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00:00 Demand to END Artificial Intelligence.
03:30 Generatic AI Stocks [Goldman Sachs].
10:24 The Actual Future of AI.
17:10 The Mega Caps.
19:00 Advertising Stock Impact.
29:55 AI Stocks.
38:33 Cancer AI.
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This video is not a solicitation or personal financial advice. See the PPM at https://Househack.com for more on HouseHack.

Now we gotta talk about artificial intelligence. generative. AI What it could potentially do to the jobs Market Is it an inflationary impetus? Is it disinflationary? What companies might benefit And what are some fears that are circulating because I'll tell you Elon Musk Along with 1100 Engineers yesterday, signed an open letter calling for a six-month pause on any kind of artificial intelligence that is stronger than chat. GPT 4 level strength now I Tweeted about this of course I feel like when I tweet logic.

It's not as sort of like viral as if you tweet something that's more emotion based. but I do it anyway because I like to share what I think is logical input. uh, and hopefully you like following for that And so I shared this. I said 1100 engineers in Elon Musk signed an open letter demanding any artificial intelligence development stronger than Chachi Pt4 pause for six months based on this scientific Game Theory I just drew.

It looks like your choices as a company are pause and have a 50 chance of dying. Or don't pause and have a 50 likelihood of dying. Looks like you're screwed Either way. in other words, in a game theory example, in my opinion, it makes absolutely zero sense for any company to actually pause their artificial intelligence research.

because think about it. If both companies pause, what do you get? Well, you get a stagnation right? defined by PP Both a company's pause get a stagnation, everybody loses. The potential benefit is hey, hey, maybe we could regulate Ai and the world doesn't end right Because the idea if that, if both companies or all companies don't pause, then maybe the world ends because robots and AI take over the world. All right, Whatever.

That sort of this extreme argument right now. But the more likelihood is that some companies pause and some don't And in that case, the companies that don't pause win. The companies that do pause die. So basically by pausing, you're signing up for killing your company.

And if both companies don't pause, you're basically signing up for killing your companies. So the best answer is everybody pauses for the likelihood of everybody doing that is basically zero. It's a classic prisoner's dilemma scenario. So without going into the details of exactly what that is, I Think the bottom line is simple.

When it comes to Elon Musk's letter, it's a nice way to suggest hey, can everybody please put their swords down for a moment while everybody else catches up. And in public, people will be like yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. sounds like a great idea. I think private, everybody's gonna like keep going man, keep going.

The world don't work like that. It's way too competitive, way too competitive. Hell, I'll say it if everybody else pauses. I'll jump in and I'll start developing although I have developers I've worked with it.

so maybe I'm one of those not posers. But anyway, we gotta look at this. Goldman Sachs piece. Let's take a look at this all right.
What do we got here? Generative AI Laying out the investment framework. We're going to be going into some specific stocks as well, but listen to this. Generative AI further unlocks value as it extends the utility created by AI or software providing new tools for enhancing end user productivity. now.

I Have to say I've been playing with Generative Ai and one of the things about AI is that we've regularly been saying oh, well, Ai's not going to uh, remove like creatives, right? There's there's no way artificial intelligence is going to affect creative people. So as long as you're creative, you're good, right? I Don't know about that. Uh, just because I mean you can now feed into an AI Hey, AI Design me an app and even though some of these AIS they're not really good about putting text on yet. in terms of actually giving you inspiration for layouts, look at this.

I put into an AI generator. Give me a real estate investing app and this is what it came up with I Have to say for 30 seconds of work, it's kind of cool. It gives you inspiration for buttons and colors and gradients and style. Uh, in the future we'll be able to just hit export and you'll get the code for it and then you can adjust.

You know the text and all the little funky miscellaneous stuff. Generative AI is is pretty impressive. I mean to the point where Max is like Dad can you draw a ball with eyes coming out of a box and glasses? uh and and like a little character and uh, the AI gave me four different choices and I was blown away. I Mean look at this within like 30 seconds.

Look what? I Get. This is insane. This is really good. I mean like I can't draw that in 30 seconds and that looks phenomenal I mean How long would it take a creative to actually design this stuff? Two hours, Three hours? I Don't know.

even if somebody's really good an hour. I Took this off for 30 seconds. and if you can now export all these elements in the future to Photoshop and then or or whatever. some kind of uh, you know software After Effects whatever and start animating this or playing with this boy.

I mean I thought creatives would be safe from AI Generative AI is pretty dang impressive. Everybody's at risk. but anyway, how do we make money off of it? Well, that's why we're talking about Goldman Sachs So generative AI is about generating stuff like we just did. We estimate that generative AI Software has a total addressable Market of 150 billion dollars versus the total software industry of 685 billion dollars.

