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Welcome back everyone to another episode of the meet kevin show. Today, we've got marca back from big digital assets, ceo of big digital assets, and we've got a lot of questions, especially with the latest price action we got to know what's happening to crypto. What's the future of crypto, if russia does go through and go in with a full invasion, can we actually see crypto be something maybe we can escape to? We got ta talk, metaverse sec regulation? How are we going to progress in the metaverse, and so with that said, mark. Thank you.

So much for being here. Welcome back hey kevin great to be here. I'm excited to be a return guest on your show and uh yeah excited to talk about crypto, metaverse and all those different parts. Absolutely so i want to get started right into it.

What's your take on the market uh, obviously, we've seen crypto prices do some wild things. Since this summer we hit a low of 29 000 in btc, ran all the way up to 69. After that, btc uh, futures etf didn't quite get that full spot, etf and and we've kind of been down since then, and certainly the geopolitical tensions now aren't helping. What are you seeing on the forensics end of things and what would you tell to hodlers or even people, just curious, crypto, curious yeah? I think it's crypto doing crypto things or bitcoin doing bitcoin things as we say in the industry.

You know you watch it back over a course of uh five years that i've been really paying attention to it. In the industry you see highs, you see lows and um, it's sort of like the weather on a mountain. If you don't like it wait. 10 minutes.

It's gon na change right, so you know: we've seen the highs uh. Obviously a lot of pressure on you know the whole broad markets right now with ukraine and russia and uh inflation and everything else that's going on, but um. You know these two. These things, too will pass and you know suddenly there could be a major country who announces that they've, legalized bitcoin and you know back up - you go ten thousand dollars u.s and in bitcoin so um.

You know i'm firm believer in the long-term value of crypto and bitcoin in particular and uh. All the variations in between our buying opportunities. Uh is the way we see it. Um and people will continue to trade.

It uh whether it's high or low you're gon na have the hodlers and you're gon na have the panickers um. So you know it's it's stay in the market, enjoy the ride and um. You know. I think it's we're here for long term value uh as crypto investors nice.

What do you see in terms of like from from your business side? What do you do? Do you get to see much of the the margin action? Does that really come into crypto forensics? What do you kind of see in a day-to-day - and i think importantly, since we last spoke, how has that evolved? If it's evolved at all yeah, i mean margins, are staying steady in industry, we're seeing um trading volumes. Even when prices go down, uh trading volumes can go up uh. You know again a lot of volatility in uh in the economy and in the global uh governments and world are creating price action and creating movements and creating volatility, and that's allowing margins in our industry to remain. You know healthy and strong in the crypto trading industry.
Um and in terms of forensics uh, you know our forensics companies call blockchain intelligence group. It creates even more business for forensics companies because the more use of crypto globally, the more crime that does happen and then the more needs for law enforcement to step in and actually track. What's going on and protect uh industry and citizens so um all of it creates uh opportunity for businesses like big digital assets. You know, so i think.

Since we last spoke, you all either acquired or opened up a trading portion. Could you clarify the two portions of your business at big, ditch yeah, so we have a forensics business called blockchain intelligence group, so it's essentially a software company that makes technology to track the movement of crypto through the blockchain it essentially can we compare you to palantir? Yes, very similar to palantir right so technology that allows you to look into the blockchain and understand. What's going on, you know if someone again stole your crypto and it moved through 25 wallets and ended up on coinbase. Our technology can track it all the way through and help law enforcement go try to recover it.

For you, our second business is called netcoins, which is a trading platform, so it's very similar to coinbase. It's actually the first regulated crypto trading platform in canada, owned by a publicly traded company. So we have a license by this csa, which is the canadian sec to be a legalized. Crypto trading platform regulation is coming into the canadian market and we're at the forefront of it, um, which is excellent, because the other half of our business again is technology to help law enforcement, track, crypto and and reduce illegal uses of crypto and there's actually a third Business we just invested heavily in a company called tara, zero, which is a metaverse business, and i think we'll talk about the metaverse today.

