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Welcome back to another episode of the Meet Kevin show. Donald Trump is going to be arrested. We're going to talk about the details of first of all, what you've got to know regarding the background on: Is he getting me in jail? What's gonna happen? How fast could he potentially be in handcuffs? We're gonna look at reactions as well. We'll look at potential impeachment claims If Trump were to potentially get in, could he potentially get kicked right back out? Then we're going to look at some of the crimes uh, that are being alleged against him and will go through as much detail as possible that we've been collecting since this announcement has occurred.

So first, it is expected that Donald Trump will be transported by the Secret Service from Florida to Manhattan There, the Secret Service will turn him over to the local law enforcement department, presumably the New York Police Department the NYPD. Now, why is that important? Because usually you get put in handcuffs to bring you to a booking. Office Booking offices are generally deemed to be secure and clean inside of a booking, uh, facility. In a jail, you generally don't have guns, you generally don't have tasers, although sometimes supervisors get tasers in there.

But generally no guns and no handcuffs. It's basically considered a sterile environment. You go through an airlock, officers take out, take their weapons off, everybody sort of disarms, Basically, handcuffs come off, and you basically have multiple officers inside of a booking facility. A booking facility is basically like it's kind of like an office.

It's kind of an ugly office where you go through all of the Motions In terms of, they search you, they patch you down, they take your handcuffs off, they, uh, basically sit you down for a medical evaluation. They ask you medical questions. Uh, they may process you, they take your property, and generally then you would either bail out. Uh, that is you would pay a phone a fee, You get cleared by the system.

The reason they clear you through a system is because what if you have warrants out for your arrest in other states or even potentially other countries? Well, if they got you, they want to make sure they weren't the ones who released you if you have other convictions. So usually wait. There could be as long as an eight hour process sometimes, although obviously we expect it to be shorter for Donald Trump. Uh, then you would either walk out if you paid your bail or you walked to jail until you visit a judge and that is so that you could be arraigned.

So here's basically how the process works. You get indicted which is charges are brought against you, then you were delivered to jail to get booked. Which is the process I just outlined. Now remember, usually between where you are picked up and where you go to get booked, you're in handcuffs, but the Secret Service will probably be in control of that segment.

It is unlikely during the booking process, Donald Trump would be handcuffed When you do your mug shot when you get fingerprinted. There are no handcuffs during that time, so it is unlikely the New York Police Department will put handcuffs on Donald Trump. That is unlikely. However, it is possible that the Secret Service could put handcuffs on Donald Trump solely at the request of none other than Donald Trump.
The Secret Service obviously does not need to put handcuffs on the president. However, rumors are floating around that Donald Trump would love to have handcuffs on because it would make a perfect photo op the first time. Essentially, an ex-president would be walking to a booking facility in handcuffs Democrats might have a field day, but it would be the perfect marketing opportunity to for Donald Trump To reiterate how the office of the Manhattan District of the New York District Attorney essentially has politicized a campaign against him. That is of course, what Donald Trump is going to allege Democrats on the left, say, look, nobody is above the law.

Whether you're the president, a politician, an official Rich Poor doesn't matter, no one is above the law. President Trump deserves his Justice A prosecution needs to happen. That's sort of your Democratic point of view. Let him face a jury or a judge.

A judge could hear the case. Or a jury of Donald Trump's peers in New York could hear the case. Obviously, jury selection for that would be very difficult because pretty much everybody knows about Donald Trump and has a an opinion about Donald Trump It's also not likely you would even get to a judge uh, which would be considered a bench trial or a jury trial which is a trial by your peers probably for a year or two. So like a lot of this about Oh My Gosh is Donald Trump going to jail? Not even close.

We'll talk about that. of course the Republican responses. This is politically motivated. This is a weaponization of the Criminal Justice System Why are Democrats who ran on the platform of Prosecuting Trump now finding a way to do it and they're doing it right after he's well I mean a few months after, but after he's announced his new campaign to come back into the public? Spotlight Now what's fascinating about this is the reaction in honestly kind of what I thought was a little bit of an unlikely place I Wasn't expecting this, but my team sent me a note on this which I thought was really interesting.