No, it's not stable diffusion. it's my secret. Uh, but listen to that. that is 150.

That's 22 of the entire total addressable market for software. Could be literally generative AI But you know what the beautiful thing about generative AI is is it isn't even processing on my computer tutor. I did that on an iPhone Why did I do it on an iPhone Because it didn't use my iPhone's graphics cards, It used a server somewhere to do all the artificial intelligence work and then beam over an end product. To me.
People made fun of me for in my active ETF You could learn more about by going to meet Kevin.com People made fun of me. They're like oh, Kevin uh, you're too heavy on chips and I'm like are you kidding me? Have you ever in your life used a backbone controller for a cell phone? Have you ever used generative Ai and do you understand what where the video processing is done? Maybe not Well I'll explain. not on your phone. So this right here is a backbone controller.

It's pretty cool. You can put your uh phone into it and look I'm not a game review Channel over here. But the the point is just to say that this basically turns into a gaming controller just like this. and it's a backbone.

You know, a little controller or whatever it is over here. And the cool thing about this is I don't actually use the processors for gaming in my phone I can stream them through Xbox.com and basically have a a virtual gaming machine that I could stream through on here. Now yeah, you should have a low latency internet connection. Uh, but fortunately I got fiber over here so it works very well.

but I basically have an Xbox in my pocket and when I travel if I want to do anything I got a whole Xbox with all the games I could want in my pocket now I rarely use it I generally give it to the kids, but the point is I just gave you a few examples here of how generative AI could be really incredible. Not only can you generate characters and then animate them for video games or you could generate app ideas, but all of this is being processed not by your devices but by other devices. That's a huge Boon in my opinion to the chips industry because who's processing it? data centers and servers. anyway.

Goldman Sachs has some uh ideas in terms of how some companies could benefit. and so let's uh, let's take a look at that. Uh, all right, so we raise as a result of this piece. Here, we raise our price targets.

Ten dollars on Microsoft Salesforce Five dollars Adobe Five dollars. Oh, it's one of the ones I have exposure to uh to incorporate higher outer year estimates to reflect our conviction in the success slash adoption of newly launched generative AI projects. It's pretty exciting. Co-pilot Copilot, by the way, is is a fantastic tool for basically helping programmers code a lot faster.

Additionally, we highlight companies like Intel Google Amazon Nvidia and Meta as the company's best position to succeed in the new AI driven. Paradigm This is pretty exciting, so I Want to talk about this some more? Uh, and we'll go into some detail here uh, as well as some potential risk factors. We'll go into detail specifically on these companies. but uh, take a look at how this is starting to also change the media narrative.
So look at this. generative AI This was on the front page of the Wall Street Journal Today, generative AI is already changing White Collar Work as we know it and they basically have a whole piece talking about how people are like, oh gosh, we are actually going to see job loss from this. and they're talking about how companies from Walmart to zip recruiter and Yelp are already kind of basically plotting how to use AI to take over the world. Quite frankly I Think at some point in the future I Think this is just like a very realistic uh point of view.

I Think at some point in the future using Ai and it could be now using AI versus not using AI will be as Extreme as using a computer versus not using a computer like let me use a more relatable example. Well, at least to my generation. Uh, if somebody's like hey, I'm gonna mail you something or I'm going to fax you something and you're like, what the f, why don't you just email it Okay, that's kind of the level of difference that I project for AI and I think that every company in the future will use AI It will be as simple as saying we use email in the future like of course you're going to use AI Then it's just going to come down to which companies are going to be best positioned to use that most effectively. At my real estate startup, we're very excited about using it.

It's still too early for us to let it make decisions for us. way too early for that, but we could definitely use it to to uh to to Ping us of certain ideas uh or Trends or deals. So we really like that that's already working. It's pretty incredible.

Anyway, let's keep going. So I've actually bought deals from my AI already? Uh, not for my real estate startup, but for myself A couple years ago I was using the software I go through the software I'm like oh damn that is a really good deal in it so like it still takes the human element today but the potential is like anyway so what do we got over here? Uh, monetization and enterprise software and cloud computing just as cloud hyperscalers like AWS Azure and Google Cloud platform commercialized Cloud infrastructure and platforms which in turn accelerated the growth of software Services businesses. We believe that open Ai's chat GPT will drive adoption of generative AI across software. Enterprises In this report, we further explore the opportunities for AI to be integrated into the tech stacks of the future.