But we're really excited about the metaverse and where it's going for brands and consumers and how it's tied into crypto and nfts and all those other components, do you see crime go up when the price of crypto goes down or or do you actually see crime more Plentifully when prices are high, because it's more lucrative, probably when prices are high um, you know in some ways it doesn't matter right, because if you're trying to spend ten thousand dollars, u.s uh to do something, some illegal activity say: buy drugs um, whether that's you know A tenth of a bitcoin - or let's say it, was one whole bitcoin, really doesn't matter uh if you're a criminal you're just trying to spend ten thousand dollars u.s and it converts x amount of bitcoin. So you know i, you do see. Crime generally go up as prices go up, though, because there's more activity in crypto when prices go up um, but it never stops. I mean it's just another form of currency and payment um and unfortunately, there's always going to be bad things happening when people are.
You know engaging in illegal activities using any sort of currency, whether it's crypto or fiat, no kidding how much of your forensics do you do if you could say in the us versus in in canada, can you do both yeah? We do both. We sell uh our forensics products globally, uh. The us secret service is a customer of ours that uses our forensics products. So we we sell to governments all over the world and police departments all over the world, canada just being where we happen to be from, but is very much a global product with a lot of u.s customers for our business, because uh crypto is global.

So everywhere it goes uh our products can go and help people track it. Now you mentioned you, you have a symbol you're almost similar to pallet here. Would that make you a competitor to palantir for crypto? Well, maybe yeah i mean they're, not as heavily, i think, into forensics as we are. They might be more in a data analysis, but um.

You know there is a few different forensics companies out there in the world chain. Analysis is a direct competitor of ours. Uh. You know the private company, but they have a four billion dollar pre-money valuation on the last venture capital round.

They did which shows the value of this kind of technology and there's only a few companies in the whole world that can do this. We have three and a half billion wallets and addresses with risk scores on them and identification attributions. So when someone's looking at uh the blockchain, whether it's bitcoin or ethereum or erc20 tokens, they can actually understand what's going on. Otherwise, it just looks like a whole bunch of numbers.

It means nothing to you, but we take that blockchain and give it information. So someone doing their job can really understand. Oh, that coin went from this organization to that organization and out to this exchange, or it was split three ways and went to three different exchanges: um, you know actionable information. Can you say which countries are most prone to maybe most of the crimes? Sourcing back to um, i don't know if we could say that definitively i mean there's a lot of uh different countries that operate outside of the rule of law um, but it probably frankly tracks tied to economies right.

The largest economies uh have the most movement of money and therefore they would have a similar percentage of crime tied to you know, financial crimes uh, so the u.s would have lots going on, but um you know so to sort of they're, probably overweighted index on some Other countries that don't have proper rule of law did, did you see uh a big drop drop-off of cryptocrime in china when, when they banned almost all forms of of crypto transactions and mining did did sort of these chinese ip addresses disappear or has nothing really changed? On sort of the, maybe if we could say the black market side, yeah nothing's changed on the black market side. We did not see it drop um. You know i'd like to say that china's banned crypto about four times yeah and every time you know first time it took like a month for the market to recover. Then it took a week and the last time that china said they were banning crypto and mining.
Again, you know it was less than a day before bitcoin recovered from a small blip, because the market has realized that the chinese government doesn't control crypto, which is why they'd like to have a central bank digital currency, as opposed to these decentralized currencies and uh. The market continues on and there might not be mining happening as china as much, but it doesn't change the flow of coins through the country. So, what's to stop us from just using blockchain technology instead of making like a central bank digital currency token, why don't we just use blockchain instead of swift or ach or whatever, for processing our dollar transactions with the bank accounts we have now, i think it'll happen. I think uh currencies and transactional processing will move on to the blockchain, which will uh, but they might be centralized blockchains right.

