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Fed FOMC summary
This video is not personalized advice for the viewer.

I'm not sure whether to be excited or shocked and really concerned after this Fed meeting. No, not because of the economy, but because of what the FED did not say. Now we'll talk about what they did not say in just a moment, which is absolutely ridiculous. But more importantly, right now, we'll focus on what happened today.

Okay, so let's go through it just like we've got it at Ec.com it's all broken out and I will, of course, give you some added context. Fed rates stay unchanged. Really weird. Two things they did here though: they removed that the banking system is sound and resilient.

They removed that they removed comments about tighter Financial conditions because Financial conditions have loosened and they removed commentary about the potential for additional monetary policy firming. They removed that and changed that with or turned that into Inc. Considering any adjustments to the target range for the FED funds rate, the committee will continue to assess incoming data. Okay, fantastic.

So what's interesting here is Jome Powell said a few things that were quite bullish at the beginning of the meeting. Beginning of the meeting starts off bullish. We're well into restrictive territory. We've been below trend on job gains in the uh prior few months compared to the months before that.

That was interesting to me because we've obviously talked about the idea of loosening labor markets and the potential that there's more of a balance now towards making sure we're not causing unnecessary employment. Jome Powell He's almost like it's almost like he wanted to cut already and and so he's sending these little signals. but he's not allowed to because they're trying to use the March meeting as their signaling tool. Think about this for a moment.

Okay, we'll draw this out really quick, but this is what I think they're doing. They're saying here you go. we're going to go into the January meeting and we're going to punt in January. Then we're going to go into the March meeting.

and what we're going to do is we're going to give an updated summary of projections. So we're gonna punt January which was expected. We're going to punt March But we're going to give the market maybe a dovish summary of economic projections, right? So you take the two CPI and the two job reports. you take those, and if you need to cut, you can, but you probably just give a doish sep summary of economic projections.

Then he answered the question very clearly: Hey, if interest rates stay the way they are, or rather, inflation stays the way it has been on the 6th month, which is 1.9% then policy would be in a different place today. Absolutely. That is a quote of his. So if we stay on the trend we're on now, rates are way lower.

Okay, the question is, will we stay on the six-month path And in order for them to feel comfortable of that, we are going to punt January Give a summary of economic projections for March and then may one is probably going to be the more likely cut time. Keep in mind drum: Powell said that March is not the base case so March is not the base case for a rate cut. Made that very clear. Some of the other things he noted: labor demand is exceeding the supply of workers he did in his speech a few times: Dodge The 6-month PC I think the reason he dodged the 6-month PC multiple times which you can see on this chart.
the 6-month PC is right here. this like orange line. It's 1.9% The 3month is like 1.6% So I think the reason jome Powell Dodges the six and the thre Monon is because he's he. He has his prescription from all the other people of the fed and they're like look, man, you need to buy us until May Okay, whatever you need to say, buy us until May Every other freaking meeting JP comes up there, he's like inflation on the 12 month.

Is this on the the six month? Is this on the 3 months? It's this this time. Yeah, inflation on the 12- month is still elevated and then goes dark. We he knows this is happening so somehow he's trying to buy time for the other members of the FED kicking this can down to May and I think I figured it out. Now what scares me and this is the part that scares me I too Thought May was more likely until they decided they would end the bank term funding program.

So I thought they're going to cut in May It's not going to be March Then they end the bank term funding program and I'm like ooh, ending the bank term funding program, you're going to end up having to cut in March Then what happens today New York Community Bank Collapses 37% If you haven't seen my video on it yet, it's a big deal. The freaking stock still down 37% This is a massive Bank This is a a bank that has over $80 billion in customer deposits and it's down 37% On the day they're losing more money quarter over quarter, they're taking more losses and they don't have any more cash to pay out based on my reading. Okay, watch the video. I have a full video on the channel about it.

the New York Community Bank Another big bank failure is in the Brewing But this is what actually gets really scary is Jerome Pal's basically like what banking crisis we're going to cut in may not March Not only that, not a single reporter okay, not a single freaking reporter asked about the fact that from the statement, they removed quote the banking system is sound and resilient. So they removed the banking system is sound and resilient. Then after removing the banking system is sound and resilient. What did I just tweet on Twitter on X I wrote what the F? Not a single question on Bank stability at today's Fed meeting after New York Community Bank Flagstar plummets 37% and the FED removes banking is sounding resilient from their statement and and I go.

