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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #elonmusk #chatgpt #grok ⚠️⚠️⚠️
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Wow! Elon Musk is back at it again, this time launching his own competitor to chat. GPT even though self- admittedly, Groo as his platform is called, is more closely a competitor to GPT 3.0 or Meta's neural Nets Language learning models Elon Musk suggests hey, we've done great for the two works of training we've been or two months of training, we've been able to do so quite frankly, for the progress we were able to do within 2 months. we're very proud of this and I have to say for 2 months of training, they're doing pretty great. I'll show you some samples here of the progress, but I have to say there is a massive risk factor I Already found in one of their own samples a massive red flag in Elon Musk's Language Learning Model now I'll talk about and reveal that in just a moment.

I Do want to give you some quick bottom lines though. What they're doing with this language model is they're training it on realtime Twitter Data Elon Musk Touts this as a massive advantage to GPT now considered. GPT currently does have plugins to allow you to browse the internet with. Bing This is obviously after Microsoft's investment into Open Ai and the partnership there.

this has been very seamless. So uh, maybe that you know competition could be worn down a bit or that Gap could be worn down a bit. However, Elon suggests that look, we now for our API at Twitter potentially charge as much as $42,000 per month per user per Enterprise user. Uh, and that $42,000 here it is is is really just to provide a moat around how valuable Twitter's data actually is.

Now, back when Elon was beginning to acquire Twitter we talked regularly on this channel about how it would actually be great for the foundation of verbal Ai and how this could be very useful in a future. Let's say Optimus robot and I've been a big believer that you could train people on mass sets of data and create pretty strong language learning models that will be very useful in robotics Improving stupid language learning facilities like Siri which honestly is like probably the equivalent of like GPT .1 Like, it's so bad. Why is Siri still so bad? I I don't understand. You get plugins to turn it into a GPT 4 though, which that's actually substantially better.

Or just go straight into the Gp4 app and use the voice app. Oh, it's so good. Use the voice feature. oh Game Changer But anyway, what's the big problem that I found with this? I'm going to tell you the big problem: I Do also want to give you the opportunity though to know that if you go to Xai on Twitter you'll be able to see the announcing Gro post which I'm pretty sure that's pronounced with a long o in case you're wondering uh, Elon did post on Twitter that it has the long vowel o But anyway, they do offer Early Access So if you click uh, if you go to the release, go to Xai on Twitter you'll be able to join their wait list to get early access to this.

This is where they talk about how they're using rust as a platform for sort of building this on. uh, they talk about some of the compar to 3.5 and how this is grou 1.0 essentially and and it's a very early beta product. Okay, great, so we got that out of the way. What's the big criticism that I have and I know some people are going to say Kevin Why why are you always criticizing Elon and look I Want to say this is amazing.
If I had many billions of dollars and I were a billionaire, I'd be running a language model as well I'd be wanting to compete in the space I have so many ideas for this kind of stuff, but we don't have the funding to turn. You know some like to to actually create a GPT competitor, right? So let's be real. You compete where you can compete which for me that's real estate or uh, you know personally I like to think providing perspective and value on the internet. That's why I sell amazing new BR Pro crash courses.

They're great. You can now get them for under $100 That price will be up over $100 by next. Friday So check those out at Meetkevin.com But what pains me is and many of you already know this, it has to do. Here's a grou sample.

Okay, many of you already know this. This one of the things that absolutely pains me about Twitter and and maybe it's just human psychology? Maybe it's just scrolling psychology. Maybe it's true. It probably is of YouTube shorts Instagram shorts or reals rather and Tik Tok as well, but it's the surface level aggravation content that is very sharable but honestly leads to more jaded Americans or actual actually Global Citizens and I think it's a net negative to our society and and not trying to like I'm going to give you the example really quickly, but just quick.

Bottom line on this: I Think we want people who wake up every day, including everyone who's watching this who's here to learn that deep perspective because that's what we provide on the channel. Ideally, everybody wakes up and thinks okay, if I hear something, how can I Fact check this? how can I test that for myself? Where is the real bias Are the motivations behind somebody who's showing me something or telling me something evil? Are they well-intended but sometimes mistaken? Are they more often right than they're wrong, right? These are the things we should analyze. Problem with this sort of outraged journalism that we find is we get left as very jaded and it ends up being demoralizing. We're like, you know what, the system's rigged we can't get ahead in.