So you know banking institutions may move on to blockchain versus just ledgers that are software um that are not built on blockchain. There's a lot of good value in blockchain outside of crypto entirely for these purposes. What i personally, don't love about central bank digital currencies is that it gives the government control over your currency very directly like if one day they decided they want to encourage purchases of televisions in the united states. They could program it.

So every time you spent a u.s dollar, which was a central bank digital currency, on a tv you'd, get an extra 20 percent worth of value wow. It would move a whole bunch of control. That, i think, is you know at a micro level, into your wallet to centralize governments um, and that's why? I think that you know central bank digital currencies are not in the favor of citizens. I guess you'd say i actually wrote an article for cointelegraph about this fairly recently um, i think you know they're they're, just a centralized version of existing currency, which is already sort of digital.

Anyway. Do you see risks with and i can't recall if we talked about this last time, i don't believe we did. Do you see risks in uh lending in in cbdc's and i'm not sure what you might see. I'm sure you see so many things on the forensic sides, but you know it's not hard to go on youtube and see.

You know someone go here. Watch me take a thousand dollars and turn it into five thousand dollars worth of crypto leverage by you know. Uh buying btc, then borrowing against that then buy then taking stable coins out and repeating that process until one case 5k and now they're 5x leveraged, i think even ftx does 20x leverage straight out of the gate where you don't even have to play the games uh. So, where do you stand on leverage in crypto versus the traditional financial system? There there's a lot of risk.
Um, the you know in canada, where we're based the regulatory bodies that are overseeing crypto um have not allowed leverage or not allowed lending. Essentially, so you can't uh pay yield on crypto deposits and the concern in canada, nowhere in canada by any regulated party, uh wow - i don't know right so, like d5, maybe but not like uh. I can't go on to uh crypto.com, for example, or crypto.ca. I suppose and start getting an eight percent yield yeah.

So i mean you can't they're not regulated in canada. Uh crypto.com is one example, but you go the utadium like coin square netcoins our platform bit by there's lots of different canadian uh trading platforms that are licensed. You couldn't do that and the issue - and you asked about this question - is the risk is counterparty risk. So you have all these different parties that you're lending it's like the banking system.

Right, we lend one person, money, um and, and you you know, you're borrowing it on the other side and creating a difference of interest rates right, like you, loan it out at six percent, but um you get nine percent on the other side, if one party walks Away and breaks the you know the relationship or the contract or goes bankrupt or gets hacked. The whole system falls apart um. So if we were to lend crypto to a third party that, for example, got hacked lost their private keys and that crypto disappeared. All of our yield, we were going to get from that party that we were going to pay back to our customers.

Uh is gone so again if we lent out customers crypto at six percent, so we could pay our customers that are our netpoints customers, three percent, but the party paying a six percent loss to crypto that we gave them we're we're hooped right, it's counterparty risk and That is the the real concern in yield and leverage, i think in crypto, and is that why essentially, the canadian government has just ruled no no lending on this, and i mean if so, what why is this? How is this different from just you know: fractional reserve banking in the united states yeah. It's a good question. I mean the the regulatory framework is evolving. I can say that for sure and the canadian regulars may allow yield with various controls around it uh over time.

You know they just brought in regulation in general, legalizing crypto trading, um and then they'll. You know i think yield will be another step of the evolution of regulators looking at the market, understanding that it is like fractional lending like you talk about in inside of uh. The greater banking system, so i think it will come, but it requires uh, more education, more studying and ways to to make it safe. Because that's what regulators are there for to try to make sure that investors, money is, is protected and safe um.
So i think we'll continue to see an evolution. So do you think it'll get to the point that essentially, where you will start having yield on these uh stable coins? Essentially, i do think that'll happen. Yes and it's going to take time and there'll be mechanisms in place like insurance to overcome that risk, like so the counterparty wasn't talked about you get lloyd's of london, that's moving into insuring a lot more crypto assets and crypto holdings, which didn't even exist a year Ago, which enables us to do more things, you know originally people say the only true way to keep crypto safe is have it in cold storage, protected keys, etc. Now we're seeing ways to put even customers coins on our platform into warm storage or hot wallets and have insurance on it with companies like lloyd's, which then opens up the opportunity for regulators to say.

