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Holy Smokes Donald Trump Clinton and a lot of mentions in the latest Jeffrey Epstein files that have just now dropped. uh this. I don't I I Still can't figure out who wrote this. We're going to look at this together, but exhibit six here is really intense on Trump Okay, look at this.

exhibit number six. This is in the 300. What is this 29 page file drop that just came out out of the 329 pages that you could find on the Pacer Court records? Uh I Had to pay like $27 to download these files. The government's making money off people just downloading the files now and I piece them out.

but I Well, they charge per page. but anyway. uh, look at this. This is crazy.

Several girls. This is like the full page isn't even here. So this is really weird. but look at this.

several girls at any one time. She confided in me about her casual friendship with Donald Trump Uh, it definitely seemed to have a thing for her and she told me how he kept going on about how he liked her per nipples Donald Trump Liked flicking and sucking her nipples until they were raw. One evening they were showering together. she showed me her nipples.

They looked incredibly painful as they were red and swollen. I Remember wincing as I looked at them. So this sounds like it's it's either an E is this is this an email or some sort of written commentary from one of the uh uh, you know, alleged Vic right? So this is was this potentially Virginia uh I'm not sure, so let's see if we can try to get the context on this. The files just dropped minutes ago, so we're just looking at this together here at the first moment.

But but look at this: uh I Also know that she had sexual relations with Trump Uh, let's see here. Okay, okay okay I Also know she had sexual relations with Trump at Jeffy's New York mansion on regular occasions as I once met Jen Jen uh Jenna Jenna Jenna that's Virginia Okay, so that hold on a second here. So so this must be Virginia Uh so uh, obviously then it's not Virginia writing this Virginia could have potentially be been the one involved with Trump based on this allegation here, but again, there's so much missing here we don't know who's saying it. We don't know their credibility, but whatever.

Just before she was going to meet Epstein and Trump together at his mansion, I will start forwarding you all the emails which I managed to save. They include the following big red action here I moved from Edenberg in New York in September 2006 where shortly after the introduction to Jeffrey Epstein by Natalie Uh, okay, bunch of redaction here couple months later after he constantly stalked me around Edenberg I moved to New York to get a far as far away from possible I'll send you a photo amongst other things I also have other photos of Epstein girls and whilst on the island including a couple of pictures of me with Sergey Brin uh and his fiance I met these are Big names coming here. Wow, look at this. uh uh and okay I met a pair when they visited the island uh for the day as Serge wanted to try out his new kite surfing equipment.
Okay, so now we're on to some some other discussions here. Email exchanges with Sarah Kellen email exchanges with Lesley Gr I Got desperate to get qualified and get a proper career I'd like to point this out. Email: Okay, so so this is like just one random document here. Exhibit 6 in the middle of a bunch of these drops here, here's an exhibit five.

She also had sex with Clinton uh in his New York Mansion So these these allegations are are just hitting everywhere they're getting. uh really uh more juicy today. Uh, keep in mind Sergey Bren is the former president of Google uh she ALS also okay whilst he spanked his on her bottom. Okay, we'll we'll not mention that word.

you can fill it in the blank there. She also had to have sexual intercourse with Clinton in Epstein's New York Mansion just off Fifth Avenue in numerous occasions. it's the New York Mansion we spoke about yesterday I too was forced by Epstein to visit regularly and if I didn't turn up, he would personally come find me where I was hiding. This is where they're they're building their the trafficking case.

Uh, this is really interesting. Uh okay. yeah. I can I could get a link up to the dock as well.

it's just going to. There's only so much I can do at a time so it going to take me a minute. but we'll get we'll get that dock up on eack soon. Let's throw on some more annotations here since this is just all.

Breaking Now uh, Plaintiff now trumps up a claim that some unidentified and undisclosed email account should have been searched and was not. This looks like it's a uh, the defendant attorney. Yeah, this is defendant response this particular document to plaintiffs motion. So this is the defendant's response.

Let's I want some more here? Uh, on. Okay, what is this Filed under seal? Dear Judge Sweet, This firm represents Inventor Allan Dersovitz. Okay, so this is going to be a defense of one of the people involved Oh Miss Ransom's testimony Ah that's that I think is where that email came from. Uh, so Ransom boy, that's just an ironic name isn't it? Uh, Epstein so this is Sarah Ransom but she's not the Booker if I remember correctly.

Sarah Ransom Uh, let's see Sarah Ransom try to understand. Okay Sarah Jeffrey Epstein's victim Sarah Ransom Okay, what can we learn about her I want to know what her birthday was actually was 22 when Epstein began abusing her in 2006 apparently. Okay, so I think that's actually where this email is from. So this right here because look at the bottom right here it says Ransom So that's Sarah Ransom who was 22 uh, when first uh, abused by Epstein I'm I'm just reading this from another source I'm quoting it uh, she dated a JP Morgan employee or told her not to report the abuse JP Morgan employee told her not to report the abuse.
this was uh, just get the citation there. Uh, this is uh well I Mean as always, we have to consider the sources Daily Mail quoted this I'm just trying to get some understanding from her uh, who was 22 in 2006 and so she is discussing this Trump claim here. So several girls at a time she confided in me she we don't know who she is, we think the she is okay, the question is she was the she Virginia we think so because of the reference here to Jen uh Mr Trump definitely seemed to have a thing for her and she told me how he kept going on about how he liked her per nipples and we read obviously the flicking part I Also know that she had sexual relations with Trump at Jeff's New York Mansion as I once met Jen for coffee just before she was going to meet Trump Yeah, Okay, okay okay so this is Ransom uh who who was 22 when she began being abused by uh Epstein she is writing this allegation about Trump Now keep in mind the the problem here is Virginia start started working at um uh. We want to say 16- 17 1999 to 2000 is when Virginia started working.

but Sarah didn't start until 2006 when Virginia would have been well, at least 6 years older. so 22 to 23. So if Jen met with Sarah while both were working, uh, Virginia would have been above 18 at the time of a trump relationship. It it appears right it appears.

