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All right, so we just watched a cnbc rant about ela, i'm going ah elon's complaining about things about twitter, not being truthful about them, using, let's say age, data uh for their customers to say: oh, we need to verify your age, so we can make sure that We're not showing you inappropriate content, but then taking that sort of data and selling it in the form of ads right and so elon musk has come under a substantial flack for almost being sort of like a loony uh in the mainstream media. Bloomberg's running articles calling him the the new edge lord you've got people on cnbc shaking their heads, like i don't know, what's wrong with this guy. What's gotten into this guy you've got people who are literally cutting the price of tesla uh, their price targets for tesla, not because of fundamental reasons. But folks, let me show you this cnbc pro article.

You have to pay for this kind of crap and i'm the idiot who has paid for this kind of crap. Look at this jeffries cuts. Tesla price target, citing quote uncomfortable pile up of negative news. When, like i always thought that, when the smart people, the supposed smart money, people on wall street are like, oh, we have a price target.

It's based on like a monte carlo simulation, some form of fundamental analysis and projections of future growth and buyer demand not based on recent price action. Well, no, i was wrong and honestly, this is not that big of a surprise. In fact, we'll probably have a hundred comments on this video people go kevin. We already knew that about price tags, but like this is just so blunt and in our face.

Listen to this quote it's hard to isolate factors behind the recent correction in tesla stock. Beyond the nasdaq right, so a further decline of tesla, say 35 versus say 28 of the nasdaq. That's a divergence right anyway. It's hard to isolate the factors behind the recent correction from nasdaq to twitter financial commitments and china lockdowns, but we're clearly witnessing an uncomfortable pileup of negative news from ratings to polarizing opinions and ethical questions.

The firm's financial analyst led by whatever, whatever wrote in a note to clients, so they cut their price target. What from 1250 to 10 50. so so, like a 20, roughly price could type, and so what you kind of have is the more you get these fud cycles, which you frequently have with tesla the more the price actually does go down. That, in my opinion, though, should have nothing to do with your price target for the company, which should be based on actual fundamentals.

So, in my opinion, this is kind of a little disgusting it'd be kind of like in the summer of 2021, while tesla stock fell 35 again over news about like who remembers the story of the uh crash in texas, where two people died in a fire. But nobody was sitting in the front seat of the car, and so every mainstream headline was tesla, full self-driving vehicle uh, you know bursts into flames, killing two with no one in driver's seat. That was a mainstream headline cnn fox, the world's talking about how tesla's deadly these cars when they crash they burst into flames and - and you know, people think that they can drive themselves or whatever. Meanwhile, the investigation revealed you know two months later, oh yeah, and the initial report was that the car was on fire for like two hours, then the investigation reveals no.
First of all, the car was not on fire for two hours. It was on fire for, like whatever eight minutes until the fire department was there and they instantly put it out, and then they babysat it for two hours to make sure that it was fully out right, okay, different story already, but then they also revealed that wait. A minute like somebody was in the front seat: they must have just crawled to the back to get away from the heat and the flames and then yeah they they died. It's terrible it's bad, but they were able to reveal that because there was damage to the steering wheel, implying somebody had whacked into the steering wheel, whether they were wearing their seat belt or what and obviously speed was was a factor here.

It was like a residential neighborhood, going into a curve at like 70 plus miles an hour anyway. So it's interesting like when, but during those flood cycles like tesla had this like 35 plunge, and so those fudd cycles can really weigh on the short term price of the stock, which is the market screaming. It's like what warren buffett says. Look when you play baseball.

You don't have to take a swing at every ball and he uses this analogy to say the stock market's just throwing prices at me going ah how about tesla 750, how about 650? How about 6 30. yeah, you want 590, you know what, when do you want to swing? You pick uh or or you can same thing for selling like hey, it's 1500. Hey! It's 1800! Hey! It's! 2! 000.! You want to sell it right. You get to choose when you swing, you don't have to listen to the noise of the market, but to associate your price target or your opinion of a fundamental analysis of a company with drama and fud, and then a financial analyst firm, lowering their price target.

Because of that, rather than fundamental analysis, i think is one of the most disgusting things that i've seen it's like actually published, which is actually remarkable, but then this also brings up the whole drama about twitter. I'm going to give you my sincere opinion about. What's going on with twitter and my expectations going forward, i do of course, want to quickly shout out ftx in the link down below and all the programs on building your wealth. There will be a massive price increase at the end of this month, uh and uh.