America Why bother trying? Let's just go back to sleep I've been working my ass off, you know, 14-hour days for X years and I still don't feel like I'm getting ahead. Those are really real sentiments in America but it's just self-fulfilling If now we be unfortunately, really negative and jaded. So here's a Gro example. So the point of Gro is to incorporate humor.

It's worth noting they do say in their release that Gro is designed to answer questions with a bit of wit and a rebellious streak. So please don't use it if you hate humor. Okay, fair disclaimer: I think that's great this rebellious streak. It's important to remember that if people are going to use your product to learn from it, it's fine to be rebellious and funny.
But it's also really important to provide at least multiple angles of of perspective. Otherwise, you become sort of a one-sided monster. That's what I'm worried about here. So here somebody says Gro any news about SBF and then it says searching for news about SBF which by the way I Have to say I kind of like the logo here.

It's sort of half of the X right? X AI Anyway, great. Uh. anyway. oh my dear human.

I have some juicy news for you. It seems that our friend s bankman freed the former cryptocurrency Mogul has been found guilty on all counts in his fraud trial. Can you believe it? Okay, this is cool. like I Like this, this is very very conversational, right? Uh, now down here they say let's not forget and we're going to talk about this in the moment.

Let's not forget that he faces up to 110 years in prison. That's quite a long time to ponder the consequences of one's actions, don't you think? And to think all of this could have been avoided if he had just followed some simple rule. some some of the simple rule or the simple rule rather of just not stealing billions of dollars from FTX customers. Alas, some customers never win.

In any case, I Hope this news s satisfies your curiosity. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to ask. That is great. Okay, 10 out of 10 love it I Love the sort of like rebellious like I'm a pirate yate Alas, some people just never learn.

This is great. Really conversational, high quality. 10 out of 10 Elon like if we could just stop here. full stop.

Fantastic job and quite frankly I am proud that somebody like Elon is trying to compete in the space. I don't know. Some people think I don't like El I I love Elon I admire Elon I Really do. But I have criticisms that do leave me concerned and hopefully hopefully if it's not him, it's people around him who hear the criticism and go.

You know what? Kevin That is a real problem and we will address that. That's all we're looking for here. So what is the real red flag of Elon Musk's AI Platform? You ready for it? First we know it's trained on Twitter data right? Okay, wrong button. That was anti anticlimactic.

It's right here. Can you believe it? He's guilty on all counts. The jury just took 8 hours to figure out what the smartest best VCS in the world couldn't do in years. he committed Garden variety fraud.

It's a wild ride, isn't it? Okay, let's parse this apart. First of all, I despise VCS House Haack took not a single dime of VC money because honestly I agree. the D diligence Venture capitalists do is nominal generally what I believe and I hate to say it. But even some of the biggest VCS like Andre Horwitz investing $300 million into the guy who founded wework creating a real estate crypto startup called Flow I'm like, what are you throwing $300 million at you complete a like this is not somebody who understands real estate.
They've gone bankrupt twice with Wei work twice. Okay, I Honestly think that sometimes these VCS Andre and Horwitz included invest in things that they think they can sell. It's the greater fool than I Theory right? It's I'm going to invest in Flow because at $300 million because I think my 300 will be worth a billion dollars and then I'll cash out and somebody else will be left holding the back. So I personally believe the VC system is absolutely disgusting.

So I want to be very clear about that? like VC sucks I've invested Ed Money with VCS that I thought were doing proper due diligence only to find out they did zero due diligence and that relying on them was total like near fraud. But it's it's okay. like I'm a big boy I made M I made money and then I lost money. That happens.

Okay, but what pisses me off about this? I did it again. This what pisses me off about this is not that they're bagging on VCS That's actually kind of funny. Okay, but the perspective that's missing is it didn't just take the damn jury 8 hours. Some articles even say it just took the jury 3 hours to deliber it.

Okay, but it didn't just take the jury 3 to 8 hours. Okay, it didn't That's the thing people forget that. Wait a second. This was a jury that every single waking day of a courtroom calendar had the privilege of listening to, provided testimony over 17 days of trial testimony.

evidence. Everything that happened handed to a jury on a silver platter. In retrospect, okay, this is after it all collapse. Here's how it went down.