Were the reporters instructed not to ask about banking or were they blind? So they're either dumb and blind or they were asked not to ask about banking because this is a big deal so maybe somebody woke up this morning like I only have to do the FED meeting today I'm going to stop doing any kind of research. This is crazy. Absolutely nuts. Okay, anyway going back to Eack.
oh quickly. Before I mention Eack did you know that we have a coupon code expiring today. You could get the gold membership the uh: how to make more money with productivity and AI how does Kevin get done so much I give all my secrets and gold uh and the AI course stocks and psychology of Money with Buy sell alerts zero to millionaire real estate investing Do it-yourself Property Management be a real estate agent like Kevin or make videos like Kevin does on YouTube whatever all of them available. We do have a price increase happening tonight at midnight, so if you want to get in, make sure to check these out.

You get lifetime access to the course member live streams and when I add new lectures, uh, you get those as well. Okay, so what else uh Dr Powell says we thought we needed a softening economy. Now this was bullish. He says we thought we needed a softening economy, but we might not need a softening economy and if we cut too late, we could end up hurting the economy too much.

We have confidence in the economy, but we want greater confidence on inflation. He refused to give how much time that greater confidence would be. Does he need 7 months? 8 months? 10 months? 12 months of data? What does he need? Because he makes it clear that the six-month path of inflation right now is good and he made that clear later. He did mention the stock market started selling off.

After he mentioned this, he mentioned that hey, we're not declaring Victory There's still some healing going on in labor and the supply chain uh uh side and we have no idea exactly where things are going to go. and if they're going to disrupt inflation. His worry is that if inflation anchors above 2% on the 12 month, then we have to hike more or stay higher for longer, right? Stay at. well, basically stay at 5.2 54 longer if inflation anchors below 2% He says that would not be what we would want.

Uh, and that would basically imply rate Cuts Uh, he's asked. you know he asked. He's asked sort of about a summary of the economy and he says, look, growth is still strong. Labor market indicates the labor market is strong.

Two years of Labor Market under 4% that hasn't happened in 50 years, 6 months of good inflation data. This is a good situation. Let's be honest, this is good. but there is a chance we could see growth which hasn't happened yet.

There is a chance we could see more pain in the labor market. Uh, and there's no guarantee that 12-month inflation will come down. So he's really looking at that 12 month to be con. Uh, convinced that it's down.

Does that mean he's going to wait 6 months? Probably not because he would go too far. Uh, now we did. This is shocking. We did not end up getting Bingo Uh, we got a lot of items here, but we did not get bingo today.
Uh, we did not hear anything about that banking sound and resilient. Otherwise, we would have had Bingo that he said that every freaking meeting that should have been an easy one didn't talk about New York Community Bank Red Sea Geopolitics, manufacturing China Germany Nothing. The only thing we talked about at this meeting was basically uh, PC over and over and over again. We didn't even talk about the bank term funding program.

bro. this is like critical information: Are the banks going to owe all of their money back at the bank term funding programs expiration? A or I mean cuz if they owe it all back when a banking crisis, are they going to get loan extensions? Or they going to have some kind of repayment period? What if a bank needs help afterwards? But these are important questions. This is like the first time I'm like pulling my hair out going bro. What? Why are these questions? like mental? These were so bad.

Uh I don't get it. So either the FED is trying to like hide the banking issue uh, in the bank term funding, uh, crisis or they're blind to it. And and I don't know which one's more scary that it's being censored or people are blind to the problem I Don't know, but it's a problem. uh.

regarding March He made it clear that March is not the base case. We already touched on that the Reverse Repo facility does not have to go to zero to start having cuts. And yes, you could have Cuts with QT Okay, great. Uh, so now the big question is.

what happens. All right. here's what's gonna happen. The market needs to unpriceable for March So we're going to go from a coin toss to like 20% Okay, that's why the market is red.

The Market's going to have to absorb that. We have to wait six more weeks between March 20th and May. 1st for the rate cut. Big deal.