Apparently Dwac the SPAC Truth Social Uh is is merging with is apparently surging and doing quite well in after hours. Uh, if we look at the after hours one minute chart here, you could see when the announcement of the indictment was released. Dwac Dwac ticker symbol which is the digital world SPAC For Truth Social the merger. this has surged about nine percent expecting more Truth Social activity.

Obviously, if we look at a weak chart, this is a stock that has run up over 150 dollars. Uh, and then it has essentially bled out on momentum. Keep in mind I was interviewed on Newsmax you could actually Google this uh or or YouTube it and I talked to Sean Spicer and I said look man, it's 150 bucks, you need to sell it. It's going back to ten dollars.
Uh, it made it to about 13 and that's nothing against them. Made to as low as 12. I made it to one, two, three four. That's interesting.

Uh, and that's not to to bag on Donald Trump That's just simply to say like that is not a good investment. Uh, it wasn't a good investment. We saw that at the time as well. but who knows if Donald Trump becomes President again, it could be very entertaining.

Donald Trump Just posted the following: uh, just seconds ago. Actually, let's go ahead and pull that up as well. so it's time to buy for Kevin to pull this up. it is Donald Trump's Truth Social waiting for the HDMI to connect.

There we go. Okay, we've got the Truth Social up. Switch camera angles. There we go.

All right. So what do we got here? Statement by Donald Trump 10 seconds ago. All right. what do we got here? Oh dear.

this is a political prosecution and election interference at the highest level in history. Wow. Okay, big allegations here. Uh, from the time I came down the golden escalator at Trump Tower and even before I was sworn in as your President of the United States The Radical Left Democrats I'm actually surprised he like it capitalized each of those words.

but anyway, he's trying to make a point. The Radical Left Democrats the enemy of hard-working men and women of this country have been engaged in a Witch Hunt to destroy the make America Great Again movement. You remember it like I do Russia Russia Russia The More Rocks Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine The Impeachment hoax The second impeachment hoax good Lord uh the illegal and unconstitutional Mar-A-Lago raid and now this quote the Democrats is Donald Trump Saying is the Democrats have lied, cheated and stolen in their obsession with trying to quote get Trump The reference of get Trump is a reference to Leticia James when she campaigned uh to uh to become uh the prosecutor for New York and uh and sure enough she has filed a civil lawsuit against Donald Trump for 250 billion dollars. Uh and now Bragg has filed uh a criminal charges against Donald Trump We do not actually have the indictment yet.

nobody has. Well, I'm sure the Trump ad the team does, but uh, we do not have the indictment yet. The public does not yet have the indictment. Uh, there's a lot of activity outside of this Manhattan uh office.

uh where Bragg is. apparently helicopters, law enforcement, and a lot of a lot of activity and and people sightseeing right now I Imagine it's gonna be quite entertaining I think the day that he gets uh, actually brought over will be kept relatively secret. Uh, if that's how New York could have it. although I think Donald Trump would love it to be very public and a lot of people to be there.
But anyway, never before in our nation's history has this been done the Democrats Have Cheated countless times over the decades including spying on my campaign, but weaponizing our justice system to punish a political opponent who just so happens to be a president of the United States and by far the leading Republican candidate for president has never happened before ever. Manhattan DEA District Attorney Alvin Bragg who was hand-picked and funded by George Soros left leading individual of course is a disgrace. rather than stopping the unprecedented crime wave taking over New York City he's doing Joe Biden's Dirty Work ignoring the murders and burglaries and assaults he should focus on. This is how Bragg spends his time I Believe this.

Witch Hunt will backfire massively on Joe Biden The American people realize exactly what the Radical Left Democrats are doing here. Everyone can see it. So our movement and our party United and strong will first defeat Alvin Bragg and then we will defeat Joe Biden And we are going to throw every last one of these crooked Democrats out of office so we can make America great Again, that is the statement from Donald Trump in response: uh to this uh indictment. Now again, keep in mind it's unlikely that Donald Trump will be handcuffed.

I Think if Donald Trump had a choice, the Secret Service May handcuff him. But if we see this, live because there are two ways this could unfold right. He could secretly go like at night in the middle of the night and get booked or he could do it as a public spectacle. I Expect Donald Trump would want it to be a public spectacle and I expect the New York Police Department would want it not to be a public spectacle.

but if Donald Trump is handcuffed while he's with people in black suits, that was probably his choice. If the New York Police Department takes him and put handcuffs on him, that would be a district attorney choice. That would be very interesting I Highly doubt that would happen. I Think the only way Trump would be in handcuffs would be if the Secret Service did so.