By drawing an analogy between cloud computing and an IT stack layered with Ai, Ai is expected to drive significant productivity gains for the economy. They estimate potentially seven trillion dollars of global economic growth over a 10-year period with productivity growing 1.5 percentage points faster annually over the same period. In other words, AI could potentially expand our GDP substantially faster than anybody is expecting today. Now, this is actually an argument that the great Kathy Wood tells us.
In fact, when I was at dinner with Kathy Wood she specifically like wanted to drill home Kevin Nobody knows what's coming and it's not like it's a big secret. She talks about this herself as well, but the fact that it came up during dinner just showed me her passion for for this belief and we're seeing more and more of this. It's really, really incredible. So, uh, we believe generative AI can contribute a tam of 150 billion to the global software.

Sac I Agree. Uh, it's also there's an idea here. Uh, that maybe just maybe we can outgrow China Uh, if we can have an edge on AI versus allowing China to sort of catch up to our GDP so to speak, right? Uh, and that's really a suggestion of maybe the Us being able to insulate itself. Generative AI tools have far-reaching implications.

Generative AIS Enabling sales and marketing teams to generate new content, Devops engines to write faster code or code faster, knowledge, workers to improve day-to-day office efficiency, and scientists to develop drugs for rare diseases and much more. There are a lot of actually really cool implications uh with with artificial intelligence for the healthcare industry, being able to even just diagnose patient ailments in a way that doctors really haven't been is phenomenal. Sometimes it takes going to a doctor five six, seven different times to try to get a a conclusion to a certain ailment, whereas if uh, you know, an AI was able to, maybe just suggest a solution uh there, there could potentially uh, be faster medical care or more urgent care. In the case of indicators that may say hey, there could be something malignant malignant happening.

So this is really good for for health care as well. Uh, and keep this in mind too. Chachi PT is already reportedly replacing workers I Reported on this a few weeks ago, but I think it's a perfect place to reiterate this before we go into a little bit more of that analysis. from Goldman Sachs on which companies and and why uh, companies that reported using chat GPT to Resume Builder said they use chat GPT 66 uh for or sixty percent Six percent of the respondents said they used it for writing code 58 for copywriting Content 57 for customer support 77 for writing job descriptions actually for like listing descriptions on The multiple listing service for Airbnb Well, airbnbs aren't on there, but for like real estate listings uh or Airbnb itself, car rental descriptions, job descriptions basically copywriters to some extent or or either being aided by chat GPT or just replaced at some point in the future.

Kind of scary time to be a copywriter, because essentially you could take a whole document, throw it into a an artificial intelligence program. Go look for, you know, run on sentences. Uh, wordy sentences. not just spelling and grammar, but actually like more logic based problems.

Uh, you know, hey, where? Where does this not make sense? Where does the sentiment stray? These are some pretty incredible prompts you can ask AI these days and they're already doing a phenomenal job. Out of Uh 500 companies interviewed by Resume Builder Uh, 250 companies, half of them said that Chat EPT has already replaced workers at the company. How Wild is that? It comes at the same time as uh, multiple different Uh companies and Partnerships or are uh, being expanded upon? You know you've got the um, uh, Google you've got Google Partnerships and Google duplex you've got uh Bard Over at Microsoft some really incredible expansions. Uh, and Chat Ept4 is substantially more powerful than chat GPT Uh, 3.5 already.
Let's keep going here. So generative. AI We talked about that We expect incumbents. A new wave of innovation across the incumbents.

Now this is such a really incredible argument. Usually one of the explanations or reasons people say that oh, AI uh or rather Omega caps are a bad investment is because they say mega caps used to be Innovative and that's why they were disruptive and grew as much as they did. but now they're not Innovative anymore. In other words, The Innovation is dead well.

AI is being argued to potentially being capable of allowing some of the existing massive companies like Microsoft Alphabet, Nvidia Amazon Salesforce Meta into it and Adobe to lead the industry uh in in sort of a new wave of innovation I Think before I may have mentioned Intel I suppose I meant to say into it but anyway, that's interesting. Uh, so then uh, then there. and mostly because there's a lot of talk about this Innovation slow down in America and so that's very interesting. Uh, so this expands the opportunity for more seamless upsells, cross promotions Cloud providers we expect to use.

Generative AI will drive demand for compute. Compute is great for again the chips manufacturing sector. Uh, see. we've got a little note here about how chips manufacturing companies sell the pickaxes Well, software have to find the gold.

Let's take a look at their talk about Microsoft they think Microsoft has uh, this, uh, this large enhancement to really their edge browser and their Bing search experience by including they're barred AI into search results. they see that as as a pretty good driver of potentially uh Microsoft Edge software usage their browser which could lead to more potentially advertising sales for Microsoft It's actually really interesting I Was reading a story just yesterday about how ad sales, despite the crazy economy, are expecting to pick up. Actually, it's worth looking at that because it's quite related here. Oh yeah, here it is: U.S Ad sale spending still expected to grow in 2023 despite quote stressful economic signals.