It's 25 basis points for 6 weeks. Suck it. It's not that big of a deal, but the market is going to have to eat that up. and so the Market's going to have a little bit of an adjustment here Once we finally unpriced the March rate cut, then we need to pay attention to the banks, the rest of earnings uh, and uh.

and then we just sit here and pray and within the next, uh, probably two weeks, we're expecting to fundraise for Househ Hack.com Uh, again, if you want more updates on the real estate startup, there's a link down below. We have uh, another update uh, video that we posted about a week ago and we'll have another one coming out soon. Go to Ec.com to see my full summary on uh, you know pretty much the research that we do some of the things that we're paying attention to. Uh, and then of course, go to Meetkevin.com to check out that coupon code for the courses on building your wealth and access to those course member live streams in the meantime.
Uh, huge thank you. Really appreciate all of you. It's uh, you know it's been a ride the last few, uh, uh, few years and the fact that uh, you know somewhere around 22,000 of y'all chose at the same time to hang out with me uh is pretty remarkable. So uh, as a as a thank you, go yourself.

Is that clear? All right? I had to do it. Anyway, that's the FED update. Thanks so much I'm going to pay attention to the banks now. If you haven't watched the rest of the bank videos, go watch the bank videos.

Join me in the market open live stream. Why not advertise these things that you told us here? I Feel like nobody else knows about this? We'll We'll try a little advertising and see how it goes. Congratulations man, you have done so much. People love you People look up to you Kevin P there financial analyst and YouTuber meet Kevin Always great to get your take even though I'm a licensed Financial adviser, real estate broker and becoming a stock broker.

This video is neither personalized Financial advice nor real estate advice for you. It is not tax, legal or otherwise. personalized advice tailor to you. This video provides generalized perspective, information and commentary.

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36 thoughts on “The fed just reset rate cuts punts banking crisis.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @nicholastomanica410 says:

    Why are we so sure the goal is to lower rates at all. We are at historically low rates still and we need rate and the economy to stabilize with rates at this level or higher. If we live with the expectation that rates should be 2-3% then there is almost no were lower to go if the economic downturn comes. We need to let the economy adjust to where we are at and then as long as its a soft landing then we can keep slowly moving rates up.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @matthewmatthews8388 says:

    No shit, imagine owning a productive property that basically gets hit with a people bomb and destroyed. There goes all the value.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jimostrovanu says:

    They ignore that issue because they know it’s going to collapse the economy is going to the dogs.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @NotYourBusiness-bp2qn says:

    Strong economy? This will age like milk in a couple of years. The economy is a terminal cancer patient that has been pumped full of drugs for a last Christmas with the family aka the 2024 elections. All the money printed in the last decade has nowhere to go. It sloshed around in the stock market and in the stupid crypto bubble but it is inevitably seeping down into the real economy and no amount of financial wizardry from the Fed is going to stop it in the long term. They can delay the inevitable, sure, but they can't stop it. There is no soft landing when trillions of dollars are lined up to buy something. Anything. It's too much money in the hands of too few people to immediately cross into the real economy but it's getting there. Slowly but surely. The reason housing is going up like crazy is institutional buyers are hunting down every good piece of real estate they can find. The funny money that has nowhere to go has set their sights on this market and it's not going away anytime soon. A big war may be the only way out of this mess, war usually solves these problems by resetting the whole economy. But is a big war really what we want? I very much doubt that.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @EagerBoaSnake-mr5ls says:


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Tj1983coggin says:

    Child Tax Credit PASSED!! Let’s go!!!!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @danr.5304 says:

    Delusional Kevin.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @sergeyanglinov9722 says:

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  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-yb8ju4qm8n says:

    Inflation down to 1.9 percent but a box of lucky charms still at world record highs lol. Something ain’t mathing

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jasmineortiz5551 says:

    Watching the crypto market's ups and downs shows how quickly things can change. The recent misinformation incident reminds us that external factors can shake things up. In crypto, strategic, informed trading isn't a choice; it's a must. Remember, caution is as crucial as ambition here. Stay alert, diversify, and let's ride this unpredictable market together. At the core is Valerie Ellen Cirbo, whose deep understanding of crypto and traditional trading is key. Her all-encompassing investment approach and staying updated on trends make her a valuable ally in this crypto era…

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @veronaconley1953 says:

    Well explained. Thank you for bringing up this video. Financial education is indeed required for more than 70% of the society in the country as very few are literate on the subject! Thanks to Valerie Ellen Cirbo, the lady you recommended…