No keep in mind after Donald Trump is booked so he will be delivered to Manhattan by the Secret Service then the New York police department will take over and generally a sterile facility where there are no weapons. I Expect the Secret Service potentially is likely to go in with him. uh, then uh. Which means they would also have to disarm generally.

Uh. But anyway, the Secret Service will take him in inside, He would be booked, processed, mugshotted, uh, fingerprinted. He'll be examined medically, and then he will appear before a judge who will likely hear uh, where? Well, the judge will first read uh, the allegations against Donald Trump and then he Donald Trump will be asked to enter a plea no contest, not guilty or guilty. Donald Trump is expected to enter a plea of not guilty after the arraignment, which is where Donald Trump will enter a plea.
Donald Trump will likely be free to leave. That does not mean he can just not show up to court again, but obviously, since he's campaigning, we expect Donald Trump not to like flee the country or something like that. So I don't think there's some kind of Flight Risk. It'll just in a year or two, have to probably go back to court and deal with these charges.

And in the meantime, they'll do Discovery and whatever usually happens in the legal proceedings. Now, during that time, we will probably have the 2024 election that is I Do not actually believe this jury trial will be over by the 2024 election. That means if Donald Trump is elected president, it is possible that Donald Trump could end up sitting in a courtroom facing criminal charges while being president. It's unclear if he becomes president again and that case has not yet occurred.

If he could pardon himself, this has not occurred before. The President does have the power to commute. And to Pardon remember to commute means to extinguish a sentence. to Pardon means uh, to completely forgive and make sort of essentially almost disappear off of, uh, off of your record.

Uh, it basically means you you're completely forgiven, right? So uh, in other words, the differences are a little funny. But let's look at this way. Some people uh, like I think it was Paul Manafort. He was supposed to report to prison four days before he was supposed to report to prison.

he was commute. His sentence was commuted so he didn't have to report to prison. So no sentence. He was still guilty, but uh, so technically still violated the crime but didn't have to go to prison.

Uh, and then by the end of the year, uh, within the last few weeks of Trump's term, uh, Donald Trump ended up pardoning him. All right. So minor difference here. Okay, so what do we know about this? politically? Well, First of all, if Donald Trump were convicted while he was in office a second time, potentially say he gets elected and then he gets convicted, could he potentially get impeached? It depends what the indictment shows.

If the indictment suggests that Donald Trump committed crimes that are public in nature. that is, while he was potentially President between 2016 and uh, well, 17 when he actually took office in 2020. Maybe maybe it's possible. Uh, if they're just private crimes.

not that that makes them any less bad, but if they're considered private crimes, maybe he can't get impeached. So there's going to be a determination on that, which we'll be able to evaluate once we see the indictment. Now, what's important to remember is that you need two-thirds of Congress to actually impeach a president. Donald Trump Might be the first president who gets impeached three times, but doesn't end up getting kicked out uh of of office because you need a two-thirds majority and it's very unlikely that Republicans are going to vote to actually impeach.
Donald Trump Now, why would it be unlikely for Republicans to vote to impeach? Trump Well, because if you vote to impeach Trump History shows you have an 80 chance likelihood of never getting back in office. How do we know that? Well, there are 10 Republicans who voted to impeach Donald Trump Here is the fate of those 10: Republicans Representative Tom Rice lost his seat to someone endorsed by Donald Trump in the next election. remember Representatives every two years Peter measure lost to John Gibbs who uh who worked for uh who worked under Donald Trump for Housing and Urban Development representative Liz Cheney she lost to Harriet Hagman Representative Adam Kingsinger uh is not seeking or did not seek re-election representative Anthony Gonzalez did not seek re-election representative John Catco did not seek re-election representative Fred Upton did not seek re-election and look, usually you don't seek re-election when you know you're going to lose representative David Villado did uh end up getting back in uh and then representative Dan Newhouse did go on to a win his seat again and then representative Butler lost in the general election despite the fact that they were winning. uh uh.

