters and now more than ever in 2024, your passion and doing the work.

That's what rules. Hey, if you like this content, make sure you get back to my channel and check out Jason Pantana this weekend marketing the Tom Ferry Podcast Experience and of course mindset. Monday.

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14 thoughts on “The perfect real estate schedule #tomferryshow”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @gregorycourtois-groupec2i says:

    I’m a French realtor since 2012 and i used to copy us realtor schedule and routine for 15 days now and it’s just wouahh !

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-tu2iy9dx9v says:

    This has been so helpful and motivating thank you Tom

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-tu2iy9dx9v says:

    This has been so helpful and motivating thank you Tom

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-tu2iy9dx9v says:

    This has been so helpful and motivating thank you Tom

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-tu2iy9dx9v says:

    This has been so helpful and motivating thank you Tom

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @SimonSuh says:

    Thank you Tom! 🙂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @KathyMcDevitt says:

    I would have a new life!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @bkrealtysolutions9523 says:

    Love this! I have had a morning routine for ears and it's great. Yet, there is always room for improvement. I'm definelyt working this year to make a more impact full morning routine 💯

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @joseedgardopalomo5464 says:

    Thanks Tom, for the best ideal schedule, that's right.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @thegandmteam says:

    Packed yes not with all the right stuff 😮

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jerrymcmanus2480 says:

    routine for 220 days? you'd have a life by design

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @CarmelLuxuryGroup says:

    If I controlled my morning routine 220 days in 2024, my business goals would be met, my life balance goals would be achieved, and my financial goals would be fulfilled. Thank you Tom for reminding us of the basic foundation of success, our schedule.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mannya_realtor says:

    If you had a schedule and routine and completed it 220 days in a year! You'll absolutely be successful! I love that you mentioned this, I'm working on a book right not called FOCUS DAYS that is a similar topic. My number is 208! I'm curious what your specific math was for the 220 number or whether it was just randomly mentioned. Love it either way! Thank you Tom!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @tonybalognia5061 says:

    Fabulous! ❤❤❤

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