YouTube view bots, comment bots, subscriber bots, blaah blah blah... All that junk does NOT work anymore. So today I want to go over the only LEGIT and working way to pay for subscribers on YouTube. Enjoy!
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Hello, everyone and welcome back to a new video Sean's, a name and YouTube's a game. Today I see so many people trying to pay for views or pay for subscribers or pay for like comment, bots guys, it's 2020, you can no longer do things like that. Even if you try to pay for subscribers or try to pay for views, you're gon na see it maybe for a little bit in your analytics and then YouTube's gon na catch on and they're gon na end up deleting all those subscribers and all those views from You and you're gon na be back exactly where you started, except with a lighter wallet. I'm literally telling you those things, no longer work.

I've been on YouTube for like 10 plus years, and maybe back in the day. Those things did work and a lot of channels. Actually grew because of those kind of loopholes in the system, but you can't do it anymore, and your channel is probably gon na get strike. If you try to do things like that, the only way to truly grow a successful channel these days is through hard work and dedication, and the one thing we're gon na be talking about today and I get it if you're already putting in a ton of effort And a ton of work behind your content and nobody's watching it, and it's really frustrating like I totally get it.

We've all been there and like not only have I personally been there, but I've worked with like ten thousand plus students in my online courses about how to break through that barrier and actually gain some traction on youtube. If you want some info on those courses link down below, but sometimes we've got a little bit of money laying around and we're getting frustrated, and we just want our channel to grow. So we try some shady things and you really shouldn't be doing that so today. Instead of trying some of those shady things with maybe a couple bucks, you got laying around we're gon na be going over a strategy that you can actually use.

That's a hundred percent legal on YouTube to pay for subscribers. Yes, the strategy we are gon na be talking about today is 100 % legal good. To go amazing YouTube will not strike your channel or YouTube will not even get mad at you. In fact, they'll probably praise you, because it makes sense with their business model and before everyone's, like, oh so, Shawn pretty much just paid to grow.

This channel, not the case at all. In fact, I'll be showing you the little bit amount of money. I've spent and a little bit amount of subscribers that I'm actually gotten off it, because I learned this strategy from actually trying to do something else and in turn I kind of figured out whoa. We can actually use this to grow, a channel which is pretty gnarly.

So, if you've seen these two videos that I previously made on YouTube advertising, you'll kind of know what I'm talking about I'll leave them linked down below for you, but the way I want to actually do this. Video today is, I want to actually show you. The strategy show you the results, I'm getting and then actually show you how you can specifically do it yourself, and this is something that I've kind of fine-tuned and I'm still trying to fine-tune it every single day to make it even more efficient. But right now I'm only paying fifty seven cents per subscriber and these are real subscribers.
It's not just me paying money to get some bots to boost my channel up, because that doesn't do anything for you in the long run. There's no reason to have a ton of subscribers when they're all fake fifty seven cents per subscriber and they are real subscribers. Real subscribers are people who actually stick around and watch other content that you upload, which is super important to a successful channel, which I will talk more about in just a little bit. But what is the secret? What is this thing that I'm doing that? Pretty much? No one else is doing, and it's honestly not that kind of far out there, it's just with Google Ads yeah.

So my ad looks like this and it pretty much looks like a normal YouTube video, except that there's like that. Little ad icon, oh wait! But first I want to show you how I came up with this fifty seven cents per subscriber number and then I kind of want to show you how you can get the same results for your channel, so bear with me we're gon na get into a lot Of math right now, maybe some stuff you've never seen before, but that's okay just want to show you how I got this number and then we'll get into it. So this is my. My Google Ads account right so on this campaign.

I've spent about a hundred and eighty six dollars over the course of four months. It's like a dollar fifty a day by the way. It's not like I'm falling out on this, but if I go into the YouTube studio and go to the reach tab, I can set the same custom time frame as Google Ads and then I can scroll down to the traffic source types to see how many of The views on this video actually came from the Google ad that I'm paying for, and it looks like about seventy two point: nine percent of my total views on this video came from my ad. So then, I go to the audience tab to see how many subscribers this video has actually gotten me during this time frame which it looks like it's two hundred and seventeen.

So then I take the 217 and I multiply it by seventy two point: nine percent, which is about a hundred and fifty eight subscribers. So while it's not exact, I can deduce that I got a hundred and fifty eight new subscribers from this specific Google ad and remember. I said I spent a hundred and eighty six dollars on this Google Ad. Well, not quite because, once someone actually clicks on that Google Ad, they then come to the video and watch the actual video.

Well. This channel has ads on all of my videos so when they go to watch the video they get a pre-roll ad or maybe a mid role or maybe at the end of the video they see an ad, so I'm actually making my own ad revenue off these Same exact people who see my Discovery ad and maybe right now, you're watching this video and you found it from a Discovery ad. So there's so much inception in ad ception going on right now, but technically what I'm trying to get at is the fact that I'm paying money to get this video seen. But then, once this video is seen, I'm actually earning more money off that.
So we have to account for that. So if we go to our revenue tab in a YouTube studio, we can see that we've made about a hundred and thirty dollars and seventy two cents from this video in total. Again, not all revenue came from this ad, so we have to basically multiply that by seventy two point: nine percent, which gives us about ninety five dollars and twenty nine cents stay with me. We are almost there.