Initially, they were the winning Republican in the primary, but lagged the Democrat in their election. So that gives you an example of an 80 failure rate to run against. Donald Trump in impeaching Donald Trump So people who impeached out voted to him impeach. Donald Trump almost killed their political careers.

So this is extremely political. Absolutely extremely political. So keep this in mind. Now again, we do not yet know what date Donald Trump is expected uh to be uh, impeached.

I'm sorry, impeached. uh, actually arrested. We don't know the date of that yet. we don't have the indictment.

There are, uh, the Democrats like to make jokes that there are tens of Republicans protesting. uh. Although we expect that when and if Donald Trump's arrest is publicly announced before he, uh uh, he ends up arriving, it's widely expected that there would be a lot of people. It would be quite the spectacle.

I Expect Uh, we do believe that uh Donald Trump will be uh, charged with violating multiple crimes uh, specifically the allegations related to hush money payments regarding Stormy Daniels Now I don't prefer to go through all of the claims and detail as we've already done that multiple times. Uh, but it's worth knowing that uh, the Uh that that Congress has been fighting for a while here, with us sending multiple letters to Alvin Bragg and going back and forth essentially demanding Uh a release on the Uh on information on what Donald Trump might be uh, charged with Uh. The last letter that was submitted by three individuals from Congress is right here just five days ago and uh, this is an argument that Congress has the right to know what this indictment might be because it could affect future President's interest in actually Uh performing their duties. Uh, it is in their oversight jurisdiction and you now have Congress At least three representatives from Congress whose names I'll list for you in a moment are now arguing: why Is it that the local New York County District Attorney's office has downgraded 52 percent of felony cases to misdemeanors? and even after downgrading 52 percent of misdemeanor or felonies to misdemeanors, their conviction rate is only 51 on the remaining felony cases.
And then they talk misdemeanors here. Basically, that means the New York County District Attorney has a misdemeanor conviction rate of 28 percent and a felony conviction rate of 25. and Congress is basically making well at least three individuals from Congress I Have to be careful when I say Congress I don't want it to imply it's all of Congress. it's actually just these three individuals.

Jim Jordan Brian Steele and James Comer And uh, when we look at this, we actually know that these individuals are are essentially trying to expose the Uh: a District Attorney here in Manhattan suggesting why are you so focused on Trump when you could barely focus on murderers and felons in your own City Uh, so that's an argument that's being made uh, right now by these individuals. Uh in Uh Congress Uh Mr Uh I Like to call him Jack P but Jack Postovic uh called for Trump supporters to launch a Maga strike, withdraw their money from banks in mass in an apparent effort to try to hurt the financial system. Uh, basically a way to blame Joe Biden Uh, Joe Uh Bragg's office in the past has also said that he would not prosecute marijuana, misdemeanors and other misdemeanors including not paying fares. So if you evade fairs in New York City the New York District Attorney is basically saying we won't prosecute it.

So basically, people who jump the turnstiles at the Subways why bother even arresting them? the D.A is saying they won't even prosecute it. Trespassing? Uh, won't be arrested or charged except a fourth degree stocking charge. Resisting arrest won't be charged obstructing governmental Administration in certain cases, won't be charged. Prostitution won't be charged.

Really, What's happening now is the spotlight is on the District Attorney in New York And and essentially, what's happening is you're seeing the right. Try to show how dysfunctional Uh Democrats are in terms of uh, what their priorities are in the city of New York Of course Democrats argue and say no, no, no, this is entirely necessary. There are multiple crimes that Donald Trump uh could be facing here. not only crimes in New York, but also potentially in Georgia Uh regarding 130 000 of potentially hush money uh, payments to Stormy Daniels Obviously, there are a lot of arguments that oh well Michael Cohen's attorney has said that the Trump Administration nor the Trump campaign ever reimbursed Michael Cohen that money Though it's possible that Donald Trump's trusted.
Then there are other crimes such as article 175 of the New York Uh statutes for potentially falsifying business records potentially campaign Finance violations where there are extended statutory limitations for in New York classified document penalties A charges of potentially Uh criminal concealment of Records to obstruct an official effort these could carry potentially 20-year sentences per offense, mishandling of document the criminalization of the concealment of the destruction of or concealment of rather documents uh, contempt of court conspiracy to make false statements conspiracy to break the law about potentially election charges in Georgia to quote, find additional Uh votes racketeering charges could come from Georgia Obstruction charges could come regarding Jan 6. But then again, A lot of people are calling Donnie T Teflon No matter what you throw against them, nothing seems to stick, so you know that's something else to consider as well. Uh Donald Trump Of course alleges that uh, he's he's never had sexual relations with Stormy Daniels Stormy Daniels says she was pressured to sign a statement saying she made up the story, but she was actually serious about the story. She's had book deals about the story uh, which which have advanced her I believe some were in the neighborhood of eight hundred thousand dollars uh for some book deals and there are possibly more book deals coming for her? Uh, then? uh, well.