Oh, you could do yield as long as you have your counterparty risk, insured, um, so the whole market's evolving, it's actually quite exciting, to see what's happening in crypto and where it's going, and i think these crypto companies like ours, like netcoins our trading platform um. You know big digital assets overall they're, going to move towards the direction of banks, they're going to offer more and more services that look like banking services. Kraken has a bank charter now and either the banks themselves are going to have to start becoming a lot more friendly to crypto and offering those services or the crypto companies are going to move into their space and take the banking revenue from them. That's incredible yeah, and i mean not only that, but this you know i use lloyds for some of my business uh insurance policies, which is kind of interesting, because one of my hesitations has actually in in like using stable coins, has been the lack of of essentially Wallet insurance and it looks like here, you go, here's a press release where i mean this was just launched not that long ago i don't particularly see a date on it, but i imagine within, like you said the last year lloyd's just launched this uh and it Looks like what limits as little as a thousand pounds.

So so i guess tbd in terms of how this might work here, they're launched in september wow. Look at that yeah and we're actually uh we're in, i guess i'd, say we're working with lloyd's on similar insurance policies, they're bringing that making that available to crypto trading platforms all over the world, which then opens up a whole bunch of more product offerings. Essentially that you can uh offer to your customers, so it's enabling crypto companies to look more and more like banks right to offer yield to get more into d5 products um, and it's amazing. It's it's a it's a maturation of the crypto industry that i love.
Seeing. That's actually really incredible: i'm excited about that uh, that kind of insurance for sure what about like uh, you know ecuador. You know so ecuador's all in here on btc. For some reason i can't help but think they're doing a little bit of uh uh like hey.

Let's, let's just uh, throw a bunch of money into bitcoin and hope this helps us make enough money, so we can bail out all the debts we have because they've been begging the imf for a bailout and the imf ever since they got into bitcoin has actually Said: hey now you're in bitcoin? Now we definitely don't want to bail you out so so now they got everything riding on bitcoin. Are i mean, does a country actually have the ability to huddle for five years before they just go bankrupt five? Ten years can they actually afford to take this kind of risk or are they being stupid? Well, i don't think they're being stupid. I don't know about ecuador's uh balance sheet, in particular the depths of their liquidity for borrowing outside, if at all, outside of crypto. But if you have, as i said, the balance sheet to weather the short-term fluctuations, i think it's genius.

It's like microstrategy continuing to acquire bitcoin at at all different prices, because um in the industry every day, all i see is more people entering the market. Most of the growth uh in trading platforms is from brand new customers that are getting their first hundred dollars worth of bitcoin their first first five hundred dollars. The pie is growing and when the pie keeps growing and more and more individuals and corporations enter the market of a fixed supply commodity like bitcoin or a fixed supply currency. If you want to look at it that way, the price will rise.

You just have to have the liquidity to last through the short-term fluctuations, so if they get forced to sell it at any given time because they're out of money in their central reserve uh, they might have to sell it for less than they paid for it. And you know that'll be very bad for ecuador right, but if they can stay afloat um you know, i think we're gon na see seventy five thousand and a hundred thousand dollar u.s bitcoin in the next 12 to 18 months. Uh, no matter what happens? It's just going to be continued evolution of people entering the market, so i think it'll be good for ecuador. I don't i mean they want the imf to look after them, of course, but if they can actually get the payment system going and get people uh trading goods and services for bitcoin um, it's better than the currency they had, which was, you know, becoming worthless.