Okay, if I take the 180 six dollars of my total, spend subtract that by ninety five dollars and twenty nine cents, which was my earnings. That gives me ninety dollars in 71 cents, which is then my actual ad spend. So I got a hundred and fifty-eight subscribers. Remember well, I can take my ninety dollars and 71 cents and then divide it by a hundred and fifty-eight subscribers, which gives me a cost per subscriber of 57 cents.

What, oh, I told you, the math was gnarly. I get out on stuff like that because I think it's super insane that there's so many levels to that. But if you're sitting there going well, that's dope Shawn how in the hell do I get this rock and rollin for my channel. If one of these bad boys can pretty much get me two subscribers, that's not bad in the long run, but if you're also sitting there going wait, I've only got like three of these to my name.

That, basically, does me no good. Then it is what it is you better put in the hard work and time and dedication and all that good stuff, which I mean technically, is still needed, regardless of, if you're doing the strategy or not so because, like 158, subscribers from this is awesome. But currently this channel has like over 10,000 so which I guess I should address now, because everyone is of course gon na be like whoa Shawn paid for his subscribers yeah you're right. I paid for a hundred and fifty eight of my over ten thousand subscribers on this channel.

That's like a percent right anyway. It's important to know that if you know anything about business, this is essentially what's called a customer acquisition cost, which is super important. It's basically how much money you're willing to spend to get a new customer who then hopefully ends up buying not just one product but multiple products, eventually making it profitable over that entire term of that customers. Lifespan pretty much like if Nike ran an ad and it costed them like two hundred and fifty dollars to get one person to buy a pair of shoes, well they're, clearly taking a loss on that sale.

But if one person buys those Nikes and they go, I really like these Nikes and then in a year they go buy another pair and then another pair and then another pair they ended up going profitable over the course of that. You know lifespan of the customer plus the customer then could also tell other people hey. I love my Nikes go buy my Nikes, so that's, basically what customer acquisition cost is, which is why I said it's important that you're actually getting real subscribers because well technically yeah. I'm obviously paying to get these subscribers, I'm paying for a loss right now, but hopefully the people who are subscribing are liking.
The content that I'm releasing and going yeah. I'm gon na go watch another one of this videos and another one and another one and another one, and then hopefully you know in like 10 years I end up breaking even on it. Oh no. This is all just kind of a testing thing that I like to mess around with, and I think it's wicked cool, because it kind of meshes two industries that I'm super intrigued by, which is like YouTube and then Business and Finance.

So I geek out on these things and no one else is really doing it and I think, even if you're a larger Channel who actually has products to sell or merchandise or stuff like that, then this strategy could do wonders for you, because it's so cheap. Alright, you don't care about any of that stuff. You just want to actually get this rocking and rolling for your channel, so you can get it off the ground step. One is you're gon na need a Google Ads account and I'm not gon na, actually show you how to make one in this video, because I don't want to make this video super long and as you could tell from the example that I just showed you.

I have a video on how to set up a Google Ads account I'll leave it linked down below, but that's the video that I'm actually running this add-on and testing this whole strategy out on sorry. I definitely go check that out down below and you'll get a really good idea of how I'm making this work step. Number two you're going to need to create a video that people are going to actually enjoy and not only that but they're actually gon na be searching specifically for there's tons of ways to look up search volume. I personally like using vid IQ, but there's tons of ways to see what people are actually searching for and just kind of think about it.

You know if you're gon na post a blog and it's a very basic generic title. People are probably not gon na search for that. So try to pick something that you know people would be searching for. It may be there's not as much competition for that's why I chose how to set up a Google Ads account because there were obviously some other videos out there, but that's what people are constantly searching constantly searching Google ads used to be Google Adwords.

So my video is actually one of the few that actually says Google Ads, and you know, I think, there's a date on it to keep people kind of. Oh, this is relevant information, so you need to create a video that people are going to be searching for and they're gon na find value in or enjoy once they actually click on it, because there's really no point in sending a bunch of traffic to a video And if people don't enjoy it or find value in it, they're not gon na subscribe and you're, not gon na get good results, but alright step number three you're gon na need to run a Google Ads discovery ad for it, and it's honestly really simple to do. Okay, I'll show you really quick, so you basically go to create a Google ad and then you click custom campaign and then video and then you do custom video campaign and you know you'll see in the description. It says discovery ads.
Then you just set up the ad, like any other social media ad, like that you would do on Facebook or something you know. You pick the audience you want to go for the keywords you want to go for, define your target audience and then you just run the ad, which is basically step number four and it's just running the ad. You can kind of really dive into how to keep your cost-per-click low and you keep all these metrics low, so everything stays really cheap again, can't really dive into that in this video. This could be like a one-hour video.