I mean ultimately, the list goes on and it'll be quite fascinating to see what other information we actually get from these indictments. Let's look at some other information: Michael Cohen The former fixer and attorney for Donald Trump has released the statement for the first time in our country's history. A president current or former of the United States has been indicted I Take no pride in issuing the statement and wish to also remind everyone of the presumption of innocence as provided by the due process clause. However, I do take solace in validating the adage that no one is above the law, not even a former president.

Today's indictment is not the end of this chapter, but rather just the beginning. Now that the charges have been filed, it is better for the case to let the indictment speak for itself, which again, we do not yet have two things I wish to say at this time is that accountability matters and I stand by my testimony and the evidence I have provided to the District Attorney of New York Uh, that is Uh Michael Cohen Uh. We again expect the charges to be made public within the coming days. Keep in mind: Donald Trump will be not only uh, fingerprinted, but he will also be read as Miranda rights.
He will have the right as anyone would. the right to remain silent. Uh, the right against uh, self-incrimination we have. Uh, Let's see here we have more information from Uh: The Grand Jury has voted to indict him.

Remember a grand jury is a group of Uh of peers. It is not a jury that comes to the conclusion of guilt. They are just formed to determine whether or not there are enough charges to bring a case against. Donald Trump The case is Uh according to the Wall Street Journal.

The case is unlikely to have any legal bearing on Trump's presidential candidacy. Even if he is UN ultimately convicted. the U.S Constitution imposes no requirement that candidates for the highest office have a clean record and there is no legal consensus that states are barred from imposing their own restrictions on presidential candidates. This is from Derek Muller a professor at the University of Iowa College of Law via the Wall Street Journal Uh.

Dwac in after hours still up about 9.49 percent. Uh, okay, let's take a listen here for a moment to see what well actually I want to take a pre a brief look here at what Bloomberg has to say about this. So let's see here. Uh, while while I pull up what Bloomberg has to say about this I want to quickly convert you I think this is my convert button? There we go.

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You can check out my ETF my courses, my live streams, my real estate startup and everything else at Meet Kevin.com All right. So back to let's see: Bloomberg Grand Jury returned the indictment on Thursday Uh Trump will be the first former President to be indicted. He will have to deal with these charges over the next two years probably Donald Trump's uh attorney says obviously we're disappointed, but we will swiftly and aggressively fight these charges and pursue Justice in the case. Trump has said in a statement that the political persecution and election interference is at the highest levels of History We already read the statement so I'm not going to re go through that statement since we've already gone through that.

All three probes of Donald Trump are underway during his Third campaign for the White House and his Republican support maybe waning says Bloomberg while his base a steady 30 percent of the GDP GOP electorate supports Donald Trump no matter what other Republican and independent voters are looking for a less dramatic alternative potentially like Ron DeSantis or Nikki Haley. Although keep in mind a lot of drama coming out specifically about Ron DeSantis Today, even in a cover story in the New York Times where they're basically alleging that Disney has managed to get around all of Ron Desantis's efforts for the next 30 Years to potentially restrict Disney so looks like Disney potentially ended up playing Ron DeSantis this comes after Ron DeSantis did make uh, potentially some embarrassing statements regarding Ukraine that he has since walked back initially calling it a territorial dispute, walking that back, acknowledging uh, the severity of the Ukraine crisis. Keep in mind that Donald Trump has been very clear that he believed believes that the Donald Trump era the the Ukraine disaster uh uh, that the Ukraine disaster uh is is something that could potentially lead to World War III and should take the highest president or highest level of importance from any sitting presidents to be as the president to be resolved as soon as possible. Donald Trump makes the claim that he could solve the Russia Ukraine disaster in as little as 24 hours now.
I Believe that is political hyperbole, but it is a way for Donald Trump to whether it's through exaggeration or not. Make it very clear that Donald Trump is interested highly in preventing Uh, any escalation of this conflict between Russia and Ukraine Ron DeSantis has actually replied uh on a Twitter within the last nine minutes, Ron DeSantis has stated the following and I quote: the weaponization of the legal system to advance a political agenda turns the rule of law on its head. Oh, this is actually really interesting because Rhonda Santos a week ago made kind of fun of Donald Trump a little bit here. Ron DeSantis in a press conference when he was asked about the charges against Donald Trump said, you know I wouldn't know anything about uh, paying off a potential stripper with hush money payments I I just wouldn't know and he kind of alluded uh, he kind of used that as a sort of a backhanded way to slap Donald Trump and even though that got some laughs in the crowd, a lot of Republicans thought that was kind of kicking Donald Trump potentially while he was down.