Just basically from this testimony it looks like Virginia even though she may have started working for EP Epstein under age it looks like was uh uh, was was when Trump uh when when Virginia was older because again I also know she had sexual relationships with Trump at Jeff's New York mansion on regular occasions as they once met Jen for coffee just before she was going to meet Trump but again Rance Sarah did not meet or or did not start working for the Epes at least as far as we're aware until 2006. If there was any earlier start, that would have been more of an issue. Obviously, uh, not. Not that any of it wasn't an issue in total, but we're looking for that underage uh problem specifically.

Yeah, ransom's been pictured in 2006. Epstein was a JP Morgan client from 1998. This is very interesting. Okay, Epstein Epstein uh, JPM client Uh, 20 or 1998 to 2006? it looks like no to 2013 rather.

uh also per Daily Mail here, recent court filings of alleg JP Morgan Chase viewed seen as too big to fail retained him as a client client even after the allegations. Uh, let's see here. Yeah, they've been pictured together. Okay, so there's I Mean there's definitely a history between them.

Let's try to get between JP Morgan and Epstein. Let's try to get see what else is mentioned here on Trump. There are actually 16 mentions in this document about Trump Uh, again, there's also uh Sergey Brin Here former president of Google is mentioned here. Uh, and what's interesting is this actually says I will send you among others as soon as I'm able to fly back to the UK next week as I definitely 100% have it all my little storage box.
That's an interesting way to phrase that sentence. uh I Also have photos of other Epstein girls and I whilst on vacation including a couple pictures of me with Sergey Brin and his then fiance uh I met the pair when they visit the island for the day as Sergey wanted to try out his new kite surfing equipment. Okay, fine. uh Email exchange for Sarah Okay, fine.

so we saw the Trump comment here. Let's keep going. This was a response from the defendant and then we get over here. What is this document filed under seal? What is this? This firm represents the inventor Dersovitz, so this is a defense.

Ransom Testimony also contains a slew of other incendiary claims Coning: concerning sexual proclivities of Donald Bill Clinton and other prominent individuals. Uh, the emails are a necessary antidote to Mrs Ransom's deposition statements because they demonstrate she man manifestly lacks credibility. For example, she writes my emails have been hacked I've reached out to the Russians for help and they are coming to my Aid thank goodness for anonymous I will make sure they go. they all go behind bars I've already sent everything I needed to uh to the CIA hacking my emails were too late I have numerous devices with systems that are unhackable.

Film footage all over EP all over Europe Itching to be released Interesting: Her friend was approached by Special Forces men directly sent by Hillary Clinton him herself in order to protect her presidential campaign I Will make sure that neither that evil be Hillary or pedophile Trump gets elected I will also make sure that everyone on the goddamn Planet sees that footage uh and will be released by Wiki Le Sunday Obviously that was a long time ago. Uh, okay, talks about having gone to a Russian newspaper. Interesting. Clinton Trump Must pay pay for what they did for the rest of the men involved.

Okay, another friend, one of many girls who had sexual relationships with Trump she confided, confided in me about her casual relation friendship with Trump Trump definitely seemed to have a thing for her. Okay, this is a quote about the the Nipples thing. Uh, one evening they were showered together. Yeah, okay, that's that quote which we already read.

Importantly, the emails which fatally undermine Miss Ransom's credibility were not available for Miss Maxwell's Council So basically Duritz's uh attorney is saying hey, like these emails have no credibility. Okay, so mark my okay, these are more more of the emails. Yeah, there it is. Sarah Ransom here it is.

I've also gone to the Russian newspaper, you've just lost your exclusive and I'm super effed off now. sounds like she's talking to a reporter I Feel strongly about taking down these evil seas that even if you offered me enough money to buy the biggest super yacht in the world which would give me the ability to hire and fire all the people that were dicks to me when I worked in the industry, I will not deviate from my goal Tarra is a little upset. Uh, okay. okay.
what is this? This is another one from Sarah Ransom That's great. We need to get the other girls to come forward Moren As they're not, they are all be afraid. I However, not intimidated and need your help. These men destroyed my life I Apologize for my first heated email to you.

however when I came across your article in New York City Post New York Post how that happened I don't know. everything came flooding back I Would never dream of contacting anyone about this what they did was wrong and I've spent the last 10 years trying to forget what happened on the island. There are more girls Moren more than you can ever imagine. They're scared and so am I But Jeffrey Clinton and Trump must pay for what they did to us and the rest of the men that were involved in their seedy.

Inner Circle We have to get the rest of the girls to come forward somehow. Interesting. Okay, so so those are the Trump mentions here. Uh, big big Trump mentions here on the uh uh, you know these these allegations from these uh Sarah Ransom emails.

Okay, so that's Clinton or sorry, that's Trump. Let's do a little bit more. look here on Clinton little more looking looking looking looking. uh remember historically we have heard this isn't particularly news, but we've uh heard in the past years ago that uh one the one of the reasons Epstein potentially uh got a non-prosecution agreement was that Epstein was above prosecutors pay grade and that individuals were quoted saying Epstein belonged to intelligence and to leave it alone.