If I went through that whole entire thing, it can get pretty gnarly, but if you want the 30-second skinny pretty much the more specific you get typically the more expensive it's gon na be because you're bidding for a specific audience that a lot of other people could Be bidding for so I'll. Keep my audience super broad and let YouTube do all the work to get me. The cheapest results possible, but again there's so many strategies and things you can kind of focus on and hone in on when it comes to run. Google add I don't have time to diving that in this video, but that gives you a really good reason to hit that subscribe button, because I'm constantly making videos about stuff like this again I'll leave those two videos linked down below which are also about Google ads And advertising on YouTube, so you definitely should subscribe for more stuff, like that, I mean come on, I'm always dropping really valuable stuff fo free on this channel and if you want to take it to the next level, like I mentioned, I do have online courses that'll, Really get your channel from 0 subscribers to thousands and thousands of subscribers this channel is living proof.

I literally am doing what I'm preaching in these courses, so you should definitely check that out. Link down below oh and a lot of people keep reaching out to me and saying Sean. When is this YouTube? Advertising mascots gon na come out soon, I'm trying it's just it takes a lot of time. I don't want to sacrifice quality so stay tuned for that, but yeah.

If you're, an individual or a business who's got a good chunk of money laying around and you really want to grow a channel. A s. A freakin P then reach out to me on social media. If this is kind of way over your head, I can definitely get you connected with some good YouTube consultants or, if I have the time, I'd, be happy to help you out as well yeah.
Hopefully, you all learned something new. If you did I'd appreciate, if you could tap that like button - and this is something that really no one else is doing kind of on the internet, it's kind of new and unique and sure a lot of people run Google ads for views or maybe for businesses. But a lot of personal channels don't actually run it to get subscribers, so this is all pretty new stuff again. Just do me a favor and stay away from all those BOTS and other junk that gets marketed to you out on the Internet.

I guarantee you, if you're, trying to just get a bunch of fake numbers to boost up your social proof, you're gon na get nowhere. Alright, though, I think that's pretty much it for this video again, if you enjoyed it, I'd appreciate if you hit that, like button subscribe comment all that good stuff, but until next video later.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

32 thoughts on “The only legit way to pay for youtube subscribers (2020)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BrinaCreations TV says:

    Great tips! Thanks so much for sharing

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Velez says:

    I am not even going to judge. It's clever! I'm in the process of creating my finance channel and I want to advertise so I could get in front of the eyes of my future audience.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NanoMan_Gaming says:

    217 subs in 4 months for 187 dollars ? I get that free with my content

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bahas rihan says:

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  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michelle Steingard *Inspire * Empower * Manifest says:

    Shawn you are lightyears ahead of all of these so-called "GURUS" online. You are giving extremely valuable information and no good deed ever goes unpunished.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samira WLRD says:

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  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aurelie Aussenac says:

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  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Commute Ant says:

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    (This is not a botted comment, I am Commute Ant)

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  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Enrique Cal Tech says:

    As a small channel I'm trying this right now. Will let you know how all goes

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  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SquareisEpic says:

    Oh no, oof my YouTube watch history. YouTube’s gonna hit me with a ban.

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  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donald's Tech says:

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  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IPCIK510 Official says:

    I like this..
    Song my Chanel.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DeeMac Vlog says:

    Pa Hug naman po newbie ,Legit to 3 sukli ko sayo .

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jihad Vlogg says:

    HEAL US ONE! NEWBIE HERE ❤️ give me some ❤️ so ill give you some ❤️ too! Lets ❤️ each other!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emma Jo O’Hagan says:

    Brilliant channel!

    Btw im a small youtuber🥰🥺

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mayqueen Mix TV says:

    wow this is great bro… heres my support to yah

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G2Music says:

    Hi Guys! I make music and would love your support! ❤️

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Movie Mad says:

    I like the idea,but I dont have 1000 subs so would cost me more, have to get to 1000 first

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EPIC VLOGS says:

    Your contant is not just good not excellent not, Is the perfect as it could I hope you keep hardworking and make us happy ☺

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rocky Jay says:

    i am trying hard for the past 2 or 1 year now i have over 200 vids and nobody subscribed to me i just have 96 🙁 very sad

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FOOD TEST. says:

    Man I can’t even get 100 subscribers is there easy way for me to gain my first 1k subscribers

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DrumNerd Hudson says:

    Awesome 👏 work also subscribe to my channel

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cornelius Wortham The Mentalaire says:

    ᔕᑌᗷᗷIᑎG TO ᗩᑎYOᑎE ᗯᕼO SUBZ💥 👈❤️🔥I'ᗰ ᖴᗩᔕT🔥.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZEE TOX says:

    I am not at 1000 subs Soo I can't get paid

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Private Socrates says:

    Help a brother get to 1k.. I desire real subs… Assist me good people

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