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Greetings: welcome to the last market, live stream uh until the uh uh until chris well through christmas, but then also, potentially until santa claus lands and drops off some presents for us that we get to unwrap on monday. We just spent quite a bit of time in the course member live stream, going through some potential option strategies for today versus monday and uh thoughts, but i got to do a thumbnail here. Oh here we go thumbnail done for this. Okay, so um it and really the here's.

Here's a thing that i don't think anybody would get mad at me for sharing that. I believe in. I think we're in this position where we've now had a rally for about the last three days on a lot of different stocks: uh, certainly the indices uh, let's, let's just go fact check this really quick. Let's go look at the s smp here, so everybody was moaning and complaining about the uh, the double top or whatever, but let's go to the unaveraged candlesticks for a moment.

So, let's here we go, let's go to the normal candlesticks look at this, so we had a flat day and we're now at three days of basically rally mode for the s. P right and uh and yeah crypto is pumping as well. No, i i'm closely paying attention to crypto as well and uh bought a lot of the dip which i'm very happy about my cost basis got moved so low on so many it's great uh yeah, even look cardano 145 right, very exciting, yeah, where's btc. Right now.

Let me see if i can find it doge. Ah, whatever we'll talk about that in just a moment what i want to talk about, though, most importantly, oh there is btc. Oh it's back under 51, though just slow down a little bit, so i'm watching it, but anyway, so we've had about three days of a rally right now, monday is in four days, which means we have uh thursday uh. Somebody wants to know if they should sell their hud 8 they're up 100 percent.

What would possess you not to take that profit other than greed um? I mean that dude. I i'd be so pissed if on monday, that was down a lot and if i was back to like 20 as a gain, but if i was look maybe by monday, though it would have been up 200. So you got to ask yourself like: if you take the attendee now, are you gon na be mad? If it keeps going up, you know, that's a personal question. 100 man.

That's nice anyway. Um we're at three days of a rally now monday will be in four days and so we're gon na have three days of potential drama news with omicron and analysts and - and i don't know whatever potential catalyst could unfold. I think if we get good news on army and a bunch of nothing between now and monday, monday could be the beginning of really that actual santa claus rally or the continuation of that santa claus rally, and i think that's between now and probably more probably monday. Tuesday, that's probably when i'm going to do my shopping, it's going to be.

In my opinion, this is going to be a crypto weekend for me, i'm going to be pretty deep on crypto pro, possibly even shopping for some crypto over this weekend. Uh and of course, i always send those alerts to anyone in the uh stocks and psychology money group, although i already did a good amount of shopping before some of these runs. I still think there are a lot of things that are much lower than where they were and uh there's still some bad there's quite a bit of bandwidth left for certain coins uh, but uh, i think by monday. If we have a green day monday, we might have some confirmation that we're ready to really run off of some of these lows.
So i'm excited about that and that's what i'm paying attention to right now, uh i i am watching, for example, matterport uh some pain over here uh beyond meat sun run keeping an eye on some of the pain over here so far catching up again, a little Bit it was down what to 96 or something like this earlier today, yeah yeah. What was what did it go down to 96.33, exactly so a little bit of a rally here, trying to get back to just break even end phase, so there's some things being left behind right now, uh, and so we definitely. We talked a lot about options for various different things. We're not gon na go.

Do a big repeat on options here, but yeah watching watching a lot of movement. It did look like as well. There was a lot of day trader movement in shift technologies. Today, you uh you had this crazy run and a rotation down, i'm curious to see how, if we get more of a sell-off here, i do think that there's a good chance, we're gon na see apple, microsoft, tesla and some of these just run towards well there.

You go run towards the close uh. The reason i believe, yeah you're, really seeing apple, move right now holy smokes. The reason for that is when we're at three days in a row of green on the indices. People are like just take my money and they just wanted invested in the market, and the institutions have to allocate it so uh when the institutions have to allocate they are going to be, in my opinion, compelled to buy some of the big mega caps and we're Just going to see a nice little run on these here going into the clothes, so would not surprise me at all and tentatively, that is exactly what we're seeing.

Wow look. Look at that volume spike right here. You think that was retail. You think retail just doubled.

The number of shares that went into apple - no, it's institutions uh, it is so blatant yeah. It's it's expected. It's not that big of a deal yeah, uh, tr, somebody, truth seeker. You know i some people have thrown this rumor around.