Now that's important for companies that I like exposure to as well like Trade Desk I like to hear that there's still growth in advertising I've actually fled to Trade Desk because I think they're one of the most pure play advertisers that's actually in a a very growing Niche within advertising. But if the entire advertising space still grows, that's even more phenomenal. So I saved this art article I Was starting to read it a bit yesterday. Let's look at this: A major ad forecaster said advertising is still expected to grow in 2023 despite mixed economic signals a resiliency that industry Pros say would have been unlikely during earlier periods of Turbulence media owners and this is this is actually great for Microsoft and Google I actually stopped investing in Google for a while.
Uh and uh and I have many reasons for that. We've been talking about that a lot in the course member live streams, but now I'm starting to wonder hey, is is there potential? Has Google potentially had its Nike Swoosh bottom I Mean just to compare to the Nike Swoosh For a moment there's Google You're still kind of bobbing along in that lower region here, but we've definitely inflected off the the low lows. so maybe maybe worth revisiting in our course member livestream today. But let's look at ads here: Media Owners: Us Ad revenues are expected to grow 3.4 to 326 billion this year according to a quarterly forecast from Magna a media Intelligence and Investment firm you interesting? That's actually surprising.

That's uh, slightly down from their December estimate. But the fact that it's still positive for the overall media industry is actually really incredible. 3.4 percent for the entire industry. That's great The Firm Expects little or no growth in the first half of the Year followed by a recovery in the second half as the economy becomes more stable.

Wow. I Mean this is like this flies in the face of this idea that oh, Q3 Q4 Recession. This ad buying or this ad analytics firm is actually suggesting no, no things will actually be better in the second half. Now that does sort of get reiterated by a lot of company earnings calls who say they expect their margins to be stronger in the second half as they finally have raised prices.

They're not raising prices anymore now, but then they've laid off excess workers and they're becoming a little bit more efficient. That's actually a very interesting argument that the second half may not be as scary as as people keep forecasting that it may be, and that agrees with my Nike Swoosh thesis. So maybe I'm a bit biased there. Keep in mind, by the way, I I Um, my goal now is to send uh, probably with starting either starting this week or next week.

uh, sending daily Buy sell alerts for some trades that I'm doing a few days ago. Uh, we had a really cool sell put opportunity that yielded about Uh 10 and then it's It's actually performed very, very well over the last few days. Uh, and so we're looking for a lower risk cash opportunities. and so we had a great opportunity on a cell put there where volatility was still high unnecessarily so.
But stuff like that is what you might expect in the course member live streams I'll link down below. Uh, or just go to meet Kevin.com Okay, so let's keep going here. The economy is showing early signs of improvement in Jan Fab including receding inflation, but slow and steady growth in GDP. We're always expecting more of a Slowdown at 23 with tepid macro expectations, but three months later we see economic signals.

Oh wow. Listen to this are actually no, not so bad and some of them are improved if we compared it three months ago. Wow, this is a phenomenal piece by The Wall Street Journal Here this is actually quite unexpected I Thought I had to hide in in a trade desk for my advertising exposure. but this is really suggesting that the advertising Market is is, uh, really, still quite strong.

You know what other companies that I keep referring to when it comes to advertising. A company that's just spending like crazy is actually Carnival Cruise Lines Uh oh, my hair is a little wild isn't It isn't that beautiful though. Don't you like it when my hair is crazy? That's because I'm crazy. see I mean who else would drink coffee out of it? Don't sue me, bro mug.

but I appreciate you saying that one positive dude from Twitch it's actually a perfect name. Appreciate you. But anyway, this is really incredible. Uh so I was gonna say um, I don't remember what I was gonna say.

let's just keep going. Uh, look, let's see here. Oh yeah yeah. Carnival Cruise Lines Is advertising like crazy because they were only at 91 occupancy and they're like freaking out trying to get to more occupancy and they can't pull it off.

So what are they doing? They're like tripling down on Advertising It's wild. Uh, anyway. uh, if it was 20 years ago in this economic climate, we'd probably expect advertising spending to fall. But we don't because there are organic growth factors to put against this macro environment that is uncertain.

Indeed, the organic drivers that boosted the ad Market in 2021 in the first half of 2022 are still around and mitigating the impact of stressful economic signals. Automotive Ad spending is also expected to Rebound in 2023 thanks to pent-up uh, demand for auto marketing. Wow, this is actually really incredible. Uh, that's awesome.