So what about yeah no kidding with the inflation? Well, usually we or or i should say historically, we've been looking at bitcoin, as maybe an inflation hedge. Now we've got some of the largest prints for consumer price inflation, producer price inflation. Yet we're we're in this moment where, while we have this high inflation, crypto prices are coming down. What happened is this institutions who are trading more and they're kind of trading it like a risk asset like a tech stock, or why is it not serving that hedge purpose? We thought it might.
I think it's a somewhat panicked retail investor right, so the the retail guys that are getting in and out and day trading and flipping and swing trading bitcoin in particular, um they're feeling, uh scared about inflation, they're feeling scared about geopolitical tensions and they're they're selling, and When you sell it causes the price to go down um, i think ultimately crypto as a hedge against inflation and a hedge, you know, acting more like gold will play out, there's just going to be a delay. So i think you know, like the stock market, they say short term. Is you know emotional and longer term? It's accounting system uh. I think you're going to see the same thing in crypto.

I think short term we're seeing this pressure of what's happening in the global markets and inflation, but i think, with a bit of time before those markets are even resolved or we figure out what is really going to happen with inflation, whether it's transitory or not. As i heard you talk about earlier today, i think bitcoin will will recover and people will move into it as a safe haven. I mean your buying. Power of your dollar is going down every day, as we can tell you know worse than it has in decades.

With inflation um it just bitcoin was built for this, and i think we will see people move back into uh the crypto markets uh to to make that hedge. Do you have the same kind of conviction for the altcoins, as you do for say, bitcoin and ethereum? I i don't um, you know, i think all coins serve a purpose. Um i mean there's clearly some meme coins out there that are pure gambling right purely based on. Is it going up? You want to be part of it.

You want to make returns, but there is ones like filecoin um. You know they're built around a plan like they're, actually there for a purpose and they're trying to build us some new technology and their tokens for the technology. I think those tokens will do well over time um, but the you know the meme coins are the ones that have no real purpose: no real business plan behind them and a you know, two-page white paper that says nothing. I think they're going to struggle.

I don't have conviction around those, i think most of them will fail um and some of them in the meantime will be. You know gambling opportunities so with with altcoins, be careful, i would say, there's an absolute place for them in our market and there is some great uh projects out there and great teams um, but other ones you know, is sort of like going to the casino and You know it's fun to go to the casino, but you know don't throw your life savings into altcoin number 7325 on the list on coin market cap, because your odds are they're, not great got it got it. Yeah house advantage there so um going just briefly to to the forensics uh and i think your product clue for for tracking uh. What do you do with privacy coins like uh, monero yeah privacy coins are a challenge um.
You know, there's not many of them out. There we're working on technologies to to deal with privacy coins and be able to track them um. If i had my president uh of clue and blockchain intelligence group here with me, lance morgan he'd be able to give you the nuts and the bolts of the the blockchain challenges with privacy coins um, but for now they're they're secure. But we are working on technologies to to be able to track them um.

So for now we're mostly working on open, blockchains or you know, can handle open, blockchains sure sure so, monero people, probably don't like you. Well, no. They don't like anybody that is working against their idea of privacy, but you know, interestingly enough, we we believe that for cryptos to be adopted and be brought on to the mainstream, there has to be, you know, rule of law and control and safety around them, and That's what we build products to do, um so whether monero ends up being you know, a mainstream cryptocurrency long term is is probably to be determined, and you know that the i guess the jury is out on privacy coins right. Why are they privacy points? What is what is the point and purpose of that um? Ultimately, so we'll see yeah, it seems like it's just a matter of time before uh the irs has all of our crypto wallets and then they know 10 times as much about us than they did before.

Yeah it could be, you know it's uh same same as facebook, and you know large technology platforms. When you operate on them over time, they will have knowledge for sure. Oh, but facebook keeps our info safe, so we're good yeah. That's right! So tell me about tara, zero and the metaverse talking about facebook.

Tell me about the metaverse. What what do you all got going on so tell me what is uh tara, zero, and what do you say to the people who say the metaverse is nothing more than video games with now an opportunity to monetize them in a way that maybe hasn't been present Before yeah i mean to start with, the metaverse is uh, you know it was coined a term that was coined quite a while ago. I think it was i mean. Look at snow crash was the name of the the book they talked about the metaverse.