So I find it very interesting that Ron DeSantis right now is taking this approach. the weaponization of the legal system to advance a political agenda turns the rule of law on its head. It is Un-American The Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney has consistently bent the law to downgrade felonies and excuse criminal misconduct. Yet now he is stretching the law to Target.

A political opponent Florida will not assist in ex any extradition request. Don't worry. Ronnie the Secret Service and Donald Trump will take their own flight. They won't need your help anyway.

Florida will not assist in any extradition request given the questionable circumstances at issue with the Soros-backed Manhattan prosecutor and his political agenda. Well, very interesting. All right. let's see what other information we have here.
Just trying to give you the most recent breaking news: Uh Donald Trump is now expected to surrender early next a week via NBC It looks like every member of the New York Police Department regardless of rank or assignment, has been schooled, has been told to show up in uniform tomorrow for potential arrests. uh, unrest. So uh, okay, a heads up here. Apparently New York is now potentially expecting protests tomorrow.

Uh, this is. Uh, this is unconfirmed, but this is a possibility in response to these. Uh, this indictment against Donald Trump it does not look like Donald Trump will actually be in New York Until next a week though. So it is possible that uh, this information, uh, uh uh will will evolve.

Let's take a listen in over here to what Fox has to say In response to this: the strength of indicting a former president I felt she was saying it maybe was Overkill We'll have to ask her how she really feels about it. She's not here to defend it. She's not here to defend herself. But but when you said something regardless.

I I Really listen I Don't care because I'm not playing cutesy time I'm really I'm the wrong host I Really don't care? Uh I just I I Can't stand liberals and I can't take them anymore. and I'm serious I I mean that kind of takes away any potential of you being neutral here. Uh, so I'm just gonna back off it. But then again, I did go to Fox Uh.

But anyway, let's let's listen to this. Take a look at this we've got. uh Mary Trump it is official Donald Trump is the first man in the Oval Office to be impeached twice. First man in the Oval Office to incite an insurrection first to lose the popular vote twice.

Keep in mind she doesn't like Donald Trump they have like a disgraced relationship I I Hope that's obvious anyway. but the media is missing the biggest reason this is so important for the victims of: Donald Trump This is finally some measure of Justice It's been a long time coming, but after everything Donald Trump has put this country through, we have prevailed. I'll see you on my sub stack. Oh nice now.

Uh, pitching the sub stack here? Um, Okay, so you know, keep in mind that an indictment is is not really a victory, right? These are these are allegations at this point. Uh, and I know that a lot of people uh, really believe that Donald Trump is is, uh, is guilty and that's fine, but it's going to be years before this. Actually, it gets processed right? So so keep that in mind. this is not.

This is not a a massive uh slam dunk over here. So let's see what we have over here. John Cooper Donald Trump has officially been indicted. We already know we've covered this.

You got the New York Times NBC. All right, this is category. Let's hop on over for a moment and let's see what uh I mean. We'll take a brief listen to it.

We gave Fox a shot. Let's give this one a shot in Georgia and John Dean. Still, when when Laura puts the exclamation point on that, never in history have we seen what we've seen tonight. Maybe the last closest time was obviously when you were dealing with then President Nixon And here we are tonight.
we have been close before. We have never been at this point, no President, prior president, former sitting or otherwise has ever been uh, indicted. It's been close with Nixon They actually drafted an indictment at one point for perjury and excuse me for obstruction of justice. Sorry, this guy's boring.