Okay, so great news for advertising. Let's go back though, since this is really supposed to be about uh, chat GPT style stock AI across its platform, particularly across core products at Microsoft Here are some various products they have. Okay, fantastic. Microsoft is in a unique position to uh that basically to augment human productivity you know I Remember when I interviewed? Uh, it was a great in-person interview with um, uh, Brett Whitten over at Arkinvest.

He suggested that AI in the future will just be basically embedded right into our Google spreadsheets or our Microsoft Excel And so we'll be able to tell AI Hey, and to some extent you could already do this. Hey, you know I don't want to do all this work can you basically do this for me and with a click of a button, it's done. Uh, I mean I used to spend eight to ten hours a day building spreadsheets and I'm really familiar with with the efforts and and tribulations that come with building spreadsheets and golly if if AI could check your logic even. oh oh, it's great and it's already doing that.
I mean you could go through some some Twitter posts where people purposefully take code that they deleted some code from and they inject it into AI or the chat gpt4 and they're like hey, can you fact check this and the a is like Ai's like oh, it looks like you know there's a section missing. This would actually work if you injected this piece of code in and it has no idea what you deleted but it basically finds exactly what the problem is in the code and adds it right back in for you. It's scary. It's like a It's like a self-healing robot that actually kind of makes me think of video games.

like when you when you shoot the alien and then they look down at their bullet wound and it just heels back up. It's like is that all you got oh two? Transformers these. Uh anyway. oh man, hey, this is the perfect spot to remind you to get life insurance in as little as five minutes because we have no idea when the robots are gonna take over and kill us all.

I Think this is probably not the best way to advertise life insurance because it's a little bit gloomy and you know, hey, we got to put the paid prom emotion thing up here. But uh yeah, you could get it in as little as five minutes by going to Metcavin.com Life All right here we go. So uh, all right. so Microsoft Fantastic prioritizing r d Okay, great alphabet going back Five years ago Google Began a series of introduction outlining how AI will be the driving force behind many of the company's products.

Alongside a broader Computing shift including Google assistance assistant, duplex lens translate blah blah blah blah, we see the recent announcement of Bard as an extension of these efforts to match product uh, iteration and continuing the evolution of search with recent customer excitement about chat GPT Of course. Okay, great. So what are we gonna do? Uh, what are their examples they want to infuse all of its products with AI such as Maps YouTube's recommendation Engine Auto Complete on Gmail autocomplete on Gmail is already pretty dang good. Uh, in addition, we see Google at the Forefront of an AI driven automation within digital Advertising with Performance Max it's automated end-to-end campaign Management Service that optimizes spend across inventory.

Okay, now that's actually pretty brilliant. This potential that you could actually just have and maybe they already have it. Based on this thing called performance, you could potentially have, uh, an ad campaign. And then, rather than you monitoring it or having someone else monitor it that you're paying for, you basically just have Ai monitor your campaigns.
Now, why is that important? Because when you spend money for ads, you end up as a business spending more money when the ads do well. So there's an incentive for the ads to do very well for everyone. like Google wants your ads to succeed, right? because then you'll spend more money? Well, what if your ad starts out doing really well and then people get numb to it? Well, maybe AI could kind of do that for you by by transitioning some of the wording or changing it up a little bit so quick little. Google Here on Oh Performance: Max So I'm like Googling about Google That just seems monopolistic.

But anyway, Performance: Max is a new Global based campaign type that allows Performance advertisers to access all of their Google ads inventory from a single campaign designed to complement your keyword-based search campaigns to help you discover more converting customers across across all channels. Performance: Max helps you drive performance based on your goals. Performance: Max Combines Google's automation Technologies across bidding, budget, optimization, attribution, and more. See, that's actually pretty smart.

That's fantastic. Uh, I I Mean that's that's a game changer for advertising. Honestly, that's really cool. Google's Ads Automation uses machine learning to grow your business.

You can input your unique expertise such as budget, business goals and conversions you want to measure. Google Ads Automation will find potential customers for your goals and serve the most appropriate ad with optimal bid and maximize campaign performance. I Want to maximize performance I Love maximizing performance. All right.

So that's cool with internet coverage, Alphabet leading the leading, blah blah blah Okay, that's just pitchy over here. multi-track record? okay, whatever video, what do we have over here? We envisioned a whole hook companies across Compute Network and memory landscape benefiting from the proliferation of AI We continue to highlight in video a stock recently upgraded to buy I've got a big position Nvidia as I feel biased reading this one, but whatever to support the production development of larger models whether it be for major cloud hyperscalers or for Enterprise customers. As we stated in our upgrade node here, we model an acceleration of the raid in Nvidia's wallet share. Within the context of overall cloud, Capex is a growing percentage of data center compute.