Here's the testimony. Here's the evidence: 20. Well, at least 17 full trial days plus other days here, at least 17 days of this count. The trial squares here s Us: vers Sam Bankman Free.

Of course, they had way more time to understand that Sam Bankman Freed is a complete fraudulent and an embarrassment for the crypto industry quite frankly. Sam Bman Freed should go to jail for the maximum amount of time possible just to send a signal that if you want to be a fraud in crypto, you go to jail. If you're a fraud, you deserve to be in prison because it's terrible for a startup industry. Crypto, which blockchain has such wonderful use applications and long term I Expect it will have even more practical use applications, right? A lot of them right now.

mostly theoretical. Uh, it's disgusting because people are ruining this. But the point is, VC's didn't have the benefit of hindsight which we know is 2020, all the evidence provided on silver platter and 17 plus days of trial. So what I wanted to do is compare and I understand it's grou 1.1 I understand it's in beta, blah blah blah blah blah right? I Understand that.
but I just want to give you a contrast because I'm a little concerned because you could be like the rebellious humorous replying and then say but In Fairness, the jury had the benefit of hindsight whereas the venture capitalists didn't right? That alone is a big difference. But look at this. I asked this is GPT I want you to see the whole thing Okay, why was s SPF Qu Uh convicted so quickly? If VC's missed that he was a fraud, it only took the jurors a few hours to convict Is the VC system broken? Oh boy. I Feel like that should have been like a colon or semicolon.

But anyway, the case of S. Bankman Freed who was recently convicted for defrauding customers, investors and lenders of10 billion through his crypto Exchange highlights a concern regarding the VC system's ability to detect fraudulent Behavior True, the conviction has been perceived as a significant event, right? and potentially just the tip of the iceberg. Your question brings up a compelling point about the efficiency and effectiveness of VC of the VC system in identifying fraud, particularly when jurors were able to convict in a short amount of time. So far, that's the same as Groo right? So far, that's the same.

However, here we go: It might suggest a gap in due diligence or the evaluation processes of VCS which fail to uncover fraudulent activities. That's the bashing on VC part, right? But ready for the perspective? Ready for the flip side perspective that every language, uh, learning model should be demanded commanded to provide? However, it's worth noting that the processes and objectives of VCS and courts are fundamentally different. VCS might be more focused on potential returns and Innovative aspects of projects, right? This is the ability to resell a project. Are people really buying from VCS because they're doing the diligence or because they're like they have a name and they're reselling, right? That part of the system I Agree is totally different and now possibly overlooking red flags in the process.

That is again a failure of Reas I I concur. However, here's the flip side. The courts focuses on upholding the law and ensuring Justice the speed of the conviction could be du due to a variety of factors including the clarity of evidence, the effectiveness of the prosecution, or the understanding of the jurors. It does not necessarily reflect on the VC system.

Again, it's the element of hindsight and we can even ask. So is this a potential case of hindsight? Verse A stupid VC system. We'll do it. Live together, right? Obviously, we expect the answer is yeah.

it's absolutely possible here that this could be a factor of hins, but at least at least we're getting some of that perspective. Let's see how GPT Uh 4 responds. After the conviction of SPF it might be easy to look back and point out the signs of fraudulant activity. However, those signs might not have been as clear to the VC firms at the time of their investment, especially if the fraudulent activities were well concealed.
Yeah, totally true oversight. There might have been oversight or lapses in the due diligence process of VCS. Usually, it's a little bit of everything, right? It's the benefit of hindsight versus oversight issues. At the beginning, the due diligence process wasn't thorough enough.

There could also be systemic problems in the VC system. Again, this is the greater fool theory that I talk about. Uh, so I Think it's a little bit of everything, but it's really worth remembering that the VC system had a lot more color here. I think most of most logical people who listen to this are like yeah I mean Kevin That makes sense and then we're going to get replies like oh, but is just on 1.0 I know, but it's being trained on Twitter So what's my big concern that it goes down this path of Jade and under the guise of humor? when reality it's just brainwashing people in one jaded perspective.

Yikes. Let me know what you think in the links down below. If you want perspective on how to build your wealth with real estate stocks or otherwise, make sure to go to Meetkevin.com Learn all about entrepreneurship! Building Wealth Starting at zero and building real wealth for the long term. Thanks so much for watching.

