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So per Bloomberg Rupert Murdoch is now testifying that Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner was potentially given some inside information during the 2020 election and you won't believe what Tucker Carlson had to say about Donald Trump based on new information revealed in the Dominion lawsuit. Apparently, Rupert Murdoch is a quote unquote friends with Jared Kushner and basically, as debates approached or debates passed or Biden's team submitted ads in the 2020 election, Rupert Burdock would kind of give Jared Kushner a little bit of a friendly advice like hey, don't be too much of a bully on Biden hey this is what the Biden ads are going to look like going forward Now Keep in mind: Dominion is the Dominion voting machines company Dominion is actually suing the Fox Corporation Rupert Murdock is the owner of that. He was actually seen at the Super Bowl with Elon Musk they were sort of in the box together. but anyway, along with Rupert Murdoch's wife, apparently Fox is being sued for potentially amplifying The Conspiracy Theory related to the rigging or stealing of the election Dominion is claiming defamation, saying that a lot of districts have now canceled the use of Dominion voting machines and that their money their income has basically been negatively impacted because of the work of Fox News despite overwhelming evidence that the election was not rigged and there wasn't a fraud.

if you were watched me back in 2020, you remember I actually covered this quite well. Uh, in my opinion, quite well. quite a lot. I should say more generically, but you know what I covered.

For example, the Georgia phone call with Donald Trump which Donald Trump suggested was a perfect phone call. It was not a perfect phone call. Okay, it was really clear that Donald Trump was basically begging to quote Unquote find just an extra 12 000 votes. That's all he needed was twelve thousand votes, right? And the pressure was pretty pretty blunt and pretty obvious it was actually a really interesting phone call to cover.

You could probably still find it on YouTube if it's not censored. meet Kevin Donald Trump Georgia Phone call something like that. But anyway, what's interesting is you're getting a lot of these quotes coming out like Sean Hannity calling Sydney Powell and her theories about the election. uh, basically crazy calling your quote an effing Luna lunatic Danbury sorry Dana Perino is saying that these these election theories are total BS insane and nonsense Sean Hannity Saying you have to be careful though you don't want to quote unquote piss off the base.

That's actually something that I fail I feel like a lot on on Twitter is I feel like my the people who watch me are very much in the middle right like the 80 of people in the middle. but I do worry because the people on the far left and far right get pissed off when I try when I cover you know things I think matter to to the middle. uh and uh sorry about that. but I think it's important and that's probably the curse of being in the middle.
But anyway, there's a trial set for April here and what's actually very interesting is information that's that's coming out that just came out last night was is the following two months after the election and just days before January 6 this is before January 6th Fox News Host Tucker Carlson texted with an unknown Fox employee about how badly he wanted to stop covering Trump saying quote we are very very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights Carlson texted on Jan 4th I truly can't wait I hate him passionately Carlson added Now that's actually really interesting because Tucker Carlson has regularly been seen as as basically like this this extreme uh Fringe uh uh by especially people on the left and I actually a couple years ago made videos on Tucker Carlson saying dude, like some of the stuff you're saying about like the Cares act or the stimulus programs or whatever is just wrong and and I was really confused as to why why narratives were really spun in One Direction I actually think I have to say I think he's kind of come back or or his his department or whatever have come a little bit more towards the middle from from the fringes. uh, you know I I Don't know if anybody agrees with that, but that's sort of a thesis that I have apparently a producer who works with Tucker Carlson also wrote The Following quote Dominion machines were used in Ohio and Florida Trump won those states. Did they forget to rig those machines or was that all part of the plan? And then of course Tucker has also complained about this idea that people actually believe this election rigging stuff and this is bad for the country. In fact, these are his quotes that the election rigging is quote bad for the country to have this much doubt and suspicion.