Those for your Insight there about the politics of this and we're now going to turn to Finn Gomez He is the Political director for CBS News Uh Finn You've been talking to several senior Trump advisors? What are they telling you? Yeah, yeah, current and former senior Trump advisors and one that I spoke to John just a couple minutes ago says that echoing what what Bob and major just said is that they believe that this is a quote net positive for for the former President uh, politically that it reinforces all the narratives that he's been spouting that the political class is out to get him. uh, the uh. This advisor also predicts you know the end of the quarter ends uh, tomorrow that that the Trump could the Trump campaign could have the best fundraising of the Year following this indictment news and possibly the best quarter uh, fundraising quarter of the cycle Again, this is according to a a senior advisor to the Uh to the former President um, uh, but speaking to them Overall, the sense is that you know at least initially this this will help Trump politically with Republicans Almost without a doubt, this will get massive donations to Donald Trump Uh and a lot more attention on Trump than any other Republican candidate Haley The Vivic dude Ronnie Ronnie D Nobody's going to get attention like Trump right now. the Manhattan D.A And and it won't this.

This won't go away for the next two years. It's literally free advertising for the next two years because these cases take forever and uh and and could like again And oh oh oh, keep in mind, in a criminal case, you have the right to a speedy trial. I can almost guarantee you almost guarantee you Donald Trump will waive his right to a speedy trial. Why would he waive his right to a speedy trial? Because a he would love to delay any potential conviction until obviously he's in office because then he might be able to commute himself.

We're not entirely sure if that's possible. Uh, but but beyond that it's like the biggest free advertising. All he has to do every day is say donate to me it is a Witch Hunt Look look at the Witch Hunt and then he makes more money. It's it's uh, it's incredible These changes to Uh to the nomination and that he you could see some uh, some supporters, uh, you know, consider other Uh campaigns and of course it's still early.

John As you know, uh Ron DeSantis who is expected to jump in later uh in the spring, uh or early summer uh is is has not and he has been the closest in in in the recent polling uh to the former president. uh and there's others who are considering in weighing their own runs. So I I think that Elise according to these uh Republican sources that I've been speaking to um that it could have an impact as we get further down the line. Uh, so we'll see how that how that plays out.
Sean And we have a statement here from Governor DeSantis of Florida the weaponization of the legal system. Yeah, we've already read the statement so I don't want to reiterate, uh, any information we haven't covered yet. So I do want to show you this: There is a new tweet out from Truth Social that I just got. uh, it looks like, uh, in addition to the statement that Donald Trump has made, Donald Trump has, uh, another post.

Let's go ahead and pull that post up here. and uh, let me try this soundboard really quick. let me know if this sounds okay. gain the lead.

Yeah, lost the lead. Okay, I'm just checking. sell sell betrayal. There we go.

That's probably that's probably the one Donald Trump is thinking right now. Betrayal? All right? Anyway, I just want to make sure those buttons work and they do. So thank you for that. Anyway, these Thugs and radical left monsters have just indicted the 45th President of the United States of America the leading Republican candidate by far for the 2024 nomination for president.

This is an attack on our country, the likes of which has never been seen before. It is likewise A continuing attack on our once free and fair elections. The United States is now a third world nation, a nation in serious decline. So sad.

I mean uh, quite frankly, a fantastic way again to to pitch for donate to Trump vote for Donald Trump right? This This is actually quite quite. uh, quite. Um, probably exciting for Donald Trump because it brings so much attention to his campaign. so uh, remember that Elon Musk mentioned that if Donald Trump is a uh, ultimately arrested Elon Musk Believes that the following will happen if Donald Trump is arrested and placed into handcuffs Trump will be quote re-elected in a landslide victory.

Well, so with that said, thank you so much for watching my coverage of the announcement of the Trump indictment. Get life insurance in as little as five minutes and get 12 free Stocks by using the links down below Met Kevin.com Life Met Kevin.com Free You get 12 totally free stocks via Weeble and you can even invest in Whack if you wanted to. keep in mind that those are paid promotions and you can check out my amazing programs on building your wealth, how to become a millionaire in real estate and otherwise link below: Check them out, Use buy now, pay later if you'd like. We'll see in the next one.