I think it was in the 90s um, you know it's an online or virtual or augmented reality world that involves socialization. So what's happening is um. It's where people will start to interact more and more right. It's web 3.0.
You know web 1.0 was pushing information to you. Web 2.0 was letting you interact like facebook and web 3.0 is where you're going to truly be social and interact with other people, uh online and there's so many people that are already in the metaverse that have no idea they're in the metaverse. So kids, like my son playing fortnite, you know they're all on there they're playing fortnite, it's a version of a metaverse and they're buying skins for their avatars, so they're cool and they're spending real money at it on it um. You know athletes are using stuff like zwift, which is a metaverse for bikers.

You can sit in your house on your stationary bike. Look at a tv and go. You know, ride a canyon road in colorado or something but they're doing it with friends. Now right.

So you see your five friends beside you on the screen, you're all at your own houses, but it's like you're out riding this canyon that you couldn't do otherwise um. So the the whole market is evolving into a way to socialize and be interactive online um. What tara zero does, so our new company that we've just uh you know taken a very large investment in is they're, enabling uh the metaverse for brands. They actually just did the miller.

Lite bar for the super bowl actually go into the metaverse into decentraland and you could go to this miller lite bar and hang out with 10 of your friends, 100 of your friends or thousands of your friends and actually uh, you know interact. You could watch the game online, you could have um wearables like like, you, could get a miller, light t-shirt and put it on your avatar and then walk around and have credibility, but the intersection of of brands and consumers is coming in the metaverse. So, instead of going to a nike store um, you know in person which you might not be close to, you might live in a rural location. You can go to the metaverse walk into a nike store, see all of their clothes.

You can buy a digital version to put on your avatar, which might make you cool, but then you can actually order the shoes and they show up at your house, the physical shoes and it's a new shopping store online um. Tara, zero does a whole bunch of cool things, so they buy land uh for the appreciation of the value of land, but they also then lease land to companies that want to put up stores they might want to throw concerts. I just read today that snoop dogg, he has a whole thing called snoop verse in the sandbox. Where he's going to be throwing concerts and the only way you can get into these concerts is you buy one of the 10 000 nfts snoop dogg? I think they call them doggy nfts, which gives you exclusive access.

The market is crazy. I one great example. I'd really love to talk about is is concerts right, so music and the metaverse. If you take eminem, he could go to wembley stadium and put a hundred thousand people in it and charge them a couple hundred bucks a ticket and he can make some decent money.
But if he throws a concert in the metaverse he could have three million people. He could have 30 million people attend this and charge them 10 each and if he had 30 million people attend his concert, which is completely possible if it's open globally. Okay, it's 300 million dollars in two hours, plus the kid who's in his mom's basement in rural idaho gets to go to a concert for eminem and sure he's not there live in person, but it's a heck of a lot better than what he was going to Get before which was nothing right now he's in there it's actually live music, it's actually a performance and there's you know an m m avatar on a screen and he's watching it, and he could be sitting there with 20 of his buddies that are living all over. The country going to this concert together um it's going to be exciting.

They actually jp morgan just came out with a study said: the metaverse could be an 800 billion dollar market by 2024. wow. I'm clearly excited about the space yeah no kidding. How so? How do you compare the metaverse to uh, for example, uh as you've described, where you're going to events and you're using nfts for admission? How do you compare this to trying to take a slice of - let's see - let's say ip from disney through the the vive marketplace? Right everybody's going nuts for the the spidermans or or whatever that deadpool in a different position.

You know and and they're selling thousands of these things to me. I can't help but think that what you described makes sense. It's ideal, it's practical! I can't help but think some of these, like divided up art pieces, are a great revenue stream for disney yeah. I understand what you're saying um but they're not going to be worth anything in a year right.

You don't think so! Well, i, i think, that's your argument and i i don't disagree with you. I think there's going to be tons of nfts that are worthless, right, um, there's a bit of a movement towards yeah, buying a picture of spider-man in a certain position from disney - and you know, art art is a very interesting conversation because the value of it is Only determined on what someone will pay you for it and if you buy it for 10 bucks and then someone will pay you 20 for it. You know a week from now. I guess it's worth 20 bucks um.