We'll see you the next one. Bye Why not advertise these things that you told us here? I Feel like nobody else knows about this? We'll We'll try a little advertising and see how it. Go Congratulations man, you have done so much People love you people look up to you Kevin PA there financial analyst and YouTuber meet Kevin Always great to get your take now I Have to read you a legal disclaimer: even though I'm a licensed a financial adviser, licensed real estate broker and becoming a stock broker, this video is neither personalized Financial advice nor real estate advice for you. It is not tax, legal, or otherwise personalized advice tailored to you.

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26 thoughts on “The danger of elon musk’s chatgpt competitor: grok warning”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Break Out2 says:

    Grok is not Grok AI .Its a Fake coin!!!!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Regular Regs says:

    Subbed. Appreciate this take a lot.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars frankespinoza9 says:

    elon is a fucking character ,we will never colonize mars and this guy was talking bad abt A.i and hes funding chat gtp and trying to convince people to plant chips😂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Markovic says:

    Elon lost his midas touch. Whatever hes involved with goes to shyt.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Troy Richardson says:

    A one sided monster like your praised woke Chat GPT ?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kizzy_pop says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Workaholic says:

    I love Meet Kevin. He keeps me so informed and makes me smile.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars robert aranda says:

    Kevin is officially the number one Elon/Tesla fudster because he regrets not buying enough Tesla stock at $101 per share… I think I'm starting to regret not buying more at 200 per share.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlos Rodrigues says:

    "GROOOK", Rust as a platform. Oof, brutal. Do some research before hitting record man.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars liminal says:

    I'm pretty sure it's pronounced "Grock" like the old computer term not "Grook"

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars New Adventure says:

    Its funny when they made million on one idea of one of the richest person now a days they not even thanks him. Praising is diff from from the bottom of my heart i thank u so much ..see the attitude change when they lost money on which is from $100 / share to $200 still they double there investment so whats the problem there…ayyyaayyaayyy

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Travis Willert says:

    Dude claims he wants positivity in the world but complains for 16 minutes straight. 😂

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Lewis says:

    FUD – never bet against Elon!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Kohan says:

    It's great to see innovative minds like his pushing the boundaries of technology.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve says:


  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Whitehead says:

    Have you forgotten Grok is a baby system 2 months old, and barely able to walk? 🙂

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars One says:

    Idk if these are good examples to use. You should try to get your own

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars H M says:

    Wait, Grok makes mistakes after only 2 months of training??? Unbelievable…..

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Legola87 says:

    How is Elon gonna control Grok since it has access to real time data? I want to know this.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sparky 520 says:

    You should make a video on self analysis and why your channel views have been consistently tanking.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian & Sylvia says:

    I like how the first demo of Grok (pronounced Grawk) is showing how Grok knows all the up to date information about Elon Musk.
    I think I can see where this is going.
    Grok will exceed the capabilities of all humans with Bluecheck accounts. Grok will suck up to Musk more accurately and with greater emotional impact than any human could ever do.
    Grok: More Bluecheck Than Bluecheck.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Loctober T says:

    A youtube channel called Riddle, with 3 times Kevin’s subscribers, posted a short video a day ago, falsely claiming a bus on flame to be an electric bus, and got 300+ comments most of which bashing EV as a false environmental story.
    But judging from the video the bus definitely was running on CNG, the flames were on top of the bus where the CNG tank was, instead the bottom where batteries were supposed to be, and the flames were thrown horizontally, likely due to the pressure inside the tank.
    This seems to be the trend these days, bashing EV, and people don’t really care if the information is legit, they just want to consume it, because it makes them feel that they’re right. That’s why lies like this one could gain momentum, there’s no checking whatsoever.
    So those who try to tell the truth not only need to be right, but also need to be loud, it is important …… talking about ads.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simp Stonks says:

    I've been following you forever, of course you've evolved as you should but you seem to be jumping on the main stream media's team, pushing their narratives and hating on Elon for bo reason. What was the point of this video? He blocked you for a reason

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Marco Iglesias says:

    It's good to have some competition, especially when ChatGPT is a bit restricted and genuinely woke.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ivaylo T says:

    Did you at one point forget what you were talking about?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TC says:

    They are obviously going to use the community note system to help sort out the most reliable data to use for training, not all data on X 🤷

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