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-my5kb8fi6j says:

    Its going to be fun watching the govmt scramble for more duct tape and gum to hold this economy together (on paper) until November for Biden.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TiagoRamosVideos says:

    Thanks Kevin 👏

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @kaioagb says:

    go BTC, out of that mess

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DApostate says:

    You keep your options open. This is smart.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @rj2074 says:

    You’re great Kevin ! Thanks for great content! Give us short daily updates on overall market please!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ryanthen1047 says:

    You know you shouldn’t listen to Kevin when he describes a softening job market as bullish. I know he wants rate cuts, I get it. But you can tell he has never known a normal market in his short investing career, only the post Great Recession Ponzi scheme that we’ve had the last decade, which is artificial

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @tedstriker6743 says:

    I’m actually really proud of the way that Powell is handling inflation. I think that he could do a little bit more considering how low unemployment numbers are however, it’s acceptable. People are so quick to forget what happened in the 80s when they cut rates

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @kentkjrgaardjensen4304 says:

    How much will it be to enter the fundraise this time and will it be at a 1 to 1 valuation again. I have some money I was going to buy tesla for but I might be bantering the fundraise instead if it's less than 5k this time?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @pyrofusiondancer7683 says:

    You're so good at literally everything, EXCEPT when you shill for the Fed. I know you're a real estate guy and you want interest rates at zero forever. But be a good ethical macroeconomic human. Low interest rates hurt everyone except the richest, and create a massive moral hazard as well as a ton of waste. You know this. Just start saying it and stop being such a 4#!%!#^%! cheerleader. Our economy would be just fine if the Fed rate was at 8-10%. But oh no your precious real estate values would fall nominally, let me get my violin out for you.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @joycekoch5746 says:

    Rate cuts in July. Final fed fund rates at 3% and hold there

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @sidneypaulson1798 says:

    The feds and Jerome Powell are liars and idiots. They are so far removed from reality it’s. Ridiculous.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @alexh1954 says:

    The numbers (Nonfarm payroll,…) tomorrow and friday will be bad or neutral that is why Jerome punted the March rate cut.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @FirstNameLastName-ni3zh says:

    Kev is the Man! You dont get any type of straight up awesome reporting from any other source…. Go Kev u the Man!!!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DesmondMiles333 says:

    We are in cyclical disinflation mate but Powell and the Fed knows in the longer picture we are still in Structural inflation. This is what happens in early phases of Stagflation. Gdp strong, strong economy, yields high, populism etc

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @uroszecevic1389 says:

    Stocks are for gamblers type roulette…if u want type slot machine buy crypto 😂

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @johns3668 says:

    Instructed obviously Kevin don't be naive

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Aut0KAD says:

    Kevin is spreading misinformation. Inflation is at 3.6%, 1.6% over the feds target, not the 1.9% number he is spewing.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DocOrtmeyer says:

    Kevin I want to make money in the nasdaq this year, please save us Kev 😭😭😭😭

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @WhoMeee says:

    Kevin i just want to say you have by far the best content and teaching style. I HATE other finance YouTubers as it feels like they just wanna make a video that will get clicks and really dumb stuff down whereas you are very informative and explain things in depth (and you actually know what you’re talking about). I genuinely want to thank you for everything you do, ive gained so much knowledge watching you over the years. You have changed my life tremendously more than you will ever realize just from a youtube comment. Seriously, thank you.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ankitsarmandal9100 says:

    Questions related to Banking were asked. Check Michael Tyler summary. He has summarised it better.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @JamesBond-jb2yi says:


    DJT will help to refresh BoD of Fed with new chairman as well.

    Fed wants more small banks to collapse , so JP Morgan can buy them out cheap!

    That is the strategy .

    Inflation is 1.9% and the interest rate is 5%.

    If regular people find out , then JPMorgan may lose a lot of clients!

    Not very smart , if you ask me!

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @justSTUMBLEDupon says:

    If your not gonna but TMF, I don’t know what to say lol

    The bond market is calling JPow bluff

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @wedontlikeyoumuch6969 says:

    You're confused about our lying press?

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @danielread1942 says:


  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @GymForLifeHD says:

    why ppl talk so much 2 month porfolio is flat preemarket is green few months more and we go up easy time to invest.

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