This is exactly why people believe in conspiracies. We need some sort of audit to settle it to the extent that it can be settled. Now remember, defamation would really require proof of malice by the Fox News company. And as long as there is some kind of belief that people within Fox actually believed at least to some degree some of the election fraud stuff they were covering, it'll be very hard for a Dominion lawsuits to actually, in my opinion, win a defamation lawsuit against a news company organization.

unless of course it could be proven Beyond A Reasonable Doubt Although this is civil so it doesn't, it doesn't go to the level of reasonable doubt, you just have to get to the preponderance of evidence. But anyway, if you could get enough evidence to say that Fox knew the election rigging story was fake, yet they were still covering as if it was true, Dominion could actually win. But that's sort of the burden they face in a civil case so that trial is in April and that trial should be extremely interesting, especially since Rupert and Murdoch went as far as saying that if uh, the election was overturned, the 2020 election was overturned, we would see riots like we have never seen before. So it's almost kind of like the owner of Fox News knew that covering uh, the election and potentially leading to an overturning could lead to basically like almost a near collapse of democracy is sort of what he was implying I thought that was that was pretty.
uh, pretty remarkable. Uh, so we'll see. someone here writes: Carlson will put anything in his mouth so long as it makes him money I mean I Do think there's there's an element of of reputation that's very important too, right? I mean if you say something that's wrong I Think most people are reasonable and you kind of want to sort of align back to the truth because if you keep getting exposed as being wrong, then then eventually people can't trust what you're saying anymore. Uh, and that becomes an even larger issue, right? So anyway, I Think this is interesting because I have to say his coverage Tucker Carlson's coverage of what's been going on of uh, sort of with with uh Jan six has been interesting and enlightening, you know I I imagined some of it of the Jan 6 footage is is potentially picked uh in, you know and certain things are shown and certain things aren't I mean that's just journalism and media.

same thing as like the Twitter files. you know I would expect that in the Twitter files like we only see the juicy stuff, not necessarily everything that was actually going on at Twitter right? But that's okay because sometimes that juicy stuff alone could be all we need to be. like wait a minute. This is a little sus uh and so I do think I mean if you probably saw my Tucker Carlson coverage yesterday, I actually went a step further.

and when it came to that quote-unquote on Shaman I actually picked up the Uh indictment and the allegations of fact for why the Q Anon Shaman was sentenced to 41 months in jail. that's actually not something from Fox or from any mainstream media I Just thought, hey, look if he went to jail, I can pull up the Justice Department files on that so that's what I did and when I covered that yesterday, I actually did find something very strange that it seems like yes, he shouldn't have been on the capitol grounds I Said that in my video yesterday the Q and on Shaman should not have been on the capitol grounds I agree. But that in my opinion, being on the capitol grounds does not justify a 41 month sentence Now violent entry into the capital? that might. But the Justice Department's documents say oh, the Q on Shaman was charged essentially with violent entry, but in the actual document it shows he just walked into the building and I'm like that's not really consistent with what seems righteous, right? I Don't really care if you're on the left or the right? I Agree with you, you shouldn't have been on the inside the Capitol building right? I I Feel like I Agree with most Americans on that, but to say he violently entered when in the same Justice Department complaint? You're saying he didn't seems a little odd.
Now another thing that is also very interesting: uh, is this the first breach occur was near where the members of Congress would be locked in. We initially let me let me actually back up just a little bit more because I think just two minutes of this is interesting and then we'll move back into some Finance tops. But anyway, take a look at this. if anyone was Tark Johnson was.

Here's more of our sit-down interview with him: Ms Johnson Thank you for joining us and thank you for having me. So from the outside here's how it looked. We now know that huge parts of the Federal government were aware that there was going to be something big happening at the Capitol on January 6th. They knew they were going to be big demonstrations there.

Um, and they prepared for that. But the Capitol Police on which you served for 22 years did not seem prepared at all. And of course that would be the front line in preparedness was the Capitol Police prepared for that day. The front line officers and supervisors were not prepared for that at all.