Okay, basically stock go up is what they're trying to say here. Furthermore, to the extent there's any doubt related to the sustainability of Nvidia's competitive position, we believe the generation the acceleration in AI development will, if anything, serve to extend the company's leadership. Notice how they're not talking AMD over here. That's pretty incredible.
That's awesome. Wow! While much of the focus around the theme of generative AI has been dominated by a market share by search and gross margins, blah blah We Believe Enterprises push deeper into machine learning with companies like Amazon Interesting. AWS is exposed to this theme in a number of ways through their AI machine learning services such as Amazon Lex Poly Transcribe Comprehend Kendra Translate Sagemaker among others. That's a good point, you know I mean again, a lot of these.

A lot of these platforms are hosted at a company like Google or Amazon and then you basically let them do the compute for you the same advertising benefit that Google saw could be talked about at Amazon as well. Uh, that's pretty incredible. Wow, all right. Salesforce As part of Salesforce's path to unlocking value, we outline the view that the incorporation of generative AI have long tail benefits for the companies for end user experience.

Okay, I'm gonna like keep and this is they announced: Einstein GPT for sales and marketing and stuff. Something that's really cool about AI for sales is the potential to predict when you should actually reach out to your customer. Well, I I think that's really, really cool. Uh, the when I was a real estate agent I'm still a real estate broker, but when I was actively selling real estate I'd have my own customer resource manager that I built which was pretty basic but it was still awesome.

It was perfect and so I would look and go. Oh, I haven't followed up with this client in X number of days. but one of the things that I was always frustrated by was I would look at the list and I would go okay even though I haven't followed up with this client in 45 days. I Personally know that I shouldn't follow up with this client until six months from now, but I personally know I should follow up with this client not after 45 days but after 10 days because they're very hot and the other person's very cold uh or but but will be hot in the future anyway.

that sort of thinking I'm personally trying to predict well a machine could probably do that a lot better than me. So I actually it's very interesting I Kind of agree. that's actually very interesting from a from a customer resource manager point of view. AI could be a game changer for Salesforce I Hadn't even thought about that, but now that I'm putting myself in the shoes of a sales representative, hell yeah, Meta, we see Meta as an okay So I've been like I've had problems with mentally with Meta because they're so convinced on this like virtual reality uh and and AI personally I think virtual reality is is like 20 30 years away I think augmented reality will be bitching like I want to just put regular glasses on? Do I have any glasses here? I don't have any glasses I just want to put regular glasses on and and be able to have like I don't know? News feeds or like news alerts pop up on screen.
you know. kind of like imagine walking around while you're listening to a YouTube video and then all of a sudden a banner pops up that reminds you about courses and an ETF and a real estate startup and affiliate links. Yeah, anyway, so okay back to uh so anyway I don't like that they're spending all this money over there beta, but it's been a great place since they're lows of about 80 bucks. I'll give them that.

Uh so Anyway, what do we have over here? So they see 110 billion in Capex, the majority of which is going to Meta's AI Investments With regard to generative, AI Specifically, Meta has launched a number of products including: make a scene and make a video, a text to image and text to video model uh to to optimize blah blah blah access to their artificial intelligence and API whatever. Uh, same thing with ad targeting. That's true, they'll have the benefit of AD targeting generative. AI Debates will likely persist for them.

Yes I agree reels? Uh, okay. cool. Adobe though Adobe made its first announcement under the Generative AI umbrella at its Summit conference last week. We highlighted Adobe's early investments in AI machine learning Tech evidenced by the release of Sensai as in 2016.

So I wonder how they could do that like I wonder if you could use AI to basically build an architectural rendering for you? That probably that would be really cool if you were like an architect. Uh, I was I I don't know why I'm thinking AutoCAD right here but AutoCAD uh is uh, um, is not Adobe AutoCAD does a lot of architectural work uh and uh I wonder if you could use AI over there to sort of generate models like if you could take a matterport scan and then have ai do the actual like 2D plan for you appropriately and fact check it because there's some conversion problems from matterport so that'd be pretty sick because now you're really taking the the real world and able to manipulate it with generative. AI That's crazy. Anyway, Adobe would be more of your like after effects or Photoshop.

or Lightroom I mean quite frankly, some of the AI that you could use now already with like Lightroom to automatically enhance your photos is really good. It's pretty incredible. Chachept was the fastest application to exceed 100 Uh. users.

Pretty incredible. How does it work? fine? Whatever. Uh, I Did want to also hit this story here. this is a financial.