Wow. Okay, crazy. So when my friend had sexual intercourse with Clinton Prince Andrew Ritz Richard Branson Really Okay, the um, oh what's it called the the um Virgin Galactic guy? Uh, hold on, let's see. Richard Branson Let's double check that British business Yeah.

Virgin group? Yeah, yeah exactly. He founded the Virgin group. Okay, good. So when my friend had sexual intercourse with Clinton Prince Andrew Richard Branson now coming up, sex tapes were filmed on each separate occasion by Jeffrey Oh wow.

Wow. Okay, now we have not seen these videos yet. Obviously thank God She managed to get hold of some footage of the film sex tape which we clearly identify the faces of Clinton Prince Andrew and Branson having sexual intercourse with her. Frustratingly enough, Epstein was not seen in any of the footage, but he was clever like that.

Oh, he's the guy behind the hammer or the camera. Oh wow, well show the tape, show the pictures. After two hours of trying to convince my friend to come forward with me, I eventually managed to persuade her to send me some of the video footage which she kept implicating all three men mentioned above. I can personally confirm with my own eyes I've seen the evidence and who is this from again Ransom this is Sarah Ransom Okay, so Sarah is alleging this so Sarah makes these allegations about Trump Clinton Andrew Branson uh Trump with the breasts and Clinton Andrew Branson with video it will break your heart into a million tiny pieces.
Marine When you watch this footage and I know what I watched yesterday, they will haunt me for the rest of my life. Unfortunately I cannot send you the footage without her consent to the massive consequences of her safety. but I confirm I do have the footage of my possession I've backed up the footage on several USB sticks and I've securely sent them to various different locations throughout. Europe Well, this sounds like somebody hiding their crypto keys.

Well, my friend eventually had the courage to speak out and went to the police in 2008 to report what happened. Nothing was done. She was utterly humiliated by the police department. Uh, she was made to feel like like a dirty and a liar who wasn't taken seriously.

When she tried to sue Epstein for damages, she was severely bullied and threatened by his lawyer Alan Duritz uh who was heavily involved in the Epstein pedophile rign. A couple months later, she was approached by Special Agent Forces men directly or sent directly by Hillary Clinton herself in order to protect her presidential campaign. They heavily intimidated her, roughed her up in order to protect her presidential campaign. Uh, Luckily, she took photos of this evidence and was then forced to sign a confidentiality agreement to come forward implicating uh, her husband.

Okay, this is interesting. Uh, let's see here. Okay, I let me see. I I'm just going to double check really quick if there are some more files that they're dropping.

I'm going to throw the case number number in here really quick and search these are all directly from the Pacer Court records website. Okay, let's get those going. Yeah, Okay, so this is the part with the Special Forces agents. She was given a substantial payout directly from the Clinton Foundation to keep her quiet.

No way. I mean again. Allegations Allegations Allegations she is 1,00% certain. The FBI did a cover up 1,000% Okay FBI did a cover up and she has the individual names of Hillary Clinton special officers who were intimidating her.

She was forced against her will to sign a legally binding confidentiality agreement on Hillary's behalf for her Eternal silence. If she breaks it, she is dead. Yeah, no Okay, we have all all the latest files I Just double checked to see if there was another drop. Uh no, no other.

no other drop here so far. Okay I mean this this is still. this is 328 pages so lot lot lot to look at here. Personally Met Allan numerous times as Jeffrey had sent him to my legal aid to deal with a case I was going to open against someone whom I met through the website What? Uh, he went under the name censored censored also tried to rape me with his friend when we were at anchor on a boat in Miami Golly.
So here's the Clinton tape part. Okay, looking for more this command this. Wow. Okay, looking for more.

Seen this Special Forces Okay, the Trump this is a repeat document here of the AIDS uh and the video like the the Special Forces not like AIDS the illness okay s I'm stronger than that and mark my words I will take them down with me if you do not publish My Story I mean this sounds a little unhinged right here I have already corresponded with the Moscow police and Aid them in stopping Hillary or Trump wow I've also emailed Wikileaks and Anonymous wow you really annoyed the wrong person. So there you have your goddamn headline: I'm taking the world to to Ransom and taking down the evil people with or without your help. This looks like it's another email from Ransom given that it's under her name for an exhibit. Okay, this is pretty wild so far.

The fact that Trump is in here is going to lead to a lot. A lot A lot A lot of Democrats getting very excited and a lot of Republicans getting very questioning of The credibility of these females coming forward with these allegations. Uh, let's see here. Okay what about the there's some talk.

Maybe about a little black box? Let's see here. Black Box Do we have that? Let's let that find for a second. No. oh try again.

Uh oh Blackberry Okay I tried to look for my Blackberry oh blackbox there it is. victim notification letter letter the Black Box Black Book of my own okay I will film my own intrview on the subject posted on every single one of my social media apps and ask everyone to say share it. Okay, again, this is this is Sarah Uh, this is this is all right now. Sarah Um Sarah Ransom H Okay, let's see what else we have in here.

So big hits there on Trump Clinton What else do we have in this document set? So here's Virginia This is some discussion about emails. Email servers. Uh, let's see here. Mind Spring accounts.

This all has to do with different email servers. It looks like a lot of this domains. Uh, Sarah Kellen Adriana Ross Nadia Who else would you consider? This looks like it's a discussion or or sort of just like a summary of some of the quotes parties's failure to produce evidence. Okay, this looks like legal back and forth.

uh and complaining about you know, the other party not providing evidence EarthLink Account reset password word Mrs Max Okay, yeah, here we go. What is this: Mrs Maxwell Repeatedly tried to explain that she's never logged into a certain account and has no password for it. Miss Maxwell tried every Avenue available through EarthLink to reset the password. In fact, when one attempts to recover a password for that account, the system says the email you entered is not an EarthLink email address.
Okay, yeah, so this is that's just infighting about Discovery uh, her undisclosed email account of her on on Epstein's server that she cannot access substantial data missing from the defendant. This is very common legal complaining about. Hey, we asked for Stuff the other part's not giving it to us. Uh okay, what is this here in pink? Move to compel the testimony of Epstein Yeah, Well, he did.