That rk is getting de-listed or there's some rumor on the sec website or some crap. I looked on the sec. I could find nothing to that effect. No disclosure to that effect.

So i think that's bullcrap. I i don't know where, where that stats coming from. But if you could tell me where that stats coming from i'm more than happy to look in it. Unfortunately, you're probably not going to be able to tell me that kind of fud anymore, because now i'm going to turn on the member chat because there's a bunch of spam, you know people are like.
Oh, you just turn on member chat because because you want the five dollars not really i mean i will take your five dollars, but i'm tired of the spam and i've noticed that spammers are really unwilling to pay money. Um yeah. I appreciate that i sold the hot 8 uh call nice your course has made me so much money. Thank you for the christmas special brandon.

Let's go man. Let's, let's go brandon uh! That's awesome! Good for you for after right love, you and tesla awesome. Awesome! Good! Good good uh field dog yeah overall, because spammers don't have money. Oh my gosh, too funny uh, all right, so uh, but anyway, yeah.

Look at this rally we're seeing here on on apple uh. Let's see if we're getting that on tesla as well, a little bit of a move here on tesla tesla's had a phenomenal two days. I mean a 200 200 freaking point swing on tesla in two days. Folks, okay 200 point swing in tesla from what 886 to 1066 or wherever we are right.

Now, that's that's uh! Oh sorry, it's the other way. Around 1066 divided by 886 20 freaking percent swing holy moly. That's awesome! 20. In two days.

That's just stupid, but uh. Okay, i don't mind it: it's my largest position and uh, i'm not afraid to say that uh, i'm also not afraid to say my last spot at 890, and i was very happy about that. But anyway so uh, i still haven't, bought back all of the tesla. That i sold, though, at 10 70 and and 10 uh uh and 1170.

uh. I did want to diversify a little bit, and so i moved into some of it into like nvidia and some other things, but i was, i think, the highest share count. I got to was like 11 700.. I think right now, i'm at 11 000 for tesla, so i'm a little bit lower, but that's okay, i'm not upside down on those sales.

So that's fine, um anyway. Okay, so so lucid archimoto invite some of the genomics upwork. Some stay at home here, some smaller caps matter, poor sun run still stuck in the mud, so there's no shortage, in my opinion of deals to continue to get in this market right now, uh, which is nice a firm's having a little bit of a push here Into the close, very cool you what's not pushing or the fintechs uh like robin hood, boring uh square paypal, boring, and it's sad because they're like at some of these valuations, i think they're a great buy, but the market doesn't have to agree with you right. Uh.

Just because something fundamentally looks beautiful or juicy does does by no means mean the market has to give two craps about your fundamental analysis. You know the fact that 50 cents of every dollar that you invest into robinhood right now is is basically just cash is insane like if robin hood had no cash and their valuation were were half of what it is now uh you it's kind of like you're, Paying seven billion dollars for robinhood, which is just ridiculously low uh, but again no guarantee that that has to move at any point. I don't know what atvi is. I'm sorry uh.
What was it gon na look at somebody was saying something about paypal, paypal. Oh that's! Nice look at that move there wow that looks nice on the minute chart there, there's your there's your institutional buying again wow. That was a move on paypal, okay, microsoft, oh even cloudflare! The institutions are shopping. My friends wow that looks nice on paypal.

I keep loading paypal again, stupid weeble here come on ma'am. They sent me some cookies by the way. Thank you weeble. If you're watching this, i appreciate the uh, the four weeble cookies you sent me.

I kind of want to get one to show you uh. Let me ask lauren, really quick uh uh, all right, no, never mind lauren's, not here uh, whatever man, i kind of really want one, though right now let hold on. Let me let me uh, let's see here, okay, we'll see, okay, so nice pushes into the clothes here on quite a few things a little bit of a slowdown on that momentum that we've seen on btc. Let me go look at btc yeah.

I know all that time i just spent asking i could have probably just gone and grabbed it myself, but folks look at that breakout. You know i was. I was talking about this in the course member stream, and we were also talking about this this morning, that when you get uh these these trends on btc, you frequently end up having a breakout and that's what we're seeing right now is we're breaking out of this. I think it's it's a it's a really good, a good sign, because we've seen these trends frequently you go on the day chart.