Remember how I was talking about how the Wall Street Journal was talking about basically jobs being affected. Financial Times takes it a step further and goes as many as 300 million jobs could be effective and potentially how because AI is going to get so strong we could actually end up seeing a significant disruption to the labor market, exposing 300 million full-time workers to automation. Lawyers and administrative staff would be the among the greatest risk of becoming redundant. Wow, Lawyers: I didn't even think about lawyers I mean I Still think you need great people who could present a case.
but if you could have Ai, do your case law searching for you and like go through these 5 000 cases and find me case Law related to my case. oh my God Oh that's a game changer because you have to like pay people lots of money right now to do to do research. or like when you do Discovery you know and you get a box of 5 000 pages of documents, scan it up and tell AI find incriminating evidence and then Stitch a story together about how this person's a criminal or fraud or whatever. Oh my God that's crazy Uh, I didn't even think about lawyers I mean I get it from the point of view of like, like you know, document prep but uh, wow to calculate that roughly two-thirds of jobs in the U.S and Europe are exposed to some degree of AI automation Based on data and tasks typically performed in thousands of occupations.

Most people would see less than half their workload automated uh, and probably see their jobs continue. Well, yeah, sure, because we've got a lot of workers around the world, but still, 300 million job losses? That'd be crazy. And that's just with what we know right now, we could see 63 percent of the U.S Workforce affected thirty percent unaffected. Probably like honestly, construction, right? Like I mean you swing in a hammer.

it's going to be a while before you get your Optimus bot to come swing your hammer for you. Wow, that's wild. Here's another one: AI Develops cancer treatment in 30 days and predicts survival rate New York Post Oh wow. Here's a use case to show the capability and complexity uh that AI can replace artificial intelligence.

Just developed a treatment for cancer in just 30 days and can predict a patient's survival rate. A new study published in the Journal of Chemical Science Researchers at the University of Toronto along with In Silicone Medicine, developed a potential treatment for some form of carcinoma. carcinoma. that's like a that's like a skin fist cancer, right? I Don't know.

Whatever. I'm not a doctor, a stock doctor. Uh, where's my doctorate thing anyway? Uh, with an AI drug Discovery platform called Pharma AI HCC is the most. Oh, it's a liver.

See that just tells you how wrong I was. HCC is the most common type of liver cancer that occurs when a tumor grows on the liver. Okay? AI Powered protein structure database from Pharma AI uncovered a novel Target a previously unknown treatment pathway for cancer and developed a novel hit molecule that can bind to the Target without. Aid Dude, are you serious? Holy crap that is absolutely incredible.

Uh uh wow, that is. That's really, really awesome. Any potential drug would need to go through clinical trials before widespread use. Yeah, you know what we're going to get next.
we're going to get AI Clinical trials. Uh well. the AI took the drug and the AI survived. I was rapidly changing the way drugs and Medicine are discovered and developed from traditional methods of trial and erratives which are slow and expensive which limit the scope of expansion.

Alpha Fold broke new scientific ground and predicting the structure of proteins. Protein folding, by the way, is uh, something? I basically know nothing about I am clearly and incompetent when it comes to protein folding. but apparently when you're trying to do like genetic work, you're trying to predict how basically proteins in your body or in nature can be created and we're really bad at doing that. But AI is apparently really good at doing that.

So if you care about folding proteins, this is good. that's that's about as deep as I can go. I'm sorry like that I will just be transparent with you. There are some things I just don't understand.

Um, yeah. cool cool pictures. trials, medicines. look at that in Vivo in vitro.

uh in life in Petri dish see look I'm an expert I know what I'm talking about Anyway, this is really cool. Uh wait wait wait wait wait wait in Silico? Wait what? what? Wait a sec. Wait a sec. Wait a sec.

This is what I I was joking about. Like uh, discoveries? uh, like doing clinical trials in In, uh, um in chips and that. But uh, that's kind of what they're talking about here. AI could be a Cutting Edge technology for future cancer tear.

Yeah, yeah, I mean that's basically okay. Yeah, that's basically what they described earlier about being able to figure out, uh, a new potential cure for cancer. That's crazy. Really, really cool.

So I have to say AI Absolutely phenomenal And if any of this makes you nervous, get life insurance in as little as five minutes. Make sure you check out the programs on building your wealth. link down below. We're starting again with our Buy sell alerts.