I By the way, completely agree with that. Remember I covered the election uh, or sort of the the riots rather on Jn6 for 10 hours that day and I was blown away with how unprepared the Capitol Police was. so you had no idea it was coming. Uh, we knew that there was going to be a demonstration that day, but we had no idea that we were going to be facing what we face on that actual day.

So things start to fall apart. people stream in the building, you call upwards in the command chain. help me, you don't get a response. What do you do next? So around two o'clock um, it may have been a little bit after two o'clock I hear a officer say that the capital was breached.

so I ran inside of the building I ran you know to to assist I knew that um, that location of where the that first breach occurred was near where the members of Congress would be locked in. We initiated. Now that's also really important. Now, while this is not the officer who shot Ashley Babbitt it's worth noting that through what we're hearing from this Capitol police officer, we know that the Capitol Police know where the Congress men and women are holed up basically.

and it's basically in the case of Ashley Babbitt one person or one or two people potentially with a firearm versus you know, an unknown number of people with an unknown uh weapons cache so to speak. And now we ended up finding out that basically none of the rioters were actually armed, some people were Silly and walked into the capital with like zip ties and and bulletproof vest. But but at least from the extent of coverage we could see nobody actually had weapons. We know that now in hindsight, right? But if you're one officer standing in front of what appears to be a mob breaking down your door uh and and your task with protecting congressmen and women who were holed up in in a room a door right behind you, you know it sets up a really difficult moment because it's like now, do you have to potentially take somebody's life to send the signal like that is the line that you don't cross and uh, it's it.
You know Obviously we we can never know what it's like to have been in that exact mode situation because you know Ashley Babbitt was somebody who's in the air force uh uh somebody who you know it's it's one person, one woman compared to to a man and their arguments on made on both sides about like shoulder life have been taken. you know I'm not gonna go into to depth on that because it's really a different video topic but I find it's very, very interesting when this particular Officer says we like the area that was breached was basically where everybody was hiding and and the level of fear there combined with a lack of preparation is a disaster. That's probably the real issue in my opinion is it comes down to if if the capital had properly prepared for this, maybe that severe loss of life that happened not only at the actual Riot with one person being uh, basically trampled, one person being shot, but then multiple people afterwards either committing suicide or having heart attacks. Uh, maybe a lot of that could have been prevented.

So I think the preparation was a disaster I think that's really where the finger gets pointed. Anyway, let's keep listening. Lockdown: So that means the chamber doors on the Senate side and the house I would lock. So that means the members of Congress would be safe inside that those locked rooms.

Yes! So I ran over to the house side first to make sure that those those were locked in. I ran over to the Senate side to make sure those doors were locked. So I asked over the radio and I say something to the effect that um, we need direction. We have hundreds of people inside of the building.

What do you want us to do? We need some direction I Got I Heard no response, no response. so you know, um at that particular time how could nobody respond this? Nobody responded. At some point you put on a Maga hat. Yes now um I think we have it I think we have the actual magazine.

Yes, we actually do have the mega hack I have it here in plastic. so here it is um j6 it says High label the J6 so tell us why you put the hat on and how that was related to your suspension. That's what got me national attention was the win of the mega hat. They were officers that we had a distress call that they were approximately 10 or 11 officers I can't remember the exact number were trapped at the top of the Rotunda steps.

So um I elicited the help of some CDU officers to help me go up the steps and I kept yelling that all the way up the steps, giving people high fives, trying to make it up steps to get to the guys. and as I was going down there was a um demonstrator on I believe he was on my right side of me so he reached over I didn't know what he was doing I didn't know if he was going to hit me and he put the mega hat on my head. So um so as I was still trying to walk down the steps then he asked for the hat back and I said well I would like to keep it because you know the highest want to help me Yes, your past support through the crowd. Yeah, exactly.
So the capital places by definition nonpartisan. It serves both parties in the Congress. It protects members of both parties 100 and it has to be that way. In the wake of January 6th, you saw what looked like partisanship at the Capitol.