We see these down, trends lead to breakouts, downtrend leads to breakout and they can be substantial breakouts. You know we could basically be like right here compared to that bottom right now and it's like oh man, the run's over, not really like these breakouts when we break out of those those diags, i mean look at it even over. Here you break out of those diags uh. It could be good now you could break down which we had over here, but that's not what we're seeing right now, downtrend's our gift says blau.

Hopefully i said that right, uh, but yeah nick baker is making fun of me for not buying ford. Well, i'm happy you made money on ford honestly, i'm i'm very happy for you. Let me see what ford's been doing so ford. I mean ford's been kind of flat.

I don't i mean, are you talking about like from the summer maybe or from like september? You were so obsessed with blend laughs. I will look at it. I'm gon na write it down right now, blend labs, all right. Merry christmas: oh thank you for the ten dollars for saying that yeah.

So i'm skeptical and i've always been skeptical about the the meat producers, because i, i really think it's a commodity uh like plant-based meat. It's not something that personally, i'm like! Oh my gosh. I i got ta have this proprietary meat? I think it's generic meat. I think it's basic uh.
I think we're talking a little bit too much about meat here, but i'm not trying to fend that. I look. I think it's close to a bottom. Can you make money on it sure maybe uh, but um yeah yeah, though it was the run from october to november? And fourth, i agree with you: yeah ford's, like two percent net margin, yeah look i'll i'll buy more tesla before i buy ford yeah.

I honestly would consider buying a ford like a mockie or something like that just to just to see either how close to tesla they are or how far behind they are like. That was my reason for wanting to buy a lucid. It's kind of like a little bit of a hedge to my largest stock holding would be owning a lucid and being able to compare and go like do they even hold a candle right because look there there's something like some of the new teslas they're, not they're, Not perfect uh, but that's okay, uh! Oh, did we find we found him. Thank you so much.

Oh, my gosh. Thank you. Look at this. We got.

We got ta, we got ta. Do it together? Look folks. We got a weeble cookie, all the way from china. I think they're from china - i don't know if they're from china, but so i got some and the the chinese they love me.

No country loves me more than the chinese uh. No look! I have nothing wrong with the chinese people. I just don't think the chinese government really likes me uh, i'm a little too critical, but look at that look. It's got the whole like crypt uh.

The little uh mustache is that ever gon na focus. Probably oh! Oh look at that. Oh, how cute is that? Okay, so if i die on stream, you know all right: i'm gon na go for the flower. Oh a little hard, oh, very good, though um tasty, but it's more like a potato chip.

It's like a really good tasting potato chip like a sweet, potato chip, but it's it's uh, it's not very soft, so maybe maybe they were sitting at the port of los angeles for too long but anyway uh all right, so yeah patient, zero! That's how the new! That's how the new coronavirus variant spreads from the freaking cookie. Oh, that's a good one, all right all right, um! So what's happening here into the clothes. Oh, my gosh, all right so loose it's down 2.65, but a little bit of run into the close. We got two minutes left until it closed uh.

This is a very good setup for monday, folks, very, very good setup for monday uh wow, voyager digital nice move today, 17 voyager digital. Here it's obviously moving with crypto ada's moving nicola uh big big big day trade move here on that cnbc news that was posted yesterday, but the company news that really came out like three days ago, which is kind of like actually like six days ago. I think on the 17th, the uh vehicle delivery news came out and it's just exploding now i do think there are opportunities if you believe that crypto is going to do very well over the weekend. I think there are opportunities for you on something like hud-8 options.
You have about 90 seconds to get off your butt and do something uh tesla tesla's, almost at six percent, that's a little bit of a run into the close yeah. Look at that a little bit of a run into the close and um by the way. If you want a free stock go to medkevin.com public, if you want to know how i do my streams and how i put up questions or things like this go to streamyard. If you want to invest in art, go to actually i don't have a special link for them.

I really should ah just look at matt masterworks uh, i'm just kind of doing a little free pitches here, because i i like the companies that support the channel but anyway uh. What's this comment here, planning on buying your program on building wealth with my christmas money? Also, can you take a look at grab and trading sideways so grab and thank you for the netherlands grab had a really rough ipo, i'm pretty sure they just went straight down. Uh grab yeah, they they have and the volume's been insane. I mean this is you're in the same boat, with a lot of these small caps, smaller caps, i believe it's small cap.