We just did some awesome uh sell uh put alerts uh for something that ended up playing out really well I Hope to have many more of those great plays! uh and uh yeah I Look forward to also you getting yourself 12 free stocks at Weeble Met Kevin.com Weeble and go to Househack.com if you're an accredited investor because you got an expiration for that on the 31st. Foreign.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “The chatgpt ai revolution will destroy 40% of jobs prepare.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GenX Autrucity says:

    So far, the AI is no better than Amazon Alexa. But it will take over stay at homers that work on charts and statistics.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gen-X Boomer says:

    Don't worry everybody, there will be lots of high paying new greens jobs and most are shovel ready😁🤢

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Article says:

    haha "maybe i'm one of those not pausers"

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars adam ben shushan says:

    what is the ai generator you used for the app design? thanks

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Travis Berthelot says:

    It is too late to pause the AI revolution. The pause should have been from 2018-2022 to save everyone time and money while giving U.S. Congress a chance to weigh in. Non AI advanced intelligence don't need the same regulation, but I suspect they will mess that up as well. Good luck everyone. If you wake up in a few years and the world changed don't blame me.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paddddd1 says:

    If you are looking for an AI play where the price is not yet lifted off and the rating is really attractive, you can take a look at the British ALPHAWAVE IP.

    Alphawave is a real blade seller for the future boom of high-performance data centers for AI.

    Alphawave Semi is a provider of IP (intellectual property) for the design and manufacture of connectivity chips. This type of chip is essential in cloud computing and artificial intelligence, as they control communication between servers, data centers and end devices. Chips based on Alphawave IP are characterized by low power consumption, high speed and reliability

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Screen Apple says:

    Heard people made more money following GPT and obey orders from A.I. because it works for them.🤷‍♂

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hassan Abdin says:

    Thank you.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hassan Abdin says:

    Kevin, could you do a video, about how AI would impact commercial real estate, how could a commercial realtor benefit from it.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RoganBits says:

    Kevin, you're coming off stupid. Elon musk created the AI company OpenAI -> Which is the best one out right now. The REASON he wants a pause, is solely for regulation to catch up across countries. You know…toggling that KillAllHumans variable to false.

    "OpenAI is a private research laboratory that aims to develop and direct artificial intelligence (AI) in ways that benefit humanity as a whole. The company was founded by Elon Musk, Sam Altman and others in 2015 and is headquartered in San Francisco."

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Heilig Art says:

    Those AI images are not "really good". Its average at best. But its good enough for someone who hasn't trained to think its good.
    Think radio music. Most sucks objectively speaking, but the masses haven't trained to the point where they could realize it.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZAM says:

    Don't pause it. I want ChatGPT 1000 NOW!👍

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Acton says:

    Between AI and robotics in the next 30 years 70% of all jobs will be lost. Even after new jobs are created. Get ready for universal income

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Soniel Elica says:

    why not, this is automation in a Global Scale. wipe the dumb work and upgrade human Talents.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Metal Galaxy says:

    One major difference is that AGI, compared to prior tech like computers & phones, can have strong political bias. It's important to create an AI that's as neutral as possible.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Manawyydan says:

    I missed that theme song at the end

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lorenzo Dos Santos says:

    6 mths pause…never going to happen

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Outlander says:


  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricci Zech says:

    Do you honestly think that China will pause ?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BadWolf_Gtv says:

    i mean a seen a video just posted a month ago that gave a bot $30k to use on stocks with no more than $5k per stock and ran it for a month as a trial and it made the guy almost $4k. end result was $33.7k if i remember right so AI is getting there even with trading stocks

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P L says:

    40% less customers

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Anderson says:

    Final destination, immortality comes at the very end with such finality.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Olek Sha says:

    Generative AI wow! But wait a minute, think with clear mind. We already have millions alike games, books, movies. AI makes the same it looks different for first time, then you see the shuffle of existing BS. It will work the same way like the stimulus money printing. First year all poor people are happy then 10 years of inflation make our life a nightmare.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Houlton says:

    So…companies will be able to slash jobs and produce more and cheaper and more profitable products…that nobody will be able to buy because nobody will have a job. Capitalism eats itself.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kona Kreek says:

    Alpha Centauri here we come!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JarrydTIme says:

    As a high school teacher, I've been diving into the some use cases of ai for students/teachers. It can essentially write papers for you as a student, outlines, research, and as a teacher it can give you a whole lesson plan. Other than the human element of a teacher in the classroom, this could change the way education is done at all levels.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sanrs says:

    $agix is the best for ai in the upcoming true ai

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carl Mazziotti says:

    No pause! This is evolution and it's time for accelerated progress.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars james fetes says:

    Find a trade

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alberto Trujillo says:

    With so many jobs being taken over by AI, who is going to buy the things these companies are going to advertise? Who is going to be able to buy anything?

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