Now Okay, so this looks like arguing with essentially the judge force him to testify. Uh, so we're entitled to force him again. We're not entitled. We're not trying to force him to testify to everything under the sun.

We want him to testify to the events before 2010. So that's outside the 5year Statue of Limitations. We're not even asking him to testify on events concerning him. So so here's here's a lot of basically trying to get Epstein uh, ordered to testify in front of the judge or compelled to testify.

Okay, get some more here. This is all looks like discussion here with Florida search warrant. Yeah, a lot of this is just Court discussion. So I'm going to go forward a little bit more here.

Court Transcripts What do we have here Plaintiff's reply: Uh, in support of motion to compel Okay, I don't know that we're going to get much here, but let's look at this preliminary statement. Uh, let's see here. Yeah, this is all talking again about finding emails. Defendant doubled down on the waiver for being able to find documents.

Okay, most of this so far seems to be fighting about emails with the exception of the Donald Trump allegation and Clinton allegation and Richard Branson allegation. both of which that's a declaration of an attorney, both of which or all three of which rather are from Sarah Ransom Here's some Okay, we got some photos here. What is this? background? Non-party Sarah Ransom has already provided significant Discovery in this case. so she's not a party to the lawsuit she previously flew from Barcelona to New York set for a 10hour deposition and produced many relevant documents.

Indeed, Witness Ransom has provided more significant evidence including photographic evidence in electronic communications than defendant has produced in 2 years. Defendant has has not produced a single document on a single photograph before 2009. Fine. Okay, so what do we have here? Various females on island from Ransom here, including Nadia Okay, there's Jeffrey Epstein on an ATV I Don't know why this is so exceptionally confidential, but okay.

All right. So just various pictures of girls here Nadia and a few of them so far. all of them. Uh, okay, here we go.

Defendant photos more defendant photos. Oh, there's Jean Luke Brunell See, you got to get the dudes in with with them. Then then you can get some stuff Jeffrey Epstein and a friend who's that guy boy that looks like a scene from The Sopranos on the right. Okay, that's it.
Non party Sarah Ransom All right. Uh, okay. Oh, this is interesting. I will fax my application.

Could you please tell Jeffrey to phone me on the number I gave him ASAP I'm not prepared to go under 56 kg in order to study at Fit. I Also need a flight book back to New York it's 56kg is is a reference to you know, losing weight under a certain amount to be able to maybe qualify for something that would be 1232 pound I'm not prepared to go under 56 kg in order to study at Fit. Study at Fit I wonder what that is Fashion Institute of Technology maybe Okay Fashion Institute of Technology I I I I'm not sure so I'll put a question mark there. Here is your flight details.

What is it with grammar these days? You will be going with a girl named Simona and a guy named Val Val daon or what? Whatever. Uh, fit is it? Yeah, uh okay. let's put that here. Please let me know you got this okay passengers seat confirmed.

Whatever Ransoms documents. we'll just say Sarah because it sounds so funky to say Ransom It also sounds confusing. So nonp party sex trafficking H Oh yeah, do these look like flight logs? huh? Yeah, non-party Ransom identified as a passenger on Epstein flight logs. We just need to get more of these flight logs.

Interesting I Don't know if this is designed to try to like establish her credibility or whatever. I'd like to see some dates I I Can't see dates on this I Don't know. Maybe somebody else has an idea of where their dates on here. but I don't see any dates.

Okay, documents do not lie. Make it abundantly clear. Maxwell was far from truthful regarding her deposition. Rather than engage Ransoms allegations on the Merit defendant responds with technicalities.

For example, defendant attempts to suggest that Virginia's Council was not diligent in disclosing Ransom yet if there was any failure of disclosure here, it was entirely the defendant's fault. Okay, so this is all complaining about Discovery Again, which, okay, course ofely denied the discovery of nonp parties. When it comes to obtaining information, that's fine. Okay, we have anything else here.

You went through each one. I Went through all my emails to read to get everything. This is all about getting documents, but we care about what the documents say, not about the really the process of getting them in my opinion, short of reading all 328 Pages here without trying to just go for the juicy stuff or the stuff that we care about. So preliminary statement: What is this here? Non-party Sarah Ransom's responses and objections to the subpoenas by Maxwell Okay, that's unlikely to be entertaining.

uh, objecting to the you know seeking of her. This is very common. Like, basically, if you make a noise, if you make noise in a lawsuit, they'll just pepper you to death with a bunch of requests and subpoenas. It's just a way of trying to get you to, uh, you know, be dissuaded from frankly being involved or to try to discredit you.
Which that makes sense. Uh, what is this? Those uh, those are just file names. Like some sorts of screenshots of file names. Uh, with random file numbers that doesn't really mean anything.

What's this on a modeling contract? Sarah Fearful of her life, she's not providing her driver license. Well, does not produce your South African passport from 06 to 07. Not producing any of her passports. Okay, this again complaining about production Discovery What's this? This is some sort of discussion with the judge here.

It looks like this is all scheduling scheduling. With the judge. the court looks at papers. No contradictions.

Fine. Go back to the original allegations. Fine. This is why Court takes for freaking ever.

Everything's a fight. Getting documents is a fight getting. uh, you know, forcing the other side to give all the information is. well, that's the same thing it's part of.