But what is it ultimately going to be worth that picture of spider-man? It's that that's debatable and i guess the the the future is not written on nfts like that. What isn't debatable? Are these access token nfts, like the the the apes? What are they called bond? Eight board apes, so the board - oh my gosh. Well, they took over crypto punks. I mean that was such a big deal, the crypto punks.

I think the entry price was a half mil uh. I got ta look now. I think i think it's gone down substantially. Like 60 or something but yeah go ahead, what were you going to say? Well, i was going to say the board apes.
I was just looking earlier today and you know some of them are being sold for like a quarter million dollars. Yeah um like on open seas, and but where there is a utility is that by having one of these board apes, you can actually get into the game and the experience and the exclusivity right. So whether the price goes up or down, it will go up or down, but there is actual value there. That's giving you access to an experience, um that you wouldn't have otherwise um the other one i like is stoner cats, which is the cartoon uh done by aston, kutcher and mila kunis, and they said the only way you can watch our cartoon um is by buying A stoner cat nft and these stoner cats they sold out.

I can't remember what the number was. It was like 24 million dollars or 8 million dollars or something in 35 seconds. They sold all the cats, but they really just sold access to this cartoon, and then people could watch it or if they get bored they can sell their cat on on open seas um. So you know it's uh.

It's a different way of having access actually happen. Wow wow, that's incredible: uh! Okay, then, what? How would you as sort of a takeaway? How do you recommend people, not as financial advice like maybe for yourself? How do you see yourself investing uh in crypto? Do you do you make a basket of? Let's say stocks like maybe it's a a little slice of coin base and maybe your company big digital assets and some other companies, and then you throw in a little bit of btc, ethereum and and maybe some smaller ones, but but do you diversify really well? Are you all in on btc? Do you do you buy uh nfts uh for for access? What how? What do you where's your head on that? How do you reconcile it all, there's so much yeah? There is a lot it's hard. It's got, ta, be a very personal decision right and i think it's about uh two things: probably dollar cost averaging um and also risk diversification. So um, you know when you're buying crypto, you know you, don't i don't believe you buy it all at once.

So you don't say i got five thousand dollars, i'm just gon na buy it all today right scale into it over time. Right, maybe you're buying a hundred dollars every week over the next year and then you're. Basically, in your you know your five thousand dollars um and you have you - know a dollar cost average through all the swings of crypto. So i think you you scale in and be one thing, and then you decide what your you know: risk tolerance is and the bigger cryptos like bitcoin um funny enough in terms of crypto they're, more stable, they're.

Definitely not gics right, there's a lot of movement in them a lot of volatility, but you know weight uh and it's gon na be a personal decision, but i would say you know: weight into the larger coins uh higher and then in these alt coins. We talk about, you know, take smaller positions, maybe it's one percent of and lower alt coins are two percent of your portfolio, but you put 40 or 50 into bitcoin, so you've got to decide how to create your own portfolio and where your risk tolerance is, and You know the further down the altcoin list, you go, the riskier go um and i would say into you know nfts that are things like that: spider-man photo, those are probably quite high risk and if you're going to buy a stoner cat now, if that doesn't become Popular that could go down in value like we were just talking about some of those access nfts, so you've got to decide where you think the market is going on any particular nft and you know again weight it appropriately for risk and the risk is higher in Those things um, i think people should be looking at things like uh land in metaverse, right so in decentraland and sandbox um. I always i live in vancouver and people say imagine if you bought land in vancouver 50 years ago. What have you worth now? I think the metaverse is 100 years ago in terms of land and people are starting to buy up plots and in these, this is where companies like the nikes and adidas and reeboks and coca-cola's they're going to want to come and put up customer experiences and they're Going to need to buy land from land owners, so that's another place, that's probably high risk, but i think a very interesting investment for people that like to invest in real estate yeah.
I i have uh. I want to ask you this just this last question. Just on that i mean i'm uh, you know i started as real estate agent and real estate broker. You know i i look at like hey.