You get access lifetime to all the content. That's added to those programs, including my live streams when i'm in the office and the market is open. So, let's now, though, talk about uh, elon, musk and remember with ftx, if you do download their app make sure to throw in the meet cav code when you use their app on android or apple, and if you use their desktop app, you can also use that Link and you get free crypto every time you trade over 10, so what's going on with twitter, so elon musk has recently disclosed that he has eliminated his need for using margin against tesla stock to come up with the funding that he needs for twitter. He's now raised over 33 billion dollars and they're looking to raise the rest of the money to come up with that, roughly 44 billion dollars of money that they need for twitter.
But in the meantime, we've gotten a lot of drama over hey. Is this deal actually going to happen and there are expectations that maybe elon's not being sincere? For example, peter schiff who's been on this channel multiple times. Has this argument on twitter that on twitter, of course, is on twitter? Has this argument that elon musk isn't actually sincerely trying to buy twitter he's just trying to use this as another way to sort of get in the news, or you know, create some drama, and so there are a lot of people who now believe that every time Elon tweets something negative about twitter and the twitter deal that the deal is less likely to happen, and the market has certainly discounted the fact that there's a real potential, the deal doesn't happen. The deal is supposed to close at 50, 420 and right now.

It's trading for about 38.70, which, if we divide those two and i'm going to give you my opinion. If we divide those two 5420, we get a spread of almost 29, that is the the stock is trading 29 lower than 5420, which actually, if you divide it, the other way you'll see how much potential gain you have. If the deal does happen at that price, you would actually have the potential gain of roughly 40 percent. So if you bought twitter now and the deal closed tomorrow for 54.20 you'd be up 40 on your money, that's really incredible! So why is the market discounting twitter? So substantially well again, it's because of this fear that elon musk is making claims, especially at that all-in podcast, which is actually the jacket that i'm wearing right now uh.

I was there in person when elon musk mentioned hey, like essentially yeah. It would make sense to pay less for something if you were disclosed information that ended up being inaccurate and so elon musk has been setting up a lot of these hints over hey. We think there are more bots. We think that twitter is telling us they're.

Only five percent bots what, if it's more like 20 percent? That's what we actually think it is somewhere between 20 to 25. But what? If? It's worths? What? If it's like, 90 bots - and this has created where elon musk used the opportunity to talk about this analogy of like hey, if you're buying a house - and you get a termite inspection and you're told by the real estate agent - oh they're, only five percent termites. But then you find out from the turbine inspection it's 90 termites he's like well, then, obviously, the house is worth less because you're not buying a house you're buying a termite and obviously the analogy would go that you're not buying a user base. You're buying pots, which is not what you want right, you don't want termites, you don't want bots, those are a nuisance.
They actually hurt the platform more than they help it. Just like termites they're like uh. What's that called like a virus like they, they they're killing their host from the inside, and so anyway, all this drama has has led to the belief that okay, elon's, just this, this loose cannon and and really what he's doing, is he's setting up for not actually Closing the deal, what's my opinion on this, my opinion on this is that's not actually the case. I think what elon musk is doing is he's using a very donald, trumpian art of the deal style of negotiating.

Now this is uh. Art of the deal is a book that donald trump uh you know has and uh. I don't think he wrote it himself, i'm not sure if it's based on his his opinions, where he wrote him, i'm not sure uh. He probably said he wrote it himself and somebody else wrote it for it doesn't matter so much uh anyway.

One of the things that donald trump suggests is somewhat similar to the theory of chaos. Theory, which is you want to seem unpredictable in a negotiation, and so when you separate what elon is saying versus what he's doing, i actually think the deal has a good likelihood of happening. Now i want to be transparent, i'm not invested in a deal. I don't have any, i actually have one twitter share.

That's all i have is i own one twitter share, that's it uh, and so i i get. You know whatever a little bit of a benefit on that one. Twitter share that somebody basically donated to me. Uh versus you know any other kind of benefit, but i actually do think the deal is going to happen.

But i don't think it'll happen at 54 20. see because when you separate what elon musk is saying versus what he's doing, what you find is that what he's doing is he's prepping to close the deal. But what he's saying is casting doubt on a deal, and so, in my opinion, this creates this feeling of of chaos and unpredictability of what's elon going to do next, and i have a pretty good idea as to what he's going to do next. This is just my opinion.

I believe elon is going to fully get or acquire or secure all of the funding that he needs for the deal. Maybe that's at a different valuation, maybe that's at 38 billion or 40 billion dollars. You know like 10 off or whatever, but i think he's going to get all the money that he needs once all of the money has been secured, then once all of the doubts are removed, that elon can actually raise the money. He stands at the strongest position of power to negotiate the deal because he has the money he can close the deal.
That becomes an opportunity at that point to say all right: we've got the money but and we're ready, willing and able to close, but it needs to be at a different price because, based on this study, this study this evidence this evidence this evidence, whatever all the Facts which is the fact finding he's doing now, everything put together. We believe you you've defrauded us you've misled us and we don't even feel that we should owe you a one billion dollar cancellation fee because you've misled us now we want to force a shareholder vote. That's the way i would play this negotiation. I'd get all my ducks on the road.