Discovery That's a fight. Uh, getting the the judges to try to force the other people to to give information as a fight? Okay I need to get to filming some more lectures for our Gold Course By the way, there's some more people have been asking for so if anybody been interested in that, you can hit me up in Discord for some more suggestions. chat or chat. What? either of those should get you in our Discord Okay, so yeah, this is complaining about the deposition about it's been 13 hours.

This is Virginia's response to appoint a special Master to preside over the third deposition of the defendant. So this is arguing about whether somebody should be deposed or not. Okay, that's not a big deal. Yeah, and then we get to the items that we've had.

So I think what we ought to do is I Mean that's that's I believe the bulk of it. I'm going to do a quick double check and then we'll do a summary here, including this: talk about the videotapes of Clinton and Branson as well as uh, it looks like Trump huh? Yeah, no. Let's see fiance's life is in danger. Yeah, we've we've reviewed that, huh? You know what's very interesting to me H Hold on a second here.

Wow. Very interesting. So okay. I could be wrong here, but you know an account on on X which obviously leans right, which is suggesting that they are unbiased is not showing.

They're showing all of the other things. Well, a lot of the other stuff that we've been talking about, but they're not showing this line about Trump They're choosing this out of the entire collection of court documents. and they're choosing not to show this. How interesting.

How very interesting. Okay, uh, let's do a summary of this, but that's come on, that's very interesting I mean because all of it could be BS right? Anyway, let's do a summary here and put the summary together. Very, very, very, very interesting. Okay, ready.
Okay, wow, You won't believe this. First of all. Donald Trump Just got mentioned and it has a lot to do with these things, right here on the court files. These are directly from I'll have them linked on so you can see them all.

uh, for free because otherwise you have to pay like $30 to get the 328. Pages Uh, But anyway, Donald Trump gets mentioned in this videotapes of uh Epstein uh uh filming Richard Branson from Virgin Galactic Clinton and other folks are mentioning this: I'm going to go through all of these mentions and you're going to see everything about Donald Trump as well. but I want to be really clear at least as of this point and and I want to be exceptionally clear because you know generally I respect this account on Twitter uh and I've been looking at all these documents myself and I thought, you know what? Let's let's just see what they're saying. I have not seen any mention on their account.

this is Mario's account on Twitter I have not seen when I look at Trump I Don't see any mentions to what you're about to see regarding Trump on any of these recent posts from Mario on Twitter which is weird because X has been known to start maybe leaning more right? Mario You're saying you're unbiased, bro. Put this up because it's in the same files now again. I Don't have a horse in this race I don't care I'm just going to show you all the documents in the 328 pages and this is what they're hiding. This is what the the like Twitter is not showing right now.

Uh and again, we don't know if this is true. these are just these are in the chord files. You could go to sign up for an account and get them yourself. I Don't want you to think like I'm somehow biased in showing something versus not I'm just going to put it all up.

Uh, the case number if you want to put it in, it's 1. 15- Cv- 74 33- lap. You actually don't even have to put the lap in, it comes up without the lap. Okay, that's a weird word, but anyway, this appears to be and we don't know.

This could all be bull crap. All of the case documents could be bull crap, right? So let's be very clear about that. Uh, but what we do know is that this document is within the entire file set. You could go to page 316 if you do it in order and it says here, uh, this is all it starts with like there's nothing but for it, It just says exhibit six and then it literally says this several girls at any one time she confided in me about her casual friendship with Donald Mr Trump Definitely seemed to have a thing for her and she told me how he kept going on about how he liked her per nipples Donald Trump liked flicking and sucking her nipples until they were raw.

One evening when we were showering together, she showed me her nipples they looked incredibly painful as they were red and swollen and I remember wincing when I looked at them I also knew she had sexual relations with Trump at Jeffy's New York mansion on regular occasions as I once met Jen for coffee. So Virginia who's one of the plaintiffs in this case goes by the nickname Jenna which could be shortened Jen Here, we don't know what certainty. so I wrote Virginia because I think it's Virginia Now if you, uh, look at the bottom of this, it actually says that this file is an exhibit from Ransom whom we believe to be Sarah Ransom Sarah Ransom was 22 in 2006 when she was supposedly first abused by Jeffrey Epstein and according to her via the Daily Mail a JP Morgan employee told her not to report the abuses she dealt with with the Epstein remember Epstein was a JP Morgan client from 1998 to 2013. I added all his right text here, right? Uh, but what's interesting is Virginia started working for Epstein allegedly when she was 16 to 17 in 1999 to 2000.
That would make Virginia underage. Sarah is talking about Virginia when and but but the problem is Sarah didn't start working for Epstein allegedly until 2006, but by 2006 Virginia wouldn't have been 16 to 17. she would have been 22 to 23. So is it possible that Donald Trump is in involved or was involved? Yes, Does this suggest Donald Trump was involved with Virginia when Virginia was underage.

No, this does not suggest that Donald Trump was involved when Virginia was underage the most. This alleges is that Donald Trump well fondled a girl's nipples who was between 22 and 23 named Virginia That's really what this document alleges about. Trump I Do think it's interesting that certain groups are hiding this and are not talking about this. I don't know why, but I guess that's just how the game is played on social media.

Maybe it's unpopular to do it, but my thing is what can I do to just provide both sides and you make your opinion I have no horse in this race I don't care. So uh she. Okay, now this is the Clinton part. Okay, this is another one where it cuts off.

it goes exhibit five and then it goes whilst he spanked his thingy on her bottom. she all and we don't know who his is. here it's cut off she also has had she also had to have so makes it sound like she was forced. She also had to have sexual intercourse with Clinton in Epstein's New York Mansion just off Fifth Avenue on numerous occasions.