I don't know what the market value is: i'm assuming uh and they're just the easy prime targets to have shorted as a hedge. Unfortunately, in this market and it's kind of sad but uh, it does look like you've kind of started hitting a bottom here. So i would put this on my list of bottoms and say that you're you're relatively close to the bottom here, so something to keep an eye on, don't know anything about it. Fundamentally but anyway, we get the bell to hit and let's talk a little bit more about leftover opportunities in the nasdaq 100, as we go into the bell here, the dow up 200 points, so it was up about 300 a few moments ago.

It lost a little. That's what is that j-pal's brother? Pretty strong, though it does look like we're, going to get a record on the s p. 500, the level to watch 47-12 well above that, and that will be a closing. Oh man.

He knows how to swing a hammer, a triple swing: okay, uh, dow jones up point: five: five s p at point: six: two off of the alt, the highs of the day; uh nasdaq up .85 russell .89, but uh. This is this is what i'm saying that. Third straight day, you just saw even cnbc running that headline. I'm telling you they're listening to our channel, but it's fine.

I i i don't mind. No, i like them uh am i still diamond handing my meme stocks. The only meme stocks i think i have are amc or name stock. I have is amc uh and i am i promised i would not sell it for a year and i i make a commitment.

I make a commitment. I lowered my cost basis, a lot too by selling puts which worked out really well, but anyway, um, okay. So what what's like what's left over today? What do we want to look at going into monday? Well, a crypto but which let's take a quick peek at this uh, a little bit of softening here, just in the last hour or two yep a little bit of a breather but i'll tell you that breakout, critical, critical strike, uh very, very, very good breakout here. Great uh very happy about this now uh.
We also have hmm yeah cardano moving very nicely here. Oh yeah, we're almost back to 153 very good, but again a little bit of like a lunch break. Well, dutch bros too much for me. Uh we've got what's an opportunity going into monday talk about those hot calls of your bullet joint crypt over the weekend, backed back to ten dollars.

This folks look, if you are looking for momentum, stocks uh, not about cost. Basically, what what do you mean? Dorian? I'll? Look for your name, but i have no idea what you mean. Maybe write a longer thing there. Let me pull up my data on backed really quick, so the data that i'm pulling up is is about retail flows, and you want to look.

You want to pay attention to retail flows for potential momentum trades. What are you well, 28k and crypto are all on a call for hut. I don't know all a little call for hut's a little scary, uh, but um. You know why? Don't you just spread it out over a few days or spread it out a few different things it doesn't have to you don't have to go all in you know you don't have to go all stu, you don't have to go full stupid, um anyway, uh, okay, So retail trades for backed came in heavy around december 16th, but they've kind of fallen off.

So i don't know that we can necessarily say that there's a big retail movement pushing into this one right now uh - i bet you retail trades for tesla - are up, though don't go full ape exactly. Oh yeah retail retail buys on tesla have been good uh. The last last, like two weeks as elon's been selling. This has been a gift to retail folks, i mean nobody was buying tesla, like june uh october or june august october, because it was just not doing anything uh i was buying, but uh, you know whatever.

So, let's see here matterport getting left behind i'm watching this one matapor lucid uh. Speaking of lucid, i should check in with lucid. Let's see here, oh loosen, okay, then we have what else we have roblox 0.82 on roblox roblox at 101. It's i probably i'm not going to do a position on roblox end phase.

I think i need to add to my interface, let me hold on. I have to check so i have a. I have a spreadsheet, it's my entire portfolio that i keep updating. I have to update it manually, it's a little bit of pain in the butt, but i do it and let me just look at my end phase allocation really quick, because i actually think i'm fully allocated on end phase, i'm at 7.7 percent in face.