Have all my money in a row and have all my arguments in a row and then i would say that they're defrauding me and i'm not even owing them. My billion dollar cancellation fee, if i walk away from this deal but i'll still do the deal at this price, and we should put that to a shareholder vote and if you don't do it like, if the board doesn't go for it or objects to to this Renegotiation or whatever, then it's going to be the market's determination as to whether or not the board is doing what's in the best interest of shareholders, that's going to lead to some massive lawsuits, especially if it's coupled with all that evidence from elon musk. So i really think that what elon's doing here is just a brilliant negotiation strategy. Everybody thinks he's loony.

You got the people on cnbc rolling their eyes like. Oh, no, he's crazy he's not going to do this. He knows exactly what he's doing and he's not doing. This for the sport of it he's doing it because he wants it.

He wants this deal to happen, but he's gon na get a lower price and i think he'll succeed. I'm gon na just follow up with two extra comments on the elon thing here. So the first comment is from an individual here's zack wolf. He says yes, brilliant, to break a contract that you rushed into.

First of all, whether you rushed into a contract or not does not matter, you could make a decision to make a purchase in five minutes. You could make a decision in 30 minutes but or you could make that decision in 30 days or 30 years, but when you make a decision to enter a contract. It's based on a good faith, belief that each of the parties in a contract are going to perform in good faith and that the information they've provided to you was done in good faith and contractual terms are weighted based on people's performance of good faith. So, for example, if the contract says hey like we're going to buy the deal at 54.20, if you decide not to buy the deal, you owe us a billion dollars.

We don't know the contract terms right. We don't have the contract in front of us, so we can't speculate entirely on what all the details are going to be. But what we do know is that, if twitter filed with the sec, oh, we only believe there are less than five percent bots and we're not going to prove to you how we came up with that number and that's potentially a fraudulent number and elon can somehow Prove that there's no way in hell, twitter could have actually believed that and they made the live statement which he only discovered after he started doing his due diligence. Then there's certainly the question of was the entire contract based on fraud and then there's also the question of okay.
Well, what what does the contingency say right and so what is his right to cancel say? Is it like hey, you could cancel for whatever reason, and you just owe us a billion dollars or can elon make the argument that well yeah, but i was expecting you to actually operate in good faith which you didn't, and so you could do whatever you want. With a contract guess what it comes down to a lawsuit and a judge and or a jury deciding the fate of a contract contracts are only as good as your argument is, and this is very, very important to consider. I think people people hear like oh contract and they think oh contracts aren't malleable. Contracts are extremely malleable.

They come down to negotiations ultimately because, ultimately, nobody wants to get into like a you know, two or three year, lawsuit or whatever. So my thoughts on the whole drama between elon twitter and the mainstream media, of course, programs linked down below and that ftx so check those out a link down in the description below.

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24 thoughts on “The doom of elon musk s twitter deal will it cancel.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brett Webb says:

    If you try and piss off have the voters by "Owning the libs" do you think that will help or hurt sales? It's not a smart move at all plus I believe his BTC price is over 30k

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben says:

    He had no choice when Tesla stock price was approaching $500's

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Owens says:

    Just showing how liberals will attempt to destroy anyone who talks about voting Republican 🗳

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drew M says:

    He has no power to negotiate a better deal. Do you guys not know how contracts work.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Johnson says:

    Hmmm and tesla rocks today

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 建 Ken ケニ➖Ξ ΚΕΝ Siu says:

    Why not make a comparison ? How much it cost building your own social media (Electronic Vehicle for auto-pilot) vs. buying an old one (oil engine car hiring the old driver)

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Santiago L says:

    be a men a show you call options kevin come on !! JAJAJAJAJA

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Andrew says:

    He's been calling out Democrats…..of course he will be underattack now…..ridiculous.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Micheal Manu says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brent Mclean says:

    You pay for Pro ? Probably good thing in the eyes of “keep your enemies closer “ !

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Cheng says:

    They are shorting Tesla

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Millionaire Mentality says:

    Hope it goes through. Elon taking over Twitter would be the best thing to happen to the company.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 建 Ken ケニ➖Ξ ΚΕΝ Siu says:

    I think Twitter & twitter deal is a mess themselves, I don't think smart people / money want a deal of it, why not build your own social media if you'd the money, technology, and people attention.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Salty's Options "Tesla Only"! says:

    Fix my thing so i can get alerts on live Keevin

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KIMBOJAN BRANYAN says:

    Kev your the best!!! Thank u.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicole klover says:

    I hope it crashes. I deleted Twitter until this is figured out 😁

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Salty's Options "Tesla Only"! says:

    Sniper Style Puts Calls on Tesla 🍎 Soft Amd

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Salty's Options "Tesla Only"! says:

    Salty's options here

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anna the Clovis Agent says:


  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KatiewillGO says:


  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ed The Gar says:


  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan says:


  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew says:


  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zurstMC says:


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