Yes, I Do see the comment here. Yes, it is possible that Virginia's like you know business was paid for but we don't know. But anyway, okay back to this. Uh, she also had to have sexual intercourse with Clinton and Epstein's New York Mansion OFF Fifth Avenue on numerous occasions.

It's the New York Mansion we spoke about yesterday. I too was forced by Epstein to visit regularly and this is Sarah Ransom again and if I didn't turn up, he would personally come and find me wherever I was hiding. It bewilders me how Epstein always seemed to know where I was if I didn't turn up at his New York residence when my friend had sexual intercourse with Clinton Prince Andrew and Richard Branson the founder of the Virgin group like Virgin Galactic and whatever sex tapes were in fact filmed on each separate occasion by Jeffrey huge allegation. Thank God She managed to get a hold of some footage of the filmed sex tape tapes which clearly identify the faces of Clinton Prince Andrew and Branson having sexual intercourse with her.
Frustratingly enough, Epstein was not seen in any of the footage, but he was clever like that. Uh, I'm going to remember: give me like 10 minutes after I post this video. I'll have this link on so you could just see my annotations on the actual documents where I'm reading this from uh and and then that way you could look at it or just go to and find it yourself. You just have to pay for it if you go there.

Uh, okay. after two hours of trying to conv, that's where I Just put all my research. By the way, look I'm a finance guy I Usually don't get involved in this kind of drama, but this is like political drama and has big implications for the election which obviously has implications for uh for finance. so so we just we want to cover it anyway.

After two hours of trying to convince my friend to come forward uh with me I Eventually managed to persuade her to send me some of the video footage which she kept implicating all three men mentioned above. Obviously, at this point we haven't seen any of this video footage. we haven't seen any like screenshots from it or whatever. but this is just Sarah Ransom saying I can personally confirmed that I have with my own two eyes seen the evidence of these sexual acts which clearly identifies Bill Clinton Prince Andrew and Richard Branson as having sexual intercourse with my friend.

No. Donald Trump Not being mentioned in this portion I will be more than willing to, uh, swear under oath and testifying Court over these sex tapes. It will break your heart. Why? Why swear and testify under oath? Just show the videos.

It'll break your heart into a million tiny pieces. Moren This is an email to a reporter I Believe uh named Moren when you watch this footage and I know what I watched yesterday will haunt me for the rest of my life. She made me feel like a a dirty and I wasn't taken seriously. This is when when she argues or her friend went to the police station to report that she had been abused.

she argues she was humiliated by the police department. They didn't believe her when she tried to sue Epstein for damages. she was severely bullied and threatened by his lawyer Alan Dersovitz, whom she also had sexual relationship with and who was also heavily involved in the Epstein pedophile ring. A couple months later, she was approached by Special Forces men sent directly by Hillary Clinton herself.

They heavily intimidated her, ruffled her up, and was then forced to sign a confidentiality agreement which ensures she can never come forward publicly implicating uh her husband. She was then given a substantial payout directly from the CL Foundation to keep her quiet. Uh, she is 100% certain that the FBI did a cover up and she had the individual names of Hillary special officers involved in intimidating her. She was then forced against her will uh to sign a legally binding confidentiality agreement on Hillary's behalf for her Eternal silence if she breaks the agreement, she is dead I Personally met Allen on multiple times Jeffrey sent him to my Le legal Aid to deal with a case I opened against redacted whom I met through the online website and so and so also tried to rape me with his friend.
Okay, so lot of huge allegations there. the uh. the other things that you want to see are just from these Ransom files are the the style of some of these emails. so we need to get the other girls to come forward Moren as they are all afraid.

there are more girls Moren more than you can imagine. they're scared and I am. but Jeffrey Clinton and Trump must pay for what they did to us and uh, the rest of men that were involved in their seedy Inner Circle We have to get the rest of the girls to come forward somehow. Okay, that's another one, then we've got one right here.

H Now this starts sounding a little unhinged because you see the exclamation marks and we could call it passion or what. but anyway I'm stronger than that mark my words I will take them down and you down with me if you do not publish my story W I've already corresponded with the Moscow police and Aid them in stopping Hillary and Trump in getting through I will film my own interview and post it on all of my own social media I have emailed Wikileaks and Anonymous like there is clearly some desperation here by Ransom to get her story out and that is leading some people to question the legitimacy of her allegations against what she saw with her friends relationship uh with potentially Donald Trump uh and and the you know nipple argument uh as well as the Clinton video footage uh or Richard Branson footage Sarah Ransom here says mark my words I Will make sure that neither that evil Hillary or that pedophile Trump gets elected I Will make sure that everybody on the godamn planet sees that footage and photos will release them to WikiLeaks by Sunday I will take Epstein and his bunch of fwit cronies myself I have gone to a Russian newspaper seemingly as the US government won't help me surprise surprise I will help myself just like I always have. You've just lost your exclusive and I'm super effed off now I Feel strongly about taking these evil Seas down. Okay, uh, let's get another one here.

So uh, okay, so then we have. We're going to hit Uh the fit. And here's another part of the testimony we want to look at. This was interesting.
So this is she testified that Epstein and Maxwell knowing Jane Doe 43 was financially destitute and was suffering from depression lur her into their commercial sex trafficking ring ring with the false promises of taking care of her and paying for education if she complied with their demands. Okay, um, that's interesting. Then we have the let's get to. Let's get to some of the other highlights we have here.