So i'm actually okay right now, i'm okay! For that ready! For that thing to move, i've got more work to do on google, but google's not that sexy yeah somebody's saying that uh uh draftkings, sexy um yeah google's kinda, been on a shelf, but i like them as as even like. If i had, if i wasn't in margin, i'd put the rest of my cash, probably into like google right now, yeah draftkings is, is also one of those that i'm watching kind of like with shift technologies lemonade corsair a lot of these for that potential reversal off The bottom we've started, seeing the bottom get built like the floor is built now we're just waiting for that potential rally off the bottom, hoping for at least and just for in case anybody doesn't remember i'll just say them really quick. It only takes me like 20 seconds to go through it, but i'll do them in reverse order this time so bottoms, arcg58, draftkings, 26, toast 30, a firm 92 uh. I think paypal was 180, but i didn't write that one down carnival cruise lines, which is over this right now: 1780 40 for pton, matterport, 21.
22, hoda 18 end phase 180 net 129 beyond meet 62 to 65., so 514 docusign 140 lemonade. 40.. A lot of these are like 10 above that right now, but the bottoms are still way lower than where a lot of these have been so like. Who cares like well, first 10? How can you see the spreadsheet uh you go into discord, you type hashtag spreadsheets, and then you click it.

We have to be a course member. So nice move there on dutch pros what else the shift, but she's had a good day, some of that trader energy left, but the fact that we've left five percent in on it and another one percent in after hours, not bad. That's potentially a nice setup for monday as well. Honestly, i thought more traders were gon na trade.

Out of this we saw traders saw trading traders moving out substantially, but um yeah. That's that's not too crazy. Okay, what else so roku roku is still depressed as well. I, like roku, the more i read about roku, the more i like it.

It's not a huge position of wine, but it's definitely something i have and i'm i'm happy with so same thing for snap for advertising plays and opportunities, but there's still a potential that you've got the stay-at-home people still stuck in in roku a little bit. So that's always a risk factor. So, let's see here, okay, uber piton, big red candles. At the end of the day, where were the red candles, i will look which takers did you say was a good chance of the short series: oh uh lemonade, corsair, tattooed chef and shift technologies, highest short interest, lowest retail, buying activity and that's a risk factor, because You need to get that retail buying activity to come back excel fleet got a billion dollar contract with the army.

Yeah you're right there are some. There are some red candle sticks there on the spy. I will look into that. That is, that makes me curious.

Xl contract, hmm, okay, uh, remember folks, uh use that course coupon code, if you're, not a member. Yet i think if, if you watch here daily and you're, not a member, yet i don't know what you're waiting for uh. You know price just if we drew a trend line of the price it'd just be the opposite of robinhood. It would just be like straight up like this over time.
You may as well hop in take that a lot of people write it off too. I'm pretty like talk to your cpa to confirm, but people write it off as an educational expense towards their investing in either real estate or stocks or whatever and uh. I mean that really cuts the price of the course down. Even more.

It's like now, you're using you know the 40, whatever percent coupon, it is plus a tax write-off uh, you know combined, that's probably like 65 off. If you think about it, it's not bad when you consider both of those things. Just keep your keep your little transaction confirmation, you know, take a screenshot of it or whatever and file it away in case the irs ever wonders, but not obviously check with your cpa. I can't give you financial or tax advice.

You know that or legal advice, i'm not any of those things. So, let's see here, let me do one more look through here and tattoos been stuck. Matterport got hyped up too much when it ran to 37., but i really like matterport. It's still.

It's still a long position in my my matterport position. As a percentage of my portfolio is 4.27, i actually thought it was higher, so i might, i might need to add a little bit to matapor. Ah, i thought i had more exposure there and how's nvidia youtube. Freedom of speech is 4.99 great deal.

Uh get your family to buy the course for you as a nexus gift. There you go. That's awesome, um i'll check out ticker pay uh. I can't i'll do that in one sec yeah, what a weird little sell-off into the clothes there.

People didn't want to hold on until the the uh until monday, huh, but a weird little drop there at the end, not not substantial, but i wonder if tesla saw the same thing: uh, not really. You bought nvidia graphics card so nvidia to the moon, nice, okay, uh. Let's quickly, i'm going to quickly look at what this thing pay is that you're talking about hey? What is this paymentos holdings? The heck is that payment is holding it's a holding company cloud-based bill pay technologies serves customers worldwide, okay, and it is it's got. A oh wow wait is that oh 3.7 billion really wow expecting only 30 million dollars of rep no 390 million dollars of revenue.