So I'm just going to summarize the rest here out of respect for your time. Basically, this officer was not interviewed by the January 6 committee and Tucker Carlson's like wait a minute Like why is there a partisanship? Why didn't you get interviewed blah blah blah blah Okay, fine. so look. bottom line: out of all this Jan Six was a complete F in disaster.

That officer is freaking brilliant for putting on a Maga hat. Basically because as stalker said, it's like his passport through the crowd to not to basically not potentially get killed him He doesn't know what he's up against I Mean this hasn't happened before. There's no precedent for this. Like if you're a cop and your job is to protect a building and all of a sudden there are you know, 500 people, uh, inside of your building and thousands of people outside your building and windows are being broken.

And and you know Congressmen and women are putting on evacuation hoods and hiding under desks. You know it. It makes for a little bit of a stressful day. I Think we can all agree with that.

Uh, but anyway, some of this I think it's very interesting. Very interesting insights. I'm fast excited to see what's going to happen with the April Dominion lawsuit so we'll pay attention to that. We will also as more information comes out or whatever we can learn, we'll touch on J6 mostly because it's it for me.

It was such an impactful day and uh I I'm I feel very conflicted. Uh, because I I Personally, you know when I covered the J6 riots on the day it occurred I felt, uh, very offended, right? I I Thought this was sort of an attack on on America on our institutions, but then again, you know I saw it through the coverage that I was able to see on Twitter and the mainstream media and now seeing at least some of the perspectives of officers from the inside or footage from the inside. I I'm kind of I've catch myself feeling confused so you know by no means do I want anybody to think that I you know I'm like a mega apologist here. or on the other hand, you know I'm calling this for sure like oh my God it's the Insurrection You know, like I'm not trying to take a stance there, trying to cover sort of in the middle.
Here it it just it feels conflicting, right? and it just it makes me feel more jaded towards both the media and the government. And and I I feel sad about that because I don't want to be more jaded. But anyway. Uh, so let's move on.

So now we're going to talk about: does the recession even matter? Does our session even matter now? I Think this is actually a particularly interesting piece. It's a little, it's on the shorter side, but we'll do some commentary on it is a piece.

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25 thoughts on “The january 6th facts are worsening.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JPowellCreative says:

    Great coverage. Correction, it was not unprecedented and has occurred before, knowledge of history is important. The reason the capitol police were unprepared is because of those who sought to manipulate and leverage this event for their own power broking means. What kind of rebels are stupid enough to attack a capitol without weapons? Are people really dumb enough to believe all those people were that stupid? No, because it was never an 'insurrection', plain and simple. Just look at Pelosi, why did she turn down National Guard help? This whole thing could have been contained without any trespassing incidents. The Capitol police had literally just dealt with this (or not dealt with it) with Antifa causing actual destruction and violence and yet I don't know of any of them locked up for 2 plus years with no trial. Despite evidence to the contrary of the narrative sold to us, the politicians, Merrick Garland, Biden, etc, continue to double-down on their lies and lie about the deaths that DID NOT HAPPEN because of the demonstration! Zero accountability, zero remorse, zero giving a shit about our constitutional rights, freedoms, or this country. Say what you want about Trump, but he never asked anyone to break into the capitol. The vast majority of the people there were freedom loving Americans exercising their rights peacefully. Don't even get me started that lying POS Chuck Schumer and ol' turkey gobbler Mitch McConnell. Traitors run deep on both sides.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Coach Jamie huey says:

    If Government will protect elites in a International Pedophile Ring,
    They will definitely steal an Election.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Realty Rewind says:

    Election was rigged as hell what are you talking about

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brad Darnell says:

    Why can’t you call it what it was a insurrection and an attack on our democracy. Stop trying to be in the middle, pick a side!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Klaus Schwab says:

    Kevin let's be real, your just afraid Ross Gerber will flip on you and househack if your not a Palisades type

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karaoke Vic says:

    Hey Kevin, just wondering if the 41 months is too much jail time if you left your front door unlocked and the guy came in and set up in your studio? Maybe he just looks at all of the rooms in your house and doesn't do any damage. Are you ok with that? How about if he filmed everything and posted it on YouTube to show how easy it was? I think you might have a different opinion then.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars costafilh0 says:

    TBH, the audio could be better.
    Great content as usual. ✌

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars karen Armfite says:

    great info kevin

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mister Lister says:

    Ahhh yes another baseless conspiracy theory that is in no possible just like the Covid lab theory

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mak Jagger says:

    What happened to Kevin's arms?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Whyte says:

    If thousands or people approach a handful of cops, they open the door to appease the crowd. In the same way that the police negotiate with hostages or fox broadcasts lies. You go with the flow until there is the opportunity to deal with the problem. How anybody can view the live broadcast on Jan 6th and then discount that after ten minutes from a self confessed liar who, as court documents detail, is only doing the bidding of his Australian billionaire overlord to keep their poor viewers enraged and engaged… If it breaks in to the capital like an insurrection and threatens to hang the vice president like an insurrection, it is an insurrection, even if your most popular millionaire liar says different. Use your own eyes, ears and brains.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Countrygirl Trader says:

    “Suicide” sounds like what happens to everyone associated with the Clinton’s. Do not trust the gov 1 bit.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Huy Nguyen says:

    Put yourself in the shoe of a congress person or the cops responsible for protecting the congress people and also the cops own lives were at risk.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Calvin says:

    CNN Business on youtube has a vote hacking conference. A guy in an anitifa shirt is questioned with discussion of the shirt. The newsreel says voting machines can easily be hacked and most at conference can hack them. I saw an audio recording of Dominion from a reliable source on youtube indicating Antifa people work for Dominion before i saw this clip. ANTIFA is being supported by Dems in the ATLANTA terror attack

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garrett Hartle says:

    I mean what's to be confused about? A bunch of maga extremists tried to overthrow our government with force… You're either ok with that or you're not?! Could it have been worse? 100%. Should examples be made of every last extremist there, absolutely. Examples being held to the law. Should those that stoked this fire be held accountable, I'd like to think so. Most of the time I think it's good to be in the middle. On rare occasions "being in the middle" on something terrible just looks a lot like support. Love you bro, life is about figuring out others and one's self; it's a journey for sure.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Miller says:

    Tucker Carlson coming back to the middle? Yeah…that happens when you are about to get sued personally for knowingly lying to the American people. 😂😂😂

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Miller says:

    So was JFK's assassination real? Let's get the videos…seems like it was just a bunch of people watching a parade…with that one little part where JFK got his head blown off.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruce Banks says:

    Kevin only posts Tucker Carlson edited videos.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan Hall says:

    Everyone at Fox knew Trump's election fraud claims were false. They pumped it because it was great for ratings, meaning they made a lot of money off lying. IMO, it was no different than Alex Jones telling his fans that Sandy Hook was faked.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Harris says:

    Don't let anyone disrespect you like that Kev….anyone that calls you a Trump supporter just block them.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Crawford says:

    @coffeezilla, you should investigate meet Kevin

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Hyatt says:

    The Biden-Obama Government Operatives are stealing your Constitutional Rights and Overthrowing your Government just like they did in Ukraine!!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Crawford says:

    You're not Maga or in the middle. You must think everyone is stupid. You have the same talking points as fox news, and you have appeared on the program many times. You're being paid to attack trump in support of DeSantis. The idea that tucker Carlson is in the middle is insane and strengths my thesis that you are a fox operative

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cheese Pie says:

    Tourists come dressed in animal hides with horns wielding knives ??..
    Capitol police is a federal body…you don't think trump had anything to do with keeping them form not acting…how naive

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr balloonpimp says:

    Good you admit it as that is the first step to recovery!

    Where are Tuckers quotes talking about how bad Trump was and we'd soon be done with him… THEN on the air he pushes the lies!

    You think he has come back! You call yourself in the middle!

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