It's 328 pages so I'm trying to get you to the best part. What do we have here? Uh, there was a lot in these 328 Pages by the way about denying access to emails and discovery that was probably the bulk of the 300 Pages trying to get Epstein to testify in this file drop. This is the January 8th file drop here. We do have some background on Sarah Ransom basically arguing that she provides pictures that these all came from Ransom to indicate that she was involved.

Uh, so the files are labeled Ransom which is just a crazy ironic last name. But anyway, there's Jeffrey EP on ATV or quad. Here are some other girls including Nadia who is involved. Here's Nadia multiple other times photos Defendant: uh, multiple photos over here.

There's that Jean Luke Brunell who was alleged by Virginia uh to have sex with Virginia when she was underage. Uh, this is a photo of Sarah Ransom Uh, this was interesting as well. This argument here. that could you please tell Jeffrey to phone me on the item or the number I gave him ASAP as I'm not prepared to go under 56 kg which is about 123.5 uh uh.

kilo pounds to uh to join the to study at fit I think that's the Fashion Institute of Technology uh I'm I'm not exactly sure about that. um, that that fit is that. but that is what's uh being alleged here. Uh, Okay, so then let's see here.

this is another interesting one. Okay, let's throw this up on screen here: Maxwell Bullied me look at this one Ransom Well, in fact, she used to personally call me herself to give Jeffrey massages not body massages. sexual massages It should be rephrased I mean it was pretty obvious I mean the whole weight thing I Tried to swim off the island I tried to escape from an island during the evening and tried to escape from her because I didn't lose weight. they would cut me out of their financially off so Cut Her Off financially basically I would lose the place I was staying at I would lose my education.

You name it, they bullied me with everything just like they did with the other girls. There are many allegations in these documents that there are many other girls. There are also allegation or suggestions here that Ransom was listed on flight logs to Epstein's Island And here's a screenshot of those: Uh, although these flight logs I I I don't know if they're just using um, uh, you know nicknames here or acronyms or if Ransom is written in there in small letters or something, it could be. It's very difficult for me to tell from from this PDF document.
so that's something else that came up. and if we go to the summaries summary text: most of this we've gone through, but quickly. If you want to yourself, you could go to page 136 and uh, you could read some more of the key testimony defendants direct involvement. This is all about Sarah Ransom Today, these are the ransom messages.

uh, clarifying that body massages meant sex. That massages were sex. We've heard that before Maxwell was Epstein's main right-hand woman between 2006 and 7. Uh and uh.

Here's more information about Uh, seeing with her own eyes, how other girls reported to them, how younger girls reported to them and uh, let's see here. let's see if there's anything else that's new in this summary here: I Don't think there is I Don't have anything else highlighted, but we'll do a quick little look. Girls were paid to recruit other girls Maxwell was paid for the recruitment of younger females including you. What she told me: uh, apart from what she told you, do you have any other basis for this? Well, I saw it with my own eyes I was a witness.

what did you witness I witnessed the same thing. All the other girls did the same thing I had to do was go and report for Sarah lesie and Maxwell Maxwell obviously being the last, uh, the top person deemed to be Mama Bear uh then we've got uh Jeffrey then went on Jeffrey went into uh bed on plane having open sex with Nadia for everyone to see on display. uh Nadia was straddling Jeffrey for quite some time I was watching them both um, eord with each other. They were having quite a good time together.

This is all trying to establish uh r Rome at or on the plane. Okay, let's see here. Clothing Victoria Secret clothing they were provided. We've seen this in other allegations as well that Jeffrey Epstein would frequently give girls money to buy lingerie from Uh Victoria Secret And that's about the bulk of the docks.

So keep in mind the part this that you might not see the most about depending on where where the political sources are coming from are quite frankly the last pages here and uh, this is this is a document here where Dersovitz suggests that Ransom lacks credibility and so that's going to be a big thing. Obviously people start debating is that hey, you know this. This Ransom girl has no credibility. don't listen to a word she says.

And part of the reason for that is because Oh yeah, yeah, by the way, here's Sarah Ransom Arguing that her emails have been hacked I've reached out to Russians for help and they are coming to my Aid thank goodness for anonymous. Some of these emails do feel very unhinged. Uh, there's a lot of this. I I mean I Know there's probably a very stressful situation going on here, but Li's like I will make sure they all go behind bars I've already sent everything I need to the CIA hacking my emails Etc were too late I Also have numerous devices with systems that are unhackable I have film footage all over Europe Itching to be released.
Thanks again for your help! You really took one for the team. Okay, this is also very bizarre because it's Sarah emailing herself. but anyway, uh don't believe me. I can prove that too.

You don't know what I am and what? I'm not going to go away until I have achieved my goals of getting the bad guys where they belong. Okay, so convinced. then we have this we've already. This is actually a duplicate of one of the other exhibits that we saw in Clinton and again, this is the Clinton section here we covered at the beginning of the video which which was the uh my friend had sexual intercourse with Clinton Prince Andrew and Branson likely referring to Virginia who was underaged at one point.

And then this is the Donald Trump mention about her casual friendship with Trump which involved fondling her breasts at New At at Donald Trump fondling her breasts at Jeff's mansions on regular occasions. But again, remember that the girl alleging this didn't start working until with the Epen until 2006. and by then if this indeed was Virginia they're talking about Virginia was probably between 22 and 23 years old. So that gives you a full update on the latest uh that is on these tapes.

So uh, thanks so much for being here. If you want to learn more about my perspectives an unbiased way to build your wealth, there is kind of a weird place to mention this. but go to Uh I can teach you how to build wealth in real estate, how to minimize paying taxes? Become an entrepreneur, expand your entrepreneur, business, your sales skills, your uh, ability to defer paying taxes. potentially in some cases, never pay taxes.