Yeah, a game over.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

31 thoughts on “The donald trump indictment – trump will be arrested full details”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spartan600 says:

    The margaritas will pour tonight. Notice how it’s Friday . Hospitality industry will have a big weekend .

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Talents Got America says:

    Why has it never happened with Biden? Tired of this show

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jamie souza says:

    Do you guys really believe Trump will turn himself in?? LOL

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amirouche The Lion of Numidia says:

    Even hardened communist leftist democrats know this is a witch-hunt. By the way I am a Muslim immigrant who will vote for Trump 2024!!! Keep on coming after Trump and America will come after you !!! Trump 2024!!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Javier says:

    January 6, 2024

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars UncagedPine9 says:

    But our current president is commiting treason with ccp

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Lafrentz says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JMONEY23 says:

    Joe Biden, Pelosi, Hunter Biden, Ken Griffen are the real criminals. They want so badly to derail Trump from getting in office again they are trying everything they can to try and nail this man for something. Sad reality is these few that I have listed are 100× the criminal that Donald Trump is ever. Trump is a good man and great president and regardless of what this POS current administration tries to indict him for he still will have my vote come 2024. FJB!!! Trump 2024!!!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Koenig Pierre says:

    Lock him up!!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Tirado says:

    Booking process sucks….just like this video. I can't watch this video.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars getsome says:

    Get killary in Prison….where are those emails…

    800k paula….clinton….Clinton….?

    Democrats in high places are disgusting and a double standard exist..

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thick Drip Genetics says:

    Trump is our savior! All hail trump!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars András Bíró says:

    Not charged doesn't mean not punished. Jumping over a turnstile shouldn't get you a prison sentence. This just means that the punishment should be proportional to the crime.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lukeinga says:

    The Secret Service is not empowered to arrest on a state charge since they can only arrest for offenses 'under the law of the United States;. I am not certain they could legally handcuff him even if he asked them too, it would be an assault.

    The President also cannot pardon state crimes, that's established.

    Kevin you also don't appear to understand impeachment. It doesn't matter when it occurred, Congress can impeach for whatever they want, when they want. 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors' means whatever they want it to mean.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yoni Sapir says:

    If anyone should be indicted and thrown in prison its George Soros.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marquise Atkins says:

    I think there is a lot of confusion. They’re not charging for these crimes they’re giving huge fines. You can just hop a turnstile in a train station you’ll get tickets left and right. The crimes you listed may not make sense to put poor people in prison for not paying a $3 train. They do need consequences like a $100 fine. Trust me this stops ppl, I know my friends stopped doing it.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SuperCatbert says:

    if trump gets hurt or worse in custody, the US is over….

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mister Lister says:

    They said trump could not ask about a political enemy durning the Ukraine impeachment and now they are charging trump over a booking fee.
    Just let the whole thing burn.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darren says:


  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harlem4216 says:

    This world is so corrupt

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Thompson says:

    Donald Trump remain silent? SILENT? 😅🤣🤣🤣😂

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Borski says:

    TRUMP 2024

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Thompson says:

    How could Trump be tried by a jury of his peers? Not only does he claim to be peerless, but few if any of the public would lower themselves to his ethical standards. I guess his peers as HE sees it are people like N Korea's Kim Jong-un, Hungary's Viktor Orbán or Russia's Putin. Not sure they'd be willing to come to America, book time off to sit on a jury. Might be worth it though to put them all in the same room.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dr Michael McBride, DC says:

    Guess he could do fake handcuffs like AOC?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Quinn says:

    Fight the Tyranny!!!!!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Quinn says:

    Ultra Mega Maga Power!!!!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Bronk says:

    He’s not going to be arrested. He is a pos criminal though.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jarett Schneider says:

    Kevin, you talk about the booking process like you know a lot about it… cheers bud 🍸 🍺

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johnny Rico says:

    Before you said that Trump made up the whole thing about being indicted to increase his poll numbers, now you're claiming that he's going to ask be handcuffed to increase his poll numbers. Just stop lying about the man.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Long Term Investor 84 says:

    First Republic Bank to the moon, to 100+.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fight4Right says:

    The man knows how to manipulate his clueless base! 😂😂😂

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