This year there we go, it's actually profitable, six pennies thirty one dollars it's expensive. Their net margin is horrible at this point, but their gross is okay, 40 gross, and then you say short interest, eh i'll, look at it yeah! If i don't see you have a wonderful christmas and happy holidays, we quickly look at the short interest there on pay, i'm heavy on tesla nvidia. Why? Because i can't go out and buy their products because it's sold out everywhere a huge waiting list. You know that is not a bad rationale where consumer demand is is is key: okay, uh p-a-m-y, so i have it as a short interest of 8.11.
Sorry, all right. All right folks cheers merry christmas. I'm gon na go now.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “The christmas rally!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian Jenkins says:

    Went long on Tesla and nvidia insane profits today 😁

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Wizard15 says:

    Merry Christmas. Good luck with the fitness challenge!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Masson H says:

    YOU were talking about the double top KEVIN!

    Not ‘’everybody was moaning’’ 🙄

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris D'Andrea says:

    The Webull cookie was the best part of this video

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin S says:

    Being up over 1400% on pfizer I still haven't sold. Being a long call. 😴

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FadedPolo says:

    Kevin please stop being a clown. You were warned for months that the pain was coming because of the state of the entire world and you called everyone a fear monger or a tinfoil hat now you’re only hope is to say every day that’s red looks interesting and you can’t understand what’s happening. Then you call the last day a rally as if people are going to start piling money into the market 90 days before the Fed raised rates. When obviously people are going to be getting ready and taking their money out of the market for the Feds move on rates. Wake up dude you use to be the goat. Stop being blind in ur own echo chamber.There is nothing that can stop what’s coming, nothing. Wake up like u could have 3 months ago and had a pile of cash on the sidelines like the elites to buy the real red to come. Just some constructive criticism. Merry Christmas.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Olivera says:

    i feel like crypto will rally until everyone has committed their christmas money and then the crash

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Merolla says:

    You need to dye your hair green again so we can rally!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Big Pump says:

    Tomorrow stock market will be closed
    the crypto market will be The only game in town ☝️

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leland Jackson says:

    wish i could, one more year and ill have the money for your program

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sinist4r_ Gr1n says:

    Up 1,020% on HIVE, haven’t sold a share.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danny Vega says:

    Just take test drives you don't have to buy them

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EdgewiseSJ says:

    Don't eat cookies or other food from China. 😛

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J G says:

    Kevin, I want to see green hair on Monday to match the market!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cardinals625 says:

    Happy Holidays Kevin and cheers to PTLO rallying nicely!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dharmesh Paldiya says:

    Hey Kevin. Thanks to you and your team for all your hard work & effort. Just concerned about your vision of nothing burger " Omicron." I am looking forward soon a big dip when an actual number of omicrons popping up all over the country like other European & other nations. While leading, financial media keep focusing on the Santa rally. Soon it will be a real test of how our great country is prepared to fight against the new nothing burger. Have a safe & healthy holiday to everyone. ☃⛄☃

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thet Htar says:

    If I am not wrong, you bout too May Bitcoin at 54k. You mentioned it course member life stream.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jjnjimmy says:

    Happy Holidays to you and your family, Kevin🍾🎉❤️

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Firefly Sleep says:

    $CLEAR SECURE INC​ Just needs the volume and it will take off, set 3 Highs today. More than 50% Under ATH…… this is a money maker right here!!!!!

    Trading up 8.6% on only 1 million volume

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Delk says:

    Mom just said you sound like Ryan Reynolds 😆 Meery Christmas

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Surf Panther says:

    100% lol and they have to ask lol? Im happy with effing 20%

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars User says:

    Who else appreciates the fact that he uploads consistently? 💕

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matty 5 Toes says:

    Kevin you hair reminds me of my Grandma lol. Love the content!!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nice2347 says:

    Lol now Kevin is into crypto? After hating on it for so long?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Math says:

    Merry Christmas to you and your Family, Kevin. Thanks for all the hard work and information.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veronica Davidson says:

    You will be missed boo boo forevermore sweetness sweet pea Pooh Bear guarding her cub alone always my love, happy Holidays see you Monday, love you boo boo!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rumplestiltskin says:

    Be careful, 3 day weekends tend to be red Monday and we will be back to full volume.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SKORGE says:

    Congrats to everyone who is early and found Mr.'s comment

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars No says:

    Claim your “here within an hour” ticket right here

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr says:

    “Congrats to Everyone who is early and found this comment”!

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