Uh, on your Investments there's some great ways to do that. Uh, so uh. take a look at that all at Thank you so much for being here. It's coffee time and we'll see you in the next one.


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32 thoughts on “The next jeffrey epstein files clinton tape trump – january 8 drop.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jhasemi says:

    Where is the Alan Dershowitz sex videotape?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jhasemi says:

    You got ripped off by government, they sold redacted file to you.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @CanyonsCarver says:

    You are voting for Trump because you are sick. NOTHING ELSE.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @endofquoterepeattheline7516 says:

    Video footage or it didn’t happen

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @honeyhorse4597 says:

    Maybe it's the wii fit

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @endofquoterepeattheline7516 says:

    Sorry, if you’re 22 it’s not’s a lifestyle choice

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @endofquoterepeattheline7516 says:

    I like perky nipples too…who doesn’t is really the question here

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @FilmFactry says:

    When did Bill Clinton Pose in the Blue dress for his portrait?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @RockawayBeachNY says:

    Notice these e-mails were in 2016 right before the 2016 Elections.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @RockawayBeachNY says:

    Notice how they have alleged videos of Clinton, Branson and Andrews but not Trump……hmmm

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @foxtrotthree569 says:

    Everyone trying to link Trump to this bullshit just because he knew Epstein. Guilt by association is not gonna work in a court of law and doesn’t line up with actual facts. They need a backup because they know these other bullshit case aren’t gonna stick but unfortunately people are stupid and wanna see Trump go down whether he’s guilty or not.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @chaseblacketer6724 says:

    Clinton’s are fkd. They can’t kill everyone. We all know now.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @youdaci says:

    Do you think, that this criminalities were only going after 2005???? Trump was very much involved from 1990 on… we knew and red about him in English sources and in EU about him and blackmailing together with Epstein… the judges, politicians etc… Trump was friend with Clintons over 2005… They were on his Wedding in 2005… and he was Democrat…. he is liar and peso as his previous good friends Clintons. Melania knew Epstein's and Maxwell, and didn't say anything!!! Shame! You are exuding this grifter and pretender Trump!!!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @rmokofsky says:

    The clintons and Trump and all the others must be put in prison!!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Rogue-bh4ds says:

    Keep trying playa…😂

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @sol7410 says:

    Russia Russia Russia

    After the Russia hoax and just about everything else they lied about Trump… I certainly hope yall don’t fall for this one too.

    But go ahead for now

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @aceedmond8053 says:

    BS Trump baned Epstein from his golf club… he only flew once on an Epstein plane from Florida to NY because his plane was being serviced and Epstein wasn't on the plane… those digging to implicate Trump are going to be disappointed… again.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @dcrot9109 says:

    numerous male peedoo's and who is in prison 1 woman, a woman ,,,,,,,,she is also supposed to be wealthy and yes guilty, BUT BUT any and all women involved in this horrific issue all have had their lives destroyed and not 1 man in prison

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @activatedcarbon158 says:

    Now you know why the timing of this release was important..It was not to ensnare the Clintons or Obama but to ensnare Trump and thwart his re-election campaign. She was of legal age if Trump did smash but the Demon-crats will stop at nothing to snatch the selection of 2024 lol

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Mr77ross77 says:

    deep state bs linking trump to the savages.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @euc360 says:

    There were dates. Left hand side column, Dec then days moving down

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @tonianne7636 says:

    Why is the filing date today’s date?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @christatt6379 says:

    Dude I highly doubt Jen is Virginia. And just because “Jen” told Sarah that she had sex with Trump and that happened to be Virginia, it doesnt mean Virginia would have been above 18 when it happened lol. Whoever Jen is simply told Sarah that she had sex with Trump. There is no context about dates. Most or all were underage. Also many Trump photos around Epstein and Maxwell were around late 90s and early 2000s. Most likely Trump was part of the sex ring which was all underage girls. This should be common sense.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @catt6308 says:

    I'm not sure when Virginia left Jeffrey Epstein's trafficking circle. At what age? Virginia told a story that Epstein and Maxwell wanded Virginia to have a baby. Virginia asked Epstein if he would abide by his promise to pay for education in an abroad massage school first before the baby. Epstein agreed. Virginia was sent, I believed to Thailand, for massage schooling and Virginia was supposed to pick up a girl or two and bring them back to Epstein. While abroad Virginia met a man. And the man said forget Epstein don't ever go back, and Virginia never returned. I don't know when that happened what year?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @xxxxxxxxxxxxxyz says:

    These folks must have been bad tippers.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @cesarorellana8568 says:

    I bet those Clinton videos are worth a Bill-ion lol

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @paulgugger8987 says:

    Bottom line, they got paid for sex, doesn't that make them prostitutes?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @cesarorellana8568 says:

    The attempt to justify any politician's actions by saying these people were older than 18 is awful. Specially because these were people that were being coerced to these acts.
    This is clearly a human trafficking ring and everyone was in it.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mirriamduiker7407 says:

    Well i believe the statement, i mean i remember some allegations on Trump. That time when he was said to have hired a porn star to have intercourse with him, he ended up paying that woman to settle the case

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MeMe-hp3hl says:

    So guys, are you still going to vote for Trump. Lolz. For who then? RFK and Biden are both implicated and also just as Zionist as Trump. We can't vote our way out this guys. We need to be thinking of our options.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MrANKIT30 says:

    This is how they will set up trump coz they know elections coming. Releasing these files this year is a systematic plan. They know what they doing to manipulate people again

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @dubdubredeem says:

    So now as long as she was 18 it's all good??

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