This is close to the schools. This has close to the beach you got weather, there's a finite amount of, for example, southern california weather you can get. You know it's in, like seven percent of the world, we can't just print new earths but like we can push a button and print morris in the metaverse. Does that potentially hurt yeah it? It could right.

So the that's such early days, we don't know which metaverse is for sure will be the ones that are around long term, which one are sort of the myspaces of the metaverse and which are more, the you know facebooks and instagrams um. But you know: there's some obvious leaders out there with this decentraland and sandbox and uh selenium um. You know you want to get in. You know you got you're taking a bit of a gamble.

Um, but what's good, is you take decentraland, it's run essentially by a government, so a decentralized committee that runs it and they can't just print more land into central land. It's already a defined space and the only way that could happen is essentially the government. The landowners agree and generally, i don't think they will, because that will devalue their land right. So you have this control that doesn't sit in the hands of one company um like a fortnight type of situation, not a centralized motorist.
You have a decentralized group that will act in their own best interests of themselves and their land owners, and that gives you protection. So those are the kind of meta versus where i think your your best and most likely to get a return on your investment. Is the sec ever going to approve a bitcoin etf? Yes, for sure awesome, awesome yeah! It is all coming canadian in canada they did it first um and you know in the states it is absolutely coming. It's an asset class.

All of this talk about biden and regulation is generally positive for crypto, whether the market gets it yet or not. When the government says uh, you know we're going to study it, we're going to ask all of our different departments to come back and make reports on how how it should operate. That means they're embracing it. That means it's here to stay.

I mean it means they're not going to outlaw it and say it can't be part of our ecosystem and our economy and our financial system um. It's absolutely a positive to be honest, nice, nice. Anything else that you want to add we're out of time. So anything you want to add shout out your company and uh.

Thank you so much yeah. I just want to say thanks for having me um and you know let everybody know big digital assets, we're continuing to to grow and expand our business, we're in crypto forensics. We're in uh crypto trading, we're in the metaverse we're in nfts and we're gon na keep expanding our portfolio of business and companies as a digital assets, company built for uh. You know the next one: five ten plus years uh, you know and onward it's uh.

It's an exciting time in crypto and i think of it, as you know, 1995 in the internet right now in crypto, it's still early days and the great companies are being built right now like big digital assets. That can take advantage of this future because we're ahead of the curve - amazing amazing, well stand by for one second, everybody. If you found this video helpful, consider sharing it. Thank you so much for being here and thank you so much for being here and we will uh we'll see y'all in the next one.

I stand by for a moment. If you don't mind and i'll end the stream here, thanks again.

By Stock Chat

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7 thoughts on “The crypto crash path to $100,000 – crypto ceo.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jerry R says:

    Criminals are selling their stolen and hacked coins on exchanges.. so they are part of the laundering operation. Hope you don't buy any!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amanda Lopez says:

    Learn not to sell in a panic when everything goes down and not to buy in euphoria when everything goes up. I advise y'all to forget predictions and start making a good profit now because future valuations are all speculations and guesses.The market is very unstable and you can not tell if it's going bearish or bullish.While myself and others are trad! N without fear of making a loss others are being patient for the price to skyrocket. It all depends on the pattern you follow. I was able to make 20 BTC from 8 BTC in just January from implementing trades with tips and info from Tim Wood.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruce Daughtry says:

    The only way this asshat can provide tracking is original KYC tracking … then he’s just mining personal information under the guise of being Mr Goodguy. He’s a traitor to the cause of honest, decentralized, non-confiscateable money.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars norman avila says:

    You mean el salvador??

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spartan Equity says:

    The guy who benefits from people buying crypto is, of course, going to tell you that you can escape the current world fears by hodling crypto.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justus Adams says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan says:

    been in BBKCF for a while, hodling till $20 a share

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